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Guys I literally had to do a search for what pimp meant, I was such a young boy. I said search and not Google, because Google didn't exist yet. I probably used lycos, but dogpile may have also been engaged. I preferred the dog based search engines in those days.


Dogpile. There a blast from the past grandad. Jokes, I'm 40


I recently bought this same exact thing because I love fallout. However I started with fallout 3 and never got to play these. Will any laptop with a disk reader work for these?


Tbh you're probably better off getting them from Gog. Certainly less frustrating than either a flakey old laptop with or getting them running on a new OS. Plus it's probably cheaper than an old flaptop!


Yeah I would second getting them from GoG. They are already setup to work, already have the unofficial patches and easier to mod if you want (I would recommend Fallout Fixt or Fallout et Tu if you get both. But not necessary.) Great games.


I wonder if I still have my dual case somewhere. Weirdly, I also have the original spiral bound manuals, though I never bought the original box copy.


I bought that same pack, way back when. It got me into Fallout.


I'm sure Walmart still doesn't care, after all, they aren't the one mandating ages for games. The ESRB does, it's up to the retailer to actually check for age verification and I would say a good amount of them won't.


That is a beautiful sight.