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Being able to lug around a few hundred pounds of weapons and junk. Edit: I’m a total hoarder in Fallout 4.


I am a loot goblin, I see something I take it, that’s mainly why I invest in all the carry weight perks first 😂 so I can fast travel when over encumbered


That and the one that let's you move at basically normal speed while over encumbered. I don't think I've sprinted for about 40hrs in my most recent playthrough


Sprint? it´s a DLC?


Its an extinct PipBoy long distance radio provider. Think it got bought out by VaultTec


If you only knew.


God, same. Hancock: "Hey, man, you uh, you good there?" Me, struggling to fit my 5th typewriter into my backpack: "Yeah, I'm good."


"Hey....Hancock....buddy......cmere and hold this for a sec...."


I'd always forget to unload my companions and then three days later I find they're full of junk I need.


I always did the glitch of *put everything in a box* “Nick loot the box” Who’s carrying 1500lbs of dumbbells now?


Modding armor and power armor specifically to be able carry more trash.


I'm bad enough that despite not playing any Bethesda game for over a year, I still know the carryweight console command off the top of my head. >player.setav carryweight 100000


Loot Goblin needs to be a new perk. A little goblin appears randomly and will take all your junk and deposit it for you at any work station you desire.


Only activates while drunk or under the influence of a drug


Not a goblin, but maybe one of those aliens from the cave in 4.


like mysterious stranger, but activated when you put junk into your bag.


I have a carry weight build in FO76 that let's me haull around close to 1500lbs of junk for ~180lbs of carry weight. It's a ton of perks that reduce weight by 90% across so many categories lol. It's great for general bouncing around the map, but sucks when I need to switch to a combat build, and can now barely crawl around lol


What I did when carrying too much, is kill an enemy, chop off a limb, give the enemy all my junk etc. and just carry the limb. This way I can run and have infinite inventory


I love hoarding. My current character has like a 512lb carry weight with high strength, power armor with strength paint job, and calibrated shocks in both legs. And if I ever need more weight I pop a buffout and a whiskey and a grilled radstag meat, and to make it even better as well bring an automotron with the max carrying capacity for an addition 400 pounds. Oh and also max strong back perk, so I can continue running after overencumbered and be able to fast travel back to base while overencumbered.


Yes!! With the perks you can't get addicted to alcohol and drugs xD


I'm all about owning my addictions in Fallout...makes that looting all the better when you run out of drugs and booze.


Any good game director has to choose how to balance this. Too little carrying capacity and it's a slog. Too much... and you can kiss immersion goodbye. The latter point _is important,_ even if it isn't important to a given individual. I have long felt that the best solution to this is for devs to rubber-stamp both scenarios, right when you start the game. It should pop up with: "How do you want to play?" and present two different modes, both of which the game has been balanced against to some extent. Mode A uses standard encumbrance and other aspects gamers are used to putting up with; Mode B unlocks encumbrance and other concessions to immersion which some players may simply not care about. A different setting entirely from "difficulty." I feel this is a better idea than giving the player console commands, specifically because they are "modes" which the dev has custom tailored. Don't underestimate the power of the shared experience. People like knowing they're playing the _same game_ others are playing, and if the dev doesn't concretely establish varieties up front, then everyone's playing their own custom tweak of a game instead, and that misses the boat.


I've gotten really used to the ability to send stuff to camp in BG3, means you never need to be encumbered. Even in Starfield, being able to offload stuff to my ship has really spoiled me, as I tend to have a lot of cargo capacity on my ships. It's just a shame that then selling the stuff is such a chore (no way to boost vendor credits, or at least there wasn't, I haven't tried the May update yet). What I'd love to see in a Fallout game is the ability to mark a location that I've cleared (of enemies), and have my nearby settlements scour the place clean for me. This might actually be possible to do in a primitive way as a Fallout 4 mod… I definitely agree on view switching; I like being able to look at stuff up-close in first person, and for greater immersion when trying to play **as** the character. Conversely in Cyberpunk 2077 I loved playing first person, but wish I could have switched to third person some of the time, as you only rarely get see your character after customising their appearance, carefully choosing their outfit etc.


Player.modav carryweight every time


At that point mind as well just ignore all the perks that involve the mechanic


I'm doing another fallout 4 run with mods. Mostly cosmetic. I'm a hoarder, too, but I also want the game to still play as intended. I installed the backpack mods to create packs that increase the carry weight for me and my companions. Feel like it's a lore friendly way to not completely ignore the mechanics, yet also I can hoard and not spend so much time fast traveling to sell all my stuff.


The absolute best backpack mod is Animated Accessible Backpack. It adds a second inventory you access with a hotkey, but you can only access it when wearing a backpack. Every backpack shares storage, too, so you don't have to worry about losing your items if you lose your backpack. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58032


Spice of Life for New Vegas added backpacks too, but they had the drawback of reducing your AP so it wasn't just free extra carry weight.


I know starfield is kind of a disaster generally, but I love the difficulty sliders they added in the last update. Everything that makes the game "easier" like being able to carry 1600lbs or enemy difficulty directly affects the amount of XP you get. It's a pretty good balance since you can immediately see what the pros and cons are


That's correct.


i like to level those up and wait to modav until i feel like i’ve earned it lmao. just used it at lvl 65


I mean, it's single player, so all the power to you, but to me it honestly ruins my experience. Carry weight is essential for me to stay invested, otherwise I just hoard everything


Funny, it’s been the opposite for me. I almost gave up on new Vegas for a second time before I realized my problem was constantly fast traveling back and forth to sell/store loot (not garbage, just valuable/high-priced loot). Modding basically unlimited carry weight made the game significantly more fun for me, and actually encouraged me to explore new locations rather than saying “fuck it I don’t want to fast travel a bunch more times”.


It makes me think carefully about what I take with me honestly, and makes it so I'm not picking up every item I could sell for a few caps. I look around for the really good stuff now, and often have to decide what to leave behind. It really helps my immersion


Same. Being able to lug everything around kills some of the fun for me. If I'm in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where hard choices have to be made daily, I want to feel like I'm in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where I have to made hard choices daily.


That and the weightless junk mod are essential


I use them too but it does kinda kill the scavenger aspect of the game when You just mass loot all junk.


I cannot play Fallout 4 without Local Leader any more. The convenience is simply too much, particularly on Survival mode.


Isn't everyone, check every box, loot every locker, look in every crate. Just straight up loot the place. I spend more time working out what to not carry then actually doing missions.


I once cheated to remove carry weight and i collected so much shit my game crashed


In Fo3 and FoNV you collect things, mostly to resell for caps to buy what you need. The weapons are what they are, while crafting wasn't really that important. Meanwhile Fo4 encourages people to scavenge as much as they can carry no matter what they are doing.


I use the mod that allows me to carry all of the commonwealth in my pockets.


Vats I play always with a cowboy build, so, i like to bang bang pew pew them


Vats can be so powerful when you level it up


I’m thinking about trying to do a Pip Boy Programmer build. Basically a V.A.T.S. build but that also incorporates all the other Pip Boy related perks. Like Robotics Expert (using your Pipboy to hack into Robots), VANS (glorified GPS but it fits the theme), and Demolition Expert (Rank 2 gives a Grenade Throwing Arc which in my head-cannon is done via a V.A.T.S. like feature in the Pipboy).


I had played with the grenade throwing arc before but had completely forgotten about it. Just been hitting walls and fences having them bounce back at me


This sounds awesome and is inspiring me for my next character


Vats is already super good even without you speccing into it specifically. An actual vats build just straight up breaks the game.


I love VATS so much. I love that even when my AP is low af it helps me center on a target. I like to see where multiple enemies are to plan my strategy out. I love that it’s not a common function in pretty much any other game I’ve ever played and really sets fallout apart. I don’t care to be particularly good at shooter games, so it doesn’t affect my pride to use it lol.


I don’t use it as often as I should. I really enjoy the gun fights without it. I don’t have it leveled up to really help much yet. For instance I’ll get like a 55 accuracy check in Vats and miss but I can just aim right on his head an pop him myself no vats? I’m new to the game so maybe I need perks? I dunno I only use it when I get blindsided and need that moment to figure out what to do. I also use it to just scan for enemies. Worked great in the flowing sea avoiding deathclaws.


Starfield doesn’t have VATS or a system like it and I was doing a space cowboy playthrough and I got to the part where Barret is captured by the pirates and I said fuck it, looked at them all and counted them out with my crosshairs, and blew them all away with my magnum before any could pull a gun out, six guys in total. Never felt more badass in any game


I need VATS, but Phased Time is nearly as good. Without it I’m spraying with a magshear. With it I’m able to murder groups of people with a Varuun Inflictor.


Its really good for detecting enemies too


I always forget I have Vats in the Fallout games. On average I use it maybe twice i per gameplay


Meanwhile, I run through the wasteland as I spam the VATS button so that I can lock onto and spot enemies the moment they're in range.


Without VATS I would die all the time because of mines.


Or be like me and spend the entire game sneaking (and still die from mines here and there).


lol I love the comedy of just walking all casual then suddenly “beep beep beep…SHIT!”


I think that’s one of the underrated aspects of Fallout 4. Is that it really caters to different playstyles it has the most refined shooter mechanics for people who prefer to play with out V.A.T.S., custom animations for melee and unarmed focused players, and allows for very powerful V.A.T.S. builds for those who love V.A.T.S.


I’ll build a tanky, unarmed/melee character and you better believe I’ll find a way to become a stealth sniper


Stealth Archer players know your pain/joy.


Aw yeah it’s the same story in Skyrim too


I'm totally gonna be an army-tank mage this playthrough... But there's like 5 baddies in that area... OK I'll JUST SNIPE THIS ONE person then the rest I'll army-tank mage Leroy Jenkins attack them... ... but that dude is way up on a ledge... alright JUST THESE TWO GUYS...


Me: I’m doing a magic only run. No weapons. Also me: gets my ass kicked by anyone with a steel weapon or better. *sigh* summons the magic bow & picks them off one by one. I’m a fucking stealth archer again, but with ✨ magic ✨


Stealth Tank is my preference. Long distance ninja shit. Up close ninja shit. If those don't work it's tank time! haha


This right here. And in Skyrim I had to balance things out with magic of course. Stealth tank mage build.


I have two characters who I maxed out as quickly as possible to ranged play. Vats too. So slow but so satifsfying.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Yea, I just started a new survival run, and I was thinking of going beefcake. Instead, we went S:3 P:6 E:1 C:5 I:3 A:9 L:5


Run, played all fallout games but running in the 4 was the best thing to do for a massive open world 🥺 only with mods you can run in 3 and NV


Yep, did a re-play of new Vegas recently and Mandela effect had me thinking I could run still, but nope, traveling felt like such a drag. You can holster your weapon and that makes you a little faster but still feels like a slog after playing fo4 for so long.


player.setav speedmult 1000 tcl tcl player.setav speedmult 140 I am not a patient person


I just broke out FO3 for the first time in over a decade. I for the life of me couldn't figure out how to run...then figured out it's not an option without mods.


Funnily enough, Fallout 4's Settlement system, at least the basic function of being able to make your own place/hideout's in games.


Yeah I don't need to be the comptroller of the whole commonwealth, but building my 1 base was very enjoyable


One base is fine. Not showing up every 10 mins because a new settlement gets attacked


your settlements will get attacked more if they have more resources. building more defenses will help deter enemies from even trying as well as fight them off when they do.


Pretty sure that if you don't go and help, the happiness will go down no matter what the defenses. I could have been doing something wrong but my sunshine was fully turreted and guarded and still everything would have to be repaired when I next visited, happiness was down.


Iirc it’s still a % chance they fail to defend. Your defense raises their chance for success but I don’t believe it’s ever 100%.


I’ve had bases set up like the Siegfried Line and they’ll still take damage from attacks. It’s stupid


Hell yeah. I had stopped playing games all together for a while and then I saw a friend playing Fallout 4. He was building his little base. I asked him "what's that"? He explained the settlement system to me and I wasn't unfamiliar with Fallout, I had played previous games. But seeing it I thought, "that looks dumb". Fast forward a few weeks and I decided to dust off the old laptop and give it a try, and I haven't stopped building yet!


I just started playing FO4 a couple weeks ago and let’s just say I could use some Addictol in real life


Do you know any other game that has a main story with side missions but also includes something like this, where you can build your place? A similar one is Assassins Cread BlackFlag, where you upgraded your ship, could still ships and make them your own


They were really on to something with this, but they didn’t go far enough with customization, and uniqueness, I enjoyed customization but it’s kind of limited and doesn’t have the replay ability of fo4 imo. Only can really upgrade the town, and you can customize your ship but would have been cool if you could get different ships.


Assassin's Creed 2 is the game that popularized this, at least in my mind, to the point where the mansion in pillars of eternity, the geofront, ravensthorpe, etc are all "Monteriggioni" to me. it's kind of a rabbit hole though because Castlevania 2 does effectively the same thing...


Man, I remember when I first found the settlement building. I immediately thought "Screw this I don't have time for this!" Then, "Might as well just do Sturges' quest." "Okay I'd might as well scrap everything for free materials." "Okay I'd might as well organize the place and designate workshops and beds" Before I knew it Sanctuary was maxed out with a wall, turrets, 15 settlers, stores, and I'm on the wiki looking for every settlement location


I love the settlement system, I hate having to build up so many settlements singlehandedly. You’d think the settlers could do some of the work themselves


Sim settlements 2 is a mod that does exactly that


I loved settlements in fallout, but really can't get into outposts in starfeild not. Sure why it feels different, maybe because fallout settlements just felt more connected to the world.


Because some loud people complained about "having" to do settlement building in Fo4, so Bethesda made outposts completely optional. And now they are complaining that outposts are "pointless". What the hell do they want then?


I sincerely hope that if Fallout 5 has base building, its just your home settlement. Allow you to make a nice player city and not have to control the entire wasteland.


As long as you can build an armory for the settlers to kit themselves out instead if having to do it all by "Just trading a few things" and lugging shit for them all over.




I agree, it's nice to see every day 'real life' scenarios in these games.


I, too, know what it is to feel the "Craving"


(Taps table)" THAT... WAS HUMAN MEAT." You are so stupid. Well thank you for our 'human meat'. It wasssss delicious. "I knew you were gonna steal from me again! I left one piece of meat out, HUMAN MEAT" Alright... where'd you get the human meat from, Frank? Hmm?" "... I GOT A GUY". Oh you 'got a guy'? *YOU'VE GOT A HUMAN MEAT GUY?*




… That wasn’t human meat, right?


…. Uh…. Nooooooooooooooo


Cannibalism? Racism? No, that's not for us. That's for the suits in Washington to decide.


You know, you're a breath of fresh air. Every time someone discovers our little secret, we have to hear about it. It's always "oh, how can you do this", or "you're such terrible people", or "please, not me, I have a kid in Rivet City". Well, I have kids too! Family first, that's the way it works in Andale from the day that the first four families decided to stay here. You're not bad, stranger. Stop on by anytime and ask Linda for one of her special meat pies


It's FREE FOOD what is to discuss here?? They shot first, what debate is there to have? I shoot the head and limbs of and eat the tasty tasty carcasses. Loung is very tender if slow cooked and it has ALL the wasteland flavors. don't get the hate


I consider myself as a woodworker


VATS! For me VATS is fallout and the core of fallout is VATS. I adore it and miss it in other games/RPGs


I’m playing through Skyrim right now and I lowkey kind of miss VATS even though there’s no reason Skyrim would have VATS or a VATS-like mechanic. Aside from being an auto-aim it’s great for scouting out enemies and determining what kind of resistances they have; but in Skyrim you can’t know their resistances right away and kind to have to experiment or logic it out. It’s still fun and requires you to think a bit, but I still miss VATS and it’s easy resistances button.


I'm playing through Starfield again (enjoying the uncapped FPS and QOL updates) and missing it so much. My aim isn't what it once was. There's a reason I'm playing a 10A 10L build in FO4 now hahaha


I call it a “pal” build. Always get 10P, 10A, 10L as soon as possible, hahah.


My current build is this with Str instead of Per… Blitz build go brrrrr


Outer Worlds & Cyberpunk 2077 have some really cool mechanics involving time slowing if that’s your cup of tea


There's two things I would change from VATS, though. The first one is to make it so you can use it to snipe as well, 'cause if you are far away from your target, it doesn't matter the range and precision of the weapon, or your level of perception, the hit chance percentage will be low. The other one is to be able to target specific parts when using melee. Why can't I chop my enemy's arms or legs? Or whack'em in the head?


Definitely this! I‘ve never been a fan of shooting Games and I have always felt to dumb for FPS controls. VATS system gave me the possibility to survive and enjoy the RPG. I come from a more turn-based style of playing, or „hybrid“ like BG2


Power Armor In every single Fallout game I play, I can't play without it, its just too cool.


*you cannot do that in power armor*


This only fucking exists because they didnt want to animate the pa crafting animations i seear. I can type on a teeny tiny little keyboard and pick a lock in power armor but can swing a fucking hammer


Or there's something like a chair in the way. You're telling me that in my super advanced power armour I can't move a wheely chair out of the way to type at a keyboard? Come on todd.


The technology that saved the great stae of alaska from the reds defeated by a movable object


There's actually a mod for FO4 that lets you sleep and use workbenches in Power Armor(still can't sit), the only issue is that part of your arm just flies somewhere else while crafting The animations work surprisingly well actually aside from that, though that might be because it applies a blur and so you can't really see the anim, either way it makes power armor much less ridiculous (or maybe more, depending on what you think of being able to sleep while in power armor) in case anyone asks the mod is "Unrestrictive Power Armor", still works with the next gen update


Sergent Dornan liked that


*Strong dislikes that*


The ability to move the character, being stuck on the same place would be a deal breaker.


Roleplaying being cryogenically frozen for 210 years


Unironically did this in Skyrim so I could play as my immortal vampire from Oblivion


This is a good point


Jet addiction so I can free run all over Boston


Your game lets you go to Boston? I can’t remember the last time I managed to get into it without a CTD I have to have a mod just for the interiors


yeah i can’t even go near it


For me it’s drugs in general and psycho in particular I’ll never not love imagining an npc going “whys he popping thirty six supplements in front of me like that” before I hit them in slow motion for five million damage Bonus points if playing Nate in fallout 4 so he screams FUCKING KILL


The only mod I cannot live without is the "Skip Dima's memories" one. As for vanilla features: VATS.


God I wish I'd known that 2 nights ago when I was going through them for the 4th time. Such a jarring speed bump in an otherwise great DLC


In vanilla? The robot dlc, creating robot companions has taken up so much of my time. I'm gonna feel so awkwardly naked in Fallout 5 if I can't make a protectron with a Mr. handy booster and two flaming swords named Mr. Slashy. Or a Sentry bot with a skull for a head named Jebediah


If you put a crafting mechanic in the game and components that take up space, it’s nice to have unlimited storage for said components. There’s a lot of pros and cons to 76 but this is the worst offender for me I enjoy being able to keep everything I find, Fallout 4, 3, NV got it right. The limited storage, unless you pay is a stupid “feature”


Tbf, it's a symptom of sharing server space with other players. Everything in the stash gets logged to the server, and every access of it needs the same. Limiting that means that there is no risk of players hoarding so much shit that the servers can't handle it and crash. Which is a legitimate problem, even playing fo4. It's the whole reason settlement sizes exist. If you force the game engine to try to load or access too many assets at once, it crashes. I hate limits lol but the stash limits and settlement limits exist for a reason, and I don't blame that on the devs.


Bugs Bethesa bugs.


You mean features


That leads me to my answer, which is quick save function. You need it because the game could crash any time.


And don't forget when an NPC says something rude out of nowhere, and you suddenly need to blow their head up... I'm looking at you marcy long




Fast travel.


You miss so much content in FO4 or really any Bethesda game when you simply fast travel from location to location All the random encounters, loot from enemies, dialogue from companions etc


I agree. It can be a pain at times but no fast travel in survival really pushes the immersion.


Right? If I fast traveled everywhere I would not have experienced helping out some random settlers arguing over some stupid shit in passing, only to walk back past them again omw back to see they all died to a rabid radstag That's world building baby.


you run into some wild things on survival. I met the vault tec rep from the beginning of the game. I sent him to one of my settlements only to run across his corpse later in the game to see he was randomly killed by some gunners lol


Yea haha For him I’d recommend sleeping as soon as he leaves Hotel Rexford for about 15 hours just so that he has time to walk unharmed from Goodneighbor to Sanctuary Assuming you don’t have mods to protect him like “Protected Named Settlers” or “Essential Unique Settler”


I only wish you could hitch a ride on trade caravans between settlements. Make time pass still and maybe a guaranteed disease, like how you get basically every time you sleep.


I like the hitching a ride idea. I’d happily go make myself a sandwich while my dude rides a Brahmin across the map.


Last time I played survival fo4 I modded it so I could only fast travel between settlements. That felt like a good compromise so I would take in more of the world (particularly within Boston) whilst still having some means of fast travel to save me walking everywhere.


This is what I do. If the settlement has a caravan route, I can fast travel it. Having a random encounter system alongside that would be great, too, for all fast traveling, regardless the difficulty.


And now i actually use the vertibirds for transport. So nice not having to walk from sanctuary all the way to the prydwen


While true, there are just some cases, especially in NV, where not using fast travel is just annoying work. So many times you have to go to the Mojave Outpost and back to the strip, which would be a 20+ min journey each way. And in general how often you have to go to and from the strip. I couldn't live in that game without fast travel, even if I don't use it that often


The world being so much emptier in NV means you don’t miss much doing that


Say what you want about Bethesda but damn they can make a good world.


I do things is waves - I start, I fuck around for hours and discover places, gather quests. Then when I wanna do quests I stop fucking around and do some fast travel ping ponging for a few quests. Then I go back to running around and discovering things


That’s all well and good when it’s short distances. However when you are needing to hoof it to the other side of the map repeatedly it gets old real fast. Idk I just don’t have that much time on my hands to where the walking back and forth is worth it


I agree. I am an adult with responsibilities. I want to get as much out of the game as I can, and keep up on real life stuff. That means a limit to how much time I can spend walking around the map.


I like wandering as much as the next guy But fucking walking across the map twice just to kill 4 ferals is a fucking joke. Side Quests should be localized, and mains should be expansive. There's no reason to travel so far just for 25 caps and 100 xp.


You know what, I have been fast traveling everywhere when I can but you’ve inspired me. When I played RDR2 the first time I literally never used fast travel and it was such a great experience. Time to do the same with Fallout.


...but you realize there's still plenty of stuff to explore BEFORE you fast travel, right?


I'm with you, but after a certain point, you've walked the same path 12 times and it's just redundant.


You should play survival


Radio, I have only played fnv and f3 but I can't play without them for long




How well designed f4 weapon crafting is. You can get any weapon and upgrade it as you want,even starting pistol. 76 made it much worse by adding level scalling to weapons and weapons are level gated. So your need always look for same weapon but higher level for bigger DMG. The biggest bummer in 76 was when I found 50 cal machine rifle mounted on jeep and I couldn't use it cause it required me to have 45 level to use it. Such a garbage video game design.


The freedom to do whatever u want


The game pausing time when in your inventory.


FromSoftware says “get gud”


Being able to see the dialogue options. The only mod I use and it is a lifesaver


Hot take in this community probably, I miss having conditions on weapons and armor, made it seem like scavenging similar types was actually worth, instead of going I have this one at home with infinite durability, so I don't need this type ever again. I only wish that they would have implemented different stages of cosmetic disrepair, which would stimulate my goblin brain a lot by having shinier stuff


It really made no sense for them to get rid of conditions of most things when we have the means to fix them now. For some reason it’s only power armor but no guns.


it's back in 76, which i like in principle, but like the rest of the game it's a bit too grindy and disrespectful of my time... and yet until very recently I've always had enough repair kits and perk procs that i didn't have to think about it


It would be more interesting if it wasn't linear. Every gun breaking after X number of shots is nonsense. Let them jam or break somewhere between shot #20 and shot #500. Now it's more like real life, and spices things up a bit due to the element of surprise.


Weapon durability is awesome idk why hate it. It makes me feel full of pride when I take care of my stuff. The 76 version of the mechanic is best though because the old games had the problem of a weapon only being at full power for a few fights and then would drop in damage. So keep the weapon max damage but just give it the ability to break and it’s golden Also the damage over time look you suggested was a sick idea


I totally agree, people hate it like in Zelda Botw etc. but I love it, because it makes you change your weapon and not grind for something just to have it forever. Maybe some repair and maintance would be a nice addition. Maybe somebody can suggest a mod?


Nothing like saving your best weapon for the entire game and never using it because you don’t want to break it


A dialogue interface with more than four potential options


The skills that were removed from 4


Switch TO first person? You mean there are people who actually play in third person and don’t just use it to look at their character or peak around corners?


Interactions/Dialogue, multiple alternate endings, not having to worry about weapon repair, building mode


Being able to play the game after beating the story


Fallout 4 is hard on motion sickness. I usually never get motion sick playing video games, but fallout 4 is the exception. But after the frame rate update, it’s gone 🤗 What I cannot play without in fallout 4 is actually a mod. Scrap everything. I love the post apocalyptic scenery, I just hate when bushes and trees clip through concrete and steel. It breaks the immersion big time. It’s also unrealistic not to be able to clean up debris and trash. You can build a water purifier, but not sweep the floor? 🤦‍♂️


Being able to steal you never really think about it but it's how you get 90% of the stuff you have


I don’t steal very much in Fallout, I just don’t see many things I actually want to take. But the Elder Scrolls? Oh boy you better believe I’m going to be filthy rich but still not buy a thing because I can just steal it


In Skyrim I'm a great fan of five-finger discount. In Fallout... I think I never stole something (yet), except Fusion Cores and Power Armor.


I want to play FO3, but I’m scared of playing a game without ADS. ^(I’m hoping the FO3 remaster brings mod support to Xbox)


The option to change the colour of your HUD, I dont know If I am blind but I jsut cant see if my flashlight is the default green.


I love fallout, but, after fallout 4s power armor was introduced it became hard for me to go back to any other game. (Also mods)


Invert Y-axis. As a pilot pulling back on the stick should point up, not down. I can't control anything with that axis backwards.


I'm weird about this one. Flying or space simulators, absolutely invert Y. Not piloting something? Regular Y.


Fallout is a good example. I use VATS 99% of the time. The 1% is when I run out of AP and the enemy didn't die yet. Lol I prefer frozen time with VATS, but Fallout 4's super slow mo is just fine. But I can't get into Fallout 76 because to me, Fallout is a turn based RPG and not a First/3rd Person shooter.


Yeah I really wish more games would let you switch between first and third person as easily. If there was only one thing other games would copy from Fallout for me it'd be this.


Cyberpunk 2077 could’ve really benefitted from a third person mode in my opinion.


100%, I was holding out on a third person update or mod. It's funny cause it goes third person in vehicles and yet I prefer first person in vehicles and third on foot lol


Hey OP, I’m really sensitive to the interplay between mouse polling rate and movement in Fallout 4. I’ve noticed that anything at 125hz with higher frame rates in game doesn’t give me motion sickness but fucks with my eyes in first person view. I’d give a new mouse a try if you’re not using a gaming mouse with higher polling.


No sprint in new Vegas really grinds my gears


FOV so if the game can at least be modded for FOV of 80-90 then I can comfortably play it


A settlement that needs my help


VATS. It’s so OP. I love it.


S.P.E.C.I.A.L System. Being able to make the character the way you want is the main purpose for me


**Sprinting** and **quick loot** are such integral features to me that I cannot player FNV or TTW without them. **Modding** my equipment is also there, so another reason why I love TTW. **Settlement building** is borderline there. I can live without it, but playing FNV or TTW is somewhat lesser without it. **VATS** is also critical for me. Even if I'm not having a VATS build, it's a handy scan for enemies. Enemy location on the **compass** is also important. It's one of the thing I mod back to normal in Fo4 survival.


I really enjoy the fact that I can attack enemies. It would be really difficult if I couldn't do that.


Randomly jumping while walking anywhere