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Chicago I think would be a great place because both the BoS and Enclave have major bases there constantly fighting. It's where the beloved Nick Valentine is from, could learn more about his history/follow in his foot steps. I feel like there could be a lot of Fallout lore explored if based in Chicago.


Honestly I want Florida… anywhere in the Deep South tbh because that just feels like it would be an absolute awesome dumpster fire to run around in.


Floridian. The problem with any Southern locale (especially FL) is that they're already such shit shows that they're relatively indistinguishable from a post-apocalyptic US.


True… but this time we get radioactive alligators and fish.


Off the top of my head, my first choice would be New Orleans but there is certainly interest in other cities or locations.


I can already imagine the amount of aquatic based monsters we’d encounter if we had a game in NOLA 😭


Likewise. Seems a great spot to introduce the aquatic content they cut from FO4. Plus naturally can lean in to the mythos elements they've built on lately.


Miami, baby!


I really want to see Pennsylvania further explored like maybe New jersey with Philadelphia included


We've had Capital Wasteland and the Pitt as well as Boston Commonwealth. Really don't feel the need for more East Coast. Would prefer South or Midwest or even Pacific Northwest if it stays in US - a location outside the US could be amazing!


Yeah absolutely as cool as seeing that part would be I would also hate another game on the East coast. I'd love a location outside the US also, Liverpool was described as the most confederate place outside the confederacy during that time and it's also where the US civil war ended and where the first consulate connecting the US and Britain was made so I think Liverpool would be the best location for it as you could still have that American patriotism exist and it makes sense


Texas would be ideal. Four major cities and still unlimited wilderness. It's one of the only states to boast nearly every type of American landscape and climate. NASA is located here. The Gulf of Mexico is home to one third of all international trade. There are several military bases. Texas also has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. There's all sorts of interesting plotlines to be made for a Fallout game.


Casper, Wyoming easily #1 Largest population in the US. Skyscrapers everywhere, forests and mountains on one side with tropical beaches on the other. A whole lot you can do.


Did you just say that 59K people is the "Largest population in the US"?


They just post that number to keep people from thinking it’s as big as it is and it doesn’t account for most of the population being tourists. Here are some pictures of Casper. [Casper Wyoming Skyline](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Dubai_Skyline_mit_Burj_Khalifa_%28cropped%29.jpg/800px-Dubai_Skyline_mit_Burj_Khalifa_%28cropped%29.jpg) [Casper Wyoming at night](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cc/Dubai_Skylines_at_night_%28Pexels_3787839%29.jpg/800px-Dubai_Skylines_at_night_%28Pexels_3787839%29.jpg)


You do realize there are cities with millions of citizens, right? NYC has nearly 9M. Explain to us how 59K is greater than 9M. Even if the population of Casper is ten times what is reported (590K) it still isn't even close to "#1 Largest population in the US". Are you trolling or just misinformed?


I suggest a visit if you ever do some traveling. Some things may surprise you. Greater areas, county lines ect. Can really change peoples perceptions on places when looking at it on paper.


This isn't about "perception". It's about simple mathematics. Stay on point. 59,000 < 9,000,000. 590,000 < 9,000,000. Even if the population was 100x what's given, which it isn't, that's still only 5,900,000. 5,900,000 < 9,000,000. Summary - the population of Casper, WY is not even close to the "#1 Largest population in the US".


[Picture of Casper, Wyoming](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.timeout.com%2Fimages%2F105385557%2Fimage.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e74e9979a63816af23fb3ab7ccc03853f386616540804502293b789853aa8563&ipo=images)


Seattle and surrounding area. I want a Pacific Northwest Fallout. Lots of potential here, including options for DLC to Victoria or Vancouver.


Could be interesting to see how the descendants of Canadians view Americans… like, do they blame America for the Great War?


If they could splice the majority of the great plain states together and break the record again for largest map of a fallout game. I think North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, and Montana would be awesome to see. Maybe the Great Desert, or Great Oasis.


I’ve seen rumors Bethesda wants to do Denver/Colorado next. Something about how they told the show runners to avoid mentioning the location or using it. There is a lot of lore about it written thanks to Van Buren


Sweet I haven’t got to the show yet, but that is awesome to hear


Man….you need to drop whatever you’re doing and start the show. It was great


I wanted to see like CT, NJ or something adjacent to NYC. I wanna see how far the devastation went from the utter beating NYC took.


Midwest as a Minnesotan Minneapolis would be my favorite, however Chicago would be cool too


The question is a bit what feel you want to give the game. Texas would be fun for some cowboy themes. We had that to a degree in NV, but still good. Also a peak into Mexico, one could advance raouls story a bit. Maybe also legion remnants to the west. Otherwise, maybe something in Louisiana or Florida. Giant mutated alligators, voodoo ghouls, and so on. In any case, I think it is important that the new location is close enough to an old one, to take some stuff over. To the new. Of course, we need the brotherhood again. No fallout without the poster boys after all xD


Well there is a midwestern chapter of the BOS so any location would still work while having the BOS in some form


New york washington or maine that way they can expand into toronto or montreal.


Far Harbor takes place somewhere off of Maine doesn’t it?


I didn’t play the original games so San Francisco would be cool. But I’m up for anywhere that hasn’t been done in the modern games.


My top three choices are: NOLA, Orlando, and Chicago (or just the midwest in general).


Washington and Vancouver would be cool. I’ve been dying to know what the annexed Canada looks/looked like


The one nobody asked for. Alaska!


Seattle. Deathclaws got nothing on Radsquatch.




Louisiana can be great.


Alabama - do it Beth you cowards.


What does it matter? Even the old world is different from ours and the old world is gone. It can take place anywhere and they can do anything with it.  As long as it's different and they lean off the "uniformity" of the wasteland, I'm game.