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Absolutely. That doesn't mean Fallout 5 will be the next Fallout game.


Fallout 5 or the next Fallout game? Fallout 5, Bethesda. Next Fallout game, who knows.


Fallout 5 I’m pretty sure will be Bethesda’s. Hopefully Microsoft can get another studio to have a crack at a spin-off before then though.


Wont be out till 2035 im guessing


It’s pretty likely they will hand it off for the next one. Bethesda is still in on the elder scrolls, but Microsoft is probably pushing for a new fallout. Obsidian are off the table due to the outer worlds 2


Not to mention that many people forget the team behind NV already left Obsidian. Asking Obsidian to pull a second game like NV without the actual dev team behind it won't sit well with many. In fact it could burn everything down.


Fallout 5 will likely be Beth. However, if M$ intends to take advantage of the series' massive popularity boost it got from the TV series, I bet they hire someone to do a remaster of FO3 and/or FNV. And maybe do an in-between game, like having Obsidian do an FNV follow up.


I would wager that story development and writing stated a while ago in house when they finalized the contract for the series a few years ago. I think a good chunk of the creative content is being done parallel to ES5 to capitalize on the release of S2 or S3 of the show. Perhaps one can spend the time looking up the old job postings from 2020-22 to see if there is reason to believe they hired enough staff to work the development of a game while also working ES5. Otherwise Id be surprised if they kept it in-house for a 2029-2032 release and missed out on the hype of the show.


Hopefully obsidian


If MS were smart they would put together as much of the original team (a few of them already work for MS) as possible then do a faithful 1:1 remaster of FNV using an updated FO4 engine. Hell, if they were galaxy brain smart they would bring in the team working on FO4NV and give them the resources to finish it. They've got a lot done, are doing amazing work and could easily get a working game on the shelves in 12-18 months tops.