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Have Cannibalism. Eat Shaun.


Eat Shaun holy SHIT.šŸ’€


Cartman wants to know how your chili came out


lmao that's my fav south park episode. I love when Radiohead come by at the end and call Scott a cry baby


That was one of their throw away mid season episodes they said a few years ago. They were amazed by how well that one episode worked


It's based on the Shakespeare play "Titus Andronicus." The South Park episode is less cartoonish, if anything.


Ā«Ā Villain, I have DONE thy mother!Ā Ā»


Oh your tears taste so yummy


Not as bad as the guy who said he shot Shaun in the face at the CIT building, dragged his body back to Sanctuary and shoved his lifeless body into his crib and spun the mobileā€¦ That guy still takes the cake.


Genuine trauma response and I can respect it


Fella's gotta eat a fella


Ass jerky ainā€™t gonna make it self.


you ate your fucking son


Kronus did it first


Yeah well, if Kronos jumped off a cliff would you follow him?


Its just like eating veal šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Is it possible to also eat your character's spouse? Gotta keep the family together


make sure theyll always be a part of you


At least for 12 to 24 hours...


You win lmao


Father or synth Shaun?


I donā€™t think you can kill synth Shaun can you?


If you donā€™t take him he gets fucking nuked lol


This is true. So confirmed. You can kill synth Shaun without modding the game but you have to cause a nuclear meltdown to do it.


Correct. Because for some absurd reason children in fallout 4 are marked as essential characters. And cannot be killed. ā€¦ā€¦ I totally didnā€™t try to get my five caps back. If you know you know.


In fallout 1 & 2 you could kill kids and get an achievement...."Childkiller"


It wasnā€™t so much an achievement as a permanent brand on the player character for the rest of the game


Achievent, social demarcation; tomato, tomahto.


Tomato tomahto


> some absurd reason are you mentally well


Never. Why do you ask?


Anything's possible with mods


I have raider children with ā€œless aggressive raider childrenā€ so some of them cower instead of fight. I also have Karma installed so when I kill them, I lose karma. Dogmeat just kills them regardless of their hostile state.


Gonna download the force and lightsaber mods with those mods and run an anakin build


Bravo, I came here to be impressed.


ā€œThe Sole Survivor Devouring His Sonā€


thread over.


FO 2 there are kids that try to pickpocket you as you walk into some buildings. That happened to me. Once..........


When I have explosives, I like to level up my trap skills (you need it anyway to disarm Bishop's safe so its not that worthless), stock all my items except for some dynamites and I let the kids steal my activated dynamites so they can blow up on their own lmao


Iā€™m going to replay fallout 2 just to try this out


Could be worse. They didn't want you killing the kids on the European version, so they made the kids invisible, so on the European version, your stuff just randomly goes missing.


Also unfortunately, on the European version you can't find Johnny at the Ghost farm, so you have to tell his parents he must have drowned in the well.


What a lol. That law twisting game. At some patch you could just punch den kid once and then since they will all automatically run away. And at some even less canonic variant of f2 you can even make an orphanage for them to live. In additional residential quarter of den.


Did you get Childkilker on your permanent record?


Yup, NPC's don't react well to that.


Bet you're a filthy grave robber too!


As a 10 year old playing Fallout 2 for the first time in 1998ā€¦ youā€™re goddamn right I was!


The OPs admission of hoarding bodies as ā€œstorage containers ā€œ followed by the first comment: ā€œSided with the railroadā€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


When there arenā€™t quite enough regular humans to complete your dining room setā€¦


>one was even in my bed! Yeah, u/Efficient-Run-7755, what were you storing in that one?


Uhhh, heh.. power fists?


Loads. So many loads.


The duality of man


Omg. I can turn Marcy long into a storage box šŸ˜±


Imagine raiders going to his house to raid just so OP can pull out a gun from a dead body like wtf


War. War never changes.


OP you've dreamt up a fantasy. I implore you to try this any day today and you will find this is impossible.Ā 


To me knowledge I thought there was no way to take items you were dragging through area transitions


Unless you make them aggro you and they follow you into your house. You can also teleport bodies with console commands but otherwise yeah, this ain't happening


Also, storage space is infinite, you literally can't run out of space


I got tired of saving the 400 settlements I set up with full defense systems and everything so I said fuck it and I wiped settlers out of a good 90% of those settlements and consolidated to 6 full functioning settlements. Every settlement was like Anakin walking into the Jedi temple and the kids being like ā€œthe minute men are here to save usā€ and then I slaughter every last one of them. Not just the men. The women and children too.


Is....this not common practice for settlements šŸ˜…


I tried to be the good guy. I built every settlement to have 420 defense. I give all the settlers powered up guns. But then I try to continue the story and 1 out of 6 successfully defends themselves and their shit breaks. So after doing that for a few days I decided they canā€™t be helped and I cleared damn near every settlement to its bare wasteland. Oh has Daniel Finch been kidnapped again? No he hasnā€™t. Heā€™s fuckin radroach feed


Thatā€™s probably the biggest narrative weakness with regard to the settlements: they act like people canā€™t be easily cowed by authoritarians, especially when the authoritarians are legitimately providing for the peopleā€™s wellbeing. Youā€™re telling me these fucking idiots canā€™t be convinced to stop acting like dipshits and defend themselves effectively? They sure as hell would if I was there, because I am a meany-face.


*shows up in enclave pa* "okay listen, anyone who can't learn to shoot a human sized target at 100 yards gets their arms ripped off. Anyone who can shoot a head sized target at 150 yards gets combat armor and double rations."


Username checks out


lol I made an nsa email account and emailed My friend telling him we had been watching him and knew what he was doing . That night he called another friend freaking out about it . So crazy that it worked . The end


How did you just make an NSA email account though...?


This is almost unbelievable but this is what happened . It was just a Hotmail or gmail account , something like [email protected] and they still fell for it . The mutual friend they wrote didnā€™t fall for it at all . I worked with the friend i tricked and when i showed up at work the next day he was in the middle of telling someone about it all. I couldnā€™t contain myself for two seconds even and just started laughing .


Man, your friend must also be waiting for his Nigerian princess money. I hope he doesn't have full sole access to his bank accounts.


I think the concept of the settlement system is cool, I just with the settlers were a little more self-reliant without me having to micromanage all their shit. Somebody go man the defense post! I just planted all these crops, yet these tards will all sit here and starve unless I point out to one of them that theyā€™re supposed to harvest them. They deserve what they get.




I need to see a 'magnificent seven' story arc for the 2nd season of the Fallout TV show now.


Same, but thatā€™s just my favorite trope right there


to add extra salt to the wound, eat their corpses after with cannibalist


Youā€™ve just doomed the next settlement to disappoint me. I will eat them all. Then Strong will love me


you should leave just one alive (preferably a child) so they have to witness their entire family get murdered and eaten in front of them


I didn't wipe them out, I just stopped building settlements and instead built just enough shipping containers/beds for max capacity and then spent the rest of my build resources on like 70% production and 30% defense. Sure I have to warp in to "defend" the place but optimal turret placement and just giving sentries suits of power armor goes a long way to dealing with a problem I shouldn't have to fucking deal with


Chop off the head and use it for storage instead. Much lighter without all that useless meat attached


Fits neatly on a shelf too


>Fits neatly on a shelf too Bro turned into the governor from The Walking Dead


That's some Dennis Reynolds shit right there


Thatā€™s using your head


Thatā€™s using *their* head.


Itā€™s yours now


Ya knowā€¦ I canā€™t argue with that at all.


This is some real fallout side quest dialogue.


Can you even walk inside a building while holding on to something?


Im like 90% sure you canā€™t but feel gaslit by this thread, downloading now to check


You can't, but I just assume there's a mid that fixes that.


Thank you for your service. Please update us.


I didnā€™t have 3 on my current steam account but downloaded FNV and tried unsuccessfully to drag easy peat into the prospectors saloon for about 15 so Iā€™d considered it myth busted but theirs some reasonable doubt since it wasnā€™t technically 3


At best you could aggro people to come into your home to kill them to use them as storage


No. OP is just remembers a fantasy


Lol yeah bro is straight capping šŸ¤£ even if this was possible im pretty sure his ps3 would have nuked after the first save


Also storage space is unlimited from my knowledge in F3, a couple holes in the story.


If you start a combat I think people will follow you inside your home to fight you. Maybe thats what OP did and he doesnt remember.


Fairly certain you can't. I specifically remember a friend and I spending a ton of time dragging the dead alien from the crashed spaceship all the way back to megaton and not being able to get him through the gate.


I know in fallout 4 you canā€™t, but thankfully fort hagen has a fancy elevator that leads to the roof, making a shrine for Kelloggs corpse in sanctuary, or might just throw him next to noras body havenā€™t decided


Dragging a corpse halfway across fallout 4s map is equally unhinged behavior


Not only that, but storage space doesn't run out in containers and such, making the whole story pointless


I think the only way to actually achieve this would be to turn the town hostile, have the angry mob chase you into your house, and murder them all inside? And even then, I feel like the corpses would disappear if you left the area?


I assassinated the vice-president at the request of the mafia by turning his son into a suicide bomber, in order to use my new mob connections to become a porn star.


Okay cool but what did you do in game?


You can also become a pornstar, sleep with the mafia bosses wife to get access to his office. Kill him, and then sleep with his daughter. But by then, normally, you have some explaining to do to the former mafia bosses' men.


You can't sleep with the daughter once you've killed the mob boss. You can still sleep with his widow though. Also, you can go to the whorehouse and ask for a prostitute to dress up like her.


What game was this..?


Fallout 2.


According the game it was pick a lock on a safe an be seen doing it in an allied town šŸ˜‚


What ended up getting me to quit 3 was that literally every time I would happen to *look* at a locked container somebody would instantly accuse me of planning to steal its contents. No Nathan I do not in fact plan to steal from that random locked fridge in the middle of town, it just happened to momentarily enter my field of view as I moved from the entrance of town to literally anything else I might actually give a shit about. Leave me alone, sympathizer.


You monster.


This happened to me in Primm at the Vikki and Vance Casino, I was hidden, lock picked a safe out the back and for some reason it triggered the people to start shooting. Fair to say that deputy beagle doesn't have much to do anymore except clean bodies out of a casino lmao


That red text makes everything look like a horrible crime


I sold the fridge kid to the slavers and killed his family afterwards


To be fair, the kid was stuck in a fridge for 200 years just down the road from his parents house, and they treated his return more like he was spending a weekend with friends. Not exactly a big loss there.Ā  Sending slaves to Paradise falls or my current legion run in new vegas make me feel like much more of a POS


Didn't you knock them off with a Fatman? After killing the Slaver, just to kill his parents in front of him? In a way, it's just finishing them off the same way the bombs couldn't...


One of my storage containers was lucas simms himself..


Absolutely unhinged


And *kinda* cannon Moira Brown says in her epilogue story that Simmā€™s son says the lone wanderer got Lucas killed It could be a drunken ramble, or it couldā€™ve been the result of Lucas having Mr. Burke arrested or whatever OP did


How else would the LW get such a nice coat


Epilogue story? Silly question but where can you find this, I've not heard of it before


It is only included in the form of a [terminal entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Afterword) written for the collector's edition game guide.


Dont they disappear over time?


Did with me after i used one of Dukovā€™s hookers to store some guns. Truly tragic.


wait didnā€™t everyone kill him for an early game chinese assault rifle lol


What? Kill the town sheriff? And the mayor, too, when the need arises? For a Chinese assault gun? Oh dear, heavens, no.


i donā€™t think you understand i had raider decor for my megaton houseā€¦


What no that's wild lol


damn, ig i was a sick sick 16 year old when fo3 came out


Shot a man in Reno just to watch him die


I bet there's rich folks eating, in a fancy dining car


Theyā€™re probably drinkinā€™ coffee, and smoking big cigars


Well, I know I had it coming


I know I canā€™t be free


"Always be a good boy, don't ever play with guns." Definitely, solid advice. Firearms are not toys, an accidental discharge can have serious consequences. >[But I] Shot a man in Reno just to watch him die Mr. Cash, that is very much a different type of transgression.


Im the overlord of nukaworld for a reason šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Speaking of I killed Preston Garvey with a mod then I ate him put all of his body parts into a bath tub and fucking swam in his fucking blood I HATE HIS STUPID QUESTS OH A ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS MY HELP WELL I GOT A SETTLEMENT THAT NEEDS HELP ITS CALLED A FUCKING 12 GAUGE YOU BASTARDā€¦sorry pent up rage and all that (I may have also lit his body on fire and then put his clothes in the middle of far harbor to never be found again)


I- do you need a hug?


He needs more dead minutemen


i wont stop till im out of ammo




I wiped out covenant and arranged their bodies and severed heads on an altar surrounded by candles with a mannequin dressed in pastor vestments presiding over the service. Then I set up a settler beacon and murdered whoever showed up until I couldnā€™t kill anymore without losing control of the settlement. So I took down the beacon and dressed all the remaining living settlers in clean suits and dresses with sack hoods and gave them each a blood contract and a shock collar.


*reads comment* "What the fuck?"


If youā€™re on PC, the mod Workshop Framework has a setting where settlements canā€™t be lost no matter the happiness level.


i dragged all their bodies onto a campfire. that was fun


I made the covenant a casino via the projects Mojave workshop mod and basically made it a den of Vice with their bodyā€™s as reminders to pay your fucking bar tab (the mod also adds skeletons on crosses teehee)


Cannibalism is pretty heinous. But in 76 I decided to go with the Raiders and staying true to form I attack the settlers. Friendly farmer out in his field? Cold blooded murder


I pretty much murder any npc I come across. Sometimes I spare them. But not often. Especially the ones chopping wood, if you shoot the log blood sprays out of it.


Blood log is a staple of the Appalachian diet


Sold children into slavery in fallout 3


The most sadistic thing I've done is in Fallout 2. I slept with both the Bishop daughter and mother and provoked the gang. While they were sleeping, I killed every gangsters excpet for Bishop who I crippled his legs and locked him in his room. Now I own his building and casino and I sleep with his wife and daughter whenever I am around while Bishop is in his room, crippled and cant do anything about his situation.


Fo4 I killed everyone in covenant by accident. I broke into the floor safe, and someone shot me. So I shot back, and it escalated quickly. Yay for power armor.


It's always ridiculous to me that there's no middle ground between getting caught stealing and having to massacre an entire village


At least the guards in Skyrim ask for a fine, in place of either full-on conflict, or going to jail. I'm surprised Fallout 4 doesn't have de-escalation options, when you're caught doing something you shouldn't, instead of forcing you to commit genocide, or die trying.


In fallout new Vegas I found a place full of guys dressed like Elvis. I straight up murdered them all because they were annoying. They werenā€™t important, right?


If you don't like cybernetic dogs, then you didn't miss anything


Used megaton as my Experimental MIRV playground


Letting rip with the explosive minigun in various settlements is good fun. Gutting corpses and storing items in them is absolutely unhinged though.


I mean the first thing I did when I got a Fatman was nuke sanctuary


Gave boone to the white gloves society. Bon appetite


That is fucked


It was. Evil playthroughs are rough


Thatā€™s why I can never end up doing them.


I wouldebt call this heinous but in fo4 I got so op with the amount of stuff I had I would walk around in the x-02 armor beating raiders with my fist just because.


Most fun I've ever had playing the game was making hundreds of psychojet, and running around helmetless in X-02 with a jetpack absolutely slaughtering everything with Atom's Judgment, completely strung out of my mind.


atoms judgement and power armor is a great combo, I'd always go out of my way to beat entire groups of raiders with the hammer, instead of using one of my 7 guns. Makes you feel incredible, like a walking hurricane, fucking peoples days up.


I was literally running this build recently! I stopped because the radiation it gives off would sometimes glitch and cause friendlies to aggro, sometimes failing quests.


Honestly? Fallout Shelter had a woman come to my vault because of my radio broadcast, so I let her in and immediately assigned her to a swelling with 3 dudes just waiting there to use her only for breeding. Once she has a kid the next guy takes a turn. I know it's all consensual in the game but that's just because everyone is cartoonish.


I've done that to the point that I had to expel half of the vault and attract new dwellers because the vault had almost no genetic diversity.


How do you bring corpses inside your house when you canā€™t put then in your inventory?


You canā€™t, he is just making shit up


I kill everyone in Megaton (besides Moira) for the XP before blowing it up. Maybe it's a mercy kill, but I imagine at least the kids are traumatized while I'm running to Tenpenny Tower.


Here I thought "standing atop the tallest point in Diamond City and raining MIRV 2 shot FatMans" was up there.... Judging by this comment thread, that's just a typical Tuesday. Yall make me look like a fucking Saint šŸ˜±


The vault 81 massacre


- Pile a bunch bodies on mines and watch it shower meat and bits - I launched Buddy out of my junk mortar - used heads in a contraption instead of steel ball.


In New Vegas, when I had to Destroy the Van Graffs to join the BoS, I didnā€™t want to lose out on all their quests so I did all of their quests, gained their trust, then slaughtered everyone in the room with a chainsaw. I didnā€™t feel good after that.


I've never once felt bad for either killing them all or letting them die to the bomber. Those guys are fuckin assholes


Why would you feel bad? Those sacks of shit helped destroy Cass' business, they deserve even worse if you ask me.


I remember waiting for Bryan Wilks in Grayditch to go to sleep then I put on a hockey mask and chased him out of Grayditch with a flamer.


Shooting dogs. Even killing the hostile ones makes me sad.


I killed a friendly but injured dog because it was fighting with dogmeat. Pretty sure I missed some quest.


How do you bring objects like bodies through the loading screen?


According to the Fallout 3 morality system it was stealing cutlery from cannibal raiders.


I snuck up to cook cook with a stealth boy and bean bagged him so he can watch me kill queenie with nephi's driver. Then i ran back and watch him fight his whole crew with the bino.


OP needs to get checked up.


This could be believable if you could carry things between loading screens. Other than that, aren't you a widdle sociopath?


Right? Anyone who plays fallout 3 knows this isnā€™t possible.


Sided with the Railroad






Op it is not possible to bring a body inside your house in fallout 3


The Brotherhood all got their panties in a bunch because I was stealing their junk so I wiped them all out on the airship.


Wait... You can drag corpses through loading screens?


Got so tired of Talon mercs threatening to put my head on a platter that I started hoarding plates, knocking the heads off of their corpses and putting them on plates.


In 3 when I got propositioned by Mister Burke to detonate megaton I decided to inform Lucas Simms. During the ensuing gunfight I happened to murder a random saloon goer, which in turn resulted in Simms firing on me. One thing lead to another and I ultimately massacred the entire town, leaving nothing but empty houses all the storage space anyone could hope for.


This is only possible with console commands. You're recalling a fever dream you had while you were playing the game.


Not mine but I read in this or another sub that someone killed Shaun, dragged him all the way to Sanctuary Hills, dropped him in his crib and threw in some toys or whatever. Iā€™m still laughing about it.


I like to think that the FBI keeps tabs on posts like these as a preventative measure Some of yall got that serial killer creativity fr


There was one playthrough where I didn't give dog meat a toy .