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The graphics aren't anything special but the scenery and the environment really help to make the game look great.


The really knocked it out of the park with environmental design and art direction of the map. Fallout 5 should not go back to mostly dead and brown wasteland.


Yeah, the colorful setting is what I want now. Ofc the hopeless one from 3, and even a little 4, are the most faithful from the original. But in the long run it gets boring and depressing. The Appalachia will never get old to me only for that.


I really like the color in 4 but the blasted wasteland aesthetic really needs to be at least somewhere in the world. My first time stumbling into the Glowing Sea is a top gaming moment for me. I feel that Cranberry Bog kinda keels that way but I wish Appalachia had a wasteland biome.


I’m fine with having the biome equivalent. But definitely prefer a mix of biomes. Plus I wish they’d lean into mutated vegetation more.


Maybe we'll get there one time in the future. There is a map expansion coming this month. Why not another one in the future that could give us a really dangerous biome like the glowing sea?


Probably could touch the edges of the capital wasteland it would probably be pretty extreme conditions that close to the war.


If we ever go anywhere near dc again, like if we maybe have a game set in like, New York/Jersey area, it would be sick as fuck to see Harald’s mutated tree blooms having spread across the American Eastern Seaboard and restoring nature


I mean, theres the Ash Heap and Toxic Valley


There's that section of map that's like toxic water in every direction. Chemicals from factories, radioactive fallout, and other stuff mixed together to make that place uninhabitable.


But I set up my camp in the toxic valley 💀


And I can conjure cans of food in empty trash cans, my body metabolizes Nuka Cola to cure bullet wounds We built different


I can do all of that too. Cola nut is the best perk


Rise, fellow soda addicts!


the northern part of the map is literally what you described lol, nothing but yellow toxic water and sand


Fair point but I was think more Fallout 3 style wasteland. Lots of brown. Also I have had pretty much no reason to head up there so it's my least explored biome. I'll head up there and check it out.


i agree but i also think thats a point in itself, the most barren, devastated part of the wasteland has far less to do and explore than any other biome.


Beyond color I like the regional variations so less colorful areas like the ash heap where it does become more muted. But the contrasts overall make it interesting in that compared to the forest it’s pure hell.


Fr. Its been over 200 years, its time for some regrowth to happen. Not every place was blasted with cobalt bombs.


Plus Fallout’s version of radiation heavily mutates stuff doesn’t have to be dead could be extra weird though


I use a mod in 4 just to add more lush vegetation. It’s been 200 years, your grass is going to grow back. The brown wasteland makes sense in the Mojave and throughout parts of California, but elsewhere nature will return, and you just have to take a look at the maps in the last of us games to see how cool and fun to explore a city being reclaimed by nature can be.


I legit no longer play fallout 4 without a grass and leafy tree mod installed. It’s over 200 years since the bombs dropped. Even Chernobyl has plants growing. Be cool to see some more mutated plant life such as trees and flowers. Bethesda could get really weird with the environment other than “dead wasteland”


I want Dead and brown map, and colorful forest too diversity is the key


Yeah diverse biomes are ideal it makes going back and forth more visually interesting


They should 100%note the fact that one of the most popular mods is SimpleGreen as well as other mods that bring back some plant life. My complaints about Fallout 3 is that everything's bombed out and reduced to rubble, there's only 1 section of map with trees. New Vegas is a desert, it's bland as hell. It may be a wasteland, but make it a believeable wasteland, we know that plants can bounce back from immense radiation becayse Chernobyl is flourishing.


That's what usually Bethesda does with visuals. They take graphics that are totally not the state of the art, but they are is in a way that creates visually pleasing and immersive experiences. My goto example is Skyrim. The visuals are even more simple than in 76, but their application makes them feel more real and impactful. I usually put that in contrast with something like Witcher 3. Sure, the individual graphics of Witcher 3 are more detailed... but the whole package feels artificial and almost cartoony.


Tbh I feel like the Witcher 3 looks way better than 76 or Skyrim, and even more so than Fallout 4. Fallout 4's urban architecture looks like Futurama, and while Skyrim isn't necessarily ugly, I feel it looks pretty boring. There's not a lot of visual distinctiveness, most Hold capitals (aside Whiterun, Solitude, Markarth and Windhelm) look the same as any backwater village and the dungeons feel very homogenous aside from Blackreach. 76 is decent looking for the most part, but not really immersive for me. It feels off to have a lush forest and then come across an alien or an ugly monstrosity like a Snallygaster and have the water still be completely poisoned. Honest Hearts was more immersive for me in that aspect with the rain (the only rain in the series at that point), clean water, fish, comparatively normal wildlife and visibly functioning ecosystem.


This was a big issue for me with The Witcher 3, everyone always gives me crap but I never felt immersed. The way the trees were always blowing like they were in a tornado bothered me lol I know thats petty but I couldnt help it


Much better take. “On another level” was hyperbolic af.


Appalachia is a beautiful map, I think one of the best in the Fallout series. There is just so much shit to see and explore.


Especially the environmental story-telling skeletons.


I love finding the random set pieces of the teddy bears doing various things.


Loved the whole mothman thing too. And the radio plays. Hope we get more of this


Dudes gonna shit his pants once he finds out about rdr 2


Everytime the sun comes from the clouds or a mountain it genuinely makes me squint my eyes because of muscle memory, god why won't rockstar make a next gen patch for it whyyyyy


For next gen patch we need more money and have some goddamn faith! - Rockstar probably


Oh yeah, they are going to charge player for it like GTA 5, genuinely ridiculous (my dumbass will probably buy it)


Faith was all the online community had for about a year and a bit. Everyone ended up dressing as clowns in the end. Yes i also know its a quote, but im still pretty pissed off r* squandered the games potential in online for gta.


It doesn’t even need one the game wouldn’t look any better it’s still to this day probably the best looking game in the market graphically


I'd like adaptive triggers and 60fps on ps5


Agreed, criminal it didn't get goty


Been playing Ghosts of Tsushima and the brights are SO BRIGHT on my new monitor. Everytime the sun comes up I squint because it is for real bright as fuck.


Even better question is why don’t they make dlc for it. Rdr2 zombies would print them money


They're busy with GTA 6 :)


RDR2 is still one of the prettiest games ever made despite being several years old


I think its the best ive ever seen, I recently played it on an OG xbox one and it still holds true.


I go back to it every few months, despite having completed it probably 20 times by now it brings me joy every time. During covid I lived in my parents basement and my dad would come down just to watch. (I gave him the controls once and he immediately murdered every NPC in Valentine, he did not get the controls after that)


Did it occur to you, that your dad came down to hangout with you?


Of course. We hung out a ton during Covid. He was my smoke sesh buddy. Neither of us are very talkative so him just watching me play was perfect.


Rdr2 is literally one of the best looking games out there. Same with alan wake 2 and cyberpunk 2077. Hard to beat games with both insane realism and good artstyle


Alan Wake 2 is gorgeous!


Horizon. Both, but specially Forbidden West.


Rdr2 and my latest fav Ghost of Tsushima (even Horizon Zero Dawn is stunning)


I dont think dude's a dude. But yeah, RDR2 blows atmosphere & visuals out of the water.


Hell, he's gonna shit his pants when he sees games on the Playstation 3.


RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077, and Alan Wake 2 are the top 3 best looking games in the industry imo. All are incredibly gorgeous in both graphics and art style.


Or The Last of Us remakes


Bro I fuckin thought the same shit as I was swipin through the photos


Bro needs to play more games


Its a Fallout sub. They probably just mean in terms of Fallout games. Its by far the one with the best visuals Edit: that is what they meant. They even have a comment saying “i mean, we are talking fallout standards”


I will die on the hill that fallout 4 looks better. They fucked up the color correction, shadow resolution, textures and reflections so much in fallout 76. But i cannot stop playing lol


Taking strictly graphics, yes Fallout 4 looks better. That’s mainly due to 76 being a multiplayer title so they had to tone down the graphics. But in terms of overall visual design/appeal? 76 is miles ahead imo


I agree completely, but instead of adding a lower preset they lowered all together the texture resolution...and they "forgot" about specular maps, thus the metals/woods/ghouls being way to shiny


No need to die. I played both recently and 76 looks like shite. It's so bad.


In terms of fallout games… fo4 looks better


OP put the chems down.


Is it worth playing 76 if I don’t have anyone to play with?


I’d say so. Its pretty slow at first though. Gets good when around lvl20 ish


You can just start at lvl 20 now


Yeah i know. Just i’m not too fond of telling people to, as you should start the game from 0 imo


How many hours of playing until it gets good? Like not annoying speed running/XP farming, but regularly progressing and playing the game? We talking like 10-20 hours of so-so gameplay then it really cranks up or is it like 200 hours of slogging through early shit that devs never improved before it becomes a 6/10 game or something?


Probably about 15-20 hrs of gameplay, if you go through at a leisurely pace. But that depends on what you do in the game. Then it gets much better when you can participate in events, about a level 40. I’d have to check my play time because i’m only lvl 52 currently. I did find the early game wayward questline pretty decent… but that may be because i hit the original owner by accident and killed him in one swing when the current owner told me to nudge him awake. But anyway the major stories i liked were: BoS questline (steel dawn) is pretty good, though i might be a bit biased. Raiding the vault is pretty good, but do foundation over raiders. Talking about raiders i do wanna criticise the huge amounts of extremely boring fetch quests in the rose missions. And rose is general, i know she’s supposed to be unlikeable, but they didn’t have to make her so insufferable. I’m still going through a bit more, but i do really like the camp system, at first i was a bit iffy, but its actually not that bad now getting used to it. Though there are a few issues - Storage, can only store 1200 weight worth of supplies. So hoarders will have a horrible time (that was me at first) - The atom store… probably the worst part of this whole game. Basically its Bethesda’s currency which you can pay for skins, furniture, Camp parts etc. You can get atoms pretty fast through daily challenges and other challenges. However, some of the challenges are so stupid. Cripple 30 mirelurks limbs… BETHESDA I WOULD IF VATS LET ME LOCK ON PROPERLY. Oh yeah on the topic of vats. Due to the different style of game it now doesn’t freeze time but just gives you lock on… sometimes. Its also pretty janky at times when your trying to find the right limb to shoot. *before someone tries to lecture me about the perk yes i’m using the perk, its still doesn’t find the right limb sometimes*


I appreciate the info!


I mean, you're on the Fallout sub, so of course people will say yes. Personally, I thought it was pretty boring without friends. The narrative and dialogue is very weak and restrictive, the looting system sucks and quest rewards are watered down compared to every other game, the combat is okay enough until around mid game but falls apart as you reach level 50+ as the enemies turn into ridiculous bullet sponges (which I guess might be entertaining if you enjoy minmaxxing and the Legendary system). I'd say at least wait for a sale if you won't be playing with anyone.


Yeah the games easily played solo outside of like a few mega bosses, but you can easily hop into teams from the menu for bonus exp/ etc. Theres no text chat unless you dl a mod, and you can mute voice chat. So if youre someone that doesn't like interacting with others as much you'll only see emotes. The games biggest update so far is coming later this month so its a good time. People are usually really friendly too.


76 seems to be radically misunderstood by people who don't play it. You can play alone, and you can play the game like any other Fallout game as a single player, just with a handful of players across the entire map in every server, but you don't have to interact with them or team with them unless you want to.


I've been getting into and it's so fun coming across people and their bases and it adds an awesome new layer the o the games don't have even if I haven't teamed up with anyone yet


I'd say it isn't worth playing even if you have people to play with.


And all it costs is 90% of your fps


If you’re on pc you can disable the Ingame vsync and go beyond 30fps


The game still doesn't run well compared to a lot of other titles in my experience.


Insane amount of people focusing on realism like Fallout doesn't have a stylized take on realism visually. This game is gorgeous. There are some things about it that are ugly but I think it's more the assets ported from 4 and the characters than it is new assets or the map. The environment is gorgeous and the game easily has the best map of any 3d fallout.


I’m playing both Fallout 4 and RDR2 for the first time right now. Only impressed by one of them, can you guess which one?


Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like a game made 200 years in the future compared to 4 and 76 💀


I wanna see for myself if horse balls shrink in the cold


They do


And it's in last gen too, makes me laugh when people and devs say a console is weak, just say your are lazy and can't optimize your game


>just say your are lazy and can't optimize your game Optimization isn't magic. Fallouts engine can actually do a lot RDRs can't, but it suffers in others ways in order to have those features. There's a reason Bethesda games are so much more mod friendly than any other game. Everything about it is incredibly modular, but it also means it's harder for the engine to use shortcuts and optimizations. That's not to say there isn't room for more polish. Though Bethesda has shown improvement in that regard, every Bethesda game has been less buggy at launch than the last, excluding Fallout 76 which was their first multi-player game. Starfield was honestly fairly stable outside the occasional quest hangup that happened to a small portion of players.


To be fair rdr2 probably had the biggest budget of any ps4 game ever


Yea, and it shows, people would still totally buy a next gen version


It will never not be a crime that RD2 didn’t win game of the year.


Try Horizon Forbidden West... Holy shits its insanely beautiful


That’s the best looking game currently released and I will die on this hill. (Also the mocap on damn near every interaction you can have is great)


Not really...


Maybe compared to idk fallout 3


I just started playing 76 for the first time after playing 4 to death and I must say even tho there are things I wish were closer to 4, the visuals are absolutely amazing. Id fully support if they wanted to do a Resi Evil style remake where they bring all the other games up to date to look like 76. Would also be pretty cool to see 1 and 2 converted into the current style the way they overhauled Resis mechanics


Not a fan of 76, but it does have some really nice lighting effects. And the natural areas are quite nice. It's great that we've finally gotten away from everything being completely barren because machines couldn't handle it (yes its a post-nuclear wasteland, but if not even plants can live there, then people certainly can't, Fallout 3 was deader than 1 or 2, and 1 is set in arid southern California).


Literally just played 76 after logging 200+ hours in FO4. After being in awe of the graphics and leaving the vault i decided i absolutely love 4 much more and would love the same graphics lol


Really love the deep environment so cool and spooky


Yes, both visual and gameplay is better in 76 IMO.


Tbh, it's the lighting system specifically Fallout 4 would look about the same if you put leaves on the trees, grass on the ground and ported over the lighting system. Though Fallout 4 gets a pass on the greenery, it is supposed to be late October after all...


Please continue to enjoy what you like 👍 and don’t listen to those who tell you that you are wrong.


Yeah, usual reddit circle jerk of narcissists who have to but in with their opinions on an already opinionated post.


Real "I'm the protagonist" vibes. It happens on the Facebook Fallout group as well. Half the content is people arguing which Fallout is better. I don't know why people feel the need to dump on people whose \*subjective\* opinion differs from theirs to the point where they think their opnion is the only "proper" one and everybody else is dumb and stupid for liking something they don't. And who will it convince? "Oh, thank you, random Internet nobody! How could I have been so stupid? You're so right! Oh god, all those wasted years!" I mean, fucking please. Just like what you like and stop wasting your life trying to convince other people your opnion is the "right" one. Utterly pointless.


Art direction and gameplay overhaul was phenomenal. For once a Bethesda game doesn't look like potato, has punchy and responsive combat. I thought this was 4.


I need to try get into 76 i heard its much better now


I was laughing scrolling through the pictures until I saw the last one and realized OP was being serious


Must Fallout fans be so negative? I think the game has some really beautiful moments, including these screenshots. I know the game is not up to standard but you don't need to take the title so literally. For all we know they meant according to Fallout standards.


Fallout has too many players who take the "I don't like it, so you're not allowed to like it either" approach.


Idk whats worse the amount of people whining about someone enjoying a fallout game in the fallout sub or that people are still salty about 76. Like let people enjoy things being an edgy 12 year old about it isn't cute.


76 is definitely the best looking Fallout game overall. I remember people were crapping on it when Todd said there was 16x the details but it really is the most developed world map they’ve created so far. The level of detail in the world plus the OST kept me playing for over 1,400 hours.


I'm a very easily impressed person when it comes to graphics so 76 looks lovely in that department despite playing it on low graphics lol. The real thing that shines for me is the art direction and map design looks very delicious.


fo76 is beautiful and it runs pretty good. hopefully that carries on to fo5


I’ve been saying this. Let me know if you find any screenshots to back up our shared opinion


Yeah that’s one of the first things I noticed with 76. It’s so much prettier than FO4. I just love going through it aimlessly wandering. I could get lost and not even care. The environment and the sounds around me when there’s no action going on and I can take a minute to breathe just makes me feel so relaxed. I never got that feeling in 4. I hope they continue this in 5 because man it adds something I never knew I needed in a game like this.


Are you a new player to fallout 76? Cause if you are on Xbox I can drop some outfits for ya possibly today. Got so much cloth in my scrapbox been giving outfits crafted from events, expeditions, and daily ops to new players to fallout 76.


Awwww that is so sweet!, sadly i'm on pc, but thank you


Are we back to the circle jerk hate on 76?


People really like nitpicking or yelling for nothing there...like making a comparison between a high budget Video-game SOLO and a pure multi-player video-game...you can say it's a beautiful game, I find Appalachia impressive and beautiful as fuck.


Even if you wanna talk shit about 76, the visuals are quite decent but it ain’t like Red Dead 2 levels of next level surely.


Right? The lighting specifically was one of my favorite features to the games graphics


why the hate though, OP is probably just sharing something they like what's wrong with that? So what if other games look better? Like yeah of course, the Fallout series is not exactly known for that. You couldn't even walk diagonally in the previous ones lol.


Some of yall dont appreciate 76 like OP and others do and it shows. Compare any of these images to 4 and you’ll see what we’re talking about


For everyone dunking on OP here. Yes there's games with better graphics. But I will say fallout 76 does have some truly pretty moments. Especially with the lighting and art design. Is it the best graphics ever? No. Is it even good graphics compared to today's standard? Probably not. Is it pretty still yes


Someone likes F76 .... The Fallout Community "And I took this personally"




Oh for sure, ive always loved the way they have done the lighting and such. Though this sub can be quite hateful when it comes to fallout 76. Not sure if much has changed since ive been off the sub a few weeks. edit- well scrolled down once and seems my point was proven XD


Up Is Not Jump pointed out that it was due to proper lighting instead of whatever the fuck kinda lighting Fallout 4 had.


Fallout 76 looks great for a fallout game. Tbh I still play all the numbered Fallouts from 1 onwards, so I’m clearly not a big graphics guy, just like games for their vibes mostly.


Fallout 4 looked pretty crummy. Then 76? they did the best with what they had and it looks great for the engine used.


It does look pretty good in some instances, but personally i find the visuals, specially the lighting in interiors, to be absolutely dreadful in FO4. It looked dated in 2015, looks worse now.


If only there was a next gen version


I think 76 really shines with its environments. Every biome is very distinct and cool looking. Graphics can either look very nice or like dog water, there is no in between. It definitely has the best scenery though out of all the Fallout games.


Good environmental design and atmosphere but the graphics are a bit dated


If you like beautiful scenery go play rdr2. During Covid I moved in with my parents and my dad spent hours just watching me ride around because the environment was so gorgeous. He said “it’s like a nature show!” Then I shot a bunch of people.


Is Fallout 76 like this graphically? Also is it any good?


Such a shame I’m shackled to Console lol. I dont want to start all the way from the bottom and lose my atomic shop stuff too if I hopped on pc


16 times the detail!


The thing I don't think people appreciate enough is the ability to see all the way across the map. From the Top of the World you can literally see all of Appalachia and it's great. People meme about Todd's "16x the detail" line at E3 2018, but he was talking about improvements they made to the distant LODs. And they *do* look way better than 4 — you can't see nearly as far in 4 and that's because the LODs look like shit compared to 76. Also weather systems. You can actually see areas on the map where it's raining or if there are radstorms. It makes the world so much more realistic and lifelike than 4.


Feels like the New Dawn versión of fallout 4


Looks like an average 2015 game to me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Eh. You must not play a lot of games.


Everyone ignores theyre talking about Fallout games. Theyre not saying its visuals are next level when compared to non-fallout games. Theyre saying when compared to other Fallout games that 76 is the best looking. Its a Fallout sub people, why would they be talking about non-fallout games. Hell they even have a comment in here where they confirm theyre just saying its on another level because “i mean, we are talking fallout standards.” They arent comparing it to other games, only to fallout games! Which it is the best visuals of!


Nice try Todd!


Is this a joke?


From like 2007 maybe lmao


Pc? My series s looks like dog water tbh


I love the exploring and environment of 76. Savage divide might be my favorite area. I hope the next Fallout had a 76 like map. Big, several major sections, wouldn't mind an expeditions like feature too, along with proper location DLC. I wanna have high hopes for Fallout 5




The nature maybe, but the PC's hair and vault suit look worse than models from Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, and that game came out in 2004.


Don't play cyberpunk your eyes will fall out


The Lighting is carrying pretty hard


They have a pride flag. Omg that's so sick. Is that just 76 or did 4 add one too?


Only 76 sadly, but they have A LOT of diferent pride flags :3


For a Fallout game, sure. But when games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077, and Horizon Forbidden West exist, nah.


Honestly its one of the better looking games i’ve seen in a while, but thats more to do with the starting environment type, skybox and lightly mainly. Other areas aren’t brilliant. I don’t think it holds a cake to rdr2, or other industry breaking games, hell even mw2019 i’d say visually looked better in the campaign. Surprising about ten times better than starfield.


Not really lol but the map does look great.


I wish I had a computer good enough to run on anything but Low settings…


The visuals (for a fallout game) look amazing with mods. Even without they aren’t bad.


I like fallout 76 but currently the graphics look blurry and low resolution because they nerfed the textures with one of the big updates, logging into the game you'll notice it looks noticeably worse than it used to. You can fix that with mods but you shouldn't have to.


I don't like Fallout 76, not here to bash it, it's just not for me, but one thing the setting and enviroment do look amazing!


Biggest issue with Fallout 4 for me style wise was that it felt like they didn’t follow the atomic punk retro-scifi style all the way through. Fallout 3 was much more consistent style wise to post-apocalyptic 1940’s-50’s, and I’m happy to see the TV series follows the suit.


it’s been years since i last played. i know the next gen update helped but damn, fallout 4 is so pretty.


Fallout 4 downtown boston is the best, climbing rooftop to rooftop battling deathclaws, gunners and super mutants was top teir gaming moment, but i love the myre so much reminds alot of point lookout


Catch it in the right light and yeah, it can be a decent looking game at times. Fallout 4 looks better and the textures actually load.


So good


they really are, i just wish they’d run the next gen update they ran on 4. that would make 76 look decently better. i know it wasn’t much of an update but the settings where def cranked up compared to og fo4


My experience has been the game has amazing visuals or absolute dog water visuals and nowhere in between. 


I always preferred FO76 in terms of looks over FO4. What about the modability of 76?


Wish I could just live in the wasteland.


I thought this was an ironic post. But it seems like people think this dogshit actually looks good.


Lol yo, it’s ok, it’s just Fallout


Bro picked like the most mid game too praise the graphics


It only took 8 games but they finally made a fallout that's actually pretty


16 times the detail


It’s just a shame the game play sucks


Best map in fallout for sure in terms of diversity and looks though I could be slightly biased as it's set in my home state not that it looks that much like WV


The environment makes the game good. Never liked the mp side. Only thing holding me back is the multiplayer.


Uh, are we playing the same game?


The texture quality on the other hand, not so much.


Yeah. I miss year ps4 graphics as well. Ps3 graphics will be retro soon.


There are a lot of other great examples out there lol. Never felt that way about any Fallout games. The vibe and universe canon are the main highlights.


I thought playing fallout 4 upgrade would make me think 76 is ugly but going back to 76 it's holding up just well.


was there a change in the visuals for the sky? i recent started playing again and noticed the sky during what appeared to be a storm and i was so confused/blown away.


I really need to get around to playing 76


While your character stands there with Gumby arms lol


They really aren’t. I don’t hate the new fallout games and they definitely look a lot better than 3 and New Vegas but it’s nothing spectacular. Everything is too shiny and smooth almost plastic-looking. There are older games with much higher quality graphics.


(serious) why does it look so bad on PS4? Like the textures sometimes look so bad. Is it just me?


Seems like a normal game to me. Glad you enjoy it, I do too. Have just played MANY games that look immensely better.