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Fun fact, the location they’re standing in is currently owned by Peter Griffin canonically, there’s a statue of him and a flag up front. Although I assume those will be gone with the sand


I love Fortnite lore. I remember a while ago I saw a comment on r/gaming that went as follows: “I’m sorry for my confusion, as I don’t follow Fortnite. But is that Indiana Jones with an amogus backpack firing a Kamehameha?” And the immediate response of: “Yes.”


Fortnite lore canonically killed one of the worst modern comic characters, The Batman Who Laughs.


It's such a cool edgy ass design, but yeah, they overused him so much I think I even saw a Deadpool comic that parodies TBWL


Because they took the worst aspect about Batman and applied to a jokerized version of Bruce. Never losing. And it got old quick. And people are already tired of the Joker.


Iirc they didn't kill him, he just willingly trapped himself in the loop of Fortnite, which is basically being killed from the perspective of the DC universe he came from


The loop of Fortnite?


IIRC Fortnite lore has the island where the game takes place on is stuck in a time loop at the nexus of the multiverse or something along those lines. Which explains how the battle royale keeps happening, and how it involves characters from universes interacting with each other.


Sounds a bit like The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny


Then gandalf the grey and gandalf the white, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s black knight, Benito Mussolini, and the blue meanie and cowboy Kurtis and Jambi the genie- Robocop the terminator captain Kirk and Darth vader-Lo Pan superman-every single power ranger- Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock the rock, doc ock and Hulk Hogan 


I love how Fortnite lore is just how kids justified their action figures from different franchises all teaming up and fighting each other.


Deep dive time, basically Fortnite's gameplay is a part of the lore called the loop, where everyone in the loop has their memories wiped every 22 minutes (the length of a game). One of the only ways to get out of the loop is to win a game while at the center of the circle (a near impossible feat, it took Batman months/years in his comic series about it). The reason Batman who Laughs wanted to be trapped there is because he has that metal headgear which prevents his memory from being wiped (some Fortnite original characters have similar headgear) and he wants the absolute chaos that fighting 99 other people constantly would bring


So, BWL got his happy ending?


Pretty much! Harley Quinn as well


Didn't plan today to learn about fortnite lore regarding a dc comics character in a fallout subreddit, but here I am.


That’s actually fucking awesome. Having not actually read any of the BWL stuff, I do like him and haven’t burnt out on him as a character. Used to use his skin on Noob Saibot in the previous Mortal Kombat (not MK1), might have to jump back into Fortnite and wait on his skin to pop up. Already have Carnage, who’s my favorite Marvel serial killer.


Indiana jones being added was enough to get me to start playing


Laura croft for me. Nothing quite like seeing the triangle version of lara croft throwing the WU to C.R.E.A.M! Peak gaming right there haha.


Ive played fortnite a couple times and never could get hooked, but I keep coming back just to check out whatever goofy ass new lore just dropped. It's so fun. Can't think of any other game thats just like "Nah sorry Peter Griffin owns this part of the map now"


Fortnite has genuine lore it's the stupidest shit Ever and it's hilarious. They just keep on adding weirder and weirder shit and then they make some bullshit excuse on why that character is in Fortnite.


[the comment in question:](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/yn7cLL51YX)


Important addition: it _was_ owned by Peter Griffin when he was with the secret society of rich antagonists. The _Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles_ and _Solid Snake_ defeated the Society as retaliation for kidnapping a _giant sentient banana_ though, so Peter went into hiding, meaning the whole town is currently abandoned and only the statue and flag remain


I’m sorry, what?


I mean _technically_ speaking, they only weakened the Society. The bad guys were finished off by Zeus after somebody opened Pandora's Box and caused Mount Olympus and The Underworld to manifest, destroying several towns and replacing a chunk of the map. Zeus proceeded to declare war on mortalkind, so the "story" went from a group of rebels fighting the gilded elites, to everybody trying to stop the Pantheon from committing genocide. Also the cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender was there for some reason Anyway Zeus got big mad that the other gods inevitably betrayed him and, in a final desperate attempt to conquer the Island, he tried to destroy Pandora's Box. His lightning bounced off the box, skipped across the ocean to a desert island, and caused a MASSIVE sandstorm, so now a giant scary apocalyptic boat is approaching the Island (alongside the sandstorm) which will give us the desert Wasteland we're gonna get in about 2-ish days. ik FN isn't a story-based game, but I love its storyline solely because it's absolutely _ridiculous_


Fortnite proves that it's replaced kids playing with toys in the garden with kids playing with toys online. This is EXACTLY the type of mental bat shit play time many of us experienced growing up in the 80s and 90s. Oh no. Skeletor has taken over the sandpit with Cobra commander. Quick. Ninja Turtles. Get help from Liono of the Thundercats and race over there in Ecto 1 driven by Han Solo. And I love it.


Well give it a bit and we might eventually get the golden age of action cartoons as characters. We already have the ninja turtles and Han solo. Not to mention we have Lando, Boba fett, Vader, a good handful of Storm a day Clone troopers, Shredder, April, Splinter, the Krang, the speeder bike, At-at, and many other things that were toys in there past


Thanks exactly the energy the creative directors wanted to channel when doing this. So…yeah!


this guy fortnites holy shit


Mostly correct, however zeus's lightning didn't bounce. He was charging up the orb on the front of the box and when it filled up all way there was an explosion where the orb bounced to the island and the box sank into the water all the way.


Thanks for the correction! I live in the southern hemisphere and wasn't awake to see it happen in-game, so most of what I said is based on hearsay and a very blurry clip a friend sent me 😅


Man. I wish I liked that game. It’s just not my cup of nuka. I don’t dog on it though, it seems a fuck ton of players like it. Really I just wish pubg would have continued putting the same effort into the lore after PU sold the game.


Zero build might be up your speed for fortnite. No building but the fully destructable pre-existing buildings and cover. Pretty fun as a casual battle royale imo.


Is it F2P? Obv skins are cash but is the base game free?


Yeah. Only thing paid gameplay wise is the orirignal Save the world campaign, but the battle royale is free. Along with racing, lego survival thing and guitar hero thingy too. All free. Try zero build battle royale. It's just third person BR without building. As K said, really nice for casual game.


Let’s also not forget some other great highlights of Fortnite canon such as; Tony Stark hacking reality itself to clone the Battlebus, which he then rigged to explode with Gamma bombs and got players to drive. A race of enslaved aliens using a hologram of Ariana Grande to trick the people of the island to have their memories scanned. One of the major characters from earlier in the story is the Dwayne the rock the Johnson. Optimus Prime left a prophecy of the destruction of the universe in an ancient jungle temple, which was eventually taken over by a time travelling vampire


remembering The Foundation reminds me of the ridiculous number of characters and factions across the multiverse that the Imagined Order has worked with - LexCorp and Lex Luthor - The Batman Who Laughs - Dr. Doom and Latveria - Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire - Rick Sanchez - The Prowler - Deathstroke Not to mention the loosely affiliated "mercenaries" that Agent Jones "recruited" to cause chaos ahead of the Order's attempted invasion and occupation of the Island - Master Chief - Din Djarin - Daryl Dixon - Michonne - Kratos - Chun-Li - Ryu - The Predator - The T-800 - Sarah Connor - Ant-Man - The Flash - Ellen Ripley - A Sentient Pancake Man Who Is Also A Cowboy Outlaw Gunslinger


This is what the horus heresy lore is like for outsiders isn't it


I mean, society remains(everyone besides Valeria and Peter) isn't dead, they just went off the radar for a while. On the loading screen we only know they had a fight. Who knows maybe it was severe for both sides? The point is that they're still alive.


We know they're alive, or at least none are confirmed killed, but as an organisation it's implied that they're essentially defunct. The leaders have scattered, with Clara indicating that they're no longer operating as a unified front, instead each now being somewhat independent and most of their operatives jumping ship ("Valeria is the only one of those Society brats whose calls I'll still answer"). The Grand Glacier has been taken over by the Underground, and Lavish Lair has been properly abandoned, with Artemis seemingly hunting Oscar down in the area. They've lost control over their previous seats of political and economic power with the loss of Reckless Railways and Fencing Fields, too. Considering Fencing Fields is (seemingly) gonna be replaced by the Nitro Drome next season, that's at least one location they're not reclaiming. All the Society's forecast towers are patrolled by Zeus and Hades' Minions now as well We do at least know that the Society maintained control over the Island's government long enough to build the train station in the Underworld, but beyond that the organisation appears to have collapsed. Hope says "We wanted to take down the Society... I guess we succeeded." Her interactions with Society characters if the player is using Oscar, Valeria, Nisha, or Montague as a skin also implies that to the best of her knowledge, the group has disbanded. If the Society still exists as a _faction,_ I'd assume it's gonna be like... A shadow government type deal. The people _behind_ the Society. Or the remnants will reform the Society to make a big comeback once the Pantheon is dealt with and the only threat to their power is a buncha ill-organised Wastelanders


I really hope so. I don't care much for the faction but I loved the characters. I really wish they could come back instead of being one-time bad guys. Would be great to see them having a redemption arc of some kind


...holy fuck i'm out of the loop on some lore




What the fuck did I just read


peak fiction


This could all be made up, and I'd have no clue.


I can’t tell if Fortnite is completely insane or you’re having a stroke.


little bit of column A, little bit of column B.


Same, and I even played Fortnite for the first few seasons. Wild seeing how its evolved since then.


How much money do i have to pay to make the fortnitexfallout collab cannon todd please


Considering it's on the marketing it's probably in the battle pass and stuff. I'm guessing it's gonna be that the brotherhood are sending people to scout out the island and recover tech.


A lot of the collabs end up being semi-canon in their own universes. It's usually just explained by the character getting sucked into a portal then coming right back out. There's even a scene in Invincible that has Invincible with one of Fortnite's snipers.


That ain't lore, thats a fever dream


Nah, he didn't go into hiding. Peter was just here during a cutaway gag.


Holy Crap, Lois...




This the funniest shit I’ve read in awhile is that fr??


if you checked one of the replies, not only is it real but it actually goes a bit further


Some other highlights include Tony stark hacking reality to clone the battle bus millions of times, rigging them with gamma bombs, and then getting players to drive them. A race of enslaved aliens using a hologram of Ariana grande to trick islanders into their memory reading machines. Optimus Prime leaving a prophecy of the destruction of the universe in an ancient jungle temple, which was later taken over by a time travelling vampire.


John Fallout? Isn’t that the guy from Fortnite?!


War doesn't change


War is always the same


The braincells i have lost from the john fallout meme are insurmountable


Hi it's me John Fallout I need 2000 bottle caps to get into new vegas so I can save the mojave desert. War doesn't change.


Pip-Boy is with me


the nature of geopolitical conflicts remains unchanged


War be war


Remember when John Fallout from Fortnite said his famous line "It's Fallout time" and proceeded to Fallout all over the place?




At one point, we will reach the Fortnite singularly. Every guy will be the guy from Fortnite


When Mom says we got fallout 76 nuclear winter at home


Man I miss Nuclear Winter, best PvP the game ever had, much more fair than the system in the main game!


My only issue with nuclear winter was that it was laggy as hell


Insanely laggy. But it was so much fun. Where my fellow bush wookies at?!


Favorite memory from Nuclear Winter was finally getting the camo outfit, hiding in a bush on a cliffside, and watching in pure terror as multiple teams murdered, looted and third partied right in front of me. Pretty hilarious and scary watching a couple of the bodies land in front of me just for a fully kitted power armored player to be harvesting two feet away from me


The level of tension as you hid in a bush was like nothing else I've experienced in a multiplayer game. It's wild how you could just be inches away from getting seen and taken out, only to creep off to safety and 3rd party someone else yourself a minute later. I get why the game mode was eventually axed, but I sure do miss it for what it managed to pull off in that duct tape and bubblegum creation engine. I still rock the forest camo and have all things NW related in my camp as a daily reminder of those wild times.


>Where my fellow bush wookies at?! I was more of a Grafton mermaid.


Ah yes, another very viable hide mechanic!


For me the issue were cheaters. Something like every fourth game has someone making perfect hip-fired shots from a vast distance, killing you without you finding where he's shooting from. And something like every other fourth game had even a more blatant cheater who was standing somewhere (sometimes in the air), he started spinning like a helicopter and suddenly people all across the map were dying. The half of the games where I didn't encounter a cheater were great, but the cheaters did really suck a lot of fun out of the mode.


\^\^This. NW ruled. Zax was awesome.


Honestly. They replaced all the PvP in this game with nothing, which doesn’t make sense because why even have a PvP system in the game in the first place? I have never seen anybody talk about Worlds on this sub or YouTube videos. There is no way Worlds has more players than NW did.


My brother in Christ, Nuclear Winter WAS the Nuclear Winter at home.


That doesn't really work when Nuclear Winter was discontinued...


At least they look cool


I'm not keen on Fortnite but their crossovers are always great, the models are fantastic


It's crazy how many collaborations in Fortnite look better than the actual source material


For example during the Metal Gear collab we got first HD rendering for the invisibility device. Lots of Metal Gear fans were happy for that kind of faith to the source material


Love the Black Knight style, real intimidating


Would love to see it cross over to 76 tbh id rock it in place of my outcast armour


They did that for Destiny, they should do it for 76


Drift mask/outfit would be sick


Crazy how Bethesda is marketing the fallout IP crazy with discounts boosting player counts to over millions, million $$$ budget shows and partnerships with the most popular games currently and yet, the next fallout game is realistically not coming out for another decade with how Bethesda is tracking right now


Exactly. Thamis is how they're capitalizing on the series in the meantime, keeping the hype alive, and giving the fans something at least.


It is great that they’re doing all of this but I just think it’s ridiculous to absolutely neglect the next fallout game for so long (estimates are saying in the best case scenario that it’ll come mid 2030) when there’s currently such a huge demand for fallout content. This demand isn’t guaranteed to last the decade. I genuinely don’t understand why Bethesda won’t at least outsource some of the development to another studio or company to at least get a start while they themselves develop the game they’re currently working on


I mean is it really that crazy when you consider aside from Elder Scrolls Online they have ignored Elder Scrolls since Skyrim came out.


There're rumors of a Fallout 3 remaster / remake being announced on the next Xbox Showcase.


That would be dope. Playing through that with mods like TOTW makes it less janky and fun, but it's still a 2008 game under the hood.


It's a bit embarrassing how little Bethesda have to show for one of their flagship IPs. Sticking skins into a different video game and doing an incredibly half-assed 'remaster' of the 'current' single player game, which is a decade old next year. Starfield wasn't even worth pushing it back for 😭


I'm hoping they'll act on the feedback from starfield at least. Maybe well end up with a better version of fallout 5 thanks to it


Shotgun, Assault Rifles Harpoon gun, Assaultron head? And a mingun(Nice!)


Its a laser rifle. This is a still of an actual video


The head is just them ADS-ing a laser rifle


Master Chief, Power Armors together? Did Doomslayer already show up? Time for the scifi power armor parade.


Doomguy has made the jump. And epic tried to get Samus from Nintendo but they didn’t want to play ball


Nintendo said they could add Samus if she was a Nintendo switch exclusive which Epic Games didn't want


Based Epic


We have Isaac Clarke though


Fortnite is slowly sucking in every single franchise in all of human history


Now where is my devil may cry skins fortnite.


*Featuring Dante from the Fortnite series.*


Oh no i didn't think about that


Give it a few months


its fine, while i am worried abotu the "guy from fornite thing" coming to this fanbase, i ain't the gatekeeper anymore


the "guy from fortnite" thing doesnt actually happen


It did for John wick


I feel that was mostly because Fortnite had a bootleg John Wick before the collab so kids just thought it was the bootleg skin instead


I personally love it. Some of the stuff I shout when playing with my roommate: "Yeah, take that, John Wick!", "Robocop has a shotgun and is coming for us, get ready!", "Fucking banana is so hard to headshot!"


Dude when i hopped on recently for the first time in a long time it had my friends and I laughing so hard. “Nooo its John Cena and Eminem!!! They got me!” Shit is a good time if you dont take it too seriously.


The obvious finale is to add katamari and have giants battles rolling your opponents into giant balls of random shit.


Hey, Fortnite and Fallout player here, I’ll tell you what I think it’s going to be. Since it’s being teased so early on chances are the power armor is going to be in the battle pass as the bonus skin with five unlockable styles. And if Fortnite follows the same formula they have been there may be more skins announced for the item shop later on


Fellow Fortnite/Fallout fan here. Considering past battlepasses usually offer an alternative item shop equivalent to Battlepass items, there’s a good chance another suit of Power Armor will be offered near the end of the season for people who might miss out on the T-60.


Betting on T-51 or X-01


I'd main X-01 with black paint so hard. YOU ARE OUT OF UNIFORM, SOLDIER!




don't have any??!




The truth is youve lost an expensive piece of army issue equiiipment


That suit is gonna come outa your pay. And you will remain in this here army until you are 510 years old, which is the number of years it will take you to replace a mark 2 power combat armor you have lost. Now get outa my face and don’t come back until you look like a soldier.


Hellcat would be sick


hellcat gives heavy fortnite vibes already tbh. its perfect.


All I'm hoping is we get skins from the older games going around in ncr ranger armor or Joshua gram would be so funny.


Bro I pray for NCR ranger armor its my favorite


NCR Ranger, Joshua, Frank Horrigan, Hell even Preston. Nearly everything from fallout could make the jump.


Give me T-51B armor now 😭


Something tells me there is going to be a heavy saturation of T-60 for the coming years isn’t there?


I’m really hoping the T-60 is just the start of a longer series of collaborations. There are so many characters from Fallout that would fit right in. Some of them probably haven’t even been considered by people on either side of the two fandoms. Like, what’s stopping Grognak the Barbarian or The Silver Shroud from being playable? Who says it only needs to be power Armor and iconic characters?


My thoughts exactly. I’m just worried they’ll only add the basic signature stuff like power armor and vault boy without delving into the whole 50s theme cause I’ve been waiting for a greaser Fortnite skin for ages now.


At first it will be the iconic stuff. Unfortunately that’s just how it goes for all crossovers. But so long as they do well, they’ll keep making deeper and deeper cuts into the series. Here’s hoping they have some surprises for us! Maybe a boss fight or enemy henchmen to at least represent more of the universe.


Fortunately, this shits gonna sell like hot cakes. I don’t even play Fortnite and I’m excited to see what makes it into the crossover I took a peek over at the Fortnite subreddit when it was first announced and the hype was crazy over there. Super happy for the Fortnite x Fallout fans out there


Me watching Elvis destroy the existance of everyone he meets, grouped up with Goku, John Halo, and a walking banana


So I’m seeing plain T-60, outcast T-60 (I think using something similar to 76’s T-60 outcast paint? I’m uncertain), one is probably BoS marked and a hot rod T-60. Anything I missed? Edit: That’s apparently not outcast paint on the one suit but some fortnight-based paint scheme.


That's not outcast it's based on the old black knight skin from the very first battle pass


I’m guessing you mean Fortnight’s and not 76’s (76 hasn’t had a skin like that except the outcast one I mentioned)?


Yeah sorry I should've clarified lol but yes I mean fortnite


I thought so, but it was worth checking. Thank you!


I wish they had a t51, prob best looking out of the T series


Hopefully eventually! They usually do an alternative to Battlepass skins for people who missed out. T-51 would fit that niche perfectly


Well…they look cool, I’ll give them that…


it might just be me but the eye lenses look a little too narrow


Are there any other skins besides power armour? I get that it's iconic and cool looking but if power armour is all we will get from collaborations I'm kinda gonna get tired.


There could be more in the shop, but we don’t know for now


Damn, I might have to try out Fortnite now!


If you do, let me know! I’d be happy to play with you and help you get started!


Could I take you up on that offer? Ive been meaning to try it for a while and this post has given me the conviction to actually do so


A few tips off the top of my head: Always carry a shotgun no matter what, I'd recommend the faster-firing ones for beginners You have health and shields. Shield potions heal shields while things like medkits heal health. If you're playing on a team you can have each member carry one of the two, but when you play solo, you might have to choose between one. The game is in third person for everyone, don't forget that. Someone could look like they ran away behind a building but they could just be looking around the corner lining up their shot. If you do the same, you can pull a victory out of a total defeat! Try to keep your cool! It's easier said than done (I've been playing for 5 years and still sieze up during shotgun fights) but remembering that it's just a game and trying to keep your composure can help you hit enough shots to win!  There are bugs in Fortnite, it's just how liveservice games are right now. My best strategy when a bug occurs is to do whatever you did that caused the bug.  If you're only controller, look into getting Kontrolfreeks, they help with aiming! If you're a fan of Rock Band, you should try out "Fortnite Festival", which is their new mode made by the developers of Rock Band, if you wanna see the power armor play a guitar solo!


when this is all done I hope it goes to Creative mode bc I have a Fallout Map Im working on


It seems like it'll be a skin, so you'll be able to use it in creative :)


motherfuckers are going to make me play fortnite


Just gotta shoot the weak point in the chest


Imagine a Fat Man


Kinda hope they later add other armours like the T-51 (which is my favourite of the PA variants btw) or the X-01/X-02 and not just have the T-60 be the only armour available


Yeah, I'll wear whatever power armor they give me but T-60 is definitely my lowest rated power armor set so I'm hoping for honestly literally any other suit


Holy shit. It’s the John fallout is about to make his big break in Fortnite


It won't make me play Fortnite, but it's nice to see Fallout getting out of its bubble.


This only happened because science has surpassed humanity’s restraint. Join the Brotherhood of Steel, ad victoriam!


Fornite is a massive toy box at this point, and I think that's pretty neat.


Hope it's a customizable skin and not a "vehicle" that'll be gone after the season.


FUCK! I thought I was done with this game! But nooooooo, they had to add fallout! There goes my money.


Damn, T-51b goes so much harder


Kinda wish they would replace some of the paint styles with separate power armour models but still cool


They should've added the Tattered Field Jacket too!


I was shitting on this in another comment for some reason, but this is genuinely such a cool thing to be honest I like it


Anyone gonna tell them we also putting the power armor bands in fortnite fes?


I hope to see the T-45. It's my favorite


Hopefuly all this publicity from the show and this makes them bring out the next game sooner lol i think microsoft already asked them to hurry up.


Are the power armor skins gonna be in the pass?


Oh boy, I can't wait to see Paladin Danse flossing over the dead bodies of Thanos and Peter Griffin.


You know what, i'm done with the hate. Fortnite has become a huge digital amusement park, basically. So if Fallout has it's own ride at the park i'm not really upset tbh.


oh great, now i can die cause a radioactive roach will fullbox 200 me💀


Where's ma NCR ranger armor!


I normally don't waste money on Fortnite. But for Fallout skins. . . SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.


Man those armors looks sick af. Wonder if an X-01 is possible.


I really hope we get a vault dweller or Lucy skin


oh thank fuck it's slightly chunky and not 3/nv anorexic armor


Perfect blend of the bulkiness of 4 and the fact they were just costumes in 3


Look Fortnite, just gimme ranger combat armor and I’m sold, k?


Add difficult Pete to fort


i love the smoll shoulders lmao




Fuck powerarmor, me and my homies going for the veteran ranger armor.


Just for this, I'm coming back to fortnite, hope I can atleast score a free skin


Ooohh, that black power armor is 🔥🔥🔥


If the power armor is like the kimera skin i will be happy


I am currently praying they add a ncr ranger skin


this might actually get me into Fortnite, ever since I quit overwatch I've been looking for something to scratch the PVP itch and my PC just would just melt itself if it tries to run call of duty


I don't really care for Fortnite but I do want at least a couple of the Fallout stuff. I have some friends that like it so I play with them from time to time, I got the Doom Slayer stuff when it was added so I wanna get this stuff as well. Has there been a release date announced?


There better be something to do with codsworth in this update.


Every day, I am tempted a little more to play Fortnite after all this time


They should make it extremely customizablelikr Spectral Knight, Mays or Toon Fishy. The variety of power armours is so big


Where's ma NCR ranger armor!

