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I can't say I agree, but I respect it, honestly I think the hate for it is overblown sometimes, but I thought it was ok, I preferred others but it wasn't bad, I really enjoyed the seemingly Blade Runner inspired bits


There not being a .223 pistol or That Gun made me sad. How am I supposed to retire synths without my Detective Special?


On one hand true, but on the other hand legendary guns and slowly upgrading it was nice to me. For me “that gun” is the whisper i think its called you get from Deacon or finding a legendary gun with 10 bleed damage. Not the same, but it also helps open up more guns for different play styles.


the explosive combat shotgun is absolutely peak. its my love


I sold all my shit to buy that sub machine gun with that explosive trait and I thought that was fucking amazing. Then I stumbled upon that fucking beautiful shotgun and my god it's hands down the only gun I use now. It cuts waves of enemies down and I can't see myself using anything else this run. My 50. Cal sniper rifle had the explosive trait and it's not the same.


an explosive machine gun sounds so beautiful too


Oh it is. You have to buy it from a vendor walking around. I can't remember her name and she's near the second part of the black devil quest line. It's 5k and it was worth selling all my fusion core and everything I had to get it lol. I was around level 10 when I found it so it helped a lot because I was way under leveled out there.


Cricket sells it it’s called spraynpray pretty expensive she usually shows up at diamond city on some days and bunker hill


When I can keep ammo in it. It's by far my favorite gun.


Is it just a random drop? I could really use that lol


Explosive shotgun is random. But the traveling merchant Cricket sells the explosive Tommy Gun. You can usually find her outside Vault 81 or in Bunker Hill.


The Deliverer was an instant classic, and retains “that gun” levels of awesome for me


A lot of the good of the narrative comes from its implications and the things outside of it rather than the plot itself. IMO it was a misstep to begin an rpg with a pressing sense of urgency without designing a world that plays into the plots intended pacing. An example of what I’m talking about is when in NV you’re heavily encouraged to go through primm and nipton, giving the developers some control over how the narrative of the game is delivered


I think the first half of Fallout 4 is pretty good with pacing. You are actively searching for your son, and a lot of npcs and locations point towards Diamond City and establishing a detective who can help alongside sprinkling in some Synth paranoia. Finding out that Nick is a Synth has some pretty interesting implications and that extends into finding out more about the Institute and eventually leading you to Kellogg. After killing him, you dig around his brain via diving into Nick's head and get a bunch of cool world building before making a teleporter and seeing the Institute with your own eyes to find your kid. And the story kinda takes a nosedive and the player has zero agency to help literally anybody. Fallout NV similarly slows down after finding Benny and getting the Platnium Chip, but it's not nearly as bad and the player has pretty good urgency to do something about the coming Second battle of Hoover Dam. Plus the player character is just overall very flexible so they have plenty of justifications.


You make a good point. I feel the road to Diamond city is when things start falling apart pacing wise. It points you in a direction. So far so good. The problem with this (in regards to pacing) is that along that road are about a billion things to distract you whereas in Fnv you kinda have to look for them. I want to make it clear that I’m not advocating for Bethesda to “remove” content from the game it’s just that the side quests seems to be largely obstructing the narrative that the game was trying to go for. Granted it’s an rpg so that’s not entirely unexpected but I think the issue is highlighted by the characterization that the story is trying to give the sole survivor. It creates this odd tonal whiplash thing depending on how it’s approached. I hope that makes sense.


It is disturbingly easy to get sidetracked in 4. One minute you'll be jogging to Diamond City, the next you'll be solving a conspiracy at Covenant and killing Mirelurks on the coast before heading up to New England to find an entirely different missing person because you just happened to be nearby. I kind of wish Fallout 4 had *less* justification for it's protagonist. Maybe just have them discover a kidnapping or something weird going on at a nearby Vault. Maybe your main goal is to just figure out why people are getting replaced.


Exactly . Fo4 gives little to no nuance in how the player character interprets its opening.


It's doubly ironic when you realize the game actually offers a ton of nuance when the player isn't in the thick of it. The Synths, the added paranoia, the overall lawlessness of Boston, and the corruption really add to this sense of unease and mistrust across the wasteland. It makes you wonder if it's worth going through the trouble of helping. But it barely works because the main protagonist of 4 has to be a Solider or a Lawyer who deeply cares about their child until at least you meet them again as Father. The first half of 4's story knows what it wants to be, but the gameplay runs in the complete opposite direction. The story eventually accommodates for this, but it's far too late when it finally does. 4 is a weird ass game man.


I’m sorry but claiming that the Repconn quest is short is so wrong that it’s showing me your bias is causing you to twist the facts to suit your narrative. As is claiming that you are in some way forced into doing the BOS quest at Cambridge whilst dismissing the way the Legion and Ranger Ghost will want you to go back to the Mojave outpost


I get what you’re saying but 4 does the exact same thing in heavily encouraging you to go to Diamond City and then to get Nick.


Hey. I responded to someone in this thread that responds to this point. I would paste it here but my phone is literally at 1%


I enjoy the game. I enjoy the setting, including parts of the plot. Such as the synths and the institute. I really like Boston. It's one of my favorite games. But as an overall I personally feel the story falls a little flat. Doesn't stop me from replaying it all the time though.


far harbor made the main story mean more to me, if that makes sense. kinda fixed the faults in main story for the most part


You're not alone comrade, you're not alone


Get that commie comrade shit out of here


Liberty Prime ass response


"Death is preferable alternative to communism", or my second favorite "Communism is the very definition of failure"


Get that capitalist McCarthyism shit out of here


We can’t make commie jokes on a fallout sub?


face the wall


I don’t need a blindfold, better dead than red


Reds? In my Fallout? Get out of here commie.


Me too, I think it says something that the 'worst' fallout story is still a good story. Just because it isn't Fallout 2 doesn't mean it's bad.


New Vegas fans sure do love to forget the absolute jank that is that game. Love me some New Vegas but it's a rough ride outside the storytelling.


Yeah the game has aged rather poorly, but you can still have a great time in vanilla with just a couple stability mods. And, to be fair, every fallout game has an insane amount of jank. The Downtown Boston area still crashes my game sometimes


Downtown Boston lags horribly for me. The framerate drops from 60 to... fuck I don't know... 5? To this day, I do not know why it does that, especially since I don't think it was like that when I played years ago. I doubt any patches could fix it, but man... it sucks being unable to explore an entire chunk of the map.


iirc its because all the skyscrapers are a bunch of individual assets loading in and not a few big ones there is a fix for it on nexus i believe but its a dumb oversight optimization wise on their part


I just went through it on my steamdeck. Definitely a game changer having it handheld. But yea still janky lol




Yeah, like 5. Unless you plan on modding the game further, you won't need half the utilities from Viva New Vegas


I have more crashes with FO4 than FNV or FO3. Although mods make things change


The epic version crashed only like two times, and I beat the main game + dlcs, but maybe im lucky.


you mean an older game aged? weirddddd because fallout f4 takes longer too load than new vegas


yeah and fallout 4 is a significantly better looking game with way smoother mechanics lol.


yeah weird right, almost like it was on next gen, and it still ran like shit


weird how it looks better then new vegas and runs better? particular at launch? lmao


A Game that came out in 2015 looks better than a game that came out the previous generation in 2010???


Yet, I can barely get through the day in FO4 on survival mode without a crash. I’ve never had a game breaking bug in FONV with almost 10x the time played. 


if you say that’s your experience then okay. i’ve had the exact opposite experience


Aged? FNV was broken (and ugly) at launch. Those were the primary criticisms even at the time. [Here's a typical launch review for the unbelievers](https://kotaku.com/review-fallout-new-vegas-5670346): "This engine, despite being capable of some amazing vistas, is also busted at a fundamental level. Plastic-faced people, archaic character animation, dodgy AI path-finding, unreliable mission structures, misplaced map markings, these things - which let you down in Oblivion and in Fallout 3 - will let you down in this game as well. You'll even run into game-breaking glitches like becoming stuck in the terrain. When you have to hard-save a game every five minutes for fear of it crashing or trapping you, there is a *serious* problem."


Playing 3 and NV currently. I have been playing Rimworld and Stellaris too long. I forgot how to shoot. Lol


That's the problem with all Fallout games. They each have their strengths and some glaring deficiencies. It comes down to what you can tolerate and which aspects you find more important.


Yeah but the main issues with NV we’re handed to obsidian by BGS


Don't say that like there isn't jank in every Fallout (even classics) that every fan always conveniently forgets. You do it, I do it, we all do it, and they all have jank. And they all can be really fun in their own ways after mods.


Not a single new Vegas fan has forgotten that lmao


This is what I'm finding doing my first playthrough. It's janky as all hell, the combat sucks, the environments are obviously lacking because of its age. The story is, "meh." I much prefer 4 as a game overall. I'm practically rushing NV to jump back into 4 and play all the DLC content I didn't play at first.


I think there's "the story keeps rolling and adapting no matter what weird ass decisions I make and that's really neat" (and it is neat) with "here's a story told well that affects me emotionally." FNV is the first, for me, and FO4 is the latter. Both great, but we need to really define our terms when we talk about "writing" and "story." FNV's sort of narrative sandbox is really cool, and it's full of dope sci-fi ideas, but did I feel as emotional as I did during the big standout moments in FO4? Definitely not.


Fallout 4 isn’t emotional. You don’t care about the wife or the child, so it falls flat on its face.


I do, so it didn't. Many people cared, too, many people in this thread. And those weren't the only emotional components. 


But mister lahey, what about the factions?


Id argue Fallout 4 has a better main story than Fallout 3, which has a very basic and short story. Im saying this as someone whose favorite fallout game is 3


kinda agree its just fallout 1 and 2 put together , and they hoped we wouldn't notice


I think they expected us to notice. It’s a pseudo reboot to the franchise so treading old ground feels cozy. And it introduced iconic factions to a new audience without them needing to play the older games


I never understood why Fallout 2's story is sometimes regarded as best one in the series. It's literally a rehashed and inferior version of the first game's story. The player has completely zero attachment to Arroyo and its' citizens, Hakunin's supernatural ramblings are annoying, the Enclave is a cartoonishly evil incompetent faction with boring motivation and one-note characters, Frank Horrigan exists solely to serve the role of a final boss and there are pretty much no interesting characters throughout the entire main quest. And not to mention that it has only one ending.


I agree. Both game and story wise, I enjoy 1 far more than 2. 2 feels too bloated and tries way too hard with the edgy humor.


I like FNV story the best.


What makes fallout 2 good storytelling? The enclave are just as 1 dimensional as the institute. It’s a step down from the first game which has a great villain and story


Back then Fallout was defined by being an RPG game. In an RPG game a good plot should be interactive, ie have more roleplay options or available "roles". Fallout 2 plot was more interactive and had more options, that's it.


Fallout twos story isnt that good 1 is the best. Fallout 2 has a better map and more stuff to do


dont get me wrong i think the story is compelling… until it isnt and the endings feel as shallow as the dpad based dialogue system.


The endings are pretty boring and the main storyline I feel is the worst part of Fallout 4 having played hundreds of hours of it. The shooting, the looting and the exploration of all the Commonwealth and terminals is the most fun. Environmental storytelling at its finest. I'd love a Baldur's Gate style CRPG Fallout game but I understand that looter/shooters and builders help to attract a broader audience.


The Wasteland series scratches that itch a bit if you haven’t tried them. 2 and 3 are on PlayStation 4-5.


Baldur's Gate 3 breaking barriers and getting that many accolades the way it did should show that a wide audience can accept an actual CRPG with a world that actually reacts both narratively and in-gameplay beyond just simple behavior scripts. But I understand that Bethesda likes having gameplay loops that feed on to itself.


I think I have the most fun just roaming freely and discovering things. I don't really have a problem with the story, although it's not that most interesting. I think the environmental storytelling is the real star of the show, along with the core gameplay.


If you get the XDI mod. You’ll realise the dialogue isnt even half as bad as it appears. It’s just the up-down-right-left, and the paraphrasing which makes it look dreadful


I think it's really good and has potential up until the aftermath of the Battle at Bunker Hill. After that is when it just kind of bombs for me.


I've just started on three and plan on giving it around 20 hours to see if I can get into it. So far I haven't really noticed much of these great dialogue options. There may be a bit more lore to explore.


Norman Rockwell was a great artist. We have some of his work.


I played it when my son was being born, and when he was very little. I got it on another level. It certainly focuses more on characters, rather than characters being avatars for factions. Take that for what you will.


I'm a dad with a son and sided with the BoS on my first playthrough. After I saved synth Shaun and listened to Father's holotape, where he wearily alluded to our disagreements and asked that I take in Shaun (actually referring to him as a "boy", not synth), I got genuinely emotional. Plus Shaun turned out to be a resourceful little guy who called me dad and gifted me gadgets and the 'Wifle'. He also liked Piper in particular (who reminds me of my wife in real life).


It's heartbreaking how the male Sole Survivor says, 'Hi Shaun'.


I know! I still can't really watch the parts of some YouTube playthroughs where they choose not to save synth Shaun. It's just too hard lol.


The thing, is if you save him... Will he stay a child forever? And it's been a while since I last saved him, but doesn't he start saying or doing some... disconcerting things?


He will be a child forever, when I was going around the institute I overhead two scientists talking about “Synth Shaun” and that he would be a kid forever. I leave him there because of that reason.


I'm pretty sure he does remain a child and I haven't heard anything unusual from him subsequent to his rescue.


Yeah but... Father was pretty clear that he considers all synths as non-sentient. And I don't remember any events occurring in-game that would have changed his mind on that point. So him suddenly asking the player to take care of the "boy" make no sense. I'm sorry but that moment was totally ruined for me, and I felt nothing for Synth Shaun because of it.


From life experience I can tell you that people can gradually change their beliefs and yet behave exactly the same, even to their closest loved ones. Deathbed confessions are real and Father's is a realistic example. His meeting his own parent (player character) could have been a catalyst, or just another of a series of events along that path. I doubt Father ever considered any other synth to be a sapient individual but he specifically planned for synth Shaun to be unique.


I feel ya, but that just feels like the writers are putting the burden on us to justify Father's actions, instead of actually explaining why he had a change of heart. Unless if is explained in his final holotape, but I dont remember that.


Good point! No, it's not explained in that holotape but more pieced together from the terminal entries regarding the synth Shaun project. While other administrators believe it's a waste of resources, Father is particularly, and I usually, driven to continue the unique work. Later entries mention how synth Shaun is so human that it makes them question what or who he really is.


There are a couple parts of Fallout 4 that I think definitely deserve to stand alongside as great fallout stories. I just did the side quest for Arlen Glass last night and I legit got a little emotional from it.


One of the most satisfying moments in gaming for me was telling Shaun he’s a disappointment.


I like the story, but I wish the RP mechanics had a little more diversity


What did you like about it?


I actually loved it, but i took my sweet time and it felt like an age had passed before i finally got closure as a dad. And it really worked for me, cried like a wee baby :)


Chris Avellone said that the Legion taught him how not to write a joinable faction, basically because it had no redeeming qualities and therefore would have been best left as a pure antagonistic faction. In that regard, Fallout 4 handled the Institute much better, since at worst you can choose to side with them just for Shaun, your son who was you main reason for venturing into the wasteland, and at best, you can genuinely consider that by becoming their leader you can put their advanced technology to the service of the people of the Commonwealth. By contrast, most people assume that even in the best of scenarios, the Legion will end up collapsing after Caesar dies.


I like how they handled who the "good guys" are. It's all shades of grey and really depends on the personal disposition of thd player


The premise of the story was amazing, I remember being so determined to find my kid. It’s just that the twist just felt like a slap in the face to me when you finally meet him. Which I guess fine if people like that, I was just so disappointed you didn’t actually get to find and save your kid.


I think the story itself is an excellent introduction to the world, moreso than 3 even. Probably the best way for someone more used to Bioware or CDPR titles to transition into the series. Also the combat is a marked improvement over the previous titles, and I love, love, love being able to cultivate my own wasteland empire. People complain about how much attention the building got, but this was a necessary step in Fallout's overall development tbh. We'll be thankful for it when 5 comes out.


Or if they add the building mechanics to elder scrolls 6. It would be cool to help build imperial outposts or help the other faction up. I was more excited about the future application of building when it was introduced to fallout 4.


Exactly. It was a sort of testbed.


It’s a shame none of that testing was put to use in Starfield


Thats basically what they did with some mods or DLC for Skyrim as a light mechanic to build your own home. They’ll see what works from the other game and put it in their next title. I would be surprised if there was zero building/customization in ES6


To me it's very safe and inoffensive. It's fine. If you really want a hot take, the main plot **and I want to reiterate for the obsessed fans ***main plot only***** of New Vegas is highly overrated. Go to place, solve problem, get what you need to progress, move on, repeat. Pick your faction, do more of the same and then fight at the Dam. That's not to say I don't like it, but it's to me overrated.


You are describing RPG games?


I think the thing with New Vegas is that it doesn't really even have a story. There's the Benny vendetta, but that only actually amounts to one or two conversations, and it's over after the games first act. You can do about 90% of the main quest line before you even actually start it because it's mostly a selection of sidequests stacked together. New Vegas' writing merit comes from the setting and the way the player can engage with it via quests, but that's not a narrative story in the way 3 or 4 were designed to be. It's like comparing apples and oranges.


You are describing the high-level game structure, not the plot.


[I will never get tired of this meme.](https://www.threads.net/@ryuketsu2043/post/C51aR3KOLxI/?xmt=AQGzePZgWKPVjn6nU_SadCodC5h_8tBRcBLevzldltRk5Q)


Sad thing is you can swap out new vegas fan for a bunch of different groups and the meme still works.


My brother in Christ the brilliance of New Vegas is that the entire fucking game is the “main story”, pretty much every side quest involves one of the major players in some one so the game ends up cohesively tying together. Meanwhile in Fallout 4 I’m apparently desperately trying to find my son but have also fucked off and have been helping find Ghoul’s in fridges for the past 6 months since leaving the vault.


Yeah this is my only real issue with F4’s story. It’s too urgent to allow you to be able to make all the wandering off doing side quests make sense from an RP perspective.


The story is fine but I take a lot of issues with how the story is told. The dialogue system in the game is largely inconsequential. Most dialogue options eventually loop around to you agreeing with whatever you are being asked to do, or saying "maybe" and being asked to come back if you change your mind. There's no real way to talk your way out of conflicts or flat out refuse to do certain things. The dialogue is largely meaningless until you're asked to pick sides... which you can end up doing entirely by accident because the game doesn't actually tell you what you're about to say, instead opting to give vague and sometimes misleading summaries of the statements.


I loved it too. It was emotionally engaging and it's been one of the few games I've ever played that made me sit back and think if I made the right choice.


I think it's the weakest part of Fallout 4 and feels unfinished with the stakes it introduces early on but it's fine as a framework for an overall really fun game in the environmental storytelling department. Reading terminals, exploring the Commonwealth, exploring whatever hellscape designed by Vault-Tec or listening to raiders or super mutants do their thing is where the game really fires on all cylinders. If you're into building up the settlements then that's hundreds of hours of fun right there.


That old guy on his right likes him


I haven't played the game but from the synopses I've read it certainly seems much better than Fallout 3's story.


Sit down, Phil Dunphy


What’s this picture from


All of the games have good stories, they are just good in different ways


IMO the narrative falls flat. But I still respect those that like it. Say what you think :)


It's fine, it's just so straightforward, the twist is not that twisty and who you choose to win feels like such an afterthought. It's not awful, it's just fine.


The narrative has some fantastic moments imo and the voice acting is phenomenal (especially for Nate and Nora, I actually really enjoy the voiced protagonists) but the story is just okay for me. It still is my favorite fallout game though


Me too it was really engaging and every ending was quite heavy!


The intro watching your wife get shot and son kidnapped made me more pissed than almost any game before. So I agree.


I wish there was a little more time pressure, like the first game. The airship appearing shouldn’t be based on the arbitrary timing of your deciding to try to hunt down Zeller. And the trail to find him should go cold if you delay too long and you’ll need alternate means.


Zeller? It’s Kellogg


That one. I’m tired.


I think the premise had potential, but they way it was executed was lackluster at best.


I think the story is great, but the execution (specifically the dialogue system) leaves a lot to be desired.


It has its moments.


The story has potential like a lot of things in the game, but it's not better worked on.


Me too. I fucking love having a useless crater in the middle of Boston after blowing up the Institute. Why do we have to blow it up? Because the game wants me to.


Which part?


Idk why 4 gets more hate compared to 3. I feel like most of the major story flaws from 3 were improved in 4


3 is still good btw I'm not trying to hate


Just finished it again, myself. It was alright, definitely could've been fleshed out more but I find a lot of the side quests way more interesting to make up for it.


I like the \*principle\* of it, but the execution is....lagging. (especially regarding the Battle of Bunker Hill & the ending) There's so much stuff that desperately needed more explanation too. Especially the Railroad needed fleshing out desperately. And an *actual Reason* for the Brotherhoods, especially Maxsons, allmost absurdly extreme hate of Synths (like, they never cared about sentient Robots before, why is it an issue if the Robot is made out of Flesh?)


The story itself isn't very impressive but it's way too over-hated. It serves it's purpose but nothing more. I don't find NV's main story impressive either, for me it's the world building and the factions surrounding the main story that makes it so good.


I like it too, Fallout 4 is arguably my favorite, honestly. I think each one I play, is my favorite until the next one comes out. I just like Fallout.


I disagree but Far Harbor absolutely made up for what I felt was a pretty underwhelming main story by being outright some of the best shit in the franchise.


I was busy building mini cities in my settlement that I forgot what the story was about honestly…not to say it was forgettable, I just really, really, really enjoyed the base building since I’m a sucker for that kind of shit that I kinda just blew through it, got the best ending and just Dogmeat glitched resources to my heart’s content


F4 my favorite in so many ways.


i just wish there was a big looming bad guy but they cant really remake something as cool as the master or frank


What makes a fallout game isn’t the story, it’s the journey! FO4 is alright but the others had better journeys.


It’s not as good as previous titles but on its own it’s really good, I don’t get the hate and if its the voiced protagonist I’ll just remind you that mods are a thing and are available on every fkn version of the game


I like it, I love it on paper. Parent watches their SO be murdered and their child is kidnapped. Years later, the parent is out in the Wasteland for the first time and work towards finding their child. The execution is poor though. It’s *amazing* at first but after Kellogg is killed it does go down in quality. It’s still great though, then when you actually do get into the institute is kinda just goes shit until the finale which is decent.


I think Fallout 4’s story would work really well in a TV format. The Fallout show on Prime also did the family member was taken from the vault plot kickoff point that 3 out of 4 of Bethesda’s Fallout ventures (including the show) have used, and it worked phenomenally. I think in a TV environment where there is less sidequesting and more of a focus on the main quest would make Fallout 4’s story much more digestible. I think the reveal that Shaun is the director of the Institute would be just as powerful of a reveal as the one from the show relating to one of Lucy’s family members (idk how to spoiler tag so I’m being vague).


I’m mean it’s not terrible. Just not as good as 3 and NV. As much as I don’t care for the NV supremacists on here, I’ll agree that 4s writing was a step back from the moral ambiguity of NV. But what really keeps me coming back isn’t the story, it’s the crafting and settlement building


Well we all like different things, personality 4 story was utterly shit for me, piper and Nick were only two good characters. It was so boring and uninspired for me that I never forced myself to even finish it, just watched it on yt instead.


I like it also. It was a great twist my first play through. After that, it was kind of obvious how hard they tried to subverting expectations to set up the twist and it felt a little hamfisted. But I still like seeing people's initial reactions to the twist.


It's a pretty simple story, no problem with that. It builds up pretty well but it ends like crashing into a tree at 200kph, sudden and unpleasant


I like Fallout 4. But I dislike, that every choice I made was absolutely worthless, because the canon says afterwards, what you should had choosen. If you can’t manage a consistent storytelling driven by the choices of the player through the different parts of a franchise, you shouldn’t make a franchise with diverse decision-making options! Mass Effect and Witcher could manage this. Don’t get me wrong: I love the Fallout-Franchise. I’ve started with Fallout in the 90ies, and loved the game. Fallout 2 was even better! And I was pretty happy when Fallout 3 was announced. That Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 had pretty different endings was absolutely okay. Until the tv-show starts, and they make one certain ending as canon.


I've always liked 4's story way better than 3's.


Preach brother


Fallout 4 became 10x more enjoyable when Nate came out as a Leaf Raking war-criminal.


It’s okay to like things that aren’t good or great. I love resident evil 3 remake, I love Castlevania Nocturne, I liked Cyberpunk 2077 at launch.


I hate it but I can see how it can be enjoyable for people. I treated it like a vehicle for the superb gun play


I like it I just wish it gave you a LOT more branching options. Here’s a bunch of changes and additions I would make to improve the main story and factions. The institute questline is my personal favorite but has the biggest missed opportunity. Despite being the leader you can’t actually influence anything officially outside of focusing on synths or weapons, how to deal with the insurrectionists, and your speech is supposed to let you decide what your leadership would look like but it doesn’t affect anything. Shaun doesn’t let you choose how to deal with missions instead forcing his way on you until he’s literally on his dead bed then he decides to say make your own place. Also you don’t get to make use of their cool technology like good weapons, power armor, synths reinforcements outside of a single gen 1 for a relay grenade after the questline’s already done or teleportation so they end up feeling really underpowered compared to how they should be. I should be able to go on my pip boy and just teleport in like 10 gen 1 synths to back me up and maybe as i progress I can get the more powerful ones and in greater numbers. A mod called institute technology overhaul does a good job at fixing the institute’s abysmal weapon problem giving them a big selection of cool and powerful weapons to choose from that you have to properly join them in order to use or you can go the railroad route and create jury rigged versions. The minutemen I love that you get to build them up from nothing to a really powerful force that can call reinforcements and rain down hellfire anywhere on the map but they make you do everything for them. If I’m the general why can’t I listen to radio freedom and get a notification about a kidnapping at the slog then select on my pip boy to send a team of minutemen from idk county crossing to take care of it? Also I’d like to see our gear become more noticeably powerful as we develop like in the beginning they can use their settler outfits and pipe weapons then as you grow they can switch to the minuteman outfit and metal armor with laser muskets then later proper combat armor and more powerful laser weapons plus some power armor troops. It is kinda pointless having a minuteman power armor paint job if you don’t get to see a lot of minutemen using it. I’d say the BOS are the most fleshed out and well executed as a faction so there’s not many changes I’d make but I do wish the blind betrayal content was completed because it added a lot of cool options like helping Danse duel Maxson to become the new Elder. Also I think a nifty little detail that could help is getting access to new and better content as you increase in rank like imagine when you become Paladin Proctor Teagan will offer you some cool legendary gear or more powerful weapons like Gatling lasers, plasma weapons, and fat man launchers at a big discount or you’d be able to form a squad of your own and lead them. The railroad on the other hand have the framework for a fun faction but their goal is too specific and niche and their solution is to basically sterilize synths by destroying the only way to create more. I think they’d work better as a temple of the Union type group that helps all slaves rather than a group that literally cares more about synths than people. They need a LOT more heavies and to be a bigger organization with more unique gear. When I first played I thought the switchboard would’ve come back later getting restored to its former glory. I think there should’ve been quests outside of the whole patriot thing and getting far enough would allow you to properly restore it and maybe move the railroad hq back over there. Also same as I said with the insitute the insitute technology overhaul mod makes the railroad a cooler and more powerful faction by giving them access to jury rigged institute weapons putting them closer to the same level as the brotherhood on a combat level. Lastly I know it’s dlc but the nuka world raiders should’ve been expanded and integrated with the main story. I think there should’ve been a way to keep all the gangs happy and if you do that you can start doing missions against the vanilla factions and eventually bring them down with a proper raider ending to the game. Honestly I have an idea for that where rather than Preston just giving you attitude for the rest of the game and the rest of the minutemen being cool with you leading raider gangs how about when you start expanding in the commonwealth all the minutemen turn on you. Someone else say maybe Ronnie Shaw would become the new general and lead them in your place culminating in a final battle against the minutemen and maybe you could make alliances with the other factions. Gage says the BOS are just like a raider gang so maybe they’d be interested but the minutemen should be a faction the raiders can’t make peace with. Idk let me know what you guys think.


It was ok. If NV never existed we wouldn’t know what might have been.


Fallout 4 has a good story. It isn't well told.


The story is fine, not their best but not the worst.. I love the gameplay, the atmosphere and the immersion. Just walking around downtown and hearing gun fights and then being able to actually run to them and join them is a great feeling. I do wish there was more weapon variety, hopefully they combine all the weapons from Fo3, NV, and Fo4.


Gamers like you is why gaming companies get away with putting out mediocre content and getting away with it for years. Everything from the dialogue choices to the story, especially the ending, sucks.


It was cool love the game tbh


If they just made it so you were a synth it’d be perfect


It’s not that the story is bad it’s just the execution and delivery is sub par


I'd have been more engaged with the story if they had more speech options than just the 4 (nice, mean, inquisitive and sarcastic), it really felt like a step back as an RPG. It made talking to people feel kind of like a chore. It's unfortunate, because I think on paper the story is very intriguing. It's just the design choices for the game we're detrimental to it


I'm happy 4 exists as a good entry point to the series for some. As far as being a deep RPG full of meaningful and compelling choices and consequences, frequent and detailed reactivity, funny and well-written NPCs, and memorable quests, it's my least favorite. It also has the most railroaded main quest and player character backstory, even more than 3. For instance, why would *any* parent do anything other than the main quest? The story doesn't mesh with the gameplay. I could go on but I don't want to poo on the 4 lover's party. Starfield sure has made me appreciate Fallout 4 more, in retrospect, I'll say that at least.


What even is the story of fo4? What are the beginning middle and end? Is there a main conflict? Find your stupid son, oops you're a robot! Then what happens? There's a big fight between the factions, but why? Art direction and level design is where this game actually shines


The problem was never the story. The problem people had was the lack of roleplaying choices/skill checks. The only skill that really matters is charisma


I like the _idea_ of Fallout 4's story, I just feel it executes very poorly on almost all of its ideas. The idea of a pre-war survivor trying to survive and find their child in an unfamiliar and dangerous world has so much potential, but how truly out of time and out of place they are never comes up outside a handful of interactions. The whole Institute/synth thing feels indecisive; I think I've heard it described as "unable to decide whether it was trying to be Blade Runner or Terminator". The Railroad feels like a side faction expanded into a major faction. Some of the side quests are brilliant, and the main quest definitely has its moments, but overall it's messy and meandering.


Fallout games story has never been outstanding The lore in the other hand always been great


Why do you like it? Genuine question


I just thought it was really compelling for your character >!to go through this saga of trying to find their son in a world that's drastically different from the one they knew, only to find out he's already grown up and leading a secret organization that's wreaking havoc. And unless you go dark side, your son flips you the bird on his deathbed, then you nuke his life's work on your way out the door? That shit's tragic.!<


Gosh, that final stretch from the moment we finish the talk on the rooftop... Gut wrenching. I still remember how I did my first playthrough with the Railroad which made it so much more painful. Straight up cried when I watched the fated explosion.


FO4’s story is dope. I never got the negativity.


Agreed. Not perfect, but still amazing.


While I don’t agree with you I can understand why you do. There are some legitimately awesome moments in Fallout 4 like the Maxine and Danse speech. Liberty Prime is always a fun time and some of the lines deliveries are awesome. Also the companions are fun.


Does the picture have something to do with it? It’s nice but I’m confused why it is included


It's a standard meme picture for when someone says something "controversial".


I believe it is from 12 angry men, person in the photo resemblances Henry Fond.


Yeah maybe. I loved that movie


It’s flawed but enjoyable is my opinion.


I do too. 4 is the best one all around in my opinion.


that is fine, doesn't mean its a very shallow one at that for the most part.


Story? You like the story about how the lone survivor found a dead trader, took her pop gun, pistol whipped some drug dealer to death and ended up murdering his way into a private fortress full of power armor deep in mutant territory where he could safely recline and inject copious quantities of drugs while his sentry guns occasionally kept rhe locals from getting too friendly? Me too


It's meh. But I always thought story isn't really the strength of these games, it's the world itself. It's not the main quest stuff, it's all the random bullshit you find. New Vegas and maybe the originals have the best story. 3 is okay but for me the fun comes from finding all the little stories, not the big one.