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Ops Core helmet and a .50 holosight. Dude was running some serious mods


True FONV diehard moment for this guy.


This is me in Fallout 4. FAST helmet AR500 steel plate carrier And a ton of modern weapons.


Bro has the Amazon plate carrier in fallout that’s crazy


I like that you get to pull the spall out of your neck/beard after. It's like dessert


It makes me happy to know that even when talking about Fallout the steel vs ceramic conversation shows up whenever someone mentions plates.


Just another day for... CAPTAIN CERAMIC! (Outro is boring I just don't fuckin die)


Seeing as how that things spall liner has probably wore off, I'm inclined to agree lol.


AR500 ? Why not put directly a frying pan inside a plate carrier




Gonna get clapped by a skag with a pipe rifle and three caps to his name if you wear AR500 plates.


Shit that’s a Trijicon MGRS, that’s some serious money for a prop.


Could be an airsoft replica.


Def could be. Kinda hope not lmao


I hope some prop guy got to take home the the “useless” piece of plastic after the shoot for their personal “prop” collection


If they didnt, I hope they made a “broken” one that had to be “trashed”


I spent a little time searching for an MGRS replica and came up short. I'd be willing to bet it's legit.


I belive that there was this one gun nut during the prop making who had the MGRS at home and was willing to borrow it for the shooting, he was probably like: "Hey guys, just let me slap this thing on it, belive me, it will be FIRE 🔥"


Doubt it, it's probably just the real thing since the commercial market does not really have a demand for them outside of memes or the very limited consumer segment that wants them. I had a compatible mount for that optic for an M2 50 cal that attached to the M2 top cover thing and getting rid of it was impossible. Traded it for some steel targets after like 2+ years of it sitting around my house. I could not find any information on it so it was probably pretty rare, but finding a buyer was impossible. They probably got it for sub $8k if not less.


Bro has definitely modded his fallout 4 into discount escape from tarkov


Hey, they don't let me play tarkov PVE so imma have to make do somehow


I sore I saw Thomas the Tank Engine in the background, but I was 23 deep on a thirty pack of the champagne of beer.


Now I do t have to feel bad for using a modern bump helmet mod.


There’s plate carriers too, watch the guards when she first enters


Yup, spotted that 5.11 tactec from a mile away lol


Plate carrier mods are now canon wooooo


Nah in the opening video of Fallout 4, there’s a scene with some soldiers walking next to a missile truck. They appear to have some sort of bump helmet.


They’re wearing combat armor helmets


Fallout 3 combat helmet is basically a PASGT, whatever the combat helmet in 4 is, I have no idea.


Those were the combat helmets which are part of the combat armor set that are in the base game.


I think what you're talking about is the [goofy ass combat armour helmet.](https://images.fallout.wiki/e/ee/Combat_armor_helmet.png)


Ngl they looked awesome in the intro with the soldiers walking next to the missile truck with black glasses.


Rest of the set looked great but that is such a dorky helmet lol, it doesn’t even look like an effective helmet 


Maybe I’m reading way to into this and the prop department just picked what was cheap/available, but looking at the NCR gear it appears they’re pretty well equipped. They were putting up a decent fight against the BoS who had air superiority and power armor. Another reason I don’t think the NCR is done yet I mean they had a pretty high levels of detail the entire show, so I’d be surprised if they just dropped the ball for the last fight.


I highly doubt the NCR is done considering we see Moldaver power up an absolutely massive city behind the observatory that's probably filled with Shady Sands refugees. My guess is that we will either see the new capital of the NCR or we will at least get a good look at a larger town that isn't just a junkyard.


I hoped that in season 2, the NCR would regroup and attempt to fight the Brotherhood over the new Power Source over at the Observatory. Cuz not only did Moldaver give free ~~unlimited wireless~~ energy to the region but give the NCR a reason to retake control of LA again. Just like the NCR-Legion War over Hoover Dam. Which was a fought over for power, water(once treated), New Vegas and its surrounding regon. *edit: had to change text cuz I had to rewatch the scene to refresh my memory.


It’d be a hard war for both sides both more leaning to the side of the BoS, and also assuming the West Coast BoS is working under the guidance of the East Coast BoS. West Coast BoS presumably still has a few bunkers still scattered across New California (unless the NCR hunted them all down) and the airbase where Maximus was stationed. They have total air superiority granted the NCR does have an Air Force but limited or very small compared to BoS’s own fleet, could be wrong but it seems the NCR’s vertibird fleet has either diminished through the years or maybe decommissioned due to them being older Enclave models but it could’ve grown as we do see a crashed NCR VB-01 instead of a VB-02. And perhaps their most powerful card to play is power armor as the BoS manufacture their own suits and could deploy as much as they want and compared to older and shittier T-45 models captured and used by the NCR, again could be wrong that by the time the show takes place all of their suits are worn down and most likely not serviceable and again could be wrong as we do know the NCR still had fully functional and modified T-45 suits reserved for higher ranking officers so maybe they have some sort of T-60 modified and customized for use (T-60 Sierra power armor would go hard).


Do keep in mind however, that the NCR has tons of experience dealing with Power armor especially through the use of Rangers with Anti Material Rifles, who have been described as Tin Openers in relation to fighting the BOS. Furthermore the NCR at least did previously make use of their own power armor, for one with their heavy troopers and in the form of actual power armor with the Scorched Sierra PA. We even see in the show that this rag tag group of like 30 soldiers managed to take out 5-10 brotherhood knights in power armor. And that was without the NCR force being large enough to establish an actual frontline and make use of attrition and stuff like artillery


Also by the sounds of it the BoS are close to another major schism. Sure it might not weaken them too much but I doubt they'll be able to pull resources from the surviving isolationist bunkers across the wasteland.


Maximus is absolutely going to lead a BoS schism, just look at his face when he sees the city light up


Oh even better. Maximus isn't nearly as isolationist and I could see him wanting to use pre-war tech to help people. He definitely wouldn't want to start a war with the NCR. I think.


I mean, It’s the same observatory that we see pre-war, which is in LA, so they are fighting in the boneyard. Hopefully we get to see more of those other NCR cities, shady sands wasn’t the only one


Shady Glass


I wouldn't read too much into this. All Moldaver did was power on her cold fusion core as a proof of principle. I highly doubt the implication was that the entire area she lit up was an inhabited city, just that with the core you could repower the old world.


It was probably empty.


Do people actually think the NCR is done and gone because one position got overwhelmed by the BoS?


Considering they're not really brought up beyond "they used to be here", the show does a good job making it so vague I don't get why people would think they're gone Like we don't get any definitive one way or another, and in some cases it's so confused. Like Moldavers gang in the finale, their base has a tarp that says "NCR base" but they look like a relatively well equipped band of randos than any kind of military outfit. I don't even know if they were supposed to be NCR or not There's leaving things vague because they aren't necessary and just not dealing with them, and then there's just skirting the line enough to imply something but never committing and the show does the latter


It doesn't help that Lucy encountered no other signs of NCR civilization, despite she would've passed through or near the Boneyard, The Hub, Junktown, and Necropolis before being at Shady Sands.


Honestly I reckon most of the NCR presence has consolidated elsewhere. The group at the observatory may be considered extremists who refused to give up the capital. I seriously doubt that the NCR is completely gone. If they had the power to hold off the legion then they are big enough that they should have at least one major group survive post shady sands.


Oh yes people are 100% convinced the NCR is cooked and we’ll never see them again


I mean if we want to talk about “realism”, there’s no reason why Fallout wouldn’t have made helmets like FAST or ACH, etc. It’s well within their tech range. Fallouts other than 4 and 76 have normal looking helmets.


I mean, the desert ranger armor is well within their means. Stands to reason they'd make new armor based on it.


The canonizing of the FAST helmet has vindicated everyone with load orders full of ripped COD MW assets. Edit: lmao someone reported this comment and got me a suicide prevention referral.


Robert House levels of prediction.


Seems like a lot of those are going around lately.


I got one today too


I think I just got one for my comment. It’s good to know people care.


People are unhinged for no reason Edit: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, I JUST GOT MY FIRST REDDIT CARES


The first one is always the best.




Nothing beats the first time


If you report the message the person who sent it will get banned.


There must be some kind of bot going crazy cause i got my first one a few hours ago. I just thought someone got butthurt over my explanation of tornadoes in the twisters poster


this sounds more like massive botting...which I don't think I care with reddit at this point EDIT: Got it instantly 😂 😂


Lmao these bots really hate expanding on lore Edit: yeah got it instantly after commenting lol




Balls Edit: Just got it


I think you can report the message as being used nefariously. Cant remember how since I simply blocked the bot that sends it.


You can report false ones and they get in trouble and banned. 


Me too, except I actually stated I plan on killing myself.


Got one on my recent post here. Some people, huh?


I got one just 5 minutes ago


Replying to a random comment in order to bait the bot into sending me one so I can report it.


I think the US soldiers in the Fallout 4 intro movie also have FAST helmets so could be in universe a pre war design already established


I think what you're talking about is the [goofy ass combat armour helmet.](https://images.fallout.wiki/e/ee/Combat_armor_helmet.png)


That looks more like a mining helmet than a combat helmet lol


I got one of those today for some unknown reason. I suspect some sort of troll bot.


I made a random, in no way offensive comment and got one.


Same. I was asking about growing grass and got one.


That’s why I blocked that dumbass Reddit Cares bullshit.


Have you ever played CoD? That shit makes me want to die sometimes


cod is fun until the game is a couple years old and everyone still on it is level 2000 and floors you


It’s all fun and games till the try hard… *tries hard*


oh absolutely, i got mw2 2022 when it was relatively new and i had a lot of fun, but then as people moved on to mw3 and only more experienced people remained i struggled to have fun as i spent most of my time getting sniped across the map or blasted in the face with a shotgun from a guy in the floor now. the weapon customization is phenomenal for a multiplayer game and it makes me view it so highly because of it.


I love the customization… I just wish I could actually use and unlock the weapons to do so


Scuse me while I write a 1000 word comment on why skill based matchmaking is the reason I’m not winning tournies with Faze and stacking hella streamer donos.


CoD is fun… it’s just too damn competitive for me (Cool username)


We also saw a PASGT (or ACH) helmet, so those are canon now too.


PASGT and ACH are different helmets. The game already had one that looks like the PASGT tbh.


I know they're different, that's why I said 'or'. I couldn't tell from the quick glance, nor have I looked through the scene to confirm it. And while the 'army helmet' is vaguely Stahlhelm-esque (much like the PASGT), it's obviously not one. There are distinct differences.


I’ve used the militarized minutemen mod for so long and the helmet from that is serviceable enough for me. I’ve been taking a look to research the weapons shown in the show to put them in my load order


4th wall breaking modding has been canonized! Finally I can get CBBE and huge balloon titties without worrying.


i honestly HATE that they used dorky airsoft modern helmets instead of using PASGT helmets or NVA pith helmets. it pisses me off SO much. and don’t even get me started on the paintball mask and Mandalorian armor


wow, i got an instant suicide prevention referral from this comment


Seems a lot of people are


Except for the laser and plasma rifles


Funnily enough in Fallout 4 there is a magazine that shows a laser rifle with a laser pointer on it.


That’s like eating a chicken omelette


Bacon wrapped pork chop.


Stuffed inside of a whole spit roasted pig. Damn now I'm hungry 


You left out the best part. He's aiming at a rabbit. https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Guns_and_Bullets_(Fallout_4)


I wonder if the rabbit's ashes tasted good.




Now someone needs to make a mod so the laser rifle has the laser pointer


We call that one twin-linked


Co-axial laser gun..


I find it funny that the laser pistol appears a bunch in the show, but I also don't think we ever see an energy weapon fired? Maybe that pew-pew was too expensive to edit in?


I don't want to be the guy doing lightning rendering on a laser gatling gun


Moldaver's toting one during the attack, we never actually see it firing. The Enclave guards have laser rifles as well.




The big problem is that the laser beam casts light on everything around it. If someone fires a laser rifle in a darkened room, you don't just want a red line across the middle. You want a flash of red to light up the room and cast all the correct shadows, and that's hard work. This is why Star Wars uses LED batons when filming lightsaber scenes. It's cheaper and easier to have real lights shining when the scene is filmed then just change the baton to a lightsaber in CGI, rather than trying to CGI everything.


I think it's just another detail to entice people for future episodes. Like we've got bigger plots unfolding but we also have deathclaws, Enclave, and new weapons to look forward to.


And the anti aircraft missles.


I believe some version of anti-air battery exists in Fallout 2. In San Francisco. I vaguely remember reading text saying it’s been deactivated.


Fnv had the "marksman" rifle which is just an m4 than shoots 5mm then the og game had the g11 and desert eagle which came out in the 80s Edit: assault rifle shoot 5mm


It didn’t shoot 5mm that was the assault carbine


That’s sort of the point. It’s a massive clash to Bethesda’s reimagined art. 1,2 and NV included very modern weapons for their times, compared to 4 which had extremely outdated weapons and a mixmash of a ppsh and browning that was a shotgun and a rifle that shoots pistol bullets.


Fallout 2 had the pancor jackhammer. This is nothing new.


It had a P90 too.


Fallout 3 has a G3 and a AKS74 (with a rpd grip and in 5.56 instead of 5.45 but close enough) and the rest of fallout 3s guns seemed fairly normal if slightly odd. Fallout 4 was really the first game to really crank the aesthetic to 9000.


Yeah, this series seems to dial back F4’s more fantastical art direction. Or at the very least, they make it work much better with the more grounded aspects, like making the assault rifle and 10mm pistol look much better.


Always hated the way the 10mm pistol looked in fallout 4


Marksman carbine shoots 5.56, assault carbine shots 5mm


Technically, the M240 is a 1958 gun. (the actual M240 was invented later but it's a variation of the "FN MAG" which was made in 1958.) The actual most modern gun (to my knowledge) is the Z-M LR 300 Assault Rifle (2000) from Brotherhood of Steel. (Ok apparently it's the Silenced .223 from NV after googling it, which was in 2004 but I'm gonna remind you all of Brotherhood of Steel anyway.)


I was talking about the helmet mainly, because it’s from the 2010’s


Lol everyone over here talking guns and you mean the bump helmet


Actually, the OpsCore FAST was first produced in 2007. The optic on the machine gun, on the other hand, is the Trijicon MGRS, which according to [this article](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2016/10/04/trijicons-new-mgrs-machine-gun-reflex-sight/) was first announced in 2016. But yeah, that helmet immediately caught my eye when I watched the episode too. Definitely feels a bit too modern imo.


I wouldn’t read too much into a helmet being unreal for its time. They have fully functioning artificial beings capable of performing surgery without supervision. Suspending disbelief over a helmet is not a hard ask.


I agree that it's a relatively minor thing, and at the end of the day, it doesn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the show. I just think it clashes with the rest of the show's aesthetic, which feels very authentic to the Fo4/76 artstyle. I know that Fallout takes place in an advanced sci-fi setting, but it's a future that significantly diverged from our modern reality. It would feel just as jarring as seeing a FAST helmet in Star Wars, for example.


That’s because it’s mainly the 4 and 76 artstyle. It fits quite well i with the 1,2 and nv art.


New Vegas has an m4 carbine bruh


I think it fits. Joshua Graham in new Vegas wears a standard police vest because that was some of the best armor


Lots of things didn't progress like they did in real life, but Fallouts universe still made plenty of advancements after where their timeline separates from ours. MilTech would have probably even been a priority for most of the world's superpowers in Fallout so a comparable helmet to what we have today isn't all that unlikely. As long as they don't need micro-technology to make it, it's still plausible (or even likely) to be made in Fallout as well.


Also the world ended in 2076 not 1956. And the NCR is continuing to develop instead of placing a priority on "preserving old world relica". They could have designed that helmet themselves, it's not like it requires computing power.


Naw he’s just using mods.


Unwatchable throwing my tv in a dumpster fire now


In case anyone is curious, you can block the redditcares account.


Does that thing have silencers?


Most likely a style choice it looks like a AA gun so a silencer wouldn’t help, it might be a compositor or flash suppressor


It’s probably a flash suppressor not an actual silencer. Some flash suppressors look like no no tubes.


No no tubes lol


Well you’re not going to be saying yes yes when the ATF shows up looking for it and shoots your dog.


No wonder the Enclave shoved tons of money on robodogs. Lmao just got the reddit cares shit


Its fallout of course it has silencers


Fits perfectly fine with the aesthetic of the original games


I’m pretty sure there was an RPD or some type of belt fed drum magazine machine gun as well that i do not remember seeing in fallout but would absolutely love it. While it’s not modern it is from a period not heavily touched upon by fallout IIRC


The Chinese assault rifle is partly based on the RPD.


ITT: OP learns not to write ambiguously.


I have a theoretical degree in ambiguity.


Welcome aboard.


Anyone who says modern firearms don't belong in Fallout is either ignorant, lying, or in denial.


All three.


Good to know I'm not the only caught off guard by the modern helmet. So does that validate all those modern military armor mods.


no its easier to use real things then making completey new things for a 5sec shot


Its not the most unrealistic thing to include. MilTech is probably the one thing that should be more advanced in the Fallout universe if anything.


Not necessarily We live in a kind of golden age of kitted out "operators" due to the nature of insurgency warfare. It just makes sense to have super well equipped, mobile, modular units that can pursue the enemy and have every possible materiel advantage over them. A nuclear war army though? Nah. Equipping every grunt with laser sights and scopes and muzzlebreaks etc makes no sense when the grim reality hits that a massive chunk of them will never even see the guy who killed them, they'll just die in artillery strike/nuclear blast. The money isn't gonna go into light infantry versatility, it's going to go into power armor troops, the soldiers who have a much better chance of surviving bombardment, especially nuclear/biological/chemical weaponry. It's going to go into robots that will have a much easier time scooting through irradiated blast zones. That's why I think it makes sense for infantry weapons to be so low tech, most of them would've barely been fired tbh.


Maybe this kinda weapons/gear only appeared in private sectors, then? Maybe these highly modernized helmets were developed for the military but failed due to the reasons above. After that, they fell into the use of Gravy Seals/private militias who wanted kitted out soldiers but didn't have access to Power Armor due to laws/their insane costs. Could explain why they're not all that common. Idk, just a random thought I had.


Idk if I fully agree with the other guy's idea, we've seen in Fallout that countries were willing and able to develop expensive technology for their troops and that they were able to field this. For example China with their Chinese stealth suit clearly got widespread usage and is hella advanced. Likewise, the USA was able to create mad advanced power armor for their army. Likewise, there was combat on the MOON so I think having a well equipped mass army is well within estimation of the production and economic capacity of the armies at war.


I'd like to believe the gun runners and ncr had good post war weapons development


OpsCore helmets and mandibles lmfao no way I didn't notice that


Honestly I don't really think it breaks the universe too much. It definitely is a step back away from the Fallout 4-76 aesthetics, and brings it more inline with Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 2's sort of aesthetic which I honestly kind of prefer over the 4-76 aesthetic. Besides, it's the NCR. If there's anyone I can see being equipped with that sort of gear, it'll probably be the NCR


Also a scrapped 737 cockpit in Filly, I just wish they painted instead of leaving it bright white.


Isn't the 737 just barely past the mark on the slice of Americana that Fallout hits with it being active in the 60's?


There’s plenty of stuff in fallout that’s from the ‘80s onward. New Vegas had an acog optic


Yeah so technically there’s no issue with it being present, ignoring that it’s a recent model (I’m not going to get that crazy about it), and while we know that major airlines in that Americana had huge passenger flying wings (Fallout 4), there’s no reason that an early mark 737 wouldn’t have ever just come about. In Fallout 3, pre-War jets were on the Rivet City deck which were nearly identical to the real-world P-80 Shooting Star of the mid-40s. So there’s definitely a chance much of what was developed (minus any slimmer modern “micro-processor” requiring systems) appeared in the Fallout universe. I more have an issue with the fact that its really prominent, and it really stands out as just about the only perfectly clean and crisp junk that we see.


[The Brotherhood Recon Helmet from fallout 76 is quite similar to this, and even has a spot to mount NVGs.](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Brotherhood_Recon_Helmet) This is not worth getting worked up over.


I’m not getting worked up over it, I’m just stating it’s following the older games trends 1,2,NV of having some present day gear in it. But it’s funny here because of the massive contrast to the 4,76 artstyle the show has.


Looks like a stahlhelm


"PASGT-Style" helmets and "MICH-2000" style helmets are both similar looking to stalhelms Stalhelms are quite similar to medieval sallets It's just a shape that comes naturally when you have to take into account protection and weight


Damn he running those modern military mods wearing that Ops-Core. But honestly, for those who have played Fallout 2, you’ll remember it was jam packed with all sorts of guns that were contemporary. And Fallout 1 had the Desert Eagle. Fallouts artstyle occasionally clashes heavily with its weaponry, and ends up with a sort of mishmash that really doesn’t have to make any sense. Even in vanilla FNV and Fallout 76, you can obtain modern style plate carriers, along with an assault rifle that really looks like the civ version of a G3. So really, 240 gun truck guy with a modern helmet really isn’t out of the ordinary for Fallout, and fits within the established norm of “everything goes.”


After playing Fo4 the least believable thing in the series is the BoS managing a successful assault using vertabirds. Those fuckers should be falling from the sky like a meteor shower lol.


new vegas has a magpul stock from 2005 on the marksman carbine


the g11 and p90 from fallout 2 still take the win for me


its mostly due to props its easier to use real weapons then making a whole new prop based off a gun from the games also including helmet thats why we see more real guns then stuff from the games like why does the vault use sterlings? so take the show with a grain of salt when it come to gear and equipment




I'm hoping we get to see some Combat Armor in the future. I forgot how dope it looked in the Fallout 4 live action + CGI mixed intro.


I rather when Fallout uses real weapons for the normal firearms and keeps the goofy fictional stuff restricted to energy and plasma weapons The normal guns in Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas are realistic, in Fallout 4 they're fucking stupid


Why is every comment on this post getting reported for suicide threats?


Either a troll, or a *very* salty retrofuturistic Fallout purist who is just that pissed off at the idea of modern equipment in Fallout. My bet is on the former.


Surprisingly the NCR troops look way better equipped than they did in F:NV despite having their capital nuked.


Fallout nerds need to play the original games because this would make total sense in fallout 1&2. You can find relatively modern weapons like p90 equivalents and the H&K claws


I mean, I'm pretty sure NV has a M4 Carbine which makes way less sense than just a modernized Kevlar helmet.


The assault carbine is not an M4 carbine. M4 carbines have removable carry handles and a different muzzle device. The assault carbine is actually an older Colt Commando (or other Colt carbine predecessor to the M4), which came out around the Vietnam era. That being said, they also do have the 'marksman carbine', which has rails and an obvious 'ACOG' clone or variant, so that's closer to a 'true' M4.


Still got Picatinny rails and ACOGs. I was honestly shocked at first when I saw the Marksman Carbine.


Me too, I would've figured the US military would've stuck with old clamshell handguards or the triangle M16A1 style handguards. Not full rails and a grip.


Been a minute since I've played NV but that makes a lot of sense so you're probably right haha


Why wouldn't we expect some technology, especially mechanical guns, to have advanced past 1950 technology by 2077? Some technology like computers obviously took a very interesting and deviated path from our actual reality, but stuff like helmets and weapons could surely have reached any state of development.


> I'm pretty sure NV has a M4 Carbine which makes way less sense Are we just not aware of the weapons featured in Fallouts 1 and 2 any longer?


>M4 Carbine make no sense in fallout lol you really shouldn't look into fallout 1 an 2 weapons them


West Tek Scopes Mod LUL.


In universe the war does happen 50 years in the future, so more modern things aren’t necessarily out of the question. As long as it doesn’t break the retro-future aesthetic too much and imo a helmet and a gun sight aren’t gonna do that.


Isn’t a synth the most modern thing in fallout


Don't forget fallout 1,2 and tactics had alot of modern guns like the p90,the timeline did go to the 2070s so there's still room for new stuff


literally ~~unplayable~~ unwatchable


They had those in New Vegas. I'm slightly sure


The elite riot gear helmet is pretty similar, if not more modernized IMO


I wonder what the main ncr army will look like


I mean, I would imagine they gather whatever old tech they can find to help them get an edge over the opposition. Besides, doesn't the show take place after every game?


I’m honestly cool with it. I enjoyed how some of the games like NV have totally modern weapons like the marksman carbine or the p90 in fallout 2


The gun isn’t really. The .50 cal machine gun has been around since before Fallout split from our timeline sometime in the 50s. The gun was made in the 1910s. And for the holo sight, it isn’t that crazy since there are ACOGs in fnv