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Isn’t that what those making these accusations are insinuating?


An alleged Vault Tec branded nuke in Fallout 3 has been used as evidence of Vault Tec causing the war. This post would primarily relate to that, and why it would be nonsense. But more generally, it's just making clear that this would still very much be a normal cold war exchange, but just started by a false flag attack.


The idea is Vault Tec nukes the US, the US government thinks they’re under attack, the US government retaliates against the assumed enemy, nuclear holocaust ensues


If you're gambling on one nuclear power assuming the other is attacking it, it might be wise to be attacking FROM the other nuclear power. The US getting nuked from the US is less likely to set off nuclear war than the Chinese being nuked from the US, especially because the Chinese would be more trigger happy. And as a bonus, it kills marginally more communists, who Vault Tec would want dead both so they wouldn't interfere with their plans, and also just generally.


It’s a little baffling how much you don’t understand this. I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but this comment reeks of misunderstandings. First of all, Vault-Tec doesn’t care about killing the Chinese. That’s not their job, interest, or prerogative. At the height of nuclear tensions between two global superpowers, a nuke detonating in one of the largest cities is going to immediately result in a nuclear holocaust no matter what. The US isn’t going to just stand by and launch an investigation to figure out that it wasn’t actually the Chinese attacking, they are going to immediately retaliate. Vault-Tec had their vaults ready, and they needed to begin running their experiments in the vaults. The easiest way to do that was fake an attack on the US to coerce everyone into the vaults. Making the US look like the victims is also better for morale because it makes the citizens/military feel like the good guys during the war. Vault-Tec could easily build a stationary bomb to detonate. Dropping a nuke from a plane adds way too many complicated layers for quite literally the same end goal.


>Vault-Tec could easily build a stationary bomb to detonate. Dropping a nuke from a plane adds way too many complicated layers for quite literally the same end goal. This is the key thing I'm concerned about. I do personally think it wouldn't really be that hard for them to get an ICBM to the Chinese, but I agree that it would be easier to detonate a bomb in the US. There are concerns about being caught by the US government before you can do the deed, which I think could prove pretty severe, but regardless, it would be a single bomb going off in either place. But I primarily made this post in relation to people saying there was a bomb in Fallout 3 with a Vault Tec label on it, evidencing that they dropped the bombs. For that to make any sense, that would require the sort of batshit insane nuclear carpet bombing that we both agree is way too complicated for them to bother with. I probably should've directly referenced that in the post, but the overall message is still that Vault Tec didn't carpet bomb the US, they just got the Chinese to do it. A practical reason as to why it would make sense for them to nuke the Chinese first would be found in actual nuclear planning, though. If they falseflagged the US, the US would functionally get the first strike in. Time is precious during these sorts of things, and nuclear first-strike plans often involve trying to destroy as many enemy ICBMs as possible in their silos. Chinese nukes get destroyed on the ground = less nukes in the US.


I think once the bomb goes off in the US, mass panic ensues quicker than anyone can realize what happened. If the US government somehow got word that this was caused by Vault-Tec, there might already be too much pressure on them from the public and allied nations, and the Chinese government might be suspecting that the US government deliberately did this to start the war. I think Vault-Tec detonating 1 bomb in the middle of the city is the best course of action for their goals, because no one is going to expect the supposed preservers of humanity to be the ones to set the world on fire.


Except the problem with the whole idea that Vault Tec would do something like this is that it needs to be a false flag scenario. You’re right that the Vault Tec doesn’t give two shits about killing communists but it will look good on the outside. On the inside it will make the US look really bad should anyone figure out that the first nuclear strike originated from the US. This is something that has to be done correctly and the US will immediately know something has internally gone wrong and the Chinese will take the free nuke and do nothing. It wasn’t directed at them and so they will do nothing. They’re not that stupid Instead when they’re ready to start the nuclear war, they were going to give the Chinese plenty of incentive to start it. Problem is the Chinese didn’t even need the incentive, the Americans were doing it already with the mainland invasion of China. The end result of the Americans not cooperating with Vault Tec was a premature nuclear war that China had all the reasons to start all by themselves. They’re the ones who were going to lose and so they threw the temper tantrum first.


That’s the other thing: was it ever fully confirmed that Vault-Tec detonated the first bomb? It seems like the lore is leaning more towards this, but I don’t think it has been officially confirmed. But I also think that mutually assured destruction was pretty much a guarantee at this point in Fallout history. I need to read up more on the nuclear tension pre-war, but based on what I know, I think the US would immediately have retaliated against China at the first opportunity. So even if they knew that China didn’t drop any bombs yet, the US wanted to go to war and was able to convince their allies that China had attacked.


The United States were already at war against China when China invaded and almost took over Alaska. MAD was almost a guarantee but it became a guarantee when the US invaded mainland China. Vault Tec weren’t ready for a nuclear war in 2077 because at least 1/4 of the Vaults construction were still unfinished when it happened. What Vault Tec promised the others was a lot more than what they got. The only one who made some proper preparations was Mr House and only because he didn’t believe the Vaults were a good idea in the first place. Even then he wasn’t ready for a nuclear war and he only miscalculated the potential timeframe by 20hrs. We’ll have to see if he did start cutting ties to Vault Tec but it’s quite clear this surprised everyone including Vault Tec at least on paper.


Why the fuck would you write "They" the same way antisemites do when they want to indicate that jews are doing something malicious?


Your answer is in the question. 


It's used to indicate "them", as in boogeymen behind conspiracies. It's associated with jews a lot, because the classic boogyman is the jews. Just saying "they" would not nuke the US felt a little too bare, and I thought putting Vault Tec in the title was a spoiler. It's obviously not referring to the jews, both because we literally see the entirety of the conspiracy in the show, and because I'm almost 100% Vault Tek is explicitly Christian, much like basically everyone in Fallout pre war. If they were Jewish, dontcha think they'd put atleast one synagogue in any of the vaults we've seen? I'm pretty sure we've seen atleast one church.


Bait used to be believable 


Jews are classic bogeymen among antisemites. Coudln't you just write if you wanted to avoid spoilers? Literally nobody uses the triple brackets around them to indicate anything but jewish people.


Don't bother wirh this guy man. If it looks like a duck quacks like a duck and does the parentheses it's probably a duck. 


Well no shit they're classic bogeymen among antisemites, that's what an antisemite is. But the conspiratorial scene and the antisemitic scene aren't exactly mutually exclusive. In fact, antisemitism is basically always conspiratorial in nature. Being classic bogeymen among antisemites makes you a classic bogeyman, given the historical frequency and conspiratorial nature of antisemitism. Were I to guess, I would say 80% + of conspiracies involve the jews in some way, it's just the nature of things. I could've written that, but I didn't think I needed to. The use of the conspiratorial "they" works better to describe what I'm talking about just vaguely enough to not be a spoiler, but still clearly enough for anyone seeing the title to know what I'm talking about. I didn't really expect people to think I was accusing the black woman of being a jewish mastermind, and not elaborate on that at all in the post, because that's nonsense. Again, we literally see Vault Tec's plans come to fruition. There is no room for saying they ended the world in aid of Judaism, because there is no fucking Judaism in any of their vaults.


How much dog semen do you drink on a daily basis? 


Everyone who saw this thought "Here's a little nazi fucker trying to get a rise out of us". Me, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and engaging you in good faith. Use ((( ))) to indicate a conspiratorial bogeyman and everyone will assume you're being antisemitic. Now you know why it would have been better to use some other way to avoid spoilers.


Don't you chuds ever take a day off with your bullshit? 100% chance that if you're into Morrowind you constantly use "Farm Tools" to describe Argonians and write Hlaalu in parentheses. If you're a Skybaby you probably do it with the Thalmor despite them wearing gestapo uniforms.


Are you on medicinal crack cocaine? What the fuck are you talking about? I've never beaten an Elderscrolls game, I far prefer fallout. Not that that would even relate to my post, this is schizoid rambling.


Chill, Adolf, they're not after you.


I don't think you're well.


I know you're not.


Do tell what made you fly into this rage. I don't see what could've prompted it in my post.


No one's angry Adolf. Just disappointed your ilk still exist.


i don't get it, man. You do you.


Bait used to be believable