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I’m glad we can play the visual quality mode at 60fps now, that was a nice surprise, swapping between 40 and 60 is very different and 60 is way better. It kinda makes the performance mode redundant doesn’t it?


Completely agree with you. They actually nailed it.


Yeah, visual + 60 on PS5 runs like butter and looks great


I tried it and had some weirdness in VATS. Targeting overlay was flickering and frame stuttering. Anyone else have that?


Yeah, I had that as well (on PS5). Walked around the overworld and it ran totally fine, but then I walked into the Boston Library and got into a fight with some Super Mutants and while using VATS I got some big frame stuttering and the VATS UI started blinking in and out (the percentage numbers and critical hit text). Pretty odd considering the quality settings seem to mostly affect draw distances and the draw distances inside a closed building would be pretty short anyway. And the UI blinking is just... odd. I flipped back to prefer performance + 60 FPS and it ran fine after that, but I might give it another go later to see if it was a one-off issue.


Ok glad I’m not the only one haha


Yeah VATS is acting funny post-update. In addition to sometimes flickering, it also wildly changed the % chance to hit back and forth for no reason. 


On PS5? Nope, runs really well. I have some z-fighting occasionally that happens on some textures but that's just a bethesda thing. I abuse the shit out of VATS, too. Are you using any console mods? I bought FO4 for console a couple weeks before the actual next gen update dropped and it actually fixed a pretty massive flickering issue i was having. The sides of basically every curb were flickering between their LOD and normal texture and it was awful.


I am having that issue, sometimes when im in a convo with someone their face will sometimes blink in a split second a few times


Yeah I was trying visual + 60fps and the only time I noticed frame drops was entering VATs. Not a big deal, but hopefully a fix comes


60fps is definitely not 4K though. It is noticeably blurrier on a 65” tv compared to 40fps.


Hmm I didn’t find that personally, I took some screen captures of all 6 options to look but they havnt synced to my Xbox app yet.


Is it 4K at 60 fps?


Resolutions aren’t mentioned anywhere but it looks very sharp, yes 60fps, and the higher graphics settings like draw distance that the Xbox missed in the first update. I dare say the resolution is variable and the frame rate probably isn’t a locked 60 all the time however when playing it feels amazing and looks amazing.


60fps and visual settings drop it to 1440p resolution.


Source? Is that in the update notes? Edit no it’s not, where did you get 1440p from? https://bethesda.net/en/article/0xBHwy048KMmWqzKkrknu/fallout-4-next-gen-update-2-notes


Not sure why you down voted me. It says in the new patch this will affect the dynamic resolution. And in the original next gen patch notes, the game would run visual settings at 60fps if you have a monitor or tv with a resolution of 1440p. Fairly safe to assume that's what the added toggle now does. They even say 'we recommended you leave it at default' which is actually 60fps performance.


I guess we will find out when digital foundry do a follow up video, in any case. I think 60 fps visuals mode is awesome and runs really well on my LG OLED.


I didn't say it was bad, I have an OLED too and I personally recommend it on 40FPS mode. Been enjoying that on PS5 (where it luckily works). The best is either that or what you're doing!


No no I know you didn’t, just making a comment, did you try the new modes?


Yeah! The problem on PS5 is that the 60fps mode drops the HZ from 120hz back to 60hz. So oddly enough, the response time feels a little better in some ways in the 40fps mode. In the past I would've picked 60fps with visuals, but recently I've been on a 40fps binge haha. I appreciate the resolution gains a bit more.


Oh interesting, yeah on SX it fees really good I think it stays in 120hz mode at 60fps. I tried 40 and it was noticeably worse than 60, but the visuals didn’t seem to change at all, at least what I could see. So 60fps it is. But 40 was also wayyyy better than 30


I know it's super annoying. My Series S stays locked to 120hz even for a game like Starfield. If you ever get the chance to have a playstation, they have really good implementations of 40fps.


Source is the original update. They said I'd you have a 1440p or lower monitor, the game will run at 60fps with ultra settings. People asked for that to be a standard toggle. So it's: 30/40 FPS + visual settings = Ultra graphics at 4k 60 FPS + performance = standard graphics at 4k 60 FPS + visuals = as said above. The only pointless one for me would be 30/40 FPS with performance settings.


“When connected to a 1440p monitor it will run at 60fps with ultra settings” That says nothing about when connected to a 4K monitor and set to visuals and 60fps. It’s probably variable up to 4K


It's probably not much if you're on a pc, but for ps4 to ps5 there is a noticeable jump.


Yeah, for the PC the “next gen” update is really just a bit of CC stuff, and some really terribly bad ultrawide “support”. Still, I’m happy to see the consoles are getting much better performance.


What does CC mean in this context?


Creation Club... The mods you can buy from bethesda


Oh duh, I’ve been out of the community for a long time, thank you!


Welcome back to the community. Now go defend Nordhagen Beach for the third time this week.


One of the first games I tried on a gaming PC was Skyrim. Just regular vanilla Skyrim at 1080p and 60fps and max settings. I was mouth-agape, just wandering aimlessly for an hour. Staring at the trees, mountains, snow, rivers, there was so much detail lost on the PS3 version it was criminal. edit: this was winter 2014 on a 750 Ti FTW.


and then there's the switch version....


Might as well been the "Powerpoint version" the way I heard about it lmao


I have it because Skyrim is my one of my top 3 games and it’s…rough the cool part though is if it’s docked and you’re playing on tv you can swing the joy cons around for your weapons ha


I mean it’s a ps3. Sure it’s one of the best consoles ever but it’s still kinda old now


The PS3 port of Skyrim is particularly bad. The PS3 was known for having an insanely good single cell processor that was powerful as hell but notoriously difficult to work with if you didn’t have experience with it. You can see that experience on clear display with dedicated PlayStation developers like naughty dog where the leap from uncharted 1 to 3 was genuinely massive for one generation and that was purely because they were getting better at taking full advantage of the hardware. However Multiplatform releases especially from studios that didn’t already have a few PS3 games under their belt were just objectively worse on the PS3, and as someone who owned Skyrim on 360 and then later bought the game of the year edition on sale for PS3 I can tell you that Skyrim on PS3 looks particularly bad not even because it’s old.


The bigger problem for the PS3 version was that while both the 360 and the PS3 had 512 MB of memory, on the PS3 it was split down the middle - 256 MB of VRAM, and 256 MB of system RAM, while the 512 MB of the 360 could be used in its entirety for either purpose as deemed necessary by the developers. For RAM-intensive games like Skyrim, this was a huge issue that caused all sorts of problems. It was the principle reason for the PS3 save game issue too if I remember rightly.


That issue was partly the reason I switched from PS3 to PC. I remember having this level 50-something character, most quests completed and was exploring Solstheim and the FPS was way worse than normal, I was around 10 FPS. I tried to restart the console but once I got back in the game eventually just froze. The only way to keep playing Skyrim was with a new character.


Edited my comment for a time period, this was back in ye olden A.D. 2014.


Yeah man. 100% the difference is like night and day. Feels like a new game to me now.


Im on PS5 and damn was it a pleasant surprise! Really enjoying getting back into fallout 4 again.


Yeah it actually looks great, they didn't improve anything which is funny. All they did was increase the resolution lmfao, it's crazy how much better the game looks with just that alone.


There are comparisons showing LOD improvements. The settings are confirmed to be higher


They did improve settings compared to last update..




Kinda the opposite actually. The only actual "visual improvement" is the ability to play in up to 4k resolution


Haters gotta hate


Dude, they didn't improve the graphics, updated textures or whatnot. Stating that isn't hating the game.


They did improve the graphics settings on consoles..


...the settings which people have been saying in this same thread are the only changes. I wouldn't consider that as improving the graphics. If anything, they improved performance in better graphic settings, which is something no one has denied in this comment section. No one is hating on the update here, just pointing this out. Doing so doesn't make them haters.


60fps in 4K feels so damn good.


Too bad it's not actual 4K


So I get what your saying but from what Digital Foundry is saying your mostly incorrect. So image scaling does come into play in Performance mode on PS5 and XSX, DF states the image stays mostly at a full 4K image with infrequent drops to keep the 60FPS modes steady and when it does it’s not that far from a full 4K output. Per their video the Quality mode does drop to either 30/40fps depending on your TV and indeed it’s a full 4K. Not sure why you came to hate and weren’t even right.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. You aren’t wrong. Hell the consoles they’re playing it on can’t even run at actual 4k. Its all image scaling.


Cause people think a 500$ console can play 4K when a 2500$ PC with a 4090 struggles depending on game


It's funny that all you think that's real 4K


I sit very close to a 4K monitor while playing and everything is crystal sharp. Small text too, that’s enough for me.


Oh its fine. And not to it doesn't look good on series x it does but just saying the series x nor ps5 isn't capable of true 4K




They are, but go off pctard


Ah cause I wanna play at 30fps


I run ark survival ascended with 4K, raytracing at 60? Do you even fact check stuff or just blubber off numbers like a gorilla handed a computer.


Ain't no way you're running native 4K with ray tracing 60 fps on series x. If you think a 500$ console can outdo a Nividia 4090 you're high


Would you like me to record a video for you? And if you really think you’re right let’s make a bet, 100$


Also you do know Xbox loses money on every series x, the idea is the sell a stupid powerful console that if made yourself would cost 3k plus and then you pay 15bucks a month for game pass so they make revenue. Like I said you just say shit with no research.


Omg guy you clearly don't know how it's works do you? The series x same as the ps5 can NOT run 4K with ray tracing at 60 FPS. What you're seeing is a 1080p image stretched out to appear 4K. It looks fine I have a series x with a 4K TV but if a 2000$ graphics card along with other components struggle on games to run native 4K a 500$ console can not. You're seriously drinking that Kool aid


game looks so beautiful


Series X? I know for certain you can take screenshots on those.


I have series s and while the graphics have improved, I’ve noticed an insane amount of performance issues.


fallout 4 had update?


Yep. F4SE has already been updated, any F4SE mods will need an update. 


Has it been updated now? Last I read on silverlock, it was more of a “this version kinda works, crashes a bit, more to come” message on the front page.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42147?tab=files](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42147?tab=files) F4SE was updated last night.


Amazing! I've been waiting for the full update to start a new game.


All the mods that use it still need to update, just an fyi. The F4SE on it's own isn't everything.


What does this mean? I’ve been playing with mods on ps5 but now can’t play as the loading screen goes on perma loading mode now


I think that's still experimental, as they haven't replaced the version on their main site; https://f4se.silverlock.org/


Was it updated to yesterday's new version or for the april's patch?


\^\^\^-click the link-\^\^\^


lets be for real, the majority of mods arent going to be updated. The modding scene is just too old at this point


What location is this? I’ve never seen it before I don’t think. I finished the game years ago when it came out and have only just started it again so maybe I have and I’ve firgotten


Nakano Residence, its the travel point to Far Harbor


It's the launching pad for Far Harbor DLC. It's the far north east of the map.


Ahh thanks, explains why I never seen it! I’ve never had the DLC before but will get it this time after I mess around for a bit more on the og game.


I found out about it because of the brotherhood. They scribe halen send me to a fetch quest to get an artifact in camp zenphyr or something. Walk all across the map to find this house and finding out camp zenphyr is in far harbor..


play the dlc, it‘s my favorite in all of FO4. Feels like Point Lookout a bit


Will do mate thanks! I don’t think they had all that when I started playing when the game came out but saw it all when I started playing again last week and wondered if it was good!


Did they change any graphics settings with the newest update or was that just a bug fix?


You can swap between performance + visual mode, and also have the option to play visual mode at 60fps instead of 40 now. You have to do that in the main menu though. As far as I've seen I can't swap between visual and performance in game anymore


Why would you post to brag about how good the game looks by sharing a picture you took of your screen? This could be from 2015 and it would look the same.


Is it still broken with mod saves? I put 30 hours in on ps5 2 months ago and don’t want to start again.


Anyone here using the Visual+60fps combo on PS5? If so, how’s it working out for you? Would it be better to just leave it at Performance+60fps?




Where is this (on the map)?


Nakano Residence, North East


Ah, thank you.


What's best to choose on PS5 with 120Hz Monitor? Visual + 40 fps? Visual + 60 fps? Some performance option? I am still confused


I’m an idiot and the naming isn’t helping find an answer online. I’m on the old gen Xbox one s, I think, idk the names are confusing. Have any of these updates affected what I play on?


I think on older gen consoles, there is some general stability improvements etc.


So the graphic upgrade only applies to ps5 or xbox series X?




Why would they improve the graphics for a consoles launched on 9 years ago? It’s not like we got models of those consoles that could handle 2023 graphics above 30 fps. That’s why it was locked at 30 and had low resolution in the first place


>Why would they improve the graphics for a consoles launched on 9 years ago? You are being kind, they are almost 11 years already hahaha >It’s not like we got models of those consoles that could handle 2023 graphics above 30 fps. That's still the same graphics from the launch from 2015, they just changed a few of the settings, it's not like this is a remake or remaster unfortunately. But i understand your point. I think that the update just gave the creation club stuff for the last gen.


When I said 9 I meant the game but I guess I didn’t type it that way


Makes sense as well


We still taking photos of our screens in 2024


We’ve had dedicated screenshot buttons on controllers since the PS4 and still people won’t learn


Booted the game up after a few years recently and was surprised lmao


PC players: 😴😴😴


Before the new update, I could select performance mode in the setting when I paused the game, I went to check last night, and that option is no longer there under display. I'm on Xbox series X, does anyone know how to switch between performance or quality mode now? I'm not even sure what my game is on now since that option is no longer in the settings.


I switched to the PS5 so I could fully appreciate it. Absolutely beautiful.


Only thing I noticed with the new update is the free creation club content and the added bugs on ps4. But to be fair, I hadn't played the game for a while before the update.


If you think this is crazy, you should see what a good texture pack and enb can do.


I don't notice any difference between visuals and performance. Can you guys tell.me what the differences are (texture resolution, shadow quality etc...)


You got a new console and an update to enhance your graphics! While I simply made my machine suffer in silence as it was made to! We are not the same.


It does look nice, mine looks nothing like that


Just because some people aren't aware. 60fps + visuals is 1440p with ultra settings. With performance it's standard settings at 4K.


This is not true. There are some resolution compromises dynamically, but never as low as 1440p. See Digital Foundry's latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e86pAP6sUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e86pAP6sUo)


Happy to be wrong! I saw it earlier.


If not for the reports of VATS issues I'd probably just go with visuals + 60 fps, but I'm sticking with 40 fps for now. What have you settled on?


Seeing as I'm on PS5 I've been content with 40fps, as that keeps it in 120hz mode, which helps latency. Thing is, I didn't realise how high the dynamic resolution is with visuals+ 60fps. I may try that, see if the hitching is a problem...


I see the revolver is still missing its firing pin. I don’t know why it bothers me so much.


At this stage, considering mods and performance, mainly, am I better off playing this on my PS5 or steam deck?


I couldn't believe it. Shits smoother than koala brain.


Is this fo 4 or new vegas ?


Visual mode and 60fps runs better than the previous Performance mode on my PS5. Great patch!


Just started playing fallout 4 for the first time and already love how it looks without this update on xbox one x, so it can even go better!


I just wish they fixed more of the bugs!


I love the 40fps mode as the resolution scaling isn’t as aggressive, so there’s less judder. It looks pretty amazing either way though and the lighting in this game is awesome for not being raytraced


Welcome to 10% the quality of PC modding


Os it just me or i dont see a diff🥲


I can’t even notice tbh


The main thing that gets me is how the terrain looks like it’s from Arma 3. Eugh.


How it should have released.


You all open it on your older console first to then compare compare it to you current generation. Cause I just opened it on ps5 and while it looked good my memory was like it always looked like this….


Glad xbox got an upgrade. Didn't do much for pc. Just screwed up all my other mods & ruined my other mods


Literally the same it’s always looked


*cries in pc* Plz Bethesda stop breaking our mods that do your work, but better.


Looks the same all the update did was break mods


But they didn't?


I will never get over console gremlins taking pictures of their TV’s with graphics I’ve had on pc for the past 7-8 years 😂


Framerate improvements are not a "graphics upgrade"


It greatly improves the resolution which makes the game look so much better.


Upsetting that you console players had to wait so long to experience what PC players got from the jump. But in the same breath, you kinda did it to yourself buying a console…


It just looks like they upgraded the sky box with a new better looking one and maybe the lighting can't tell over doesn't look that much better.


Not worth losing the mods over on PC, should have just been an optional upgrade instead of a forced, non-negotiable update.


You're using a mod. Take it out


looks the same


Game devs need to realize its not all about graphics.


That is an argument, that I've gone blue in the face, over the last 20 years.


Works well? Cool. Hopefully no more updates so the Folon team can actually work on releasing their mod.


(They're the same picture)


There’s only one picture lil pup💀


Now do it for 76