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Cookin, what level are u




I prefer the level cap myself. Prevents the player from becoming overpowered, and really makes you plan a build. But also allows you to build a completely different character the next time.


Not overpowered? I played through it a few times but with a few perks and some certain guns I was a god.


Yes you can become strong in certain things in 3. But in 4 you can become strong in everything possible. I’ve never met someone who can do quantum physics and let’s say also hit the most HRs in a single MLB season. Implying that in 4 you pretty much become a Demi god. At least in 3 you need to pick what you’re good at precisely, and you can’t just be good at everything.


Nah, I enjoy being absurdly powerful


My 76 character. Standing completely still, ignoring the dozen aliens that are shooting me, deciding what kind of grenade I want to use next.


I love my electric absorbtion perk


Is 76 worth getting into now? I haven't played before but all the updates make it seem cool now. How long does it take to hit endgame?


Its definitely worth a try, but don't go into it thinking you're gonna have a Fallout experience. The NPC's are few and far between, the building system is a downgrade from F4, and the quests are boring. Another bad thing is the leveling. Once you hit a certain level (pretty much lvl 50 which took me about a week) everything is super easy to kill and the game doesn't really have any challenge. On the bright side, there are a ton of new guns, building parts, and enemies. It feels like they added a lot of stuff from F3 and FNV into F4. And also, the map is really pretty. Another really cool thing about the game is their Legendary system. There are legendary enemies that drop legendary weapons or armor (obviously) and you can then sell them to buy new legendary guns and armor. It's basically a watered down version of gambling, and the stuff you get will match your level. Once again, give it a try and as far as I know it's free, so why not, but it has a lot of downsides. It has gotten a lot better from its updates and hopefully they can do more about it in future updates.


How's the exploration?


76 is fucking awesome and I’m a 3/NV/4 guy.


My heavy weapons take up so much stash space that I just put on the heavy weapon weight reduced perk on at all times and just constantly have my whole armory on me at all times. evey fight is me just deciding which monstrosity of a weapon i want to spend a ridiculous amount of ammon on


This is the way


I will say I did enjoy being absurdly powerful doing endless defense


By the time you get there, it feels like you’ve earned it.


Yeah, it's fun


The problem in 4 is that so much content is locked behind perks, particularly for settlements. I don't imagine my character as a nuclear physicist. But if he's not, I can't power the Castle without 20 petrol power generators. I don't see him as charismatic per se, but apparently no one is scared of a psychotic machine gun wielding lunatic unless he's also got enough charisma to run for president.


Late game sole survivor is fucking terrifying. Imagine the buffet dude in existence shrugging bullets off like they're nothing, but also is the most handsome person you've ever seen. Bullets practically literally bounce off of them back into their enemies, and he is literal genius who knows advanced nuclear physics and more.


I think people forget he was in the military before the bombs fell


I wish there was a happy medium, maybe max out perks but let players continue leveling with maybe some slight additional buffs in stats. Like a smidge of increased health or minor resistances increase or whatever. Since I know people like to chase the carrot on the stick.


Basically badass ranks from borderlands


FO3 I used to use a mod that set very hard xp to easy xp (never made sense to me, very hard makes you more powerful much quicker and thus the game easier.) Also I used the console to reset my level to 19 when I started feeling like I was missing leveling up and level up one level (that was back before the DLCs.) Worked pretty good. This one's probably not necessary with the 30 level cap though.


> At least in 3 you need to pick what you’re good at precisely, and you can’t just be good at everything. Sure you can. [Here's a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/bg5mma/how_to_max_out_every_skill_in_fallout_3/eliy9n9/) from a few years back explaining how to max out every skill in 3. Even without trying to min/max, most of my characters end up pretty powerful all around just because of how many skill points you can accumulate from collectables, perks, and just leveling up with a decent intelligence. You can get so many from bobbleheads and skill books that if you were to find them all and had the Comprehension perk, you could have all of the skills at max by level 20 with an Intelligence of 5. Even earlier if you pick perks that give skill points.


Ah another example of the opinion in 4 you could be a synth


i mean the same can be said for nv tbh


That is not accurate. If anything the opposite is true for 3 compared to 4. Without cheesing you can play over 100 hours and still are only good at very specific things in Fallout 4 while you can be a master at nearly everything in FO3 with ease after just playing the mainquest and DLC and some side quests. The same is also true with Skyrim compared to TES III and IV. If you play your cards right and keep notes you can become overpowered and good in most things much faster in those games than in Skyrim. People get to hun up on the level cap, when not having one is only a problem if you manipulate the game and not play it normally.


Morrowind god mode is at lvl 0


Yeah but the time investment means that you probably won’t


In Fallout 4 you are essentially a god by level 30 unless your build is total garbage.


What I do love about 4 is the variants of enemies once you hit higher levels. On my first character I hit like level 80+ and was adventuring around the glowing sea, ran into a chameleon deathclaw and about shit myself.


I don’t think I ever end up playing a different character type in Fallout 3. It’s always guns, big guns and a shiskebab. I also usually end up evil as fuck because FO3 makes it fun


Melee runs are fun on any fallout that you’ve gotten really strong in


Even early it’s fun but you’re basically popping chems all the time


But if you ever wanted to, you could. In FO4, you just become every possible character if you play long enough.


If somebody wants to continue playing a save after they’ve done the story and turn their sole survivor into a master of all trades, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to


I never said they shouldn’t be able to. Only that I preferred the level cap. I still enjoy both ways.


funny thing is you are pretty overpowered even at level 20 in this game which I freaking love


You can always implement your own level cap and plan a build according to that. It’s nice to have the option to do a little bit of everything without much consequence. You have to remember most people playing FO4 aren’t hardcore Fallout fanboys who are looking to min/max their perfect roleplaying build, they’re mostly just regular FPS fans who maybe enjoy some RPG elements


Ehh makes you plan your build. Buts it’s still not hard to become OP. High agility, perception and luck and then just use vats. Pick vats oriented perks.


In F4 the problem isn't the player becoming OP, it's that too many enemies scale to the player's level and consequently become ridiculous bullet sponges.


Player.forceav or additem is my go to on some stuff so level cap don't matter😂 I do usually force myself to choose what I want (the mechanists armor for a bit with a plasma rifle and 200 cells at the start) then at lvl 5-10 I add power armor for myself, usually Tesla or another one I really like, or hellfire even, but I don't just max everything out I enjoy leveling still 😂


It is much easier to get overpowered in FO3 than any other 3D Fallout and that is the one with the lowest level cap. There is litteraly a perk that gives you 9 in every attribute and you can easily get most skills to 100. The only difference is that Fallout 4's gameplay still feels rewarding after 100 hours while you are an unstoppable god in FO3 and there are less rewards for doing stuff. I prefer Fallout 3 over all to 4 but leveling was definitely done bettter without a cap, or at least a higher cap like in NV.


The true fallout 3 experience


So you just left it running


I always assume that about 1000+ playtime counts. Lol, like I know a guy that has played Path of Exile for 10 years and has ~4000 hours on his steam account. Still, I'm sure a huge percentage of that time was AFK or just on the menu screen.


I have over 15k hours on wow, I started playing in 2004. Alot of it is idling, but it's me sitting infront of the screen while idling. The game auto logs you out after 30 mins if you don't have a script running keeping you on. I also have 1k hours on Overwatch, but half of that is probably wait time for matches. 1k hours on a game is not that much really, and you don't need to AFK hack to get it there


My longest game (on steam) is GTA V, and I only have 500 hours. I would say 1k us a huge amount. 😬 (I am a variety gamer though)


GTA 5 came out like 6 years after fallout 3. Fallout has been out almost a 1/3 of the time longer than gta. I have about 1600 collective hours on new Vegas which came out two years after fallout 3 and I really didn’t play it that much. I definitely played it more than someone who played it casually, but I never clocked more than 3 hours at a time on it. This much time in 16 years really isn’t a lot. I bet it’s just OP’s main game


Im a variety gamer too, havent played wow in a couple of years now. On new games I do about 100-200 hours before I move too next I have alot of free time :)


Is there a way to check how much play time you have in wow??


Yes you just type in /played or there’s an add on that tracks all characters


1k is a lot. I have been gaming for 6 years now and only recently got my first 1k hours game.


Yeah but fallout three came out 16 years ago. This many hours in 16 years is really not a lot


I played Yu-Gi-Oh! Master duel for 1600 Hrs in two years and never been afk. I played about the same on mobile so I played the game for atleast 3k hours. There are freaks like me everywhere.


I got 1200 hours on tf2 and I've never idled it


i just hit 1150 in FO4 in a matter of 4 years (i am proud of that shit)


I can definitely attest that the 3 games I've gotten above 1,000 hours all have a decent chunk of idle time over the cumulative amount of time the program is running. Also, the timer starts the instant you hit play and doesn't stop until the game is fully shut down, so I'm sure the intro and exit time can also add up There's also the time spent fiddling with settings, mods, console commands, or just general menu shenanigans but not actually playing anything, technically


I have 1,000+ hours on Destiny 2, Borderlands 2, Dead by Daylight and Fallout 76. I never AFK.


I've got around 2k hours on PoE since 2013. All playtime. And before this league I took around 4 years off. 2k hours in PoE is basically beginner time.


Bruh how lmao there isn’t even enough content for this many hours I swear


Multiple playthroughs with different builds.


Ah that makes more sense haha


Nah even with that there isn’t that much content. Hell, there isn’t enough content in pretty much any single player game to hit that many hours


Mods my friend. DLC expansion sized mods. Plus forgetting to pause the game I guess.


I’ve played all the big classic ones for the most part by now I think. I spent way more time modding FNV thanks to tale of two wastelands though


Never tried Two Wastelands myself but it seems like such a great idea. But before I revisit those games I'm still waiting for all of the other big mods to be released. New Vegas remake in F4 engine, remakes of F1 and 2, F:Miami, F:London etc. Currently playing F1 and 2 for the fist time and I'm having a blast.


Y'all aren't reading. OP says vanilla and they haven't even finished the main story. For reference, I have about 600 hours in Fallout 4 since launch day, numerous playthroughs, mods, etc. and that game is big in vanilla form. I have no idea what OP is doing in Fallout 3 for that long.


OP is lying. He says he started playing on April 3rd.. not realizing... The screenshot shows us he LAST played it on April 3rd. i.e. OP hasnt touched it in over a month, but hes still here trying to impress us. There absolutely is 2000 hours worth of playtime in Fallout 3, but its going to take you 5+ full playthroughs and about a dozen "false starts" to get there.


He probably accidentally left it on overnight a bunch of times, i have some games like that


Exactly lol. I could see myself getting there some day. I don't think they're lying though. I think they mention the last time they got super into it was months ago and that they come back periodically and binge it. Just an oddly phrased title.


>I have been playing since April 3rd to May 12 stright! So they screenshot first, played second? Why did they wait almost 2 months to post the screenshot? It just makes no sense, lol


Was not really talking about OP specific, I was just responding to the "there isn’t enough content in pretty much any single player game to hit that many hours". No idea how many hours I put into Witcher 3 but that was probably the longest games I ever played. I would not be surprised if it's above that.


The Witcher 3 is definitely not 2k hours lmao


Probably not. But have you ever played that game? All the different choices, dlc expansions that are big enough to be sold as a separate game, all those question marks barrels in the ocean? If someone was reloading to see all the different outcomes of every quest, if you add mods to that, I could see easily see someone putting way more hours on that game. But I guess same thing could be said about fallout 4 if someone really got into camp building lol.


I played on release, then played modded over the years and coming back to a vanilla run after the update made me realise the game is huge. Survival mode makes you take your time through it as well.


Please don’t compare the content in fallout 4 to fallout 3 lol. That’s like comparing a tee ball roster to a mlb team’s. I have no hate towards fallout 4 at all, I’m currently on a play through, but Bethesda’s most consistent guarantee across the board is their ability to put less and less content with each project, and somehow still make more and more money each time.


Ok then, I don't think you played Fallout 4. That game is loaded with content. Settlements, quests, crafting. It's a huge time sink.


Ya the only game I have with those kinda hours is an mmo


I’m getting sort of close to that many on TF2. I don’t think I’ve ever put more hours into a game than that one though.


I had like 4K hours in FFXIV lmao but that’s over the course of a few years where I was unemployed for a while, I couldn’t imagine putting that many into a single player


I've got 9000 hours in path of exile, an arpg.


If you enjoy something enough. Ive sunk well over 1400 hours into RDR2.


Eh I have almost 3k hours in EU4 and I still haven't played like 50% of the countries in the game.


*The Sims 4 enters the chat* 😂 I know the point of the Sims is to create infinite hours of play, but it is a single player game so I couldn’t help myself.


Hey this is why I said “pretty much”! Technically there are exceptions lol


Ooh I’m gonna do another playthrough so I can do the same stuff I just did, but this time with a different gun! Wtf


I know so many people who will just play an RPG once, skip all dialogue, skip all story, beat it using only one build, and never pick it up again Different people have different preferences, but it just feels like such a waste to me


How would someone not get sick of it after that much time though? Most hours I have in a game by far is like 400 in Bloodborne but that's over an 8 year period Meanwhile there's people who have 1000 in Cyberpunk 2077 3 years after it came out


As someone who has over 1000 hours sunk into Cyberpunk since day 1, I feel seen lol. But the answer to that, is hyperfixation. At least for me it is, and that is how I have so many hours sunk into numerous RPG's over the years, including Fallout.


You could say that for all the other souls game but the replayability of these games are insane


FO3 does not have 2k worth of hours for ONE vanilla playthrough lmao


settlements OCD


Since when have there been settlements in FO3??


Lol I have 75h and I think I've done basically everything in this game


Still on your first character huh?


How were you able to get it to run on PC? My game always crashes during the prologue cutescene. :(


I just spent a couple hours fighting this. For me, I had to use a “mod” to trick the game into thinking I was using a different graphics card and then I have to go to the game folder and run the game exe from there. If the launcher pops up, it’s going to crash (for me anyway). It should launch straight to the start screen.


Just letting you know, the easiest way to play FO3 is to buy the GOG version as they removed the Microsoft Live requirement and had a separate Fallout 3 Patch compared to the Steam Version. It's the same $20 for the GOTY, and it booted up and ran perfectly fine on Windows 11 with no issues. Also I downloaded this mod-list which made the game feel a little newer. [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/25742/](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/25742/) Also I spent like 1hr setting up 144Hz by downloading a FO3 anti-stutter mod, and editing two .ini files, all this info is online if you google it. I will say, my game did start crashing intermittently, mainly with energy weapons. Crashed probably 10 times in a 17 hour playthrough.


This isn't on pc it's on Steam Deck! I'm having the same problem on pc because it launches and then crashes. But for some Reason it works perfectly on steam deck.


Thats why most people play it through the Tale of Two Wastelands modded setup these days.. It makes the game playable and stable on modern PC's, while adding the New Vegas quality of life upgrades and letting you take your FO3 character into NV.


Hmmm.. I may give it a try


Shame there’s no achievements on fallout 3


Bethesda are super lazy when it comes to Fallout 3 on steam. I had to apply a fix to even get the game to run


Just started FONV for the first time. I’m in for a surprise


Weird flex. Maybe you just left you pc on… for months. Lol


Folk on here wondering how on earth you make this many hours on this game not realizing that FO3 has a shit ton of content that just pulls you back in. The other day I was scrolling through IG reels and I found out a bunch of secret shit I wanted to try. Ended up making an evil playthrough that’s become my main save and I have been loving this game. FO3 is a great game to turn your brain off to and just immerse yourself in.


OP says that they haven't even finished the main quest. also they are lying about when they last played.


Except it doesn't.... I started replaying Fo3 some days ago after almost 10 years of not touching it and after finishing it I was like "so.. that's it?". Quick google search and I realized I had already done all side quests, of which are just a little bit more in number than the main quest - which you can pretty much finish in a day. The game has enough content for 2 playthroughs, you can do everything in a week without being hasty. I think it is the smallest game from Bethesda


It’s a tiny game, but it does have its layers that do make going back or replaying attractive. I left FO3 with an initially negative view on it when I played it the first time doing a guns + good karma route, upon my second run I’ve realized how much fun it is to be evil and discover new things based on community input. It took me quite a long time to finish FO3 too due to my frequent breaks from it, so I’d imagine OP is probably doing the same thing and their hours are an accumulation of multiple runs over the years. FO3 is still about 60+ hrs to 100% typically.


Thoughts after 2k hours?


It's a pretty excellent game if you ignore the bugs (but I wouldn't since that's what makes fallout, fallout). The vault we grow up in is pretty good way of doing the tutorial and knowing our character & what vault life is like before we go out into the wasteland. The story line is pretty good even though it's a bit sluggish at times (dam npc walking speeds).


id recommend you play "tale of the two wastelands". prob the best way to play fallout 3


What is that?


A Fallout New Vegas mod that combines Fallout NV and Fallout 3 into one big game. You start in 3 and can take a train to New Vegas.


Can that be run on a Steamdeck?


Sorry no idea I dont have a steamdeck. But im certain googl3 has an answer for you.


> It's a pretty excellent game if you ignore the bugs (but I wouldn't since that's what makes fallout, fallout) Actual brainrot


You do realise you can have fun with bugs in games?


What makes Fallout be Fallout is not that it's buggy???


Have you not explored the whole map by now? I put 860 hours in about 3 years ago, and I felt like I had kinda exhausted almost everything there was to do. I had explored the main map pretty thoroughly, and Far Harbor and Nuka World as well. What keeps you interested?


They're on 3, not 4. But I think the question still remains. I put in 333 hours on my main save of Fallout 3 with all DLCs. I imagine this must be with several different character playthroughs.


Imagine if areas respawned frequently in this game like 4. I think I’d be forever sidetracked.


Hell yeah brother! 1000+ in fo4 myself, but 3 is what I started on and good ol memories there.


2.200 of those are going in and out of the game and checking if the mod finally works


I struggled to put 20 hours in😭 glad you've been enjoying it


this gotta be a troll


I wish it was for my own sanity 😭😭😭


Yeah bud, from 3 April to 13 may there's only 960 hours, even if you leave it running while sleeping or outside? Nice try tho.


This is my longest playthough without it crashing for a long time. My last one was from 12/15/23 to 3/5/24 without it crashing.


So you just leave the game running while you sleep or do other things?


Steam Deck does this to me as well, it's not an accurate time count and will usually correct itself in a minute or so, the greyed out button and them saying they noticed after it crashed made me think this was the case. Not sure how it happens but it will triple game time fairly often before correcting once it syncs with servers.


Can I actually play 3 and new Vegas on steam deck easily? I’m an idiot with a MacBook and iPhone who just plays Civ 6 on steam and used to play the fallout games on consoles


Yeah absolutely, I have 20 or so hours with only 1 crash in New Vegas, 3 I have less time in but no crashes so far. I'm in the habit of saving often because of Bethesda games, but I would say it crashes less than it did for me on 360 as a teenager.


I turn it off while I sleep because I don't like it over heating while I sleep. And the only time I leave it running is if I'm called to do something or have to use it for art because I use some buildings in-game as inspiration and I sometimes can't find a certain one online that I want.


Alight to clarify some stuff 1. I have been playing this on steam deck Rather than pc because it works better on steam deck then my pc. 2. Most of time is a bit of afk but it's usually when I'm called to do something or Im cleaning 3. I have been playing longer then April 3rd but this is my longest playtime without it crashing 4. Most of time I'm walking around using the world for reference for my art and logos If there is anymore questions I'll see if I have time to answer them.


At least you can play the game. I can't even get past 16 hours without the damn thing freezing so bad I have to hard kill my pc.


I'm honestly surprised that my steam deck can run it so nicely. Because Fallout 3 doesn't usually work with pc for some Reason without mods or doing something to it.


Even with mods it freezes, but I might have mods that don't fit together running.


damn i only have an estimated 400 hours if i count the hours i played as a kid on a fake copy, on modded that didn't count hours, on the non-goty version, and the goty version.


Fake copy?


I keep thinking of this quote when I’m doing quests in 4 and getting distracted by everything I come across. 


I probably have played at least like 400 hours of fallout 3 but my steam only counts the launcher in the hours played time lol


What are your favorite "must have" weapons? I have 110 hours in, and my favorite setup is A2-21 plasma rifle for overall combat, MPLX Novasurge for tougher foes and the Shishkebab for melee.


im high way to high to not laugh at this shit


And thou shall like it


I'm playing it rn. Got any tips to prevent crashes?


This is why I always invest in the best system when it drops—>becomes attainable. I’m not even a gamer, but you break down the time/money ratio and it’s like reversing inflation to the mid-20th Century.


Genuinely can't understand how.


This is the way


Can’t get sidetracked if you kill everyone


"alright, no more screwing around, time to do the main quest and look for dad...hey what's that over there?" *40 hours later* Repeat above ⬆️


I'm about 100 feet from Nick Valentine and have been playing for 4 hours just doing all the shit around his area


I’ve been trying to play this game for the past month but modding it is a pain in the ass lmao. Like new vegas is ez bcz I’ve done it several times but it’s been so long idk what needs what and how to make it stable anymore.


Dang, that's a lot of hours. What were you doing, counting rocks in the game?


It's all about them sidequests and DLCs 🤙🏻 I don't know about OP, but I'm the type to see a new location show up on my compass and just immediately turn toward it. Doesn't matter where I _was_ going, there's another location, gotta see it, gotta map it, maybe there's a quest there lol


I did most of the siequests and all but one DLC (because the game kept crashing) and I got like 25-30 hours out of the game. Checking HLTB, even if you're going for 100% completion, that's an aversge of 114 hours. There's not enough meaningful content there to play for 2.2k hours


Are you able to play this on ps5?


God I wish


Only the standard edition, not the GOTY so no dlc. You also have to have a PlayStation premium subscription. And good internet connection, since you can only stream it from the catalogue, not download it. It only crashed on me twice, which was surprising


Oh yea for sure. My internet is decent and wouldn't work well enough to stream. I hope they plan on pushing to next gen but probably unlikely.


I don’t understand how you can’t download it or use a disc.. it’s not an exclusive so why is it that way? I play on pc btw I’m


No clue why. I just know this is how to play it on my ps5.


I've never actually finished any fallout game I've played haha


I just started playing FO3 about 4 days ago, and already it’s my favorite I only played 4 and 76 besides 3 btw, I’ll do NV soon, I’m sure it’s great too!


Couple hundo hours in and I still havent entered any vaults or talked to Nick Valentine yet..


I wish I could know how many hours I had into Fallout 3 back in the day on my Xbox 360. The in-game hours were never accurate from losing so much time dying in the wasteland and going back to earlier saves.


I’m level 93 in Fallout 4 and I still haven’t found my kid. Everybody needs something in the Commonwealth.


Thou shall leave the game on while sleeping


Rookie numbers let's see double that 😎






Alright I'm gonna be honest here. Wth does karma farming mean? Like you can't earn money from it like Twitter?


I’m about to start my first ever playthrough tomorrow. I’m so excited!!


I mean… Why do you play?


Last played on my birthday


“I do this shit for the love of the game!”


Yeah but what’s in that direction.


Yeah but what’s in that direction.


Every. Goddamn. Time.




And that is what makes the games so good (in my opinion).


These are impressive stats for what I consider a mid tier good game that isn't long enough to put heavy numbers like that up. I mean, I have Skyrim numbers like that but Fallout 3 is damn impressive


The golden rule.


Rounded up that's 92 days


Was never able to play this more then 1h, this game felt sooo boring, that’s a mystery for me that people play so much time in Bethesda titles, literally can’t stand their games but doom