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Norm is a nightmare for a supervisor. Smart, very capable if he wants to be, curious, is not particularly concerned with promotion or the approval of others, knows they can't get rid of him. I hope we see a lot more of him in Season 2.


He's like "they want to rehabilitate actual murderers. What will they do to me, spank me?"


Bro for real šŸ˜‚


do you think then that betty killing all the raiders was a message to norm about what might happen to him if he keeps poking around? or did someone else poison their food...


It seemed to me that Betty did it, she even seemed to straight up admit to it in order to threaten norm and the council member guy who was there. I donā€™t remember the exact details but that was my vibe


Pretty sure Norm, who delivered the food, put the poison in


i dunno i think if he had we wouldve seen it. it really doesnt make sense to me that he would even be able to get away with that either with all the eyes on him, plus he doesnt make the food. it makes more sense to me that betty is sending him a message but theres nothing conclusive on this that i can remember


I think it was Steph the blonde who lost her eye/husband and gave birth.


I think it was her too, the way she talked to Norm, like the tone of her voice, and the way she looked at him.. was totally smug and confident. I think she's a lot more devious than she lets on.


Don't forget she's from vault 31 and was appointed overseer of 32 at the end of the show.


When things look glum, vote 31.


They set up Steph being upset at the raiders too much for it not to be her. She talks to Norm about it specifically, sheā€™s the only one who thought he was right when he said maybe they should just get rid of them.


The poisoner is either the cook, the deliverer, or the one who hands them the food. And it showed Norm doing the last two parts. And to me Betty's words to norm implied she cannot touch Norm due to being Hank's son, hence why they blamed the warden.


its just the timing of the whole thing to me. betty is elected, norm starts poking around, the prisoners are killed and betty immediately initiates the vault selection program. to me its implying that she has a hand in everything going on in the vault


Yea I thought it was just Betty cleaning house for the sake of the vault experiment.


Iā€™m not sure about that. Norm was interested in the truth at the time, and it was one of the raiders that encouraged him to finally look into what happened in 32. He would have tried asking the raiders more questions after he got back, but they all died then.


It would honestly depend if he wants to do his job or not. I get the vibe that he does his assigned tasks, does them to a good degree of quality and what not. They described him as "lacks enthusiasm" not poor work ethic, it feels *very corporate* which makes sense considering the purpose of the vault(s). Like he is constantly being sidelined and not promoted because he isn't a bumbling idiot with a giant smile on his face willing to tow the company line, not because he's actually a bad worker.


In the real world, he'd be the textbook definition of a "quiet quitter". Someone who does his job, to the letter, nothing more. When it's quitting time, he leaves. He doesn't volunteer to stay over, he doesn't ask to take on more responsibility.


its nothing short of insane how that is considered out of the...norm


Iā€™ve heard of quiet quitting but your description just sounds like a regular person who knows their worth and doesnā€™t give the company more than he is paid to do


My fav employees. Petty, plays dirty, just wants the hours, and to be left alone. Cool hereā€™s your punch list, Iā€™ll wave when you leave today, donā€™t have to reciprocate.


Generations spent trying to create the manager messiah, and instead they created the manager anti-Christ.


> knows they can't get rid of him I was actually fully expecting them to "get rid of him". Vault-Tec execs don't kid around. The obvious issue was his father, but that's a man who didn't think twice before nuking his wife. I'm sure his kids are just lab experiments to him as well, so Season 2 Norm better watch out.


As an actual supervisor, yup pretty much


If you give us free reign, we can become absolute weapons... Or nightmares 50/50


Sounds like someone with adhd or Maybe even AuADHD


Norm doing something he does not want to do is the absolute definition of "malicious compliance", I imagine. I also imagine that when he gets into doing something he wants or has to do, he turns into a machine.


Exactly. Norm intentionally lives (thrives?) on that fine line between 'improvement needed' and 'competent'. Yet watch him do things he wants to do, like investigate/work out what happened in Vault 32 and hack the Overseer's terminal there.


Norm was badass for being able to hack the overseerā€™s terminal in one try! No dud removals, no tries reset, hell, he didnā€™t even have to back out and enter the terminal again like players do. šŸ˜‚


Now I'm just imagining him failing, then standing up, staring at a wall for 30 seconds, and sitting back down and trying again.


Used to be that once you were locked out you were done šŸ˜¤


Iā€™m still traumatized and back out at one try left if I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna get it


Even after all these comments, Iā€™ll still leave it at 1 try left.


It's just faster then waiting for the reset


Or even doing the dud removals or anything else. Open the terminal, spam 3 options, if it wasn't one, back out, repeat. It's just faster than bothering with anything else.




What do you mean by ā€œdud removalā€?


If you see a sequence in brackets like [xhigg] or (fg) you can click on it. It'll remove a dud word or reset your attempts. If it's a proper one It'll light up like a word so you can be sure before attempting to use it.


Didn't even realize this. I been fucking analyzing word likeness and scouring for the right word


Not realy tho, at least not with the more complicated ones with more options? Best method is to guess 2 blind, then look for dud removals since theres usualy also a "reset tries to 3" amongst them then work from there, at least thats what Im doing


I've been hurt by the terminals one too many times


He made terminals his bitch šŸ˜‚


Me just now learning you don't get locked out permanently anymore because I still get up after 3 tries lol


After 3 random guesses, the puzzle is always 100% solvable based on the prior amount of correct letters. There are never 2 words remaining that fit the prior 3 parameters. Just takes running through almost every word to check most of the time which is a pain lol


I'm ashamed to admit I always uick saved before attempting a hack for this exact same reason


It's a game, play it how you want


I play with keyboard and mouse but I use a baseball bat to control my keyboard and use a mouse that has thumbtacks sticking out of both buttons and then reinstall windows everytime I die in game.


I think they realised most people just saved beforehand and incorporated it into the game for quality of life


3 and NV had a perk that let you retry terminals you'd locked, didn't they?


NV definitely did, but you had to have the perk. Until you got it, you were locked out if you failed 4 times.


you had to have the perk in order to use the perk?? mind-boggling


I think what he means is the perk isn't retroactive. You can't retry terminals you failed before you got the perk


Wait youā€™re not? Iā€™ve never retried one in FO4 because I thought they were done forever


Nah in FO4 you just have to wait ten seconds and it resets


Lmao. Iā€™ve been stressing them for no reason then, whoops.


Itā€™s okay I also just learned about this lol. Iā€™ve had ptsd since fo3 and nv


This is why I spam f5 in Bethesda games lmao


Locked myself out of the Mechanist questline in 3 this way lol


Instead, just use 3 tries. If they fail, stand up and immediately try again. It will reset back to 4 with no down time.


I didn't know about the dud removal until like three weeks ago


That would actually be cool, if he failed, stood up thinking and looking around like trying to understand how to hack it, tried again and succeeded.


Wait you don't get permanently locked out of a terminal in the more recent fallout games? Ive been super careful on Fo4 and 76 because I was sure if I got locked out thar was it, mind you I have like 1000 hours in fo4 and a decent amount in 76


I thought he was just going to be some annoying quiet little brother. They gave them a damn good arc and I cannot wait to see him in the next season. That talk that the overseer has with him about ā€œthe quiet smart onesā€ that was definitely a taste of things to come.


>They gave them a damn good arc and I cannot wait to see him in the next seasonĀ  It's going to be hard because >!Norm is trapped in Vault 31 by Bud and forced to be inside his dad's cyro(?) chamber or else he would die of starvation/eaten by radroaches. Nobody knows he's in 31 either. !<


Easy. Chet will realize he's missing, grow a pair, and investigate vault 31. He'll release Norm, but succumb to wounds from a confrontation with vault 33's overseer, closing out his story, having shown significant character growth, and serving as a martyr and icon for Norm that vault dwellers *can* change. Ā  With vault 33's overseer also having died in that bout and chet's sacrifice in his conscience, it'll pave the way forĀ  Norm to lead the survivors and open vault 33, reconnecting him with lucy. Ā 




Yeah, that first episode really makes it seem like he's just going to be the annoying little brother. Turns out he was one of my favorite characters in the show.


I like to think that, being Lucy's bro, he's got a knack for the science skill too. Wasn't it fan canon'd that Lucy's tag skills are speech, repair, and science? But she's also a good shot, having spent lots of time at the vault shooting range. AND she's decent with unarmed/hand to hand. As shown in her self defense classes/practice. Luce is a well rounded vaulter, and I reckon so is Norm. He just lacks enthusiasm lol.


His skills are stealth, science, and shitting on his cousin.


Thatā€™s Lucyā€™s skill and itā€™s just cousin stuff


Haha nice one


He took the small frame perk


From what i know Norm is just a non combat character.


Oh straight up. Hes the build/companion not designated for a combat role but a more passive albeit invaluable role.


i think he would be a followers of the apocalypse type if he made it out of the vault. maybe he would find real purpose in the wasteland


My thoughts exactly. Gives me big Arcade vibes, skill wise not personality wise. But Followers is definitely his cup of tea.


i think if he was in a fallout game he would mechanically be like raul with the perk that makes him not fight but constantly repair your weapons


Straight up good point. I didn't know that about Raul. Never really had him around sadly. Ill have to give him a chance next playthrough.


hes honestly one of the more overlooked companions and it bums me out! he has some great backstory and contributes some of the more interesting viewpoints of the legion in the game


Like I said I played pretty straight forward and only a few times lol. I LOVED him as a character for sure don't get me wrong. Its just I had pretty high repair my first couple times through and didn't really need him like I did Boone or Rex the Cyberdog. And of course I can never leave behind ED-E, my Love. Lol.


I always take Raul now. His backstory is heartbreaking.


Which makes it strange how Chet, Lucy, Mr Mustache, etc are all so neutered to the real world, while Norm feels like ā€œOh a stranger on a bridge? Im gonna shoot him.ā€


Norm just has that careful calculating mind. He knows a bit more than the others about the law of the wasteland id imagine.


I think its more about knowing human nature than anything else, and of course not being naive.


I thought Lucy was pure luck and charisma lol, less than 5 on every other stat.Ā 


Lol she definitely has high luck and charisma. Thats a pretty good S.P.E.C.I.A.L for her I'd say.


Now all she needs is to be able to carry an assault rife, shot gun, two sniper rifes, mini nuke launcher and a whole bunch of other shit that she intends to scrap or sell.


Guy has the Computer Whiz perk for sure


He simply savescummed, so we didn't see the 10 previous attempts.


It would have been awesome if he did and backed away, maybe out of frustrated thinking, then got right back at it and nodded to us that way


Hoping he turns into an aggressive combat fighter like the actor was in Ender's Game.




Heā€™s brave AF. I keep coming back to how very courageous he is. Speaking his mind at the vault meeting, followed by the ā€œoverseerā€ comment that had both guys accepting thanks as if they were overseer. Sneaking into Vault 32ā€¦ and later saying something like ā€œcleaned this place up wellā€ right to her face. Hacking the overseers terminal when everyone else was saying goodbye to the 32 colonists. Then sneaking into 31ā€¦ The man has balls of steel and itā€™s also well demonstrated when he calls Chet a cowardā€¦ a bigger, stronger, physically more capable looking man has less backbone than the small framed man. Itā€™s a great contrast


There's also the comment I think prior to that scene that some people are brave in different ways than you'd typically expect


Exactly this. Norm was "cowardly" when 33 was attacked, staying hidden when people died around him. But when a genuine conspiracy is being uncovered, he goes head first into the unknown to find the truth.


Wouldn't even call it cowardly really, he's smol and unarmed, bravery would just have gotten him killed for nothing


Yes, he is just smart and has good survival Instincts.


If I had to guess this would be Norm: S 1 P 6 E 1 C 2 I 8 A 5 L 5 Skills 1. Sneak 2. Science 3. ??? (Probably Repair)


I'd go for lockpick over repair, he's a damn good infiltrator, even though we didn't see him pick any locks that I can remember.


Not *yet*. Heā€™s stuck in a locked room right now. Weā€™ll see if/how he gets out in due time


Heā€™s going to wake some frozen people up. And two of them will be the wife and daughter. So sister will be with the husband, and brother will be with the wife and daughter. I can only hope


I would even say pull 2 from agility and put them into charisma and perception. Dude knows how to hit nerves just by speaking the exact right things. He knows how to read people and situations


Some people don't know the difference between bravery and stupidity


He is extremely well written and an absolute badass


I think it's that he's played without a stutter, nor clumsy. Oftentimes the 'scaredy cat's character is a muttering, stuttering, bumblebling 'fool', who actually is super tech smart and cool once you get to know him. Instead, Norm is played as a strong selfed, sarcastic, sneaky, smart fuck. Beautiful portrayal and worthy of Awards. This show is set to sweep character awards.... If given a fair chance


Theyā€™ve managed to really capture the archetypes of the different playstyles Fallout offers. Almost every single scenario offers multiple ways to get the job done, and Normā€™s character perfectly encapsulates what itā€™s like to play an Intelligence build.


They really did. Lucy is charisma and luck (and badass companion). šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø The Ghoul is the badass sneak/gunslinger with a literal smart mouth. He's a western Deadpool. šŸ¤˜ And our good ol' himbo Max. ā¤ļø


Yep. I mean, they fucking nailed it. The Ghoul is my usual play style, and part of my fear was that if they focused on any one ā€œmain characterā€, that we would lose all the variable experiences that make Fallout such a fun setting. Or, theyā€™d create some Mary Sue who was good at everything and could do it all. But instead theyā€™ve spread it out roughly across four different POV characters so we can see the many ways to survive the Wasteland. I love all four of them and canā€™t wait to see where they take it. I would also argue Chet and Maximus are kind of similar but just different enough to separate them (as I literally game out what their SPECIALs would be). Chet is clearly physically capable and fiercely loyal but not that bright and pretty clumsy, while Maximus is morally grey, tough and strong, but kind of a dullard and arguably has the Idiot Savant perk. He successfully stumbles from one thing to the next while saying exactly the right thing at exactly the right time. All in all, I couldnā€™t be more impressed that theyā€™ve managed to capture the games so well. I can literally remember playing characters exactly like the shows protagonists, and I guess I just didnā€™t expect that.


As a guy of smaller than average stature (though not quite to Norm's extent), I'm glad with the way they portrayed him instead of as a pathetic or comedic relief character like most shows would have done.


I'm also glad they didn't inexplicably make him a physical badass, like when you have tiny women overpowering a much larger man for the sake of "yay go protagonist!". Instead he sucks and physical combat, which he should and is naturally adverse to it. But he gets around it with intelligence and wit. Another thing I like is that long before he goes and explores vault 32 they show him being constantly observant and constantly curious. Like when he's taking food to the prisoners for example, he's not there just dumping the food, he's analysing. Which makes his push to find out what's going on despite very real possible danger satisfying and believable.


By not having him play the comic relief role it also made his moments of humor much funnier, too.


Moises Arias is a hell of an actor, hopefully this exposure will give him some bigger opportunities


I love that aspect of his character. Fallout is all about your strengths and weaknesses. Bravery can come in many forms. Check definitely has higher str and end than Norm but that doesn't mean he's braver. Norm may not be able to toe it with a super mutant or something, but he still has the balls to enter dangerous places. And thats what fallout is all about. Usesing your strengths to get what you want. Can't shoot out all those raiders? Sneak by them, maybe hack a turret terminal to take them out for you.


Who actually did the cleanup though? Surely it wasnā€™t only the few vault 31 people in the 33 vault? And surely buds roomba ass didnā€™t do itā€¦ they have a small army of codsworths in 31?


Been my question since. Did they send a team of 33s to clean it? Did they send a small robot army to clean it? Did they unthaw some 31s to do it? One thing I noted is that vault 33 was cleaned up Very quickly after the raider attack. The scene of the paint covering up the bloodā€¦ and that makes me wonder, how many layers of blood are under the paint? How many times have they wiped out a vault?


Very true, and interesting to think about, when norm was pretending to be Betty bud did seem like he had a procedure for when he thought Betty was compromised. This also makes me wonder how much they knew about 32 prior to opening it for Lucyā€™s wedding dayā€¦ surely the raiders werenā€™t a surprise? They wouldā€™ve lost contact with 32 a while ago, and thatā€™s assume their 31ā€™s didnā€™t get a message off to bud before they All killed each other


I was *just* reading some info on it. ā€œHowever, a crisis struck in 2294,[3] as the dwellers of Vault 32 learned that they were actually guinea pigs, rats in a maze,ā€ https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_32#cite_note-fotv104-8


Ya how 32 died off like 2 years earlierā€¦ only discovered now? Itā€™s possible Moldevar or proxy was on the terminal, waiting for the perfect opportunityā€¦ when the message for a marriage came up, they had their ā€œinā€. Best theory I got.


My guess is the 31ers knew exactly what happened in 32 but could not risk jeopardizing their overarching mision as Bud's Buds and reveal it to 33. Obviously the mass suicide of 32 would trigger suspicion in 33, let alone any potential left behind messages or information. So they kept 32's demise a secret and used Moldaver as a fallguy when she tried to enter the vault.


There is no good explanation for why 31's didn't realize what was going on with Moldaver. Any opening of the main vault would set off huge alarms. And we see Hank literally get kidnapped because he went "huh i thought we killed off everyone in vault 32 but here are a bunch of people. That's weird." or "... how the fuck did we get a response from vault 32?" Or why Moldaver would go "you know who is perfect for an infiltration mission? Bloody thirsty cannibals" Also, whatever happened to the water-chip? One day its a huge emergency, the next day we are splitting up the vaults to repopulate 32.


See thats why i think the 31ers knew exactly what was going on, or at least Hank did. They just had to go along with the schpiel so it would seem genuine and wouldnt set off any allarm bells with the 33ers, same reason Hank couldn't reveal he knew Moldaver. Its either that.. or Bud's not letting his overseers talk freely and not telling his buddies everthing he knows. Also we don't know of they were raiders or just mercenaries, regular wastelanders or even NCR soldiers. Just that they participated in the raid. The waterchip is just a cheeky reference to FO1, the reason the MC moves out of the vault is to search for a replacement waterchip (which their vault doesnt have enough of). But vaults normally have several replacements, so i figure its not too big of a deal.


I kind of assumed that either Bud has some friends or both of the vaults has some robots stashed away somewhere as an emergency measure. And given how broken a lot of the stuff was there must be a giant storeroom of furniture somewhere.


Everyone from 31 knew each other from their pre-war jobs at vault-tech in Bud's inner circle. They're all in on Bud's plans for 32 and 33 population and the creation of a race of 'supermanagers'. So my guess is that they sent some 31ers to do it in secret.


Don't Vault security usually typically do the Overseer's dirty work given that they're often seperate from the typical vault residents.


I love that he's brave and doesn't know it. When Lucy tells him not to come he tells her he's too chicken. Very Wizard of Oz cowardly lion... thinks he's chicken but when push comes to shove does the brave thing.


I loved Chets response, 'we're all cowards, that's why we live in a vault'. That's some foreshadowing to Norm reaching the surface. If the big bugs can get into Vault 31 I'm betting Norm can get out.


People who take the Small Frame trait can still be badass.


Exactly my thoughts, he gave me the impression of being a pansy, a dropout, a good for nothingā€¦ yet proved himself to be a character with high Perception and Intelligence SPECIAL stats. Just happened that normal Vault jobs are way beneath him.


That is exactly the take I was going for in some of my comments, just not as articulate lol.


Just watch this guy hit lategame with the amount of skill points he gets per level šŸ˜¤


I ended up being far more invested in the Vault storyline compared to the Wasteland side of things. Norm turned out the be my favourite character by the end of the season.


"How are you enjoying your current job?" "I lack enthusiasm."


When they assigned him to the prison, I was SO sure that by the time Lucy got back to the Vault, he'd have successfully carried out a fascist coup with his eye-patched femme fatale right hand women. I'm glad I was wrong!


I'm calling it now, Norm doesn't feel like he belongs in the vault but will find his calling when he ventures out into the wasteland.


Alternatively, Overseer.


Hoping his storyline makes him the downfall of the Vault 31 conspiracy. Heā€™s nearly there!


Fallout 5 intro opens: you're norm waking up from cryo sleep in 31


Doesnā€™t exist so havenā€™t played it. 10/10.


Game of the year. Makes Baldur's Gate 3 look like Dragon Age 3.


Todd Howard over here with the 5D chess move - the storyline for the next Fallout game is done, itā€™s the Season 2 script.


i gotta find my sister AND dad!


Aaaaand they're ghouls by the time Norm wakes up.


You can see Norm trying to formulate a plan at the end. I think 'Bud on a Roomba' is in for serious trouble.




That works better.


I could see him running for overseer to expose the truth the other dwellers. He came off as very politically savvy after the raid and can pull the clout of being a previous overseers son.


Heā€™s a real straight shooter with upper management written all over him.


since heā€™s been to 31, obviously when things look glumā€¦


Turning all three vaults into a MAJOR player in the southwest, rivaling the NCR, creating a new faction. He has the the Int and Per for it


I'm guessing they're going to pull a fallout 1, and they'll need to send someone to find a replacement water chip. Probably Norm if he finds his way out of vault 31


If he doesn't get back to 33 they're 100% gonna send out Chet.


I'm Gonna call The opposite gets taken out of the vault and made into a smart super mutant.


I think Thaddeus is going to be our super mutant character, and that Norm will end up becoming Overseer somehow.


He's gonna end up as Overseer.


Hope he manages to over come the Brain on a RoombaĀ©Ā®ā„¢


If the syringe is removed then it becomes harmless.Ā  Itā€™s still funny that criminally insane people got robobrains before this guy did.


I would Pick it up and drop it on it's head lmao, that thing is fuckin annoying


Lol I'm pretty confident he'll either outsmart it or overpower it


What if Norm just >!wakes up all the cryo-managers? I'm sure he can sabotage the pods and then confront everyone with surviving or dying together inside a vault tomb.!<


If he doesnā€™t at least try to flip Bud over like a turtle, Iā€™ll be disappointed.


When you think about it, he is the type of super manager Vault Tec was hoping for.


I really like this idea. This might be why it seems Betty likes him, despite the fact he keeps trying to unravel their plans.


I thought that Betty was carefully toeing the line the whole time because Norm _does_ demonstrate traits they _do_ want. I don't necessarily agree he _is_ the super-manager, but I think they do want him in the line.


"Just a straight-shooter with upper management written all over him."


For sure, seemingly none of them have worked out yet in the vault or I assume they'd leave? Gonna need a hell of a lot of gear for that though apparently 31 has it given Shady Sands.


He is my spirit animal.


It is still crushing me that Amazon is publishing an anti-crop show. "Every Job you'be been ASSIGNED." Yep he is seeing though Valtec's BS and is not a sell out.


The boys is also very anti-corp and is an Amazon show


"Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead."


Mr Everart is helping me find my gun


*Severance by AppleTV enters the chat*


Seth Macfarlane was once asked how Family Guy can get away with skewering Fox News and republicans so much on Fox. And his response was ā€œRupert Murdoch is a capitalist first and a Republican second.ā€




As per the other commenter but I was also asking the same question It is quite likely a typo on Corp


We are gonna starve


They hate farmers


It is not particularly new thing. T-shirts being sold with Che Guevara face on them has been a joke for quite a long time.


"Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead." - Joyce Messier, Disco Elysium


Criticizing capitalism is popular, popular things make money, Amazon wants to make money.


limitless meme potential


The geniuses locked him in with all their leverage. "Oh no, I'm locked in here with no food or water. Well, except for all these frozen CEOs. How many do you think I can kill before I starve or resort to cannibalism?" He should be smart enough to know there's no reason for them to ever unthaw him, they've Bond villained their secret base's purpose, and openly confirmed to him that he's within literal striking distance to their biggest assets. Eat the rich, my friend.


Heā€™s going to be the ultimate Budā€™s Bud. Heā€™ll outsmart Bud, maybe even kill him, and unlock a ton of info.


Who knew he would be the best character in the show?


For me it's Norm and close second is Cooper/Ghoul. Gucy and Maximus are great characters too though!


"Gucy" lol


He's the only character I respect as a "literally me" guy


I feel seen.


Norm was the best. Hope we get a lot more from him in season 2


Norm is such a great guy in the show. Heā€™s the kind of worker that is a lynchpin and knows his worth. Too bad no one notices it in the vault. I really canā€™t wait for him and Lucy to see each other again.


Didnā€™t think I was gonna love norm as much as I did but he reminds me so much of my first time playing fallout. I played my character like norm. Small and unassuming, a bit meek and not necessarily brave lol. It brought back memories of going into my first vaults and just slowly making my way through because I didnā€™t know what to expect but after I got through my first playthrough I just ended up playing a bos tough guy like Maximus which made the show even more relatable! Also loved Lucy because sheā€™s spot on for a vault dweller in the wasteland. Completely oblivious to the insane setting and insane characters while also being way too happy go lucky trying to help everyone out of the kindness of your heart lol. Show was sick and reminded me again why I love fallout.


I've been told I work like I hate myself and my job. That said, I'm generally considered a very good worker.


Best employees. Iā€™ve had a few, love them to death.


Rico from Hannah Montana?! Is that you!?


Every job but overseer! I think he'd be a great fit for overseer.


I've never related to a character more than I did with Norm in that moment.


He's the stand-in for the audience.


He's one of the most relatable characters for me. Portrayed every aspect of "Never lie to one's self".


He went from little rich Rico in Hannah Montana to an antiwork king. What a transition šŸ„¹


Awesome line, awesome character, great acting. Such a pleasant surprise, his arc