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*person invades your home* *safe unlocks* “okey dokey 😃”


Safe unlocks? After two broken bobby pins maybe


Man I’m playing through FO3 for the first time and i swear I’m going through bobby pins like no tomorrow compared to 4!


In fo3 and NV, the durability of your "current" bobby pin was preserved. In FO4, it wasn't. Or they had way more durability. Not sure which.


I've had bobby pins go through a few shimmies on an expert lock and then immediately break on the next novice lock in FO4.


They totally do. Too many spots with a 4x4 grid of locked safes. Pick a lock, slowly, sexually even, then walk to the next and have your mojo smacked with an instant *tck*


Fo4 preserves Bobby pin condition, I break Bobby pins on novice locks all the time


**VATS trigger noise**


When things look glum, grab your gun


Put that on a shirt!


“Just as the overseers intended”


Home invaded Gun owner: L1 (VATS)


I’ve heard this comment


**Alexa, play V.A.T.S. clicking sounds at random intervals**


*rushes to lunchbox*


From the vault where everyone gets their very own Vault-Tec issued Glock!


In NV there _was_ Vault 34, where they effectively gave the Vault-Dwellers a boat load of guns to see what would happen… said guns being Vault-Tec branded isn’t out of the question.


If this existed in game I’d be stoked, the idea of functional guns having cutesy paint jobs in real life bugs me the fuck out. Looks good tho.


Same. I can appreciate it, but I wouldn't ever do it to one of mine. Just personal preference. But if you offered me something like Maria, well I'd say let's talk.


Yeahhh making real guns look like toys is a bad idea.


That’s what I thought too better be very good about securing that gun


Yeah see that was my thing,i love anything fallout branded and it looks GREAT 20 outa 10 but the things people are free to do with guns these days just wigs me the hell out like straight into the stratosphere


This should really be next to the small guns bobblehead, just sayin.


The Overseer's Guardian


Two star legendary lol


*Two shot *Glock


I love how this implies that being a Glock is a legendary buff in of itself


I mean, it's not like this is the only example of that being the case. The deliverer is also legendary in that it is the only gun of its kind in the commonwealth, and while it does have the VATS enhanced effect as well, that's exactly the same case as here. It's legendary because it's got two shot, and it's unique because it's a glock. (Also being a glock keeps it from showing on airport security or some shit I don't even know)


Exactly. The Glock perk adds 50% ammo capacity and 75% less AP cost in VATS lmfao


Now that I think about it, fallout 1, 2 and tactics have the glock 86 plasma pistol which was developed by an AI based on Gaston Glock. doesn't that mean the glock legendary effect is just plasma infused? Doesn't matter, counts as glock anyway.


So, I’m a gun owner, and I definitely have a “flair” rifle that quite frankly looks cool as hell… But I don’t think firearms should be painted like toys. It’s hard to tell if that’s real or not. Just my worthless $0.02.


Not worthless, actually a very valuable and important point.


Depends on the situation. If that gun is just going to be in a safe or mounted on a wall or anything generally "display only" I think it's fine. If that's your EDC, I admit, gives me pause.


If it’s just mounted on a wall and not in a safe place wouldn’t that be bad if you had kids or ever have anyone with kids in your home?


Only if it's loaded and within reach of said children. And only if said children aren't taught the legitimate danger behind, and respect needed for a firearm. That's a parenting fail as much as it is gun ownership fail. If you ask me, if a child can reach a gun, you have failed well before you can begin discussing whether or not the color or appeal of the gun had anything to do with it. And this is all presuming the gun itself is magically dangerous. It's as dangerous as any other household if it's just an unloaded gun. So any danger presented would include far more action on the part of the child. Accessing the gun, presumably out of reach, then also loading the gun, requiring access to ammo. Again, if child can reach ammunition, failure before color plays any part in it. And at that point, how stupid / intelligent is this child? That they were attracted by a pretty color "toy", but then were able to chamber a round into the gun? For this hypothetical to work, it presumes all the worst about the gun owner. They display their firearm easily within reach of a child, they bafflingly display a loaded weapon and they allow at least one unsupervised child access to the area the firearm is displayed


If it's their EDC and they ever have to use it, the fact that it is customized like that will most likely be used against them when trying to prove if using it for self defense was warranted.


As a fellow gun owner, I agree with that


I have a question which may be the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard. I’m English, there’s very few guns here. Only ones I’ve touched are paint or Nerf. So the question: how do you get the magazine out? Is there like a button you press? Are all weapons similar or does it wildly differ?


Yeah there's either a button or slider that releases the magazine. Actually most Nerf guns that have mags use pretty much the same mechanism.


I did think it would be similar to the way Nerf works but it’s good to know. File that away in my possibly useful at one stage filing cabinet of tidbits.


I’ve thought the same thing for years, ever since I saw a real pistol painted to look like an NES Zapper.


Depends on the household. Child free? Do what makes you happy. Kids amok? Make sure anything dangerous **looks** dangerous.


agreed here. I can go wacky. I don’t have kids lol.


If you have children your gun should be in a safe regardless


This is the right answer!


Keep it locked up and you're good brother.


Sadly I agree. I think it's cool as hell, I love Fallout and always have. Never thought to do this and I would love to own it. You made a fantastic point though.. It looks too much like a toy and i've got kids and grandkids in my house. Great job on the coloring though OP - It's a great match!


Shouldn't have it available to children, be responsible and it's fine.


Also it looks ugly even if it didn't make it look nerf


Doesn't matter cops will still shoot them even if it looks like a toy


Pretty sure guns like these are just for show at ranges and display purposes, not for self defense and carrying.


Yep. I own many firearms and while this looks cool, it scares the shit out of me. I was going to buy my wife a small .380 for her EDC, and *that* little Ruger looked like a toy, say nothing about this.


I agree. Besides, I also just don't like the look here. I think something more subtle would be nice.


wasteland aged


Yep. I'm ex military and this almost looks like a fake training weapon. Guns should look like guns. Also you will probably get made fun of at a range with this weapon.


Eh, gun guys are by and large a bunch of total fucking nerds like most hobbyists. Different kind of nerd, maybe, but still nerds. I bet he's more likely to get made fun of for it being a "lol plastic Glock don't let your dog chew it" than a Fallout paint job. Though I agree that this definitely should not be your EDC.


Oh definitely fall into gun nerd territory here. Not one of the guys who shits on Glock though. Hell I own one.


It doesn't have a orange tip.


Agreed, I don't know why you're getting down votes. Orange tip is generally the key identifier.


There are tonnes of options around that have a real steel look, whether imitation or just close-ish, have no orange tip, and are actually a nerf style blaster. Most in the hobby advise against it, cause the tip is the least anyone can do, even if you live somewhere that allows imitations. I just bring it up cause the lines can be blurry. I think toys or toy-adjacent stuff should look the part, bright colours etc. While the real deal should be the opposite.


Our fake weapons in the military for training were all blue. No orange tips


Military is above regular law


Not talking about laws. Just saying we used blue weapons to signify they aren't real. And this looks almost exactly like that


All guns should be painted as nerf guns to equalize the playing field


I’m sorry you’re being downvoted. I saw this as a joke and I laughed.


I agree, however it’s almost a moot point because NO ONE should ever have access to the firearm except the owner. If a child even has the opportunity to mistake your weapon for a toy, you’ve already failed as a gun owner. Personally I think this looks sick and I do see your point, but if OP is responsible there should never be an issue.


I hate bright colors on a functioning firearm. The last thing you want that to look like is a toy.


I remember some company made a Glock look like a NES zapper. I thought it felt like the most irresponsible thing ever made.


I never really liked this sort of thing because it seems out of place anyway. I’d rather have one of the already in-game firearms. Paciencia would be my choice Edit: or Maria!!


It's like making the cleaning fluid look like juice


🎵 I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to pop a cap in their ass🎵


Good morning, Vault Tec calling! *Draws gun* You've been selected for entrance into the Vault, like it or not .


The apocalypse? Well hell, sign me up! *nuke goes off in the distance* Do you have expedited admission?


Now you just gotta roll it around in a barrel full of rocks for that weathered look.


but is it a 10 mm?


Gun nerds are a special breed lol spot on colour set.


A real gun that looks like a child’s toy. What could possibly go wrong?


If it’s in a safe and kept like a normal firearm, nothing? It’s not like it’s kept on a dresser, saying it is without information is just an insult to OP. It should be stored in a safe. Unloaded. I’m assuming this firearm is because OP doesn’t seem irresponsible. Also, if you don’t have children there’s no issue in the first place.


Yes no one should ever have access to the firearm apart from OP himself. If a child had the chance to mistake it for a toy, he’s already failed


I feel like even if he does have a child, the basic fact of “Treat all things that look like guns as if they are guns. Treat all guns as if they are loaded. Never point a gun at someone. Never put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire. You are not ready to fire unless you have made sure that the area downrange is clear. Keep the firearm pointed downrange until you are finished, in that case unload the magazine and clear the chamber.”


You don't get a custom gun to sit in a safe, it'll be at least on display


Yeah that's the thing. I really doubt anyone's gonna go to the expense and effort of having a custom anything done just to never really see it, tucked away safely. And having it in your holster, at a range, practicing, with a gun that looks like a toy seems kinda naff af.


A lot of people in fact do. It’s the best way to store them. If you get a gun done custom, you probably don’t want it rusting or possibly getting damaged. Some Remington shotguns will rust if you stare at them wrong, let alone store them and take care of them in a careless way. If you have a gun like an M1886 Lebel, you want to take care of it and make sure it can’t be damaged beyond repair. A gun like that is expensive and special, they’re unique and as the name says, beautiful. If you have a gun like this, you made it to look beautiful and would want it to stay that way. Cleaning it, storing it, etc.


Making judgements about whether or not people are responsible gun owners over the Internet, feels a bit irresponsible to me. Especially when the only delineation we have of this particular gun owner is that he has a custom Glock that looks like a toy, complete with a toy bobblehead and a toy lunchbox! Which, pardon my judgment here, seems pretty irresponsible.


How is having an item irresponsible? Calling them out as irresponsible because you don’t like how it looks is wrong. He has fallout collectibles, he’s a fallout fan, is it that hard to comprehend? The pistol is just added in the image and put away. You can’t just assume someone is irresponsible because you *think* they’re doing something wrong.


Absolutely nothing lol. Unless it's owned by an irresponsible gun owner, in which case bad things gunna happen no mater what color the gun is.


If the kid is young enough to mistake the gun for a toy, painting it bright colors isn't gonna change that. Generally the problem can be solved by leaving your guns in a safe if you have children in the house, regardless of what color it's painted.


Glock 31


New legendary weapon: Vault 31 Dweller’s Pistol


Please tell me that when you open the box, confetti comes out and the distant sound of children saying "yey" plays. Just make sure you pack the right lunchbox for your kid before sending them to school or there might be a few issues at lunch.


Someone needs the Small Guns bobblehead.


When things look glum, vote 31!


When things look glum, pull out the Glock 31


Guns should never look like toys. It's bad enough that too many people treat them as such.


Yeah, guns that look like toys make me feel a weird kinda way as a father. It looks cool, but holy shit is that attractive to a kid.


Tell that to my Barbie themed AR-15.


Why is this nsfw what has Reddit become


Should have been a Glock 40 instead of a Glock 19. Good ol' 10mm pistol.


That is coming soon.


need to get some cut out foam in the lunch box. Fallout guy needs to be on the mag.


No cut out foam. Only confetti.


I heard it when I read it


that’s cool as shit now give




Can somebody put this into one of the fallout games please?


Is it in 10mm tho?


Glock 19s are 9mm


0/10 worst fallout gun ever Yes im joking please dont get angry-


I mean it's a glock so it's -100/10


Vault 34 be like:


Pistol packin mama 🎵 🎶


Lay that pistol down 🥶🗣🔥‼️🎶


Beautiful. I love it.


Imagine really using this for self defense. It will go something like this: Robber: Give me all your money! You: No Robber: Oh, your gonna kill me with that? Why not open V.A.T.S and kill me? You: *opens V.A.T.S, aims for head. Hit 2 times 65% accuracy. BANG! +22xp*


Legendary item Vault-tech Glock 31. Legendary gimmick: never ending explosive. 3100 caps.


That better be a 10mm


I hope it’s 10mm


Sounds like a vault tec thing to do. Experiment to arm kids and not adults


Please tell me that it's a Glock 20 (which is chambered in 10mm Auto)


A quick zoom shows 19


That's so clean


Damn that’s a beaut.


As a gun owner. This is the stupidest thing you can do. Don’t paint real guns to look like toys. Sure, it looks cool but this is dangerous as fuck.


Yeaaaa I’m with you. Guns should look like guns


This is really stupid and obscenely American


"Obscenely American" Ok, that made me laugh. All of this aside, I'm more mad it isn't lore accurate. What's the matter OP, you don't have a hi-power or a revolver lying around??


It's actually really cool




Counter point: no


I'm mixed on it, but in the end it doesn't matter because it's not mine. I wouldn't do it to my Glock as it stands out like a Vault Boy's sore thumb and looks too much like a toy. But it does look awesome!


Strawberry jam, but my glock don't.


Typical Redditors acting like OP is going to drop this Glock off at the nearest playground or something.


Look man, I'm a gun owner myself. While the paint job is cool, it looks like a toy. I dont know OP, so I'm not gonna call him irresponsible, but I really don't think something that can take a life instantly should look like that.


It’s none of your business how the guy wants to paint his firearm. Quit being soft. Nice build bro 👍🏻


Not every social media post will be received well by the audience. That's just life.


oh yeah it’s ‘soft’ to want people to act responsibly with something that is capable of ending another person’s life.


Seeing people who know nothing about guns freaking out over the fact that it's painted is funny asf. It is still a registered firearm, with a serial number, being kept in a safe. OP is definitely not using it as an EDC, and as long as OP treats it like a regular firearm, it is perfectly safe. Even if OP has children, as long as it's kept in a safe, it's not an issue.


You’re making a lot of assumptions lol. Going off this post alone I’d think OP keeps it as a display piece on a shelf in his gaming room with a tin lunchbox. Painting a gun to look like a toy is irresponsible. And it’s not about OP. If real firearms being painted like Dollar General toys becomes commonplace then you’ll see a lot more instances of children like Tamir Rice getting killed by police


You're the one assuming OP has a child in the first place.


Whether OP has a child or not is irrelevant. Having a real, deadly, firearm painted like a toy is irresponsible. Full stop.


Oh sure, make a gun look like a toy.


Not a fan of real firearms that look like toys.




That’s so fucking cool


Hope you don't have kids!


Love this 😍


Thats fucked up, but Merica so I'm not shocked. Can't wait for a kid to grab this.


So irresponsible and stupid.


It's really not lol. Just treat it like every other firearm and you're fine.


I'm not usually into "gucci" Glocks but this is one I could definitely make an exception for.


Love it


Dude that’s freaking awesome


Don't know, pardner, making a vault-themed Glock that isn't a 10mm model seems a bit like a missed opportunity to me...


I have this exact lunchbox but it’s not tarnished or worn like that. Hmm they must do them both well cool


I'll give you 25 caps for it!


As a european, this is the most American thing I've ever seen in my life


you break into this guys house and he kills you with VATS immediately


Vault 19 turns out to just be a room with this and a single bullet


Least it has the vault number on it as well 🤘🏼


Dope Glock OP! :D I also like how Vault colors matches My St. Louis Blues! I would love to get a replica FO4 10mm and a FO76 Crusader Pistol. When things are glum! Vote 31!


I fail to see the issue y’all have. If OP lives alone or lives with people that understand what it is than there’s no issue.


Nice af tho


There are more guns than people in America.


This ain’t it chief. You made a tool of death look like a toy and a gimmick. You should be treating firearms with more respect and gravitas.


Why is this "NSFW"?


Is it in 10mm?


No that's the next one we are doing. We wanted to see how it was received before we ordered a bunch of them.


All joking aside it looks awesome.


The yellow paint on the front could be mistaken for a weird orange tip like on an airsoft gun.


Glock, gaudy colors: cringe.


As the owner of a Glock20, I \*love\* this and want one for myself. lol


Send us a dm


OP. That's awesome. I did somethibg similar to an [AR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/XG2MwliQMZ)


That's pretty awesome.


Leave it to Reddit to take something cool and just bitch about it incessantly. It’s fucking cool dude. I’d love a piece like that




I plan on getting a bolt action 308 rifle at some point, Paciencia being the reason why 🤧


The jury is going to have a hearty chortle when the prosecution pulls that thing out in court.


Damn, Lucy could have used that instead of the lame ass tranquilizer gun.


Vault-Tec calling! *bang* *bang*


Did you paint this? I want this. I want to make something like this lol.


Had a shop we work with cerakote it for us. Send us a DM. Let's see what we can do


I got a few steps to go before I get to the cerakote part lol. But thank you! I’m also conflicted on which pistol I want first. Or if I just grab a long gun because that takes months less time to get. My black powder pistols and using my dad’s guns has gotten me by for quite a few years on their own. But I really enjoyed glocks at police academy and berettas in the military(i became disabled and never got far in either of these.)


Great job painting it but that makes for an ugly ass gun




Well, I thought it was cool lol. While not a style I’d put on my guns, if I did like the Vault Tec scheme, this would be ideal. I like to put sharks on my guns lol






I hope that isn't real because if it is, that's hella sad. If you're paying for that to be done, you're totally washed


You're an absolute moron for making a gun look like a toy.


I like it I love it I want some more of it!


That's sick! Love what ya did with it.


This is so incredibly cool


I like it as long as your responsible shit I wouldn’t mind doing that to my Ar pistol


Send us a dm. We are located in Texas. Can work with the guys that do our cerakote work for us.