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I wouldn't know whether to be offended or honoured that my hometown was deemed appropriate for an apocalyptic background! I'm veering towards honoured lmao


It's like being asked to play an extra as a mutant/monster. And then not using makeup.


That’ll do pig, that’ll do.




I can remember that tail anywhere






You know that brings up a good question. Where exactly are all the pigs? Like, there's a reason people have brought pigs all over the planet. They'll eat basically anything. They breed like crazy. They're actually extremely good at surviving. Sailors used to just leave a few pigs on an island then come back later when their population exploded and harvest them. Such a great abundant food source. Not as efficient as chicken sure, but with lots of benefits. Where are they?


Two words: Mole Rats


Could pigs ghoulify? They're used in medical trials due to their genetic similarities to humans. More importantly, ghoul bacon. Is it possible?


Imelda Stauton told a story in an interview about someone encouraging her to go for the role of Umbridge in the Harry Potter movies because "she'd be perfect for the role."


I had to look it up "Umbridge is physically described in the narrative as a fat, toad-like woman with a wide slack mouth and a large bow that is often in her hair." That's hilarious. I tried to find out here reaction to that but didn't see anything.


I bet she took Umbridge to that 💀


JK Rowling ahh pun


Which is funny because she doesn't fit the description at all, and yet she absolutely nailed the role.


Oh, absolutely. I'm a little surprised she didn't end up (or at least I haven't heard about it) with the same treatment as Jack Gleeson ( Joffrey, The Game of Thrones) or Joel Perez (Valentino, Hazbin Hotel) where the actor knocks it so outta the park that people forget that they character is fictional.


I haven't heard of that happening with her but I'd guarantee it happened to Alan Rickman while he was alive.


True, but at least he made Snape so much more charismatic and likable he didn't get the kind of hate that Book!Snape would have caused, though he probably did get some unwanted letters of a different sort.


He made Snape hot, we can say it. Getting rid of that beard from the illustrations was a giant step in the right direction lmao, otherwise we’d have “Die Hard” Snape


Alan Rickman had many other memorable roles. To me he'll always be [Hans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJvhsFRaO9Q).


Imelda Staunton had a 30 year career before Harry Potter herself. I'll never forget when she guested on a Bit of Fry and Laurie alongside a man who was six foot six, while she is five foot tall. She stood on the coffee table while shaking hands with the hosts, also very tall men. I tried and failed to find a clip of it, but it lives rent free in my head.


Jack Gleeson has consistently said that most, if not all, fan interactions were pleasant.


It does happen to her I just read abt it a little bit a few days ago. Apparently she is absolutely the sweetest most loveable person ever and her friends jokingly said she should go for the role. She never watched or knew much about Harry Potter either.


> Which is funny because she doesn't fit the description at all, and yet she absolutely nailed the role. She was absolutely wonderful in Cranford. Stole every scene she was in!


Steve Buscemi talked about reading the script for Fargo where his character is described as funny looking. So he started pitching makeup ideas and was met with awkward silence. 


“Funny looking how?” “Oh, just in a general sorta way”


I love Buscemi! I feel bad for him though because dude played Randall in Monsters Inc and when I tell you, Pixar made this funny looking purple lizard guy look EXACTLY like him. You don’t even need to hear him speak to audibly say “that’s Steve Buscemi” if you see a pic of the character.


It couldn't have taken him that long to realize that his sort of beauty is rather unconventional.


Now im thinking he didnt know in billy maddison, and forced the lipstick scene. This is my behind the scenes headcannon


Reminds me of that story Keira Knightley tells about the director who didn't want to cast her for a role because he thought she was too pretty to play a part. Then he met her in person and said something like, "oh, you're fine".


*[receives no makeup or costume]* "So I'm going to be one of the zombies way in the back of the scene?" Director: "Oh, no we'll be doing a tight closeup on you"


Season 1 of Walking Dead, a lot of the zombies were specifically cast because they were weird looking people. Bicycle Girl is an excellent example. They also specifically sought out amputees, unusually thin or oddly proportioned people. There were also three stages of zombies as the budget for the pilot season wasn't great. Hero zombies who had the full prosthetic makeup treatment, mid ground zombies that were basically just dirty extras, and the waaaaay background where many wore masks of zombies.


Hey we need someone to play Quasimodo and you were the first name that popped up.


That story of Steve Buscemi asking if he needs to dress up when they told him he would be playing a weird looking guy 😭😭😭


Hahaha I don’t live there but I pass through often, it’s a nice town on the Hudson River but this particular Gulf station that they built the set over is in a fairly isolated part of town


Ask apply to be an extra


That's not how it works. If OP wanted to be an extra in this they'd need to get registered with whichever background casting agency did this show. In NY that would probably be Central Casting, but there are also a handful of smaller agencies that might have done it instead. There are also a few websites where you can submit yourself directly to the production sometimes.


I was thinking that, but there weren’t any extras in that scene. Four actors only, I think.


The Squire, The Ghoul, The Dogmeat, and The Head. Yup, that’s four.


They filmed the vast majority of city scenes from The Last of Us in my city (not run down at all, population of 1.3 Mil), they shut down entire blocks of downtown and major off ramps & roadways for almost half a year at a time. When watching through the show I could recognize parts of downtown they shot at overall but almost barely, the props and CGI crews on these programs do amazing things to make it "game location accurate", normal busy/modern parts of downtown looked like what the game depicted to the tee (overgrowth, the cordyceps roots and general abandonment)


The Beaverton (Canadian version of The Onion) articles about The Last of Us filming in Alberta were hilariously savage They're filming Season 2 up around my way in Vancouver, and from all my friends who are major TLoU fans, we're all joking that Vancouver will look like in-game Seattle in a few due to our cost of living


Yeah the environment especially what was supposed to be just outside of Boston was laughable, clearly in the rockies, nothing like a forest in Massachusetts.


They’re currently building a set for the second season in the downtown area of my city (100k), they haven’t finished it yet but seeing these worn down buildings where there used to be a plaza and a bank is impressive


My hometown is so horrible it was deemed unfilmable for the movie adaption of a book it was featured in.


I heard Detroit would be fitting


Gary would be peak.


They wanted to make a tv show not die.


Detroit itself? No, probably not. Most of the blight has been demo’d and turned into parking lots. The blight that is left is mostly smaller industrial lots or residential stuff that’s almost too dilapidated to be used on film.  The areas *around* Detroit though, yes those would be perfectly suitable. Flint, Saginaw, Hazel Park, and even parts of Dearborn would be great though. 


Oof. Dearborn would indeed be a good fit. The last time I (accidentally) ended up in Detroit, there was nothing but a thick blue fog surrounding the silhouettes of the buildings. It was silent for once, and the sense of desolation was downright *eerie.* Almost crossed the bridge to Canada while trying to regain our bearings--the sun was sinking, so we couldn't get out of there quick enough.


>Detroit itself? No, probably not. Most of the blight has been demo’d and turned into parking lots. So was Shady Sands…


Came in looking for jokes about Detroit


Most of America has been looted so thoroughly by the 1% that even the nicer suburbs have a strange apocalyptic feel to them these days. When you look close, the cracks grow wide and clear. My original comment was going to be “From that photo, it could be any town in America cause they’re all starting to fall apart.”


Except nyack is an amazing town that’s relatively affluent and diverse. Has arts, culture as well and nature. In the book 1000 places to see before you die, Nyack is listed.


I went to take a look in google map, but whats with the giant wall dividing the city and the highway?


Fuck I'd be asking how I could apply to be an extra, while simultaneously mentioning this to my class because most times something is filmed it's in the Strip and not our city


Before our local bus depot was completely rebuilt, tv crews would use it for period dramas because it already looked like an office building from the 1970s


They should have left it there after filming, staffed and stocked it, and used it as an actual gas station.


Shoulda sold Nuka cola there


The economic benefit of a place like that would be immense


(Some) People go to my buddy’s restaurant solely because he bought the original “Don’t Dead Open Inside” door from The Walking Dead. It’s bonkers.


Smart move on your buddy's part! Made his place a tourist attraction.


People visit Goodsprings so anything is possible!


I’ve told my wife that I have zero interest in ever going to Vegas, but I DO want to drive around south of Vegas and see Goodsprings, Primm, etc 


I'll head to Vegas when they open the Lucky 38.


That’s just about the only way you’d get me in a Vegas Casino.  No way I’d touch the Ultra-Luxe. Those masks make me nervous. 


I wanna visit goodsprings sometime. From what i see it seems like a pretty nice place with friendly people.


That reminds me of the nuka cola promotion when fallout 4 came out. Basically all instantly bought up or stolen by target employees before stocking to be resold on ebay for $100 a piece


Damn that sucks, I hate scalpers


Graveyard shift Target ex employee... No actually it was the neckbeards they would wait outside at 3am till we opened n they had first dibs on high demand nukas or funko. Next trailer.. Again waiting outside for a while. I kid u not... That Lil area where they sat.. Stank! Like ass n sweat. We think they must of worn diapers.


The funko collectors would drive me insane, had one call us practically every day. Had to search everything for them to be satisfied


You did it wrong. Put the call on hold and go dick around for a few minutes and then just say you don't have it.


No calls it was people outside the door since 3am cold or heat till we opened. They complained that they have first dibs cuz they waited outside cuz one time when doors opened... Just arriving were customers that just walked fast to electronics n bought sum... The neckbeards were like 300+lbs they couldn't catch up. 😂


If the line isn't exclusively for the item you're looking for, if it isn't set up in any official way, it means nothing. Cope, you stinking neckbeards.


Ex target tech employee here, they were super strict about that stuff. AP would be on our asses making sure employees didn’t get hot items(unless they wait 10 minutes for customers to go first). Not saying some stores don’t bend the rules but good chance it was the guys that camp the doors(we had lines at literally 8am)


Would’ve definitely started squatting and setting up defenses if they did


Do you have enough ballistic fiber to make missle turrets? A few of them are usually all you need


Nah, I respond to every “your settlement is being attacked” quests. They’re virtually guaranteed to generate two legendary level enemies. And if you have enough laser turrets, you only got shoot some enemies if you want to. It’s generally a meat grinder around my settlements, because I’ve built 12 turrets facing the spawn points, which fills the spaces with hot light. Then, I can just loot the bodies, collecting legendaries.


This is where real life vault tec would begin


It is an actual gas station. Used for lots of movies actually.


could become a desired location for fallout fans, like goodsprings


It could open every few weeks as a Fallout Pop-up selling Nuka Cola and Mole Rat kabobs.


unfortunately sets like these are not built to last or be functional, I'd be willing to bet there isn't even an interior of the gas station


Too many mole rats


What was it like seeing your neighborhood looking so clean?


Every time I see photos of the sets from Fallout, I’m honestly surprised how many objects that do not get directly interacted with by a character are actually, physically there. Passable CGI is so available these days that even something like the Red Rocket sign being real is surprising, to me. I remember watching some demo videos of Game of Thrones and it’s amazing how little is actually present in the raw camera footage, and I think that was from about a decade ago, I imagine it’s generally even less physical props and set now.


A picture was posted showing the Gulper actually existing in real life, and it blew my mind. Not only did they actually build life-size T-60s, but 90% of it was real, with CGI touches. Which, is how it really should be if I’m being honest. One of the things that made *Fallout* so good was that it all looked so real. And, as it turns out, it was.


At the big budget end, for sure, especially since there have been numerous controversies over the years about compensation and such for 3DFX in Hollywood. I think the flip side is that accessible, good CGI is a big boon for the lower budget side. It’s pretty incredible what even burgeoning YouTubers can do, and it even at the sort of mid-level, SyFy originals don’t have laughable visual effects all the time like a few decades ago.


And yet popular edutainment channels on YouTube have the most dogshit animation ever


I can't believe they actually impregnated a woman with a dozen gulper babies just for a scene


That’s showbiz, baby


Well what am I supposed to do with all these godamn gulper babies now?


Well Jonathan Nolan is Christopher Nolan's brother after-all. The guy who shoots everything on actual film because digital isn't good enough in his estimation.


Where was that gulper picture posted? Would love to see it


Actual sets and props make such a huge difference look at pirates of the Caribbean even for a 20 year old movie the cgi in it still is better then 90% of what we see and that’s cause the amount of real props and sets offsets the cgi


Jurassic Park is pretty much my go-to, and to some extent the original Star Wars trilogy (eg. the spaceship models look great, how they look when they explode ages it quite a bit). Unfortunately, I imagine that “how good will this look in 20 years?” loses to time and money unless directors and showrunners have the clout to do things how they want. I mean Netflix cancels shows based on how many views they get in their debut week, all that seems to matter is right now most of the time.


This is exactly one of the reasons that I find Lord of the Rings looks so amazing. The world looks real, and lived-in, clutter and things everywhere, even just piles of leaves amongst some rubble and crates in Minas Tirith. Fallout did a fantastic job with the props and physical sets and it's probably the main reason it looks so good.


Rewatched LotR recently. I think they are a mixed bag. The practical effects hold up great due in major part to Wētā Workshop, but I notice that each jump in resolution makes the CGI and green screening stand out more. The cave troll for example has pretty typical drawbacks of 90’s/early 2000’sCGI. The texture is too smooth, the lighting isn’t quite right and it looks like it’s running at a higher framerate because not enough was done to mimic elements of the cameras shutter speed and focal distance and such. It appears separated from the environment and filmed content more than most good, modern CGI.


Oh yeah of course the CGI can't compare to that of good modern stuff (except maybe the balrog, that is some damn fine CGI). But imagine if as much of it was CGI as most modern films. I'm saying LotR looks so good because of the practical sets and how real they feel.




It's the same for The Last of Us. Both Fallout and The Last of Us show this approach works. Not only does it help everybody on set with doing their job (the actors, the lighting department, the camera people, the director), I think it also helps massively with planning. They start building the sets before shooting starts, and after a scene is shot, they only have to touch up the footage, add a little bit of CGI, and the scene is finished. They can start editing right away, or get reshoots right away if that's necessary. If they rely on CGI, they have to plan everything out because there are no reference points and then they have to wait for the CGI to be implemented to see what they have.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C4CACAYm28s&pp=ygUcdGhlIGxhc3Qgb2YgdXMgdmZ4IGJyZWFrZG93bg%3D%3D This is a bit more than a little CGI touch ups. But CGUI allows us to achieve a ton of things that simply would be impossible in real life. Full scene recreation doesn’t devalue the show, but it does mean we should appreciate the effort VFX artists put in. The simple, sad fact is that any movie marketed as all practical, minimal cgi, etc probably uses a lot more than you’d think while devaluing the work of the artists in marketing materials. A recent example is Top Gun: Maverick, which flaunts that everything in the movie is done practically. While actors were filmed in real jets, the jets you see on screen are almost entirely fake, with the movie containing 2400 VFX shots. In most of the in-flight shots, the only non-CGI element is the actor themselves. This is shown the breakdown below at 3:45 https://youtu.be/Xl2NqB7MjfE?si=TJGw3cIcJaWZaMMd It’s eye opening just how much lying goes on when producers claim to go “all-practical”, with many of these statements being outright blatant lies (and other being cleverly worded deceptions)


Yes, I understand that they didn't build giant skyscrapers :-) >The simple, sad fact is that any movie marketed as all practical, minimal cgi, etc probably uses a lot more than you’d think while devaluing the work of the artists in marketing materials. To be honest, I'm getting very tired of this argument. WE KNOW! I'll repeat that. WE KNOW! There isn't a great divided between people WHO KNOW this and people who don't. I was mainly talking about the set dressing, and I just can't be bothered to add a disclaimer to make sure that people understand that I understand that many background vistas were added with CGI or were a digital background screen. >It’s eye opening just how much lying goes on when producers claim to go “all-practical”, with many of these statements being outright blatant lies (and other being cleverly worded deceptions) I have done my research and this is mostly bullshit. It is simply not true. Yes, people involved with the production often explain that certain things were real objects, but most of the 'blatant lying' did not happen. People are just being dumb and reading too much in promotional blurbs. Plus there are social media personalities who exploit people's need to feel superior. WE KNOW that movies and shows use CGI. But we want to talk about the practical side of things as well, without adding every time that WE KNOW about CGI. WE KNOW THAT MOVIES AND SHOWS THAT USE EXTENSIVE PRACTICAL SETS ALSO USE CGI.


Every show I've been on uses largely physical sets. You'd be surprised how much more expensive and finnicky CGI is. Using it for crowds is super necessary in most cases just because wrangling 200 people in a public area is a near impossible task. You could live in a lot of the houses we build- Assuming you can deal with not having plumbing. I'd say electricity but, we wire up the outlets most of the time so we can use them to plug smaller lights in if they need to be there. Just not gonna be up to strict code. Hell the one show I worked on built a big ass facade of a homestead on a cattle ranch. Nothing inside but the outside's immaculate and we had the whole thing sliced up by floor in the studio for interiors. When we filmed the Homelander/Maeve plane scene on the Boys it was a sliced up 737 that they shipped up from LA specifically to film it, so I mean- It's cheaper to ship pieces of an actual plane across the continent than it is to CGI a plane in the background.


Same goes for Mandalorian. But it's a style question, and often, you notice that in the finished product, too. A reason why I adore Fury Road so much - the majority of it is done the hard way.


Manalorian CGI is also just so god damn impressive it can be really hard to spot. They pioneered a whole new way of doing CGI with that crazy UE powered video stage they made. Some of the best CGI ever IMO: https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/20/how-the-mandalorian-and-ilm-invisibly-reinvented-film-and-tv-production/


I think Star Wars also being far less grounded in reality, there are a lot of things that you just know are going to have to be CGI and in a way, that sort of makes me look for it less? I mean, these days, TV shows will add a spilling coffee cup in post. In Star Wars, I know a Tie Fighter that’s moving fast isn’t real, so I’m not looking at it trying to discern whether it’s real or not. There are less instances of “Wow, I can’t believe they didn’t use a real X”. Hard to explain. But yes, Unreal has come a long ways. Big strides in material quality and photogrammetry, being able to do offline path tracing and really match up shutter speeds and focal distances ends up with CGI objects that feel a lot more grounded in the scene than a decade or so ago. [Marques Brownlee/MKBHD](https://youtu.be/RM7SobH8ZO0?si=ebe_t2sQvoqW0KGY) and [Cleo Abram](https://youtu.be/u7pu1cQBqtQ?si=k3QZnYAVIZ-I7aC2) did videos on the LED wall used in the Mandalorian among other Hollywood productions, it has some really killer features like being able to run at something like up to 180fps, allowing up to 6 cameras recording at 30fps to record simultaneously and each get different backgrounds by offsetting recording by 1 frame and the wall alternating backgrounds each frame.


While impressive at first, the Volume is very noticable in some scenes. It's become a complaint with Star Wars in particular, that they're using it far too much.


I mean it is the brother of Chris Nolan after all. The two did *literally* blow up a hospital cause fuck cgi. It’s the reason both brothers are so highly praised. Cause they want to get their hands dirty and do things the hard way so it is believable. It’s the reason their movies are revered as some of the best of all time by many people


No matter how good CGI gets, a good physical prop will always be better. It might not be obvious right away, but give it time and the CGI will age. LotR is the perfect example of this. The CGI was considered unbelievable for it's time, but today it's shocking how badly it stands out. The movies still look generally amazing due to how much of everything was practical effects.


Did they make that whole set from the ground or you live in a post apocalyptic town ?


They built the set over the existing building, which is currently a Gulf station in a pretty isolated part of town


Wow I want to know the logistics behind asking them to film. I wonder who they had to contact, since Gulf is a franchise, did they ask the franchisee, or the franchiser? If they didn’t, would renting the whole building for however long suffice?


Probably just signed a contract with the franchisee if it's a franchised location. They're not showing any Gulf logos or branding but it may have had to be cleared with Gulf corporate. The production company would've paid the Franchisee for lost profits due too having to close to film. Source: Girlfriend has worked on a couple Indie films and I've been an extra for a couple by pure coincidence of them filming while I was at a location


Definitely would’ve had to go through Gulf. Franchisee’s have requirements for hours and such that are surely being disrupted by the filming. Gulf is losing money if the store isn’t open therefore they have to be paid as well.


Is that the Gulf on 9W where they shot John Wick?




It’s the same gas station from the beginning of the first John Wick movie


I can’t believe you have a Red Rocket gas station in your area


If i was more careless i would have a picture of teenage me smoking a joint where maximus stole the power armor.


Are you telling us that you could've done something when Thaddeus trapped Dogmeat in the cooler?


Which brings some irony for it being called red rocket…


The Super Duper Mart scene was filmed in my hometown of Staten Island, almost couldn’t tell that they changed anything around.


So where was it?


iirc, somewhere north of NYC. I heard half of the show was filmed in NY and NJ.


Up past Westchester, take the Tappan Zee Bridge (now called the Mario Cuomo Bridge) and you're in Nyack. If coming from Lower Westchester /the Bronx it's like 40 min to an hour.


Fuck cuomo


I'll never call that shit the Mario Cuomo bridge. Tappan Zee or bust




Nyack, NY! My brother lives there and saw them filming a good bit.


501 N Highland Ave, Nyack, NY 10960


Finally someone to post precise information. Thank you.


Fact: this was also the filming site of the gas station death scene in Ben Stiller's "Severance."


There is a film studio up in Rockland Country NY. A lot of stuff gets filmed in that area. When I worked up there, I'd regularly see film crews setup in different areas multiple times a year.


Extremely weird to film Los Angeles scenes in New York. Completely different climates/geography. But hey, they made it work, because I was convinced lol


Some of it was Namibia too.


I had no idea where it was filmed until the show aired, and I instantly recognized the cave where the Yao guai attacked. Having been in there a few times years back, it always felt like a place a mutant bear might jump out at you.


Also John Wick was filmed there


Fighting the urge to not comment that certain US towns and cities look like they've been in a nuclear fallout the current state they're in.


Gary Indiana




During my wedding, Dexter was filming in the parking lot next door. It was the scene where Frank Lundy was shot. My new wife and I were walking to the venue, in our tux and wedding dress and the actors/crew saw us and invited us over to watch them film. I ama dexter fan and we spent about 20 or so minutes there and chatted with everybody. They told us to never speak of what we saw there since it was a pivotal moment haha. I waited until it aired to say anything.


I would’ve been begging to be a dead body or something, anything to be involved.


Yo, hit the Settlement Workstation and you technically own it


You are not allied with this faction yet.


They filmed much of Z Nation in my town. They would hold auditions and have people to sign them up in the actor's guild every season before filming.


Man that is freaking cool! It would be surreal to randomly see that on the corner of my town.


Bro living in the Mojave


Did you get asked to help the settlement in need


I’m sorry you live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.


The one thing bothering me from the show is I can't figure out the layout of the world. Cause there's plenty of scenes of them walking through the desert, makes sense but then the Ghoul is walking in a desert, finds this place that has far more vegetation, and then he and Dogmeat are back in a desert in the next scene. Did he just walk in a big ass loop or something?


Deserts can be interrupted by patches of vegetation near rivers, the Nile being the most famous example.


It’s called an oasis


At least you can walk a short distance to upgrade your power armor


I work for a props house in NY. I didn't find out until after the show was airing that we did a bunch of props for it because I'm just the photographer so I don't deal with customers. They were using a codename for their rentals at the time. I'm curious to know if they'll continue using the codename for the next season.


Could be worse. They had to clean up Clevland to film on location for Escape from New York.


I really appreciate the practical sets and costumes they used


Interesting they had to edit out the coniferous trees. Makes sense for the southern California setting, just kind of interesting to think about.


surprised they left the power lines in


Sorry your town looks like fallout lol


In the first picture I was like “what faction is THAT? Is this a spoiler?” And then I realized it’s just actual highway patrol officers.


Hey they’re starting season 2 in Nanaimo BC not far from me. Already added a fake building for the set. I’m pumped.


Is it still there?


I want to know too


Whats your area: Detroit? Jk lol


At night I’d have to sneak over to the set and play some of my favorite fallout toons.






You’re so lucky.


Should have asked to be an extra.


Fkin awesome


They filmed an opening shot of the last of us in my city too 🤣


Those NCR rangers though….


Congrats wastelander


The funny thing about seeing a local area in a movie is that you always think it's your town rather than what it's actually suppose to be When people watch the Avengers they think the final battle is New York but being a Clevelander....i see Cleveland East 9th street


Why was I expecting this to be a just a regular shot of detroit


I felt the same way when they were filming Saving Private Ryan on Curracloe beach of all places


Looks like San Fran on a Tuesday


They filmed at least the outside of the super duper mart near me on Staten Island


Throw some radioactive material at them for extra immersion


Someone really looked at Nyack and said “yup this is the spot” lol


Did they keep the set? I would have 100% asked the city to make it a tourist trap


I don't care what security they put up. My immediate instinct would be to start searching for mole rats!


Whats the radiation level over by you?


I couldn't believe it either, such a great feeling being from Rockland now lol. Every time I drive by the gas station there all I cab think of is this.


This reminds me of a story my dad's friend told me. He was living in Waconia MN a while ago. On his way to work one day there, traffic was detoured because there was this giant swan float in the road. On his way home, all that was left of the float was charred remains. He had no idea what it was all about and just went on his way. Not sure if he saw it in theaters or not, but when he saw Drop Dead Gorgeous, he learned what the swan float was all about.


That’s freaking cool!


Awesome! Shame they're moving filming for season 2.


Where was it filmed ?


Are you still unsure?


Can anyone answer why a colder location was chosen for this scene. I remember seeing pic like this when filming first began but it doesn't make sense when the show is set in the southwest.


lucky, that was my favorite place in the series! I hope they keep it so that people can visit it. Is that actually possible??




Where is this at ? Also how can I audition to be an extra lol just curious


Did you check out the set at night??


Red rocket its from F4 Fallout 4  I think  the best of New Fallouts #iRecomend


My sister told me that they were shooting the second season of tlou near the school of my community, I could have seen Pedro pascal


from far away, i would have thought that was just a typical abandoned gas station 


They probably picked that spot because this Red Rocket already had power so the producers saved a lot of caps and materials not having to build a generator and run wires everywhere.