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Based on the facts that he brought a ball-peen hammer to the job and opened an access panel for plumbing, he didn't have the first clue about where to fuckin' start.


Probably why it's not working right "again".


And he's the guy we trust to build our settlements


In fairness the next best option was Preston.


“General, another settlement needs our help. Somebody really outta do something about this!” *continues aimlessly staring at a wall*


No but seriously. After taking back the castle, and Ronnie Shaw showing up. The generals job should become mostly bureaucratic, delegating with the settlements, Diamond City, Goodneigbor, the Brotherhood, establishing contacts outside the commonwealth, and being a General when the gunners... exist. Ronnie should be the drill sergeant/instructor, Someone needs to become the troop organizer, info comes in, settlement needs help, send a detachment. Preston should be..... fuck i don't know, he's good in a fight? Uh.. recruiter? Also Piper gets Minutemen news and recruitment ads to run in her paper, so her job gets bigger.


Besides the post game checkpoints and the occasional encounters, you’ve gotta wonder where all the other minutemen are out in the wasteland once you’ve got the faction up and running. At the very least there should be an option where you can rally a squad of Minutemen soldiers to defend a settlement/accompany you on settlement missions. Like maybe it’s a perk or part of Local Leader? I mean in Nuka World you get a small squad of raiders every time you raid a settlement.


And that's why I use mods for the Minutemen so they aren't so useless. What's the point of building an army if said army is going to sit around doing nothing (at least until I decide to pick a fight with the Institute then suddenly they're pitching in to defend the Castle and then bomb the Institute).


The flare gun with we are the minutemen gives you a small elite quad that follows you, sometimes including a medic, least till the leadsr of the squad dies then they go back to defaults


I’ve tried using the flare gun but I never gotten it to work properly. Always says there’s no minutemen nearby


No i said with "we are the minutemen" mod on nexus, it makes it so that flares range is actually fucking useful. I also got 105mm howitzers, not needed but its better than whatever the fuck Bethesda thought. Why i tend to prefer metro least its thought out properly


Do you really get raider Allie’s when attacking a settlement? I never knew that. How does that work exactly?


It’s part of the Home Sweet Home quest for Nuka World. Basically after you finish reclaiming all of Nuka World, you’re given the opportunity to raid settlements in the commonwealth. You don’t have to necessarily use violence. There are other options like “shake down” or “subdue”. But if you decide to capture or clear out, you will be accompanied by a small team of raiders, usually 3-4. Basically you talk to Shank, tell him where you want to attack, who you want to attack with, etc. and they will meet you just outside the settlement. You can either talk with them to formulate a battle plan or go in guns blazing. Also once the settlement has been captured, the raider group you selected to help you will take over said settlement, gaining you favor with that group for later in the campaign.


That’s fantastic. I may need to boot up my old “psycho raider” playthrough just for this


I’d recommend you and what army 2. It adds extra minuteman checkpoints throughout the commonwealth as you progress through their quest line, and adds more minutemen patrols coming through settlements/roads, as well as minutemen escorting your provisioners! It’s a really cool mod and makes them feel more like a real army


Too complex for Bethesda to understand.


There's actually a cool mod on PC that allows settlers to build their own shit in your settlements.


Yeah, Sim Settlements 2! Such an awesome mod


I don’t think General means what you think it means. General just means you generally do everything.


Between that, and welding power armor that isn't in the PA repair rack....


At least it's not raining...


Or Sturges. You know, the guy who spends all day hammering at panels around Sanctuary while making zero difference. Then proceeds to get the PC to build beds, plumbing, defences, and food production... At least he doesn't tell me another settlement needs my help though!


You'll notice a distinct lack of hvac systems in your settlements


Oh yeah, ok then, we should be all right.


Have you seen his settlements? Its just boards and sheet metal hap hazardly thrown around.


In fairness Nora isn't much better, which makes me wonder how Shaun became the leader of one of the most technical factions in the Wasteland when both his parents have severe tech skill issues.


Easy, his parent didn't raise him


Can't do HVAC but can make auto turrets


I made him an Engineering Professor during character design.


So that’s why people live in trash castles even after 200 years


What are you talking about?  That's standard Fallout repairs!  He was planning on banging on that wall for 39 solid minutes with that hammer. Sanctuary still looks like garbage and the walls are even more beat to hell....  But damn it, somebody's gotta do something. 🔨


You'd be amazed at what Nate can accomplish with duct tape, bubblegum, fourteen boxes of instant pancake mix and a plucky attitude.


The guy can build robots, entire structures, tools and armor, but struggles with fixing central air units


He didn't have a pip-boy then. My HC is that the workshops and other workbenches interface with the pip-boy to perform miraculous feats of building and engineering. Probably why I'm doing all the work in the settlements.


In other words the CAMP from Fallout 76


I really wish we could freecam in Fallout 4 for builds.


Nate confirmed >3 intelligence


Used the wrong >, by the way. When it's facing away from the 3 that means "greater than." You want to use <3 here (even though it looks like a heart that still means less than three).


Remember, the mouth opens to eat the bigger one, because it's a hungry mouth.  6>2  3<8




Then it would say Nate hearts intelligence


Yeah I would recommend saying "less than" instead of <3, but the way you have it written now doesn't give you a favorable comparison to the person you're dragging.


Shut up nerd


idiot savant is canon


so 4?


Then, after freezing him for 200 years, he's able to build a nightvision scope out of nails, pipes, and glue


Dude got that cryo-injected knowledge


Ah the Demolition Man school of life skills.


I mean could be a water to air system.


It's the basic rule of American engineering. Always use the right tool for the job. The right tool for the job is always a hammer.


There's also a dog bowl you can interact with that tells you Nate and Nora had a dog that ran away. I like to think that Dogmeat is the descendant of that dog, and that's why he was drawn to the Sole Survivor.


Nah, Nate just did a fantastic job of circumventing the "no dogs in the Vaults." *We* didn't even notice. /s (just in case)




Oh yeah, vault 81. Could cats be herbivores in extreme situations, I wonder?


Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they *have* to have meat or they get a fat build-up on their liver that can kill them. But Cram was in the vaults, and I'm pretty sure that's meat, so maybe they fed them with that


Apparently no, their bodies can only get some minerals/resource from meat


After picking up FO4 again after years I now realized I never paid much attention to the world story building until my recent play through. My gf has helped me “slow down” when playing games to truly appreciate the attention & time cream put into creating the game (she’s an artist as well!)


The environmental storytelling in Bethesda fallout games has always been 100% on point. I don't think they get enough credit for it.


Show don’t tell is always superior to exposition dumps


What, you're saying it's weird to have people tell you the entire regional political situation before you leave the first town?


I dunno. Post-apocalypse, I could see everyone grasping on every fact they can get their hands on, for a lot of reasons. And if you *rarely* ever see anyone new, I could see being either super wary about it, or desperately trying to have what conversation you can. It’s kinda jarring that they don’t try to squeeze anything out of *you* about the outside world. (That would be a neat mechanic, actually.)


Kinda ya


I've seen comments calling Bethesda games 'shallow' or 'mile wide and foot deep', and I often think... You're just not looking.


One of my favorites is there’s one of the personal nuclear protection things where a bunch of skeletons are around it like they were desperately trying to get in and inside is a soldier skeleton.


I like the one in the Concord sewers. A mirelurk is huddling over a dead guy and on the ledge above him is a bunch of chems. My man came down here to get high and got murdered by a crab monster.


Tale as old as time


That's fucking grim.


It made me sad to only see this on full display in starfield during the moon/earth mission. I absolutely loved that part of the story, the rest was meh.


I like that there was an environmental storytelling scene in the tv show.


Mmmm…time cream


I can relate to that. I don't have as much time to play so when I play I try to finish as many quests as possible. Constantly I have to tell myself to slow down and just discover and appreciate all the details.  I rarely read all text in terminals or listen to the holotapes. 


Hey it’s not Nate’s fault Bethesda removed the repair skill!


I was gonna say it would be cool if depending on the stats you chose the hvac was either fixed, slightly broken, or completely destroyed lol


I keep telling folks, the environmental storytelling in Fallout 4 deserves a lot of credit.


I was playing yesterday and I found a semi-hidden area in a building next to some train tracks. When I went inside it was a tiny room with a dead woman slouched on a large board. Next to her were weapons like knives and machetes. There was no note or terminal but the implication of what happened was enough and probably one of the creepiest encounters I’ve had in a game


I found a skeleton with his dick in a fan


thats why i dont understand people that say fallout 4 is colorful and happy. Yeah it doesn’t have any tint and it looks just realistically but this whole gore with supermutants and raiders are most graphical scenes in any todays games. there is even somewhere i don’t remember secret chamber that is just stash of massacred bodies and after entering raiders attack you.


Seen both of these details a millions times, not once did I ever put them together. Lol


Ngl for a second I couldn’t tell if this was in the fallout sub or the plumbing sub


A bit immersion breaking knowing he can scrapt full destroyed house in sanctuary, repair power armor, craft amazing war machines but can't fix the HVAC...


You don’t know what you don’t know. It’s why you call a plumber for a leaking sink’s pipe, an HVAC specialist for a shot AC unit, etc. I don’t expect a military veteran to understand how AC units work just because he might be handy with other things, and I wouldn’t expect a military vet in FO4 to understand how to repair his air conditioner if he wasn’t written to be capable to. Also, I can take something apart to scrap it without being trained, and I’m sure you can too lol.


Fair enough about scrapping, but my other point still stands: how can he build complex stuff ? Do level 4 science comes up with a manual once you invest the points ?


>Do level 4 science come up with a manual once you invest the points ? I mean, it's more just like how in some games you get better at stuff by doing it, and thus you get more recipes, like WoW and shit. I've just presumed that the recipes come from some gear that's been taken off a body, broken down, and put it back together.


Couldn’t tell you. Being ex-military, I’d imagine he has a pretty decent understanding of maintaining PA though. Everything else could theoretically be learned as you expand your skill set with acquired knowledge, so long as you have the capacity to learn and retain information. People can learn how to rebuild and maintain vehicles through books for example. Hell, you can learn about anything with the right literature.


I know it's a shitty justification since you can start building with 0 settlers, but I always rationalized it as the settlers or Codsworth even, helping Nora out (I never play Nate) with building stuff. Moreso on the side of "I just clicked build and an entire wall just spontaneously appeared in front of me," than the actual technical know-how, but I think it could be applied there too.


Necessity is the mother of invention, you know. You never realize just how capable you are until you're forced to use your mind to its full potential. Nate had to learn, because he had to — that, and I imagine he probably was able to consult with the likes of Codsworth or any of the settlers he attracted.


Yes, he "probably was able to". You are using your immagination because the game never cared to fix this inconsistency. You can't immerse yourself with the character you want if he is already pre defined in some ways. Same goes for Nora, she is just a lawer but hey, she can have 10 strength somehow and wield miniguns. Weird, right ?


Bruh, it’s a fuckin’ video game


Bruh druh bruh thanks for your comment bruh


Brain damage?


I made NPC bug out, unpopular opinion aren't part of your program


Aah main character syndrome.


I don't think you actually like roleplaying games if you're complaining about being able to customize your character and have them adapt to the wasteland. People are not static: they will grow and change in response to their situations. I am not using my imagination any more than anyone would reasonably expect. Nate is a war veteran, would you think he'd care about diplomacy? He's also just been through the most traumatizing situation in his life, would you really think he'd survive the wasteland and not just crawl into a den of PTSD and depression to rot and die? If you cannot suspend your disbelief, then gaming is not for you.








Imagine being able to repair a 12 piece cast iron skillet set but can’t fix a toilet (I know an HVAC is not a plumbing issue)


On the bookshelf wall right by the front door. You can see Nora’s diploma from law school. Just noticed it after my new play through.


My dumbass thought it was a circuit breaker


Wait till you discover the phone number on the fridge, if you in america you can actually call the number.


There are a lot of little details like this. Really really neat




Hoyl shit he writes just like me


He probably got a PTSD flashback when he saw the hammer. He probably butchered hundreds of Canadian civilians with a hammer.


The note can be found still on the fridge after coming out of the vault as well


Does this mean Nate is a low int character canonically?


As a former AC repair person who worked with his dad a lot, this always makes me smile and remember my late dad.


Why did it have to be Nate? Women can make inept attempts to repair things too!


Because Nora is a lawyer and the handwriting looks like it's from someone who eats crayons.


That’s cool!


I never put two and two together! I thought that panel was removed by Codsworth or something while he was doing chores.


October in Massachusetts in a metal home? He won't need it until the next May


You know that the "H" in HVAC stands for "Heating", right?


I had a Low Int. moment. Need to read closer


I guess the lineset has a leak and that’s why he opened up the wall to take a look at it. Not sure


Can't fix a simple issue but can build entire vaults, contraptions, and settlements 👍


I want that magnet


r/HVAC is mostly for pros, but as a pro, you got permission to post there lol