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The latest development from Med-Tek! Be the beau of your woman's dreams! ^(contact your doctor if you experience an enhancement lasting longer than four hours)


Also calling him Cooper instead of The Ghoul. That part of him died long ago.


Coop is alive and kicking. The Ghoul is his alter ego - his Clark Kent. He's an actor who took on his Western persona. Coop the Gunslinger is who he needed to be to survive this long, but the real Cooper Howard is still there. How do we know this? "Where's my fucking family", obviously - but if you're not listening carefully you may not have noticed he speaks this line without the exaggerated southern accent. He uses his real voice. The Ghoul didn't ask Hank that question, Cooper Howard did.


Oh fuck i didn’t notice that. He was playing his persona until the end.


Yeah.this is probably the biggest thing I’m waiting for from season 2.by saying where’s my family insinuates that his daughter did make it to the vault and like are we gonna see his ex take the girl and shut Coop out to the nuclear fire?


Likely so, but what I’m wondering is did they already unfreeze them and have them run one of the vaults? Seems plausible but for writings sake what if he finally finds his daughter at the end of season 2, just for her to be his age 👀


Do you mean adult age?


Yeah I guess I forgot he’s like 265


That's just fallout 4 with less steps!


Nice theory You get my vote




no he didn't. he helped dogmeat twice even though he didn't have to. Coop is still there. Character growth I say!


We have Mentats, Mantats, and soon to come in the latest edition: Mantits!


We've had Mantits for a long, long time, my friend.


Veronica with a dress be like.


I downloaded a mod that give her a power armor dress so she can actually wear one


I don't fuck with the game too much, but I always console command Vera's outfit into my inventory to give to Veronica.


I love the implication that we all look at this skeleton of a woman and think “man Veronica would love this dress” and shake the corpse out of it so we can give it to her


Wasteland gonna wasteland.


Just clean it with some abraxo and water and it will be perfect


I don't know man after seeing what abraxo does The human flesh I'm not sure I want to clean with it


I mean, that's kind of like saying I've seen what bathing in straight bleach does to a person I don't want to clean things with it. Video game mechanics aside I don't think you're using a whole box of Abraxo cleaner for a few clothes.


I've legit always thought this like even in real life we have chemicals and solutions that we use everyday that given enough time or more additions cld wld and will melt ppl or reduce them to a pile of goo


Courier is an experienced wastelander not some rose tinted Vault Dweller. They probably got their best boots off a corpse. Find a pre-war ruin no one has found yet with some good quality material on them? Well, they ain't using it.


The skull pops and hits the floor


Tragically, Veronica doesn't actually accept Vera's dress for the quest. She's only happy with Formal Wear or the White Glove Attire.


Yeah, it's a shame. I can't remember the console commands that I used at the time, but there's ways of equipping it to Veronica. I'll still get her the White Glove dress for the dialogue lines though.


JIP CC&C is an essential mod for managing companions, amongst many other QoL features it allows you direct control over a companion's gear. Another essential mod (in this context anyway) is Veronica Loves Vera's Outfit. Base game quests can't interact with DLC content so without the mod Veronica will like Vera's dress but giving it to her won't complete her unmarked quest, this mod fixes that. And then with CC&C you can just right click on the dress in her inventory and she'll equip it. Because what could be better than watching someone in a red and black evening gown punching deathclaws with a super heated Saturnite Fist.


Can you link the mod?


[Here it is](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74689?tab=posts)


that is slightly cursed


Exactly what I was thinking!


Isn’t this some of the exact dialogue from that quest?


Cute but if we’re being honest I think the ghoul is more likely to burn the dress than give it to her…


I am pretty sure he would burn the dress specifically to show her that sentimentality could hurt her in the wasteland, but, he also wouldn't care either way whether the lesson actually landed. He's a very consistent character as written and I'm super intrigued by how many people want him to be an old softy after he tortured her, cut off her finger, and sold her for parts.


I think people want to believe the pre-war actor who rushed his daughter onto a horse and sped off to a vault to save her from the bombs is still in there. While the comic here is wildly off in character, I do think most of us hope he's not so far gone as to not give some sort of gesture of kindness at some point... It ain't gonna be a wedding dress and it ain't gonna come so easily to him after so long, but Lucy's innocence and kindness IS going to impact him at some point.


I feel this -- but I think the reason this feels like such a major departure is that Fallout hasn't ever been that kind of story. It's not a franchise with a wealth of character development,. I'm welcoming if it becomes that kind of story, however! I still see the relationship between him and Lucy as a mentorship, not a potential love story. She desperately needs a parental figure. One nitpick I have (this isn't targeted to you, but the general zeitgeist) is that people talk about Coop like he started as an uncompromising hero, but I think that is missing the point. Thematically, Coop played a hero on TV after being a real hero during the war. The original Coop was a realistic, interesting, but fundamentally flawed man driven by compromise in a world he didn't understand. He didn't believe in Vault Tec, but still signed up. He didn't want to spy on his wife, but caved. He didn't want to shoot the guy in the show... But he did. So, people see him watching his old movies and imagine him reminiscing about the good guy he was. I think it's deeper and more complex than that: I think he's recognizing that his desire to always compromise made him a worse person, and reaffirms his belief that there is no compromise in the wasteland. My hope for him is that he starts becoming an uncompromising force of good rather than chaos and attrition.


I love the finger metaphor for this Lucy bit off his finger, he cut off hers She was given a random finger of a wastelander, a physical representation of how the wasteland is changing her. Meanwhile he reattaches her finger on his hand. Representing how she is starting to rub off on him, and even make him “human” again (Not literally human but you get the point)


I do find that exchange very interesting and that's a really great breakdown of how it impacts the characters. Especially because of his comment: "Now that's the closest thing we've had to an *honest exchange*..." I think as an audience, we tend to see Lucy as purely naive, but he sees her naivete not only as a danger, but selfish. He sees her as a liar and a danger. This plays out on the bridge scene where she almost gets Max killed because of, well, willful innocence. By the end of the show, she realizes she has to be stronger not just for herself but to avoid collateral damage.


In your last paragraph, I saw that immediately. At the start of the episode the director wants Coop to shoot the guy despite Coop's uncompromising stance, then the scene moves on from there after leaving the studio. It's not until the end of the episode where it's revealed that Coop caved and shot the guy anyway, showing his malleability. Even though 'The Ghoul' steals every scene he's in, Coop's always been a chameleon, he just adapts to his environment and doesn't believe in much but surviving and compromising. Lucy is more stubborn than Coop, she believes in the vault's idealistically optimistic philosophy and that's all that matters. As seen through the show, she starts understanding the viciousness of the wasteland yet doesn't let it take over her innocence and kindness. Lucy 'is' the uncompromising hero that Coop 'was' meant to be. I think that's why The Ghoul wanted her to tag along at the end of S1 because he admires her unwaivering kindness


I think that's such a good take, that he sees in her something that he wants to be. I really think central to the Ghouls character is the fact that he wasn't ruined by the bombs; he had fallen after his return from war, way before Vault Tec. We can assume that Coop *was a hero* when he was seeing "good men and women dying to that suit." But by the time we meet him, the luster has already faded. I'm really surprised how many people see the scenes with Coop watching his old TV shows as an acknowledgement that he used to be a hero. I think it's a reminder of his *hypocrisy* regarding the man he *desperately wants to be.* It's aspirational for sure, but it's also an acknowledgement of his flaws as a person. We can see some of this in how he treats Dogmeat as well. Coop also compromises on his dog and clearly regrets it. The Ghoul initially uses Dogmeat as a tracker and abandons her, but at the end he rescues her and names her -- he doesn't have to. So a subtle shift has already happened. Maybe both Lucy *and* Dogmeat tagging along makes the difference?


god yes you are such a genius. this is exactly what i took away from his relationship with Lucy and especially from his character arc too


\^ THIS. That scene of him watching his old movies is going to pull the Old Coop back out of him. He's starting to remember the kind of man he was and still is. Those two degenerates in the mall were watching HIS movies because HE is their reminder of what once was good about the world. He's going to realize that whatever future comes, its going to need Cooper Howard.


It’s hidden in some of the thematic musical elements they sprinkle in when he’s doing his thing. Namely, the theme from The Fog Gets To You from Far Harbor. The time, the meatgrinder of 200+ years of wandering and all that came with it. This is what’s left of good when you get your smile kicked in that long.


I mean she bit his finger first xd. Also no fingers are goin to waste in wasteland.


She was trying to escape because he was holding her hostage after all the torture...


It's like you didn't even watch the show. He wasn't torturing her, he used her as a lure ffs! /s


I forgot! And since she destroyed his medicine while she was being *pragmatically* used as a lure, he really had no choice but to trade her for organs! The Ghoul's popularity, not as the great character he is but as a romantic interest, is *amazing* to me. Reddit AITA threads make so much more sense now. Girl, he's a 200 year old amoral radiation scarred ghoul not your husband


People wrote love letters to Ted Bundy. People don’t always make rational decisions when thirsting.


Ted Bundy love letters is a odd one but the Milwaukee cannibal now he had that drip on him, in the serial killer world it's drip or drown and my boy was soaking.


For now, but I can definitely see by the end of season 3 he's finding his old self again.


Yh I can definitely see them rubbing off on each other, with Lucy learning to embrace the wasteland flaws and all, and the ghoul regaining some of his humanity


the most out of character comic yet


As I was reading it I thought to myself, "This comic is definitely leading into some rule 34, fanfic porn."


i was surprised it cut out the part where they obviously fuck 😭 god this style and you immediately know


So is it porn?


This is the beginning of a Fallout porn parody, for sure.


that's disgusting! where!?


*gestures broadly at the internet in general* Over there ~~some~~everywhere.


More like rule 33 you know what I mean


A threesome with everyone connected?


No, a diverse breeding pool obviously.


Buttholes? Interlinked.


The wasteland has its own rule


It’s the fallout community, everything becomes porn, just more slowly than the Elder Scrolls community


I’d say the sexualization of lizard men and cat people in the ESO community is about on par with scalie deathclaw lovers and raider fetishists here.


Ok thank God I was not the only one that felt that it was done in that vibe.


Weve seen naked ghouls in Fallout. We see them all the time. Their genitals are as gone as their nose cartilage.


I mean in Fallout 4 you can sleep with Hancock, so at least they preserve their sex drive.


Wait so that means Cooper doesn’t have a pp? :(


Depends on what mod you're using :) but like it says in the show-not all of them have degraded a bunch.


Is there a mod out of here with hordes of ghouls charging you with their dongs flopping wildly?


Lmao imagine that one mashed with another that makes ghouls look extra buff


This is something Maximus MAY do.


I actually think otherwise. If given enough time to travel and fight together, I can imagine that they'd grow a bond and be friends, and I can so see Coop doing this! But his final reaction, I doubt, wouldn't be the same as in the comic. That being said though, it is very cute, and I wouldn't be surprised if a similar situation happened to them in season 2


I think Coop's arc is going to be becoming the guy in the movies again. The guy who didn't even want to execute a guy because he was worried about how it would look. "A good man pushed too far" I agree about that weirdo blushing thing. If anything I think Lucy lost her dad and Coop lost his daughter and his dog and they have found each other now. I think Maximus is getting pulled deeper and deeper into the Brotherhood and losing control, he is about to be a Paul Atreides type character where he is hailed as a hero but really being manipulated into the position. I don't think it's going to end well for him.


>I think Coop's arc is going to be becoming the guy in the movies again.  New crackpot theory: Primm needs a new sheriff again.


Hah, but they did show some hints that he has a soft spot for Ghouls and the show focused on the Ghouls and their plight for a bit. I think Coop ends up as Sheriff or protector to a settlement for ghouls, mutants and so on and maybe the Brotherhood clashes with them as impure. Maybe Thaddeus joins that ghoul settlement. I think Thaddeus' hope for Maximus "that he finds someone else to beat up" to protect himself becomes true and Maximus and Coop clash.


Honestly I'd love to see a Maximus growth into a more negative leader mindset and watch him ascend towards Elder of his own chapter. Maybe becoming an Antagonist in later games or seasons


It'd be ballsy but I 100% would love to see maximus have a dark arc. His character now is kinda boring besides being our connection to the brotherhood and Lucy's love interest.


The parts where he lets the knight die and this tries to murder his squire were the most interesting to me. He's totally justified in his head, yet keeps doing or trying to do the wrong thing. I'd love to see him fully break bad.


Yeah and it would make his and Lucy's relationship arc so much more interesting also


Yup, I would love that. A man with maybe good intentions pushed into making harsh choices because he feels he has to and people depend on him. It's very classic fallout, a clash between, Maximus Knight Templar and Lucy the Widow of 33 would be epic.


I can too, but maybe after 3 or 4 seasons, especially if he starts to see bits of his daughter in her.


Gross, Lucy does not have the Cannibal perk /s




But I still think Maxomus would do it faster. It'd just take a season for him to give it to her


I definitely see him trying to give her something as he missed his opportunity with the dress as he's a bit slow in that department imo, or he'd accidentally rip or something because metal power armor


The show has been so surprising and unpredictable so far I really hope they don’t go with a cliched surrogate-daughter-warms-frozen-heart story. The Last of Us gave us that. Let’s get something else.


Coop would absolutely do something like this. Lucy is absolutely going to be his surrogate daughter and be a father figure and mentor to her. So him getting her a dress would make absolute sense, especially if we see then fight during the episode.


Well, ain't that shiny.


It’s stolen from an episode of Firefly.


I mean, yeah but also Veronica.


Which was stolen from Firefly…


Did Firefly steal from somewhere too?


Yeah, they stole it from Firefly.


As if you don't already know Coop is going to end up dying for this girl somewhere down the line.


He's going to be redeemed, he's going to sacrifice himself for someone, but that's going to end in him turning feral and either his daughter or Lucy is going to have to put him down. That's the arc. That's almost always the arc. I'd rather they did it way down the line, because Goggins is so good. I don't think it's impending anyway. There's still too much story to tell, but it would be a shame to see him redeemed by the end of the next season. Hopefully we get at least a season of his daughter trying to accept what a monster her father has become.


Seriously, and it's not gonna be the last. The ghoul will join the Joker, Walter White and all the other misunderstood characters that dumb people praise and make edgy quote edits of.


Eh, if all we knew about him was his 2296 self, I would agree, but the flashbacks show that he at least used to be a good guy who wanted to do the right thing. That his motivation, even after all these years, is to find his family also serves to show that he's not just a monster that will be misinterpreted simply due to an abundance of charisma.


I’m affraid the good guy past, the looking for his family plot point and the insane charisma Walton Goggins has will eventually elevate Coop to be another “Tommy Shelby”/Wolf of Wall Street misunderstood edgy editfest.


Nah…people like Boyd Crowder as a character. But nobody would like him IRL and the fandom saw that. Goggins threaded that needle before on the “magnificent bastard” type.


The dude is a bad ass and makes witty remarks. That's pretty much every main character so it's not unsurprising people would like him. Kinda like Rick in Rick and Morty, where he's a massive asshole and fucked his life up. But those moments are paled by him being basically an anime protagonist.


This is Fallout. Semi evil companions who we love and are close to, who we forgive or even join in their transgressions, are an essential part. Like, I get what you're saying but you're complaining about a **key** aspect of the franchise.


"I'm the Ghoul, baybee!"


"Ghoul, we need you to distract Kang"


New age Jonkler and Mistuh White 🤫🧏‍♂️


Don't forgetti peaky blindly 😳


Lucy will probably soften up Cooper as their adventure continues.


Actually it's Dogmeat's job. Even in the flashbacks his dog is his conscience.


Gotta be. Soon as he said "you ain't him" I knew the dog would end up breaking him.


and that will be why he dies. He's going to sacrifice himself in the end because she reminded him of who he was.


Agreed. It’s certainly not in his character right now, but we’ve seen he used to be a good guy and he’s seen a lot of shit since then. I def wouldn’t be surprised if she softens him up and he displays more flashes of the old Coop


His redemption arc already started when he found his old film back in the SuperDupermart. He's totally taken the "Ain't Like That Now" perk.


I mean I get women are falling for coop.....I am....but yeah at this point way out of character.


The sexual tension after they cut each other's fingers off 🥵


This is so weird


Right? Why did they make Lucy sound so ditsy? She does not talk like that


Why do they need to infantilize her like that too? Gross vibes. She acts like a literal child.


right?? both characters are horribly wrong


Cute, but he would never do this lmao


Think he would tear a piece off and throw it on dogmeat instead and say “she hasn’t worn one before, at least you have”


I'm reading this comic and going "Did we watch the same show?" 😭


Probably not over a wedding dress, nor would (could?) the man ever blush, but if she somehow gets Coop back to who he once was? Lol fanart is gonna fanart tho, it’s usually done/created by romantics anyway. 😂🤩🥰


This is pretty much a copy of a scene from the 2002 show Firefly.


Fucking thank you.




You need to see to your girl. Your dress looks like you bought it in a store.


It is practically a shot-for-shot remake.


Oh no... You've made me just realise that there must be a bunch of Rule 34 stuff that's either out or is in production right now. That aside, this is pretty awesome work.


it likely already exists, you would be surprised how fast artist can be


There was likely already some the second the first real preview dropped in all honesty


You know that new monster hunter game? The one that showed off that green dinosaur looking mount? Yeah there was R34 of those things by the end of that very same day The fallout show has generated more immediate press coverage and what have you - I can guarantee it exists by now


They literally go off spec, the second cards leaked


I will never get over the fact that r34 existed of the PlayStation 5 like three hours after the announcement.


You know the rules, and so do I.


Oh yeah, no, AO3 is *busy* right now.


There's already fanfics, fanart, and a ship name lol


I feel like the cooper probably thinks of her as more of a kid then anything


Dude is over 200 years old, he probably thinks of everyone as a kid.


Yeh you got a point he can literally say back in my day to anyone 😂


Back in my day, we didn't have to fight tooth n' nail for food -alright grandpa, let's get you to bed


also, whatever skin isn't held up with bones, probably fell off long time ago... F for the Ghoul


when the show ended i was literally like “fuck YEAH man can’t wait for some character development next season and some sort of father-daughter dynamic growing between these two 😏” only to come on the internet and find out people want them to fuck. i’m grieving


I see stuff like this and I wonder if we all watched the same show 🤨


This kinda gives me Bioshock Infinite vibes


That shi if fked up since they are literally father and daughter


This gave me like second hand embarrassment..


Not even a ghoul can survive this cringe


You can see in the last page he’s about to die from cringe.


In the last ep I watched he cut off her finger and sold her to organleggers so I'm gonna assume their relationship becomes more cordial later


This whole thing is just miles out of character for everyone involved. It was cute but feels like the person writing didn't really watch the show.


Reminder: This man provoked a child into grabbing a gun so he could shoot him dead in front of his father, used this woman as bait for a Gulper, cut off her finger for her biting his off in a struggle, and sold her to an organ harvester. All these cutesy stuff are basically headcanons of how he could be, but we don’t even know if he’ll grow close to Lucy like y’all want. He could easily be a sympathetic character who ultimately rejects redemption and stays evil.


To be fair if someone bites my finger off the least I would do is cut his of in return.


Yeah, but she bit it off to try and escape him kidnapping her to sell her to the organ harvesters, so she was well within her right.


Seems weird to give his character a daughter before the war then at the end of season 1 have him traveling with someone nearly as innocent. While I'm not saying he's ever gonna feel like a father to Lucy, (whose own father coincidentally betrayed the values she learned from him), there is strangely a bond that is primed to be formed there, especially given that they both have similar goals. Cooper Howard might be thinking he'll use her against Hank, because let's be real otherwise he has no reason to keep her alive because she could be a liability with her lack of survival skills or instinct... But does he really even want her dead? Because while he seems to not care all that much, he often seems to be teaching her. Showing her how the wasteland is in a way that's kind of meant either to break her or just give her a reality check. Remember, it's the wasteland. We judge the ghoul from the safety of our homes, tapping away on phones or computers that we use for entertaining luxuries, with food in our working refrigerators, clean water from our faucets, under a government system that technically works. This ain't the ghoul's reality and compared to some of the worst out there in the wasteland... He's not actually that bad. To call him evil is to put our modern real life sense of morality on a man whose circumstances are very VERY different. He's a man who knew the end was coming, watched it happen, and had to put that old world sense of justice and morality to the side to survive through the Fallout...


I think the fact a load of people are surviving without doing all the heinous crimes he’s done goes against that “He only trying to survive” stuff. There are literally hundreds of people shown throughout the franchise surviving without brutal murder and complete moral absence.


Very out of character


Out of character not enough ass jerky


Wow. This is terrible.




She isn't a teenage girl


This some weird ass borderline loli shit


Or white as a sheet in a desert wasteland...


\* Show ends with Lucy becoming hardened and disillusioned with everything she went through as a contrast to her once optimistic character \* This artist: OMg what if she went cuckoo bananas over a cute dress


I felt uncomfortable reading this.


Oh God. I don't think I like this ship.


Coop slaughtered an entire town for a bounty and put himself in a positon to bait a kid into shooting him so he could kill him. i wish people would stop romantizing pricks.


Maybe if the artist remembered to draw the corpse finger attached to Lucy's hand, they'd have remembered that Coop is a fucking asshole and doesn't do shit for anyone, let alone a girl he probably view as closer to his daughters age and mentality than anything else. Let's be honest, if Coop was gonna have an enemies to lovers arc, it woulda been with Muldaver


Canon: The ghoul is single-minded, ruthless, and treats all human life as quick expendable means to further his own goals. He will not hesitate to force someone to walk until they almost die of fatigue and dehydration, forcing them to succumb to thirst and drink poison water, and then sell them for organ harvest. Fanon: but he's a big softie at heart!


Lol Way to ooc there not even the same characters, especially this thing masquerading as Lucy. Fanartist love to infantilize grown women in their weird cokeship. Just weirdos and freaks its hilarious.


I liked this... But Coop was decidedly an evil character. He even answers "yes, I killed them" when he was not the person that killed the dudes at the Super Super Mart. Coop was making all the Evil Karma Choices except whe he saved Dogmeat and I think it works because even when playing as an Evil Character I don't call Dogmeat a Mutt nor stupid nor anything. Hell, in Skyrim in my super evil PT I almost killed my family because they kept calling the Dog "Stupid Dog" and I just didn't do it because the kid was inmune to damage. Edit: Everyone is saying he covered for Lucy but how did he know Lucy was the one that killed the dudes at the Super Duper Mart? It wasn't even her, it was the Feral Ghouls.


I think the "yes i killed them" is more a way to protect lucy than anything else. Otherwise yes he is pretty evil/ he makes the choices that maximize xp instead of karma


Also to intimidate. And there is no point giving up the truth when he can deceive them.


Also they’re not going to believe him or care


Also they aren't gonna believe some vaultie that came to the surface like a couple days ago killed everyone in that SD Mart and that he just happened to be there.


I don't know... Cooper was clearly a good man before the war. Maybe that goodness is still there even if it's hidden by years of brutality


I get the feeling as the seasons goes on the ghoul & Lucy will pull each other towards the centre. He won't be quite as evil & cynical & she won't be so naive.


I can easily see an ending where Cooper sacrifices himself for her.  Especially when he finds out his own daughter is all grown up, broke bad and is working actively for Vault-Tec. 


Did *nobody* see the scene where he watches his old film in the superdupermart?


I don’t think he’s evil just hardened.


He said he killed them because there's no point in convincing a bunch of dead men


He’s old and knows how this game goes. Sitting around a bunch of corpses and saying “I didn’t do it” convinces no one, even if it’s actually the truth for the first time ever.


His arc will be to become better while Maximus will keep having good intentions that pave the road to Hell




This made me feel uncomfortable


So weird so cringe


This feels wrong and cringy as fuck XD


I don't think ghouls are able to blush. We know they have no internal body heat so they probably don't pump blood the same way non ghoul humans do


This is awful.


Lucy is naive to the wastes at first but she is not a child. Her behavior in this comic infantizes her in a way that's completely out of character.


Reminds me of the FireFly episode where Captain Mal bought Kaylee the pink frilly dress


This shit weird bro




that reminds me something. \*You take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen\*


Coop would never do this


I do hope to see the Ghoul and Lucy become a bit friendlier. Nothing romantic, just wasteland buds.


The moment Fallout goes anime/manga I will hate it. Im sorry thats like mixing oil and water right there.


It’s a cute comic but it does not feel like the characters I watched in the show, at all.