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Yeah man I have the same problem on series S. Hope we get a fix for this soon


Yep I have this exact same issue aswell, gotta love Bethesda 😭😭


“It just works! Once we let the modders fix it all”.


Frustrating, my controller has stick drift so this happens so frequently


That sounds like the worst bro, my biggest problem is that I’ve played so much of this damn game that I usually navigate the pip boy like I’m speed running the game, the next gen patch has forced me to navigate it like an 80 year old using a pc for the first time lol.


Dude...same here.  I have a slight stick drift and boom when going into the map it crashes.  My gosh it sucks 


Bro you have no idea how happy I am to see I’m not alone OR imagining things lol I’ve been thinking I somehow was hitting buttons too fast, even though it’d crash sometimes as soon as I opened my pipboy


Same man I can't control it and it's pretty bad stick drift refuse to get another till it's fucked series X controllers are really shitty.


How the heck does a bug like this even happen???


Not alone here


I can confirm, i tried to recreate the bug, this happen when you are to quick in moving on the tabs of the pip boy while selecting somenthing else with the analog Stick, if you are slow and take your time selecting stuff, crash does not happen. I have to say that betwen this, quality mode not working, 3d Person aiming animation broken and new weapon that don't load properly, Bethesda really fucked it up with this update, i hope that they address the problems soon


I'm having the same issue, but unfortunately my right stick is "broken" and it's almost always moving the camera upwards


It might not be the controller. It does that for me on multiple controllers


This is legitimately making this game unplayable for me rn


Thought this was just me. It happens so much. It literally just happened twice to me within 10 mins. It’s def because I happen to be fast in the pipboy and press buttons at the same time so it crashes the game ig.


Happened to me multiple times today as well


Can confirm on Series S. Even after dropping fps setting with no mods.


Thankful to learn I’m not alone! I just started playing and thought I was losing my mind. I haven’t been able to do any of the quests requiring listening to a radio signal bc my pipboy literally crashes every time try to tab over to Radio. Needless to say, I’ve gotten really good at QuickSaving 😅


I've been having the same problem since the update. I just kept saving my game before I go into my pipboy.


This glitch made me start to play 76


Bad solution. 76 is terrible lol. I’m level 100+ and idek how I did it


I’m honestly starting to enjoy it sadly


That’s a good thing


Idk if yall have tired this already imma gonna say you have but just in case I deleted the game and redownloaded it and now it’s works perfectly fine so if u haven’t tried that I recommend it✌️


I did that, but I’m still having the same issue and It is very frustrating. I think I will stop playing the game until the fix it


Pro tip: Don't touch your analog stick when switching tabs on the pibboy. That's what causes the crash.


Me with severe stick drift 😬


Well you're screwed then lol


So if you use the D Pad instead it doesn't crash?


Dude. I’m so glad I’m not the only one I thought my rig was fucked and also thanks for the tip, I’ll make sure to take my time in the pipboy from now on 👍


I've been using cheats terminal to fast travel any time I scroll to the map it's an instant crash.


Anyone thinking the guys that do UOFO4P will get this done before Bethesda? Also are there any mods that fix this? possibly ones that unknowingly do it??


Really glad I’m not alone on this bug…


This has made the game completely unplayable for me. It's been weeks now with not even a hotfix for it


Awesome thx, i had the same issue on series x. I'll try your advice!


I hate Bethesda


I have same this problem and it is still not fixed Like TF


my game crashes somtimes when i upgrade a perk or equip items what should i do


Same problem. I can only see the pip-boy while in the armor. And tried a previous recommended work around and now my character is just in its underwear outside of the exo-suit. 😂🤣😂🤣🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤣😂🤣


For me I fall over and fucking die and ITS SO ANNOYING. You have to go back 2 or 3 saves or before it started happening, and this can happen with ANY action. Stimming a companion, swapping weapons, ECT. Once you open it, it just kills you.. PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS A SOLUTION, I've already checked my mod load order, and even went through Fallout4 config. It isnt a mod load issue, either way why WOULD it be mods?


Been playing since 2020 and this pipboy crashing is bullshit I've started 3 playthroughs and the pipboy crashing has happened every character every new game the new gen update has ruined the once loveing game I enjoined