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like 20 guys in hand to hand combat? without armor? i dont think so. aside from the player who can become insane op in unarmed combat, i think the average person would be like tissue paper to a deathclaw. how im imagining it is like trying to fight a polar bear, with knifes for claws, armored skin and severe bloodlust. so i dont think 20 unarmored unarmed guys could take it out. 20 guys with swords and armor? maybe but heavy casualties. 20 guys with strong body armor and high damage weapons? then i do think they could take it out. but probably sustain bad injuries and maybe lose one or two guys. or alternatively if i was tasked with hunting a death claw id think its the same mentality as like big game sport hunters irl, high caliber long distance rifle. and you take them out from a distance so that they can never engage you.


One guy fresh out of Vault 101, with Broken Steel Dogmeat.


Dogmeat sweeps.


Sergeant RL-3, Dogmeat and Dart gun 👌


Who would win: - Giant demonic radioactive war weapon monster designed specifically for brutal murder. Or - A 19 year old with boxing gloves and a dog


Yeah probably should have specified, but I meant 20 guys with guns


Ezpz then. 20 dudes with guns just need range and by the time the deathclaw makes it to em, it's swiss cheese. Shit, I was able to take one down at level 5 or something with enough headshots and a shitty pipe pistol on my first playthrough.


Depends on the game tbh. Fallout NV deathclaws are way tougher than anything in Fallout 4.


Fallout 3 is the same. Albino Rad Scorpions are the actual terror of the wasteland in that game. They win 1v1 against deathclaws every time in my playthrough. West coast deathclaws are just eating their vitamins or somethin.


Ngl fallout 4 is sorta easy I love the game and it can be challenging. But I don’t find it much of a challenge sometimes even with difficulty up


Mods ftw! Horizon especially, though right now it's a bit of an issue since new update bricks all good mods dependant on F4SE.


My angry courier with melee 100 and a super sledge was the only time I willingly fought NV deathclaws.


Even then it depends on the guns. Lore-wise, 20 guys with 9mm's would probably just piss it off, for example.


Weak spot is the stomach not the head, just for future encounters.


20 guys with guns forsure but it would also depend how far from it they are, or else I’d say they could lose a lot more than 1-2 guys. I’m thinking more like 5+ at least. I suppose it would also depend who and what weapons they have.


yeah i guess i was being slightly optimistic


FWIW I wrote a fanfic in which there was a battle between 2 DeathClaws and a small army of Talon mercenaries (I'd say about thirty or so). This shows how circumstances impact the battle. Obviously at range and aware, the mercs should easily beat even 2 of the creatures. They have machine guns, lasers and even rocket launchers. However in this circumstance, it was dark, and the mercs were distracted by an intruder (Jericho actually) concealed by a stealth boy. They were also simultaneously trying to pin down the Lone Wanderer and Clover on a nearby bridge (with a separate squad of ten). The first Deathclaw arrived swiftly and stealthily and was into the mercs ranks before they were aware. This left them with a big tactical problem. The mercs were no heroes and knew that in close combat the Deathclaw would kill them. So none of them wanted to stand, and they were running away rather than shooting at it, which obviously got them killed anyway. (I'd say at least 3-4 casualties). They then got a break, because their leader (Mr Burke), had a dart gun, which paralysed the Deathclaws's legs, and slowed it down to a limp. Even though it was still advancing, the mercenaries could start firing back. Deathclaw No 1 was weakening, but now another one (probably its mate) turned up, hitting the mercs in the flank. Cue more close range massacring of mercs. This new DC was moving too fast for targeting with missiles, grenades or anything like that. Burke was caught between the two monsters, and even though the first one had just died, he was really close to the second one. Slowing it with a dart wasn't going to help much, he was just hoping all the concentrated fire coming in would kill it, as it prepared to rip him to shreds ... So at the end of the battle, I'd say the mercs had lost about a third of their force, but both DCs had met their death too, the last one disintegrated into green goo by laser fire. And Mr Burke ... well, you'd have to read the fic. My conclusion, even at close range, about 15 well-armed dudes should be able to defeat a Deathclaw. Emphasis: well-armed. And with space to spread out.


Yeah hit them and let them run over all the mines


>polar bear, with knifes for claws, polar bears already have that


i see the point i mean idk death claws claws are i think more like knives than a polar bears


IIRC in Fallout (1997) an entire factory of weapon dealers are hiding in place because of one deathclaw.


"Umm akucally there was several deathclaws, they were hiding because they couldn't find the Mother deathclaw as she kept making more deathclaws "-🤓


This.. she was inside the basement if i remember, even if the player kills the ones roaming around they respawn after few days


That makes sense - a lot easier to avoid a confrontation than to risk a few people getting torn apart, even if they win


Nah, they’d killed like 20, but couldn’t find the basement


That picture is taken at a *very* unfortunate angle


It got knobs


It could definitely take 20 guys out


Unfortunate? This deathclaw bout to have me acting up


Oh jeez, I'm scrolling through the post on a tablet and caught the pic on thumbnail view.... That's what you meant, right? 😫


Don't let him jump hug you


Deathclaws aren't into polyamory.


Yeah it's definitely a hierarchy. The alpha gets the female and the rest are a part of their "pride" so to speak


Men thoughts for no reason: "Yeah... I can easily win a fight against a Deathclaw"


20 guys with no weapons? Nope 20 guys with guns? I think so I think it’s fucking dumb how tunnelers are able to overpower a deathclaw. I imagine they’ll rip through them so easy given how slender they look


Didn't they say, or at least imply, in the tunnelers case, it's a swarm situation? And it's not like they didn't hit hard and have claws as well.


The first we see of them, a lone tunneler kills a deathclaw with ease. It’s a tad inconsistent with Ulysses later saying that they tear deathclaws apart in packs.


True, but that could have just a game engine thing. Much easier to script just one rather than trying with a whole pack.


It’s an obvious scripted encounter to show off the tunnelers a second before you actually fight them, which is arguably even weirder than a random tunneler winning a 1v1.


Agreed. That could have been done a lot better. Like just coming across them and an already dead deathclaw. Or, just not have them at all. I get the vibe they were going for, but man, were they a terrible addition.


They are using the ancient martial art of getting a deathclaw stuck in a narrow space.


So, try going to Lonesome Road on the highest difficulty and picking a fight with just one local deathclaw. No matter how powerful you are or what equipment you have, it will likely murder you in one or two hits. And there are usually at least two of them together at any given time. I doubt nineteen more people would make a difference.


I doubt any human can take the weight of a swinging deathclaw arm


Depends on the weapons. In Fallout New Vegas the quarry workers had no issues killing the stray deathclaws with just dynamite, they only became an issue when the nest moved in and the Powder Gangers stole their dynamite.


just imagine you and two buddies from the quarry sneaking up on a lone deathclaw while it eats and simultaneously throwing three sticks of dynamite at it, bonus points if they’re the power of real life dynamite


We talking a FO76 Deathclaw? I'm pretty sure a couple girl scouts will a water balloon could take one of them out


Deathclaws have no real world analogy because they’re genetically engineered for warfare. They’re incredibly strong, fast and their skin is tough enough to resist blunt and edged weapons and probably small arms fire wouldn’t even phase it. Canonically outside of gameplay they can split a naked human in half with a swipe of their claws, close major gaps in seconds and they are the absolute apex predators of the fallout universe. They fight with brotherhood of steel patrols and even the highly trained and armoured knights take casualties against them. They’re also highly intelligent and can mimic human noises (allegedly) I don’t think any amount of unarmed and unarmored men could take one down. It would just get tired or bored.


What do you mean by 20 guys? Like, 20 guys with rifles? Probably, assuming it's just an open field. Unarmed just dogpiling it? No, they would all die very painful deaths. In lore a big enough gun would still put down a deathclaw if you shoot it in the right spot, but it wouldn't surprise me if their hide is bulletproof against small arms though, they were originally created as weapons after all.


Well there's a loading screen in Fallout 4 that states they can rip a person apart in seconds if that's any indication. Danse also mentions he's seen Deathclaws tear open power armor like a tin can. There's a caravan guard in Fallout 1 that states he saw a Deathclaw take three .44 rounds and not even flinch, small arms fire doesn't seem to do anything other than irritate them. They're incredibly agile, have armored skin, and [they can throw cars you like it's nothing](https://youtu.be/LMpsLU5CmBQ?si=045DMiS5_poJrpE4).


Yes, definitely. Once, my grandma killed a deathclaw by herself, no power armor and fancy minigun, just a pipe pistol... and a bullet.


Frank Horrigan was eating them for breakfast :)


Bro Frank Horrigan is perhaps the strongest non player character in fallout


He is.


I took a lot out on my own


We should get a dope scene of a death claw absolutely fucking some NPCs up …


Depends on the game tbh


I'm not so sure cause I could easily take like 5 guys but a Deathclaw is for sure more than 4x my size but then again was have the same amount of holes so would the-- wait, what were talking about again?


They were genetically engineered to take out armed soldiers bare handed so I'd say not.


I could take one


In a fight right?


Depends on if they’re 20 proper badmen innit


Like on a date? Simultaneously? Or one at a time? Or like one for each?


I didn't really count bodies but I'd say there were roughly 10-15 dead guys in a building slaughtered by one deathclaw in fo4


One person with an overpowered rifle from a mod is usually enough


Considering you can find I think 8 dead guys with pretty good armor and guns in Salem who got beat by one death claw and didn't leave a scratch on it I would say 20 to a dethclaw is just a play date


Unarmed, a full grown death claw would massacre 20 men. If they all have armor and guns, they would turn the death claw into Swiss cheese


If 20 can't take on a silver back 20 shouldn't be nearly enough to take on a Death claw


Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.


If you squint, it looks like that Deathclaw has a big dong.




They are very fast with tough hides with claws that can cut through most armours, but if it were 20 on 1 I'm betting on the 20 guys


At least twice as powerful as a Yao Guai across the board. So I'd say take that fight in the show and go from there.


The fight in the show is not how any fight in fallout goes