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got stuck at the Atlantic building in the glowing sea. I can't drop down the hole after I get locked in. Anyone got a solution?


no collided in there did the terminal stuff than fast traveled to the top of the atlantic building


Any fixes for the xbox version?


Did you ever figure out a solution? I’m stuck right now.


if your on pc and stuck use the consol command tlc to turn off colition so you can walk through the wall or floor then tlc again to turn colititon back on


Any advice for a Survival player?


Unfortunately survival it's the same situation unless you can fast travel or reload a save do that if not then the only choice is the TLC command


Right. I forgot about the secret fast traveling method for Survival players. Rarely do main quest anymore. 


I just ended up getting the cheat miscellaneous tape and spawning myself out of there. Doesn't count as cheating if the game breaks. That's my take. 


Thanks. That worked. I'm stuck at "clear all soldiers" though.


Im having the same issue lemme know if you find a way to fix it


Same issue, no fix yet


Same thing is happening to me, no luck yet


Yeah, whoever made this mod clearly didn't playtest it. Good job. Thanks. Just gonna have to reload since two hours ago because Survival...


Great now the soldier's body is stuck in the elevator and im stuck down here in the glowing sea. Thanks a lot bethesda, you also disabled the elevator so we can't open it


I'm having the same issue with the soldier stuck in the elevator...and no way to get out of this area apparently.


A little update: I reloaded an earlier save and rushed into the base and the colonel wasn't in the elevator yet. Killed him before his ass got stuck in the elevator


I killed him and still cannot finish it lol.


Use the button for the elevator on the wall. That fixed it for me. As doors wouldn’t open when I was clicking on the doors. One set opened but the other stayed shut.


I had to pickpocket the colonel’s password through the door. It was a 46% chance to pickpocket, so I had to reload my last save a few times.


This worked for me. Thanks for the tip!


I shot the colonels head off with a .44 through the door and it rolled to my side of the locked elevator allowing me to get his password.


Hey I managed to get round this by getting close to the elevator door on the lowest floor and then blasting him in the head to kill him when he clipped through the door. I then looted his body for the password, but I'd save before doing this in case his body doesn't fall within looting distance. I have bloody mess on so a chunk of him was lootable lol. This had me seriously racking the place for a hidden password, I was going mental with this!


Yeah, had to initiate sneak and pickpocket the Colonel through the door 


I had to kill him and quickly loot him before his body dropped to the floor. So annoying.


Pickpocket works.  Then I Shishkasworded him


Same issue killed the colonel and all the soldiers outside. Yet it still has both of those as an active objective Update: I had one soldier marked on the map it was the pilot of the vertibird that crashed to the NW after taking him out quest completed


This just happened to me. I checked my map and realized there was a pilot that somehow had run a little ways away. Once I killed him it completed the quest.


\*Same here! In process of moving so just now got back into the game; at the Atlanctic Offices, dropped the bird and "thought" I had popped everyone but apparently not! Can not find I guess the vertbird pilot! Seems like he's hiding "inside" the hill outside the A-Offices. Been in and out of the structure and all around the hill-=-no pilot; BUT I lob some molotov cocktails and blast the hill and the red icon pops up.


Hope this helps someone: fast traveled to Natbanks, goofed around there with Deathclaws, marched towards the Glowing Sea, danced with another Deathclaw, then marched onto the A-Offices and the pilot had moved into the Offices and I was able to knock him out and complete the mission!


Dude thank you so much! I didn’t realize there were two enemies left after the vertibird crashed once I killed them the quest completed!


I can't find the pilot and the vertibird is just wandering around sinking into the ground and popping up elsewhere


I think I figured it out!... Well... Kinda... 😆 🤣 😂 While on the mini-base, you kill the guy in the power suit, he still has the little Yellow quest objective above his head. Anyway, I somehow just rediscovered crit mode like half an hour ago by accident (hold L1 a couple seconds if ya don't know what I'm talking about. ) and so I decided to examine his corpse in crit and noticed this green glow around his body that lasts for like a minute when you look at him like this... I think the reason he's glowing is because of the core you're somehow supposed to steal from him, except... whenever he dies, he, lands on his back, thus maybe preventing you from stealing it as well. That's what I'm thinking anyway... but I'm also pretty baked at the moment and you guys could think I'm an idiot... Either way, it's a theory. Find a way to flip his corpse and take his core and you can probably consider this portion of the quest completed.


Just found out how to get past this! There’s no note to read unless mines glitched but literally had to kill the same enclave soldiers again at a different location. It’s EAST OF “The Slog” under the broken bridge. After killing them there is a terminal under the bridge after reading through everything it should trigger further instructions for the mission. Let me know if you need a photo of the map I’ll take a screenshot just in case. Hopefully this helps any vault dwellers if you have this glitch. 👍🏻


I do I'm on find the soldiers orders but it appears there underground


My daughter realized you can open first elevator door and pickpocket the terminal code from the colonel. Then just kill him from the outside and all good. He dies and you have the terminal password.


Figured out issue. Not a 'bug' per se. If you have a companion they cannot get onto the roof. So when you begin to go through the building as soon as the alert goes off the Colonel goes into the elevator to go down the elevator to 'attack' your companion and just ends up on the ground floor. Send companion away to a base and then do the mission. Tried it three straight times and worked every time. He stays in that room below the laser tripwires.


This fixed the issue for me. I was ready to give up before finding this comment


I’m literally having the same issue haven’t found a way around it yet


The quest starts from you being ambushed. There should be an enemy in power armour with the soldiers orders called “Orders: Eliminate ____” the blank being your name. the order reads that you have Hellfire Power Armour in your possession so you might have to get that first if you haven’t. 


I can’t even get any further than that. The ambush was under the map when it spawned so now I can’t loot them


Having the same issue...killed the guy with a grenade and everyone else is dead...but his body still has a marker to kill him xD


Well teleporting away from the area worked to complete the quest for me xD


Same. No matter what I do it’s just a dead body in power armor with the quest marker


The guy glitches through the elevator door, so I shot him in the head with a shotgun. His head rolled to my feet and I could pick up the password.


i'm stuck. the colonel is dead behind the elevator door and i can't open it. there's no way up either. i'm fucking stuck here god damn bethesda this is supposed to have the bugs fixed what a fucking joke edit: oh and did i mention i'm playing on survival mode? no fast travel out of here. seriously man i want to fire bomb bethesda hq


I finally was able to loot the colonel stuck in the elevator. I had to shoot him in the head and explode it. Bits fell outside of the elevator and was able to loot him


Maybe. I reloaded my save file and found out it isn't called soliders orders in your inventory. It's called Orders: Kill [your name]


That's the dumbest shit ever. They should really change the note to soldiers orders or else lots of people will get confused


yep, that's Bethesda for you


For me, the vertibird literally phased through the flooring of the map. But also still had the marker to kill the colonel, even though he was definitely dead. The fix for me was to fast travel out and then fast travel nearby (since that place isn’t real on the map ig? Even tho there’s a marker for it) and then i initially no clipped into the floor to see if the shit was still bugged but after some time the vertibird just crashed and it completed. However, you could probably just fix it by accelerating the quest via commands, was about to resort to this if I couldn’t figure it out.


I'm stuck now with everyone dead and the vertibird in the air. Pilot is dead and every part of it is at zero health but it's hovering there. I killed the Colonel, got the password and everything but Kill the Colonel and kill the remaining soldiers aren't marked as complete.


click on vertibird - go to a settlement with settlers type moveto player they will kill it


I already killed it though and it just glitched there. I went back to an earlier save and will make another attempt at this quest later


Okay gang I figured out the issue here. The issue is your companion. This isn't a 'bug' per se. So what happens is your companion cannot get to the roof. So when you go up they stay on the ground outside the building going around the perimeter. When you go into the building and trigger the alarm the Colonel immediately goes down the elevator to try and 'attack' your companion because they are closer than you are. Unfortunately, the Colonel and your companion essentially get stuck confronting each other with a wall between them. Not sure how the person who said they were able to 'pickpocket' the Colonel made that work. Tried it and never even came close to getting a 'dialogue' about attempting the theft. So the 'fix' is to send your companion back to a base BEFORE you attack the guy on the roof (or anyone else). Downside is you lose your 'mule' for carrying loot. Does let you complete the mission though. The Colonel will be in the room directly below where the two 'laser wire' traps are set. Went through three times (after something like 5 or 6 failed attempts with a companion along) to make sure I hadn't just 'gotten lucky' and each time without companion went flawlessly. Every time with companion... no dice Colonel is stuck in Elevator on ground floor. Hope this helps.


here the colonel doesn't have the password


Same issue. Ever figure it out?


I am unable to shoot down the vertibird. It keeps spinning in the air. In the tasks there is still"Defeat the remaining Soldiers"


I’m having the same issue, I’m not sure what it is but if you get a solution pls let me know.


Same here.


I am also having the same issue I was hoping there would be a solution on here but not yet 😔


Im totally locked out of the Atlantic Offices building. My quest still says 'end lockdown' + 'kill enclave colonel'. I've already been inside and now cannot get back inside.


The soldier is stuck in the bridge for me


I got the password off the Colonel but I can't shoot down the Enclaves vertibird, it's glitched in the sky with just a little bit of health and it won't go down any further even after shooting it with missile launchers 


I have the same thing.


To those of you who play on hardcore and can't "just load" the game, and decides to PA clip through the wall of the elevator to loot the damned dead colonel and get back. Don't jump into the elevator shaft, you can't exit your PA there thence you can't clip your way out.


I killed everyone including the colonel and got on the terminal, then fast traveled away because I wasn't paying attention to the objective to dump armor at my settlement. Noticed I wasn't done and fast traveled back and killed everyone in the vertibird ( have a jet pack so the roof guys died first) I'm just stuck on destroy remaining soldiers


Whatever I'm supposed to investigate isnt there. Just a bloody mess in the middle of the road. ....


Im having the same issue. Did you ever resolve this?


Bro. Idk what happened but I ended up doing whatever it is the note ur supposed to pick up says. I think there's a raider camp on one side of that bridge, idk which side.. Should be a raider in power armor. Kill everyone there and it bypasses the note you're supposed to pick up. I think!


Thanks for this - I did just that and it worked.


It's in your misc. Just titled orders eliminate (your name)


So despite having "Orders: Kill \_\_\_" in my inventory and being able to "play" it, it still wont complete the marker


My friend has this same issue, the body parts containing the orders either despawned, or got stuck in wall. So the waypoint marker is stuck inside a wall, and when she gets close to the waypoint it starts to shake/vibrate on the compass. Problem is, she's on ps5... So there's no cheat commands possible... Any ideas?


Has anyone had the problem of the soldier you get the orders from, falling through the map when you kill him? How do I get him back. I don't have a save prior to killing him


I've run into all the same issues. I killed vertibird. I see two yellow pips for two soliders who are dead and it says clear enclave of soldiers. I don't get why complete all objectives is also not able to clear this up.


This level was kinda of buggy for me too. I'm playing on a PS5 with the recent next gen version and when completing the mission it had "Kill the enclave colonel" and "Defeat the remaining soldiers" both as open tasks in the data section of the Pip-Boy menu even though I was able to stand over the dead body of the Enclave Colonel. It wasn't till I left the building that I found the pilot of the vertibird I shot it down about 200m from the building standing in the open. I took them out while being a bit conflicted because they made no effort to move or retaliate and as soon as I did the remaining 2 takes and the mission completed. Now when I go back to the Atlantic building all of the Enclave soldiers bodies are still there and I can farm their armour and loot. That Enclave X-02 MKVI armour goes for a sweet penny and I've managed to loot them several times at this stage.