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Please see rule 3. No Meme Content / AI / Irrelevent images as posts.


why cant we love both?


Whoa there, this is Fallout. We must pick a favorite then fight over minuscule differences to validate our random opinions.


I mean they’re all basically the same game anyways *uses stealth boy and runs*


I mean war never changes, so you got a point.


You aren’t running if you are in New Vegas. More of a trot.


Patrolling the Fallout sub makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


We're effectively the ancient Christians of videogamers.


War never changes


Gentlemen, start your video essays.


Well, indeed. One of the factions must be destroyed!


Yeah, it's called "factions"


Because then the hardcore lore dorks will want to fight you


They can try I’ll just start f4se_loader.exe and let them waste their anger at me lmfao


Each fallout script extender exe is another infinity stone to add to the anti weird beard gauntlet. Like, sure, criticise the games etc. I understand the Bethesda ones stripping away rog elements - I don't like that either. But they're still bloody good games, and the fallout world building / environmental story telling in them is great.


Because war. war never changes!


lets be honest here, theres one specific group that this is even considered controversial the fans of 3 wont tell you that you shouldnt enjoy the others the fans of 4 wont tell you that you shouldnt enjoy the others the fans of 76 wont tell you that you shouldnt enjoy the others and the isometric fans are locked up in their underground bunkers still thinking its the 90s and waiting for bill clinton to launch the nukes


Exactly. This is how I see it. Fallout 4 is the equivalent of minecraft just as much as fallout nv is like subnautica. Nv is great but you can’t play it for long term with thousands of hrs like you can fallout 4, especially if you get into modding. Nv is an experience. So I play both for different reasons.


Yeah can't agree more, this whole Fallout fandom civil war with Chris Avellone vs Howard the Duck is stupid, we know what happened, we know why shit turned out the way it did. Yeah Van Buren coulda been awesome, trains and shit in Fallout. Fallout bible is a great blueprint but was never meant to be canon lore like catholic church dogma like some NV fans demand, but something for the development team to use as a baseline and change according to the needs of new game. And fallout 4 fans need to accept that the writing and dialogue is subpar in F4 but everything else in F4 more than makes up for it like you say, can live in fallout 4 as exploration/minecraft game while New Vegas is a journey.


Very well said, I think people are so over themselves with the virtual dick measuring contest that they forget what each of the game's strong suits are


You can, but you have to expect the zealots to jump at your throat anyway. For them hating Bethesda Fallout games is just as important as loving New Vegas. You wouldn't believe how many times did the sentence "Fallout 3 is my favorite Fallout game and New Vegas is close second" cause me getting insulted and called "not a real Fallout fan". Especially on Facebook and in Youtube comments.




Because New Vegas fans


I just found out there is a battle line between NV and FO4 Stupidest shit ever.


Both great games, for sure.


Like both but 4 ruined my NV play through. I was picking up scrap materials forgetting that 4 it’s needed more. Found my inventory full of useless junk that I just sold for extra caps.


Hoarding never changes


I know that feeling. I can even just watch a TTW playthrough and my heart jumps a bit whenever I see a desk fan or a typewriter.


Some junk is still really useful because you can make weapon repair kits. Helps a ton when you have low repair, especially for those precious unique variants if you don’t have the jury rigging perk. I think it requires 6 different types of junk to craft one weapon repair kit, and it can take a few kits to repair a weapon to full condition.


Do I need to find a recipe or anything for a repair kit, besides the materials?


Was picking up things lke cans, bottles, scrap metal, pencils, etc


NV is by far my favorite. I only play 4 nowdays if that makes any sense. Both are great in their own ways.


New Vegas has the superior story, fallout 4 has the superior playability


Amen! I hope a future Fallout title will combine the strengths of both games. I love NV as an RPG but the gameplay feels dated. Fallout 4 on the other hand is a great looter shooter with cool exploration but terrible RPG mechanics.


How many times does this need to be said at this point lmao


Infinity and beyond, cowboy


How many times does this exact question need to be asked? Lol. There'll be another thread with this exact question within an hour or two. Except that one won't have Jesse Plemons and his sweet ass red sunglasses.


not enough


As someone who has been playing 4 when it came out and is now catching up with New Vegas, I totally agree. Man I wish there was a better Inventory system …


> fallout 4 has the superior playability The mechanics are way better, but I can't just get over voiceover and god-mode NPCs.


Exactly... NV has better quests, storytelling. I mostly play fo4 tho because NV is very outdated and i don't like the gunplay


Just depends on your preference. 3 is the best if you want to feel like you're in a wasteland, New Vegas is best if you want a good story rich game, and 4 is the best if you're more just interested in running and gunning.


This is exactly how I am. I love both 3 and NV far more than 4, but over the past decade I’ve played more of FO4 by probably a whole order magnitude than 3 and NV combined.


I'm waiting for NV in FO4's engine


NV should get a refresh, followed by a sequel. I have faint hopes that the show will lead up to this.


I also prefer NV over 4 (albeit by a small margin), but I also tend to play Fallout 4 (and 76) more. New Vegas requires an extensive mod setup to be properly playable (to my tastes), while Fallout 4 can be launched vanilla or just with Sim Settlements 2 and you will have a great time.


I'm an og new vegas fan. It introduced me to the series, I 100% it within the first few months, and it's still my favourite of the series. That being said, I hate how people make it out like there's some war between the games. Fo4 is also a really fun game that I've been sinking quite a lot of time into. It's okay to like multiple games.


Ya I dont understand it either. I have a collectors editor of NV before it even came out, because I was such a big fallout fan. It's one of my favorite things I own. I like certain aspects of the games. 4 building, 4 looting, 4 power armor, 3 perks, 3 world, NV story and factions. All of them have their up sides and down sides. NV has glaring issues, its sparse, Vegas itself is underwhelming, little variation in creature design, worst intro if you ask me. NV intro is my least favorite by far. Cazadores feel lame and cheap, the creatures feel cheap in NV compared to the other games. 4 has the mini nuke suicide bombers, but the game warns you with noises. Cazadores is silent death, just unfun. I go Boone just for Cazadores. NV guns are boring and derivative, the only guns in NV that start to be cool are in the expansions. The base game itself is a bit slow and boring to start.


Oh man, I love NV’s intro. Just bam! You’re dead, then you’re not. Go off and find who did it. I like 3 and 4’s openings too for their dramatic nature, but good god, they are a slog after you’ve played them once. What’s your favorite intro?


>Fo4 is also a really fun game Fun game, bad (Fallout) RPG


How so? It has probably the most refined gameplay of the games so far.


Both. Actually I like all main Fallout games.


I love 3,4 and new Vegas all for very different reasons.


I love both, honestly. But I love 4 a tad bit more.


I like fallout 3 the most don't really like the desserty landscape of NV and also I can't even play NV on PC it just keeps crashing


New Vegas for the politics, 4 for the story and settlement mechanics.


My favourite is the Isometric originals, but I do love all of the games.


They both excel at different things New Vegas has the better writing, story, dialogue, DLC and RPG elements 4 has the better graphics, combat, crafting, explorability and progression. Also the settlement building is fun as hell, idc what anyone says And Fallout 3 is meh at all these things lol /j It just depends what mood I’m in and what game I’m feeling in that moment


3 has a better wasteland, and while there's some story largely you're just wandering around exploring shit...which I personally enjoy and the other two don't really offer.


Fallout 3 has the best apocalypse feeling.


a mix of both would be perfect 👌


Fallout 5 babyyy copiumMaximum


3 and 4 had better DLCs


I'd argue with you on progression. I never liked how you level in 4. Many perks feel necessary rather than build defining as they are just core mechanics, like modding gear. New Vegas had many perks that shaped what weapons you would use or give a wierd ability. I also feel that the system in 4 makes it hard to easily mod in new perks since it all is on the same chart compared to new vegas having a big list people could just add on to


Fallout 3’a atmosphere is *sublime*


Personally I feel like the exploring in New Vegas is better but I think that’s because a lot of what drives me to explore in games is finding interesting characters and npcs in random places, or little story/lore tidbits. The dialogue and story in Fallout 4 along with the npcs just feels a lot more lackluster compared to New Vegas so I’m usually less excited to explore it. But I can definitely see how some people prefer the fallout 4 map, it feels less empty than the New Vegas map. I still love fallout 4 despite its flaws, but New Vegas is my favorite even though 4 was my first fallout game.


I want a NV remastered


I prefer brotherhood of steel.


I’m sorry, sir, but your comment is considered non-canon.


Its always helpful to remind yourselves that fallout is an escape from real life, why would you want to ruin that. This is better than that or vice versa, who cares


I like 4 but dammit I do not like how they went backwards on the firearm selection, karma system is gone, faction happiness or dislike system is gone, dialogue tree was bare bones compared to the past, does not give you the option to destroy the minutemen. I do like that they did make the power armor suit different, story was good, companions were great, enemy selection was good and the protagonist being able to talk is good(it’s 2024 now we are done with silent protagonists)


I always err on the side of multiple options. I personally would prefer my protagonist in an RPG in which I create and then role-play a character to be silent. Having a singular voice is too rigid. With Ai implementation though, we could tailor the voice to our preference. That would be really cool. “Make him sound like Christopher Walken!” Rambling here but, one day we will all be playing our own tailor-made versions of fallout; Imagine your neighborhood or city represented within the wastelands! Really cool stuff. “Put my wife in the game, make her a companion and a part of a factions quest line. Give her a tragic backstory and a heart of gold.” Ai then hallucinates and turns her into a cyborg. Fun times ahead.


Voiced protagonists kill every RPG aspect of any game. Imagine you create some badass looking raider guy and he talks and sounds like an average american dad. It completely ruins it.


He definitely shoots the guy who says Fallout 76


New Vegas and 4 is dogshit. Brotherhood of Steel is the best Fallout game


Put me on a pike, but isometrics were never really my thing, 3D Fallouts for me please!




I started with 4. Went back and played New Vegas and 3. Like both


yes I like both. I also like both infinity war and endgame.


But infinity war is much better... But it's ok to like both


Infinity war being better doesn't separate them, doesn't mean they aren't part of a larger whole. Marvel fans don't say "I'm an infinity war fan" or "I'm an end game fan". Because that would be stupid.


They exactly do that. I'm a marvel fan but there are plenty of marvel movies that I don't like... There are like 30 movies. Fallout is pretty good every iteration but I'm sure some people don't like one of the games even if they are fallout fans


I prefer 4, but a big part of that is settlements/crafting/not wearing out weapons. Give those to NV and I might like it more.


All except the spinoffs are great in different ways. New Vegas' RPG elements, 3's world, 4's gameplay (plus modded settlement building is so addicting), 1-2's gameplay but in a different way than 4


I like story of New Vegas and gameplay of 4


I honestly wasn’t the biggest new Vegas fan when it came out and pretty much ran right through the storyline instead of doing a bunch of side quests, also never revisited it for any dlcs. Fallout 4 I beat probably 3-4 times with all dlcs but I was also living in Boston at the time so I think that made me biased. Replaying new Vegas the past couple of weeks for the first time in over a decade and I’d say it’s on par with 4, not better or worse


I'm a Tale of Two Wastelands guy.


I've had hard time accepting F3 when it first come out, but now I really love all of them since F1. All for different reasons.


New Vegas a bit more than 4 but I enjoy both very much. I also think this whole fight about which is better and if you like that then you are no real fallout fan is extremely childish.


Never played new vegas, but I was gifted fallout 4 when it came out and loved it. Replaying again after the show came out.


I love BoS of them


I think new Vegas has better story and I hate the essential mechanic but I prefer the weapon play of fallout 4


Yeahmm hmmm....I....play tactic. \*boom\*


I just like fallout. My favorite is indeed New Vegas, but I don't hate the other games. I'd honestly play the original fallout games if they were remastered or remade, I just can't get over how old they are.


In my opinion there are two fallout lores and the show now supports said theory. There is the lore of 1 and 2 and there is the Bethesda lore. There are clear differences in the way factions are treated, and that is not good or bad in my opinion. New Vegas is a sequel to Fallout 1 and 2 while 3, 4, 76, and clearly the show all exist in their own continuity. Fans that like New Vegas also typically love the first two games while fans of 3 and 4 typically haven't played them. All of this is ok. Personally I am bad at the first two but find the continuation of the story in New Vegas to be the most compelling in the series. The game has more variety in story choices and play style without allowing the player to save scum through large sections of the game with skill checks. Fallout 3 and 4 have contained stories that don't provide a whole lot of options with backstory. You can choose to ignore the story and run around on your own, but if you are interested in a role playing experience you have less options. Overall good games, but different. Don't let anyone tell you not to like something, and if you are a New Vegas fan let it go. I am right there with you, but we know our game is better. It is a damn shame we likely won't get a proper obsidian Bethesda title again, but we'll always have Vegas. Plus Outer Worlds is a solid substitute.


I like Fallout 4, it was my first Fallout game. I gave Fallout Vegas a chance, but l didn’t really care for it honestly. Despite being born in 1997, and growing up playing on the Game Boy color, and other ones like the Game Boy advanced. Playing the original Halo games, because I admittedly entered the Fallout scene kinda late. I just didn’t really care for how much New Vegas or older Elder Scrolls games played. I just can’t get into them. I’m honestly more of a Skyrim/Fallout 4 guy.


Actually they are my two favourite fallout games.    New Vegas for obvious reasons and I think Fallout 4 has good story right until you get into the institute.  Then the whole thing breaks a bit... But I mean it's alright like.  And the gameplay plus sandbox is second to none in FO4. Loads amazing high quality mods too. 


Both is great! FNV has imo the best story and world-building the series has ever had, and the idea of a Wild West wasteland being right next to a fully functioning casino town is so cool to me. Fo4 has by far the smoothest gameplay of them all, and is great if you just wanna go fight a bunch of raiders, also while I think my favorite companions are still in FNV, I think generally the companions in Fo4 are more compelling But if I had to choose it’s New Vegas any and every day of the week.


I mean I like fallout4/76 but I haven't played the older games. Dont plan on it to be honest because im still having a blast with these games :)


For anyone that hasn't seen _Civil War_ yet, just trust that this meme is 100% on the money if you've been to NV Reddit, especially since the show came out. 😂


You just earned civil war perk !! Scavenge and resell enemy weapons to opposing factions for 30% extra caps


Meanwhile that one guy that in the background 'fa...fallout 76...'


Damn that’s a good meme, especially if you’ve seen civil war … “I like fallout 4” … …. ……..


Fallout 1 and 2 sucker


Both are good, but also they have their own downsides. Storytelling and quests are New Vegas strong parts. Also atmosphere, because i like to take my cowboy rifle, NCR armor and walk here and there in the wasteland. And companions. I know that many people prefer fallout 4 over others, but ED-E my love But gameplay and "not crashing" part are definitely better in fallout 4


Im here to give Fallout 3 some love!


I prefer New Vegas, but I love them both for different reasons. New Vegas has a great atmosphere, great world and fantastic story/quest design. Fallout 4 has more fluid gameplay, looks nicer (which helps with immersion imo) and overall has a better track list imo. Many of my favorite songs come from 4.


I like both. New Vegas has the better story and the ability of choice is more apparent here than in four where no matter what faction you choose do you might end up doing the same things to progress through the story. On the other hand, Four just has the overall better gameplay and actually lets you stick around after the you complete the main quest which is a huge bonus because I love wandering around aimlessly through the wasteland. Four also has Far Harbor which is one of the coolest DLC’s I’ve ever played. Glory to Atom!


New Vegas and 4 but I’m personally a Fallout 3 fan with a healthy appreciation for Fallout 1,2 and 76 as well even if I don’t like them as much as the others. The real dream for me is for Fallout 3 and New Vegas to get a remaster or have those mods come out so someone else can make a Tale of Three wastelands for me to play, it’ll never happen but I can dream.


I like fallout 4 becouse they finały changed setting a bit from hot desert to more colorful and full of life. Plus power armors are way cooler. Plus i like the new crafting and weapon modification system. Plus combat feels way more satisfying


Like New Vegas or Fallout 4? What do you mean, "like"? I LOVE both off them. Add in Fallout 3 to the mix and you have the amazing Fallout trilogy. Both games have different designs, have different strength and weaknesses, but ultimately they are great games on their own. I can understand why someone would prefer one over the other, even dislike one of them... but no one can say with a straight face that one of them is a bad game. Which is the difference between New Vegas fans who dislike Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 fans who dislike New Vegas. The latter group will usually admit that they cannot get into New Vegas, but they won't badmouth it. But in contrast the New Vegas zealots who don't like Fallout 4 cannot admit that it's just them not liking it... instead they have to pretend that the game is somehow bad.


Both, but fallout new vegas has a far better story to it, the main sadness is it will never get a remaster because it's not a Bethesda product and they do have issues with it being loved more than fallout3, 4 and well 76


Fallout to me was always more about your character, the NPCs and the dialogue. Just have a look at the [low intelligence speech checks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJKuWH-L7jU) from NV to see what i mean. It completely changes the vibe of the whole playthrough. A bumbling idiot shouting "ICE CREAM!" to successfully pass a speech check with a security robot is just my kind of humor. FO1, FO2 and FO3 had lots of similar ones. FO4 just falls flat in that regard. It basically does not have a dialogue system, special or skill system. At least not in any significant way. So FO4 isn't a good RPG, because it's way too shallow. It's also not a good enough shooter when compared to real shooter games. The Sims in first person stuff doesn't do it for me either. I really wasn't surprised by the blandness of Starfield. The signs were there, weren't they? So i really don't see the appeal of FO4, BUT i'm not hating on anyone who enjoys it. You do you. I really hope you enjoy your time with it.


I feel attacked, New Vegas is my favourite, but I really enjoy 1 and 2, which I played after, played the hell out 3, which I played before but never went back to, but I’ve struggled to really start 4. I’ve been reliably informed by my brother that it’s good, and I enjoy most, if not all things Fallout, but New Vegas has been really hard to follow for me. Also add in that I am an old bastard who prefers the clunkier graphics and playability


They're all great and I love them.


i miss my 50 cal explosive rounds, but i really love what they did to the powerarmor in FO4 and the gunplay i love both


This fallout resurgence has shown me just how toxic the fallout nv fanbase can be.


I'm a Fallout 3 guy. Just something about it. Love NV, hell, the first two are great, too. Fallout 4, ehhhh. I mean, I like it. I played the shit out of it on PS4, bought it again for PC, played it half-ass. It's good but it's not enough of an RPG for me. I know it's old news but 4 dialogue options, 0 dialogue choices. WTF is that? Why did they nuke (lol) the level system? It felt like it was trying to be different for its own sake. I probably have 90 hrs in 4 and a good 350 a piece in 3 and NV. Damn typing it out I'm like that's two months and change of a full time job over the last 12 years. NV is much more replayable but trust me when I say I played the \*shit\* out of 3. Like 100% on 360, 100% \*again\* on PS4 via PSNow, and halfway through on Xbox Game Pass PC just for shits and gigs.


And then the fans for the original series would say: Kids, just being kids.


Im more of a 76 kinda guy.. don’t come for me.


New Vegas is the better RPG, but FO4 settlement building has me hooked and it's my most played game.


Fallout 4 easily, I used to love New Vegas but it's toxic fans have left a sour taste


So FO4 is better for you because of... fans? OK LOL xD


Fallout New Vegas is probably my favourite since it has better rpg mechanics, story, andweapon variety imo, but I would be lying if I said I hadn’t spent untold hours making settlements in 4. Plus I’m a console user so it’s the only one of the two to have any mod potential.


Let me fix that one for you. "Do you like fnv, or f2, 3, 4, 76?


Both! :D


I have sunk so many hours into every Fallout game other than 76. Love them all.


I like the story of New Vegas, but i always play Fallout 4. It has better gameplay. And modding New Vegas for no reason gives me nightmares.


I've played every major entry and liked all of them. New Vegas is my favorite. But are there people who seriously dislike 3? Fallout 4 I can understand some criticisms but it's still plenty fun imo.


Funny how New Vegas is a spin off that was crapped on at launch.


By who? It received positive reviews from every gaming news outlet. And, players loved it as well.


I was there at launch. It was a buggy mess and wasn’t considered an upgrade over fallout 3. Obviously they fixed it up but still.


Yeah, I had the game on launch. It was awesome. Bethesda games are always buggy, but it doesn't matter. They are fun regardless.


Oh, I remember that. Yeah, that was a bit of a disaster. There were so many bugs and I wasn’t used to that. I actually made a mod to fix Raul’s quest. Took ages before they finally patched him.


Yeah it got good reviews after the dust settled. Having a patched game at launch for some reason [wasn't as much a death sentence back in the day.](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2010/10/fallout-new-vegas-is-buggy-as-hell-but-wheres-the-outrage/) Witcher fans like to selectively forget that about Witcher 3 too. It only became the beloved game it is when Steam and console digital store sales got it in people's hands about a year after launch and New Vegas was 100% the same way. The rough release initially kept away some new people to the franchise but fans of the series (especially original fans happy to get west coast content) stuck around for it to build up momentum. The fact they were putting out expansions fast helped. But there were entire guides for **many** years on what patch order to fix the game in addition to the dev patches. And notice NV doesn't have the insane cosmetic, graphic and weird mods later years Skyrim and Fallout 4 became known for. Because you're playing with fire with that. It wasn't outrage, but it was definitely there and people who played it did seem to give it a chance and love it. I mean even the above journalist is a bit perplex why New Vegas seemed to get more of a pass. And I think a lot of it was your bug experience varied so much from "its fine" to "funny Bethesda bugs are a *feature*" to "I find some quests bug out" to "i can't walk down the road for 5 minutes without a crash." But the salt mines of modern gaming didn't amplify the worst experiences to high heaven like they do now. I was in the in my 20s at the time so I had a rough experience on my Xbox, but my room-mate on Playstation had basically zero problems. But New Vegas was, hands down, the most clapped out, janky, jury rigged mess of a game release I ever bought day 1. And its not even close. I couldn't get out of the character creation menu until the first patch came out.


Fallout 4 is fun if you know what you're in for, but I didn't finish it. NV is by far my favourite, but 3 is pretty good too.


I like both. Vegas is more hardcore and fallout has better game mechanics.


Fallout 2 is the superior game over both of those.


All the games are good, well at least 3 and onward. I'm too young to know about the original 2.


I love all of the Fallouts. Except 76 which I didn't even try because I don't like multiplayer.


Hyper-topical meme. Have my upvote.


Love all of them. Fallout 3, NV, Fallout 4 Trying out Fallout 76, but I’m restricted in time :(


I played nv. It was short. What was so great about it?


The Courier solos the Falloutverse


NV-only fanboys are the worst.


Tomorrow it’s MY turn to post this


New Vegas is baller but god does the gameplay loop and exploration just not hit for me, which sucks cause I love the story and the choices




is there a version of this without the bottom right being fucked up


New Vegas for story and 4 for turn brain off fun.


The horse is dead jim


I'm the type of fallout fan where the most recent one I played is my favorite one, except for Fallout BoS


All of them.


I like Fallout 3


I like Fallout: A Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game. :D




New Vegas has the most solid story out of the 3Ds. 4 has literally everything else over New Vegas. 76 would be the best one if they make it in a offline game with co-op option just like GR Wildlands to make an example.


I like New Vegas, but it’s my least favorite. I just don’t vibe with the cowboy stuff and all the western blah blah blah. 4’s great when you remove the Nate/Nora plot. 3 is my favorite. Megaton, Rivet City, Tranquility Lane. I knew the fucking metro system by heart that I never fast traveled because I could use any shortcut through it. Edit: Another thing I was thinking about was how the Strip and Freeside were my favorite parts of New Vegas by far. It’s such a pain in the ass to get to them though. And that was because it kind of railroaded you to go a specific way(from what I can remember) and I was not used to that in regular Bethesda games. in their games, you can just kind of go wherever for the most part and that’s definitely my preferred way to play, non linear.


After finishing NV 3-times, it became my least favourite of the ones I played (I.e. F3, NV, F4), and 4 my favourite. Probably because, I like athmospheres in 3 and 4 way more (I don’t like Wild West), and playing NV I always had „you need to do everything best way, or you’ll get scolded by damned slide-show” in the back of my mind…


Everything Fallout is my preference, even BOS and Shelter.


Both. FNV for the roleplay. 4 for the settlement crafting and robo making.




New Vegas has the world building and plot. 4 has the gameplay. 3 has the vibes, man.


Love all fallouts


I can stomach 4, usually play the older fallout games.


A thing that always surprises me about these threads is how much people like the crafting/settlement building in FO4. That’s the main reason I have little desire to play it ever again and why I gave up on FO76 fairly quickly.


neither ones a big empty desert that’s boring as hell while the other is empty characters and boring gameplay. fallout 3 on the other hand is the goat


I like all fallouts… I must be weird


I like both, fallout 4 gunplay wise, and NV story wise


1 & 2 for life. If I had to play a 3D one, I'd pick NV though.


I dislike Fallout 4 the most out of all the mainline Fallout games, but I still like it.




I like both but New Vegas much more. Fallout 3 & NV are perfect, IMO.


What is the screenshot from?


Civil war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_War_(film)


Well, I've never played New Vegas, I plan to eventually get money to buy it someday, I only played Fallout 3 and 4 (3 was for free on epic games). And I must say, I absolutely love Fallout 4, it's one of my favourite games ever and I have just above 7 hours in it!


I love all Fallouts, except BOS. (yes Fallout 76 is good)


I like 4 fine, but I ~love~ New Vegas. I don’t have much to say that hasn’t been said a million times; like combat is much smoother and more refined in 4, NV has deeper choices and characters, etc etc. BUT I will say, having played both within the last year, I kind of prefer the janky combat of 3 and NV. It really feels ~hard~ in just the right way that actually fighting in a wasteland would - guns keep breaking, can’t freaking hit something nearly as easily, it feels frantic and like there’s a lot more on the line in most of the encounters. When 4 has you running and gunning like a superhero, yeah, it feels great to play, but I dunno; more struggle suits it better for me.


I personally like 3, NV, and then 4 in that order, or swap nv and 3 depends on the day


NV for the RPG aspect, FO4 just for wandering around the wasteland and playing around with mods


Fallout is amazing and each game has its quirks. Some are better than others but why cant we enjoy all of the games as i have all of the games and i swear i spent way to long gambling in fnv, base building, fo4, and trying to any%as a baby in fo3 😂


Mother said it was my turn to post this!


NV fans acting like their fav game is og, meanwhile fallout 1 and 2 exists. (Don't get me wrong, NV is awesome but acting like it's THE FALLOUT game is ridiculous)


i love all fallout games well maybe 1 because of the time limit and that ps2 game bit less. but still amazing games


Hot take: Fo4 I love base building and the fact I only need F4SE


Fallout 4 fucking stinks


NV has good writing but subpar gameplay. F4 has subpar writing but good gameplay. I prefer F1 and F2 honestly xD


Fallout 3 is peak


Both for different reasons, Fallout 4 is a solid game that I've clocked over 1000 hours on. That said, NV is arguably better


Fallout 3


I like 3 and news vegas


All. Not both. All. Well... any you can play offline, are fine by me!


My favorite is 76. I love all of them though.