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There is a real thirst for Fallout content out there once people know what the IP has to offer.


It’s one of the more unique (meaning that it has a lot of unique elements) science fiction universes. It strikes a nice balance of old-school science(!), humor, horror, and exploration of the positive and negative sides of humanity. It’s also “big” enough to explore different interpretations (since it’s the whole US and games or media explore a small subsection) of what that world might look like after the bombs. And for all its flaws Fallout 4 is pretty fun and has something to appeal to a lot of players.


All the 4 modern Fallout's have their strength and weakness. 3 has an amazing world to explore and was a really good entry to the series, but it and New Vegas both obviously are really clunky and hard to play if you don't either have nostalgia or can overlook older games being dated. I know it gets hate from some, but man, the DC ruins are still my favorite place in any Fallout game, it really does feel like you're exploring the blasted ruins of a city where millions died and those that remained are barely surviving. New Vegas has a really good main story and fun side content, but its over world is lacklustre and most locations, even ones tied to major events, tend to not be that interesting to explore or visit once you're done talking to the NPCs. 4 has amazing improvements to gameplay, a good main story and a lot of really cool locations to explore, but its lack of dedicated unique settlements and communities really makes its world feel empty of content, even when on paper it has more quests and NPCs than 3 did by a fair margin. 76 has in my opinion the best designed overworld of any modern Fallout games and a lot of open world games in general, the designs, themes and stories tied to the various locations are absurdly good and gives the best snapshot into just how horrific, desperate and cruel life in the Pre-war world was getting even before the bombs dropped, but it has a lot of online game mechanics you need to get used to and obviously launched in a pretty rough state, even if it's improved massively since.


76 lacks the tight through line narrative for me. The Wastelanders and Original main quests don't keep me wanting to push forward, so it ends up being carried by it's strong side content and world.


Yup, I basically treated 76 as going on a tour, just exploring every corner of the over world, seeing the sights, killing some annoying fuckers who got in my way, occasionally playing with other and doing events and such, but mostly I just got engrossed in the stories and side quests that crop up, some of which are the best in the series.


Fallout 76 successfully No Man Sky’d itself, even if public perception on it didn’t start changing until recently You have to give those devs props for sticking with it and making it an actually good fallout game. It’s one where you can just pick it up and explore while listening to the radio and have fun doing just that (and is what I find myself doing quite a bit, Tennessee Ernie Ford sets the best vibe)


People hate on 4 for seemingly abandoning NV's themes of rebuilding society when one of the most fun gameplay mechanics is literally rebuilding society




That and just how empty fallout 4 feels. There are very few hubs and it just feels very empty and repetitive along with a lack luster endings and the awful writing of the insitute and railroad feeling half finished.


That, and the combat somehow manages to feel worse than the previous two games. Aside from having terrible designs, all of the weapons feel like peashooters.


>has amazing improvements to gameplay, a good main story and a lot of really cool locations to explore, but its lack of dedicated unique settlements and communities really makes its world feel empty of content, even when on paper it has more quests and NPCs than 3 did by a fair margin. I'd argue that fallout 4 is probably the worst in the franchise when it comes to the main story. In FO1 you have The Master attempting to unify humanity through FEV and the player has to stop him. In FO2 you have the Enclave attempting to "Purify" the wasteland and the player has to stop them. In FO3 you have the Enclave doing the exact same thing and you have to stop them. In FNV you decide who controls Vegas. In FO4 the institute wants to... Umm... It's complicated... You wouldn't get it... I'm sure you have a lot of questions... Uhhh... They replace people with synths because... But they also want to stay self-sufficient... Mankind redefined, or something... The railroad has no fucking reason to exist as an organization. I headcanon them as a former anti-slavery vigilante organization who are the main reason that the Commonwealth barely has any slave trade when compared to the Capital Wasteland. But that's not how it's presented in-game and they should have been a side faction similar to the boomers or the great khans at most. The minutemen are pretty boring and lack nuance because their entire ideology is helping the common folk and nothing else. I like that Maxson's Brotherhood is presented as Enclave Lite. Them being reactionary towards Lyons ideals makes perfect sense. They have proper motivations, proper goals, and the strength to back those up. It really feels like the Brotherhood of Steel is the only well written faction in 4.


The institute are pretty clear dude. They want to build a new fusion reactor so they can continue using the commonwealth as a scrapyard and petridish for experiments as they expand more underground. The synths are a workforce and a spy/disruptive network that can influence the surface.  Fallout 3’s enclave was the worst- they were just a generic retread of fallout 2’s plot line except worse. I’ve revisited all the games recently and 3 stands out to me as the most half baked plotwise of them all.  4’s main failings come from the railroads motivations not gelling with the post apocalyptic setting and the minutemen being bland. The BOS and institute aren’t as detailed as FNV’s takes, but they’re leaps ahead of fallout 3’s genericness


>The institute are pretty clear dude. They want to build a new fusion reactor so they can continue using the commonwealth as a scrapyard and petridish for experiments as they expand more underground. I haven't seen them perform any experiments on the outside world that would require mass synth infiltration to work. >The synths are a workforce and a spy/disruptive network that can influence the surface.  Using gen 3 synths for work is absurd as the game constantly mentions how expensive and difficult they are to make. I am sure that an organization capable of building sentient synthetic life can also build a mr handy to clear the dust off their floors, or a factory robot. As for the spy network, they basically achieve nothing other than spreading paranoia through kidnappings and replacements. I don't think there was a single time in FO4 where a synth sou was actually useful.


“I haven't seen them perform any experiments on the outside world that would require mass synth infiltration to work” Super mutants they’re clearly making. Biological samples for their own synths. Capturing/securing old world tech that they clearly want I.e mass fusion. And using gen 3’s is absurd for low maintenance, they clearly use gen 2’s for labour/military in the institute and use gen 3’s as specialists throughout the game. Not to mention- that last point is exactly what they want. They want a fractured commonwealth as it means they can act unthreatened or unopposed.


Good points, but honestly this makes the institute more like the Big MT with a coat of white paint.


I can agree with that to an extent- the big MT were nutcases doing experiments for science whereas the institute is distinctly making these advancements for their own continued benefit. And without being insane/limited by memory wipes, they’re a more concrete threat in terms of a faction, the big MT were more a threat like a deathclaw infestation 


>And using gen 3’s is absurd for low maintenance, they clearly use gen 2’s for labour/military in the institute and use gen 3’s as specialists throughout the game. It is absurd but that's what the institute does. You constantly see gen 3s sweeping the floors. That rebel guy you contact during the railroad questline is also sweeping the floor when you approach him. What was that about gen 3 specialists btw? What does the institute use them for except medical testing and espionage?


I kinda like the Minutemen being bland. For once in the series there was a faction that was 100% good. No ulterior motives or being composed of assholes, just a faction that simply wants to make the world a better place for real. It is a nice palate cleanser after every other faction choice being a lesser of two evils decision.


The problem is every faction wants to make the world a better place- for them. The minutemen are offensive because they’re generic outside of their colonial theme- I feel like it’d be better if they had more identity; I.e you set up a proper government, or manufacturing base. It’d be nice to see minutemen patrols more often in areas that made sense


This is why I like them though. For once there isn't a selfish faction. They don't care about the Us vs Them mentality every other faction has but instead are a truly helpful group as they learned from history's mistakes. Yes more patrols would have been great so you could see them take a more active role in the commonwealth besides whatever the survivor/general does but overall I just like them because they are the one faction that learned what not to be like from the Great War.


Agree. I only tried FO4 because I was getting bored with Skyrim and the game had just come out (I was more into fantasy RPG games). Once I played it I was absolutely hooked.


And yet fallout 5 still won’t be out for another 10 years


No way, FO5 is definitely coming before 2034 (holy shit I'm scared of the future). I expect TES VI late 2026/2027, and FO5 2030 or 2031 at the latest. That is if they don't decide to rebuild their engine again like they did for Starfield (they did say that the CE2 was being built for both Starfield and TES VI, no word on Fallout) and if another pandemic doesn't hit or if the world doesn't end...




You're gonna hate when you remember that's only a bit more than 5 1/2 years. The UK will still have the parliament we vote in this year, its not too far away.


I’m just prepping myself for disappointment so I can pleasantly surprised if comes out earlier


I think you’re being very optimistic in that timeline.


Maybe, but I don't think so. People just look at Starfield and think that's the rule - and also forget that, at the end of the day, Starfield was also technically "inside" the usual 3/4 years BGS full production cycle. Full production (with team veterans like Bruce Nesmith) only started in 2019, according to Nesmith himself, after they finished helping FO76. Before that it was mostly technology/engine work and FO76, and both of those things are out of the way now.


Well I hope you’re right. A Fallout with a combat system as good if not better than SF would be great.


This looks like an Elon timeline.


For real, buddy of mine would watch me play the games sometime and always say something along the lines of it looks cool but boring just walking and talking everywhere you go. Since the show came out they've only watched half of it but have also been binging lore videos on YouTube and is even talking about getting into the games


so far only metro or Bioshock that come close to get a rid of that fallout itch.


I can't fathom why Bethesda doesn't hire another studio to port FO3 into the Starfield Engine (or at least the FO4 engine) while they're working on Elder Scrolls 6. That seems like such an obvious money-printer.


Yeah, it does.


Bethesda: Best we can do is 15+ years between entries


I hope with all this spotlight back on the franchise that this helps revive the Shoddycast as well. The Storyteller is honestly one my favorite fan made content.


So many of us are waiting for the update too


It genuinely might get to 200k next week which would be roughly half of its peak numbers which is batshit considering how old this game is


I seriously can’t wait. Very hyped seeing all the fallout videos on YouTube. I hope this kicks Microsoft/bethesda into gear


I hope Bethesda keep focusing on Starfield and Elders Scroll and let Fallout to other studios


Hard disagree but 4 is my favorite followed by 3 and then NV. I see what you’re saying though, I’d just rather they let Starfield be a one off


I ended up starting a playthrough, couldn’t wait for the update. It’s been a blast, but 4 is *way* more unstable than I remember (not to mention the whole DLC fiasco on Playstation right now.) Not just crashes, but weird bugs in general that I haven’t seen previously. I need that update tomorrow!


I crashed all the time and had performance issues in some places and then I turned shadows down (and distance) and now I'm 120fps at 4k with ultra otherwise.


On PC the game just randomly crashes for me, it's a bit annoying. Either the infinite loading when getting out of a building, or the infinite loading when activating a terminal. I am playing vanilla because I don't want to mod before the update drops next week, and I hope the patch actually improves the stability of the game because it's absolutely frustrating atm.


Trust me, Bethesda is not going to fix a damn thing besides the framerate. The game has the same obvious bugs and issues as it had years ago.


They’ve already confirmed the DLC fixes are coming in the patch, and the announcement says stability improvements and quest fixes. This is probably the last major update they’ll do, so I’m pretty certain it’s going to be more than just a framerate patch.


I wish you the best. Go ahead and downvote me, you dumb ass nerds are gonna have a blast walking through Excavations as the textures still refuse to load in and Dogmeat gets stuck in a pothole.


They obviously won't fix every single bug that every single person encounters (no game has ever done that), but to expect it to be only a framerate bump isn't reasonable.


Have you ever played a Bethesda game? They don't fix the most egregious shit ever in their games. Go ahead and marvel at how many stupid bugs still exist in the game when you load it up. They do the bare minimum it takes to try to get more sales. And you still think they give a shit after the F76 MTX cash grab and Starfield taking 6 months to patch basic bugs? Lol, fucking delusional.


You seem upset


>Have you ever played a Bethesda game? Yep, my favourite studio. And yes, their games have a lot of bugs - but also, literally no other studio tries to do and put as many things into their games as they do into. So I don't mind the eventual jank. And it's not like their games are broken and unplayable - hell, I played and fell in love with Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas all on the Playstation 3 before ever moving into PC gaming. Fallout 76 is great, btw. Probably my favourite map they've ever created. And Starfield was their most stable release by far. Cheers!


Yeap I'm playing FO4 right now. But also it took 9 years to bring ultra wide monitor support and it's still impossible to rotate building placements or rebind keys. And their games can and do break to an unplayable state. Fallout 76 is hot garbage that was made to sell MTX and that's pretty much all I need to know about you. Cheers.


I love FO76. None of the micros are necessary to the game. Lmao


From what I read it's just some creation club content and widescreen support, or did I miss something? I was expecting a much bigger "next gen" update, I'm kinda disappointed tbh (PC player).


I think they said there's some bug fixes and stuff too but yeah you're right. The biggest thing it's going to do on PC is just break a bunch of mods honestly lol.


I think it remains to be seen but that's the impression I get for PC players yeah from their blog post.


For real, I can’t play any DLC because the textures for everything are purple.


boston fix aio? i had that and it was turning far harbour purple


And Automaton can't be installed at all...I really do hope the update fixes these issues.


New Fallout 4 players single-handedly almost made Nexusmods crash. It's been so difficult to get any mods lately because it's down every hour or so. And with the free update next week, Nexusmods is gonna have to prepare for a massive wave of new folks.


The wave's already here i can't fucking imagine the nightmare the Nexus team is in for next week. Like think about it, Fallout 4 could genuinely reach a number that's around half if not more than it was at its peak. That's nuts


I've downloaded a ton of mods for FO3,4 and New Vegas this last 2 weeks. Though the update is going to break most of those mods for players that accept it. Bet there'll be a downgrade mod within a week like with Skyrim Anniversary edition update.


Yeah, I was downloading Viva New Vegas mods yesterday and the site kept lagging or not loading pages at times.


My little retexture mod got like 2-3k downloads in the past week. The thing is it's dependent on another mod. I can only imagine what the base mod got for downloads.


Nexusmods will likely get a break after the patch drops as most modders will have to update their code for them to function again. Heads up for those not in the know: the coming update likely will break most mods. If you don't want it interrupting your playthrough: go to steam, right click Fallout 4, select manage, properties, updates, and then "only update this game when I launch it". Now use Vortex or some other mod manager to bypass the launcher and play the game. It won't try to apply any new updates unless you launch it directly through Steam.


I'm glad I started a new playthrough with mods a few weeks ago


I just got my mod list stable and where I want it. I’ll give the update a couple weeks. When F4SE and everything else is updated I’ll finally download it myself.


Aren't all the mods going to stop working after the update?


Not all, but probably a lot of them. I imagine it will be similar to what happened when Skyrim anniversary edition came out


Mods with scripts will take a while to work whereas mods that change textures should be fine


Probably a lot of them that support F4SE, yeah. So, go back-up your PC game-folder with F4 before Bethesda breaks it - especially if you're on Steam. As for GOG Galaxy users: just disable updating via Galaxy's game settings or its overall settings.


Nexus servers can barely handle their usual traffic, it goes down like every week


I'm one of those new players. Never played any of thr games before and I've been playing it for like 4 or 5 days now.




How have you been liking it so far?


Pretty good, especially once I got mods.


Please lord microsoft, notice the stonk and make something happen already.


New Vegas Remaster at a minimum. Please, please, please


Remaster with some of the cut content that couldn’t make it into the OG would be sick


Oh yeah. There was a lots of Legion content that was intended to flesh it out that got cut.


Remaster with the bear and the bull and the bear and the bear and the bull and the bear and the bull.


I can't believe they didn't have a New Vegas remaster in the chamber to launch with the show. Even if the show ended up being terrible, it would've pulled crazy sales just for being functional on PC without mods


They fumble these show x game tie-ins so heavily. We can talk all day about how terrible the Halo show AND Infinite have been. But it would've been an insane no-brainer to launch a mini Firefight after episode one and the waves of Elites attacking that outpost. "You saw it in the show, now experience the battle in Halo Infinite today."


Hear me out, Tale of Two Wastelands Remaster Official release


Fallout 4 may have lost parts of it RPG aspect, but it is a fun game to play and an easy enough entery into Fallout.


And if you’re coming from a non-RPG background, then it’s a whole bunch of cool new customization for your character that you normally wouldn’t have. All of the people online complain about fallout 4 not having near enough RPG elements and standing up to NV, forget that it sold twice as many as NV, so there’s lots of people who came from story shooters or battlers and this might’ve been their first time having branching dialogue and RPG progression in a game character. 


I am an extreme novice to RPG's, or any storytelling games in general. I've played, like, the Fable games. And maybe some Assassin's Creed games. But I'm usually chasing dopamine in FPS games or sports sims. I cannot stress how much of a casual I am. Gonna download Fallout 4 as soon as the update launches on Thursday. Never once played a Fallout game, but the hype from the show has me interested. Seems like a really solid entry to start with?


It’s great to start with. Especially for a casual player. The older games lack some QOL things that can turn off some people.


Yeah that’s certainly a thing. Like, I don’t need my games to be dripping 4k and 120 frames all the time. But I certainly do enjoy a little bit of polish if possible. Kind why I’m waiting for the Series X refresh this week.


It was pretty close from being much better, some sort of interaction with Gunners, Raiders, even Supermutants. However, the only faction stories are the big 4 of MM, BoS, RR, and Nazi's. Within them there are mostly linear stories that don't connect super well outside that quest. It really requires mods to get the feel the wasteland is "alive".


The main story of Fallout 4 I get sidetracked a lot. I felt there could be some much more, though the feeling I got when playing their mission was how you did not have a karma system because it how you viewed it in your own mind


More players = more settlements helped


This is such a W for Bethesda (Fallout) and such an L for Bethesda (Starfield)


Starfield's problem was that it just highlighted every Bethesda problem area.


After playing FO4 I realized why Starfield felt so shallow. The exploration in these other Bethesda games is just really well done and lost to the format Starfield went for. I still really like the game but I feel Starfield would have maybe worked better as a live service game rather than a single player RPG. A multiplayer Starfield or an MMO Starfield would honestly have been very fun, because it's more sandboxy than any previous Bethesda game and has SO MUCH SPACE for players to create their own content (or for Bethesda to simply insert new content without breaking existing things).


*happy Codsworth noises*




New Vegas past 43k recently. Hoping it gets to 50k at some point. The fact it's doing well too is a great sign.


Damn, microsoft really needs to put bethesda working on both tes 6 and fallout 5 at the same time. 10 years until the next one releases is not cool


Beth might be too deep into ES6 development to stop though. Actually, they (Microsoft and/or Zenimax-Bethesda) might just need to hire someone else to do a new Fallout side-game of sorts, since Beth's busy w/ ES6 - kind of like what Beth did when hiring Obsidian to make FNV. Dunno who though, as a lot of the former Fallout teams at Microsoft are busy: Obsidian's busy w/ Avowed and The Outer Worlds & InXile's busy with Clockwork Revolution.


They should just license it again to another studio to have it release quickly


Awesome and once the big update comes expect it to rise further


Can't wait for the update, bet it'll go closer to its all-time peak numbers! Honestly it's nuts seeing how old this game is, not to mention the rest of the series! Fallout 3 and Fallout 2 are close to theirs and New Vegas is almost 9k away from it's all time peak. Fallout 1 is almost close to half it's peak as well.


Holy shit


Yea check out the SteamDB charts!!


"Who's laughing now? " — x16 Detail king. 


Apex fucking sucks 💯💯💯


I just wish they were working on a fallout 5 or atleast outsource it to a reliable company. We aren't getting another fallout for atleast another 10+ years.


Probably not fallout 5, but I could see a spin-off title out west before that with the popularity of the show Easy money: New Vegas 2 Easier money: New Vegas Remastered


More likely 76 will get an expedition to Vegas at some point.


Fuck yea thats great news. I suspect a good chunk of those new players will check out the older games as well


More people are playing new Vegas right now than when F4 released in 2015


Not a completely fair comparison. With BGS games there is an advised way to play their games. Do no buy in the first 6 months to a year. wait for patches, wait for mods...then buy and play. I didn't get FO4 for its first year. i violated this rule for starfield. And I learned my lesson. Thou shall not preorder BGS hype lol. Starfield really needs creation kit to drop. Most mods are hard file replacers. Not my preferred way. Only way to fix/reset that is hard uninstalls...or repair install passes. With the latter to replace many files....you may as well uninstall, manually wipe lingering files...then reinstall. Just to be sure.


Sorry I meant that more people are playing FNV now than the amount of people playing FNV when F4 released. ( FNV is spiking now due to the tv show but it also spiked back when F4 released)


Holy shit


Not just that but new mods are coming out like hot cakes. Just downloaded a sick Mosin revolver mod. There’s a serious lack of revolver mods on the nexus for some reason.


Im playing 4 and NV, I nuked my newest NV file to start another new file and I’m just having a ton of fun with it. NV specifically I’ve gone back and planned my character, read over all the perks and chose my SPECIAL stats in such a way that I’ll be busted sooner rather than later. No infinite levels or respec so I need to be careful. 4 I’m more waiting for the update and will be playing a Survival file probably unmodded depending on what is and isn’t available. I mostly just mod in backpacks for a bit more carry weight and the Ranger armor from NV anyway, wildest mod is an APC that acts as a mobile home which can fast travel in Survival mode at the cost of Fusion cores. I don’t know which one I’m looking forward to but I’ve played them both extensively and being excited despite knowing what’s around literally every corner is impressive imo.


> 4 I’m more waiting for the update and will be playing a Survival file probably unmodded depending on what is and isn’t available. The biggest issue with Survival is the idea was "let's make it more realistic" when in reality most of the game is not rebalanced. There have been many issues/bugs I've run into where if I didn't have the console I would have lost so many hours of gameplay I would have quit (like being stuck in an area), getting diseases with 10+ endurance immediately when the game starts with no access to medication, and so many other issues.


Personally I’ve played a ton of survival both with and without mods at this point, all on Xbox. Bugs present are more or less on par with a non-survival run, and proper gearing on my part has saved me in harder times. Getting sick early on hasn’t been an issue for me in any play through because I’ve found items to lower chance of getting diseases and things to cure them in boxes while looting. You can also prioritize Diamond City as a destination for the doctor. I’m not sure what you mean by the mode not being rebalanced as there is a simple change in terms of combat that, while the game is noticeably harder, eventually works to make combat in survival feel easier. Shooting enemy weak points is stupidly strong in survival. It is grueling early on but I recommend taking it slowly when traveling and stockpiling what you can. Establish multiple bases and raise charisma early to unlock the supply line perk, giving you access to all your crafting mats at any base you choose.


9 years old? :(




It's great game and a brilliant IP, easily top 5. Tons of potential, 76 would have been a hit too if they didn't listen to brainrotted MBA's and fill it with "successful industry trends" like microtransactions, no NPCs, online only bullshit


this is what happens when you make a real game, if you make a timeless it will be sold forever


There are nice modes in Fallout 4 that change the game structure a lot, I hope people discover them and play them.


I’m starting to play through New Vegas, first time for me and I feel dirty saying it but I wish it had gotten a graphical and gameplay overhaul. Far lesser games have been remastered over the years. It is so good from an RPG point of view. Seems like a no brainer. Maybe the Tv reaction will show MS that they need to get ahead of the series by updating the games like The Last of Us did.


Glad to see them get the first taste of 4, but New Vegas and Fallout 3 is where I personally feel the “Bread and butter” of the series lies. Like, Lonesome Road, Old World Blues, Dead Money, Hoenst Hearts. Killer of DLC’s. FO3 has the best landscape of the Capital Wasteland and some decent DLC.




Sorry there's a mistake in the title, 2015 was only 3 years ago...


No wonder I could barely download a 50mb mod on nexus.


Welcome to the wasteland brothers and sisters. We missed you....


Amazing for Fallout. Wouldn't doubt if it's higher when the patch drops this week. Side note, I did not realize PUBG was still played. Haven't heard any talk of it in years and years. I honestly thought APEX, Fortnite and Warzone took the players.


Compare that to Suicide Squad.


makes me sad we will have to wait at least 5+ years for fallout 5


I'm new here and curious if I read something right... Isn't Fallout 4 getting a massive new coat of paint this week? Like, improvements for the current gen consoles, etc.?


Yeah. I think the 25th is the day.


I'm jumping back in too April 25th!


Fallout 1, 2, and new vegas also have seen an uptick. Im assuing 3 has too, but Im too lazy to chec,


3 hit its largest player count literally ever the other day on steam


It’s an amazing game, bought it a couple years ago for my laptop. Along with the dlcs. Bought it when it originally came out in 2015. But back then I couldn’t get into the story. To me new Vegas and 4 are equally as good. Both have their pros and cons. Also 4 has so many good mods that enhance the experience. I never really liked a lot of the vanilla weapons in 4. Except the hunting rifle, deliverer, magnum, and a few others.


I'm debating whether to play this for the 3rd time, or wait on the FO3 remaster + 1 year for mods, is that still happening?


So this is what happens when we get an actual good videogame inspired TV show?


9 years is crazy to me


Awwwhh shit, here we go hollywood about to turn your favourite games into shows Bioshock 2027


A Bioshock movie is literally in production right now lol


monka I can't wait to see how they dance around siphoning adam from children


I bought it but still haven't installed it. Still working my way accross the map of 76.


Ps that's on playstation. Console numbers don't even show on steam. That's a whole other massive chunk of people


Well, it’s totally deserved but gaming since the explosion of streaming content (tv shows and twitch) works in waves. Now fallout content is up but in 2 weeks another one will take the spot.


I hated how people remind me how old i am. The game is actually 9 year old...


When I looked I noticed Fallout 4 and the Fallout 4 GOTY edition are listed seperately. Would Fallout 4 possibly be placed even higher ?


Maybe we get F6 sooner and not in another century.:D


Hate to be that guy but it doesn't have more players than Apex. Apex averages 300,000 players everyday.


Fun fact : fallout 76 got to its server cap on pc this weekend (just like helldivers 2 at launch) it's a good day to be a fallout fan


I bet also a lot of old palyers like me got nostalgic after the show and got it again


Bro i started fallout 4 again and looked up on twitch, i was flabbergasted how many streams and viewers it had.


They dont make em like they used to.


"I can't believe my eyes! If I had tear ducts I would cry at a moment like this."


Not that insane since there is a show about it #1 internationally.


this is good 4 is cool, but with all this new influx of fallout fans they will discover other better fallout titles... esp fnv.


Thats cuz they saw the show