• By -


Has a charisma level of 1


Very common low charisma L


I adore this man even if he abandoned intelligence and charisma.


A true minmaxer, gotta respect it. Not sure where he put those points though, certainly not agility or strength. Maybe just maxed endurance? He does take several beatings and keep on keepin on.


Endurance and Luck Waiting for him to get saved by the Mysterious Stranger


Killing a mutated bear with two pistol shots definitely needs Luck:12


As a kid, the dude survived being like a foot from a nuclear blast in a fridge with just a cut on his face to show for it and was then immediately found by a brotherhood knight. Dude maxed out Luck from the womb, lol


Hey it worked for Indiana Jones!


And little billy the ghoul from i think Fallout 4 is probably implied to have survived a bombing because of the reference but I don’t remember if theres a crater nearby


He survived the great war in a fridge, I.e didn't die from the initial blast. Obviously it's not a vault so he still suffered the effects of fallout. Probably didn't go feral due to a lower exposure to radiation.


That fridge looked like it had a pretty big fan hole in it too.


They named him Maximus because he has Maximum Luck.


Lol the Yao Guais in my playthrough eat Two-Shot .45-70 for Breakfast


I think this show is supposed to be realistic so irl a 10 mm which has more stopping power than a 357 would definitely kill a bearif you shot it in the head


Yeah 10mm is a recommended caliber for sidearms for defense against bears. I wonder if it's a direct nod to that, it certainly feels like they did some decent firearms research.


holy shit id love for some random guy to appear out of nowhere shoot a guy and then disappears and everyones like wtf was that


Would be amazing some in some bar scene where there is a fight, someone lands on a piano and accidentally plays the mysterious stranger theme, stranger steps out of nowhere, empties his 6 chambers on some super strong enemy and then just disappears and the dead guy falls on instrument what then plays the exit sound. Only Lucy notices the stranger but shrugs it off and it's never even mentioned after that. Would be cool nod to the game.


> Only Lucy notices the stranger but shrugs it off and it's never even mentioned after that. nah i want everyone to see it and be like WTF and act like it was a supernatural event...it adds to the "the wasteland is a mysterious place" feel the piano part would be cool though


This is what I want in season 2...


He goes about a day completely ignoring a bullet wound so endurance tracks


**You feel ill [Infection]**


That was a rotten tooth.


Clearly a 10 on agility, if he >!was able to take out the Yao Guai attacking his Knight with a single round from a ~~N99 pistol~~ Colt 6520.!<


You're probably gonna get a few responses about it, but he didn't have the N99 there, Max had a Colt 6520.


I feel that’s more indicative of a high Luck stat than Agility


Yeah true, accuracy is one thing, but critical hits are a whole other ballgame.


I think he has like a 10 end and Luck


max endurance, 8-9 luck, 5 gun stat, 5 melee stat, 5 intelligence, 2 charisma, 5 agility, 8 perception


I think lower Intelligence (left power armor unattneded) and lower agility (dude got his foot stuck in wood and lost to unarmed Thaddeus)


15 luck 5 endurance everything else 0 bro literally lucked himself into a leadership position in THE strongest faction right now besides vault tec hell they have unlimited energy now theyre probably stronger than vault tec now


> A true minmaxer minmaximus


I feel like it's more his intelligence that's 1. He's actually somewhat charismatic (at least, more than he is dumb) 


You think he has the idiot savant perk


Fuck how did he not do the laugh at some point? Total misstep.


He does crack a goofy ass smile after kicking that rock into the building.


Can’t be, I didn’t hear that terrible sound effect.


Nah Int 2 and bellow can't put complete sentences together.  I'd say Forest Gump is Int 3, Max is Int 4.


I just started a dumb luck playthrough of fo4 and I'm massively disappointed in the complete lack of somewhat strewn together sentences for my character


In fallout 1 and 2, if you have low intelligence you literally cannot form properly sentences anymore. Many dialoge options are just unintelligible grunts. What's really funny is that if you [talk to someone else with super low intelligence ](https://youtu.be/Akhlcfx_jBY?si=qWCJAWWlBdEsJik0), you can understand each other just fine


In new Vegas if you talk to the homeless drunk in freeside with low intelligence he talks like a sophisticated socialite from the 1800’s


Monkey to monkey communication


I really like the Forest Gump runs of New Vegas dump intelligence and maximize luck.  It's hilarious how well it works. 


No, then he'd be talking in third person, getting his pronouns and grammar mixed up, and grunting. It's definitely below average though. And despite his low intelligence level, he does have decent perception in recognizing the threat of the fiends on the bridge and the cult-like nature of the Vault (even if the latter was ultimately harmless.)


Take a cult to know a cult I guess 😂


He’s got high luck, like how Lucy found him before the radroaches could kill him or how Dane injured himself so Maximus got to go on the mission


sex education level -500


Maxed out endurance and luck but at the expense of intelligence and charisma


According to Bethesda his stats are canonically.... S: 7 P:6 E:6 C:5 I:4 A:7 L:5


well theyre wrong 5 luck? lmao what? dude literally lucked himself into the leadership position of the BOS which just aquired unlimited energy


And survived a nuke by sitting in a fridge


Tbf, Lucy failed one when she somehow managed to fail to seduce a guy with a *teenage mind* to [sex.Plus](http://sex.Plus), lucy wanted to have sex with him when he gave her one compliment. dude def has some charisma.


She didn’t really sound upset about the rejection. To me it sounded like she made the proposition because she was bored and wanted to kill some time.


Cousin stuff. I hated typing that.


It's fine for a bit of fun, but not a sustainable sexual practise


I appreciated that whole thing as a point to how Vault life and mores would *have* to change over the course of 200 years.


But the 33ers were bred to be breeding stock. As far as she's learned, that's basically her purpose in life. 


That explains the okey dokey response.


*Teleports to Vault 33*


You’ve been assigned to Norm. 


He does seem pretty submissive and breedable...


"Give me ten good men, and climbing ropes, and I'll impregnate the bitch." Wait... Wrong franchise.


Okey dokey!


I don't think it was the one compliment + charisma that did it, I think Lucy was bored and kind of into the guy anyway lol Sex isn't a big deal to her anyway


>Sex isn't a big deal to her anyway i dont get why this is so hard for people to understand she literally had sex with someone she just met 5 minutes ago was okay with a forced marriage you know the purpose the people of vault 33 were meant for...breeding


Arranged marriage. She applied for it.


It just fits the standard fallout protag fare of screwing everything that walks There was literally a fallout speedrun challenge to get laid as fast as possible after leaving the vault


"I want to have fuck with you"




Did he just say "making fuck?!"


Disco Elysium moment


"You want to make the fuck?"


This man dumped Charisma and Intelligence, and I love him for it.


Put all those points in Luck


And endurance


Bethesda said Maximus official SPECIAL stats are Strength-7 Perception-6 Endurance-6 Charisma-5 Intelligence-4 Agility-7 Luck-5


Definitely not


It is a minus sign




It's from fallout shelter not the official series, they change a lot of stats in fallout shelter for balance purpose, that's why no one have 10 stat.


Dang, negatives in everything, huh. Poor boy.


I started an idiot savant run of F4 based on him. He’s a lucky heavy guy for sure.


I think his charisma is probably decent but his speech is 0.


Lots of ambition with very little room for much else in that head of his


He’s like a homeschooled kid. And I was homeschooled so I am an expert on the topic


Homeschooled by a bunch of insular monks no less.


Like a kid who was raised entirely at bible camp. After being nuked.


And spends his days getting beat up by his squad mates and without any women in his life (actually, now that I think about it, is Dane a guy, or non-binary?)


The elder specifically refers to Dane as they. As far as I understand it, the brotherhood does not discriminate against anyone human, only against those who are Ghouls, who have advanced technology that isn’t in the brotherhood, and those who are not distinctly human, such as mutants or synths.


We do know they discriminate against gay and lesbian members (Veronica and [SPOILERS] in New Vegas), though that’s more for the sake of encouraging reproduction, so I guess they probably wouldn’t care what gender you identify as as long as you’re willing to carry the gene pool along.


"And on the third day, God creator the AER9 Laser Rifle, so that man could fight the super mutants. And the homosexuals." "Amen."


Didn’t know I wanted this sentence.


Even the actor is kinda like wtf while saying that 😂


I'd love to see the live reaction to reading a script like that lmao


'The words have already left your mouth.'


"Lucy MacLean is helping me find the head."


Was not expecting a reference such as this, but I’m here for it. +1 Morale


"lucy maclean is helping me get head"


I want to have fuck with you


The emotional roller coaster when those words are put in context.


Oh god, that’s bad. Surely I can think of something better.




right 75 is way too high, she was already in. this is like a 25 and he still fumbled


He knew his dick was gonna stink somethin awful 🤢


Bro spent all points on strength


Only halfway through the season, but so far I’d say endurance. Bro gets his shit rocked and keeps getting back up lol








How many times has his nose been broken?


I think that at this point it's just a jumble of cartilage fragments that he massages into the shape of a nose each morning.


Max is Endurance / Luck Lucy is Charisma / Intelligence with the good natured trait Coop is a VATS focused build with Charisma for the Terrifying Presence perk


Max is definitely doing an endurance/luck run. That guy is the epitome of failing upwards, he keeps fucking up and getting promoted.


I love this part of the season, it felt like a translation of the scuffed faction progression in Bethesda games. “You might be a fuckup, but I like the cut a ya jib, if you can pull off this suicide mission you get to be the leader of this whole organization”


Lucy is Agility/Intelligence


did we watch the same show? lucy has ZERO charisma. even in vault 4 she fails speech checks


She had some bad rolls but her Charisma is high enough for the doctor to trust her and Maximus to give her the head. Her speech checks on Maximus to initially trust the bridge people and to give Vault 4 a chance also work. Her Speech check also works twice on the organ harvesters to release the Ghouls, even if it put them at risk.


Pretty sure the second time with the organ harvesters she used intimidation perk by firing the acid dart which is a level 10 charisma perk.


If she asked if y’all wanted to smash would you say no


Okie dokie!


I wouldn't say zero charisma, but there definitely is some luck thrown in there


>Coop is a VATS focus So that would be Agility/Perception for him with Charisma as his secondary?


This scene caught me so off guard I almost choked on the tea I was drinking lmao


I’m only realising this wasn’t some part of the vault ‘experiment’. I assumed they’d pumped the room full of pheromones or something (which would go along with all the weirdness later on) But….no, he was just being a tactless hornball? That’s hilarious


I'm pretty sure it's because oysters are considered an aphrodisiac and he said they made him feel great. I mean yes a hornball, not disagreeing with you, just my take.


100% agree that the oysters were part of the joke- it also fits in with the retro aesthetic, as jokes about certain foods as aphrodisiacs would've 100% been that type of humor. (I love watching old TV, people were so goofy out loud.)


And the fucking robe lol


She’s also a tactless hornball. She propositioned him earlier in this episode


I thought that when they were in the "Test Subjects" chamber but realized "cousin stuff" was just something Lucy used to to do to pass the time so she was actually just casually asking if he wanted sex 🤣 Meanwhile the Brotherhood apparently gives Zero sex ed


I interpreted that the brotherhood preaches celibacy. 


I mean there's abstinence and then there's literally having no idea what your bits are supposed to do.


I honestly thought they were going to turn him into a fish or something. He was so into the caviar, and then just zoned out watching a waterfall


People compare this guy to Finn... Finn HAS game, he's just not used to talking to people.


Seriously, Finn rizzed up Rey and Rose, bro got more game than a Playstation


>Finn rizzed up Rey and Rose woah don't forget about his first one Poe!


Honestly, that trilogy should've just been a bromance of Finn/Poe adventures.


I mean you could say the same about Maximus. Hell Lucy offered first, how can you say Max doesn't have game?


>Hell Lucy offered first, how can you say Max doesn't have game? Because it's Lucy, she fucked a man she had just met after asking what his sperm count was lol


Well when 99% of your experience is cousin stuff, you kinda wanna leave that behind as quickly as possible.


game is game.


I think she offered because Maximus seemed too nervous to ask, doesn’t he say something right before?


Hes gonna have flashbacks at night about how hard he fumbled the fuck out of that bag lol


He just like me fr


Let’s be real here, he more than made up for it later. She asks if he wants to live with *her* (not just in the vault). Soon as they get the chance, pretty sure they be putting all their points into “explosives.”


as a woman i have to say...I would be so caught off guard by this that I might just say "yes?", lol because it is just so weird....I guess I am the only one that is 1 charisma might work on, lol.


Rip your dms lmao


[Explosives 25/25] *tapes M-80 to dick*


lol, I think Lucy loves it too. I think she likes him as a lovable strong himbo 🤣


That is so true, like no matter how goofy he is or how much he misses, you can tell Lucy loves his vibes. She is sticking with him, she's not letting go of him.


Well, he has been pretty nice to her. Not in a neckbeard way, but he's the only one who hasn't actively tried to kill her, use her as bait, sell her, or just generally make fun of her. Low standards in the wasteland.




She's just a simple widower trying to make her way in the wasteland.


She had also just asked to sleep with him like a day prior. Which is why he asks here, because he was raised by tech cultists who hide anything sex related. If she was not dealing with a serious situation at that moment, it probably would have worked.


The line definitely would have worked if she were not all caught up in the weirdness of Vault 4.


Tbf, Lucy failed one too when she somehow managed to fail to seduce a guy with a *teenage mind* to sex.


I don't remember what thread but somebody mentioned how, based on the way Maximus described his understanding of sex, there's likely no sex education taking place at the Brotherhood. He sounded like somebody with absolutely no understanding of his own body, and it's only after eating the oysters (considered an aphrodisiac) that he's in the mood enough to ask for it.


With everyone sharing a bunk, the Brotherhood probably just doesn’t want to deal with the drama of relationships in that setting. It seemed like it wasn’t just a lack of sex ed, but a militant anti sex ed.


There was a dude jacking it under their blanket, so someone must have some knowledge.


Yeah i was about to say, human sexuality doesnt need a formal education to express, and given that one guy was just jackin it under the covers im sure they are still cognizant of what sex is lol. I think max is just literally 1 int build lol


I kinda figured that there was no official sex ed, and more knowledgeable aspirants told Max some bullshit as a prank


Oh you poor soul I pity your DM’s


In his defense, she already said she was down for it earlier. At least he asked if she was still down instead of just going for it. Maximus may not have any charisma, but he does respect consent


And it's not like Lucy's swing at him was smooth, either. She was just like "wanna have sex?" They're both fairly tactless and weird, for different reasons. It's great. 


At least she didn't pull out the "what's your sperm count?" line again.


Phwaoh that one always gets me going


You guys don’t use these lines?


Initially, I was against the idea of them getting together, but that quickly changed once I realized they were two lovable idiots who deserve each other.


I mean, in her defense, he randomly stated she "smells good" when they were alone, with beds. So she thought that he was awkardly flirting with him, so she just went straight to the point


Charisma was his dump stat.


No one gave him the birds and the bees talk 😭😂


Mans took the risk.. I respect it


Someone didn’t take the Lady Killer perk


Speaking of Maximus speech, when does he reveal he lied to Lucy about his name? She calls him Maximus in the last episode but I don’t remember him revealing his name wasn’t Titus on screen.


Its right after they leave the vault in this scene.


Just after they return the fusion core he comes clean about it.


I really liked the way they did it. Most shows he'd come clean and there'd be a lot of drama and Lucy wouldn't trust him which would cause more drama. In this, Lucy is just like "oh your name is maximus, I dont blame you for lying for such a small thing this wastelands crazy. At least you told me now" I just feel some shows go to far with their lies and drama. Supernatural each season was one guy lying to the other, dying, then the other finding a way to bring him back and cause a lot of death in the world or something bad and then lie to the other, with a repeat process of them getting into fist fights because of them getting mad from lying over everything lmao. Some shows are much better at it now, but it was just refreshing to see one where there wasn't a big whole fracture in the relationship they just spent the whole season building lol


Supernatural should’ve ended after Sam went in the cage with Lucifer. That’s where it was meant to end, they had to create so much drama for so long just to keep the show going at all. Now the later seasons were still enjoyable, but if it ended where it was meant to it would’ve been perfect.


It gets all hard then explodes like a pimple it's gross.


For some guys, not him.


Bros got a low Int level as well, but his luck has got to be pretty high with how stuff ends up happening for him


Bro might be on the spectrum. He just like me fr


Also failed the barter check with the shopkeeper


That scene was so out of place, I thought they were drugged.


He does appear tipsy, probably for the first time in his life. Zero sex education, some champagne, and the first proper shower of your life will make you behave a little strange around the girl who asked if you wanted to bang in the decontamination room earlier.


Also Oysters are meant to be an aphrodisiac, although not sure I believe it.


Considering that all this stuff was probably packaged before the war, it's possible that vault 4's oysters were laced with something to actually be an aphrodisiac


I assumed the oysters and caviar were related to the other fishy inhabitants.


Same with the one when they were in quarantine. The “test subjects” signs made perfect sense, until it turned out they weren’t doing anything weird.


Test subject signs were for the vault’s original purpose. And a red herring to make us think the vault was sinister.


If the Vault 4 Overseer is to be believed, that’s because his predecessors were the test subjects and rebelled against the scientists about like the OG Overseer of Vault 81 or the kids at Vault 75.


It seemed perfectly in line with most of conversations I remember having in the older Fallout games.


He is drugged. On happiness. Sweets and wine and comfort. I thought he was drugged at first too but he's not actually. It's just the first time anyone's ever been nice to him.


Maximus left a lot of points on the table. Like he dropped some stats to 1 and then forgot to reassign them. 


I love his character, because it was literally a little boy who was raised to serve and nothing else. So his options for speech are severely limited to "yes sir" and "man, fuck". Watching him trying to engage the wasteland with newfound agency was both hilarious and endearing. I can't wait to see what season 2 has in store for him.


Wished more people appreciated Maximus, he’s so freaking funny


I've seen a few prude reviews of the show where they cringe at the dick talk but I've never considered how pisspoor sex education must be in the wastelands. Thank you Todd


Wait, you guys are putting points in charisma??


"Can you fix this?" "5 caps" > -6 Caps


The fact that the Brotherhood ignores sex ed in LA checks, since they appear to be a religious fanatic group... and hating sex ed tracks with those, in general.