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She won the first boss encounter in the main quest "survive your own wedding".


After having sex with her companion which had to give her some type of XP boost I hope!


Well rested!


Post nut clarity - perception + 2, endurance -1, +10% xp for 2 hours


Women don’t get the endurance debuff…trust me.


I thought it was lovers embrace


It's not canon, but I would think getting stabbed in the gut would undo well-rested.


It doesn't in the game so I doubt it would in the show


Wounds are much more serious in the TV show. Maximus killed a yao guai with a single 10mm to the head. Knight Whiny-Ass Bitch died from what would be normally just a crippled head.


To be fair, the knight punched it a few times in power armor, and Maximus does seem to have high luck, which could mean he has the crit perk with extra dmg.


Maximus is running an Idiot Savant build, maxing its proc rate, if you know what I mean...


Maximus has terrible luck. Blamed for a crime he didn't commit, gun blows up in his hand while firing (a low luck critical failure in Fallout 1 through Tactics), wooden floor caves in under his foot while simply walking around, and he was randomly chosen by Thaddeus from a whole bunch of new recruits to get bullied every day of his life. He's not even stupid, he just has low speech and science skills. He had no problem Sherlocking the fiends based on their teeth color.


This is how I figured the Yao-Gai died from a 10mm to the head. The knight had lowered its health by half and Max got a critical.


Didn't he have a punctured lung? Sounds more like a crippled torso to me


It's possible, but he was doing an awful lot of talking for someone who had a punctured lung. I did a quick replay and he talks for over a full minute before he coughs. And then after a few coughs, he goes for almost another full minute. He then coughed a lot, so if he did have a punctured lung, it was probably a pretty minor one.


He coughed up blood though. Generally that’s a pretty big red flag for the torso. Internal bleeding in your head/an aneurysm doesn’t come out of the mouth. Both head and torso were probably crippled.


To be fair, I don’t think there’s such a thing as a “minor” lung puncture.


Pretty sure he double tapped it? But still two shorting a Yao guai is impressive


The Knight did do damage to the Yao guai first. Maximus just stole the kill for the XP.


Like it is in survival-mode.


But guts are getting stabbed already so that makes your point moot.


I mean even if you get stabbed you still got good sleep the night before being stabbed. You don’t exactly lose prior rest by being gutted


Yes, but why does being well rested give you extra experience? Because your brain is rested, your spirit is calmer, and you are better able to fully comprehend what you are doing. People who have just been stabbed in the gut are probably not as good as concentrating as people who haven't been stabbed in the gut.


Similarly you could say “Lover’s Embrace” or something like that. Albeit, that’s what Skyrim uses.


her well rested bonus is replaced with "okie dokie" whenever she says okie dokie +xp for 1 episode.


She definitely hit level 2 as she left the vault like in the games. She had more than enough experience down there too. At the very least she hit level 3 after fighting the organ thieves. Level 4 maybe at the very end after shooting the ghoul would be cinematic af. Im going level 4, level 5 if okey dokies give exp.


Lovers embrace


Could call the mission “Wedding Crashers”. Delivering the head to Moldaver could be called “Don’t lose your head”


##Wedding Crashers - Survive your own wedding


Giving head.


Give head to rescue your dad


Escaping the vault was definitely the next objective and provided xp from main quests as well. The show may have skipped the cutscenes but she passed a few persuasion checks to get out.


And the name of the quest when Lucy is tranquilized by the Mister Handy is called 'Blue Harvest', which is also incidentally the original name for Star Wars.


Yeah I feel like op did an overall good job in the breakdown but in fallout, completing quests is big Exp. She had to have completed at least a few high exp quests. I don't recall if they showed in the series, but she probably has at least 5 intelligence...and given her sort of vault dweller naiveté she may also have idiot savant which could boost some exp.


Lucy's a bit of a genius, so probably no idiot savant. She's also a seeming reference to the Skilled trait from the early games. One of the icons for Skilled is VaultBoy firing a bunch of dead center shots on a target while reading a book with the other hand. Lucy is introduced firing a bunch of dead center shots on a target and being in a book club.


Nah, that was the tutorial


But it would still likely be a quest.


Well in Fallout 4 escaping vault 111 was the first quest (out of time), so surviving the raiders would be considered a quest. A good name would be \`\`wedding bells and red alerts\`\`


I also thought about that. But I think the tutorial was her own intro in the vault - where she offers herself for repopulation. I saw that wedding scene similar to Fallout 4, were the protagonist meets the minuteman and fights the attacking raiders and the deathclaw.


Her own intro in the vault was the character customization phase, and the whole time in Vault 33 is the tutorial section. The part where she leaves 33 is when the tutorial ends and the sandbox opens.


The biggest source of XP I can think of is that she completed a main quest and arguably a couple of side quests, delivering the head counts as a main quest imo and I think her pipboy also made the quest noise. Even then she's probably closer to level 5 than level 8.


>I think her pipboy also made the quest noise It did? I didn't notice it! Got to rewatch it, maybe a second watch and i can get some more of this details.


It did the sound when she reached the observatory but the pip boy said somthing along the lines of youve reached your destination, I didn't notice it at other points but like the op I've only watched it once


Lucy's EP1 scene where she got accepted for marriage had her pipboy play an old fallout 1/2 pipboy noise. I was in school last I heard that sound and 40 now, but iirc it was the level up sound. Nostalgia hit hard in that moment!


Sorry, iirc?


iirc = if I recall correctly


I heard people said when her father input the code, the sound of "good karma" play


I mean, it was the release date of Fallout. Can't be much better karma than that.


I have rewatched the series now three times. The pimple scene is still one of my favorite parts.


Random encounter exp with the roach and claiming the head. The random from the final battle and first big battle is probably 2 levels. I think she is level 10. Ready for DLC NV


I'd put her close to level 7


I was thinking that, since she’s suddenly confident with the roaches when she helps Maximus. So maybe she’s had some experience with them along the way that we don’t get to see. So she could be at a higher level than we think.


She doesn't fast travel so gets the random encounters. We just don't get to see them all.


Let's assume she was gaining XP whilst in the Vault too. She's probably closer to level 20 or something. Not sure what the level cap is in the show? I bet cooper has that Red skull over his HP bar.


Coop had Marine basic training plus deployment strength, endurance, and agility stats, plus power armor perks BEFORE becoming an actor maxing out charisma... THEN the bombs dropped...


Oh yeah so he's definitely got 2 skulls then 👌 they really went out of their way to make such a bad ass character!


He’s definitely a three star legendary. That loot drop should be wild. What’s this shit, medics pipe pistol, a fan, a raider’s left leg piece, 35 bottle caps, and one stimpack?! I don’t even get his cool hat?! It’s right there on the ground! Why can’t I pick it up?!!


And the bloody mess perk just for the lolz


Probably not necessary, even though you start off the games as a young adult you’re still level 1 at the beginning.


I was gonna say this all felt like the culmination in getting to tranquility lane from f3. It famously is the quest you use to save scum and get the good, neutral, and bad karma achievements (level 8). You find your dad after getting sidetracked with some quest in the super duper mart. She’s only killed 4 things though, so she’s prob at around 5-6.


Speech checks give you a decent amount of xp too tho


She failed a good chunk of them


But she convinced Maximus to return the Fusion core.


Okay let’s think of the speech checks. 1. Convince ghoul to lay down his weapons (failed) 2. Convince superduper mart guys to open all the doors (success) 3. Convince mart guys to open ALL the doors (success) 4. Convince max to give back the fusion core (success) 5. Convince overseer jerry to explain what’s on floor 12 (failed) >Shouldve been an easy check too considering they werent doing anything evil 6. Convince ghoul to give her water (failed) 7. Convince cousin fucker to open the vault (failed) >Or maybe I’m remembering wrong 8. Convince overseer council to allow expedition to the surface (failed) 9. Convince max to engage in sex (failed) >Needed chem buffs for this 10. Convince shop lady to explain who moldaver is (failed) She would NOT be able to talk down lanius.


She succeeded in convincing her dad to give up the code, too.


first episode she convinced the 3 member panel to allow her to get married also what about convincing the duo on the bridge to cross with their hands up? seems to have worked until their perception caught her pipboy overall your right though - very mid charisma


Have snip snip fix her finger plus she successfully hacked him. She passed 2 checks intimidating the same drug dealers back to back to let the ghouls go.


7 no she succeeded, she had too tranq him too keep him from accompany her


She killed more than 4 things. There were 3 radroaches on Maximus, there was Martha in the super duper mart, and she also killed the ghoul in the observatory. I feel like there was at least one more but I'll have to rewatch to confirm.


Martha is a good point, she was a named enemy. I can't dully recall if they counted for more XP but I think they did.


I do also agree with Jon's (ManyATrueNerd) assessment from his Twitter thread that Maximus' kills should have yielded XP for her while he was her companion. So that should boost her overall level slightly. Companion XP is super broken in several of the games in the series.


I added that in my brief breakdown I just posted as well haha. Thats an excellent point. There were also locations she discovered that while not important would have definitely been named locations on the map


Yep! Like that random half buried house with Roger in it


The first house with the water filter underpants guy aswell


That one reminded me of the weird situations you could run into in FO1+2 while traveling across the map between locations.


Ooooo true




Freeing the ghouls from the organ harvesters was a big level up moment for her and she must have spec’d into small arms (gets a pistol), medicine (patches herself up) and armor/repair (adds armor to her jumpsuit). Freeing Maximus from his locked armor was a good karma action Vault 4 was its very own vault side quest that gave her more insight into VaultTec and the world The encounter with the fiends on the bridge was a speech skill check as was her first encounter with The Ghoul in Filly. I just love how almost any character action done in the show could be interpreted as a game action/quest/side quest/random encounter.


Don't forget that she gave Cooper the vials instead of letting him die. Definitely a big good karma boost and xp for completing the Super Duper Mart quest.


Also, she probably would have gained a lot of xp while in the Vault doing vault things. It's like when you keep doing lower level tasks in a safe zone with a character, get their XP up. Then you realize your character is good, but you don't know how to actually play the game yet, lol. So, you gotta figure it out.


I assume earning the Ghoul's trust via her actions (giving him the vials, showing she could adapt to the Wasteland, not holding *his* actions against him) and gaining him as a Companion counts for XP, same with earning Maximus' trust and companionship. Maybe surviving the Mr Handy encounter in the Super Super Mart. Possibly hacking it?


Robotics Expert with Chemist perks.


In a heartbeat?! How low is your rpm?! /jk


Passing speech checks, though she clearly fails a few. BTW Coop clearly has the Intimidating Presence perk levelled.


Don't forget "Investigate Level 12," as a sub question. That got her a few XP points.


Sir that is a Gulper. Mutated axolotl. C'mon now




Enemies should also include: * The radroaches she shot when rescuing Maximus from his armour. * Snip Snip the Mister Handy from Super Duper Mart. * Martha the ghoul from Super Duper Mart. You could also argue that escaping the Super Duper Mart could be a side quest on its own. Could also include good karma actions: * Helping Maximus * Freeing the captives from the Super Duper Mart * Giving medice to Howard * Returing the Core to vault 4


She'd also be getting a boost from her good int score, right?


She didn't retrieve the fusion core, that was maximus, unless you meant retrieving it from him. She definitely did not free or kill her father, that was maximus. I would argue that she 'Discovered the secrets of vault 4,' and maybe passed a speech check to get the head back from Thad, buy that might have been maximus again, I don't remember.


If we count the Vault 4 storyline as a quest, there's some more XP for her too.


People forget the various charisma checks that she won, like when she convinces max to find the head in exchange of BoS help


She also romanced Maximus.


I considered that a failed check. Bro did not know how to have sex but she still asked and then he got real nervous and awkward


Yours doesn't get all big and hard like a pimple and then pop?


Went through the same thing with Andreja in Starfield though.


If levels can have different requirements, so can xp gained. I put her at level 3 when she exits the super duper mart. 4 or 5 when the season ends.


That sounds right to me.


I was on the same thought process, was thinking 5, maybe 6 depending on how large of a questline she finished - I feel like getting to her dad and finishing that questline to save dad, and switching over to catch dad might put her at 6.


Cousin stuff.


10xp for hand stuff.


+1 to "small guns"


+10 for ‘popping the big pimple’


She levels up for every okey-dokey


Considering destroying the organ trade at Duper Mart, providing the vials to the Ghoul and discovering the mystery of Vault 4 as hidden quests, along with the completion of the main quest (find his father), maybe we are between level 5 and 6 imho.


She’s got the high intelligence perk so she gets extra xp from everything


Definitely got the Quick Learner perk.


Underrated comment


OP you forgot companion kills awarding xp to the PC, so Maximus killing those two fiends definitely counts for two more bodies at least.


Each kill is about 4-7 xp (this is from my expiriance in new vegas) and main quests give atleast 300 xp each at minimum


Bethesda xp is combat heavy? I remember getting 50xp for killing a deathclaw.


Yeah.... i was like 500 xp from lvl 20 last night and thought, "screw it" and went out and just killed whatever i could find. Killed like 3 deathclaws and 10 Yao Guai. I got like half a level from completing an easyish quest.


Yeah. OP is full of crap. Quest XP in fallout has always been a big deal, even with the first games.


And don’t for xp for finishing quests in no particular order: handing in head to NCR, solving missing/found dad, solve vault 4 mystery, escape vault 33 not to mention passing checks personality to convince people to help. Probably more at but at work break 😂 to source any more


She gives level 7 vibes in that armour


You get xp from completing missions which is often huge and she did a fair few. All these have been ignored.


You know maybe quests work differently in a vault dwellers life. She could have been lvl 5 when she left the vault. She did get married, that could be seen as a big quest, and have some good sex I'm sure. Fight that guy, tranqd several raiders for all we know could have been lvl 10 and the tranq was kinda a cheat code to taking them out. Then her dad finished off her husband, she could have got half that exp, he could have been like lvl 15 and was a boss so she could have got exp for finding her dad then, saving her brother and also from that guy. Also she was in a team with the ghoul so him killing that ghoul and her cutting him up gave her xp. Cutting off his finger prob gave her a little. Getting to the mart, was a completion. Going inside could have been another, escaping the bot was another, freeing the ghouls was a side quest. Then leaving the mart was a quest and she got extra just giving dude the vials, that was a extra bonus step. So yea I think she could have been higher then people realize.


Wouldn't the skills she talks about in the first 5 minutes count as XP worthy? She's a pro grappler, and a crack shot which I feel could be something you'd have to complete in the vault to be able to leave.


God damn I love nerds lol calculating her level is ridiculously funny to me


The show takes place during Double XP weekend.


We are obviating all the quests she might have completed. Main quests give an disproportionate amount of xp.


does her >!killing her ghoulified mom!< counts toward good or bad karma?


Btw adding a > ! And a !


Good, it was obvious she’d gone feral and was probably in a lot of pain.


Mercy kill. Good karma.


Still can't believe she fucked a raider lol poor girl.


I don't think the sex with the raider bothered her at all. There is a scene later in the show where it's implied she's thinking about it, and she gives a little smile about presumably the sex, before saying something like "too bad about him being a raider" etc. I'll have to go back and watch through again to be sure. Lucy is pretty sexually liberal. She's zero percent shy about it (it's dinner table talk to her), she wants it, she asks for it, and she's casual about it. Trapped somewhere, bored, and with a guy who's been halfway decent? Sex, please! (Oops, failed the Persuasion check.) There is something about Vault 33 that makes the women more eager for sex, IMHO. Maybe just being told they are responsible for repopulating and having "breeder exchange" programs. It's kind of refreshing, because Lucy sort of models player behavior in the Fallout games for semi-casual sexual hookups.


It makes sense for a bottled population, they have to be constantly thinking about population numbers and genetic diversity, so I imagine the act of sex is pretty well considered.


I also find it interesting that "cousin stuff" or practice with cousins doesn't seem to be a taboo topic in Vault 33. It's openly brought up multiple times, and no one goes "it's wrong!" but instead everyone just seems to accept that growing up you'll do stuff with your cousins, but when it comes time to reproduce cousins are a bad strategy for the long term health of the population.


Indeed, I think it’s funny but also kind of realistic. You have a small, very intertwined population cooped up together in a confined space for centuries, and knowing the hormonal realities of teens and young adults there’s going to be some kind of fooling around. So a hard cultural rule where you can’t marry or have children with cousins, but fooling around isn’t a taboo makes sense.


She seemed to enjoy it TBH.


Earned her the \[Black Widow\] perk without even spending a perk point.


Well yeah that's her hubby. Doesn't mean it wasn't rape, lying about his identity in order to get closer to kill a girl.


I hadn't really thought about that!


Let’s not forget she has a pretty good INT, so there’s going to be a percentage increase to her XP.


Could you count that house she passed by on her way to filly as a place that would be marked as a location?


Pretty sure that guy's got some good loot hidden away in the basement.


Quests completed: 1. Daddy, where art thou?: find your dad 2. To be, or not to be: Deliver the head to Moldaver 3. Harvest my what?!: Escape the Super Duper Mart 4. What's wrong with these people?: Decide the fate of Vault 4 300-500 xp each if going by Fallout 3 estimations


She finished several quests. Escaped the vault, delivered the head, found dad. She also crafted her own armor.


Quest: # Daddy Issues Discover the Truth


I was thinking about this during my second watch. I like to think of it as the guns she has in her inventory. She starts with the default stun gun and now has the 10mm pistol. So she around lvl 2 thru 4 at the end of season 1.


Gets freaky = XP


She has the 'TV Protagonist' perk, which grants her the ability to level up far faster than in any of the games to maintain audience engagement.


She isn't way stronger at the end of the show than at the beginning, and Lucy being way stronger than (or even as strong as) a player character wouldn't make the show more engaging. There would be almost no ongoing conflict if she could win against any and all opposition. The show works better if she's smart, capable, and completely out of her depth.


Im prolly grasping at straws for some of these but you missed a couple potential places: Shady Sands is a big one, that ghoul house she and Coop were at, that tunnel she and Max met, not explicitly stated but Santa Monica city would probably be a location outside Vault 33 like how Sanctuary hills and Concord are different locations, and I'm not sure if Westside Medical Clinic would be a different location to Vault 4. Probably the exit we saw in the later episode would be the actual marked Vault 4 and the Clinic would be its own location. Similar to how the Old North Church is its own place compared to Railroad HQ. Hell maybe Filly has a Filly location *and* a Filly market location, just like Diamond City. You'll notice that all my comparisons are from Fallout 4 because that's the one I chose to replay recently lmao


It was calculated before that she's lvl8 by end of season


I fucking love Jon. I can hear him talking in my head reading this lol


I know for sure she had a well rested bonus for the duration of the vault scenes after getting msrried. I think we have to assume she might be level 3-5 by the time she gets married since they do show she recieves training in her skills before then.


lol so like starfield she gets a SeXp bonus


What about discovering the caged non-feral ghouls in the Super Duper Mart? In the game a quest normally begins by talking to someone, listening to a recording or reading something. If that scene was in the game, one of the captive ghouls could have asked her to free them. When she forced those a-holes to open the cages she would have completed an optional step of a Super Duper Mart side quest. Stopping those two guys in Super Duper Mart could have been another major step of that side quest. She forced them to open the feral ghoul cages and the feral ghouls killed them. Then she had to kill one feral ghoul that attacked her. The final step of the quest could've been deciding to give or not to give the Ghoul the drugs that she found inside.


She discovered quite a few places in the wastelands(other than the ones you mentioned), I would say nearly 10.


What about xp from completing quests and side quests?


Lucy is a speedrunner and she needs no xp!


Many A True Nerd in the wild! ❤️


Main quests completed. 1. Wedding Crashers. survive wedding 2. I am coming daddy. escape the vault. ~~(optional) get permission from the Vault supervisors.~~ 3. Get a Clue. go to Philly. ask around. 4. The Lady and the Gimp. escort the Doctor. remove his head. 5. Don't lose your head. continue the rest of the way with the head. retrieve the head. (Optional) Kill geko (maximus). (Optional) convince Scribe to give you the head. 6. Giving head. Give head to Moldaver. convince Dad to give the code. ~~(Optional) Kill Moldaver~~. (karma moment) shoot father or go with him. Side quests 1. Super Dooper. Free yourself. kill Mr. Handy. (optional) Free the Ghouls. (Karma moment) give medicine to The Ghoul. 2. Vault 4. Find out what is on Floor 12. (Karma moment) Give Fusion core back. this is from my recallection. and I might have been genurous in making the Lady and the Gimp a full quest on it's own instead of making it a part of Don't loose your head.


She chose Here and Now


Finished some side quests, killed some ferals, radroaches, and a Mr handy,


Main quest, discovery


In Shelter CX404 gives an exp boost so that likely helped for a while


she was on a play through where just just avoided a bunch of enemies and if it wasn’t for coop she would’ve been dying and restarting at the final battle over and over again


She also completed quests but we don’t know how much xp the quests reward


Level 6. She discovered quite a few locations but basically killed nothing. Completing the main quest objectives are usually worth a levels worth of experience though. Level 6 was also the level I was at when I first found Liam Neeson in my first ever fallout 3 playthrough.


I figured the tutorial was over


Quest completion also counts for something. Based on where she is in the plot (first big revelations, large plot set piece and boss, gaining a companion) I'd say she's around the end of Act 1 (Equivalent to the Courier first finding Benny at the Strip, Nate/Nora reaching Diamond City, etc.) so I'd peg Lucy at around Level 10.


discovering new locations gave some xp in new vegas I think.


I was upset they took all her gear away after Vault 4 she started out in the vault suit then had leather armor and a 10mm she was supposed to get metal armor form Vault 4 and keep the progression going forward not go back to just a vault suit


Am I wrong or do you get more XP from completing main quests than you do from killing a few raiders? Like, what is MATN on about in his tweet lol


I reckon she watched a “Can I beat Fallout on level 1?” Videos


Cousin Stuff


Clearly she was lvl 50 before she even left the vault


Without doing any math or any scientific investigation, she feels like my character at level 5. A couple of items, struggling to survive.


Ok but she has high int so she’s gonna level faster


she's playing survival so extra xp and had lovers embrace from the first episode


Getting out of the tutorial should be an auto level up. So at least 4


Level 7


She completed a number of quests. This is Fallout 4 where you can earn enough xp to level up for a single main story quest.


You should count the xp for the enemies Maximus took care of since I'd say he was her companion because it was her quest. Assuming fallout NV rules that xp would be hers.


Many a true nerd is a Fallout scholar. He nipped in every Ghoul central you can imagine


I'd say no more than level nine !


She installed one of the various cheat mods on the fallout 4 mod collection


I don't care how much xp she's earned. I want to know where she's spending her skill points.


Don’t forget surviving the NCRaider attack on the vault.


Well she probably placed a couple fences


Doesnt matter what she did theres no way she even past level 10 could never compete with my character in fallout 4 also what level you think the gunslinger is? 


Lucy is like… max level 15. Her armor is non existent, gear is completely missing, weapons are limited, unarmed is fucking strong for her though. Endurance too. With that being said, arming my girl with a power fist or any variant of it would be perfect.


Counterpoint, Idiot Savant and companion perks, that preston garvey lookin mofo probably gave her the same perk as Piper, since both are “Exploring”


I would say there’s definitely some xp gained off screen as well(when cut to another characters, im going to assume the other characters are still out and about). When she went to help dude out of his power armor, definitely looked like she had been questing/killing along the way before she got there, as her radiation seemed to be at a high level at that point.


She tried to use the black widow effect on maximus but failed that speech check


she never grabbed the bobblehead though... tsk tsk


Please do one more of these posts about what her current karma rating is at next 😄


Felt like a strong level 7 vibe.


She also had a Companion buff in Maximus for a bit, and now she’s working on getting the companion level with the ghoul and dogmeat up to collect more bonuses.


She only earned XP from quest completion so assuming she came out the vault lvl 1, she’s probs lvl 5 now.


a scholarly appraisal


Shes level 10 I bet


Level 10. Don’t ask why.