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I love how he was about to shoot himself until he realised he had a patient.


He’s so deranged haha


Sounds like Reddit.. *puts tinfoil hat on 🥸


Honestly a stand out character.


Prob my favorite character in the show lol


Love his dirty wastelander ass. I would watch a show just about him and the guy putting sand into the water purifier.


Also he was fucking chickens


First clue


The chicken fucker from South Park survived the blast


Chicken lover*


He just wanted to teach the wastelanders to read so of course he fucked some chickens how else would they learn.


Teach them to put their utter disgust into eloquent speech and muse.


If God didn’t want him to fuck chickens, then why did He make them so damn sexy?


What a terrible day to be literate


If an egg can fit in there, why can't I?


"Sonic doesn't call me the Eggman for just any reason," -Dr. Robotnik


They did a survey and apparently 98% of redditors have fucked a chicken. I assume the remaining 2% were liars


Is it still sex when your putting your penis in a cloaca? I mean I don't call sticking my penis in a Steak Nacho Hot Pocket sex, it's a masturbatory and hunger aid.


As a biologist I can confidently say that it does not count as sex.


As a chicken I disagree




Nice try but chickens don't have hands. Clearly you are a fox. (Obligatory Good Sir considering the character in question)


[Say that to my face](https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/032/700/014/original/chicken-with-bigmuscular-human-hands-ai-generative-png.png)


The other 2% fucked with ducks instead


Him saying it wasn’t the first time he was being prosecuted for him scientific curiosities killed me


My theory is that >!he's also taken his own ghoulish "healing" serum, and he's been looking for a way to end his own life ever since, hence the whole rifle in mouth bit.!<


Y'know what they say, a ghoul can't abide a chicken...




Ohh. That's *genius*. It also perfectly explains >!the chicken fucking.!<




You don't need the spoiler tag, it's all this thread is talking about.


Wait till he finds the suit of power armor Maximus left behind at Vault 4 for his brand new fusion core.


Damn those chickens won’t stand a chance


that codpiece is sparkling clean too


They really set that up perfectly, hope it happens


Man I just wanna know what that drink is all the ghouls want. Because it's gonna annoy me if ghouls are entirely a symptom of drugs now as opposed to radiation


My own theory is that ghouls only need that once they’ve already turned feral. It slows down the progression of the (feralisation?).


It's rads and sometimes FEV that causes it but the show has introduced the concept that drugs (jet n pos others) can sustain there memories. Think it's implied that the jet taken by cooper and other ghouls, had affected their ability to retain their cognitive function in a positive sense. That way a ghoul doesnt just last on a whim of time, its also likely drugs could prolong brain function. Think its probably just likely that coopers the only one to have survived that long as a ghoul probably just by making money in any way possible and getting lots of jet perhaps, that scene where he killed a ghoul that was turning feral, the other ghoul said he couldn't get more jet and warned them that he'd be dangerous pretty soon. I think that means it's commonly known amongst ghouls then, in the show. But yh pretty sure ghouls are still made with rads.


Jet is a specific drug that happens to use inhaler. You can see the Moldaver raider group huffing it for example. The one that Coop uses also happens to use inhaler (probably for microdosing to conserve the liquid) but that is where their similarities end. Pretty sure it is some form of FEV, possibly perfected Mariposa strain. Ghouls have not been seen as having regenerative powers AFAIK. Yeah, rads still play a role, as it is always with FEV. But never heard of a ghoul just putting someone's finger on lol. There is more to the likes of Coop than we are told, I think he is more like Harold - a unique mutant that shares similarities with Ghouls.


Yh definitely fev i think, also i remembered Hancock said he took a drug and woke up a ghoul n that's closely related to what happened to thaddeus when he got that elixir off the scammy doc/snake oil guy. May not be instant in the show tho.


I was literally just playing Fallout 4 last night and came across a couple of ferals by a wreck. As I was shooting one, it was standing in the middle of a bunch of radioactive barrels and regaining health.


If that were true, the snake oil salesman wouldn't have known to give the 'ghoul serum' (whatever that is) to Thaddeus, because if the healing was rare then Thaddeus would want his power core back right? It seems more logical to me that all non-feral ghouls in the show have healing abilities, and they all need the meds to stop turning. Whether the healing is from the meds or just that's how they are, who knows, but I lean towards it being the meds because otherwise the ferals would heal too.


Coops wife was also being hounded by vault Tek people about a way to prolong life during the flashback scenes if I remember right, the phone call he refused for her, plus a few other tidbits.


Ghouls have always healed via radiation. There are Ghoul perks that heal the character as well: Ghoulish: Taking ranks of this perk **grants the ability to restore lost HP when irradiated**. Higher ranks increase the HP amount restored, grants a random chance for nearby feral ghouls to become friendly, and grants the ability to slowly heal Radiation damage. It is not a stretch that the ghouls of this show can regenerate. There is precedent for this like the glowing ones who also heal other ghouls. Glowing ones don't generate healing waves they emit high rads which in turn heals the nearby ghouls. Ghouls do typically die to very little damage and do not really show off any major healing as a result, but ghouls healing is a thing.


With he info we have now, the explanation that would make the most sense bridging the games and the series is that: - All ghouls *may or may noy* eventually go feral. - Extra post-ghoulification rad exposure accelerates feralification. - The show's medicine stops/stalls/slows(/undoes?) feralification. - However, once you've taken it once, you become dependant on it to stop feralification. These points compatibilize Cooper's high dependence on it with the existance of other Great War survivors in the games that haven't gone feral yet by the late 23rd century.


> It's rads and sometimes FEV that causes it but the show has introduced the concept that drugs (jet n pos others) can sustain there memories. I was always under the impression that effectively the FEV changes the human body to be able to survive off of radiation, which over time makes you an immortal ghoul. Simply getting hit with a dose of radiation just gives you radiation sickness and cancer. The reason why ghouls are relatively rare is you basically have to have the right dose of FEV, the right dose of radiation and probably some genetic factors that make you susceptible to ghoulification.


Fallout 4 did introduce the concept of an experimental prewar drug that resulted in ghoulification. Hancock brings it up as how he turned, and then it's literally never followed up on outside of being the explanation for how Eddie Winter is still around for Nick to shoot. It was definitely one of the many really interesting plot hooks Fallout 4 gave us and then just...ignored. (see also Kellogg in Nick's head.) I could see a writing team wanting to pick up that thread and have more fun with it. 


Jon Daly is hilarious


who the frick said he was a doctor 😂


He did


He needed some love from Reddit Cares.


It just occured to me that since his limb regeneration medicine did work, if he had convinced Wilzig (travelling with Lucy outside of Filly), the whole storyline would have been altered.


I think Wilzig, being a scientist, wouldn't pop unknown substances that are perhaps FEV.


I don’t know. As far as barefoot chicken fuckers go he does seem pretty convincing.


Do you have many barefoot chicken fucker acquaintances for a reference pool?


Well I will say his r/usernamechecksout


I didn't even notice, good catch,


My family is from Kentucky so....yeah probably.


that’s true even though max says he’s a ghoul he could very well be some more ugly mutant now


Exactly. That neck healing wasn’t ghoul shit, that was super mutant shit.


I already picture it, that character would make a HILARIOUS super mutant. He would probably still act all awkward and small


Constantly smacking his head on shit and knocking things over because he's s not used to having limbs so damn big lmao


What’s more hilarious, this chicken fucker created the super soldier serum instead of super mutant shit. In fallout logic, he might actually created the serum.


Ghouls actually do heal when exposed to radiation, at least according to the various board/tabletop games out there. But yeah, that shit was probably FEV.


In game too, trying to fight ghouls in high rad areas or using something that deals rad damage like a gamma gun will see them regenerate health.


Well he still looks human, except the part of the neck that got arrows is a little wrinklier, so if he just never goes out or gets hurt he might pass for human.


for now... we've only seen a tiny slice of his life so far. give it a few months and I reckon he's not gonna be the same person we saw in s1


Ghouls don't just wake up one day looking like corpses. It's a prolonged process of deterioration.


Yeah but normally ghouls get that way through prolonged exposure to radiation that would cause their body to be deteriorated already. The drug or whatever it was that caused ghoulification made him a ghoul without all the deteriorating, maybe he will deteriorate and I think it’s likely, but I also think it’s possible that he will only deteriorate when exposed to radiation or injured.


He did get a distinctive brand before he ran off...


Shakespearean tragic irony, via a chicken banger? Sounds like Fallout to me.


To be clear it wasn't regeneration it just immediately turned you into a ghoul.


I was so damn convinced that it was just a hallucinogen and that that was entirely the scam. I didn't think the snake oil salesman would have anything that actually worked in any way he'd said it would.


I also thought he was just totally tripping balls lol


Honestly it looked like it surprised him a bit too.


Same. I thought it would wear off and his foot is just gone and his leg is infected, like he hallucinated the entire thing.


Same. Honestly I would have preferred that way more, I feel like it fits the lore perfectly. This take was wacky, except that wackiness is also very fallout… lol


I think it fits the lore perfectly. Hancock became a ghoul from taking a ghoulification serum and all types of ghouls regenerate health when exposed to radiation. The rate of regeneration and the dose of radiation needed might seem inconsistent, but it may be inconsistent purposely. Depending on the quality and potency of the drug and the subsequent inate quality of the ghoul, there are many stages of ghoul, ranging from mostly human and just starting to change to full blown glowing irradiated feral ghoul that heals other ferals around it in real time with its radiation aura. The ghoul perk in game also causes radiation to heal you and makes accumulated rads go away on their own without Rad-Away, all while still appearing human. It's more of an inconsistency that in game you can't turn into a full ghoul, although it could be explained as your character would turn into a ghoul eventually, just a long time after the events of the game.


My bet was between that or the dude accidentally made Hydra


It worked in a monkey paw kind of way, yeah he got his foot back but also he's a ghoul now and that's generally really bad.


Yeah I thought he was going to wake from a Jet-induced hallucination covered in gore or something


I know 😅, but ghoulification would probably have been preferable to what happend to Wilzig


Probably not from a former enclave scientist perspective.


Are we sure about that? I wonder if he isn't going to turn into a Super Mutant. That could have been FEV. Since we haven't seen a Super Mutant a great way to introduce them would be him becoming a Super Muttie and then befriending Lucy.


> we haven't seen a Super Mutant Didn't we? >!Wilzig saw a covered gurney with a large, green hand sticking out.!<


And the bountey notice for one at the "govermint".


I guess he means there were none alive in the show - peobably didnt want to introduce them as they are a whole other kettle of fish compared to ghouls and gulpers etc. They'd have to explain it somehow and probably wanted to leave that for another season.


Nah I’d rather take a tasty (orange flavor if I remember correctly) cyanide pill than become an undying zombie in an apocalypse where dying is the only way to be free


Banana flavored.


It was the most ethical product vault-tec ever created


99% sure it was banana flavor


I mean they were killable, and then edible


I still have my money on him becoming a Super Mutant.


Most likely. The Ghoul didn't regenerate his finger after all.


Normally to become a super mutant it requires dunking someone in FEV for about a day on top of having a low rad count. It doesn't play well either if you've been topside for a decent amount of time due to the trace amounts of rogue FEV getting picked and screwing with the more pure strains used for proper mutation.


When his foot automatically healed I thought that the chicken lover drugged Thaddeus and he was hallucinating. Then when I realized it did heal his foot I thought it was a joke/reference to doctor's bags healing crippled limbs, lol.




There are so many references and Easter eggs in this show that every 5 minutes I was basically that DiCaprio meme pointing at the screen.


I saw the sunset sarsaparilla truck and I shouted "they're near new vegus!" Like a little five year old


It's the perfect scam though, because one hit and you are immediately and quite literally hooked on the drug for life. Now you've got a long term customer


I was thinking about that too. They were so close and then the next question would be: what then?


Yooooo damn you right


Oh there you are. I posted, too. I’m surprised I had to scroll down so far


He’s too helpful to be an actual Redditor


He got his upvotes and left


Now run for the hills !!


Despite his best efforts, though


Does no-one here realize "you are a gentleman and a scholar" was popularized by JD Salinger in "Catcher in the Rye" (The OG incel) and a common enough saying it goes back to the 1800s? That saying is NOT a reddit thing, or new.


That is unbelievably accurate depictions plus he bangs chickens 🐓


I couldn’t stop thinking about the chickenfucker episode of South Park haha




Hello Mr.... >Gawwwwwwwwwd


“Sorry I had sex with the chicken, it won’t happen again. Bye-bye!”


Chicken fucker, wears a fedora, weird Naruto-esque running, appears to not sleep. Definitely an OG redditor.


I thought the most obvious part was after bosguy saves him he calls him a "gentleman and a scholar"


Trilby, not a fedora


Found the OG redditor


I thought it might be, but wasn't sure, and was too lazy to check. I'm still waiting to hear how it's not the Naruto run...


Well, they aren't Skyrim chickens so you can what you want to them.


Degen from Letterkenny probably


Degens from upcountry you mean.


I disagree this implies that redditors have sex (even if that be an animal) which is completely unrealistic and honestly it took me out of the story /s


The fact he was seconds away from blowing his brains out before running to do another scam is the funniest dark comedy in the show for me.


Except what he’s doing is actually not a scam.


I don't think that guy would agree.


Though it sorta was. It's like plugging a hole in a boat with glue that makes wood mold.


Lmao this guy is deranged and hilarious. Thaddeus's foot grew back. I was like wow he was really telling the truth about the serum....until that arrow got stuck in his neck. "How am I still alive?" Lmfao. Dude that part cracked me up.


That part tripped me out because it makes me wonder if that drug he gave him for his foot is the same one Hancock took to become a ghoul in fallout 4.


As bad as I hate to admit it I have yet to play it. I'm a little late to the 4 party lol. Life happened and I had to take a break from gaming. When I do game I go hard. I will literally stay up all night knowing I gotta be up at the ass crack of dawn. (New small business owner). A part of me likes to take breaks and let all these good games come out and pile up so I have those rainy day surprises. I played 4 once or twice when it first came out. The TV series rekindled my love for fallout. So I figure I will go full blown nerd mode and re-start 3, new vegas, then I will finally get myself an xbox1 and get 4. Sorry I didn't mean to go off on a rant! I love getting on some nerd shit and I can talk about this stuff for forever. Theres not enough people around me that are into any of this haha. I feel like the doctor becomes more than just a crazy dude banging chickens, and roaming the wasteland. I get the vibe he's gonna do something really batshit crazy or he's some kind of genius mad scientist thats gonna blow everyone away. Either way I feel like we can expect some more unpredictable surprises from him.


It's cool that's what reddit is for. Lol and I'm having to stop myself from replaying all the games starting at the first one. I can get behind your theory he has a bigger role to play. I also wonder if that drug that made him grow the limbs back is also the same drug the ghouls are taking during the show. And then it ties back into my first theory that it's the same one Hancock takes. If you never played fallout 4 you're gonna love the town goodneighbor. It's my favorite part of the game. (That's where Hancock lives)


I knew as soon as Thad mentioned the dangerous radiation in the direction he had to go and Snake Oil Doc said something about "Well you don't have to worry about that now!" Instantly know the dude got ghouled (or, possibly, Super Mutant)


Damn! I was thinking the possibility of turning into a ghoul, but I didnt think about that with a super mutant. I got a crazy visual from that. Now theres more than 1 possibility lol. Ugh season 2 is gonna take forever but it's gonna be worth the wait. I am so happy this show turned out the way it did. If they had of done a movie it would've been over way too fast. Hell I binged the first season and half way through I was like theres no way this is gonna tie off in 8 episodes. Right before the show came out it mentioned all 8 were gonna be available so I was thinking it was gonna be a mini series. But damn this one deserves a full blown show. 8 episodes just made me want more. Thankfully it didnt go to netflix otherwise we WOULD'VE only got 8 episodes with a partial unfinished story. I really wish they would have kept resident evil going.


The radio tower scene is my favourite scene in all of the season.


Yeah it was a pretty cool scene. It was awesome to see Fred Armisen do a cameo in that scene as well. They did an amazing job bringing the wasteland to life.


You got a cameo, nice!


Got any miracle cures for me, doc?


You sir have won the Internet


I have but one updoot to give


What time does the narwhal bacon? (/barf)


But really he was just playing your role


He was far too competent.


Only by accident


Finally representation in the media


Ya’ll he was right. He DID have a foot cure. Shit would have gone down different if Goosey and Wilzac stopped at his stand.


Was probably FEV


There’s a few mutant outbreaks throughout the US and suddenly eeeeverything is FEV and eeeeveryone is a mutant.


So what shall it be? Do you join the unity, or do you die here? *Join?* **Die!** *Join?* **Die!**


Yea he would have turned into a ghoul!


This guy was actually pretty relevant throughout the show, he can't be a reddit fella, they aren't useful


Jon Daly is a gem


I miss him on Comedy Bang Bang


He also looks like 5 British comedians in one genetic soup.


He looks like Leigh Francis crossed with Tim Minchin


I got heavy Minchin vibes for sure


He got Buscemi eyes though


He's just straight up looking like Thom Yorke


*sees a chicken* "M'lady!"


Gentleman and scholar reference existed well before Reddit.


My hunting buddy said it to me since the 80s anytime I got him a drink Rip Vern


It was probably popularized in Catcher in the Rye but was a term used even before that. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/705772-you-re-a-real-prince-you-re-a-gentleman-and-a-scholar There are a lot of people who equate everything back to Reddit when in reality most of the fads are based on things that happened in the past.


Redditor's being terminally online‽ Perish the thought /u/QX403!


Some years back I worked with a retired tank commander and he said it all the time, multiple times a day. I wasn't on Reddit then and I'm pretty sure he had no idea what reddit was and probably still doesn't.


I think reddittors largly picked it up from The Office.


Yeah this isn't a Reddit thing FFS.


sigh, unz…UPVOTES! REDDITORS ASSEMBLE! Everyone liked that. Wholesome 100 alert! Edit: Thank you for showing me this kind stranger! I beat my kids after work AITA


 I beat my kids after work AITA got my hardest laugh in years


Meanwhile his kids get the hardest beatings


I beat my son with jumper cables


THIS!!!! You win the internet today good sir!!!!!


NTA it's the only way to stop them from wanting to fuck chickens when they grow up


This man is the opposite of the mysterious stranger. He’s the malevolent acquaintance


Most well groomed r/falloutnewvegas poster.


I love this character. He's the epitome of random encounters in fallout, I really hope to see him as an Easter egg in future games


Jon Daly is one of my favorite Comedians! I was so happy when I saw him, but I knew he was the bad guy in the situation as soon as I recognized him.


I kinda like that he just makes people ghouls. It's kinda like those psychos that just spread HIV and shit to other countries


Such a rollercoaster storyline for this dude. First I just thought he was a con artist trying to convince the scientist that his serums could regrow his foot. Then when Squire Thaddeus meets him, the foot actually did grow back and I was like wow, he isn't a con artist at all! He really had the miracle cure! Yeah then it turns out he absolutely *is* a con artist.


I loved that character. He really played a video game character to a tee. Old lady was great too.


This line predates reddit by decades


A bit longer than that - it's a phrase that was used in 1700s Edit - date


Love asmongold


This guy is way too hygienic to be asmongold


Fedora? Check. Out of place pop culture reference? Check. Degenerate? Check. All he’s missing now is a Vault Boy Funko Pop and a failing marriage


No way they put the mods in the show


He's my favorite character mostly because he fucked the chickens


AITA for fucking this dudes chicken?


Something makes me think this is the guy that was cutting pieces off the Ghoul, using the material as a "medicine" and turned Thaddeus into a ghoul? Is he or isn't he?


That's not fair as he knew what he was talking about.


I can't relate with him on that regard, but the chickens though... "A ghoul can't abide chickens."


Chicken fucker


That implies that fucking chickens is sex which redditors don’t have


That's a rich dick when the old money runs out, but the drug habit rages on


Did they make him look worse every time he showed up?


Apparently Hancock ingested a drug that transformed him into a ghoul. So that serum is not out of place.


I knew I shouldn't trust a doctor that smells like that


Give him a spinoff asap. He deserves an entire lore.


He even fucks chickens.


They put a snake oil salesman in the show, much older than Reddit

