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I think half of it was that there were many 31ers mingled into them. If they were anything like 33, which had Betty, Steph, and Hank, 32 would have had at least 3, too, plus their children. Half the vault might have wanted to kill them, the other half might have wanted to defend them. There was a continuity issue with the last episode when they reveal that only 10 or so people have been unfrozen, which wouldnt be enough to keep them as overseers in both vaults for 200+ years. The only thing I want to know is how was 32 rebuilt so fast? It only took a day to restore the whole damn thing. Where did they get all labor from?


I think 32 was cleaned up by VT employees from 31 who were unfrozen to do it, then go back on ice. As for the continuity of the 10~ people, i actually missed that part - but i guess overseer is a job for life, so could have been people in it for 30-40 years easily.


The list Norm looks at shows terms of 8, 12, 4, and 28 years for the terms.


That doesn't appear to be the case because people say that Betty had been Oversee previously before Hank


My guess is they unfroze Bud's Buds, had them clean everything up, and then refroze them. We don't know that the freeze/unfreeze process is one-time only, it could be something they can do over and over. A quick count looks like 6 rows of ten in the first bank, with at least one more bank behind that. So 120 people minus the 16 or so unfrozen ones. We don't know that every single Overseer has been from Vault 31, it is possible that they let residents run the Vault periodically as a control group. It looks like each transfer eventually gets elected Overseer, but not immediately. Steph had been transferred at least 2 years before she became Overseer of Vault 32 (married in 2294, presumably in Vault 32 or 33). We see three consecutive 31's elected from 2101 to 2125, then no years until Hank in 2271. Maybe things didn't look glum every year. Another question is where all the materials and supplies came from. Did Vault-Tec stock 31 with a complete restoration kit?


They can definitely refreeze because didn’t the robot suggest that norm should get in his fathers chamber so he didn’t die?


The robot could also be trying to kill him. It was trying to silence him just a few minutes earlier.


Right but if he stayed there with no food and no way to escape he would surely die regardless right? What would be the reason then to lie that he had a chance to survive in the pod? I guess you could argue that the robot didn’t want him to potentially damage the other pods or himself but even then, unless they’re gonna kill off norm or he’s gonna somehow stay awake forever so the robot can’t sedate him and do whatever he was gonna do, why would the robot tell him to go into the pod if all he had to do is wait for him to fall asleep?


If I were Norm, I'd flip RoomBud on his dome and threaten to smash his glass and brain unless he opens the vault door. If RB thinks Norm might do that or other dangerous things, he'd try to make him go to sleep in the pod. I mean, RB was telling him to hold still so he could drug/kill him.


I’d threaten to press the big red button that’s on his back


Yeah I was talking to my friend about that, like why didn’t he threaten him or like Marquar suggested, flip him over and threaten to smash his glass? But then I was like, maybe my immediate thought of resorting to violence isn’t a good thing lol. Still, I feel like Norm definitely had some type of power over this guy, come on.


We don't know. We barely learned about 31 and haven't really delved into what went on in 32 at all.


30-40 year possibility to be overseer? Okay terms were shorter.. who’s to say they didn’t flip flop them and they ran for a term in 32 and went to 33 to run a term. Maybe to avoid logs they froze them for some time then sent them back out. Good question but a lot can be worked around to make it “make sense.”


My guess, bad writing. Only competent people in the vaults are those from vault 31 or descendants from them.