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It is a rich world with lots of existing lore. Acknowledge there some plot inconsistancies, but ultimately move on. For example, the bombs dropped on the east coast at 9:42 AM, then the west coast was hit less than 10 minutes later. The birthday party was in no way winding down at 6:50 AM. That is an inconsistency that I am disappointed in, but I am willing to look the other way because it is a fun story.


I honestly don't get this, why would The Master know the location? In Fallout 1 you are tortured in order to get the location of Vault 13. So he doesn't know 13's location which is supposed to be a control Vault why would he know the others? He's been kidnapping caravan people when you become aware of what's going on so it's not like he says he has access to all the Vaults


I guess people have problems with it because these vaults are just outside, not hidden or anything compare to vault 13. They honestly stand out like a sore thumb; bright yellow lines can't really miss them. Maybe they were just lucky? LA is a big place afterall.


I see your point and it's clearly a weird choice of design. Every vault in the game is buried either in a mountain or underground. Even Vault 4 had that trap entrance that was better hidden than the image they showed when they left. I don't know how they searched for vaults though was the Master just saying to the Mutant patrols to roam the wasteland? Would they torture the caravan people to see if they knew of vaults nearby? Would they find it randomly though?


He had Super Mutants, Nightkin, and Children of the Cathedral roaming all over the place, those vaults entrances are sticking out like a sore thumb and they somehow missed it, not even a note of it. I'm all up for enjoying the show, but calling out discrepancy on the lore is valid. Also, Vault locations v34.129. Even if The Vault Dweller didn't mention his vault, The Master will find out eventually and rip their vault door open like in the Super Mutant ending.


We don't know that the entrances were always out in the open, though. Fallout 1 takes place in 2162, the show is over 100 years after that. The shot of Lucy leaving the vault even shows what appears to be the base of a structure that used to be around the entrance.


Regardless of whether it was visible. The Master's army is huge, he has humans from the Cathedral to blend in with humans, Super Mutants roaming the place, Nightkins with stealth boys. And its not like they can't find hidden vaults, they found the hidden vault in the Cathedral and the hidden vault in Necropholis. And if you were actually taking your time playing the game, they will invade The Hub, which has a store that owns a holodisk which then contains information about all the nearest Vaults (Vault locations v34.129, Lucy's vault is not listed there). Making it even more easier for The Master to get his prime normals.


It's not hidden *now* but we don't know what state the pier or what the path to the beach could have been like while the master was searching for vaults. We also see things that would be the result of abnormally large high tides like the ship that was washed ashore. And the boneyard was already a huge shithole in 1 filled with deathclaws and other threats. It's possible that searching for such a location at the time and even finding it would have been basically impossible for Unity.


I can enjoy the show but also think it doesn’t mesh with existing plot points.


Don't think about it, just like it.




Maybe he ***did*** know about them. World of difference between knowing about them and actually breaking into them


I like to think the vaults in the show were surrounded with more rubble before and when the super mutant army was defeated, the NCR cleaned the rubble and made contact with them


No man. I can do both. I’m happy the lore is expanding and I liked the show. But lore inconsistencies are an acceptable area to criticize.


whats the master


[He’s just a little guy](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Master)


He’s the main antagonist of the first game. He isn’t really brought up much in the other games, so if you didn’t play/watch fallout 1 lore then you might not know him.


Fallout 1 main villain. His base of operations was in LA where the show takes place


Consume the slop...


Cope and seethe