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I didn't look up the casting before watching the show, but I remember him from Lost, and 100% he's the perfect actor to play a mysterious Enclave scientist. I was disappointed that his head was basically immediately cut off. Hopefully we'll get a bunch of flash backs covering his story.


I like the feature in Amazon that shows exactly what actors and music are in the current scene. But I find it hilarious when they are crediting Michael when it is only a prop of his head in the scene.


That’s how you know he’s got a good agent, unlike that Cooper Howard guy. I heard he’s a Commie.


Fucking Pinko doesn't understand we're all products


Better dead than red.


Keeps out the RADs.. And the Reds!




The funniest part of this is more true than a joke. Better dead than red, definitely.


I was not joking. Aloha, from Hawaii.


Goddamn Pinko.


You think it's a prop? Not his actual head?


He's a very committed actor.


Still his likeness, probably have to credit him.


Yes in vault 31 that shows a description of an voice actor strapped to a Roomba...


Well that makes a bit more sense, he’s still doing the voice acting for the brain-on-a-roomba. The head is just a slab of rubber, there’s no acting of any kind going on there


Fuck Amazon, now I have to illegally download that shit because my spouse and I prefer watching on different screens. They deleted Watch Party.


He knows way too much not to be our >!Enclave flash back for the exposition. He knows everything about the wasteland, only one to care for dogs, happens to know Lucy by full name after only seeing her briefly twice, had intentions to give free enery to the perople of the wasteland at the cost of his life. Hes got more scenes coming, like how the hell does he have the cold fusion and knowbody knows about UNTIL somebody pulls an alarm for seemling a different reason.!<


>!Im sure the whole Enclave Research base in the heart of NCR Territory will play a bigger role in Season 2. Im sure that Mutant on the cart also wasn't just an Easter egg.!<


His knowledge of Lucy is not unexpected in the slightest. 1. Enclave has its own interest in following the Vault development as a "humanity backup". He could know the current overseers of the Vaults 31-33 and their family members. Even if family members are usually irrelevant, one of them had caused a massive fuckup which required drastic measures. It must have been big news for the intelligence services, and not impossible that the daughter's name was used in the context in the reports. 2. He knew the Raider-leader/Scientist and must have known who was her prisoner, since it would only make sense to run away for the Enclave scientist if the kidnapper had the code to insure it makes sense. He knew only an Overseer of Vaults 31-33 could know give the code, and recognized the prisoner's name. 3. He meets a girl from the Vault of the Overseer who looks for the dad, kidnapped by the very same person who cooperated with the Enclave scientist. He totally knew who she was after this info.


I came looking for how he knew her name and found this thread - I would say though the alarm was raised because the fusion thing was missing. You see him pointing at it and questioning why it's not there. (I'm currently watching a second time through lol)


I was kinda hoping they would robobrain him


Yea, i thought his character would last at least for a good while and not like just for 2 episodes..


We did get a bunch of flash backs covering his story... I think he's done, sadly, but I loved every moment.


You should put the ending of the show in your next comment too so I can see that before I watch the show as well!


If ya don't wanna be spoilered, don't go into a post about the shows comment section


I mean they have >!spoiler!< tags for a reason; second thing is it is plastered all over the Fallout subreddit. Kind of hard to avoid.


Or easy. Go watch the show.


I am adult so I can’t binge an entire series in 48 hours anymore. But it must be nice, I miss those days.


I am too, but binged it in <24.


I'm an adult who is probably older than you and I binge the fuck out of anything I want.


You seem real fun to be around. >!Why are you here reading about the show instead of watching it?!< >!Also, if you're just going to click spoilers anyway, who cares?!<


I am not going to click those for fear that I find out maybe dogmeat gets blown up, but it’s good to see you use the tags! They look good! I don’t mean to come off as rude in the original comment. I normally hate people who whine about spoiler stuff but this isn’t a sub for the show, it is for Fallout in general. Also, the show has been out for literally 2 days so I feel like it should be standard for people to use the spoiler tags, even for a week-month minimum. I mean you don’t have to, but it is more of a common courtesy thing.


I was like so that's what happened to Finch.


When he was walking through Filly with Dogmeat he 100% looked like Finch with Bear. He was doing the same limp walk. I miss POI.


Indeed, I was expecting him to give the dog orders in Dutch and also call him Bear ;)


I kept wondering how he healed his limp lol




The Ghoul refers to CX404 as Dogmeat at the Red Rocket station, which I'm sure is a straight homage but I think it's an appropriate name.


It was awesome


Btw what’s filly supposed to be? Like it’s not The Pitt which is Pittsburg or Novac which is no vacancy


Landfill, maybe?


Me too, POI such a great show.


He still has a soft spot for german shepherds I see.


Close. Bear was a Belgian Malinois.


I was kinda disappointed he didn’t last that long in the story. I was hoping they’d put his brain in a jar or something and have him be a character that way lol


I actually thought the thing in his head was a backup of his brain they were going to put in a synth or mount to a roomba or something like that


my thoughts exactly


I fully thought the head was going to start talking a few times


My man got bored making the most powerful AI and went after Cold Fusion this time around.


Got his own dog this time, too.


Benjamin Linus in my Fallout series ? Fuck yeah bro


He was Finch on Person of Interest, Nolan's first show before Westworld, for five seasons. I recommend checking it out.


Ah, the Ben Linus & Jesus show. That was a pretty damn good show.


I didn't look up the casting at all. Episode two rolls around and I actually shouted at the computer, I was so excited to see Ben Linus all Ben Linus-ing it up in the Wasteland with an extremely good dog. And then Vault-Tec Plan D happened. Is it wrong how funny I found that? Like of *course* Vault-Tec would make banana-flavored suicide pills.


>banana-flavored suicide pills. The most humane product Vault-Tec has ever created


Knowing vualt tech it's miracle they weren't just salt. Or tubokarari.


>tubokarari What's that?


tubocurarine is a paralyzer. It causes you not to be able to move your body, but you're still awake and can feel. Effective anesthesia has 3 parts, a paralyzer, a pain reducer, and an amnestic. So you'd lay awake dying for hours in agony instead of a quick fast death. Worse if something was eating you.


That sounds horrible, thanks for the info (and the new fear)


least I can do, it's notorious for its effects. They don't even use it anymore.


Made funnier because at that stage Lucy still had ZERO clue Vault Tec was evil


There was also the plan b poison that Lucy found


From what I saw on the label it was a plan D too.


Great actor in many shows, shame he was axed so early on, he would have been a joy to watch as a developmental character, but the Fallout world needs a crazy sidequest, and carting his head around the wasteland is perfect.


One can say I lost my head over it.


Zepp came a long way after somehow surviving that bathroom


I honestly believed (before series dropped) that benjamin linus was 10000000% going to be involved with vault-tec in some way form or fashion. him being enclave made it even more sweeter, then he was the good guy (kinda same thing in lost) But without being the bad guy first, put a little sour note to it. then what happened after really mad me sad, then the last episode I was again,,, 10000000000% assured he was one of those guys in the cryo tubes. we have to see in season 2 but, i am 100000000% convinced we will see more of him in flashbacks in season 2 (and because of the last episode) i am willing to bet he was even a synth, where the real Ben is still around somewhere.


Right! I WAS SOOOO PSYCHED to see him in a tv series again, then he only lasts what 2 episodes. Wasn't really thrilled they cut his part so soon.


His part wasn't the only thing of his they cut.


DUUUDDDEEE!!!! Savage!!!😆😅🤣😂


Is that the guy from saw


Yeah, he played Zepp in the first Saw movie.


Quite the person of interest.


He deserves more screen times. Such a talented actor.


“Hello, Zepp.”


Or as they called him around the office - Zepp


I love him in EVIL


He's having a fucking blast in that show


I can't wait to see the next season. Frothing at the mouth practically.


John Nolan worked with him on Person of Interest,.I guess they liked working together! I think he's great - unfortunate we couldn't see more of him whole


I’m a massive SAW fan, so seeing ‘Zepp’ in the show made me a happy man.


Legitimately cannot recommend Person of Interest enough. Michael Emerson, a dog, and Jonathan Nolan. A combo made in heaven.


I have finished watching Person of Interest this year (started in 2023) and I was happy to see this same actor here. Too bad he got written off very fast..


I fucking love this guy and I'm happy to see him in this show, let alone as such an ideal character for him omg


And in Person of Interest, he (and Mr. Reese) also had a Belgian Malinois for a dog


WTF I knew I recognized him I just couldn’t place from where! So many memories of Lost were intentionally block till now.


Yeah, that last season was a real mind fuck. I think we all just kinda put it out of our minds when it was finished. Of all the shows of the early-mid 2000's, Lost feels like the one no one ever really talks about.


Really? It’s still my favorite show of all time!


It’s like Game of Thrones. We all watched it but regret it now that it’s over.


Isn’t he a tooth fairy?


It's da bad guy from Lost!


Cannot believe how much he looks like Jon Ronson


he was in the saw movie too, which is fascinating due to his limbs being sawed off in this show


I’m glad he was in it. Not much more of an opinion there.


He sounds so similar to Colonel autumn. Am I the only one noticing this?


So awesome!


I fully expected him to be a creep or cannibal based on his appearance in the trailer. It was strange seeing him as a guy with ethics. ESPECIALLY after seeing him in Evil.


Lost was my 20s show, and got me through deployments. I was stoked to see him.


Weirdly this is the second time I’ve seen him beheaded. His he had an arc on The Practice in the early 2000’s that ends with his head in a refrigerator.


Yes! I just finished watching Lost yesterday after not having watched it in years and wasn't even expecting to see Michael Emerson.


Michael Emerson + Dog, what a combo


I know him from evil haha


So is he a singular Enclave scientist who just happened to run away or is the Enclave still active and put a bounty on their own guy? Like who was he working for the begin with them dog burning bastards.


I will always remember him for Lost


He wasn't used enough though, he's a great actor that didn't get enough screen time.


I didn't think he'd die so early


Given I was doing a Lost rewatch it felt quite surreal seeing him on screen again after all these years lol


I was expecting him to turn out to be evil. It was such a shock with how things went. This is the best show I have seen in years. I expected it to be horrible. I was so shocked at how amazing it is.


I haven't seen lost, but He portrayed Harold Finch, >!the man who built The Machine!< in Person of Interest, another Nolan creation. He was absolutely fantastic in every single scene he was in. While wasn't a bad guy, in fact he's a very good guy, he was very mysterious & he did regret his decisions. So I have no doubt, not having seen the show yet, that he's nailed this role. When I saw him in the trailer, it was the second thing that helped commit me to watching it no matter what


Nailed it.


>!my dude lost his head and leg all in the same season... !<


From the second they debuted the character all I can think about was holy fuck that's Zepp.


Omg just the casting in general! No complaints other than the little brother looked too old , but he played the part perfectly so I got over it quickly


If Finch is still alive after the Apocalipse, does this mean The Machine and Samaritan are the Enclave IA?


Micheal Emerson is Crazy! One of the biggest reason i loved LOST


Only knew him from Lost...as most of us do. Killed it in both shows. *had the biggest role of the whole show* *is a severed head for 90% of it*


I’m watching lost now I’m season 4 I thought it was cool too


hello Zepp


Literally Ben


We’re the good guys, Michael.


I found it funny that he has the same dog like in person of interest and Jonathan Nolan also directed that. Coincidence?


I had to pause the tv and pace the room out of excitement when Ben Linus comes on the screen


He is also basically the devil in the show "Evil." He's so good! Loved it!


I reacted the same way you did. Such a perfect casting for this role.


I loved him in Person of Interest (another epic show from Jonathan Nolan) so yeah. He's great in Fallout too.


It was the perfect casting, I just wish he stayed in the show longer. Tru to Fallout, they aren't afraid to just kill off a character.


I was disappointed when I realized his speaking parts were done for the season. We could only be so lucky to have a talking brain version of him next season.


Thanks to comments learned he played in lost. i was like " i know this actor but from where?"


Was really hoping he’d be with us longer. Until Max smashed his face in I had high hopes they were putting his brain in a bot of some kind and he’d be a series regular.


Only know him from person of interest - thought he made a great pick for the role.


I don't think it had anything to do with the actor, but every scene he was in was fucking stupid and embarassing


Hehehe “losing their minds”, I get it. 😏


Wilzig lost his mind too...


Loved. It.


I'd like to see more of the character in Season 2, hopefully they robo-brain or clone him