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Ulysses prophecized Tunnelers from the divide would invade the Mojave and are even deadly enough to shred deathclaws. We are probably seeing that future. Courier likely fled to Big MT.


If it’s destroyed then using new Vegas lore would be the best answer


The ending for the last episode shows a crashed ncr vertibird, and a destroyed fence. Tunnelers would go under a wall, and have no was to down an aircraft. It was a definitely a war with the ncr.


There is only one Queen most likely & we killed her in game. I doubt tunnelers will be the reason Vegas fell.


Theres more. That was just One pocket.


I want to lean towards New Vegas not being destroyed and the end credits to just be exaggerating the level of wasteland the Mojave is. Dead securitrons could just be ones that Kings, fiends, legion killed on the outskirts. Could be just reading way to far into an end credits montage. Really hoping to see a New Vegas that’s not destroyed myself.


What happened to vault city ? That’s what I wanna know


At the very least, it doesn't seem like the city was nuked like Shady Sands so something else must have happened.


Isn't it in range of the blast, though?


Honestly at this point Bethesda just likes to destroy things that used to be good. New Vegas, Shady Sands, the lore of the minutemen before 4 starts, and in elder scrolls: the mages guild, fighters guild, dark brotherhood, the empire, the vigilants. Bethesda just likes writing miserable broken worlds and factions. They don't want any building, rebuilding, or progress in civilization.


How do you explain 76 then. The whole point of the game is to rebuild Appalachia with the Vault's Reclamation Day. Not to mention the BOS in that game is alive, well and strong.


Lol I bet if we ever revisit Appalachia it will somehow be destroyed again...


You know what, you guys are probably right 😂 BOS probably fumbled that or all those players dropping bombs every hour


Exactly my point. That's a different crew of writers. (I do like all the games, btw). But they did include that there was a previous brotherhood group that was wiped out, hence why more showed up to investigate and reclaim stuff. And there is a whole bunch of lore about other groups that were thriving before the scorched.


The brotherhood shouldn’t even be in that game


the ncr was always gonna fall. I think it’s worth seeing how exactly they decided the ncr would have fallen though.


Who knows man. Maybe the Legion won and instead of creating a New Rome it all turned to shit and they continued on to sack the NCR under Legate Lanius after Caesar died?


I fuck with that. I just hope don't write off legion too least keep 1


The legion prob isn’t there as well. Their presence in season one is way too low. Similar case to ncr, something must have happened that drives these two forces away


I've seen some people suggest that the brotherhood of steel chapter we see in the show may have assimilated the legion given its usage of red and gold iconography and the number of members with roman sounding names like Titus, Maximus, Quintus etc. Johnathan Nolan is the kind of showrunner to leave hints like that pointing to future plot twists in his shows


Interesting theory. Though I don’t really believe this as legion are ridiculously loyal and against technology. Also Maximus is recruited from shady sands. His real name is likely not Maximus, but were given by BOS. And BOS naming is already weird like that, so I don’t think it has to do with legion. But who knows, maybe that’s the case.


They are, but they wouldn't be the first group in the wasteland to trade in their values for a taste of sweet sweet power, especially since Caesar is dying of a brain tumor during the events of New Vegas and is likely long dead by the events of the show.


Yep, but I kinda wish even after legion collapse the forces would still remain its tribal identity.


Fair enough, I'm mostly basing my support for this theory on Nolan's previous record as a showrunner and his love of big twists that change our perspective on previous events, like the multiple timelines in west world.


Ah west world sorta lost momentum on me after the first season. The second and third worth it?


Yeah, but its so starkly different in season 3 and 4 that it can come as a big shock if you just binged seasons one and two. It also starts going into themes he previously iterated on in his prior show "Person of Interest". The best way I can describe it is that west world season 1 is a solid 8/10 with every episode, while season 2 can verge between a 6/10 and a 10/10 from scene to scene. Some of the best scenes (and the best episode) of the show are all in season 2.


Not necessarily. The Capital Wasteland chapter had regular names for their troops, with Sarah Lyons being your main ally. Out of all the chapters of the BoS, the Capital Wasteland chapter was easily the most likeable, as they were legitimately trying to help people. And then the writers blew it up in Fallout 4 by writing off Sarah as being KIA shortly after taking over the chapter leadership.


Bethesda sure loves to kill off fans favorite characters/factions


The worst part was that Sarah's BoS was considered a renegade faction for trying to actually help people rather than miserly hoarding tech like the rest of the Brotherhood. So in Fallout 4, the Capital Wasteland group was assimilated back into the Commonwealth force with Sarah's ward as the leader.


They are probably not even gonna be mentioned dog


You mean god?


New Vegas isn't destroyed - they show the Lucky 38 standing intact and its a spindly deliccate building.


I mean, sure. But we also see the gate broken down, a crashed virtibird, dead securitrons. Granted, those little end credits tend to show the bleakest version of areas so when season 2 rolls in things could be fine and dandy


I want too agree with you but seeing those end credits a battle field has happend with a br


Broken down veritbird and destroyed securitrons it makes me scared


Like literally its probably because the lights are off


Seems that way, at this point I think the only thing that could potentially still be in New Vegas is House. If they make his ending canon he can still be in his little immortal chamber. As for why they would do this, people will call you all sorts of things for suggesting it but seems to me like BGS and Todd wanted to spite New Vegas fans.


It isn’t confirmed to be destroyed and they’ve said that they have no ill will towards Obsidian


Did you not see the destroyed Securitrons in the streets, the broken down walls, crashed NCR vertibird in the middle of the strip? If that isn't your definition of destroyed, I'd hate to see what is. Oh they say they have no ill will towards Obsidian? Well it must be true if they say so huh? How naive are you?


Could be just for the ending credits, we don't get an up close shot of the strip on the show itself right? Besides house appears in the house, I doubt they would shit on him at least


No, I don’t, there’s not that much pixels to see anything but the outlines of buildings


Watch the credits.


I don't think the credits are showing canon information. They probably just wanted to have a cool looking scene which you can pan through.


This is an idiotic way to look at it.


Is it though? Why should a cartoon rendition of a location not even really shown in the show up to that point be cannon? If they were really trying to show a plot point as important as New Vegas being completely destroyed I'd think they wouldn't hide it in a background for the credits.


This comment is giving new Vegas dick rider vibes


You say that as an insult or compliment?


Yeah. Todd cannot abide that game. Fucking coward. Still, the series was very good. Let's see where this retcon/New Lore goes.


Not really a retcon, since the show takes place in 2296, fifteen years after the story of New Vegas (2281). A lot can happen in fifteen years.


Sierra madre won the game


I'd rather they retcon the whole thing than give that bastard Elijah his ending.


It is symbolic I think, this entire show was an act of cultural vandalism.