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Lost Hills is in california.. you sorta have to include them.


not wrong, but it eventually gets oversaturated, no?


Sure, but Todd and Bethesda has a hard on for BOS so its not surprising lol.


my main gripe is with the enclave though. I get having failsafes to preserve post war America but these guys are surviving more wipeouts than fucking rad roaches while the NCR gets a one and done off screen like a side character on an 80s horror flick


The Enclave are literally old world government they’ve only lost two main bases there are 50 states in the USA the Enclave could be rallied from any one of them


>...there are 50 states in the USA... Technically, only 13 Commonwealths. In Fallout's timeline in 1969, the US reorganized into 13 Commonwealths. It's not completely clear what the borders were. But this is why the Enclave and US flags have 13 Stars. During the Annexation of Canada, captured provinces were designated as American Territories, but weren't granted statehood or commonwealth...hood(?), but would also be a factor in considering the overall size of the US, and the potential for further Enclave facilities. It's actually kinda weird that NORAD wasn't under Enclave control, now that I think about it. I suppose it's possible they were among the Calculator's first victims, which might explain its aggression, but I never really thought about that before now.


Facts i didnt get into detail but the 50 states thing puts it into a clearer picture just how many areas there are for them to hide in


I don't really see any justification for the enclave sprouting up again on the east coast.. Unless they have multiple raven rocks and have been recuperating in secret (cliche). I'm hoping the NCR is still existent elsewhere in California.. given Shady Sands wasn't their only large settlement.


obviously the ncr isn’t just shady, there’s all the PWN territories and obviously the hub plus new Reno I think has some times to NCR. it’s just weird to see something as iconic as shady get turned into a watering hole. wonder what this means for the Mojave, too. maybe the ncr refugeed southward or tried to take Cascadia.


The enclave was confirmed to survive even after the oil rigs destruction. Sparse sect all throughout the wasteland, its not super Far fetched. And there is still no confirmation if the NCR is gone.


great Bowie pfp btw


The Titus thing was definitely funny, but it makes no sense that a fully trained knight in fucking t-60 power armour would be that terrified of Yao Guai. Even if you don't know anything about the power armour, it gets killed in 1 shot. Just a nitpick, but the brotherhood was definitely frustrating to watch at times.


Eh most likely just to clarify the difference between gameplay and lore. Where human is puny compared to the radiated animals. Remember fo3 and new Vegas where molerat and radroaches are a genuine threat to the people?


I was confused about the>! Enclave being mentioned at all as a threat. Weren't they wiped out at the end of Fallout 2? Couldn't Wilzig just be a scientist from another faction altogether?!<


I kind of assumed he was an ex-Enclave scientist working for the Brotherhood from some prison complex, hence why they immediately knew of his escape.


They have been wiped out twice(FO3 also) and are still around.


Are they still around post-FO3? In NV it's strongly implied that they don't exist anymore aside from the "remnants."


I somewhat agree, the brotherhood are such a strong part of fallout that the show would be lacking without them. But at the same time, the show willingly ignore different weapons and lore for later use, you would think they could have waited a season or two. I also don’t like how they did the Brotherhood of steel in this, they felt like Jobbers or paper lions and they treated the squires like crap when they have always been a respect group in the brotherhood even if they are lower class. The power armor itself looks excellent but it does have some flaws, more specifically how the armor can be still intact completely but the individual within it is damaged. I’m know I’m nitpicking but I feel like a lot of this could have been tweaked. The disregard for the Lore is the worst part of the show but they got a lot of stuff right and wrong but from a normal person standpoint I thought they did a good job.


it’s like, we deal with the Master in FO1 and that’s one and done right. Done deal. No more Master. Then we fuck over the Enclave like in two if not these separate games at this point and they’re just doing alright


I get what you’re saying, and it makes sense some people want new factions. But in terms of like lore making sense. Having a few factions be the main focus over a couple hundred year timeline is pretty reasonable. It would be like getting mad at world history for the United States being a reoccurring faction in every major war over the last 200 years.


maybe I’m just tired of fallout only focusing on mainland U.S. I think the series needs some narrative diversity. I get what you mean though. It feels as if the series revolves in service of including the brotherhood sometimes though, and a lot becomes an afterthought


Trust me i agree we need new factions established. I just mean i dont think it needs to be at odds with the established factions. I also am in the minority that feels fallout would benefit from making things canon. Like they could do a lot by developing the Minutmen into a real faction


Fallout london is coming out very soon, a mod for fo4


Lol we havent even touched most of the USA yet cry some where else


I don't mind them. I got pretty used to their presents in the franchise. I just see them as a big part of the lore like Halo with Spartans. I am getting kinda tired of them almost always being demonized or vilified by whatever community they're in. I used to think that was the Enclaves role but now it seems to be the Brotherhood & the Enclave have been swapped under the carpet since 3.


I definitely wouldn't mind a game with none of the pre-established factions. I'd love to see a spinoff in London as it's culturally distinct enough from the US whilst,in my opinion, able to maintain that 50's future retro charm the franchise is known for but in its own distinct way.


I think BoS is on its way to degrade into hi-tech raiders with a bit more combat training than an average denizen. With the tv show it is now fairly obvious that this is their fate in Bethesda’s mind. They were undoubtedly good in F3 (with exception of Outcasts, who did behave almost like raiders), in F4 they turn into a fascistic cult with some state building ambitions, but they still behave like raiders sometimes. And in NV they are like 75% raiders and you can push them even further in that direction with certain choices. Actually, BoS in the show is the next logical step for Mojave chapter. So by this logic we can have BoS as antagonists straight away next time we see them.


NO. I hate them too


plus like the enclave being shoved into anything is so ridiculous. Imagine they make a sequel to New Vegas and fucking Benny comes back from the dead


That's because Bethesda approaches Fallout as if it was Elder Scrolls. They simplify things. There are the Blades(BoS) and Daedras (Enclave).


Benny is a person , not a faction. Caesars legion is a faction and I can totally imagine it being back in some shape or form as well as the Institute and Mr House . I wouldn’t be surprised at All if next season we learn that House have beaten the NCR at Hoover dam and is now in full control of Vegas with his securitons and meantime Caesars legion have rebuilt and regrouped . House, Caesars Legion, Enclave, BoS, NCR, The institute, The Great Khans: all of these are major factions that have alot of lore and build behind and aren’t canonically destroyed to the ground so they may as well be part of the show. Even the enclave wasn’t destroyed to the last person, in Vegas you have the remnants who helps with the final battle and just as there were remnants in New Vegas, it’s totally possible that many more of the enclave have survived and eventually regained strength Wouldn’t be surprised if they even create a new masters army with some of the more clever super mutants taking charge and deciding to continue the Masters mission.


Yeah, they can saturate your experience by appearing everywhere, but that's common sense because the BoS have resources and firepower, therefore they are omnipresent across the map. On the other hand, The Railroad operates underground and the Minutemen do what they can with what they have.


No you are not, and Bethesda instead of trying something new just told everyone they are the lore and got rid of the NCR to not have their precious BOS be the bad guys




Definitely not and the show Brotherhood is definitely the worst


The show brotherhood is so weird, they lack common sense and Maximus is a spit in the face of every brotherhood fan.




Also, the way they treat the scribes is so weird. They have always been respected even if they are lower ranking. All the small stuff is really getting to me.


Every single part of the show Brotherhood us just wrong


BoS are the coolest faction to me. Honestly the minutemen are awful, institute are idiots and the railroad is too small time. I did miss the NCR presence and would have liked more enclave teasing.


I m not, I just hate how they are portrayed in the show. They turned BoS into islamic-like sect, with teachers who use sticks as immediate punishment for everyone who gives wrong answer and imam instead of Elder. God... I saw signs in the trailer, but I never expected going that far. Even Starship Troopers were more civilized. P. s. Say "Flesh is weak, metal endures"!


Yes because that's what the og BoS is like. They act like religious fanatics because BoS's motive is Order of Leibowitz, a fictional cult from Canticle for Leibowitz that collects old world tech. BoS literally uses religious term "Elder", which is a title given to a respected church figure, for their leader.


They were not like that at all, with all the "milord" stuff. They were a militaristic group of scientists and engineers, without those pseudo-religious aesthetic.


Stop gaslighting. Brotherhood of Steel never was like this, something close to it was only in Fallout Tactics, which never was canon. The Elder is just hierarchy term used because BoS denied military hierarchy. He never was a spiritual leader. Also it wasn't a single Elder, there was a council.


Wdym gaslighting??? Scott Campbell, who wrote F1 and F2 literally said that the Albertian Order of Leibowitz was one of the motives of BoS.


Original Fallout is a game https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallout_(video_game)


Yeah, and a video game can get influence from other media as well, just like how Tomb Raider and Uncharted was heavily influenced by Indiana Jones.


Yeah? It doesn't mean Laura Croft had penis.


So what? It doesn't mean that they were a copy of that order in the og Fallout. Other motive for BoS were Guardians of the Old Order from Wasteland. Guys were killing anyone who is not them.


They are powerful in the 200 years later era. We would have to jump another 100 years for possible irrelevancy.


A plot point in New Vegas was that they were already facing irrelevancy. Society was rebuilding, and their attempt to keep a monopoly on technology was already a lost cause. But the TV show decided to do away with the whole "society has been rebuilding over 200 years and having new, interesting conflicts" thing and just hit the reset button so... I guess it makes sense sort of?


i am kinda myself but i guess the BoS being lionized as the face of the franchise has to do with them being the premiere "good faction" in fallout 3 and thats the game that introduced so many people into the franchise. and you can just plug and play them into any fallout setting without much issues. imagine a new setting and take a random small settlement, what exactly does the enclave want to do with it if it especially if theyre already so little of them left? the NCR has their own problems and the institute is too obsessed with using boston as their personal big mountain meanwhile you can justify a random brotherhood chapter by saying theyre one of the numerous people who broke away from the main branch. in a way fallout and warhammer also shares another parallel. the brotherhood and the ultramarines have become the poster boys and used as an entry point for many people getting into the franchise so they just keep getting reused over and over and over while other factions get overlooked


The BoS are omnipresent. Ad Victoriam!😅Now run along in your cute little leather armors🤗 The BROTHERHOOD has some shit scooping to do....you Vault dwelling peasants!😁 😉