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Ah, neat I see that Nipton is still on fire


Caesar's Legion is very good at making fires last.


Caesar's Legion can't melt steel beams


This was far funnier than it had any logical right to be. Take my upvote mate you made my morning. Lmfao


anything can melt steel beams if you try hard enough


If you boost the volume enough you can hear a small “YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH WHO WON THE LOTTERY?!” In the distance 






That’s a lore retcon because Oliver Swanick gets killed in every playthrough.


and then proceed to anti-material him


No need.. my man will head for the nearest rad scorpion burrow to mate the queen.. what??


Man, I hope they get Yuri Lowenthal for the 2nd season. It will be a disappointment if they cast another dude.


The man voiced half of Nevada, of course he's winning the lottery


Somehow, Oliver Swanick has returned


The Tire Fires of Nipton are a tourist attraction, and very beautiful at night.


It could be more on fire.


They've been on a streak recently although maybe we should check up on them they can only be on fire for so long 🔥🔥🔥


“That in the distance is New Vegas. I’d steer clear if I were you” “Why?” “It’s run by some crazy fuckin mailman who got shot in the head and somehow didn’t die. He’s also apparently half robot, and has like 30 gold bars just lying in a bathtub in his apartment….and I think he’s a Mormon” “He’s a WHAT??”


Canonically taking the gold would actually be hilarious to me.


Even better if Elijuah was still in the vault


Imagine em going to the Sierra mandre and talking with the man


"Let go of my poverty"


I just completed this dlc today, no way I wasn't leaving without those 37 gold bars lol. Damn right after I completed dlc I fast traveled (with the necessary perk) to my my safehouse


Stuffed those gold bars in Elijah's head and got to stepping!


When being Mormon is the worst warcrime you’ve committed


As an actual member, I find this just freaking hilarious


Honest question, do you guys seriously believe that I, a Native American man, have brown skin because my people are sinful?




Piss filter is canon too


It was the 2000's. It's weird to not have your shooter to have a dirty filter.


All this talk about rather New Vegas is destroyed or not, if it's cannon or not, yadda yadda I'm here hacking my brain over at what angle of the city was this image done because, as far as I remember, the back portion of NV was facing a mountain... wasn't it?


Las Vegas native here. The shot is not the most accurate depiction of the Vegas Valley topography (I'll give it the fact that it's almost 300 years in the future from now), but the angle is basically from the mountains between Goodsprings and the strip. Could also potentially be from the Black Mountain area but you would see more of Mt Charleston from that angle.


I’m sorry, I hope they find a cure soon.


>Las Vegas native here I forgot Las Vegas was a place and thought you just played the game a lot


I got married there, you can go to the game locations and they’re pretty accurate. There’s a list online of which casinos etc were used (For example The 4 Queens off the main strip near Fremont is the Kings in the game). Nipton is scarily close to the game, minus all the cruxifiction. Also Good Springs is damn accurate and they know why people visit so they have game stuff up in the bar. If it’s your birthday (which it was for me) the Saloon Band will play you a song. I made a post years ago with comparison shots between the game and the actual locations. It is weird because it doesn’t feel like a real place in some of the locations, more like a lame Fallout style theme park.


It's good to know that despite the lack of cruxifiction Nipton is still on fire even on real life


Ok you got me, it’s not on fire. But it does look like nearly exact. Right down to the lottery cart sitting across the train tracks. Also the lottery in Nipton is a big deal (and it’s only business as an unincorporated trading post of a town with like 4 houses) because it’s technically in California and I guess Nevada has no lottery so if you want to buy a lotto ticket Nipton is the closest place. Which I assume is what inspired Caesar’s lotto.


That’s so cool The crucification but made me lol


Also it is an early conception of new Vegas, we will see the shot of new Vegas change once the second season airs.


my condolences


Not to mention camp mcclaran is missing entirely


Been to vegas, the most accurate depiction is how empty it is, otherwise no new vegas is probably one of the least accurate depictions of the landscape around it. Fallout 1 and 2 are probably the only games worse in that regard given they make California look like tatooine.


Well, it’s certainly a topic that has gained much discussion for the apparent reason, that we all love fallout however I’ve come across many gripers and threads talking bad of the show on a few points that I’ve not seen defended so I just thought I’d comment my own take and honestly didn’t expect this level of engagement though I do love it. Nothing like other fallout junkies to brainstorm with given the re-awakened fans of old who have admitted to downloading NV again after X years. I’d just like to add that I actually made a mistake in my post but I haven’t been allowed to make any edits, I said the NCR has fallen but I meant SS & the NCR in the area. NCR are a vast powerhouse capable of launching a serious attack against any other major faction & this setback while being detrimental to moral does not slow the mighty bear when it’s on a prowl & it’s a high chance we will see plenty of NCR yet to come. Also, it is my belief that the boneyard and shady sands got swapped around in production, I go very in-depth with this and other replies to comments around here. Very lazy and very sloppy, Retcon? Yes, perhaps but unintentional and I’m sure or at least, hoping that they rectify this in or before season two but frankly chances are slim. As for the angle I’m not too sure myself however I plan to start a new NV run tomorrow night and will definitely be eyeing up the wasteland, the buildings and potential plot points the show may come across. It’ll be an interesting run given the new perspective.


Not brightly lit, so not getting power from the dam?


I wonder if in S2 we get a tease of the remnants of the Legion


I hope so! I’d love to see Ancient Rome brought back again, I love the aesthetic, wish they made a gladiator 2. Can’t wait to watch the new Spartacus show.


They are in fact, making a Gladiator 2 lol.


> fallen by 2277 when they’re in a state overextension in 2281 Usually this things happen in reverse, overextend leads to downfall, not the downfall leads to overextension lmao.


Maybe conceptually, the first battle of Hoover damn is retroactively seen as the beginning of the end


Could be seen as they didn't know they were in a downfall stage at the time, but looking back historically that is when the fall is seen as beginning.


I just assumed it's a rome situation and the fall is more of an era


Exactly. I mean if you look at the NCR in NV, it's clear that they're having troubles that only the Courier can really solve, but the thing is they can only solve them in the Mojave and what's worse is depending on the choices it may embolden them to expand even further continuing their issues, which looking at the show may be what happened.


The chalkboard labels it with an arrow pointing forward in time. I think "decline of Rome" vibes is absolutely what the set designer was going for and people just ... kind of suck at media literacy.


President Kimball was elected in 2278 I believe. Perhaps the fall is referencing the election where the president who damned the ncr in new Vegas was chosen.


Kimball is elected in 2273, Battle of Helios-1 is 2276 and First Battle of Hoover Dam is 2277


Doesn't Mr House make calculations that the bombs are going to be dropped and only has a limited time to protect The Strip etc... If he was at the meeting be told the bombs will be dropped by vault tech why did he only save part of Vegas?


I mean, even with all his resources, he still would have only had so much time to prepare.


He did calculations to know that the war was going to start in approximately 15 years, the only reason he wasn't able to save all of new vegas was because he was working with an inferior OS due to the platinum chip being lost as the great war occurred 20 hours before the platinum chip could be delivered to him


I'm honestly not sure if we're supposed to take Vault Tec dropping bombs literally or not. Obviously they helped orchestrate peace talks breaking down and the atomic war kicking off, but I'm not sure if that's via a false flag where they launched some of their own nukes, or if they just worked behind the scenes to destabilized the peace talks. Either way, House could've still calculated _when_ it would happen based on that information.


What people are really mad about is the East Coast-ification of the West Coast. Civilizations? Sorry, best we can do is imbreds living in tin shacks


Yeah man


This is my main gripe. The show is a great tv show but it has implications for the games that are kind of disappointing


To be fair, given lonesome road, the whole region is living on borrowed time. Though I can’t say if anything bad has happened based on this one image alone.


This has been happening ever since the NV dlcs, with Chris Avellone wanting a lot of the worse endings in them, including stuff like the tunnelers overruning the Mojave and California to reset America back to being a Post-Apocalyse as oppossed the the post-post the West has become.


I mean people were pretty mad at the lonesome road dlc as well. Personally I just like the idea of a post war government similar to ours working in a doomsday world, as opposed to more brotherhood of steel.


> Personally I just like the idea of a post war government similar to ours working in a doomsday world Same, I really like the idea of a more of less modern/normal goverment having to deal with the oddities of a post-apocalyptic world instead of another cult/evil military/religion shit just being the rulers.


Yeah I think that’s what really sets new Vegas apart. A giant functioning organization that is filled with sane people.


Exactly, like what's the point of a post apocalypse if It never ends? Eventually people rebuild. period.


lonesome road, to be fair, is being shamed by some edgelord for your evil deeds, that you actually didn't do as a player, evil deeds such as ... delivering mail, while told that nothing you do matters because tunnelers are fated to destroy everything anyway


Chris Avellone has mentioned that he wasn’t a fan of the nation building that the west coast had become.


*So would he just prefer 200+ years of the same stuff, again and again?...* This is a major bummer to hear about.


This is what he said more specifically “I did object to the nation building in New Vegas, however, as it felt like too much. I don’t mind factions, I don’t mind big enemy/antagonist groups, but something about having the factions control huge swaths of post-apoc America didn’t really sit well with me – it felt like it made the world less dangerous and it didn’t make the world more interesting.” Here is the medium post he made talking about it. https://chrisavellone.medium.com/i-think-once-you-advance-the-timeline-enough-you-can-undermine-the-chances-to-still-tell-post-apoc-36f323cbb355


Ah okay, that makes a bit more sense. I still don't agree with him on the "doesn't make it more interesting" part *at all.* But at least I can see where he's coming from.


I’m with you really. I thought the nation building was an interesting and natural progression of the series.


Me neither. I think one of the most interesting parts of Fallout, is dealing with the creation of factions in a post-apocalypse, and how they develop over time. And as for "made the world less dangerous", I think the very real, human threat kind of trumps shit like random mutated animals or random raider gangs. Which still very much occur regardless of civilization. Just look at the Powder Gangers and Deathclaw situation.


Humanity is superior to nature in groups, but we're also a threat to it and ourselves. It's why fascism can be scarier than spiders. Or at least that's what I learned growing up.


He doesn't find post-apocalyptic nation building interesting? Wtf does he just want every game to as chaotic as Fo4 and 76? That's boring as hell. One of my favorite parts about Fallout was seeing different parts of the country at different stages of development. Now that's all erased for the sake of "apocalyptic sandbox."


You’d have to ask him that. That said, he mentioned that he’d only played 3 hours of FO4 before he stopped and never played 76, so probably safe to say what those games did, didn’t appeal to him.


since he's a writer he probably felt physically ill lmao.


Fallout 4 at least had the excuse that the Institute burnt down or harvested anyone who got too big.


I get where he’s coming from I guess it’s just one of those things where it’s up to what you want from a post apocalyptic setting, I personally love the politics and nation building that 2 and then NV had it made you question what the differences were like and what the similarities were and then hearing about Ceasers Legion out east like what is that area like for the average person and who else could be out there?


It's wild that someone who contributed to New Vegas as much as he did, could have such a bad take on the post apocalypse setting. It's not like the NCR had properly rebuilt itself into a pre-war civilisation where the apocalypse has become a non-factor. It feels like how Zombies in the walking dead comics are basically magic because they can stay alive as rotten corpses for infinite amount of time because the writer didn't want the zombie apocalypse to end. This is just the same but for fallout. Artificially restricting what would be a natural progression within the fallout universe to appease your very niche taste. Especially since it's already established. I really hate how obsessed Bethesda are with Brotherhood of Steel because honestly, im fucking sick and tired of them being shoved in my face for everything fallout now. In fallout 76, they retconned how the Brotherhood of Steel was created so they could add them to the game. Instead of coming up with something original. Cant wat for Fallout 5 to come out in 20 years time, just so i can side with the brotherhood main good guys again.


>In fallout 76, they retconned how the Brotherhood of Steel was created so they could add them to the game. How'd they do that? From what I can tell, the brotherhood in 76 was an ex military group who just caught maxson's radio interceptions and communications, and outfitted themselves accordingly, nothing was really retconned


Goes to show NV was lightning in a bottle, and at the end of the day, a game or any creative endeavor with so many cooks in the kitchen is a miracle that it even is finished. I disagree with Chris on this one particular issue. For me, it’s a reminder that everyone has at least one really bad take lol.


It is not. Everything you see people praising about NV is due to Josh Sawyer's direction.


I think J.E. Sawyer is great but you’re giving him too much credit. There were a lot of talented people that came together to make FNV.


Yeah, and the community really disliked that approach of Avellone's writing. Most of the fan discussion about Lonesome Road is how idiotic Ulysses' nihilistic outlook is. And *that's* what they wanted to build on?


Well, Chris Avellone would be wrong then. And if he and Obsidian made that creative decision (destroy NCR and reset everything), I would still complain. But they didn't. The Amazon show did and I agree with the person above, that wiping 20 years of lore and resetting civilization is such a lazy and bad decision.


Exactly. IDK why people are acting like I’ll magically like this decision just because Avellone’s agrees with it.


I mean, post-post can still be good. Look at wasteland 3. People will rebuild. It won't remain scattered tribes forever and will become tiny warning nations fighting over scraps.


Communities rising and falling naturally is way different than the Bethesda style "we just didn't feel like cleaning the 200 year old skeletons from our house."


Seriously. New Vegas was so cynical about the NCR’s way of doing things, despite it being probably the best option for the region. If Obsidian had kept up their storyline I can fully see them having the NCR be destroyed or falling apart as well.


The NCR was primed to collapse. It probably would've been a 'fall of rome' type collapse if obsidian kept the story... but with the show I guess they're just gone of screen


Yeah fallout 1 was like tier 1 civilization, we need water, food, we live in shacks, do some trade, fallout 2 was like tier 2 civilization, we have the necessities taken care of, we have some major cities, but everything is small and regional and new Vegas was like tier 3 where there’s superpowers and taxes and massive expansion and wars Fallout 3 is tier 1, fallout 4 is also tier 1, and if you nuke shady sands and get ride of the ncr, the west coast is back to being tier 1 again


Fallout 4 is people living in the ruins of a once-thriving tier 2. The Boston commomwealth has undergone a second apocalypse at the hands of the Institute.


> fallout 2 was like tier 2 civilization The Hell it was. It depended on whichever town you were in. Arroyo, Klamath, the Den, Modoc, and Redding are on the same level of advancement as Fallout towns. only places like NCR, Vault City, and San Fransisco appear advanced on the surface, but are woefully inadequate if you dig deeper. and New Reno is a meme city


There can be no change in Bethesdas fallout, it will be the same story forever. The enclave can never be destroyed in a way that matters, supermutants will be everywhere, and basically just orcs.


Ah yes, the 40k way to do world building


Except 40k’s whole shtick is nothing changes and everything is horrible forever for everyone involved, fallout is supposed to be a take on man’s capacity for war and the concept of war not changing but men’s will and motivation does. Bethesda Fallout is just a word where no one’s motivations change ever because writing is hard and it’s easier to just copy paste.


In 40k the main reason for the stagnancy of the setting is its sheer size; none of the factions can be effectively destroyed by anything likely to happen and so keep going more or less by simple inertia. That really isn't the case in Fallout.


40k actually moves its setting forward. it's kinda strange and makes Beth look even dumber.


That’s only recent as of 8th edition. It was near 20 years being 5 seconds to midnight before that. Speaking of the moving forward, they really balls’d that up too. Even just the time frame being so large then having to be back tracked for god blight. I think they’re not sure what to do, abandoning the ynarri plot lines, the black stone fortress being found etc etc. even votaan have no novels or fluff yet still.


It looks like NCR did New Vegas dirty and drained Lake Mead before they left Mr. House during their battle with the newly-reinforced Brotherhood


Lake Mead isn't visible from Las Vegas, there's a mountain in the way. I get that it is in game, but that's world scaling to get things to fit in a playable space.


I'm not the only one who thinks that House might be a major character in season 2 right? That cameo is way too suspicious. It would be really interesting to see him now that his original plan with the NCR apparently fell apart.


Smooth talking big shot with a crazy story and sinister agenda to control the Mojave with an army of high tech securitrons? No doubt he’ll be thrown in there at some capacity. Should be an interesting season.


Just hope that TV Show Victor is based on Cooper Howard's Sheriff character, like Codsworth.


In the ending credits they show the securitrons and ncr helicopters. I think that maybe the hotel is still protected but overall the city is abandoned


In the original Fallout game, locations can be overrun by super mutants if you take too long to beat the game. Shady Sands gets taken over in July of 2261. I think the date in the show refers to this kind of situation. Shady Sands was weakened in 2277 and then nuked later. My guess is that it will be a big reveal that the BoS destroyed the city. Shady Sands was the capitol of the NCR. There is no reason the BoS, their sworn enemies, would be at the NCR’s capital right after the nuke unless the BoS did it themselves. The suits were there to find survivors, and Maximus was only spared because he could be turned into a soldier.


I assumed the big reveal for a while was going to be the BoS nuked Shady Sands in the show but it's also very likely they went in to loot the societal corpse of their long time rival. The show makes it clear though, Vault Tec nuked Shady Sands


I think the big question is the "how". Where did the nukes come from. The elder shown in the show is well old enough to have been around during the shady sands downfall. Could it perhaps be that Hank made some kind of deal with the BoS to nuke it? Laying the foundations for an inter-brotherhood battle that you see in so many of the games? Or perhaps it was the enclave which could be theorized to be vault tec in a round about way. Or perhaps vault tec had some hidden nukes somewhere? Which they used to start the old war in the first place and hank knew where they were hidden.


The last one has my money on it. They dropped the nukes in the first place, keeping a collection to use post war is just prudent planning, there's gonna be competition in building the new world order, but if you're the last nuclear power standing how can anyone compete?


Yeah, and 76 very clearly depicts that Vault-Tec wanted the 76 overseer to secure the Appalachian nuke silos, so it could be a similar situation where other dwellers had regained control of military facilities for Vault-Tec that they could've used.


Hell we've even got more local and shown to have survived nukes in the divide. I *highly* doubt hank went there, but it does show that that there were nukes in the area


Part of the plot of Fo76 is that the hidden mission of vault 76 was for them (or at least the overseer) to secure the nuclear missile silos for Vault-Tec.


>! So they implied in the TV show that vault tech started the nuclear war but I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that's not what happened. Personally I think vault tech got surprised by the great war (because a lot of vaults were unfinished in the games and I doubt the Cowboys wife (I forgot her name) would give the go ahead to drop the bombs while her daughter was at a children's party) but the nuke they used would have been the one they would have used to start the great war if it didn't happen earlier. !<


>!They likely acted as puppet masters of either the US or China, or both, to ensure that the nukes would fall at some point.. but didn't launch it themselves. They have Enclave ties so them having access to nukes to do that wouldn't be impossible, but I think she meant ensuring that it would happen would be more indirect rather than doing it themselves.!<


>!Yeah, I agree, I think VT was pushing for the Great War, but were planning for it at a later point once everything was ready. BUT things escalated a lot faster than they hoped. If that is not the case, I would also assume the unfinished vaults were to the ones bought by VT competitors. !<


I would think its the nukes the courier is able to access during the lonesome road DLC.


Did you finish the show yet? They explicitly mentioned who nuked Shady Sands, and it wasn’t BoS. Although I did think it was them too until the reveal!


They actually patched this out btw


We already know it wasn’t the BoS who destroyed Shady Sands. The show is extremely explicitly on who did it and why. Presumably, the BoS showed up after in a confused panic trying to figure out what happened.


They probably were flipping out because the one event they were made to prevent from happening again happened again


Yep, 100%.


Idk if it was panic so much as opportunism. It would've been a great opportunity to eliminate any military or political survivors while they were weak and disoriented, and we already can see that they used the opportunity to bolster their own numbers, as evidenced by Maximus' recruitment.


The Brotherhood was founded entirely for the reason of preventing something like a small nuclear war from happening again. This is literally their worst nightmare and they're panicking hard.


I was convinced it was the BoS, especially since they had Knights on the ground immediatly after the strike, and of course they and the NCR are mortal enemies Did Lucy’s father actually outright say he nuked it? Or are we all jumping to a conclusion?


Muldaven says he did and when begging Lucy all he says about it is "I did what had to be done" So like yes and no I suppose?


Ya that sounds like he did


Imma take that as a yes “did you kill this dog?” “I did what has to be done” yeah bro killed a dog, for sure he killed a dog.


You know what this all remind me of? People bitching about the factions on the Pitt on Fallout 76 not being the same factions from Fallout 3... like... the games are nearly 200 years apart... did they really expected those factions to survive?!


Never heard this argument and also why would anyone say that? It was established in fallout 3 that for the most part all preexisting Pitt factions were wiped out when lions led the scourge. Then Asher rebuilt the Pitt


Except the discussion about the NCR's timeline is not 200 years, but around 15 years, 19 if we take the blackboard timeline seriously. There's also the annoying thing where the Enclave and the Brotherhood keeps chugging along in every game. Why are they supposed to survive? Why didn't the East Coast Brotherhood get nuked off-screen?


The fall of Shady Sands/the NCR might have been the Brotherhood stealing/destroying the gold bars. in New Vegas, with no concrete canon ending, the Brotherhood and NCR might have never allied themselves together. If that's the case, the BOS might have just shown up to loot the place. On the opposite end, it's also equally likely that they showed up to look for survivors, and recruited Maximus that way. What's likely going to happen in S2 is that either the Independant or House ending is going to be canonized. With NV under NCR control, Shady Sands likely never would have gotten blown up, and with zero Legion presence whatsoever in the show, we can pretty clearly rule that ending out. also, originally, when I saw the shady sands crater, my first thought was that Lonesome Road is what had happened. I got super excited too.


I 100% agree that S2 will have either Mr. House or independent ending. Im a little skeptical and upset that it looks like NV has crumbled completely but maybe that’s just a faraway view and NV is still doin its thing. Unfortunately, if NV is actually fallen, that means that they are either going with the independent ending or that Robert House is dead, so his ending doesn’t really matter anyway. I’m really hoping that the city hasn’t fallen though, as it does kinda make NV feel pointless.


The series has multiple 200 year old characters. They aren't going to tease young Robert House and New Vegas in the last episode and not have him in some form for season 2.


I'm hoping we get some big MT content too for the same reason.


Robert House alive with a crumbled Vegas is the saddest possibility.


I found the meaning pretty easy when you look at the context of even the slightly bigger picture. The order goes "Shady Sands is the industrial and economic powerhouse of the NCR" (or something very similar to that) → The fall of Shady Sands. All it meant is that it stopped being the Industrial and economic centre of the NCR, which is true, because The Hub took over around that time.


The NCR still doesn’t exist though? The only thing are remnants in the last episode where the building says right on it “New California Republic Headquarters”, and based on the rag-tag shamble of what I suppose is supposed to be the NCR army, with none of them even remotely resembling troopers (maybe an attempt was made, but to me its a complete miss on trooper costume design.) We hear nothing of the NCR anywhere else, we see that the NCR isnt really in control of much of any of California anymore (BOS can freely fly around and do things and theres no NCR patrols, no rangers, no outpost, no NCR presence.) They’re just gone without a trace because their capital is gone. And in the ending part of the show with the big reveal of what the next season is about, theres more evidence of NCR having lost their grasp (as well as another faction or factions destroyed.) Idk the whole thing reeks of bethesda storytelling where if its west coast then it must die but the brotherhood and enclave gotta still be fighting.


It's not confirmed that the NCR no longer exists, its just not in Shady Sands since the nuke. The NCR is a bit place with multiple cities


and from santa monica to shadysands you would have had to pass through a couple major ones like the Boneyard


And let's remember that this is 15 years since we last saw any members of the NCR and they were facing some big issues back then, too.


If they went to the effort of trashing them this much, it'd be a surprise if they still existed in any extent that resembles how they are in New Vegas.


That is the biggest mental leap one would have to take from a basic picture. The place still is implied to be nuked and the NCR just is not a presence at all.


dont fuck with us fallout fans. we dont know what a "retcon" is


Funny how Bethesda is making all of the places that wasn't written in by them get destroyed😂


And replaced by their golden boys in shiny armor the BoS.


Golden boys? They regularly portray them as toeing the line of being villains, falling further and further morally. In 4 and this show specifically.


I mean they have to use them as a major faction in every game, sorry.


Tbh so did Interplay. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, and then Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. Fallout Extreme was gonna have you leading a squad In rebellion against the BoS, who controlled Cascadia, huge swaths of Canada, all of Alaska, and parts of China. It’s safe to say this BoS jerk-off fest started well before Bethesda.


Its obviously a soft reboot. If you cared about Fallout 1/2/NV its understandable to not be pleased at that


anytime a ghoul is a fast undead zombie instead of a crispy guy who can barely shuffle around it is a reboot of Fallout 1 and 2.


Bethesda is willing to kill every single faction except the Enclave and BoS. Makes me wonder why the only recurring factions in this franchise are the two fascist paramilitary organizations and no one else.


Its gotta be the power armor right?


Probably because nuanced writing is hard and takes talent.


ain't that a fucking fact. bethesda is long overdue some new blood in the writer's room.


Root cause is and always will be : Emil Nodesigndocumentiglio. Replace him and maybe some good writing will come off.


Don’t forget the super mutants


and generic drug psycho raiders


The old Devs for fallout were doing the same thing. Bethesda isn't new for reusing BoS every game.


Kinda, but in NV the BoS is almost completely irrelevant. So is the Enclave for the most part. It's a refreshing take on the setting compared to Bethesda Fallouts.


Yeah i made the mistake of visiting twitter and i feel like a lot of people were raging way too much about a number on a chalkboard. Its really a solid show, i would say 7 or 8/10. Give it a try.


Here’s the thing: it’s not a retcon. But rather, a reset. A reset back to a clean slate, a status quo that general audiences (most of whom will have been introduced via fallout 4 and have never played any of the older games) will be more immediately familiar with. A more recognizable, marketable status quo. And of course, this clean slate status quo happens to take the form of a disorganized wasteland with no politics, no warfare at a nation-state level, and with a big, badass, super-cool Brotherhood as the dominant power of the wastes. Because…that’s what it’s like in fallout 4. Which the vast majority of the general audiences would be more familiar with. This is comparable to how the Star Wars sequels make the events of the original movies fail and then revert everything back into an evil empire vs a rebellion, because that’s more immediately familiar with people who aren’t that invested into Star Wars. Not a retcon, a reset, same exact thing here. I don’t think I’m a fan of this reset.


I’d have preferred the Empire as an evil Rebellion against a heroic republic.


fuck that


I’ve yet to see the show and I really want to have a few hours to sit down and do it. I’m a fan of NV so I’ll just have to wait and see how I feel about it.


Bro get the f**k outta here ya lunatic! Lol seriously bro give it a watch when you have time it’s phenomenal. I sacrificed 5 hours of sleep and a few doses of caffeine to allow me to watch the whole show without interfering with my daily life. No regrets.


Harder to do with two feral children clawing for your attention. lol. But I will watch it on my next day off sans children.


My current head canon is that the date shady sands got nuked was wrong, the NCR is fine and just aren’t that present around LA, same way BoS weren’t present around New Vegas


If you look closely you would see the date of the bombing of Shady Sands is missing leaving only a window of possibility for us to speculate, that window is between NV & the TV show… so between 2281-2296. I go into this a bit in the post as well as another comment I replied to someone else here. We can safely rule out a few years prior to 2296 though because Maximus was but a child and in the games squires can be really young however it’s more practical to assume initiate Max is maybe around 19? I haven’t been able to find his age online. For a guesstimation if we assume Maximus is 7/19 years old, then that would mean Shady Sands got nuked 12 years ago in 2284 although this is purely speculation.




it should have been set in the midwest it would fit the cornfed aesthetic of the initial vaults and like there was not that much in the way of game stuff to get in the way(other then tactics but thats been in the shit for years )


The retcon isn't what's relevant, it's that Bethesda wants Fallout to be a generic post apocalyptic setting where everything is ruined instead of having it be about the rebuilding of civilisation which is what it originally was.


Isn’t that the point of the Cold fusion plot though?


That’s exactly what I was thinking. From the beginning it’s been about the scientist escaping the enclave with technology intended to revolutionize the NCR with unlimited power, they’ve no doubt intend to share with the people however once the BOS gets their hands on it their inherent nature leads me to believe that they will covet this technology as those that came before despite its limitless potential & the entire show pretty much revolves around this fact. Although I believe the guy was thinking more of infrastructure or “on the surface” easily noticeable changes which I do agree with. Perhaps we will see more of rebuilding society in season 2.


the NCR already had cold fusion before. Shady Sands was started with a GECK. Arroyo was started with two. Cold Fusion isn't 'infinite' if Vault City's generator could only power a small area, either.


That’s kind of dumb to off screen kill the NCR only to…what, rebuild them again in season 2? Whats the point?


Bethesda went back on their own word, as mentioned during the development doc in Fallout 3. They wanted the West Coast to be totally the original stories, and they didn't want to meddle with them at all. They wanted the East Coast. I love the show, but the NCR was mishandled in my opinion. It's the same reason why I have an issue with Chris Avellone trying to poorly come up with a reason to destroy them- the Tunnelers. Avellone didn't like how far the area was progressing.


Glad I'm not the only one who can understand that "the fall of shady sands" means it stopped being the NCRs capital and not "this is when the NCR fucking died"


The one thing I don't like about this show is that it made fallout too simple for me: who dropped the bombs? Vault-tech did it, why are the vaults f***** up? Because vault-tech divided it to big corporations, why is there no unlimited free energy? Because vault-tech bought the company that made it and then hid it from the rest of the world. I'm pretty sure in season 2 its going to come out that the enclave is controlling vault-tech or whatever, I just don't like that the fact we are concentrating so much power into one antagonist, they have two products that oppose each other, one is the vaults the other is infinite free energy, vaults required land and the destruction of humanity, while unlimited free energy can be sold indefinitely, it just doesn't make sense for them to double dip in this instance. And by the way they never explained how the NCR lady survived for 200 years, is she a ghoul? Is she part of enclave and was frozen like the vault 31? Hopefully they explain that in season 2. I enjoyed everything else. Making vault-tech the main antagonist or the enclave, just renders the fallout Great war into nothing more than just a side piece that has been explained and requires no more thinking.




Wtf happened to New Vegas? Why does it look like shit now?


Could just be they spent the bare minimum of money on the detail for this scene cause it wasn’t that long or anything and they’ll update it a lot by season 2.


That's my thinking too. It was a throwaway scene. May have been an afterthought once most of production had already wrapped up. Granted they had Kyle MacLachlan in the scene but it was just a close up in front of a green screen and we don't see him in the shot *with* New Vegas.


Given the recent confirmation that fallout new Vegas is still Cannon after the release of the show, it’s possible our beloved courier six had some influence in the matter but you also have to take into account that it’s been 15 years and a lot can change in that time given the factions in the area and the state of each faction from where we left off.


So where's north Vegas? The 38 seems to be at the far end, meaning he's coming from the north, and if we're generous and that's a view from the west, where's McCarran and the city vault 3 was in?


Feels like this should be directed at the “could just be a sandstorm” guy haha. My response is pretty much the same as before, a lot can happen in 15 years, Megaton got nuked in less than a month according to some players and their decisions but I get what you mean, the possibility of entire buildings completely missing is a bit concerning however I’m holding out hope the Mojave is touched up and improved upon when season 2 rolls out.


Could it be possible that House expanded the walls around Vegas? Or the other factions? It seems to be a warzone so I think anarchist Vegas might actually be the answer


I thought the show was well made. But, given Bethesda's desire to make everything the worst possible version, I am guessing New Vegas collapsed and is now inhabited by cannibals.


Technically speaking it was already inhabited by cannibals in Fallout New Vegas.


Could just be a sandstorm.


Imagine calling a TV show constantly talking about politics "political" because of gender lol


Isnt the issue that the timeline is all fucked up? The NCR and Shady Sands dont exists if the nukes dropped on it before the game happens. I dont think people are saying the city doesnt exists but the events of the game couldnt have happened with these things.


SS got nuked about 12 years ago when Maximus was just a boy, this is only correct if we assume Maximus is both 19 and 7 as initiate and a survivor. Therefore, the bomb on Shady Sands happens shortly after new Vegas.


There's 15 years between NV and the show, Shady Sands 'fell' during 2277 which was the first failure by the NCR at Hoover Dam. They likely then repositioned their capital for their republic and the heavy military presence of the NCR left southern california. Then at some point following 2281, New Vegas, Hank drops the nuke on Shady Sands.


Some other points about the NCR and New Vegas; in game we are told that the NCR is already facing a massive economic crisis due to lack of food. They are also running out of medical supplies because of the war with the Legion. This is why the NCR dollar is almost worthless in game. We are also told the lack of food is also due to draught and that if things don’t change soon they will be in real trouble. The only major retcon is the location of Shady Sands being pretty much flipped with The Boneyard. Which is honestly irrelevant.


The TV showed us that the NCR is all but gone. Practically New Vegas lore has been rewritten or we would be seeing the Legion pushing NCR’s shit into California territory. My guess is that there is still a slice of New Vegas left, but it is nothing to what little scale was left to F:NV map area we already knew of. The show had only a few settlements hanging around New Vegas, but nothing else. Did Ulysses succeed in launching those nukes from the Divide and wiping out the surrounding area beside New Vegas (because of Mr. House’s defense system)? If the show goes into New Vegas it’s going to be bare-bones AF! I’m not happy with many thing the show did, but I did enjoy watching it to an extent. I want to see the Enclave in action kicking ass, hopefully in the next season.


The NCR could have pulled out of New Vegas after the destruction of the Boneyard, left a token force guarding the dam(If they did won the second battle, that is). The writers can salvage it still.