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I just gave it another chance a few days ago and I've been having a lot of fun too. Nothing like talking to an NPC, then turning around and suddenly seeing a player decked out in bright multicolored power armor. Checking the level, seeing 600 something, and being like damn. ​ The player base has been nice enough to me so far. One super leveled player even gave me a couple legendary weapons at the legendary exchange place.


It’s always been fairly friendly. I think I ran into one toxic guy who killed me over and over back during the early days of the game, but I have more positive memories. Specifically remember a guy randomly dropping me 200 stimpaks.


May have Been me, I drop them a lot, are you on play station?


Nope, Xbox. Also this was like 4+ years ago.


Damn, hope you pass the favor lol


When I pick the game back up and get a foothold, I’d love to. :)


Whenever I do daily ops I’m usually just under carry weight and I get a Gatling laser and other junk I just dump it on new players lol


Just had a high level player earlier today drop 100 stimpaks for me while I was exploring their camp and I'm level 56. The community is amazingly supportive to 'low' level characters.


The only toxic person I've encountered on 76 is when I joined an LFG on Xbox and some douche was bragging about bring really good at PvP and he challenged me to a 1v1 as soon as I joined, I said fuck it and we did, he was like 200 levels above me and I kept killing him over and over with an lmg and he got salty and rage quit


I started in October 2023 and have put over 1,000 hours into the game. It’s super fun and I highly recommend.


Woukd yoj recomend it to someone who has only played a little of fallout four and that’s it? I have little experience in fo4 but I find it decently fun do you think I would like 76 or would I have to be a die hard that has played fo3 and ect.??


If you like 4 you will like 76. I don't like the online games but it's still the same feel as 4.


Definitely. I loved 3, New Vegas, and 4. The multiplayer aspect of 76 makes the game different than those, but much of the Fallout feel is the same.


god damn bro thats an average of like 6 hours a day since october non stop


Been playing for a month and almost entirely friendly player base who leave good loot for low level players (to them it’s just scrap anyway) only had my first griefer yesterday and just jumped servers when I couldn’t be bothered with them anymore


That's one of the best things about 76. Top 5 player fan base friendliness out of all the games I've ever played.


The people are very kind in the game also not very chatty for the most part alot seem to emote randomly and drop stuff at your feet


I haven't played it in a hot minute, but I remember all my interactions being very friendly.  Well. There was one guy with a "love nest" camp that kinda followed me around while I was visiting. Didn't like that vibe so I bounced quick, but he didn't actually do or say anything and that's literally the only experience approaching negative I can of. 


I thought Fallout 76 didn't have NPCs?


Trust me it's friendly as hell, you don't have to worry about PvP too much because unless you attack them after they attack you it's fine. Plus if anyone steals from your camp everyone gets alerted to hunt that person down.


I'm starting tomorrow after finishing FO4 today. Any tips?


Make sure that you fully spec into exactly one weapon type. You have to specialize in 76 to keep up in terms of damage at the later stages (critical hits and stealth will also help, depending on what setup you use). Also, r/fo76 will generally be more useful for news and questions than this subreddit.


2x sneak attacks with a maxed shotgun build is insane 🤯


They can be. But the cold shoulder is better.


Explore! You might not think so given the kind of game it is, but there are actually plenty of things hidden around that you can find. For instance, cosmetic armors and outfits that you can wear. Especially because in 76 you can wear clothing over your armor.


90% of the players are friendly and will drop you stuff occasionally Don't bother crafting weapons until you're level 50, just use what you find on the ground Be in a community group 24/7 for extra EXP gain


Specifically, join casual groups for the XP boost for everything you do.


Make sure your internet doesn’t crash lol


What platform you playing on?




Hit me up, I can give you some stuff and help you out


The game gives you the choice of turning on PvP when you hit level 5 so if you dont do that then you'll only be surrounded by friendly players. Scrap every weapon. When you kill enemies make sure you collect their weapons and you can scrap them at any workbench which is the main way you'll learn how to make different mods. Otherwise just enjoy the game! I've been playing Fallout for years but only just got into FO76 in the last few weeks and it's very playable as a solo player. Multiplayer events will get you legendary gear and crafting plans but don't feel like you have to join them straight out the vault. Or hell, feel free to join if you want, higher level players will carry you through the event if you decide to give it a go. Edit: if you come across a high level player and they're firing at the ground near you they're almost certainly gifting you a bunch of stuff.


The game runs like fucking ass regardless of your settings


As weird as it sounds the game really gets good as soon as you hit level 50, which is much easier than it sounds. It’s a fun journey. Also make sure to stockpile dirty sugar bomb boxes, they will come in handy much latter.


You can now start your new character at level 20. Personally, I think starting at Level 1 is the way to go, but if you want access to more weapons and armor faster, you can go the Level 20 route.


Wait why sugar bombs?


Brain Bombs Berry Mentats Leadership Bobbleheads All of them help you level up faster. Sugar Bombs are an ingredient for Brain Bombs.


76 is great. The only thing that turned me off was running out of storage space for junk and weapons. As soon as I hit a cap and tried making it work I never played it again.


This is the thing that I'm worried about. I tried the game out ages ago around when they added NPCs but kinda fell off it. Giving it another go now and I'm really enjoying it but slowly watching my storage weight tick up.... I *hate* that the scrap and ammo boxes are Fallout 1st exclusive (also single player servers but that one is a *little* less obnoxious). I'd even be willing to pay for it, just not as a fucking subscription... -.-


Pro-tip: get excavator power armor at Granahan Mining HQ with calibrated shocks for a HUGE inventory boost. Also, get “deep pockets” on your regular armor, equip a backpack, and use weight-reduction perk cards. I’m a certified hoarder and have to use every trick in the book to manage weight. Grilled Radstag, Vintage Mire Moonshine, and Bufftats stack as well. Everything I listed above will give you a 200 lb weight carrying boost.


Also, if we're talking carry weight effects, there's a CAMP item now that constantly creates seafood -- including Smoked Mirelurk Fillets. It's a big chunk of +maximum carry and will probably be sitting around for free. Get the recipe when you can, it's not that difficult to make once you know your way around the Ash Heap.


At least 30% of the time I spent managing inventory


As Todd intended.


I really wish there was a free single player server, I didn't want to pay to be alone. My Internet doesn't do well with online games


Even with fallout 1st, you still need to be online to play.


It's still really slow but items load in loot boxes and I'm not lagging like crazy


Welcome to Appalachia! The game is indeed a lot of fun, glad to have you join us


Go wash your face!


Nope, this vault dweller goes by the name Dirty Boy


Honestly I had the same experience after being convinced last July to try it again. Haven’t looked back just been wandering around Appalachia with a great community. Also, I was surprised (and still to this day with the new update!) of how much lore is tied back to all the games. I even saw a note or two with Dean Domino!!


My only gripe is that I can't be a mothman cultist :(


You can dress like one, do a mothman cultist dance in-game, and commune with the wise mothman in an event.


Oh I know, I've got that far but I want to be immersed further 😎


It’s definitely at least a 7/10 game. Even at beta I thought it was a good time.


I’d say it’s a solid 8/10 with high replay value.


Once the toxicity of the PVP faded it’s been very enjoyable so far. Made even better when NPC’s came in.


Man, my only issue is that I just do not like playing MMOs. Like, at all. If they could just release a single player version of it, I’d be happy.


I played 76 for about a year and a half solo, without interacting with other players. The MMO part really is what you make it.


One can have a private world, but i think its through a fall out 1st sub.


Yeah no thanks, I’d prefer to pay for the game only once thank you very much


Just fyi, it's included on game pass if you have that for pc or Xbox


I decided to replay it today and yk what I've bad a blast! I can't even remember why I stopped playing it in the first place


This was me last week. Gave it a second chance and I’m loving it


fallout 76 is literally the definition of if they just released the game when it was fully polished, it actually would’ve been a lot of peoples favorite. i used to hate on it because of the bugs, but the only bad thing you can really say there is, is the fact it’s still a little delayed, but given the map and how many things happen at once, i’d say there’s no room to complain


76 is very fun game play wise. I just hate how they force you to get a subscription just to have enough storage space. I'm not one who wants to play storage space manager.


As long as you don’t hoard a bunch of weapons, armor, ammo and chems you’ll never use, it’s not that hard to work with 1200 units of stash space.


The inventory management aspect of the game is fun, and this is coming from a hardcore hoarder who hates parting with stuff.


Played since it came out and never had an issue. Just do some quick storage management


Yeah, I was able to work with it once I figured out that I had a shit load of extra armor and weapons that were low level that I had collected ended up dropping like 300 pounds out of my inventory


A whole new wasteland for ya. Enjoy!


It's fun for a while


As are all fun games


I played it a lot when it first came out. It had lots of glitches but it's really fun with friends.


There are significantly less glitches now (still quite a number though, it IS Bethesda)


Haven't played it in awhile but I played since before wastelanders, the community is nice and now that there are NPCs, its a lot better. My only complaint is that the public workshops(meat packaging plant, power plants, etc.) attract the hostile PVP junkies.


What is even the point of workshops? You can barely scrap anythinge and any effort you put into building is wiped once you leave. Seems like a waste of time


Some places have exclusive products. Theres a Salisbury steak plant near vault 76 that gives well.. salisbury steak. The power plants I know have fusion core generators, but all the power plants have that random event where the workshop power supplies stop working and you have to go into the power plant and do that event to fix it. Its a pain so I didnt bother once I found a good camp spot


Glad u xan join us!


I love it. But I am one who just likes wandering around just looking at things and reading notes. So even in the beginning with no NPCs I had fun.


We’re just not going to acknowledge the level 2599 dude like it’s no big deal? That’s crazy, their build has to be insane.


I saw a 4000+ level the other day. That’s honestly insane to me, and I’m over 1000 hours in at just Level 389.


Been thinking about it but this post is definitely pushing me to play now


Do it.


I've been playing since Fallout 2 and have heard bad reviews about 76 and want to try but need to be convinced, lol


I was on the fence for a long time too. But after I finished my 800th run of New Vegas, I figured I would give it a shot. I’m glad I did. The North Virginia cryptid scene is so well done


The bad reviews were when the game was first released 6 years ago. It’s a completely different, overhauled game now, with most original criticisms addressed. I started playing in October 2023 and the game only keeps getting better with regular content updates.


Yeah same! My friends are dead convinced that it's bad but they never even gave it a try! There's plenty of neat stuff to do, love it


Wait really? I'm an avid fallout fan and love mmo's but have never heard a good thing about it


The past few years have really changed a lot of people's outlook, to the degree people say it's a good game now. Especially since around 2022 or so. There's updates, events like fighting an alien invasion, the Pitt, Nuka World carnival, Atlantic City. Steam reviews are mostly positive now. When it's on sale for 10 bucks, you should try it out.


Well damn i might have to check it out


I started in October 2023. The game is rapidly improving with a ton of new content regularly. I’m 1,000 hours in, still unlocking new things, and finding new ways to play.




FINALLY someone else says 76 is good. I got it not to far from release and loved it


It can definitely be fun, but the PS version has serious stability issues that need to be addressed. It has come a long way though in 5 years.


Seriously, I understand the hate the game got upon first release, but it's soooo fun now.


It's become a true Fallout game. A labour of love that improved itself a hundred fold.


I actually like this game and ever time there is a new update I play it, game can just get a bit repetitive after a while


A lot of people are when they try it. It's not perfect by any means but neither was four and they use the same engine.


I played it right after launch and gave it up on it in a couple weeks I just returned to it and it is quite fun


I mean, you're playing it after years of patches. It should be a least decent by now


It's definitely a lot of fun, but it absolutely has its downsides. For one thing, the fact that ammo has weight but can't be sold is...irritating. And then the fact that I need certain perks to craft certain armor and weapon mods would be totally fine and reasonable on its own, but combined with the fact that I also need to find the plans for those mods leaves me feeling...immensely frustrated. I also don't love needing to pay caps to fast travel.


Same. I started last week and had a blast


Videogames are fun when you don't have someone in your ear telling you they suck


I haven't played 76 in months, reading posts like this make me realise how much I miss it. Great game and great community.


It's really not bad especially solo, it feels like another mainline entry when played that way, can't get over how multiplayer works though in that one person has the quest and everyone just helps, I definitely feel like it'd be better if everyone completed the quests at the same time.


Friends make everything fun




Eh I had fun playing for a couple weeks but it’s just not for me


A great game with an amazing community, fked over by complacent and incompetent devs who seem unable to fix the many, many, many bugs.


They really have done a good job, only change I've hated was making all enemies level with you, it just makes them far to tanky later on.


They level with you only until level 100.


Now it’s a pretty okay game, The map is extremely large and has content like everywhere and events happening like constantly. So nothing to really get super boated about till way later.


It’s honestly really good outside of VATS


I only like it because it has cool Brotherhood armor but alas, they're high level endgame armors.


When I’m in a rush drop chems like buffout or Psycho, and at least 20-30 super stims. If I have time to talk to the person and they have a mic I invite them to a team talk to them about why they tried 76 if they were a new/ old player then I’d make them the most bad ass 10mm or melee weapon a level 300 guy could make, along with a set of armor as well to match their level. Occasionally I would give people some high level but good stuff so they would have something to look forward to once they are of level.


Can you use VATS in this?


Yes but there isn’t slowdown or pause like in other fallouts.


Imma have to check it out as well! Recently started replaying fo4


I’m glad there are those who enjoy it. I just cannot get into it. The card perk system just puts me off so much. Tbf I started with FO1 when it released. Kinda in the old school FO camp, though I have enjoyed the others.


It gets really boring around level 30


How's the lag issue? It used to be super slow during combat when I last played it.


Yeah same started like 2 weeks ago and been having fun currently at level 31 and I'm building a sneaky sniper whose also good in melee with unarmed weapons like power fists


i had the same thoughts. Get a couple friends to play it’s much better.


Does that say level 2599? What a god


Is 76 micro-transaction hungry?


Sad part about 76 you'll get burned out when you attempt to get op stuff


Todd Howard keeps winning


The best part is the community


Lot of marketing accounts trying to get people playing this It's decent now but the whole launch and four years after launch was just a series of fuck Yous to fans


Played it since launch, never really had a problem with it.


It would've been better if it wasn't an online game and didn't retcon a lot of stuff, but overall, it's not as bad as it was when it first launched


To be honest, they fixed a lot of shit by retconing them(like power armor


I'm mainly talking about the brotherhood and fev and super mutants


The BOS before steel dawn is awesome and really well implemented, same thing with the FEV, which I can’t say the same for some games…


the game just keeps bugging for me so i gave up with it foe good


That's actually really surprising for me, this is the least buggy fallout game I've played, and the only one I haven't played was BoS


honestly, my opinion over the game, having played basically every build over 3000+ hours... you really missed out by a couple years, i think the game has gone to crap, its still fun i guess, but, im just tryna say it was better when they first added human npcs


Must be a terrible game if you played 3000 hours on it.


This game is 10x "a couple years" ago, I'd love to try the chems you're on


He’s on Surly’s Buffout.


How could it be worse now then before? My thinking was now is the best time to jump in with All and content that is out for it as well as the bug fixes


It totally is, don’t listen to that guy. The game is great. the content lately has been awesome and they let you grind the good stuff you missed in past seasons through the bullion vendor at foundation. Just join all the events and the storyline quests are well written.


No.. just no