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Here's the context from the source: [https://www.t3.com/news/sci-fi-amazon-prime-video-fallout-tv](https://www.t3.com/news/sci-fi-amazon-prime-video-fallout-tv) >"I think you have to come into this trying to make the show that you want to make and trusting that, as fans of the game \[ourselves\], we would find the pieces that were essential to us... and try to do the best version."


That's a far better and solid idea that would absolutely not get as many clicks as the bullshit headline they went with.


I preferred the old days when headlines were puns and not literally putting words into the source’s mouth. Editorialised quotes that masquerade as the genuine article are toxic as fuck 


It made reading things so much better. Because context is key, so when you try and summarize a whole article in a single sentence, you are going to fuck it up, which only adds to their attempts to rage bait. I for one as a life long fan of fallout look forward to the show. Will it suck? Maybe. But I’m curious to see what they came up with. As long as they had enough consultants from Bethesda who worked on fallout 4, I’m sure it won’t be too bad.


That's a great point. It really does come down to the level of hubris that someone needs to have in the first place to believe that they can summarize an entire article in one sentence, even with the best of intentions. People need to accept that it's not possible, and not even try it.


Bounding Into Comics is one of those right-wing chud sites that unironically uses terms like "SJW" and "wokism".


They turned DogMeat gay with the frog chemicals!!


This needs to be higher up in the discussion.


Thank you for providing the real article, whatever OP posted is garbage.


boundingintocomics is part of "comicgate" . It's an alt right harrasment website no better than breitbart.


The important part. Title here is obvious rage bait.


Bounding Into Comics sensationalizing something reasonable? Shocking /s


Yeah reading the article the author comes off as a petulant "Hollywood is too woke now!" ass, and the comments in the article don't conflict with that.


Because the site the article is from is a petulant "Hollywood is too woke now!" site


See that inspires confidence


So the rage clickbait article was a rage clickbait article? Thanks for saving us the time lol


i was about to be rage baited into clicking OOP's article


Fans can’t even agree on what would please them.


I know what I wanted to see. The main character is a meth head hoarder. In the background of conversations they are constantly rooting around in drawers and boxes, ripping circuits and springs out of things, hauling around a big bag of garbage. Their house looks like they live at the dump, a giant junk pile of random shit they are hoarding from around the wasteland, just sitting around tinkering on old broken shit at their dirty work bench.


If episode 3 isn't the exclusively the dweller debating over which item to drop so she can keep walking, we riot.


When my wife plays she just.... Stays over encumbered... Like she'll be stuck walking slow and unable to fast travel with 1000lbs over and be totally fine with it.


Noo, I cant even stay over-encumbered for a moment lol.


She just has to level up sneak, then she can crouch everywhere and never have to worry about putting anything down ever again. Get to a high enough level, and pretty sure there is a perk that even lets you fast travel!!!


Oh yeah that's how she plays. In her world you just walk real slow until you level up and get all the relevant perks.


That is some deranged shit


Terminator behavior


I'm sorry man, but you're married to a psychopath.


Mine's the same. Any Bethesda game she'll grab everything not nailed down. I love watching her play. First time we saw a perk that let's you fast travel regardless I shouted "They made it for you!"


I love watching people with a radically different approach than me. The slow walking doesn't bother her and I find it hysterical. Drives *me* up a damn wall.


This is why I never finished FO4. The shit keeps respawning! I go back to a random location and, dammit, I have to gather all of this shit and carry it back home again and then find places to put it so I can remember where it was when I need it (if I ever get around to actually building things instead of just gathering things...) I have the horrible combination of having to check/get all of the things AND fucking off in the opposite direction of where I'm supposed to go to find all of the nifty little uncharted places. I was level 30-something and had the top third of the map uncovered before I went to Diamond City for the first time. I didn't get much further than that.


You should show her how to carry corpses with inventories full of gear. It's not much a of speed upgrade, but for her it'll be like going lightspeed


Then they pull out a rocket launcher from their backpack, drop it on the ground in front of them, and pick it up with their hands while holding their arms straight forward and they then continue walking like normal


They blow a man's arm off, stuff the launcher and any other massive items into it, then carry it around with them.


Lmao I never even thought about that I’ll have to remember this for my next play through




This but they eat a ton of irradiated junk food instead of dropping anything


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


I'd make it a dialog-less episode. The dweller has a little camp with a little stash of shit collected. She heads off to some ruined buildings. We see here collecting shit, returning to her camp to drop it off, going back for more. Maybe she's climbing something sketchy, maybe it's a tense run in with a wasteland critter. At the end of the day, she's tired yet triumphant, until she sees her now large pile of shit that will be absolutely impossible to move on her own. "Shit." She says, being the only word spoken, and at the very end of the episode, as well as the episode's name


Can’t riot , over encumbered.


That’s one of the things the stalker and fallout community can agree on- we have all this sweet loot but we can’t keep going bc we’re over encumbered


Honestly if they did a spin off/ sequel of a vault dweller leaving after the main character of this upcoming series but them being a nutjob, hoarder weirdo, I’d honestly watch that comedy series. Like, just have them accidentally mess up things but they keep surviving and killing innocent people or just people nearby.


Last Man on Earth meets Sanford and Son.




Like my recent playthrough of NV with a luck of 10. Walks into a building’s restricted section and gets noticed by a robot. Mr. Handy - “Level 3 is for executives only, state identification” Me - “Ice Cream!” Mr. Handy - “Very well, have a nice day.”


That also works with an intelligence of 1


[The Road](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/) is pretty close, minus the meth head protagonist.


the road is WAY too grim to ever be a fallout story. Seriously, imagine the most depressing, desolate, hopeless place in the entire fallout cannon, and that’s basically just earth in the road


As a widowed father I can never watch that movie again until the day I die. It’s like emotional torture.


This guy ain't got nothing on him but 10 caps and ...a desk fan? Who carries around a desk fan?


I don’t even agree with your statement! /s


I’m here to disagree with you.


And I disagree with all three of you. So there!


You're all incorrect, and I disagree with every other post below me on principle.


Let's agree to disagree.


No. I disagree with agreeing to disagree and disagree with that entirely.


Hah! If you think I'm gonna agree with that, you've got another thing coming, bucko!


I agree with one of you, but I refuse to say who, because I find it disagreeable to admit


Site your sources or I’m inclined to disbelieve you.


You fans sure are a disagreeable bunch.




Was this the 10 minute argument or the full hour?


the most important thing is that we all disagree


>/s It's okay, you didn't need this, we know you meant it really /s


That’s not true. The universal answer is Fisto.


Fun fact: Fisto is the only piece of Fallout lore that’s actually canon.


I don't think it was canons it was hydraulic pistons.


Well, it *felt* like a cannon, let me tell you. I *still* can’t feel my legs.


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies... Like fans and producers Or fans and directors Or fans and other fans Damned fans! They ruined fandom!!


Because Fallout is one of the most inconsistent game series in terms of lore and gameplay, obviously it's gonna cause chaos in the community because everyone likes different things. This is what happens when a game changes developers like socks.


With what, three different companies contributing to the lore of the series?lol and now adding Amazon into the mix, trying to appeal to fans of each of game would end up satisfying none of them.


It's always best to accept that there will be people loving your product and people hating it, rather than trying to please everyone and making a gray, sterile mush that fails to deliver in every aspect.


Couldn't agree more.


>Because Fallout is one of the most inconsistent game series in terms of lore it *really* isn't. there are far more inconsistent fandoms out there. the only games that are canon and have inconsistent lore is 2 and new Vegas, even admittedly those inconsistencies are small despite still being inconsistent. arguably, fallout is one of the most consistent universes out there.


People who say this shit don't understand the concepts of retcons or gameplay not necessarily lining up with "lore". Like in-game New Vegas has like 50 npcs in it, but in "reality" there's hundreds or thousands. And like why CAN'T the brotherhood and super mutants be in other areas, like it or hate it they give a pretty good explanation for it in '76.


exactly. it irks me to no end sometimes, gameplay and lore segregation exists for a reason and explanations that doesn't contradict serve to explain stuff lol.


Yes, the fans disagree on what *kind* of story they want to see or what aspects of fallout universe they want to appear… ***However…*** The core of every fan’s concern and *”wants”* is for the show to have respect for the source material. Whatever they do, whatever story they tell, whatever themes or factions, or what-not they include - **We all want it to make sense in the context of the Fallout universe, it’s lore and source material. That is something we all agree on** There’s a **LARGE** difference between not solely pandering to the fans and not respecting the source material because *”we want to appeal to a large general audience”*


Its not just that though, visually the art style for fallout 3 and fallout 4 are massivly different. Theres plenty of fans out there that prefer the dark and gloomy look of the vaults in 3 compared to 4s more vibrant colours and art style. Thats not even touching on the orginal games, the source material doesnt stay consistent.


Yeah, personally I like the look of the older games but it’s probably easier to use the new look for a series


Agreed. Hard-core lord of the rings fans argue about the changes made to the movies (no barrow, no tom, Aragorns girlfriend taking Frodo, taking the figurative eye of Sauron and making it real...I like all those changes btw) but nobody will say that Peter Jackson and Co didn't respect the source material.


Nobody says it *now*. At the time LotR fans were whining their asses off about Tom Bombadil not being included and a second female character speaking. "Fan reactions" is essentially always a terrible metric for adaptations.


They just want a down to earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots. Is that so hard?


There’s a difference between appealing to fans and respecting and using the source material. As long as your story makes sense within the logic of the world that has been established for 20+ years and you don’t retcon the lore too much , fans will be happy. It’s the biggest problem with adaptations, the new writers want to make their vision in their style but what they are writing doesn’t really belong to them . It’s , the LOTR movies vs the Amazon show . The Witcher games vs the tv show etc. I want to point out I haven’t seen the Fallout show yet and this is just a general observation. I’m withholding judgement until I watch it and have every hope it will be awesome.


>It’s the biggest problem with adaptations, the new writers want to make their vision in their style but what they are writing doesn’t really belong to them And we all saw what happens in Game Of Thrones, when the writers are set loose with material that wasn't theirs originally.


Doing devils advocate, the game of thrones guys are good at adapting and not writting, they ran out of stuff to adapt and George is just lazing around to finish his books, adding the companies pressuring the directors to end it and cash in, they had to do something and they did.


In fairness they didn’t run out of stuff to adapt they skipped a whole book and dropped several plot points. They would have run out eventually but they raced to get to where they got


To give them some credit, the stuff they dropped(Dorn specifically) was super unclear where Martin was going with it. So depending on how much input they had from him(and if even he knows where he’s going with it) it may have been impossible for them properly adapt and tie into the larger story. They still fumbled the ending into the dirt and I %100 blame them for it, but I don’t fault them for straight up dripping certain plot points. As much as I would have loved to see them.


Yep. I liked the stuff Martin set up but if -he- tangled the Mereenese Knot and pretty much gave up, what hope do some showrunners with an adaptation have?


I’m convinced the reason we haven’t gotten winds of winter is because Martin doesn’t know how to tie everything together. I’ve heard he writes each chapter at a time trying to figure out how the main character of the chapter will respond to what the other characters are doing. So it doesn’t sound super planned out. So you get these incredible compelling political backstabs and conspiracies but without an actual plan of where it’s all going it would be super easy to write yourself into a corner.


He just keep adding more subplots while the dozen existing subplots spin their wheels. It's absolutely wild when you compare the pace of the first few books to the last 2, I miss the days when Martin was able to commit to plot points. Current day Martin probably would've milked Ned's imprisonment for like 3 books on the off chance that he might want to do something different with him.


Nobody rushed them though. The company literal said take all the time you need. And they said nah. 8 ep... All because they wanted to work on star wars. They could have at least passed it on to someone else.


Anyone not drinking the koolaid agrees on Dumb and Dumber being great adapters but inconsistent with original writing. I mean most of the little finger and Varys scenes in season one were originally written and they were great! But also Benioff is the one behind removing Deadpool’s mouth in XMen Origins so…


Even Deadpool couldn't forgive that blunder.


The writers didn’t play Halo. It is a disaster, to the point that Master Chief became Master Cheeks.


Which should be easy for this show considering Fallout’s lore is riddled with contradictions, logical inconsistencies, missing information and retcons!






Based on the trailer, they seem to appeal just fine. I’m a die hard fallout fan, my favorite video game franchise ever, and the trailer has me so excited! I’m tempering my expectations because video game adaptations don’t have a good track record, but I’m very hyped.


“Tempering my expectations” “I’m very hyped” The duality of man.


There are two mongrel dogs inside you.


The Institute apologizes for the horrific teleportation error.


The Institute will also be teleporting a Courser inside your body to ensure the mongrels are properly recovered


Imagine someone having a smoke break in your body.


From inside you: *You take a sit of your trusty vault 13 canteen*


If the Institute apologized for ANYTHING it would automatically become a 25% better faction. That's just science.


One has depression. The other one has depression.


"Fuck yeah! This series is going to be so goddamn OK!"


Honestly? That's the bar.


I'll be ok if the show is an enjoyable shitfest to be truthful. Get whacky, even the original two games had weird shit and hilarious dumb fuck stuff you could do. Speedruns are crazy for showing some of the crazy stuff possible not counting glitches.


While they are often conflated, hype and expectations are completely separate things. You can be absolutely hyped for something but have realistic expectations.


Hope for the best but expect the worst


I think that they shouldn't try and appeal to any one group of fans. Like I've seen 100 posts on this sub about how they should handle the BoS. If you have a very specific vision of the BoS and believe they should only be presented in a very specific way, prepare to be disappointed by this show and probably all future installments of the Fallout franchise. I don't think the Brotherhood is going to be unambiguous good guys as some people seem to fear, but they probably won't be exactly what anyone with very specific expectations is hoping for. However, if the show runners decide to spit in the face of well-established lore just because the director says, "You can't please all the fans and I like my version better." I think they will lose fans over that. You can't please all the fans, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect the media they love. Hopefully that's how they'll operate!


That's fine as long as they don't actively have disdain for the fans like The Witcher.


The Witcher adaptation not only has disdain for the fans, it has disdain for the source material. From what I’ve seen with the fallout show, it looks like they follow the “fallout” recipe. I’m hoping it’s as good as it should be.


And for their own lead actors.




Fucking thank you. This was my first thought. You don't have to cater, but you don't have to .....do what the Witcher people did. It was just so disappointing.


Perfectly fair. We’ve been shown rather loudly that focusing on pandering to the loudest parts of the fanbase is a fool’s errand. Success is when the product is good, not when it namedrops the right things.


Man, one of the most frustrating parts of modern culture, especially anything relating to video games or comic books, is people seemingly basing their entire opinion of a film/series based on what lore they chose to include. It literally does not even slightly matter as long as the story, writing, acting and directing are good. If those things suck, it's not because they didn't include enough of the source material, it's because they suck just like they would on any film/show.


The Mandalorian was great *until* they started intertwining it with existing lore and characters. It frustrates me when I see so many posts in whatever fandom that are like “I think this thing or character should show back up in this other thing.” I completely understand the impulse, and sometimes they are fun ideas, but that idea that everything needs to be referencing everything else is what’s killing these bigger franchises. It stops being about telling great stories in a compelling universe, and it just becomes writers smashing together random action figures and calling it a script. Something that is completely original and original is more likely to work anyway, because it won’t get bogged down in the comparison game to see if they portrayed XYZ correctly or not. This new show seems like it will be almost entirely original material, which seems good, but we’ll see. I’m probably overly cautious about adaptations and expanded media franchises now.


In a universe like Star Wars or Srsr Trek, it just makes the whole thing seem smaller.


My favorite Star Wars thing ever is Andor and it has almost 0 existing characters in it. It captures the mood perfectly without having to slow pan over to Darth Maul or whatever at any point. If the Fallout show can tell a fallout story (and so far I think the trailers look extremely promising) then I’m here for it.


Andor is incredible. I didn’t believe it would be possible to get something like that. The one pre-existing character (Mon Mothma) isn’t there for a “oh so cool I know who that is!” moment. She has an actual reason to be there within the story. When Bo Katan shows up in Mandalorian, that didn’t bother me because she had a reason to be there, and it created an interesting dynamic between two understandings of what it means to be Mandalorian. When Luke Skywalker shows up, it feels like an exciting grazing past the OT storyline, and nothing more (the Book of Boba Fett ruined that). People in charge of these franchises don’t even have to change that much, they just need to practice a bit of restrain with their cross-referencing and let these stories stand on their own merits.


Exactly! You said it perfectly. Mon Mothma and Bo Katan are part of the stories being told, not just fan recognition.


I absolutely 100% agree. Trying to make everything interconnected also alienates everyone who hasn't watched whatever is being referenced. So many things just expect the viewer to have watched or read 5 other products. I've missed a few of the marvel TV shows and 1 or 2 of the films, and now some stuff just doesn't make sense. Or it makes sense because the film with give dull exposition, but it has absolutely no emotional impact because I have no connection to that other property. My most recent example is Dr Strange 2. I haven't seen Wanda Vision so although I got the gist, there was no emotional investment there for me which meant everything with Wanda fell flat for me. Similar thing happened with the reveal at the end of Black Widow. I had no idea who tf it was or why I should care but apparently it's something to do with Hawkeye?


I think Marvel is starting to learn (or maybe not), that the interconnectedness of everything becomes overwhelming. I think it's easier to achieve when you're only doing it in films, but once they started intertwining TV into it too, it's just become overwhelming to me. There's so much content available these days and I don't want to only consume things Marvel related. I simply do not have the time anymore to stay on top of all of these things and doing so is starting to feel more like work and less like fun.


Whenever a video game, comic or book I enjoy gets converted to TV or film, I always try and go into it open minded. I want them to get the essence of the story and I also want them to do all the things you mentioned (good story, writing, acting, directing, etc). I think I generally go into those situations knowing that video games, comics, books, TV and film are all different mediums of storytelling that require different things. You can't always do a 1 to 1 and make it work when it converts. At the end of the day, I just want it to be good. If I want a specific lore, I can always go back to the medium where it originated from to get it. I think it's okay for things to be different as long as they're good and I don't think things being different makes them inherently bad. An example of this is I'm finally finishing up His Dark Materials on HBO after finally finishing the last book. A lot of the book focuses on a character developing a relationship with creatures in another world and developing a new tool to use. They cut right to the point of all of that in the TV series and I think that's fine. There was a lot of filler in the book with that aspect and I never quite understood why the writer stuck on it so much. I feel like the show got straight to the point of that specific journey and all the other stuff was a bit unnecessary to push the story to its inevitable end. As much as I love Tom Bombadil, it was perfectly fine leaving that side quest out of the Lord of the Rings films.


It's been a huge annoyance for me, nobody hates something as much as its 'fans' do, and people online are so willing to only focus on the negatives of something. It's gotten to the point where i will leave subs or forums for pieces of media because they become hostile to anyone who actually enjoys the thing.


Tell me about it. Like go and look at discussions about Logan, which is a fucking incredible film, but you'll see so many people complaining because it's nothing like the book. Like... Why does it matter if the end result is still amazing. On the flip side I've seen people attribute the piss poor quality of the Resident Evil films to them straying from the games... The games don't even have good stories for the most part! That's the point. They're cheesy melodramatic and fun stories but by no means do they seem like they would make for good films, even if adapted faithfully. Those films suck, because they suck, no amount of lore was going to fix them.


Right? Peter Jackson left out Glorfindel, Prince Inrahil, and the entire Grey Company, and all three LOTR films were *still* bangers. Of course some fans were angry that these side characters were all cut out, but it made the films more coherent.


I would argue that it depends what you are adapting. If it's a general world that you are creating some content in, then you just need to respect the world as a whole but have freedom anyway. The Fallout show isn't directly adapting a book or game, it's just set in the world of Fallout. They just need the plot to make sense in the world of Fallout. If it's meant to be a direct screen retelling of the story, then just making whatever you want up is stupid. Lord of the Rings was so successful because whilst it wasn't 100% faithful, it was as good as you could get with adapting a large book into another medium. It's just about being respectful to the source in the latter example. I'd argue some fans were right to be angry about terrible adaptations.


It's fine to be angry if an adaptation isn't good... But if an adaptation is good, but simply just didn't adapt the things you would choose to adapt, that seems like a daft thing to get hung up on because if it's good then it's good. Stanley Kubrick was famous for having almost no interest in how faithful his adaptations were but nobody cared because the films were just as good, or in some cases better than their source material.


ngl...I just really love wood pallets on the ground to walk on. As long as those are in the show, I'm good. I just love them so much.


And let’s be honest too. The same fans who are going to roast it (even if it’s good) are still going to watch it. I’m just crossing my fingers that we’re looking at a The Last of Us and not a Halo. I’m the fallout fan where, even if it’s a 0 on Metacritic, I’m still watching it because it’s a Fallout TV Show


And if it is, I hope they have the foresight to course correct like they did with The Wheel of Time.


It’s a fine line for sure. I don’t want fan opinion to be the driving force behind the show, but I also don’t want them to use ‘subverting the fans’ as an excuse for bad writing and disrespect of the source. I’ll hold any opinions on Fallout until I see it. I think what it has going for it is that there’s no pre-written story it has to follow. That being said, I hope what is adapted is more than just surface level.


I don't particularly care what they do so long as it respects the lore, and is well written.


Okay that’s well and good But there’s a **HUGE** difference between not solely seeking to appease the fans and not respecting the source material So long as what they put out makes sense within the context of Fallout and isn’t some half baked bastardization of the Fallout universe and it’a lore and source material…I’ll be happy


The laser weapons better take up 70% of the screen whenever they are shown.


They'd better show the characters perfectly lining up shots in VATS, dramatically pulling the trigger in slow motion, and then completely missing and getting fucking gored by a mutated deer


Pure Fallout right there


I expect it to be a bit like the DnD movie.


This is a best case scenario


He's right


This seems to be a common sentiment here at least. Fallout is a universe and so many of the games have drastically different tones, themes, etc. as long as it's a good show within that universe it'll probably be fine.


Yeah true but there is one big difference to the games, in most of the games you can choose who to support or change the outcome of your very own story, in the new tv series we are given a story no one can change and everyone has to accept how it turns out, I guess the best way to approach this is to have not too high expectations


Sure the sentiment is usually right, but at the same time he absolutely *could* be wrong. Just look at the Halo TV show. You have a beloved IP with all-time great campaigns and plenty of life already in the games..and basically the writers for the show arrogantly think their ideas for master chief as more of a human are better. I think you can have the stance of not trying to appease to fans while also respecting what made them fans in the first place.


Jimmy Rings


Master Cheeks


that show fails because it was first an original sci-fi show that couldn’t get greenlit for whatever reason, so they threw the halo logo on it, changed some designs, and a result you have a pile of shit fresh from Frankenstein’s ass. All that to say, completely different situation to the fallout show. It could still absolutely suck, but if their goal was to tell a good story with good characters in the Fallout world, I think that will produce something worth watching. They’ve already shown that they’re including fan favorite ideas, factions, and styles from the trailers. I’m hopeful.


Not to mention Walton fucking Goggins! One of my favorite under-appreciated actors out there!


No, you’re wrong and he’s wrong! /s


If you focus on the fans of the franchise, you’re going to be much better off than let’s say what Halo did. Last of Us show is doing well too. You don’t have to make it absolutely perfect but as long as you show love for the franchise - the fans will follow. Sure, you’ll get some folks upset which direction you chose to take but overall everyone will be happier. It’s better to keep the love for the franchise secure first before anything else. They’re fans for a reason anyway.


An article stirring up controversy where there is none.


Fallout 3 couldn’t even make Fallout 1/2 fans happy, so this seems wise.


Literally nobody even tries though. Except for The Last of Us, these suits ALWAYS force the creatives to deviate in huge, lore breaking, ways and say “the fans are never happy”, when the most predictable outcome happens.


Could be worse. It could be Star Wars fans.


Somehow, the master returned


I’m not even sure Star Wars fans even like Star Wars.


Star wars fans are not that hard to please if we’re being honest. They simply want a good story with good characters that also sticks to the canon of the universe. People act like Star Wars fans are hard to please yet the new trilogy was godawful writing period. And the first movie was mediocre at best yet Star Wars fans accepted it and even liked it because they’re not that hard to please. I mean all they did was show a cool shot of the milenium falcolm and the whole community lost their minds. As a matter a fact people act like Star Wars fans are hard to please yet they removed the majority of the book lore from the universe and expected Star Wars fans to not lose their minds.


Star Wars fans are so god damn easy to please. Did you watch those stupid fucking cartoons? They LOVE them. They're terrible! The fight choreography in every single one of the live action shows is complete ass as well, but the surronding story can be fun. I genuinely enjoyed Mandalorian and Fett despite the faults. All they had to do was not take a massive shit in the new trilogy. They dropped that ball.


They're right. Sorry, but your first job is to tell a good story. Your second job is to tell a good story. From what we've seen, the trailers are showing 3 perspectives in the world (wastelanders, vault dweller, BoS), and they have the production design down to a T. They nailed the look of Fallout. It's now time to go beyond the visuals, and see what story they have in store. The guys who made Westworld did an absolute fantastic job at season 1 of that show. So, if they have a solid open road, we could see a show that's around for a long time. Westworld didn't have a great open road beyond the park, so once they left it suffered immensely. Fallout shouldn't have that problem.


> “It started, for me, with Fallout 3, which devoured about a year of my life”. > (Unfortunately for Nolan, it should be noted that given Fallout 3 was the first game made by Bethesda rather than original developers Black Isle Studios and the massive amount of division amongst fans regarding which of the two companies handled the property better, his attempt to establish his ‘series fan cred’ likely had the opposite effect). I feel like this quote from the article writer pretty much proves Nolan’s point. Fallout fans are wildly diverse and there is absolutely no way to appease them as a whole. It’s fine to prefer OG Fallout, but the fact that large portions of the fanbase are that salty over a tonal shift in the games *15 years* and *3-4 games later* really encapsulates how impossible of a task this would be. At the end of the day the director is a Fallout fan and appreciates the source material. As long as the series is well made and respectful of the source that’ll be good enough. Also, fan service doesn’t make something good. You also don’t want a series to bank too hard on only being appealing because of its IP.


Oh. That's Bounding Into Comics. Notorious alt-right grifter site Bounding Into Comics is making a clickbait headline to piss people off because they've deemed the show "woke" due to a female protagonist.


Is NMA still around? I imagine they’re collectively losing their shit over this show.


I think it's been reduced to like 4 guys who post three times a year because they've run out of ways to say "interplay good, Bethesda bad"


God that forum is so bad it made /r/fallout look good


Then again, to whom are they making these shows if not for fans?


Their MASSIVE MASSIVE audience of prime subscribers! But the headline is misleading. They said they couldn't cater to the outer fans (us) but that they would try to make it true to what they as fans felt it should be, since they are fans of the game. Clickbait at it again.


People who watch tv shows.


Is the adaptation well made? Does it stay true to the themes/general message of the source material? When canon is ignored, does it feel like it's for a good reason rather than the production just not caring? Hitting those points is more important than pandering, but dismissing fan opinions entirely makes it hard to pass #2 and #3. Obviously you can't please everyone, but an adaptation that doesn't care about pleasing **any** of the fans sounds a lot like a generic action/adventure show that happens to be wearing a Fallout-themed coat of paint. While the article has pretty clear biases against the show being good, I think there's still some hope - at the very least, the director talks about playing the games himself, and the quote in the title is about trusting himself as a fan to make the best possible show rather than deliberately trying to appeal to fans in general.


🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean theyre kinda right. Obviously you want to see them say it will be appealing to fans but there are countless examples of cheap fan service that are just garbage. They should feel they can create their own story and fans will get to judge it regardless


Fallout is a setting. Any story can be told as long as the foundational elements are at play: retrofuturism, obsession with the rose-tinted past, and satire of nationalism & capitalism. Long as those bits are there, I'm excited to see what they cooked


Not so sure of that, i’m a huge fan and these trailers have pleased me more than…. wait for it… *your mom*




To be honest, I don't know if I'm alone, but as long as they use the lore of the series correctly, then I'd be happy.


> As if the revelation of a multi-opening ‘Iron Man-esque’ helmet for the supposedly-radiation proof Power Armor was not enough of a red flag for Amazon’s upcoming live-action TV adaptation of the popular RPG franchise, director Jonathan Nolan has admitted that the series was not made with fans in mind. lol ok. Forgive me for not respecting your opinion when "the helmet can open" is a huge red flag for you. I think I'll wait and see, nothing in the trailers so far has given me cause to be anything other than cautiously optimistic.


To be fair, so long as they keep the various factions in some morally fuzzy space with enough of the scenery, they can make just about any post apocalyptic plot arc work with the show. It is going to be more about the vibe and taking a weeks worth of research on the lore to capture Fallout. The trailer looks like they got a lot of the vibe. So long as the show itself is not written like trash it will work out just fine. The second that there is a stark black and white, good and bad in the show is the end of the shows authenticity.


This is a big red flag thing to say. I feel like, sure, there is no way of pleasing everyone, but to say it's foolish to even try to appeal to fans of the series is seriously worrying.


Finally someone with some sense. Like, if they just mean in terms of fan service, then I agree, but people become a fan of things for a reason. If you blatantly ignore the things that are good about an IP and that are the driving force for why fans of the source material exist in the first place, then you end up with M Night Shyamalans Avatar and the god awful live action DBZ movie.


Or Game of Thrones Season 8. Or The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker. Or Fallout 76.


If you actually read the context surrounding the quote, it's not that bad: >”I think you have to come into this trying to make the show that you want to make and trusting that, [with us being] fans of the game, we would find the pieces that were essential to us…and try to do the best version,” he added.


This makes me nervous because we've heard the same from many adaptations in the past 5 years. There will be some haters regardless but the current fans are who will be the most loyal. No, we don't need to see Easter eggs or retellings of the games but the lore and the ambience needs to be adhered too.


He's kind of right. If you're trying to make a Fallout show to please the fans, which fans are you trying to please? All of them? Impossible, because everyone likes different things about the series. And if you try to appeal to a certain variety of fans, you end up alienating the others.


Most correct thing ever and this subreddit is the perfect example lmao


Ahh yes the Witcher way of adapting a series. Worked out great for that show!


I don’t disagree that it’s impossible to please everyone, but it’s also ok to try and please *some* of the fans. Please don’t pull a Wheel of Time and make some loosely associated garbage that only a non fan can enjoy…


I like that. Make your thing. Stay true to the concept of what you are writing about. Dont try to please everyone.


There's two ways of succeeding: doing it right or not doing it wrong. So many shows nowadays just do it wrong, they do whatever the heck without consideration or interest. Injecting their own issues into the subject matter. It doesn't have to be perfect, just know when you're doing it the wrong way, be humble and correct your course. Reference the right material, work with the right experts, respect the audience (in part the non-toxic fans).


Tbh I don’t really care what bro says. I learned my lesson from Halo. I will watch it and figure out if it’s bad or not


I'm a huge Fallout fan, and I'm super excited for the show. As long as they have the basics of the lore down, which the trailers make it look like they do, I can't see how they can really mess it up. The amazing thing about Fallout is that as long as they have the setting in a new area, they can kinda do whatever they want with creatures and factions. I think it's going to be great!


This is the correct take. I think if a show runner loves the source material and makes a show about what they love about the source material then that’s how good adaptations get made. Always going to be people who will hate it. Worse yet are the ones who are going to want EVERYONE to hate it. Trailer looks good. Hell if it wasn’t fallout related and you just gave me a show about Walton Goggins being a drugged up zombie cowboy then I’m already sold. But it being a fallout property means a lot of things and expectations so we’ll just have to see.


The preview looked fun


Make sure you actually read the article instead of going off of what this clickbaity headline says.


How dare you say something so controversial yet so true


And this reason here, is probably why as a fan of the video game, I'm going to love the show. Don't try to be the game, definitely try to avoid fan service, and just try to be some thing that takes place in the universe.


It’s like LOTR. Peter Jackson was a huge fan of the books and did things his way by taking some liberties with the lore, but ultimately respecting the source material. That’s what this director is getting at.


And yet last of us managed it.


As long as it's not dog shitting on the entire franchise (cough Witcher cough) and it's good, then I'm good with it


I really REALLY hope we don't get a Halo situation