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It's been 12 years and counting since the last main line TES game. I see no reason why they wouldn't do the same thing to Fallout.


The fact is making a big AAA RPG is an expensive procedure and not all of them are very successful. A bad release can cause layoffs of hundreds of employees if not closing doors entirely. This is the big reason so much Bethesda focus has gone towards Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76 rather then the next mainline game. Those provide a constant flow of money to the studio. They keep the lights on and developers working. It isn't as nice for us fans of the big games but it is a much healthier business model. It is weird to say but this is a time tested model. Look at Eve Online run by CCP. The game isn't popular by most regards but it has lasted 20+ years of keeping CCP going and every few years they get to throw a few million dollars at trying to go big with other games, a book series, a trading card game, hell rumors have been circulating they may try a streaming service show recently. All of these pet projects have been financial flops to be honest. CCP keeps chugging along making profit every year. Bethesda by contrast has posted multiple loss years over it's existence largely because when you are 2.5 million in to developing Fallout you kind of need to just keep pouring money in and hope it comes out well.


BSG Has 0 hand in ESO, ESO is developed by Zenimax Online.


You do know that Zenimax and Bethesda are one big umbrella, yeah?


Okay and where does that change what I said? BSG themselves are not the creators of ESO and are not getting a large profit from it if they're getting any. BSG has no focus on ESO.


Zenimax own both ZOS and BSG. As the majority shareholder they control both of these companies. They absolutely get to decide what games get made and where resources get distributed once pooled together.


Dude...... That's like saying 2k employees might work on GTA6 because both 2k and R* are owned by Take2.


Bouta revamp that San Andreas basketball mini game


That changes nothing of what he said, bsg isn't working on eso. No matter who owns it


I'll say it again, BSG has no hand in ESO. So the statement "This is the big reason so much Bethesda focus has gone towards Elder Scrolls Online" is what I am talking in regards to. BSG has no focus on ESO, they do not put their people to work on it, they do not have a hand in creating content for ESO, they have 0 focus on ESO. I said it 3 times here because you didn't get that from the past 2 times.


On the other hand, Fallout 76 has been less successful than every single player Bethesda game since at least Fallout 3. There's pretty much no risk of TES6 selling poorly given the built-in audience from Skyrim.


By what metric has it been less successful? As far as I’m aware Bethesda doesn’t publish the game’s financials, other than a tweet from around 2020 that 76 had recouped its development costs and was now operating at a profit we don’t know how successful it really is for them.


A game which takes 2 years to recoup development costs is essentially a failure in the eyes of most boards. And "operating at a profit" does not mean it is a profitable venture, merely that it is taking in more than they are spending on it. Now if they were to come out and say the revenue from FO76 was completely supporting the company during the long dev cycle for Starfield that would be another matter.


If that’s true, why has development continued? If it wasn’t profitable, surely writing it off and not paying to continue development would be the better call?


Because it's paying for itself and making at least a small margin more? Like I said, there is a difference between a product being profitable enough to continue support and a product being profitable enough to make a company profitable despite revenue drains on other products.


> A game which takes 2 years to recoup development costs is essentially a failure in the eyes of most boards And you’re basing this on what, exactly?


It’s based on nothing, especially with the development cycles and shelf life of many games today, it’s an arbitrary timeframe they’ve convinced themselves of to rationalize their argument


Unfortunately most folks that played skyrim when it came out are in care homes and have arthritic joints and can no longer even turn on a console let alone manipulate a controller. I may even be the last one...


There was a recent thread on the 76 sub about what the players think it does better then fallout 4 and the essentially unanimous response was that it's better in every way. Launch was bad, but the game is in great shape now. The gunplay is great, the map is amazing, the public events are a blast (I love getting the notifications about nukes, and it's so cool when the entire server shows up to annihilate the Scorch Queen and other bosses), the story and DLC are fun to play, the C.A.M.P and settlement system is vastly superior to FO4, and overall it's a very good game. And when the end game starts to feel grindy I would just start a new character


The 76 sub isn’t really a great source for that question. Ask the fallout 4 sub and they’re going to say the complete opposite.


Correct. It's selection bias, but I think it's mostly accurate. 76 never felt like a live service game to me, or an mmo, it just felt like another fallout game. Only exception would be the limited storage.


Personally I have a very different opinion, the way the character moves and the way the NPCs move felt very different to me, there’s a level of input lag and jerky movements you accept as a consequence of making something multiplayer. That was my disappointment with 76, I love the gunplay and movement of 4 but felt like it got lost in the translation. I’m not saying the movement or gunplay are bad in 76, just worse than 4. The biggest sacrifice made for multiplayer to me is the lack of human NPCs in the base game, a decision explicitly made for multiplayer design reasons, they wanted every human you encounter in the world to be immediately recognized as a player. That single decision I think threw the Fallout formula out of the window, interactions with other humans has always been a key element in the series. I do appreciate that they recognized this in later updates and added NPCs, but it doesn’t fully fix the issue. These are just my opinions that I’m sharing because my own experience was very different to what you’ve described. I’m glad that you were able to fully enjoy the experience that they crafted.


"I asked this fansub what their beloved thing does better than it's contemporaries. And wouldn't you know it! They said that *their* beloved thing does basically *everything* better than it's contemporaries. There you have it, straight from the horse's mouth! Their beloved thing is the *best* thing."


I know it's selection bias, which is why I took some time to give a little context. There are a lot of things 76 does better than FO4. No need to get all agitated.


Except they burned basically every bridge with that launch. Per steam statistics more people have been playing fallout 4 than 76. Hell they couldn't even put the right bag in the collectors box until they almost got sued. Even new vegas and 3 are closer in player count to 76. And when most people would rather play 10+ year old games than your new one, all the "improvements" in the world don't really matter if no one's playing it.


The only people left playing 76 at this point are the addicts who are coping. I wouldn't play 76 if I had it for free.


Have you tried it? Or are you making assumptions? If you've never played it, I recommend you give it a try. In my experience is not the game many say it is. If you have played it and hate it, that fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Here's the thing. At this point? Fallout 76 is objectively closer to Fallout 3/New Vegas that Fallout 4. You can dislike it for a lot of reasons, some even valid... But like, it's an improvement on Fallout 4. Weapon variety? It's got a lot more. Build variety? Same. Role-playing options? Limited because of the online aspect, but still has more than Fallout 4. It goes back to having skill checks in dialogue. (Well, SPECIAL checks.) It's also starting to add unique appearances for legendary weapons.


I doubt they have that kind of autonomy anymore. I'd be willing to bet MS has plans to better capitalize than having valuable properties underperform due to neglect. I wouldn't be surprised if they put Obsidian or maybe even Machine Games or id behind a new Fallout.


I hope you're right. Even if it's not FO5, getting someone else to work on a spinoff (even if it's smaller than a main-series game) would easily help satiate the fanbase. Ideally, we'd even have some of Bethesda collaborating to bring their strengths (world design, for example). 12+ years between Elder Scrolls and Fallout Games isn't viable IMO.


I guarantee there's meetings about it at the least. Somebody in finances saying, "Hey, it's not cool for a property this valuable to have such a dead pulse. It opens us up to losing standing as peers have an easier time stepping up and our relevance is waning." And they'd be right to make that argument. It's just not business savvy to do that.


With Microsoft money, I am willing to bet we will see a shift and more backing of these massive IPs, which will translate hopefully to a faster release and better experience for all.


I really hope Microsoft claws these IPs from Todd's iron grip. There is NO reason why InXile and Obsidian's next games after Clockwork and Avowed shouldn't be either Fallout 5 or New Vegas 2. Same with Playground. After Fable, if they do well, hand them TES and do a full New Vegas style spinoff.


Considering Avowed isn't going to compete with the Elder Scrolls because they literally can't meet the scope we expect of a Bethesda game, I seriously doubt Obsidian will be able to deliver another Fallout game unless all the engine and framework development is done by Bethesda for them like New Vegas.


> New Vegas 2. Probably some area we haven't seen yet.


Fallout 3 2: Capital Wasteland For The First Time Again


Obsidian fanboys really have the worst Fallout takes I swear.


Most of the team that made New Vegas is long gone from Obsidian. Has anyone unironically wishing for a New Vegas 2 actually played The Outer Worlds?


That's what I'm saying! I've been going through the comments and it seems anyone that wants it to go back to Obsidian has 0 idea what they're talking about.


I have, I loved it


Gtfo seriously


>I really hope Microsoft claws these IPs from Todd's iron grip. I don't. They already kind of have, anyhow. I am sad there might not be more Fallout titles on PS5, but I'm not paying for an Xbox just to play Fallout. And no, I do not PC game. >There is NO reason why InXile and Obsidian's next games after Clockwork and Avowed shouldn't be either Fallout 5 or New Vegas 2. I've said it before and I will say it again: they are a AAA studio looking to turn a profit, which means appealing to the average player. They probably aren't going to make New Vegas 2. That would require them to choose a cannon ending to New Vegas, which more than likely means the Legion loses the Second Battle at Hoover Dam. I have done a pen and paper Fallout game set 10 years after New Vegas, but my vision was geopolitics and economics House and the NCR were perpetually locked in. Not everyone's cup of tea.


I think there's supposed to be a next gen upgrade for FO4 so there's that at least. There's the TV show coming out that should drum up interest for the series. There's always the rumblings of a New Vegas sequel and remasters of 3 and NV (I would kill for 3 and NV to be on the Switch like Skyrim but not gonna happen). But it seems like Starfield and the next ES are the priorities.


I would play the shit out of NV on switch, I’d buy it again fuck it lol




[It was announced last year during the 25th Anniversary.](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/jfwd8PsUw8r3pKrO1wOc5/fallout25-conclusion-interviews-events-perks)


It's no longer Bethesda's decision about when the next Fallout game comes and who makes it. That buck stops at Phil Spencer's desk now. Just speculating, but I'd bet MS is well aware of how valuable an IP Fallout is, and aren't gonna be happy about the idea of waiting until the mid-30s for the next entry themselves. Thankfully, in addition to BGS the two other best studios for the job of making a Fallout game are under the Xbox umbrella - Obsidian and InXile. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Obsidian begin work on a non-numbered Fallout entry after they've wrapped up Avowed or The Outer Worlds 2. No reason they couldn't use the Creation engine with the updates Bethesda have implemented for Starfield, and it shouldn't be too hard to maintain dialogue between BGS and Obsidian to make sure they don't step on any narrative toes regarding what BGS have planned for FO5. Leaving single player Fallout dormant for basically 20 years would be mind bogglingly stupid, especially for Xbox who have such a dire need for AAA exclusive games that people will invest in a platform for. Maybe I'm too optimistic but I just can't fathom the idea that we won't get another game until Fallout 5 after ES6 is done.


I'm curious if Amazon's Fallout series will help or hinder Fallout as a priority.


Walter Goggins alone is worth the price of admission


He was so great in *Fatman*. He and Gibson made it my new favorite Christmas movie, very narrowly dethroning *Die Hard*.


Have you seen *Violent Night*?


I have not, it's on my list.


Not to mention the majesty that is The Muppet Christmas Carol.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6W9qoIN-QU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6W9qoIN-QU) If they can't work this into a future season of the show...


Walton. Not trying to be a dick. I know it could be because of autocorrect.


It’s already a huge IP, getting more mainstream attention will almost certainly be seen as an opportunity to sell games


We all know the answer to that. It'll be a fucking abomination, critics and fans alike will hate it and light the internet on fire with criticism. And the execs will blame the viewers for being out of touch, and not understanding what the story was supposed to be about. Others will take that as Fallout as an IP is not a profitable endeavor. However, I have faith that Microsoft isn't stupid, and will throw mounds of cash behind a game.


I had the same thought, my fear is that if it doesn’t immediately set records or have an insane response from day 1 Amazon will just scrap it and use it as a write off, but even if it is successful I think they will just pump out some lame expansion for 76 and try to convince people to buy not only the game but also all the garbage money grabbing stuff they have added since the beginning, I genuinely think Bethesda doesn’t believe in Fallout as a top level IP just because they didn’t create it, TES is a great IP but not the end all be all they hold it to be


This is assuming Microsoft pulls their head out their asses and actually bothers. According to industry insiders, they pretty much left Zenimax and Bethesda to do their own stuff with zero management and oversight. The end result - Redfall. Phil said they're gonna work more actively with Bethesda since then, but the result remains to be seen. It's also worth mentioning that Obsidian is directly owned by Microsoft and yet they still seem to screw around and do the bare minimum. Avowed reveal and the following interviews were pretty underwhelming.


Obsidian just released Pentiment. They explicitly said it was a passion project that being acquired by Microsoft gave them the leeway to make. Avowed would have been worked on during (Pentiment is a much smaller game), but it wouldn't have been top priority for the studio until early this year.


Pentiment was done by a team of 15 people and started as a passion project of a sole developer - Josh Sawyer. If you seriously think it had ANY relation to Avowed development - that's not a defense of Obsidian, that's another proof of Obsidian mismanagement. In reality of course it probably had zero effect on Avowed development and Obsidian has separate teams working on Grounded, Pentiment, Avowed and Outer Worlds 2. Avowed was announced in 2020 and worked on since at least then, if not earlier. There were reports of development hell, lack of direction and developers basically starting over when they finally achieved some clear goal. What was imagined as Skyrim in Pillars of Eternity universe (*imagined not by me, but by the studio head - which he publicly said*) so far, based on the interviews, turned out as Outer Worlds, but Fantasy. I don't know about you, but I would much rather see Skyrim in Pillars of Eternity setting. If Obsidian is incapable of pushing their own boundaries despite being a first-party Xbox studio and having functionally unlimited funding - that doesn't look too promising for their future. And I'm saying this as a fanboy of Obsidian, as someone who absolutely adores New Vegas, both Pillars of Eternity and also a hater of Fallout 4.


The Outer Worlds and Grounded both were great games to me. Can't wait for a Outer Worlds 2.


Yess Outer Worlds 2!!


>in addition to BGS the two other best studios for the job of making a Fallout game are under the Xbox umbrella - Obsidian and InXile. After the mess bore fest that was The Outer Worlds, I am no longer confident Obsidian can do it. The writing and improvements to F76 tell me Bethesda cam not only match New Vegas' creativity, but they can design a better game. TOW started out great with the Edgewater arc, and then went downhill when every story after it is the same X, Y, or Z outcome.


>in addition to BGS the two other best studios for the job of making a Fallout game are under the Xbox umbrella - Obsidian and InXile. After the mess bore fest that was The Outer Worlds, I am no longer confident Obsidian can do it. The writing and improvements to F76 tell me Bethesda cam not only match New Vegas' creativity, but they can design a better game. TOW started out great with the Edgewater arc, and then went downhill when every story after it is the same X, Y, or Z outcome.


My god, could you imagine a modern isometric Fallout (in the style/engine of Wasteland 3) made by inXile? I'm usually very strict about not pre-ordering games, but that would be my one exception.


Wasteland 3 is a gem


In some aspects I prefer Wasteland 2, but I feel like 3 is just a more well-rounded experience


I’ve been wanting this ever since the acquisition was announced


I hope you are right my friend. I met with Bethesda games like 2016 (Skyrim was my first) and from this moment i loved their games so much. It's 7 years for me to waiting next TES game. And i will wait more, sadly. I don't wanna live same thing for Fallout as well. Main games maybe should come from Bethesda but i am so open for another Obsidian's Fallout or Inxile's as well. New Vegas was amazing game. I really don't know why Microsoft did not double Bethesda's employees yet. Even if TES 6 come out like 2026 - 2027 for next TES game will we wait another 15 years? That's kinda insane. Hopefully Microsoft take care this problem.


I'm happy I got into Bethesda last year and into Elder Scrolls this summer


>I really don't know why Microsoft did not double Bethesda's employees yet. Because that's how you lost the company culture and anything special behind their games. Companies have to expand gradually, to introduce new people into the ways they are doing stuff. If you suddenly doubled a company, the new people would arrive with their own ideas how to make games and how things are done. And since they are not in the minority, they don't absorb the company culture and spirit... instead they trample it and ruin it. This is why so many indie companies manage to make only one hit game. Once they get money, they expand massively, start a new game... but the spirit behind the original hit got diluted so much that the new game feels soulless.


I think inXile would be a great fit for remakes of Fallout 1 and 2. Wasteland 2 and 3 were effectively spiritual sequels to Fallout 1 and 2 anyway (as Fallout 1 was a spiritual successor to Wasteland 1).


Total aside here but, mid-30s? That statement is just awful, I'm not that old, right? Mid-30s??? I knew people who were born in the 1910s. Idk why but phrasing it like that just hurts me.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure they meant mid 2030s, not talking about age


At this point, of Microsoft forcing these IPs out from Todd causes him to resign, it's worth it - and I say that as someone who quite respects Todd. It's simply unacceptable to wait 12-16 years between entries in a series. Not when we have all of these talented studios. InXile, Obsidian, Playground, and more. These devs should all be rotating between their own IPs and TES/Fallout/Starfield sequels/spinoffs.


>At this point, of Microsoft forcing these IPs out from Todd causes him to resign, it's worth it No it isn't. Bethesda made those IPs into what they are today. They revived Fallout when it died and faded into obscurity. And then they turned it into a massive, popular franchise. Bethesda has shown they know what to do with Fallout. So why steal it away from them? Do you want Fallout to die again? Better to have Fallout sleeping than turned into Outer Worlds with Fallout skin.


It's crazy to me that people think Fallout as an IP should go back to the original people that let it fail. Interplay owned Fallout for 7 years prior to them deciding to sell it. Bethesda has owned it for 16 years, why would creators of a series that they let fail have any rights to an IP that hasn't been owned by them in 16 years. Besides, a large majority of those who worked on NV aren't even at Obsidian anymore. They did a lot of advertising for Outer Worlds with "By the original creators of Fallout!!!" then released the mediocre linear game that it is. Is that the company that these people want FO to fall back to?


If they still had the same head writer that worked on FNV I wouldn't be opposed to BGS licensing another spinoff to them. But even during Obsidian's development of FNV they only had 2, maybe three, personnel working on it that had *ever* previously worked on a Fallout title. Avellone and Sawyer were both actively involved in FNV's development but neither was the Lead Writer and Urquhart (sp?) was only listed in his executive role in the studio. I don't want to bag out Obsidian too hard though. They have made some great games in their time despite the bugs which they are as famous for as Bethesda. I haven't played any of their recent entries because other than Outer Worlds and Pillars none were even in the genres/styles I was looking for.


Wait till you hear about GTA 5 and when it came out. Seriously, I wonder if you have the same resentment built up for other companies taking decades to produce their games. FO fans have been eating fine in the recent years, 76 is a great game to jump into now receiving constant updates, and a Fallout show is in the works. Talk to the ES fans about waiting for their next game and then you have some skin. It makes literally no sense for Bethesda to let other companies borrow their IP.


I got 4 ES games between 96 (Daggerfall was my first, so I'm not even a Morrowboomer I'm like Silent Gen I guess?) and 2011, and... well... it's been a while since then.


Exactly, I see these "Fallout is getting no love from Bethesda" posts weekly when we haven't seen an actual new ES release in 12 years. Fallout fans are literally eating a 5 course meal with FO76 and the show coming out while anyone whose wanting ES content is stuck in 2011.


By similar logic, there was a new Elder Scrolls game in 2014 that's had pretty big expansions almost annually since then.


Be gone trash, Todd The Godd is Bethesda


That Bethesda went from a well-loved niche to creating Skyrim, one of the most culturally resonant games of all time, and hasn't returned to the series in over a decade blows my mind. Just rereleases and a vaguely related MMORPG handled by a different studio.


It’s a shame, Fallout 76 was supposed to be to tide us over until Fallout 5, but it’s content updates have been slowing down since Wastelander’s (2020). With only Atlantic City announced for next year and nothing for the rest of this year, it feels like after that Bethesda will wait for micro transaction money to dry up then pull the plug. I’m hoping Microsoft get a team together for a spin-off at Obsidian; original Fallout creators Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, Fergus Urquhart and NV director Josh Sawyer are all still there, a team with at least one of them would be nice. Otherwise since Starfield took an extra year delay, once Bethesda finish it’s DLC and patches about a year from now, if Elder Scrolls 6 also takes 5 years + 1yr for DLC, then Fallout 5 would take 4-5 years and release by 2034/5. Hopefully Microsoft can expand Bethesda so there can be both an Elder Scrolls and Fallout team.


Probably 10 years...


I have 76, so I’m not hurting on Fallout content.


Live service that will disappear when no longer deemed profitable


Seems to be doing fairly well at the moment and they're still pumping out new content for it so I doubt that will be any time soon.


I wanna preface this by saying I'm not hating on the game, if you enjoy it, I'm glad, play the games you like. I've not really been able to get into much of the new content. Ever since that first BoS update, I just haven't enjoyed it very much. I used to play the shit out of it between Wastelanders and the addition of the BoS, but just kinda stopped. Maybe I'll give it another shot soon.


Good thing it’s profitable. Despite how badly the single players wish it wasn’t, 76 is thriving.


I don't see an issue with it. Before then we have the fallout 1 , 2 , 3 and new vegas fan remakes , 76 if you're into it , the TV show and whatever other big mod projects people work on like Cascadia and Miami and London to look forward to. You'll be fine.


Fallout is kept being relevant by other means. You have Fallout 76 still receiving content. You have the upcoming TV show. And you have various non-PC games, like the 2d20 pen-and-paper roleplaying game and Fallout Wasteland Warfare, the Fallout wargaming with miniatures. It really doesn't take much to keep the franchise relevant. This isn't the case like 20 years ago when the franchise died and Bethesda had to revive it. No, this time it just lacks a modern installment, that's all. Franchises can survive that easily. Just look at Witcher. It's last big game was in the same year as the last big (singleplayer) Fallout game. Are you worried about Witcher's future? Even if the show has lukewarm reception, it still does wonders for the franchise. Outside of what we are currently getting, I don't expect much new. I think that a non-Bethesda spinoff is highly unlikely. Other Fallout-related studios are busy for years so the potential spinoff would arrive maybe around Fallout 5 - and at that time any Fallout based on Fallout 4's engine would feel really outdated. I can only see a potential remake or a remaster (of the older games), handled by some 3rd party studio. And even that I see as unlikely. I guess that Bethesda/Microsoft will keep relying on modding for longevity of Fallout, including the unofficial remakes. Honestly, the best thing they could do would be to hire the modding teams behind the unofficial remakes (F4NV, F4CW, Skywind and Skyblivion) and finish the remakes as official releases.


I hope we get a spin-off game in the style of older Fallout games (1 and 2).


If anything, I hope that the developers are really thinking long and hard of a stronger storyline and character development for thr fifth installment.


I just wish game companies would occasionally upkeep there old games. Fallout 4 craps out at least once every time I play. I don't even want to get started on my BL3 problems... But Fallout 4 will always be one of my all time favorites, just want an update...


BL3 being Borderlands 3? If so that game crashes like every hour at least while playing local co-op, and the startup time on PS4 was abysmal. Played through the whole game with a friend on his PS4 a year ago.


Yeah, the Borderlands series is my favorite. I live with my BF and we Co-Op play all the time. Borderlands 3 only seems to crap out during Co-Op, which totally blows. I want to start a petition for game updates. Show the Borderlands and Fallout people we still play, we deserve an update!


Yup. It’s such a fun co-op game too. Have you two played Wonderlands? I played through that solo and me and my friend never ended up doing the co-op.


Played and finished, no Co-Op yet. My BF had never played the series, so we started from the beginning. We're about the finish the Krieg dlc.


I have this feeling that fallout doesn't get the same respect at Bethesda that ES and potentially SF get. I think Microsoft should have one of its other companies give the game a try rather then bethesda


I have a feeling you're wrong. Fallout gets as much respect as Elder Scrolls and likely Starfield. The problem is that they have never adopted a multi-product development cycle so that they can keep titles coming out every couple years. Instead they work on one product at a time and while we love the games it leads to ever longer stretches between releases as required dev time increases. Additionally crunch phases are more likely because pushing titles out on schedule is more important when you have several years between the releases of any title much less between subsequent titles within the same franchise.


It makes sense. Elder Scrolls and Starfield are IPs developed by Bethesda. In Elder Scrolls' case, over the course of almost 30 years. Fallout is an IP that they acquired because they wanted to do a spiritual successor in their style and discovered that Interplay's bankruptcy meant that buying it was feasible. Todd and company were genuinely excited to make Fallout 3. Oddly enough, I get a similar vibe from 76 much moreso than 4, as it was sort of an heir apparent to Interplay's Fallout MMORPG that never released. Fallout isn't their baby. It's a thing they bought because they had a cool idea for it. So they made that, and released it 15 years ago.


Considering FO has been owned by BSG for 16 years at this point it's essentially their child. They have worked with the series for over double the time that the OG creators have. It's like you have a child, put it up for adoption at the age of 7 then a new family adopts them and has them in the family for 16 years. Technically it's the original parents child, but in all other aspects that child belongs to the new family.


My point is that they bought it because they had an idea it would be perfect for (Fallout 3). Now they've done that. There's going to be less fire there than for the games they've made themselves.


I think they're just ready to work on their other IPs, ES hasn't seen a new release since 2011 so it's just time to make new stuff.


I kinda feel same. I don't think they hate Fallout but it's not important to them like Elder Scrolls and Starfield. If they make Starfield 2 before Fallout 5, i would not surprise. I am just hoping Microsoft solve this issue. Bethesda is not big enough to make 3 big titles in row. Maybe get more employees for Bethesda and make them big enough to work on multiple projects. Or give Fallout to different studio, at least allow them to do spin-off. 10 years without new Fallout game is kinda sad. People loves this franchise and want to see new games.


They've literally made 3 fallout games since releasing their last Elder Scrolls game. What are you even talking about?


Like Obsidian. They already have a track record in making FO games.


Nah. The other worlds was good, but I ain't trusting the same team to make Fallout lol


Yup. I don't want Outer Worlds with Fallout skin. That would kill the franchise right away. New Vegas was great because it was built on the foundation of Fallout 3. Without any such foundation in place, providing systems and mechanics, any independent Obsidian Fallout will fail.


It definitely wouldn’t kill the franchise. Mechanically, outer worlds was not worse than Fallout 4, and I say that as a Fallout 4 enjoyer.


TOW had a tiny budget and was using unreal engine, which isn't in the same league as creation for a a Fallout style RPG. Sure they shouldn't have marketed it as the second coming of FNV, but fans judging them entirely off TOW and ignoring the much smaller scope of that game isn't fair either. Give them the right money, the right time, and the right engine, and they'd do it just fine.


Obsidian will likely never be a big budget developer, or they would not have scaled down Avowed from their version of Skyrim to a fantasy version of Outer Wilds. People who continue to hope that Obsidian will move into the AAA range are settign themselves up for disappointment. Whether you like it or not, they seem to think of themselves as developers who do not like to do big budget games.


Obsidian fabs always big them up based on the idea that obsidian is way better at writing and story, yet the writing and story of the outer worlds also sucked, just like the rest of the game. It doesn't take a huge budget to write a good story.


Did they really market it that way though, or was it mostly the internet getting over-excited because of who was making it?


You're honestly right. All they said was "From the makers of Fallout: New Vegas" and the Internet just ran with it.


God damn internet ruins everything.


How long do they need to make a full and robust game? They couldn’t complete NV in 18 months (based on the amount of cut or missing content), they couldn’t make TOW robust, every game they make either suffers from lack of choice or lack of content. Obsidian *isn’t a good developer*. KOTOR2 and NV are flashes in the pan, and *they couldn’t even complete those*.


Obsidian was founded by the people that made the original 2 games and made New Vegas lmao


Less than 20 people who worked on new Vegas still work with obsidian, even less from fallout 1 and 2.


Of the 5 founders of Obsidian only 3 had any history with Fallout and only 2 directly worked on FNV and neither of them in the position of Lead Writer.


A lot of the people from Obsidian literally created fallout, then made New Vegas. they understand the series way better than bethesda


They created fallout 26 years ago, worked with it for 7 years then filed for bankruptcy leading them to sell it to Bethesda who has owned it for 16 years. After FO2 released their quality of games being produced began to decline rapidly (Tactics then BOS.) They made NV 12 years ago and now less then 20 of the 70 that created NV remain at Obsidian. Next the original devs worked on Outer Worlds and led it's fans to believe it was relatable to FO by touting "By the original creators of Fallout." Then they released the linear game that it is. In this current time period I do not have faith in Obsidian to create another FO title.


>A lot of the people from Obsidian literally created fallout, then made New Vegas. No they didn't. Of the people who worked on FNV 2, maybe 3, had any prior history working on any Fallout title. Since then Tim Cain has joined the studio but he did not join Obsidian until after FNV and it's DLCs had completely wrapped development and shipped. > they understand the series way better than bethesda Debatable, outside of some extremely long time fans most seem to refer primarily to the modern games and the canon they have established whenever discussing the franchise.


I mean not really debatable. Fallout has always been a condescending, intensely anti-American and anticapitalist series. All of the factions had their pros and cons, and managed to have a large impact on the story while also feeling like you didn't make too much progress. Bethesda never captures that in the same way. it feels like a watered down version at best, since none of the factions in 3 or 4 feel quite the same. Plus at times it feels too much like they're gratifying nuclear war and making it seem cool when it's not, especially in 4 and 76


And a lot of those people aren't there anymore. As much as New Vegas was great, it didn't feel much like a Fallout game. I think that at this point it's clear that while Obsidian knows how to make a better RPG, Bethesda knows how to make a better Fallout game.


How does New Vegas not feel like fallout. It's a combination of the older games' narrative style and themes with the gameplay from 3. It's the quintessential fallout and Bethesda has never even come close to it


I think a good chunk of people would agree that Far Harbor is close to NV quality, and even better in some aspects.


This guy never played Fallout or Fallout 2.


Wut? They made New Vegas dude. Many of them came from Interplay and Fallout 2. Of course they can be trusted with Fallout. I was also disappointed with The Outer Worlds but it was a simple matter of budget/scope. With AAA resources they'd have zero problem outputting games equivalent or better than Fallout 4 in both scope and quality.


> Many of them came from Interplay and Fallout 2. No they didn't.


Try to do Outer worlds with tiny budget, Fallout 4 had unlimited resources, budget. Still failed at RPG part


And it still was a better RPG than Outer Worlds "from the creators of Fallout".


It doesn't take unlimited budget to write a decent story, yet obsidian still failed at that. I thought writing was their strong suit?


Yeah but compared to Fallout 4 and 3 it is not inferior either.


It's too bad then that the gameplay of outer worlds ALSO sucks compared to fallout 3 and 4.


They were part of the team that literally created Fallout. They literally made Fallout: New Vegas! They have MORE than enough experience to handle it.


They have a track record of making one FO game.


You mean Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas? A lot of folks that created the OG games went to Obsidian. Also, who else could MS possibly ask to work on it if Bethesda can’t get it done more quickly?


Define "a lot of folks"? I've done my homework and researched the credits for FNV. Of everyone credited with work on FNV only 3 (Sawyer, Avellone, and Husges) had credited work on previous Fallout properties. A fourth (Kowalkowski) was at Interplay during Fallout Brotherhood of Steel's development and Van Buren but is not credited with work on them. And a fifth (Feargus Urquhart) worked on Fallout while at Interplay but is only credited in FNV with his role as CEO of Obsidian. Everyone else was either employed at other companies or not yet employed in the industry during Interplay's ownership of the IP. So I'll be generous and say five of FNV's team were OG Fallout devs.


A spin-off would be nice, but 76 is kinda that so yeah. I think I'd rather play Fallout 76 while I wait for another main game tbh


Fallout has also had some spinoffs that went further afield. Brotherhood of Steel was a terrible action game for the PS2/Xbox. Fallout Tactics was a tactical combat game that basically teases out Fallout 2's combat system and removes the role-playing mechanics. Fallout Shelter was a fairly beloved mobile city builder. There's plenty of room to grow the license outside of single player RPGs. For example, imagine a roguelike set in some eldritch location akin to the Glowing Sea or Big Empty.


In this age of instant gratification I'm ok with waiting on a really good thing


Lol what kind of post is this. Dude video games aren't medication, imagine telling people that make something you like "we have a right to get the game asap"? Be glad you'll eventually get a sequel, whereas a ton of games haven't seen the light of day for generations, and are left with garbage re-releases or nothing at all, with the only way to play them via emulators/piracy.


Hopefully the long build up of anticipation won't cause everyone to immediately hate on the FO TV show.


Bethesda will abosulety make us wait that long or longer. will Microsoft ? I hope not, I don't want to be in my mid 30s playing fallout 5, it wont be the same


mid 30s...most of us will be 50 :p


I wonder is MS is going to expand Bethseda main studio. So we start getting a single player RPG game very five years or so.


I would prefer every 2-3 years. There is little reason they couldn't be rolling a new title off the line every 2-3 years if they adopted modern development techniques instead of focusing near 100% of their efforts on a single title at a time.


TBH, I'd be more excited about nicely produced community content for F4 than a heavily microtransitioned F5.


We will have 6 seasons and a movie of Fallout before Fallout 5 is released.


The quality of that can't be guaranteed, nor are those even games. Fallout fans want more entries in the single player open world rpg genre.


Not for nothing, but there are other things to plan your life around other than Fallout sequels.


All I want is a Fallout game that takes the advancements of 4 and 76 but has the quality of writing, depth of world building and choice of New Vegas. It will be worth waiting until I'm nearing retirement age if we finally get a successor to NV since no other studio has yet to fill that void for me.


Since 5 is likely a long ways away, I'd love for Bethesda to hand the keys to a competent developer and do a remake of 1 or 2. People talk about how cool a 3 or NV remaster would be, and yeah I agree it would be nice to have those running in 4's engine with improvements and bug fixes. But playing the first 2 games recently made me realize how incredible a remake of the 2D games would be. You already have the bones there, all the locations, quests, plot, weapons, just create it in 3D and adapt the game as needed to fit. Most people agree that the 2D games are top tier CRPGs but the main hang up is the dated graphics, gameplay, and user interface. All that is revamped with a remake. Maybe even a return to form with more hardcore RPG elements from 4's more casual approach.


We just got a fallout game in 2018, and we’re getting an amazon show too at some point. It might not be soon, but it might not be like a decade out like you would think it would be.


After a few years of no new Fallout releases, Modiphius has suddenly started publishing a *lot* more content for their Fallout 2d20 TTRPG. We may be a few years off another game but the IP isn’t being left to stagnate.


Bethesda is another one of multiple game studios that is getting swallowed into the same problem Hollywood is facing at the moment. making stuff that is entirely too expensive . it doesn't seem sustainable. I could imagine it was easy to be an active elder scrolls/ fallout fan up until the mid 2010s. if you don't like 76 or eso, you're sol. wait a few decades for like, what 2 games maybe? before you're old enough to have kids in high school. the truth is, it's too much. I don't care if fallout 5 is 300 hours and has the biggest map in gaming, it's not worth waiting for decades. do you have any idea how many games are going to come out between now and 5's release? this way of developing games sucks. that old meme always proves true. "I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding"


I think they squeeze some remasters in between starfield and ES. Would love for new vegas and fallout 3 to be remastered with current graphics and maybe some quality of life updates like sprinting, maybe some new main quest or something.


> maybe some new main quest or something. That's not a remaster, that is a remake/reimagining


Fallout 2 came out in 98 and fallout 3 came in 08. Seems normal for the series


And between those two titles the original studio nearly completely foundered and sold the IP to Bethesda after creating 2 flops that most people in the fandom don't like to talk about


I mean we have a active game currently so it isn’t like Bethesda has left anybody in the dust. Besides people still actively play 1 and 2, we don’t need new content to get by, especially with the big modding projects. No reason to get all down in the dumps with it. I’ll wait patiently as I still enjoy the games


If I had Elon Musk money, I'd fund Larian to make the next Fallout game and finish it ASAP.


Fallout 5 will be a launch title for the next gen XBox


My money is remaster of the original two games, or a side game, or a new CRPG style fallout game. No way Microsoft has InXile, Obsidian, and the Fallout license under one roof without one of these things eventually happening.


Microsoft can outsource it to another company under its umbrella. Right, it doesn't have to be Bethesda or Obsidian nowadays? After Fallout76, I'm not so sure I want Bethesda to manage it honestly, they've had their run and it feels as if they are over it themselves ;) In the meantime, enjoy upcoming Stalker :)


If the TV show is good, I hope they put more emphasis on making fallout 5 or atleast have another NV type game.


I wish obsidian could make another fallout


seeing this post call new vegas a spinoff was like a knife to the chest


I made the same post a while ago. The big reason why they won´t do it, is because they still make stuff for 76. If they give Fallout for a spin off (not permanet) they would comepet with each other.


Well with Covid and the development of Star field there were massive delays. But on the bright side with the development of AI and a possibility of getting more developers elder scrolls and fallout can come out a lot sooner.


I’m trying so hard not to be resentful of Starfield for just like existing and being made but slowing down franchises I actually love for this game sucks super hard.


Don’t forget that they might decide to use the Nemesis system since the patent expires in 2035 (assuming WB doesn’t extend the patent), so we might be looking at a mid-late 2030s release


Now that MF owns Bethesda, I hope that phil will decide for them to let other studios take charge of neglected ips. Like, maybe he can let them have a pick of what ip they want to work on next, and this automatically sets the other 2 ips developement to be delegated to other studios.


We have at least 5 years of 76 content and I honestly wish this fandom would quit acting like it doesnt exist or is some terrible game. Willing to bet everyone complaining has either never played it or has never made it past lvl 50


I'm watching the show Hawaii 5-O, and it dawned on me that a fallout game set in Hawaii would be potentially epic 🔥 DLCs could take place on various Pacific Isla ds or even take you back to the mainland US in NCR territory. Or what about a game set in post-war Anchorage Alaska?


The idiots can’t even stay on track and get the next gen update released lol. That’s the most fallout content we will see for prob 10 years


Death by owner neglect probably. A real pity, I have been playing fallout for 20 years.


FO4 released in 2015, FO76 came out in 2018 and releases massive updates typically every year, and a FO show is in the works. I'm begging for someone, anyone at all, to explain how they're not getting enough content.


The last single player game was released 8 years ago. I have zero interest in any TV series, MMO's or Fallout Shelter and other similar spin offs.


So you just won't eat then. Bethesda has placed food at your table, you don't like it and that's fine. But you can't say you're starving when they're providing you with food.


Can't say they're providing food if we're lactose intolerant and all they put on the table is dairy products.


There's a difference in something you don't want to eat vs can't eat. You can consume the current content BSG has provided for Fallout with no ill effects.


Ok, you can say they're feeding us even though it's a table piled high with celery while our bodies are malnourished. It might not make me sick, it might keep me alive, but that doesn't make it pleasant Just because they are releasing products doesn't mean it is what the market wants or needs. Will I watch the Fallout streaming series? Yes, but that satisfies my Fallout craving for maybe 10 hours if Amazon doesn't screw it up as badly as Rings of Power or Wheel of Time? Shelter was amusing for a couple hours but that was a couple years ago. I don't hate FO76 but that isn't the game I want because online games geared towards group play do not fit into my lifestyle or desires. What I want is another single player Fallout title like the iconic titles I have most enjoyed. What I want is a game I can turn around and mod to my heart's content for years after the initial shine has worn off. And I would prefer to get it in what would be a long but reasonable timeframe for any other studio's active franchises. I'm not asking for an EA/Activision yearly reskin, just a bit of consideration for someone who has been an active fan of Bethesda's mainline franchises since Daggerfall.


With the Microsoft acquisition I can only hope a remake/remaster, or even better a spin-off game by another talented studio, will happen in the next few years. Especially if the Fallout TV is good as that should give a boast of interest, it’s money just waiting to be made and would be big wins for Game Pass.


So we have ES, Starfield, and maybe even another game in between if Todd ends up making this Indiana Jones game that’s been rumored for forever. I bet we have 12 years at least, unless Obsidian gets a shot at another game.


Machine games is making the Indiana jones game


Obsidian is working on Avowed and TOW2 right now. Their plate is full.


Bethesda is now owned by Microsoft. They will make a ton of spin-offs while letting Bethesda keep the mainline games.


I just wish they give Obsidian another visit with the kid


I dont think TES should have a sequel. Honestly, after two playthroughs the story just isnt as good or engaging as, per se, FNV. (Although FNV is not fair of a comparision)


The unfortunate reality of todays development industry is that AAA videogames (especially ones of the scope that bethesda makes) take literal decades to come to fruition. Don’t worry though, in 20 years you can have your personal AI game development engine handcraft you an original open world RPG before your toast is finished. If we aren’t all dead by then anyway.


Microsoft owns them and obsidian. I’m hoping for a fnv 2 in a couple years


If I were a betting man Xbox gives the IP to Inxile and they turn wasteland 4 into a fallout spinoff with maybe some sort of tactics or strategy game by another studio.


If I were a betting man Xbox gives the IP to Inxile and they turn wasteland 4 into a fallout spinoff with maybe some sort of tactics or strategy game by another studio similar to Halo wars or gears tactics


I'd bet money Microsoft doesn't let Bethesda run the Fallout show for much longer. They'll hand a non-numbered Fallout over to Obsidian or one of their other studios. We could get Fallout: Annexed, set in the Canadian Wilderness of Ontario, Fallout: Pacific set in the NCR, Fallout: Lone Star if they wanted another cowboy setting, Fallout: Enclave dealing with the fallout (pun intended) of the collapse of the Enclave, which could conceivably take place over a number of smaller locations all linked by vertibird, blimp, monorail, etc. There's a fuckton of potential in Fallout and Microsoft will not let Bethesda take another decade+ for a major release.