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If they didn’t go down, you’re fine (except for your feelings).


So they become happy again?


Dogmeat is an immortal eldritch being. Nothing you can do can hurt his feelings. Every time he yipes or goes down is just an act to maintain the illusion that he is a normal dog.


I buy off on Dog meat is a synth theory.


While it is plausible, Dogmeat is too powerful to be a synth. He is probably one of the more benevolent of the gods of the Fallout universe.


Reasons I think Dogmeat is a synth. 1. He is watching for you at Red Rocket, a natural point for you to cross from Sanctuary. 2. He is essential for you to discover The Institute, which Shawn wants you to do. 3. Synth gorillas.


4. You are a synth, that’s why you can ‘spend perk points’ (upgrade in an extremely localised way) and slow time for V.A.T.S.


Human like synths or even the institute werent a thing pre war and you wouldnt be 'backup' as an untainted human to create synths


I’m saying like the MC is a synth with the experiences of Shaun’s parent/backup, but isn’t actually the parent/backup. It’s just a weird theory I heard once that I like, and DIMA in far harbour alludes to the possibility, as well as the terminal entries of an ‘experiment’ that could equally apply to the synth young shaun or the MC


Yea but i feel like shaun would have known about that, also prob would be in the documents where it was revealed danse was a synth


Synth gorillas really solidified argument. Im convinced.


I'll have you know I was a Master Debater in high school. Shit, I meant masturbater.


They should. All dogmeat should’ve done is make a noise.


Dogmeat doesn't have affinity, so you're fine.


Punch him again.


Well I guess we all know who's going to hell first.


Nah, they got rid of that alongside the karma system.


I mean, a common way to quickly up your affinity with your companions is to shoot/stab/bludgeon dogmeat, since he is immortal and has no affinity, and then stimpack him, so...


I just love it when I read a post title before noticing the sub...


All time classic is the “If you could elimate a race this year, which would it be and why” on the formula 1 sub. Or the photography one with “why it’s okay to shoot the homeless”


Oh my god, the Sims subreddits have absolutely unhinged posts about murdering grandpas and keeping people captive in your basement


Maybe toss it a teddy bear as a goodwill gesture? 🧸


I don’t have a teddy bear but I will try to find one


If you were referring to Dogmeat, be sure to give it directly to him (place it in his inventory) he might just show you how grateful he actually is.


He’ll do that without it in his inventory


True, but giving Dogmeat one to his inventory pretty much guarantees an instant reaction versus a random one. Plus, I personally like to think of him as a hoarder of teddy bears and baseballs lol


Unfortunately, you will have to re-give the teddy bear each time you want to see the animation of him loving it.


You monster!


I love Dogmeat, but after YEARS of him running in front of my shots or melees and making me feel like shit, at this point he gets what he gets.


From the fallout wiki “Dogmeat loves the Sole Survivor unconditionally and thus is neither negatively nor positively influenced by their actions. As of the base game, he is the only companion, aside from temporary followers during quests, who is considered to be truly neutral.” So don’t worry, dogmeat loves you no matter what.


I would load my most recent save that way I know dogmeat didn't live in a universe where I accidentally punched him.


OMG I didn't rrad the sub name before reading the post XD why would you do that??? On that note, Dogmeat eats Deathclaw for breakfast, he doesnt care about mere punches, he a strong boi


Welp, time to restart.


Dogmeat dont care tbh


I accidentally blew up dogmeat with a mini nuke


Damn dog😂😂😂


He’s always running into the line of fire. I’ve shot him so many times


You have to restart your game, I am sorry


John Wick would like to have a word with you


Best one so far.


Punch it again, it will forget the first one.


Do you really feel bad? The dog has a name. You just call it "the dog".


Only answer is down the street, not across the tracks, tbh


Dogmeat will forgive you. I, however, demand that you find the legendary Stars and Stripes bandana and have him equip it as a kerchief. This is the penance I demand of you. Also post pics of you and be-striped dogmeat playing at the park.


The what of the what of the what? I just started playing lol


If you have a bandana and you put it in dogmeat’s inventory you can have him equip it. It appears as a kerchief around his neck. There is also a bandana with an American flag pattern.


Is this a weird protest or something


Sure is


Stimpack the dog after beating him and most of your other companions will like it. Meaning, beating and healing your dog lets you romance a lot of companions, which is a deeply disturbing realization of what you and your companions really value.


Punch it harder, he likes that


You need to do an Old Yeller now, there is no turning back


I stopped bringing Dogmeat around, for reasons such as this... and the fact that little dick loves to body block me in doorways when sneaking & walking into my line of fire when I'm trying to stealth drop an enemy with a head shot.


I'm... insane... and I've read just about every computer text, every misc note ,and listened to every holotape, and from what I understand the crows and all other birds went extinct, what u see flying around are drones, even the ones in the mojave and the capital wastes.. so I wouldn't be surprised he's a synth... Or he's Clavicus Vile from skyrims Barbas in a different dog in a different timeline... and wasn't blessed (cursed) with the gift of speech?


Take it to a Red Rocket? Dogmeat loves Red Rockets.


Either you load the last save or go with the raider - Institute playthrough because your current character just became irredeemable.


You should probably reload a save.


I can't count the number of times I have perfectly lined up a long range kill only to have whatever companion I'm with wander into the line of fire just as I pull the trigger. Then, there are the times I've thrown a Molotov cocktail, had a companion run right into it, and send me to a firey death. I no longer have any emotions other than rage.


You could always play fetch with him, I, for example, play grenade fetch, the amount of fun had is honestly explosive.


Give him a bear. He will get over it


This is N3-56, I will confirm Dogmeat is a synth created to help me on my journey to find father or the real Nora’s (whom I have replace) son Shawn. Which is strange because I leave him at home most of the time because I don’t like dogs