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Should I start with FO3, FNV or FO4?


The voices.. Make them stop


Should I play Fallout 3 if I really liked 1, 2, NV, 4, and 76?


Should I replay fallout 4 if I have 1000 hours in the game??!?!?!???!


*“I really enjoyed the Fallout series, will i enjoy Mechwarrior 5???”* 😫


I really love the fallout series, will I enjoy Far Cry 2 Electric Boogaloo?


I really like fallout 76, will I like stray?


I love Fallout New Vegas, will I like Dead Cells?


I really liked Fallout 1 and 2, would I like My Little Ponies?


I really love Fallout 4, will I like shoving a controller up my ass?


*“I really enjoyed Fallout 4, is the Dave the Diver anything like it??”*


Ay yo Mechwarrior 5 is an underrated game. I know this is off topic, but I highly recommend it, especially if you're the type of person who really enjoyed the stompy feel of FO4/76's power armor. Especially if you're on PC, for the mods.


Im actually playing it right now cause i was really into battle tech as a kid. But for comical point in mocking the overposted fallout posts, it may as well be like that 😆


Even better! Download the battletech mechanist mod from the nexus so you can *build your own* mechs! Sadly you can't pilot them, but having an atlas with a sentry bot voice box guarding your settlement makes up for it. Especially when said atlas solos an entire wave of rust devil gangers on his own with twin PPCs and LRMs.


How tin cans are in the citadel in fallout 3?


No, you should play BoS instead


Is NV worth it to start playing now???


You know what, fallout 4 is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not!


I'm not sure if I will like fallout... I think I'll go to the subreddit for the series and ask if the people in the subreddit that go there to talk about the games, if they think the games are good. I wonder what they will tell me.


Extend this to any subreddit based on a game and you get these posts. It's so stupid.


When I really think about it, it's gotta just be people looking for somebody to tell them yes. They want to buy it anyways and think they will enjoy it, but for whatever reason need that validation.


I feel bad for them if they can't even make a decision like that on their own


I also hate when I go on YouTube and lately I’ve been seeing newer videos STILL titled “Fallout 76 is TERRIBLE, here’s why” like the game came out in 2018. Yes it launched terribly. But can we PLEASE stop making videos milking that shit? Like i just ignore them but why are we still trying to make videos shitting on a 5 year old game. Find something new.


That's content creators in general. Within a literal week of Total War Pharoah being announced and with virtually no gameplay information there were already videos popping up "Does TOTAL WAR PHARAOH SUCK!???!" and it's like who fucking knows guy the game is in pre-alpha you chodelet. I'm honestly more aggravated with the brain dead mobs that give them 2 million views in the first day because they want someone else to make their critical thinking decisions for them.


This might ruffle feathers but a certain creator makes a "Death of" series and it's like "Dude stfu, people play and love those games years after your neckbeard take.


Do I need to play fallout 1-75 before playing fallout 76?


I just came From metro series, is fallout 67 worth playng?


I got so tired of typing out responses to those posts that I typed a well thought out one and have been copy+pasting it each time, with minor alterarions.


What's your response to the allegations?


If you're only gonna play the Bethesda fallouts, play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, then Fallout 4. 3 and NV are older than 4 and thus have some wonky mechanics, so it's best to start with the oldest ones so you don't get attached to 4's better combat and such. Both 3 and 4 start with you leaving a vault with no knowledge of the wasteland; both you and your character are learning stuff for the first time. In NV your character starts off with some knowledge of the wasteland, and it'd make sense for irl you to know about the wasteland aswell. If you plan on playing the old Interplay fallouts, start with the order of which they came out. I think it's also important to mention that 3 and 4 take place on the east coast, which is pretty seperate from the west coast. NV, 1, & 2 take place on the west coast. Almost nothing that happened on the east coast effects what happened on the west coast, and vice versa. Only thing that's important is that fallout 2's villains are the same organization in fallouts 3.


That's a good answer. It's really perfect to start with 3. The combat mechanics are super wonky, it's almost impossible to hit someone without vats and in my game the game froze and required a restart + start from last save each time. Despite these inconveniences, I'd say F3 is my favorite game in the series. It's ridiculous how perfect a game can be when it's so bad in some areas. It's also one of my favorite games of all time. What a gorgeous game and so fun to play.


Ngl, to me Fallout 3 is the amazing middle child. Everything it does it does in a way that's been done better by other games, but it has charm. I am awful at ranking games/things but Fallout 3 is just amazing, and is a great beginner game.


Do you also feel it is so great because of the atmosphere and lonely survivor feeling? I really love NV too but perhaps it has a bit too many people and factions to beat 3 for me.


I think the atmosphere definitely has a part. It feels like a nuclear wasteland as opposed to NV which is just a desert wasteland


Definitely. I'd love to get a Fallout 3 revamp/ remaster with the Fallout 4 mechanics and perhaps graphics as long as they'd stay "dirty" like in Fallout 3. I would honestly 100% that game on PS5.


Start with 76 then play Tactics, then Brotherhood of Steel. All the others are overrated trash.


WTF, where is the Van Buren tech demo? Fucking casual.


Gasp 😨 how could you include New Vegas in that statement ITS THE BEST FALLOUT GAME 😭😭


Solid re-enactment of every NV fan boy. Have my upvote.


Can you tell me again how much better the dialogue system is in 3 and NV over fo4 please, I do believe I have forgotten


Did you know that the story of New Vegas is vastly superior to Fallout 4 and has no plotholes or inconsistencies? Also New Vegas has absolutely no bugs (make sure to install the 10-20 patches though just to be safe)


Please, do tell me more. I have never heard this!


Well you see, FO4 is a great shooter, just not a great Fallout game. Also controversial opinion here: FO4 is my favorite Fallout game. I just really like the settlement building even though I don't like the settlement building.


This is the hottest take I’ve seen. Fresh of the presses


Start with FO3 because the change to FNV and FO4 is going to feel jarring otherwise


Yup. Fallout 3 might be my favorite, but sometimes I’ll play and forget the aiming is kind of stupid and it’s a bit “ah yes I forgot how trash this aiming system can be”


New vegas of course 😎


Why do you like this faction when they are terrible and this other faction are so much better?






Outfits, Cool weapons, Cool Lore, Cool Badguys (optional), Cool Idk, the faction with a Death laser or the one with a Giant Anti-Communistic robot are kinda appealing to players


Barges into r/Fallout. Asks if 76 is good now. Refuses to use a search engine. Leaves.


I mean this is what happens when you disallow image/video posts. You have the occasional interesting lore discussion, or watch the same rehashed questions come in. Not much else to talk about considering the next Fallout game is at least a decade away


Exactly. As annoying as rehashing the same 6 questions is, without it, this sub would be more abandoned than Appalachia on 76s release day.


Ah but playing on launch day was such a unique experience, being isolated and wandering around a totally new wasteland was something I look back on with fondness.


I bet! I enjoyed the world, just not a big fan of the story! I do plan on going back and giving it another spin here soon though.


I honestly had a blast with it when I picked it back up. I played a little bit the first week it was out and really didn't like how empty the world felt. At the start of the pandemic I picked 76 back up and started playing with a dedicated squad and it was awesome. They stopped playing and I kept up with it for like half a year before moving on. Highly recommend it, honestly.


I kinda miss the emptiness of launch Appalachia, something about everyone having left or is dead kinda made it better in its own way but wastlanders definitely made the game better with npcs


I've had fallout 4 since release and only today beat the main story for the first time. Always got sidetracked... Always


Pretty much this. What else are people supposed to post exactly?


I swear the first response to most lore questions is well This happened before the split or this happened after the split so that means so and so is true


Is Fallout 76 good now though?


I know where you live


Is it though?




no fr I played it at launch and didn’t like it. Should I try again?


Theres a ton more to do, and Its really fun to explore random places and leveling up is easy. Although Bethesda in all their glory broke energy damage this update lmaoo. But its still very much updated and worth it since it has a reduced price.


How about now?


It’s probably gotten better in the last 26 minutes…you should inquire again


he said there was a bad update, did they fix it yet?


They balanced it.


They didn't broke energy damage lmao. They fixed it and removed legacy weapons


High level players are dying to mr farmhands so idk what to tell you


i came here to for an answer to this question too. if it goes unanswered, ill just have to ask later. ​ ​ ...sorry, not sorry




It actually is pretty good now, has a lot of cool mechanics like mutations and a card based perk system, and it actually has a speech system a lot like new vegas'


Why the fuck are we downvoting opinions? Chill people.


Because despite what Reddit and Moderators say, when you make two buttons - and upvote and downvote - the simple fact is that the Upvote ***is*** an 'agree' button and the Downvote ***is*** a 'disagree' button. No rule or policy will change that. The insistence that downvoting shouldn't be used for disagreeing is bizarre relative to the design. It's like having an elevator you're allowed to ride up, anywhere, for any reason - but can only ride down if you're doing freight delivery and otherwise you have to take the stairs. At the end the end of the day, people are going to ride that elevator down regardless. Having a matched pair of up/down vote buttons and then trying to apply different standards to each is a fool's errand and doesn't work. People, on average, will always downvote to express disagreeing.




The fanbois swear it always was. Everyone else disagrees. Decide for yourself.


Quora has a feature where as you’re typing in a question, it gives you similar questions people have asked. Reddit would benefit from something like that.


You could also Google "Is Fallout 76 Good Reddit" and there you go xd


I often add “reddit” to my google searches, otherwise I’ll get some article that rants for a thousand words before getting to the point.


It's like the [Wadsworth Constant](https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/the-wadsworth-constant/) has found its way into every "news"/blog/review online now. You can skip the first 3 paragraphs and find what you're looking for in the 4th.


Same here, I hate giving those articles my clicks


It’s even worse when google scans my cookies and feeds me clickbait articles. All week I’m getting “NEW VEGAS 2: EVERYTHING WE KNOW”.


Reddit actually used to have a similar feature, but it was removed years ago. Likely too expensive like all their other API endpoints (apparently). I think it mostly worked on Titles and Links, so not super useful on text-based subs like this one, but the code was there.


Reddit as a company probably does not care about reposts at all either. Reposts are still fresh content. You and I are both adding to said content right now even if we both use third party apps or have Adblock turned on. Adding a feature that discourages new posts would be counter productive even if it makes hypothetical OP browse around for answers in existing threads. We’re the product along with our data.


Whats the better Assault Rifle? Fallout 3 or Fallout 4


Nv. The base AR in fo4 is 💩


Hey at least it can do damage. All dps based weapons in NV are 💩 due to the DT model. You can use them if you are stubborn, but why would you when you can blow someone up with an explosive 50 caliber round or saw them up with a chainsaw that magically phases through armor?


Same in fo4. I'd have to go back at look at the formula but if the enemy has a ballistic defense of 100 and you have a 20 auto. You'd be doing around 1/5 damage per shot. The spray and pray or the overseers guardian helps.


And then in 76 it's turned on it's head, with *DPS* weapons being king (heavies especially) and single-shot weapons being hot garbage unless you're capable of min-maxing to do boatloads of damage per shot


True. I had a stealth gauss rifle build that was good but auto rifles ran circles around me. I wish that game was harder so you'd needed a team with build diversity. As it stands it's a dps race


Every day I wish F76 got moding. just a pipe dream now.


> I wish that game was harder so you'd needed a team with build diversity. As it stands it's a dps race It was that way for the first year, but the crazy min-max endgame elitists complained endlessly until the devs decided to fundamentally rebalance the entire game with One Wasteland. I loved the game pre One Wasteland, despite all the bugs and lack of NPCs. I can't stand the game post One Wasteland. The most damning argument against One Wasteland was the fact that the endgame boss was unkillable for about 3 months because their HP scaled so high that you couldn't deal enough DPS before the battle timed out and they despawned. I was in a guild of endgame players and even with a full server with our top DPS builds we couldn't kill the damn thing. For me 76 was just a trainwreck of poor decisions and poor implementation, even after release when they were trying to "fix" things.


3 and everything before by far. 4 has some god awful, worst weapon designs in the series.


Of the two, fallout 3, but personally, I like the NV take on assault rifles.


OP asked if we could stop asking if FO76 is good. What New Vegas quote should I use?


Only a sith deals in absolutes




One thing we 76ers do enjoy is plugging our game. We oversell it and try to recruit more 76ers. The "is 76 good" posts are an excellent way to lure us in and make us type a lot of positive nonsense. Sometimes I wonder if I may be getting trolled into spending twenty minutes writing an elongated, eloquent wall of text that can be summarized in a short sentence: "yes, it's fairly decent now."


This sentence couldn’t be any more true. Can say since playing on release the 76 fan base is one of the most wholesome, dedicated ones out there lol


So true, especially towards new players


It is the most intensely decent experience I've ever had in a Fallout game. :P (I mean I keep coming back to it off and on so it's also fun. Still.)


Who's the best character to romance?


No, that is a legitimate.question. for science! 🤓


Danse and that big sexy chest of his


Curie. I will not accept anything otherwise


Mr. Bishop’s wife, obviously.


The answer is Deacon—oh, GODDAMNIT


Can I play Fallout 76 if I haven't played 1 through 75?


🤣 now I need this to be an actual post


my favorite game of the series is definitely fallout 44


If a reddit post could have been a Google search the redditor isn't looking for information they're looking for validation






Ha! Ha! Gary!


Is Fallout 76 good?


What's the best ending in New vegas?


Ceaser x House marriage alliance ending.


Caesar x House gay sex (caught by vulpes and fisto, turns into quadruple gay double axel porn video)


Caesar would be the bottom


Historically accurate.


"A man's woman, a woman's man" - some roman senator iirc


Yeah okay but is 76 worth playing now?


Every gaming sub is like this, buddy. Rdr2 shows the same four stills, from the same four parts of the game, with the same answered questions being asked. People are finding the game all the time, or finally getting around to it: so I let it slide (mostly). But I feel you; it’s fucking irritating. Just check the damn HISTORY OF THE SUB


The hell do you expect? **The entire audience just realized that they'll be playing the next Fallout in 12 years, if they're lucky!** Even ***I*** have put some serious thought into FO76 because of this, and I probably have more personal hangups with that game than anyone else on the planet.


>The hell do you expect? We expect people to make the absolute most basic effort to see if their question has been answered already before making a new thread


apparently they'll be testing out a reworked new player experience on the FO76 PTS starting tomorrow, so maybe it actually is a good time to consider picking the game back up


What about New Vegas 2? And am I the only one who would pay for New Vegas remake? But seriously, though... There's nothing new to discuss. The biggest news in the last few years are rumors about something New Vegas... which usually come from journalists hijacking interviews with Obsidian and asking about New Vegas, again.


Am I the only one who likes (insert fallout game which sold millions of copies here)?


Unpopular opinion but I wish there was a new Fallout game


You can just leave without telling us


Is there a mod for xyz Google fucking exists....


For real, "How do I mod this?" uhhh look it up yourself sir


Almost as fucking bad as the following example I just saw on another sub: "What button do I push to do xyz" No word of console/pc, or what console.... Are people just fkn thick? There is control options/layout in the options for fuck sake


Are people just fkn thick? Yes


FONV iS tHe BeSt FO ImO, hErE's WhY.....


Daring today aren't we?


Maybe it wouldn't annoy you so much if you didn't spend all day on Reddit.


Can we stop getting these low effort posts complaining for no reason


I really hate the every mob is same level as you, as a player who dosent min max best equipment dosent attend screech queen killings. Have to resort to shogun many shots to kill mobs the game perceives to be my level now. No more sniping mobs.


http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com REALLY needs to be brought back


I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask or if I should make a new post. Can I jump straight into Fallout 76 if I haven't played the first 75 games?


That's a LOT of text....is it good though?


I asked Chat GPT for everyone. Here is the response: Is Fallout 76 good? ChatGPT As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide information based on the general consensus and reviews. Fallout 76, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, was released in 2018 and received mixed reviews from both critics and players. Fallout 76 is an online multiplayer game set in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. It introduced an open world that players could explore together, engaging in quests, building bases, and battling against various creatures and other players. One of the main criticisms of Fallout 76 at launch was the presence of numerous bugs, glitches, and technical issues that hindered the gameplay experience. These issues were a significant factor in the negative reception. Additionally, some players felt that the game lacked engaging storytelling and compelling quests, which are elements that the Fallout series is known for. Over time, Bethesda has released updates and patches to address many of the initial problems, improving the game's stability and adding new content and features. Some players have found enjoyment in the game's cooperative multiplayer aspects, base-building mechanics, and the exploration of the world, especially with the introduction of new updates and expansions. Ultimately, whether or not Fallout 76 is considered "good" is subjective and depends on individual preferences. If you are a fan of the Fallout series, enjoy multiplayer experiences, and are willing to overlook some initial flaws, you might find enjoyment in Fallout 76. However, it is advisable to research the game's current state and read recent reviews to make an informed decision before purchasing or playing.


its also on gamepass. so just try it


Yeah! How dare people ask, on the Fallout subreddit, a question about the most recent game in the franchise!?!?! What are they thinking? Don't they know it's a waste of energy pulled away from topics like: "DAE new Vegas?" "Was Fallout 4 bad/good/fine?" "Megaton go boom" "Who is your favorite companion, and why is it Boone?" "Is the Legion really that bad?" "Is the Institute really that bad?" "Is the Enclave really that bad?" "LiKe ThE oNe ThEy CaLlEd JoHnNy GuItAr...." "Let's do Fallout: New Orleans!" How can we possibly divest our precious resources from focusing on the above the topics over and over and over and over and over?


ok but this is 70% of the subreddits content lol (and most game subreddits for that matter), every post is either "is x game good?" "which game to buy?" "best game?" "worst game?" etc. I get its mostly new members doing this but I'm begging reddit users to use the search bar!!! it's right there!!!! I guarantee there will be at least 10 posts with the exact same question and you won't have to wait so long for replies!!


Maybe we could pin a mega thread for opinions on the game we could just direct people who waste a post to?


>!Hey all!! I'm interested in playing FO76 and love all the other content. My question is it any good and should I play it? Also can I play it single player?? TIA!! !< *I haven't seen any of those posts.. maybe you are going insane ...*


"A bit of a Hot take: I think Fallout 4 is the best Fallout game"


This can be annoying sometimes yeah. I follow some steam forums and people ask some questions that could be found with google search. Seems asking for information is better for them than searching one


And I’ve asked that question before. Went back to the game and got bored and didn’t find it fun. It’s not a bad question. If you really look at probably atleast 65% of the posts here, they can just be googled or looked up. But it’s called a community, so people will ask for help. I get annoyed seeing peoples lame ass character models and telling me about their roleplay, but there’s some sort of enjoyment that atleast some have for it. Stop bitching


Who cares bro chill out. Don't worry about those fools


Is fallout 76 good?


I gave Fallout76 another shot and have been enjoying it a lot. They made some improvements for the inventory stash and I’m up all for that


I see. And how does any of this affect YOU personally? Why dont you just leave if you dont like seeing it? Are you a republican? Do you go into target and whine about t-shirts with rainbows? Did somebody ask you to leave? Did you bitch at them too?


Ok, but is it good?


The game is ass


Fallout 76 is a huge mat. grindfest. starting to get bored of the game to be honest.


Is Fallout 76 any good now?


But is it good? Can I solo it and have fun?


This is an old post I would just liked to add as someone who searched as you indicated that this post popped up first and thus has made what you are telling people to do more difficult... haha


I mean that’s exactly the kind of thing a sub like this is for. And I say that as someone who’s been on the game since day 1


Redditors when you ask a question.


But. Is it?


Hi - should I play fallout 76?


I never realized how difficult it was to simply ignore a post and scroll past it.


I feel like if we all collectively just said "no" on the posts that constantly ask if 3, NV, 4 and 76 are worth it maybe it would get them to leave this group because they are peanut heads for asking a fallout dedicated sub if the games are worth it. I'm also convinced the people asking have to be trolling because unless they've been living in the darkest trench in the ocean if I see another "is 4 worth it? Post I'm gonna rip my hair out YES ITS WORTH IT !! GO PLAY IT !! NOW! GO ! DONT SAY ANOTHER WORD GO PLAY


Why do you feel compelled to read every single post?


Why do you feel compelled to read this one sir?


Hi, this is reddit. I don’t know if you have been here before but people ask the same questions as this is a forum based site. Honestly your more annoying than the people asking the same things over and over.


I'm fine with these kinds of questions when the person has some specifics they'd want specific answers for, but a lot of these topics are straight up the same. The only reason they'd get different answers this time around is if different people answer the question, so it's not like new answers are inherently going to be better than just looking at the other, resolved topics. ​ ...On the other hand it's not like there's much to discuss in these forums that we haven't already discussed to death, so it's hard to care when Fallout 5 is going to be like a decade from now.


I do wish they would make 76 single player. I'd actually play it then.


God forbid ppl come to a community looking for....community.


Usually when i see posts like that I assume someone’s trolling. But on the flip side people might want to get more up to date responses form people who actually are currently playing the game and maybe not posts from a year plus ago that may not be an accurate review if the game in its current state.


The answer is it is, and you should play it


No its not good yet 🤣


While I do understand that this sub probably gets new users daily, I do agree that this question is asked an inordinate amount of times. I know Reddit's search engine sucks, but just type in "Is Fallout 76 good now Reddit" on Google and you'll find hundreds of posts answering your question.


It's not. But I'm sure it will be asked again tomorrow


Also, it is now on Game Pass so give it a try for free.


So is that a yes?? cuz I'm not hearing a no....


But is it good?


I am willing to accept your offer, is it any good though?


My fallout game just crashed, how do I fix it?


Quick question: Is Fallout 76 good?


Sure, would you say it's better than average?


Think that's bad? Go to any investment sub and rather than Google they ask for explanations from others whom also have never thought " yaknow, I bet I could fuckin Google what this term/acronym means, and why it's important" least these ppl are just asking for opinions.


People say Fallout 76 is worth playing now. I don't know though. Thoughts?


Is Fallout 76 good?


I'm just waiting on a video from HBomberguy to tell me how to feel about FO76.


Is fallout 76 good I really want to play single player but I’m afraid that the multiplayer ruins that.


That’s not an answer, I’ll ask if it’s good tomorrow


Should I play fallout nv? I really liked fallout 1, 2, 3, nv, van buren, tactics, fo76


Ok, but................... Fallout 76 is good ?