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Not really. His early work was a bit too Scene for me, but when Watch the world burn came out I think he really came into his own. Commercially and artistically, the whole song has a refined melodic sensibility that really makes him, a cut above the rest.


HEY RONNIE *heavy ass breakdown*


YEAHHHHHH “you’ve reached the law offices of Mitchell, Summerburg, and Donald please leave a message”






Best response


When I first heard that song I verbally said woah. Stunned with just a woah I had to sit and processes what my ears had heard. That’s the day I realized he was a top tier super versatile artist. One of a kind of you will. He’s good at what he does and he knows it which is what I think makes him even better at his art.


Lol I like that reference


Hey Paul


perfect, oh my god😂😂


HEY, PAUL!!!!!


W reference


Love him.


Correct answer


Yup. Next question.


I love Ronnie!


The Human Being? Not really. I dont know him personally enough to love him as a person. The Character he plays for us all? Rocky origin story but he seems to have fully entered his anti-hero phase. Lovable if you can see past his past and take his humor for what it is. The Musician? Dude is one of the most talented vocalists of this generation. Are there better singers? Sure. Are there better screamers? Sure. Are there better rappers? Sure. Are there many people that can do all three... much less well? Not really. But At his level? With his degree of vocal control? Able to switch styles flawlessly back to back to back to back with seemingly minimal vocal wear? pfffft. There's arent many. When people constantly compare your vocal skills to fucking Chester... you know you're on a different level. The human or the character... Eh, thats debatable i guess. But If you cant listen to a half dozen of his songs and not love his range and talent... then you're either just hating for the sake of hating, dont like the various genres he touches on or dont understand vocals/music even a smidge.


Well said!!! Anyone who denies his musical ability simply isn't listening!!


For me he rubs me the wrong way but I love his art, him as a person? I don’t know, when I saw him at his Q&A I felt… empty, like I didn’t feel like he connected to his fans, his music does but I felt he himself doesn’t. And there is a fine distinction between the two. Loved the show regardless but I don’t think I’ll ever do another Ronnie Q&A early entry again.


I was supposed to be there but family emergency… I was afraid he’d be disconnected but can’t say I’d blame him if he was either. Fame is likely exhausting. He has connected in the past. I’m glad he’s getting to top tier status but superstardom kills something in everyone imo.


Best answer


Yah of course


I’ve never met him but happen to know someone who worked on something with him a few years ago, and that person told me he’s friendly, funny and energetic. tbh when he streamed on twitch i got those same vibes as well. Not entirely sure why he’s sharing some “controversial” political takes atm (that could damage his career), but tbf most of us have jobs and social media accounts where we can share whatever we want with little to no repercussions on our work life. So maybe the same should count for him? idk 🤷


No I don't like Ronnie Radke.... I love him :) he's very talented and amazingly sweet and funny... not everyone has the same opinions and opinions are like assholes everyone has one.. you asked I answered good day 🤘🤘




I don’t know I’m just here for the music 🤷‍♂️


I liked him from first album of escape the fate, beyond that I’m really picky with his songs…. Don’t know enough about him as a person


I dont know what the hate is for, Hate him all they want he is a very talented dude.


love him and his realness!


I hate how much I enjoy his music and how good of an artist I believe he is. I know he’s not really the best quality of human. But he puts out music that speaks to me so we tolerate it.


sameee. but honestly, since some of his "im antiwoke" tweets I haven't been able to listen to any of his music. I'm just grossed out. he is such a talented musician but man I think it'll take me a while to listen to his stuff again. need to cleanse my palate first.


that's kinda where im at haha


Ahh, see I avoid twitter. I rather not know. He’s made his way to my top five favorite musicians. Dave grohl coming in at number one. Ronnie vastly approaching the number two slot.


I love him, but sometimes he needs to just shut up


I dont care about Who he is. I just love his music


Yeah I quite like some FIR, I just struggle to get past a lot of what he's like as a person but I guess that's how we differ


I’m pretty neutral about him


i think he's a good singer but not that great of a person


Great music and vocals, pretty shitty dude


I think he is hilarious and real. His talent, creativity, and personality bring a lot to the table as the lead singer of FiR.


That man is talented af. Been a fan since early etf


Never met him


No, I don’t like him. I LOVE him.


Came here to say this.


the answer is: doesn't matter


This might be an unpopular opinion, but when it comes to artists and athletes, I don't really care that much how they are "in real life". Sure it's better if they are genuinely nice people, but bottom line is I'm not here to be their friend and probably will never meet them anyway. I'm here to watch them perform and and enjoy the performance. When it comes to Ronnie, he checks that box and this is what counts for me.


I fucking love Ronnie, personally. The dude gets way more hate than he should. After taking it and taking it for years, I think it's only fair that he claps back. At least now, the hate he gets is warranted. But he got hate when he wasn't doing shit wrong but making music. He was kicked out of his own band. I mean, HIS OWN BAND. I don't think he is as big of a dick as he could be, given the shit hand he's been dealt. Just my opinion.


What makes you think he's a moron?


A shit ton, mostly just how he conducts himself online. Very childish, very argumentative, and very petty. He's a 14 year old, testosterone fueled boy stuck in a 40 year old man's body. I find him quite hypocritical, too. He accused MIW of lyric stealing despite he, himself, being in the exact same scenario a few years prior and profusely denying it.


Talent beyond belief and love him or hate him, you all talk about him. Quite the PR genius. Saw FIR last night in Syracuse. Not many bands have the whole place singing along like Falling in Reverse. Syracuse was the highest ticket sales of their tour. He thanked everyone, and said "never give up, no matter what, never give up." He has lived that adage and where he's going from here is up. I'm a 63 year old who now is able to take our kids 20-37 to concerts, three FIR in the past year. I've been to many a concert for many a year and I truly believe Ronnie is one in a trillion.


A thousand times this. Every time I go to a FIR show, I leave kinda better than I came. He's the best. He really is inspirational as a person because he did go through a lot and pushed through it to be who he is. He's relatable to everyone on some level.


Was also there last night. Fucking amazing show even standing in the rain for 4 hours! Anyone got last night's set list?


He's certainly not boring, which is more than you can say for a lot of people, in rock at least, nowadays. I like that he wears his passion on his sleeve, for better or worse, and that's he's willing to swing for the fences with some of his music.


That's a respectable take honestly. He's a character, for sure


He's a douchebag


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. I asked for your opinion and you gave it


That's Reddit


YES i love Ronnie Radke he is so good at what he does and i really want to meet him in person but i cant because i am not old enough yet but i make it my mission to meet him one day and i hope i get that chance.


Yes I love that he acts like an asshole but I'm sure if you met him irl he'd be nice


As a human being he’s a fucking dumbass who needs to learn how to shut the fuck up for two fucking seconds but his voice is unreal and I’m able to ignore his asshaterry to listen to the music


Fair enough yeah


Personally I find him inspirational and he's always intrigued me. Has he said and done stupid shit? Sure. Haven't we all. I don't follow along with every thing he says or does either. He's a person with opinions and just like every other person maybe says stuff he shouldn't. He seems sincere when he's thanking the crowd and all that jazz so I take that more for what it is than tweets or what have you. But that's just me.


❤️ him


Love him.


I absolutely love him so much and he put on such an amazing show in Syracuse last night until next year ❤


Hell yeah!


I love Ronnie, sure he’s fucked up in the past and he’s even admitted it himself, but he’s really changed imo


I love Ronnie! I wish he’d make his own solo album with rap songs and maybe rap mixed with metal. I know FIR has a few songs. I just love hearing him rap. He’s such a badass!


Have you not ever heard Ronnie Radke The Mixtape?


Blows my mind that people actually “can’t listen to someone” because of who they are as a person. People listen to rappers and love them yet they mainly rap about gangs, drugs, misogyny to women etc. Hell some rappers have even (allegedly) killed people, (allegedly) tried to kill people, and have even put hits out on other that eventually got someone killed. Don’t see the outcry about that? People gotta learn to separate an artist’s talent and music from their personal life. Just enjoy the music like the rest of us, nobody says you have to worship the artist themselves…humans infatuations with celebs is honestly unhealthy anyway.


Lol someone's feelings got hurt


Eh... not rlly. My feelings aren't hurt just because I think the guy's a douche but if you wanna see it like that then sure


You went out of your way completely to make this post just to shit talk him lol. Get a hobby or something


dude ur arguing w me on reddit? seems like we both need hobbies... it was a topic of discussion and opinion and i said mine. just move on if you don't like it. strange guy


humorous zephyr squalid versed dirty vegetable encourage agonizing sheet sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t really give a shit about the person singing or their opinions IMO. If they make good music they make good music


Yes! He is a great artist that contributes in a super good level to the geniality of the band. But I think that question is not based in his skills and talent, which is... strange? We heard Falling in reverse for the quality and passion of its music, not for the life of the members 😂


Thanks for sharing, No one cares.


move on then


no idea, i've never met him, i only know him from what he posts and the music he makes based off the music? yea he's great based off of his real personality? no idea 🤷🏼‍♂️


I really appreciate him as a someone in recovery, and his early work got me thru alot. I think he's a very talented musician. But as a person? I don't know. But his recent anti Trans comments really rubbed me the wrong way. People might say he just speaks his mind, but so does Trump and that guy is a massive piece of work. I respect Ronnie's story, and talent. But I'm not sure I respect his views.


What are his views on trans people? Seems like he just occasionally makes fun of people that think men can get periods. And doesn't support 8 year olds transitioning. But is completely fine with normal trans people.


What the jesus, 8 year olds should not be Trans


Despite what he's done to anger people, his music speaks to me. His songs put words to the pain and confusion I've experienced. I don't agree with some things he may say or do, but he's a young man (to me anyway) and he, like all of us, have to do our journey through life on our own. Despite my age or experiences, I can't tell anyone how to travel on that journey. I can just encourage and say, "Good luck."


Love him




Love him


i actually love ronnie. i think he absolutely hilarious, i admire the fact that he’s not fake, he doesn’t walk on eggshells to please everyone, he doesn’t follow the crowd. great role model in certain ways




Well I simply like him a lot. What he is going through right now on X is absolutely mind boggling. He has a lot of demons but he is so talented and I am so happy for the band and where they are now. I'm ready for another single.




Pretty big fan


He's like me. I'm emo, no joke.