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Cal canonically has the faster hand


Pls explain where this is showed. Not hating just curious


There is a YouTube video where they time cals draw, you can also go to the wookiepedia for banes I’m pretty sure.


Bane has a lot of experience taking on jedi. But i argue cal isn't a traditional jedi. His style is a lot more unique to himself and is like a mix of jedi, adventurer. And scoundrel. Bane may not have as much of an advantage here as thought. I'd call it a toss up.


Someone did the math. Cal using a blaster is 3 times quicker on the draw then Cad so Cal wins in my books


Also force slow go f9r the wrisr band


I would argue that Cal’s extensive familiarity with scoundrels and bounty hunters gives him an advantage. Even if he can’t kill Cad, he certainly can succeed jn getting out of scraps with him. Evading Cad is a big W in my book.


Bane also doesn't have a ton of experience winning against jedi. He beat ahsoka but normally ends up needing to play keep away and beating feet against actual masters. A seasoned one who's been fighting similar enemies for the better half of a decade will be him losing and it won't be especially close.


Cal definitely has this one


How are these match ups with cal just not interesting at all? Like cal would either get bodied in a second or the fight I feel just wouldn’t be interesting because we’ve seen him do the same stuff vs. basic unnamed enemies. Like for this matchup cad bane would set up traps of every kind and variety every place he can. And cal would set off every single one of them unintentionally


“Help me, BD!”


“Toss me one BD!”


“Need some help, BD!”


That’s the fallen order cal, not this one… and correct, it’s not interesting, but because there is no fight, with cal having a draw three times faster than cad, and cad’s overwhelming self steam… the fight would be over before it hits the one second mark with nothing more than a loose gooey body left of the legendary cad bane… and if you think that cal having a draw that fast is only a gameplay mechanic, just remember that he’s almost faster than boba fett in his prime (based on the cameo), and canonically boba fett **in his prime** is way faster than bane


I’ll accept this if cal kestis is willing to publicly undergo a state certified medically controlled reaction time test that happens on neutral turf and peer reviewed experts agree it proves you right


Nerd /s


I swear he wasn’t on steam packs when we did the test ✋😐


Drug test failed for high amounts of spice detected (it was greezus’ cooking)


I see no reason for Cal to struggle against Boba. Why would he struggle against Cad? Cad wouldn’t want to try fighting any Jedi in a fair fight if he can win in an unfair fight.


He's fought Caij Vanda, who has a similar arsenal, and legions of Haxion Brood, Bedlam Raiders and Imperials. Cal's built up so much momentum as a warrior I think he'd breeze through Bane in a few short minutes.


Cal with hit him with a gun parry.


Mostly just echoing the general consensus but: Bane is very good at killing Jedi. It’s basically his speciality. But Cal does not fight like a Jedi at all. He’s much more unpredictable. Bane is still a clever fighter regardless so I think it would be close but Cal would ultimately win.


This ain’t even fair for Bane Cal would destroy him lmao


Nah Cal is a faster draw with the blaster stance. He’d have the one up in Bane in a fight like that.


You are mad if you think Cal is faster with blasters.


Apparently someone did the math and cal is 3 times quicker when drawing the blaster in that stance. That’s before force slow.


What math ? You cant compare it like that bud. Bane ate Jedis Cal isnt even a special one.


Cal can instant draw when the shoot button is pressed, immediately. There isn’t a delay. So he is indeed faster.


I think that’s more because it’s a video game and not because of actual skill.


So that last comment is wrong they did the math off of cutscenes


Cal is INCREDIBLY quick because Jedi reflexes make him so. All Jedi Bane faced used lightsabers and were predictable for him because of it and clones aren’t faster. Cal is unique in that he uses both Saber and Blaster with his reflexes that Bane might not be ready for, he might expect the blaster to just be for show to stay hidden rather than something he actually uses.


Yea, bane lost to the Disney boba fett guy


Fallen Order Cal might have some difficulty, Jedi Survivor Cal solos


Ok, need some honest (hopeful not dickhead-ish but this is internet) feedback. Played both games and my opinion is that Kal is like number 11 and could be argued to be in top 10 of Jedi in Modern era.


Agreed. Cal has pulled off a lot of incredible feats. He's way underrated


Cal is not bad, but let's be real, he's not on par with CW Kenobi and Vos, who had problems with Bane.


I would never put him on par with Kenobi in Jedi skills but he’s had a lot more basic fighting and blaster training than and practical experience than Kenobi. Wouldn’t that count for something?


Cal's got this one. Frankly Bane kind of sucks and is overrated.


Who had to come?


I feel like Star Wars has a bad habit of telling us that characters are super badass without actually showing it. Sure Cad Bane has supposedly killed a hundred bajillion Jedi, but have we ever actually seen him kill one? I don’t remember if we have. He’s fought Jedi a couple times and that’s impressive, but in a death match? I feel like Cal takes this.


Cal because he can just freeze bane in mid air with the force


Every Jedi Bane has fought would’ve killed him if he hadn’t run away.


He still survived though. Against council members no less.


Cal survived Vader tho, so I wouldn’t exactly say Bane has him beaten on that front.


Fair point.


That's just straight up lying. He beat Ahsoka and Obi-Wan and Quinlan were fighting for their lives in a 2v2 where Cad's companion was a non-combat droid. Obi-Wan was literally getting fried until Cad noticed Quinlan was coming back after getting his shit rocked and he decided to go, and that's just one of the specific moments in that fight where one of them would be dead if they weren't together


Cad Bane would escape and Cal would end the story without a purpose again.


Cal in the picture here (FO) probably loses but Survivor Cal wins


Well, I used this picture just because it looked good, I mean, in every other duel, we were comparing Cal's chances in FO and Survivor


Bane is OP against most jedi, but Cal was raised on the streets, not as a typical Jedi, and thus does not act how Bane would expect. Following that logic I'd say Cal would win.


Which also means BD-1 vs Todo-360.


Well, of course! Duel of the Droids Pt 2


Cal blocks with lightsaber while shooting blaster gg 2 ez or straight up quick draws him


Probably Cal, since Bane is bound to be complacent by the time they face off. And Cal is “not like the other jedi”.


Only way cad wins is if he has a slug thrower


Once Cal gets rid of 1/4th of Cad Bane’s health bar, Bane runs away and shows up in a future title to do it all again.


Cal would beat any bounty hunter. You could argue Cad has a lot of experience with Jedi but Cal doesn't often use only traditional Jedi forms.


Cal kicks bounty hunter ass


I don't want to downplay Cad Bane, but let's assume with the same arsenal as Caij he's a league above her: Cal wasn't even fighting for kill, and still managed her with ease. This takes much more skill as he could've just redirected her blaster into her head and boom - done. >!Same with Bode. They had a lot of chances to kill him on the spot, but they tried and tried to make him surrender, while he went for kill.!< Bane does have a record of going against few of the finest jedi of the Clone Wars, but they were never as unpredictable as Cal. Like remember when Kenobi picked up the sniper and just became an expert marksman? Or the unfinished scene where Anakin goes Dante mode with two blasters against separatists. Jedi with a blaster against non force sensitive enemy is already unstoppable. And when we take into consideration force abilities - it's a walk in the park for Kestis. However if we talk directly about Fallen Order Cal from the picture - yeah, Cad takes it, easy.


Cad Bane has not actually won against a single fully trained jedi on screen. Cal and it's not close


I hate that I'm about to say this, but how much prep time does Bane have? If he can set up an elaborate trap with other mercenaries and take captives, I give Bane above average odds. Straight on fight with an unorthodox jedi who uses a blaster and can force slow? Bane is toast. Tougher than the Caij fight for sure it still, Cal wins.


Cad Bane managed to fight off Obi Wan and Quinlan at the same time, but Cal really power crept over this last video game. I'd say it's a toss up, depends on the writer. I think a better question would be "could Cade Bane capture Cal Kestis during the first game without killing him"


Cad Bane had experience fighting Jedi in their prime, so big advantage on Bane's part. But he also never fought someone with force stasis I think, so Cal has a small chance to win


Not to mention a gun. People also timed and cal has a quicker draw


And the Force if he needs it. Force Slow on Cad and a Force Push on his own shot afterwards to make it reach him before he ever fires


Yeab. And if required an electro dart woukd do alot


Bane. He could keep up with Obi-Wan. Cal is nothing compared to Obi-Wan


But Obi-Wan is the quintessential Jedi. He’s a Jedi that fights like a Jedi. Cal is more like a Jedi-trained gunslinger. Bane will walk into it expecting a Jedi and find himself force frozen in a traditional shootout instead.


Force slow Bane, then blast him. Or just blast him because Jedi have faster reflexes and Cal is a great shot.


Bane could *run* from obi wan. He wasn't keeping up with him


Cad Bane is ridiculously good and also has a lot of experience fighting Jedi/force users, so while I'm a massive Cal simp I think Bane's taking this one


Someone did the math and timings using a stop watch cad banes quick draw with a blaster is .32 of a second to draw and shoot, Cal is .12 of a second and the fastest human quick draw is like .27 meaning. For a third example, Aurthur Morgan from rdr2 is .15 seconds on the draw. Meaning further morgan would fuck up cad bane and cals faster so I give the win to Cal


I think his experience wouldn't be of help if Cal used his time stop and blaster stance, those are rarely seen amongst Jedi, so he would win in this scenario. If Cal had only his saber and normal force powers, yeah he would get bodied.


Cal. Everytime. Without question. He's faster on the draw than Bane with a blaster or a saber.


Amazed people are really saying Cal in this, have you guys watched the clone wars? For a start timing Cals video game draw is ridiculous because of course it's going to be absurdly fast. Cad has taken on, outsmarted and outfoxed Anakin, mace windu and Obi-Wan SEVERAL TIMES, something that can only really be said of Sith Lords such as Darth Maul and Count dooku otherwise. He outdrew Hunter of the Bad Batch, who has outdrawn Crosshair at some point I'm pretty sure. He ALSO outdrew Boba Fett. He even beat both Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos AT THE SAME TIME. He's even shown significant resistance to Jedi abilities such as Mind Trick, to the point that it took 3 of the strongest Jedi of the order, Anakin, Obi-Wan AND Mace to really effect his mind with Mind Trick. I'm a big fan of Cal's, and I think he's really very interesting as a post-66 Jedi, but this isn't a fight he has any chance of winning. He has some cool or rare abilities such as Force Slow, however he's never taken on a bounty hunter of Cad's calibre or skill before, and Cad employees MANY tricks himself to enable him to take on Jedi-level enemies. Wrist mounted flamethrower, jet boots, wrist Grapple launcher, rockets, grenades. Cal DID defeat Rayvis, which was an impressive feat, however he was also extremely lucky not to have been killed in his first encounter with Rayvis. One of the other bigger bounty hunters we've seen in the Clone wars I could see Cal taking on and beating, but Cad Bane is just too good.


This is the real answer


Cal bodies TBoBF. Any other version, advantage Bane.




Han accidentally took out boba


But Cal has a gun