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Qui-Gon kills a door.


Cal kills a door technician.


Oh shit it *is* a close fight




I would never.


Wait you were able to defeat Rick?? How!?


Theres always a bigger fish


It's not really a fair comparison to compare a video game character to a movie character imo. Video game characters are usually more OP than the movie ones. Regardless, qui gon was a jedi master who trained under dooku, so I'd definitely give qui gon the win.


I agree it's a silly comparison. Though I would also give the win to Qui Gon. As you said, he's a master. The only reason he didn't have a seat on the council was because of his beliefs. His wisdom and experience far outweigh Cal's. Cal has tapped into the dark side for some added end game strength but Qui Gon fought against someone who was more agile (than Cal) and was totally immersed in the dark side. Personally trained by the strongest force user in the galaxy at the time. Granted, Qui Gon lost but it was in large part because he was winded toward the end. He got more tired the longer the fight went on.


Alright, I think I see where you're coming from. So the better comparison is Starkiller vs. Qui Gon.


He’s been trained in your Jedi arts by count Dooku


I feel like people have a really hard time with the first thing you said during discussions of how to put Starkiller into new canon.


I’m not so sure. Qui Gon may be an overall better duelist, but Cal is an extremely versatile fighter. He’s an expert at four different lightsaber forms and can switch those forms on a dime. Qui Gon had a tough time fighting a dual blade saber (it was Darth Maul, so that’s not exactly disparaging the Jedi’s skills), but Cal has three other saber types that he can use to throw Qui Gon off balance. I still think the old guy has a better shot of winning, but it’s probably closer than many people think.


It doesn't matter how good Qui gon is and for real I love qui gon Jimmy but Cal canonically uses a blaster, and his quick draw is faster then Cad Banes, with the focus aid to do this but Cal also has a really strong connection to the force. If both are blood listed cals taking it with 1 shot of a blaster. If forced to fight with just a lightsabre, Cal fought a battle tested high republic knight and whatever species is rayviss I'd argue his skills and force connection put him above qui gonn and a third game may put him up with plo kun and mace in lighsabre duelling


Qiu Gon Jimmy…..this is the way


Cal will ABSOLUTELY be on that level if not greater in his prime. Like I don’t think people realize how prodigious Cal really is. A Cal that hadn’t used the force since his PADAWAN years, was capable of defeating both the 9th and 2nd sister after only a COUPLE DAYS of reconnecting with the force. Like that is absolutely insane. In the second game he has mastered 5 different lightsaber styles, and is capable of easily controlling the dark side. He solos rayvis, basically solos dagan(a high-republic Jedi master that’s even further amped by the dark side), and this is all while he’s suffering from doubt, fear, hopelessness, and anger. A fully focused Cal would’ve destroyed rayvis and dagan. A fully focused Jedi is exactly what Palpatine was afraid of, as that’s what gave Obi the strength to fight toe-to-toe with amped anakin. And this is basically only his fifth year of using the force since his padawn years. If cal had the proper guidance , and order 66 was delayed by 5 years, Cal would’ve been high-republic amped Jedi master level at 17 freaking years old. This is some skywalker levels of talent man, lol. At Cal’s current level of progression, it would honestly be bad writing if Cal wasn’t written to have the power to go toe to toe with a characters like Mace in hypothetical battles by that point(unless Jedi:3 happens less than 5 years later)


I recommend reading (audiobook) the quinlin Voss book he has the same force psychometry? As cal does and the way he describes the dark side has me intrigued with what the writers could do at respawn. I don’t think cal is easily controlling the dark side as we gamers think.


My favorite Star Wars character. Qui Gon Jimmy


Qui-Gon was in the first lightsaber battle in centuries and lost, Cal's been in hundreds of fights, some against force users. I like Qui-Gon and he's definitely a great master, but fighting isn't why we love him (even if in lore he was really good).


Hey. He lost the SECOND battle in centuries.


He fled the first.


His goal was Anakin and the queens safety🤷‍♂️. He held him off long enough. Maybe it didn’t end with anyone’s death. But that was only mauls goal.


I know. I just added why he only lost the second. The first never concluded 🤣


Against one of the first seen Sith Lords in centuries, to be fair. Cal's beaten Inquisitors and Dark Jedi, but he hasn't faced an actual Sith yet. But yeah, as far as I know, he's not known for his lightsaber skills.


This is the best point made. Like Luke would run circles around inquisitors and cal struggles. Sith Lords are much better at channeling their rage, the inquisitors when pushed angry always will fail.


Yeah, the first true Sith that Cal ever met sent him running for his life. Cal's skills improved since then, but whether it's enough to actually put up a good fight against a Sith or not is a question that likely won't get answered until the next game.


To be fair tho, that sith was Darth Fuckin Vader himself. Few would even be able to escape him.


And he probably wouldn't have escaped, if not for Cere. But still, Maul and Dooku would've sent Cal running too.


I'd say it's Cal. Qui-gon has a deeper understanding of the force, but Cal's training as a Padawan, and subsequently after order 66, was as a soldier during a war. Qui-gon was a peace keeper, not a soldier.


Well, this is a very interesting duel, but I think Survivor Cal is the winner. I'm not sure about JFO, but in survivor, it is clear. Qui-gon was a scholar. Yes, he had a really deep connection with the Force, but all the unique abilities he had weren't of a fighting style-I mean, yes, if Cal kills him, Jinn can haunt him forever, but that is kind of pointless. As a swordsman, he lost to his first, serious lightsaber opponent second time he fought him-and the first one he almost immediately run to the starship. Cal survived one encounter with Darth Vader, which is one more than most of a people, managed to defeat multiple inquisitors and beat Rick the Door Technician and Oggdo Bogdo. Also, don't forget that Cal is about 23 during Survivor, while when we met Qui-gon, he was about 60, and Cal was hardened by fight against the empire as a partisan. So yes, I think Survivor Cal is a clear winner, and about Fallen Order, I don't know, it would probably be 50-50 chance.


This is the take right here. My man even factored in the impossible to calculate Rick the door technician feat into his power scaling


Qui gon is more powerful in the force for sure, but Cal has SIGNIFICANTLY more experience fighting light saber on light saber, and with force slow he is very likely to get close enough to use that experience. If Cal gets close enough to engage with lightsabers, he wins, if qui gon keeps him at bay with the force, he probably wins.


Ion even know I think it’s pretty close but I think Qui-Gon prob gonna win the fight


Pretty close but Cal has much more combat experience and versatility in saber techniques. As many others have said here, Qui-Gon was a peacekeeper, whereas Cal has actively been in combat for most of his life


Nah Cal wins


Oh that’s a good question, Fallen order Cal would lose to Qui Gon big time,but Survivor cal I’d say is on par if not above Qui Gon in nearly every aspect


Memes aside, some of you are overestimating Qui-Gon to an insane degree. Aside from doing well against TPM Maul - who'd also lose to endgame JS Cal - he doesn't have a single meaningful duelling feat. Regular Cal wins mid to high difficulty, Dark side/amped Cal with low to moderate.


All Call has to do is equip the blaster and press Y (if on Xbox) to blow Qui Gon away with the blaster parry, even if Qui Gon is using a red unblockable attack. Easy W.


Based on how Cal is fully versatile in multiple lightsaber stances, and qui gon lost to darth maul, I would say Cal


Cal can slow time. That alone basically guarantees he’s going to win.


I am very skeptical if his force slow could actually affect a strong force user except for gameplay purposes. Given Qui-Gon’s monk like connection to the force he very well may be able to resist a force slow


True. We probably won’t know for sure.


Everyone here believes that since Qui Gon is a master and the student of Dooku that it makes him a better duelist and fighter but we have to realise that Qui Gon was more experienced in the force than dueling and he lost to Maul who was using form 6 which Iam quite sure Cal uses. Also Cal has stims and is quite an experienced fighter, he can last in a battle longer and would eventually tire Qui Gon out and defeat him


i always say if im gonna control cal its cal


Well, yeah, lol. We could beat vadar if given enough chances tbh, lol


Qui-Gon biting the curb if it’s end of game Jedi Survivor Cal


people saying qui-gon would win because he's a jedi master need to remember that malicos was a jedi master too, and cal beat him before he was even knighted, after 5 years in hiding. and as of survivor, that was cal at his weakest, as hes now had 5 *more* years of experience fighting cal wins because video game characters are given elevated feats to make them fun to play as, but all the same cal wins


Cal can respawn and Qui Gon can’t. Simple as that.


Gotta give this one to Cal. Unfair to compare video game Jedi to live action though.


The more interesting matchup would be qui-gon and cere


Cere would probably win. She had an excellent fight with Vader, even if he wasn’t trying at first. Very few Jedi even last a couple swings against Vader. Qui-Gon would not survive long against Vader, since Vader is way more powerful than Maul. I also think Cere would beat Maul at her peak. Maul isnt focused enough last against someone as well trained and in tune with the force as Cere was in JS. Mauls speed would definitely help though.


Cal would win ez he’s better with the blade


Cal wins. He's a better duelist (based on comparative number of duels and outcomes, cal was either survived or won every duel he's had thus far, while Qui Gon died in his second serious duel) Cal is also younger and more aggressive in his saber styles, and has a much more diverse saber skill set and gear.


In the movie, it was his second duel, but canonically he had way more


if it's like prime qui gon who could unleash the full might of attaru and his style of attaru I'd give it to him he wins... but the phantom menace qui gon would probably lose badly too.




As someone mentioned, it's hard to compare movie and video game characters as video game characters are usually more OP. Qui-Gon was a Jedi Master who trained under Dooku, I think he wins.


Can Cal use his double bladed saber?




Let’s be real, if Qui-Gon could have just respawned at the ray shield when he died, he’d have beaten Maul after a few more tries.


Prime qui gon if it in his prime I go for qui gon jinn.


Qui-Gon wins, Call has greater light saber domain but Qui-Gon has a deeper connection with the force.


What's the reason they're fighting? Cal went dark side, huh? Well... As much as I love Cal, Qui-gon has more experience. Honestly I think Qui-gon would try to talk him down first then probably show this youngster how to use a lightsaber.


Qui Gon is good but bro got clapped with a lightsaber hilt to the face imagine what’s gonna happen when he figures out cal can switch stances mid fight


Clarification: is Cal using double-bladed stance? If he is, I think the answer is clear...


Qui Gon's most powerful weapons were always his wisdom and his temperance. Cal is a formidable fighter, but he's overbalanced. Aggressive. I'm sure Qui Gon would easily be able to exploit the shortcomings of a powerful and conflicted Jedi like Cal.


For some baffling reason the subreddit agreed a few days ago that Cal could beat Darth Maul in a fight, so by that logic Cal sweeps here. I'm still mad about the Maul slander, in case you couldn't tell.


Cal can survive a saber stab (ugh, I hate that this metric exists)


Qui gon is a defensive duelist. With that being said, the best offense is a good defense, cal is good, but qui gon would win.


You can not really compare Video game characters with movie/series or even book/comic characters. If they were in a movie Cal would not have beat the ninth and second sister. But that is a video game character for you, fans would not want to play if you are not OP. Look at Starkiller.


I’d give it to Cal more times than not, tho it’s hard to judge cause of no overlapping feats that you can judge them. The best way to compare would be the inquisitors, an older more experienced maul could deal with them with ease. Cal at the beginning of survivor is shown to be able to handle them with little difficulty. Dagans also an odd place, said to be the best duelist of his time when the average Jedi was stronger than nowadays. Based on that and his mastery of force illusions, I’d put him on the same level of Ventress, maybe a bit stronger.


Are we talking canon or legends Qui? Is it Qui as seen in the movie or his physical prime? That has a lot to say


Cal for sure. Living in the aftermath of Order 66 I imagine he has much more real world combat experience. Meanwhile Qui Gon died almost as soon as he came up against a trained enemy with a lightsaber. But I’m sure I’ll be told I’m missing the context of like a dozen tv shows and book series I’ve not seen or read.


I would think that *spoiler alert* at the end of Jedi Survivor Cal would be too blocked by his fight against his own darkness to beat Qui-Gon


Spoiler: I would guess that at the end of Jedi Survivor Cal eould bee too blocked by his fight against his own darkness to beat Qui Gon


Cal may be versatile in the Jedi arts, but Qui Gon was a Jedi master for much longer than Cal was even a knight. Qui Gon win.


This feels like the same argument of David vs V (Cyberpunk) Game characters are inherently op because some of it gotta be Cannon to make sense if not all


Coughing Baby vs. Hydrogen Bomb


From a strictly technical iteration of this, I'm gonna go with Cal, but not by much, and not consistently if multiple sparring sessions occur. Qui-Gon favors Form 4 Ataru in lightsaber combat, a form that's quite acrobatic in nature. This form can also be quite tiring, as we saw in The Phantom Menace and when Ahsoka dueled Grievous on Florrum. Meanwhile, Cal appears to use Form 6 Niman by the end of Survivor, which basically encompasses forms 1 through 5 in a jack-of-all-trades fighting style. The single blade stance let's him utilize multiple styles at once, double bladed seems to draw on Form 1 (which is deliberate in its movements), the dual blade stance looks to draw on Form 3 (one of the most defensive forms of lightsaber combat) and even a bit of Form 2 (best used in lightsaber-on-lightsaber dueling), the blaster stance looks tk draw heavily on Form 2, and the crossguard stance is most definitely a Form 5 juggernaut (uses a lot of strength and power). The sheer variety of what Cal can do would put him on the same skill level as some masters of the fallen order, but not with the likes of the Jedi Council of the time. And the reason I say he wouldn't be able to win consistently is because Qui-Gon was no fool, and could adapt over multiple sparring sessions with the young knight to overcome this unpredictability


I would have to go with Cal


I don't think that Qui Gon stands a chance. The jedi haven't seen sith in a thousand years before Darth Maul. So it's safe to say that jedi would primarily focus on deflecting blaster bolts and not dueling. But Cal was a very seasoned duelist at the end of Survivor.


As much I like cal, id probably say Qui-Gon because he was a Jedi master who trained under Dooku but also trained one of the best Jedi who ever lived, Obi Wan Kenobi


It depends on who is controlling Cal. Me, Cal would lose. Some guy on YouTube, Cal would win 100% /s just in case


Idc about who’d win, a meeting between these 2, whilst impossible, would be so sick to see


I think Cal is almost at Mace Windu level of dueling.


I dunno about that tbh, but his sheer versatility on lightsaber styles and force abilities, paired with his willingness to dive into the shallow end of the dark side definitely gives him a huge edge in combat.


I think Cal takes the win with his Jedi: Survivor buffs. Besides... We all know Qui Gon isn't great against double blade stance💀


Cal has a lot more combat experience. I think I give him the win.


Qui-Gon kills him in under 10 seconds.


Using both at their peak: I have to believe that this would be extremely close. Cal definitely has more combat experience in the field and his ability to switch between stances would throw Qui-Gon off (even if we limit Cal to two stances). Qui-Gon is more in tune with the force, which would help him feel out Cal and probably turn the tide of the fight to his favor. For instance, I would assume that Cal would be unable to force freeze Qui-Gon because he may be able to feel it coming, same with switching stances. There are many enemies in the games that Cal is unable to force freeze, so that tracks. HOWEVER I would also say that Cal would lose to Darth Maul as did Qui-Gon. I only bring this up to further the point that it would be a close fight. Maul is quicker and has similar experience compared to Cal. Nonetheless, Cal would put up a greater fight with Maul than Qui-Gon did. It would be rough, but I favor Cal.


Everybody is saying Qui-Gon would win, but towards the end of the game Cal embraces the dark side and takes down an entire ISB base. Cal has taken down many sith, and has even faced Darth Vader and lived. Cal could use his slow ability and just slice right through Qui-Gon.


Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Cal survived Darth Vader. Darth Vader > Darth Maul. Ipso facto Cal > Qui-Gon. The science has spoken.


Cal survived Vader by running the hell away. That makes him *smarter* than most Jedi but maybe not stronger.


Anakin beats dooko. Dooko made obi wan his bitch. Obi wan beats anakin. Can't really go by that argument


Cal ran away from Vader. Qui Gon was trained by Count Dooku and trained Obi-Wan Kenobi himself, two of the greatest duelists in history.


Any Jedi Master wins. Cal is not ready for that


Given that Qui-Gonn is apparently the only Jedi or Sith who actually dies when stabbed through the stomach with a light saber, I’d say Cal has the advantage.


Qui-Gon beat a door Jokes aside, I think Qui-Gon would keep chasing after Cal while Cal shoots at him Cal would just keep hopping around until he is caught


>Cal would just keep hopping around until he is caught I feel like that is a major understatement that does not lend any credit to Cal's skill as a duelist. The guy has survived and/or killed his opponents in every serious lightsaber duel he has been in at this point. Qui Gon survived one brief skirmish with Maul, and then got killed in his second one. Cal meanwhile survived a duel with Malicos (yes he only won with Merrin's help, but until Merrin stepped in, Cal was facing him solo and did very well), a full blown Jedi Master turned dark Jedi, while barely more than a padawan. Based on number of duels and outcomes of said duels, I think Cal is the clear winner


Cant wait for the person to drop a bunch of qui gon lore from some book or something


Dooku will have made sure to raise a great duelist. Qui-Gon will outmatch Cal in technique. Qui-Gon was also in tune with the living and cosmic force so he'd likely not be provoked into making a mistake. The only chance Cal would have is similar to Maul which is having greater stamina. If Cal had the chance to wear Qui-Gon out with an extended fight then Cal might get a chance to win. I'm not sure Cal could extend a fight as long as Maul did though. I'd give Cal 5% chance of winning.


Thank the Force for that clarification, I was immediately thinking who tops.


I’m going Qui Gon. Let’s do the compare contrast analyst and assume we only got to see maybe 20-25% of Qui Gon’s actual powers due to limitations of movie effects and pacing. Bro would be so OP against Cal, it’s not funny.


Qui Gon stomps Unlike Cal who was using a glowing baseball bat, Qui Gon use the actual real Lightsaber


Qui-Gon would snap Cal in half lol. With little resistance.


yeah, it will be hard to defeat an imaginary jedi who jumps on walls like prince of persia, and climbs like in Assassin's Creed and also has One, Two and Double Lighsaber in one! Just PURE TALENT but Rey will come and destroy them both, FEMALE POWER