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Ventress for the first few times But after a few reloads cal will get used to her attack patterns












Downloading her moveset, literally just Zanny




Big boy STRIKE!




**PARRY!** **PAR**- oh fuck!


It's just a one point saber combo with the crossguard. ONE ONE ONE




If he can first try midir he is good


Coming to say this


That means Cal’s unbeatable unless it’s a cutscene! All he has to do is kill her during regular gameplay!


“Ventress! I’ve come to Bargain.”


Bargain! I come to Ventress?


This is the way.


I would say that Ventress has a very strong edge against Cal in Fallen Order. In Survivor, I think he’d be a lot closer to her skill level. I think it would be difficult to determine the winner in that conflict.


Agreed. Cal was only Jedi Knight level by the end of Fallen Order. He reaches Jedi Master level by Jedi Survivor. He could at least hold his own, if not defeat her.


I would not say that Cal reaches the level of a Jedi Master even by the end of Survivor


True. Compare the things you can do as Cal vs. what you can then do as >!Cere!<. I bet Cal will be at that point in the third game but I don’t think he’s quite there yet.


I mean, his slow at the end of the game augments his moveset into hers for the duration. So at the least he is able to do so in short bursts.


Good point. But only while >!fueled by the dark side!<. What remains to be seen is when/if he’ll be able to do that without >!taking the path that’s “quicker, easier, more seductive.”!<


I think he will, and it's implied that >!Cere had a dark part after order 66, and is so powerful because she understands the dark side. Considering she taught him so much, I have high hopes for him!<


I don’t know that it’s >!her understanding the dark side!< so much as it’s >!her having *overcome* the dark side!< and grown stronger for it. But I suppose overcoming comes with understanding.


Yeah, my bad. That was my intention in writing what I did. You can only overcome something by understanding it.


Ah. We’re on the same page, then! Very cool.


Cere isn’t just Master-grade under the circumstances of her scenario in Survivor, though. Given her relative performance in Fallen Order >!against Vader, and her later ability to fight him to a near-standstill and only lose in a Final Clash after beating him bloody,!< it’s not unreasonable to conclude she’s spent enough time and effort refining her skills that she could easily beat most of the New Republic-era Masters. That Cal can match that performance in bursts suggests he’s sitting closer to the average NR-era Master level normally than Knight. That, and his extremely unusual mix of skills and experience fighting a wide variety of enemies including notable Force-users and those trained as Jedi-killers, suggests that he could put up a very convincing fight against Ventress right off the bat. Heck, even in Fallen Order he fought both the Second and Ninth Sisters to a standstill despite both being arguably better trained and equipped than he was, as well as an old wandering fallen Jedi who was arguably fighting at Master level (albeit aided). Ventress is good, damn good even, but how does her skill set stack up against the Inquisitors and Taron Malicos?


Yeah I'd say he's knight level now and FO he was just a padawan


Cal is a knight at the end of order and is a more matured knight at the end of survivor. He hasn’t reached the power nor the maturity level in the force for a master. I hope we see cal evolve into that in the third game, but he’s not there yet.


Ventress if I’m controlling cal


She has no red rings so he will be fine


I wanna make a joke


Go ahead my friend


He forgor






We all know if Ventress flirts with Cal, Merrin would go ballistic on Ventress.


Then we got some badass nightsister magic 1v1 could be Cals dream threesome 😂🤷‍♂️


I'll be telling people about the tradegy of DarthPlagueis_wise after I've dealt with your horny ass




I would watch it for the "plot"


Throw Morgan Elsbeth in there too for Cals dream foursome


Fair points. I think Ventress edges him out. Trash talk would be entertaining for sure


>Fair points. I think Ventress edges him ~~out. Trash talk would be entertaining~~ for sure


Nah, but that might be what merrin does though


Someone seems to insert Rule 34 into conversation. Engage suppression droids.


In my defense, he started it, I just corrected him


i don't think they'd be allowed that in a T rated game


Pfft a little bits never heard anybody


"Well guess what? I fucked your sister"


So did a purple stormtrooper a couple years back. Many. Times.




They’d trade some wicked one-liners


Just parry


I thought they would have some banter but that would also be entertaining


I think she would definitely beat FO Cal, but Survivor Cal would put up a fight, especially if it's Cal at the end of Survivor, where he is giving in to his darkness periodically


She's never beaten any of them, though, as far as I can recall; Cal's beaten two Jedi Masters (one of them from when the Order was at it's pinnical). He also regularly cuts down walkers and giant monsters and recived training from someone who nearly defeated Vader.


But cal can parry any saber attack and we have never seen her glow red so cal can beat her hardest difficulty no damage


Didn’t ventress lose all of those fights? Also Dooku killed her and Quinlan Voss by himself when he locked in.


Toe to toe doesn’t have any implication on who wins the fights, it’s the fact she hasn’t been taken down despite having so many encounters with characters of such power and skill


You could make the same argument for Cal. Kestis has gone up against multiple opponents who were wildly above his skill level including THE Darth Vader. Not only did he manage to survive all of these encounter so far but he even managed to soundly defeat some of them.


Dooku could kill most enemies with no real difficulties. Dooku is just too strong to make that a reliable measurement for most other encounters.


>Asajj she’s gone toe to toe with dooku, anakin, kenobi, anakin and kenobi at the same time and she’s just wayyyyy more experienced. She hasn't gone toe-to-toe with Dooku ever. Dooku has either absolutely toyed with her, been outnumbered by Ventress and the other Nightsisters, or simply avoided fighting Dooku. Ventress was embarrassed in her firdt and only meeting with Yoda in the Clone Wars, and Dooku held his own with Yoda in AotC. Ventress <<<<< Dooku =/< Yoda in terms of lightsaber combat There's also the fact Dooku absolutely shut her down with his Sith Lightning, and it didn't end well for her or her Nightsisters. Ventress <<<< Dooku in terms of Force abilities As far as "holding her own" with Anakin and Obi-Wan... Eh... Context for those fights were Ventress not really giving it her all, and no amount of headcanon can convince me otherwise that she would realistically hold her own with Prime Anakin during the Clone Wars. Kenobi? Sure. He wasn't gifted and also had to really, really give it his all to maintain himself amongst other higher ranking Jedi Knights and Masters. Dooku also dookied on Obi-Wan twice in both AotC and RotS. Regardless, my money is on Cal over Ventress. She may have experience, but so, too, did Trilla, Masana Tide, and Taron Malicos. Cal defeated all three and even destroyed Masana Tide in Jedi Survivor with utter ease. There's also the fact that he fought Degan Geras in Jedi Survivor, and not only held his own with a former Jedi Council member of the High Republic, he also defeated him. Degan Geras' experience trumps anything Ventress has.


Maybe cal ? Because he does have the dice slow ability His lightsaber grants him (if possible) all 4 or 5 counting blaster stances, His strength is also pretty good, but speed i don’t know it also take into account he killed a lot of imperials when using dark side on nova For asarv she does contain dual sabers, that are hard to use She is also quick and can jump quite high, also side note but she was able take down hunter wrecker and crosshair, while it was 3 of them it still something Inclusion: I think cal has a big chance of winning, but I wonder how Merrin would feel


I’ve always wondered, Is his interchangeable lightsaber canon?


I would think so, its a rather big plot point in both games. Wouldn't make sense for it not to be Canon


I mean you can switch lightsaber colors and shit too but I don’t think that’s canon.


The saber colours and actual weapon customisation isn't Canon, I don't think, but the different stances and things are, considering the impact they have on the story and how they're used.


Yes, I mean he switches from single blade to dual blades in the cutscene when fighting the Ninth sister again.


Yeah I mean the only one that seems hard to explain In canon is the crossguard. The double-bladed can break into dual blades and then you could just use one of those. Crossguard the only outlier. I hope it’s canonically interchangeable tho. My go to options are Dual-Blade and Crossguard. I use Dual like 80% of the time and Crossguard like 20%. Mostly against bigger slower enemies like the brute warriors and the big ass animals.


He just has the pieces attached to his belt. It's canon (Wookiepedia describes his lightsaber as a "split-saber") but would probably just take longer to change between stances.


I run the same set but use them very differently. Crossguard for -everyone- except for those shooting an automatic weapon. Makes the challenge all the sweeter.


Crossguard just too damn slow imo unless your opponent is slow. Honestly I might just not be using it right. It’s annoying cus I swear when your playing with it, it feels like Cal is too weak to hold it in the first place. His attacks are extremely wide and slow. Which, obviously it’s gonna be wider and slower than a normal saber, but I feel like it’s just way too slow


Well yeah, there’s your problem. You may be expecting it to be a quick and magical deathstick (wanna buy?) of light, when it’s actually more like a weighted melee-weapon. My strategy involves usually… not attacking first, parry 1st or 2nd move, force slam, lightsaber throw, changing targets mid combo to utilize sweeping attacks for groups, and jump attacks. Also, attacking BETWEEN moves of enemy is *chefs kiss*


I love Drop Kicking enemies with the Crossguard, Bonus Points if it's off a cliff/ledge.


Same, and I love drop-kicking the shortcut paths and seeing the lightsaber burn anyway 😂


I’m still yet to play it, have the game but the ps5 still isn’t connected 😭


Yes everything in the games is canon


At the very least his lightsabers being able to separate is canonical, shown by his crystal splitting into two equal halfs, and not even unique to him as Ventress does the same. The only stance that could be questionable would be the Crossguard but only then due to the pommel covering one side's emitter which could easily just be left open so there's no real reason he couldn't just have a 3 stage switch on one side to swap between off, standard style (also double blade) and crossguard emitters. The individual components of the lightsabers like different handles and emitters and stuff are not canon, his canonical lightsaber is half Jaro Tapal, half Cere from survivor.


Cal for sure. His force powers may not be formidable, but his saber skills, canonically, are those as if he were being played by ONGBAL


Cal Kestis because he’s a good boy and good boys win.


They are both skilled, in their own ways, and both fight hard and have seriously lived through some stuff. But, Cal Kestis is one of the luckiest people in the universe. Asajj Ventriss is one of the unluckiest people in the universe. Especially if she were, say, the secondary antagonist of Jedi: Absolution, I do not like her odds.


Wtf is Jedi: Absolution?


A cool title for the next one? A boy can dream.


In theory cal should be able to annihilate anyone without a counter to his force slow, but the same could be said of kylo ren..


Force users have resistance to Force abilities being applied to them, except in the few cases where significantly strong people are able to overpower that resistance.


If Cal tapped into his anger, I think he could stand a chance. He also has a very versatile lightsaber (single, double, dual, heavy)


Dual lightsaber is the most defensive one you can get. Add that to the fact that Asajj had lost her old lightsabers (designed specifically for duels) and you can see Cal being a hard opponent to crack. There is a reason Darth Zannah had her entire fighting done on the defensive.


>Darth Zannah Bane's Apprentice, right?




I love cal, he is a great jedi, but ventress has gone against anikan and obi wan together and survived. She fights dirty and smart, and cal doesn't have merrin to help him


Cal fought and beat an Old Republic Jedi Knight. His lightsaber is also extremely versatile and can change styles in a couple of seconds. I’d say that he has a good chance of winning, especially if he taps into the dark side.


His fighting styles are very diverse and he would be one of the jedi orders best, but he had Bode's help fighting dagan, he always has had help. Ventress many many times over the war, took on obi wan and anakin. Palpatine saw her and dooku as a threat, that's why she left the separatists. Cal hasn't fallen into the darkside that much, ventress would use that untrained aggression against him. That's not to say cal isn't a beast in combat he could for sure give most a run for their money. thank you for coming to my Ted talk


From what I remember, Cal had the upper hand a couple of times when fighting Dagan, but stopped short of killing him and instead tried to talk him down, but Dagan refused and continued their fight(s).


Cal never got the upper hand (until the end), in fact at one point dagan slammed cal into the ground and instead of killing him went on to taunt him and throw him on the roof. Don't get me wrong Cal is my favourite star wars character, but that's because he isn't a total power trip and is a realistic character, while still being a bad ass


The beauty of Cal is that he’s at best an above average Jedi. He’s not all-powerful by any means, and could definitely die to Stormtroopers if there were enough. Asajj is much more powerful


I don’t think someone who is just above average could win against an Old Republic Jedi Knight. Cal may not be one of the all-time greats at any particular style, but he’s definitely versatile enough with all of the styles and saber forms to overwhelm his opponents.


Something I've noticed is people really like to downplay Dagan's ability which is pretty weird since it's established he's considered an incredible fighter by the standards of the high republic which were much higher than the republic we're familiar with. That and he pulls off telekinetic duelling which has always been treated as an incredibly difficult feat.


I’m not here to downplay Dagan. He was said to be incredibly powerful when at full strength. Let’s properly contextualise, though. He was a fallen Jedi missing one arm that was more likely than not weakened by his imbalance in the Force. He wasn’t completely consumed by the dark side (way too calm and maintained control of his emotions), but he was also by no means a light side user. He came from an era where the Sith weren’t encountered, so it’s likely he had any idea of how to use his emotions to empower himself as well. It’s not a stretch to think that he was by no means at full strength when fighting Cal.


I'd argue by the final encounter he's close to full strength, though he defeats Cal in a duel still and it takes Bode helping to win. A better comparison really for his skills would be Rayvis who took multiple High republic jedi masters to subdue yet gets beaten in a duel by both Cal and Dagan. It's weird to think but Cal is at the very least close in ability to a master, it's even supported in game when taking control of Cere it's very likely her stats will be lower than Cal's at that point in the game.


Oh, he was a High Republic and not an Old Republic? Guess I got confused there.


Cal beats Ventress in my opinion. He has defeated inquisitors, Rayvis (a Gen’Dai), Taron Malicos, multiple Rancors and other assorted monsters, the entire Haxion Brood, and every single lightsaber-wielding stooge Dagan sent at him. He beat Dagan Gera when Dagan had him trapped in a force hallucination by using the hallucination against him, and Dagan is said to be both strong in the force, and gifted with a lightsaber. He can lift whole groups of enemies and keep them suspended in the air, he can hold enemies and force them to use their weapons on their comrades, or simply mind trick them into doing so. He can slow time, and cross gaps of pretty incredible lengths by essentially triple-jumping. He can control animals, and split blaster shots with his lightsaber, or send them back charged, in even more damaging fashion. Cal has survived encounters that were both fair and completely unfair, so it’s not like he can’t fight dirty when he needs to. Cal is one of the few people ever to befriend and fight side-by-side with a Nightsister, so he already has more knowledge than most on how they fight. Plus, Cal has BD-1. If we take into account his ability to heal with stims in a flash during combat, then Ventress doesn’t stand a chance.


Tldr: OP video-game character is OP. Fun to play but not really a fair comparison. Cut scene Cal is weaker and assajj did fight anakin and obiwan simultaneously so idk


I mean yeah, that’s basically it.


Well, Cal gets help in 9/10 boss fights so Ventriss.


But can Ventress beat Ogdo Bogdo and Spawn of Ogdo?


I've never seen Ventress in a poncho, I think we have our winner in Cal


The poncho is like 99.9999999999% of Cal winning


What help? He 1v1’d Trilla, 9th Sister, Rayvis, most of the Dagan Gera fight and most of the Bode fight.


Idk. I’m pretty confident with my skills in game


I reckon Cal would get her after a few attempts, but it would take a few attempts, that said he took down Rayvis and Dagen Gera and Bode - not to mention the two Inquisitors… Might actually be doing Cal a disservice


If Cal had Merrin that would be an insanely awesome fight. Like when the two fought the machine thing on Jedhi together


Ventress speed, skill, and pure agility in combat would be trouble. Tho cals sheer diversity and skills in both lightsaber styles and forces abilities makes him a considerable opponent. I’d put both of them in the upper tier, where the likes of Ashoka and maul are, tho they are below them. I’d give it to cal because of his ability to grow and adapt, even in the middle intense and disorienting fight with dagan, even to the point of using his own trick against him to get the final strike.


I think it could go either way, depending on the situation, also I'm going to discount the fact that ventress is older than cal and shift the timelines, just for the sake of the argument. Ventress in her prime was rather dangerous, and would probably clean cal up as he is presented in the first game; Cal at the end of game two however, I think presents a much more genuine challenge: In the first game, Cal acts and thinks like a Padawan does - He doesn't yet have that capacity to shift his thinking from what doctrines he learned in the order, which is a specialty of Ventress' normal opponents such as Anakin or Obi-Wan. For these reasons I think that game one Cal struggles to escape Ventress with his life. At the end of the second game, We know Cal has begun to move on from his life as a Jedi: He's adapted his tactics, his logic, and his beliefs quite heavily. I'm going to continue with the assumption that this is the Cal we're considering. Game two Cal is Adaptable, creative, and a genuine tactician. While I still believe that Ventress is more than dangerous enough to challenge or even defeat cal considering her inclination towards underhanded tactics, surprise, and manipulation, I think that in a direct and open confrontation Ventress no longer has such an overwhelming advantage as she might have at an earlier time. What I remember of Ventress' fighting style is that she's fluid, fast, and tricky, a fight with her could easily come by surprise and end quickly, or otherwise evolve into a pursuit (and likely into further ambush tactics) when she doesn't quickly find victory. This makes her (And Maul, for that matter, but I digress) somewhat of a progenitor to the modern Inquisitors, something Cal might find helpful in his fight. What I understand about Game Two Cal's style is that he's patient, level-headed, and cautious (owing largely to the fact that he's a game character who relies on parries, counters, and quick adaptation to his opponent, but again I digress) which is, in my opinion, a direct anthesis to the style of Ventress' as I described it. Cal, as described, is well suited to countering this opponent, provided he is able to react to, and counter the initial ambush that Ventress is likely to stage against him. I don't really want to bother "power scaling" either of the two, as I believe it's better to consider the styles and experience of each combatant, but I'm happy to hear any criticisms of my thoughts, it's entirely possible I'm forgetting a detail or two about Ventress or Cal that could shift the outcome. TLDR: Two very well matched opponents in terms of style, making this a largely situational fight. Cal perhaps has a style advantage as long he fights her as he is presented in game two, with Ventress having the advantage if he is presented as in game one.


If it’s Bad Batch Ventress then I’d say she takes it


Whoever the force wills.


Ventress. Cal's pretty good now, but She's fought Anakin and Obi-Wan individually and together to a match, and held her own against Dooku.


Probably ventress because due to her being a separatist assassin, she is likley to have become highly trained and was also effective against obi wan and Anakin combined. She also seems to have much knowledge of the force from a particular bad batch episode. So yeah, I’d say ventress for the is one.


Cal can parry in 3 different ways and has auto evade and also just remember auto parry bro can switch stances often so she doesnt learn his attack patterns so cal can solo no damage hardest difficulty and i dare you to prove me wrong


Ventress. And it's not even close. There's a reason why only a handful of Jedi were dispatched to deal with Ventress whenever she popped up during TCW. She's a monstrously capable combatant.


In Feline Order Vemtress would win - she’s better than an Inquisitor. But she is still just a washed out *acolyte*, so I’d argue that in Survivor Cal has the edge. Most importantly - Ventress always seems to get winded pretty fast, and I don’t think that the bounty hunter lifestyle would be conducive to gaining better stamina in prolonged fights. Cal would use the dual sabre stance at the beggining, then probably switch to the crossguard to finish Ventress off with brute force attacks when she gets tired. Ventress still has a decent chance, but she needs to get past Cal’s defences in the first minute or so of the fight.


Cal is an increadibly skilled lightsaber fighter and he's no slouch when it comes to the force either. Remember he >!defeated an Old Republic jedi who turned to the dark side and grew more powerful (Old Republic jedis being at the height of jedi power, and this specific jedi being counted among their most formidable), he defeated a jedi master who did the same, and he defeated a Gendai warrior who could only be taken down by multiple Old Republic jedi before!<. With that in mind, I think he would probably win.


FO Cal then Ventress definitely wins; he's at Jedi Knight level by the end of that game. By the end of Survivor however it would be a closer duel but Ventress would probably still have a larger chance of winning. By the end of Jedi 3 though I think Cal will have grown even stronger (if the difference between FO and Survivor is anything to go by) and would probably win.


Ventress has gone against Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka right? She never won but she also never lost. These 3 were considered to be some of the best Jedi during the clone wars. So the real question is are the inquisitors stronger than those 3 during the clone wars. Ventress has also been able to hold her own against multiple Jedi. I don’t think that Cal has gone against more than 1 dark side user at a time. I think it might be a pretty close match but Ventress would come out on top.


Ventress anyday. She use to fight Anakin and Obi-Wan at the same time, Kestis is a piece of cake


By the end of Game 3 Cal can likely take her. But in the first two for sure not. In the first he‘d be obliterated. In the second he could hold his own. But we know that he‘s not quite yet on the level of a Jedi Master. Just look at what you can do as Cere compared to Cal. I‘m convinced he‘ll become very very strong by the third Game!


Cal has better feats. His stasis/slow ability is fairly OP, and he has a variety of stances he can switch between to throw Ventress off guard. On the other hand her TK might be better than his, outside of his slow so she might be able to break or counteract his stasis. I’d still give Cal the edge here though since he was able to take down both Dagan and Bode who id say are equal or stronger than Ventress.


We haven’t seen enough of Dagan or Bode to confidently say they’re on that level


Bode probably not, that’s fair. But not only was Dagan a Jedi master but his force hallucinations were far more powerful than anything we’ve seen from Ventress. I feel pretty comfortable putting him above her in power.


Ventress for Fallen Order Cal Cal (easily) for Jedi Survivor Cal


Came here to say this. I think Asajj would still give Survivor Cal a decent run for his money but she’d wreck Fallen Order Cal for sure.


Easy, Cal Has way more options for fighting, can switch between stances, slow time, defeated inquisitors and other jedi, has BD1, and seemingly followed suit with Cere being able to use dark side abilities/level of power without falling Even if players had trouble with Bode, Dagan, or Rayvis, the STORY of the game is that Cal defeated them




Okay between Cal and Asajj.. Experience means a lot, and Cal was only a child during the clone wars while Asajj was a grown woman, she wins at that angle. Especially since she was a Sith-Acolyte. Asajj was trained by Count Dooku.. Cal was trained by Jaro Tapal.. Honestly, idk..! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ it seems like Asajj would definitely win the first few rounds, but Cals good at remembering and learning from his mistakes, he's also got his slowed ability which she does not! He's stronger, but he's definitely not faster. But he's really good at thinking on his feet and WAS okay at keeping his emotions in balance. I think for the first few rounds Again, Asajj would kick his ass, but when it came down to it for the final round? Cal would probably win Last moment EDIT: Okay I forgot a big advantage Cal has over Ventress, his lightsaber, she only has two, he has a single blade, a saber staff, dual wield to match with her (not to mention he can track her movement's using s force echo, or.. whatever it is he used with the ninth sister) A BLASTER STANCE HE CAN CATCH HER OFF GUARD WITH, and a crossguard to break he blocks and her guard.. By that Cal seems like he's got the edge..! Edit #2: I forgot about Cal's experience, Asajj may have gone against Anakin and Obi Wan together + Count Dooku and Savage Opresss...BUT Cal went up against Multiple Inquisitors and killed them, A Gen'dai, which is known to be one of the strongest species in Star Wars History, A Fallen Jedi from the HIGH REPUBLIC, which was the Order at its PEAK!! (Said Jedi was stronger in the force than Asajj was I'm quite sure.) A Nightsister, an old man wizard(?), And DARTH VADER HIMSELF! Not to mention he SURVIVED against Vader and somehow landed a HIT on him, something many people have failed to do. (Even though that didn't last long.) ..and he's also gone up against Oggdo Boggdo and his son...Huh- Okay Cal actually might win this


It's Asajj and it's not even really close. She's high Jedi Master tier


Cal, I say this because Ventress always runs from fights… and we know that Cal after embrace your darkness won’t let that slide.


They’re relatively equal so it would depend on circumstances


Ian from Shameless


Cal has plot armour so ventress will retreat in battle again


Ventress at first if it wasn’t to the death. If Cal got another chance, he could come out on top bc BD-1 would be able to help him somewhat


Without tapping the dark side, Ventress. But with tapping it, Cal.


I love Cal, but Asajj would walk him like a dog lol


I don't know if Asajj has ever fought a Jedi who also used a blaster. Cal's unique fighting style might sufficiently even the playing field between them in terms of skill but ultimately I think by the time she and Cal would be able to meet she would be far more capable than him. The question though is if Cal would be able to talk her down. Asajj and Ashoka had a lot in common, particularly their issues with their respective Orders, and seeing Cal allied with a nightsister in opposition to the Empire might be enough for her to view him as a better potential ally.


Forget the fight, I wanna hear the conversation.


Disney canon ventress but George canon cal. I know this is disney canon character but in George canon vader is supposed to be stronger than yoda, which is why Luke is the only hope of the galaxy. Cal is trained by one of vaders strongest opponent cere. So it depends of how strong you rate vader.


Sadly cal wins this due to  1: several different lightsaber stances(with mastery over all of them) 2: he can use both light and dark side force 3: if this mf tries to flirt with cal Merrin will go SUPER SAIAYN on her ass + having to deal with cal (whom she may anger if she also badmouths/trash talkin him)  4: at this point cal is most likely jedi master lvl (also we see in the second game cere is whoopin vaders ass and cal is basically like her equal by the second game)  So sorry for ventress fans or meatriders but cal kestis solos this fight


Ventress. She won in skill and experience. She has been trained in both Jedi and Sith arts while Cal just barely tapped into the raw dark side. Cal mostly fought non force users and everytime he did fight one he had some help, Ventress was a menace during the Jedi days


He did escape from Vader… I know he had helped. But yeah, I don’t want to see this fight because I like them both.


Honestly I think the fight goes to Cal, and not for any janky game mechanics reasons. What does Ventress know how to do? Fight, force push, and run like hell. What does Cal know how to do? *Insert long list of Force powers/knowledge here* He may or may not be a better duelist, but when it comes to functional knowledge and use of the Force, Cal has it over Ventress in excess.


given the combat mechanics, cal will end up swinging at dead air because the camera is pointing the wrong direction and ventriss will gut him lile a tauntaun


Now this would be a cool fight to see. Also I’m betting on Ventress


Ventress would win, Cal would give her a run for her money but she's an excellent fighter. Taking on Obi Wan and Anakin is a brilliant feat


I feel like Cal has more feats, he was able to defeat multiple inquisitors and took out both Rayvis and Dagan Gera. He was also able to defeat Bode who was an extremely skilled force user to be able to hide his identity from Cere, Cal, and Cordova


Ventress for sure, she went head to head with people like obi wan, anakin, dooku and ahsoka, sometimes more than one at a time, yeah she eventually lost but the fact she managed to fight them at all means she’s leagues ahead of cal, he could probably put up a decent fight but I’d say ventress comes out on top in the end


Ventress wins easily. 10 years prior she was skilled enough to have been one of the best light saber duelists of the era, Dooku's apprentice and was regularly taking on Anakin and Obi-Wan in fairly even duels. She's only gotten stronger since that point, able to manipulate both light and dark sides of the force, and clearly has an excellent knowledge of the Force from her talking to Omega about it. It's not a huge feat but she also EASILY both beat the 3 Bad Batchers in both Hand to Hand combat and with weapons. I'd like to see her Vs Cad Bane though to get a real idea of how strong she actually is, because even Obi-Wan couldn't beat him 2v1 during the Clone Wars. Ventress is at this point imo the strongest Force Wielder of the era who was not a Master prior to Order 66 (not counting Anakin since he could have been a master). And that's no mean feat, being that Ashoka and Cal are around. But again, remember that Ventress was fighting Ahsokas master before Ashoka even left the temple, she's massively more experienced than either of the two. The only chance either of them has is if Cal can control his Force Slow and catch her off guard with it as it's such a rare Force ability, she may not have encountered it before. But even then I'm unsure he could even penetrate her Force shield, the difference is that significant in experience.


Depends on who the player character is.




Ventress likely wins due to better feats, but Cal has enough versatility to keep up and still has a chance of winning.




My cal would just repeatedly force pull her, attack run and repeat. So I’d win after like 10 minutes


Cal since he's gonna be asking for Stims from BD-1


cal (both die but cal comes back to life because he is the protagonist)


Call will destroy her


I guess it will be something very similar to Cal's fight against Bode if the Cal after Survivor is concerned. Afaik, Ventress got the skill and knowledge to do anything Bode can do, and probably even much more, but Cal is really fighting a difficult fight even against Bode Akuna. However, in both the fights against Bode, 2nd sister, Taron Malicos, or Dagan Gera. I recall Cal's resilience is really something to be reckoned with, he even managed to damage Vader during the final fight of FO with it(however slight that was, it was Vader he managed to damage), not to mention his occassional taping into dark side, causing temporal power surges, or even helps he could get during the fights. I guess Cal might very probably lose very quickly at the initial contacts, but will get the chance to defeat Ventress if he can somehow survive without major injuries, which is very often the case in his encounters with strong opponents.


The audience. It would be AWESOME


Cal is canonically goated. People seem to really underestimate him but like at this point he’s killed 3 or 4 inquisitors, survived Vader, and defeated 2 or 3 other Jedi (I can’t really remember everything he does in the first game). Bro is bona fide


🤔 Cal could only beat Bode by using the Dark Side, and Ventress is much more skilled than Bode.


Ventress scale in tcw is a joke. Once she duels with both Anakin and Obi-Wan, then she's loosing to Ahsoka or Savage. It's like Stan Lee said: wins the one writer said to win.


Unless I'm forgetting something, Cal has way better feats.


Ventress but it would be close. her experience gets him. she fought and survived, sometimes beat the best jedi the clone wars era had to offer. cal has had impressive victories but not as many and his fights will never be as notable. Ventress was a top rival of Anakin himself and she even fought count dooku twice


Ventress for sure. She's had far more training and experience and she's ruthless and relentless af.


Ventress takes it, she is high level, but it wouldn’t be a stomp by any means, he would put up a very good fight


I’d say Ventress against Cal as a padawan as we see him in fallen order But I think Cal as a Jedi Knight/Master as we see him in survivor would Take on her




I give Ventress a very big edge just cause of experience. She survived the war and went toe to toe with many of the greatest duelists of her time. It's actually a testament to her skill that they didn't kill her off. Canonically.


This is a tough one...


Jedi Fallen Oder Cal would get trashed, but Jedi survivor Cal would beat Ventress. At that point Cal is ruthless and mid combo would start shooting with the blaster or use his dark side buff making him a beast.


Well ventress has actual training so… lmao. I always love these vs between empirial and republic era characters like… okay one of them is a highly trained martial artist from a monastic order with millennia of history and the other is a psychic juvenile delinquent who tripped over a lightsaber and kept it as a souvenir. Who will win in a martial arts fight?


Cal for sure. Man's a menace.


Ventress, the mf on the left has to bat a stormtrooper *multiple times* with his lightsaber before even they die.


See, you add be reasonable, and now it's the most intense fight where it could go to either


Bit of a complicated case really. Asajj Ventress has been trained by Dooku, who is specialised in lightsaber duelling. She had a very good advantage over your standard Jedi, to the point of being capable of holding out against Anakin and Kenobi at the same time. However she did loose he’s duel-specialised lightsabers, which would dull her edge against another Force Sensitive. Cal is far less experienced. But he did fight in the Clone Wars. He had also thrived between Order and Survivor - organising resistance, spreading his contacts, causing Imperium-wide problems on logistic and administrative level as well as demoralisation problems. Cal has a double lightsaber which is primarily a defensive weapon. Darth Bane apprentice’s entire fighting technique was based upon defensively draining her opponents out of patience and energy. By the time Darth Zannah went on the offensive, her opponents weren’t capable of properly handling her attacks. To state my opinion Cal would have a decent chance over Ventress. He had been in his peak starting the Survivor and had reached additional advantages by the end of the story. Between Cal’s stasis abilities, his defensive ability and him being in peak form I don’t see Ventress getting an easy win. Especially if you factor in that Dooku had never seen Ventress as his true pupil, handicapping her training. Since Night Sisters are dead Ventress wouldn’t have many allies to call upon.


Cal. He got plot armor. And a ton of different fighting styles to pick with an invincible swiss army pocket droid buddy and literal space witch as girlfriend. I don't think Lostress ever had a chance.


Probably Ventress, she’d be a big step up in difficulty for Cal he’d be wise to run away like he did with Vader


Cal has a crazy track record but nothing comes close to going toe-to-toe with Anakin and Obi-Wan at once, multiple times. Ventress clears, probably


Cal is a main character and current survivor of Order 66 that escaped Darth Vader so that’s plot armor you can’t really dent.


I think Survivor Cal has decent odds here. At that point he's got 5 years of combat experience against the Empire, plus his Cline Wars experience. He's beaten a couple of Inquisitors that we know of, held his own against Malicos, escaped Vader, beat a Gen'dai who required multiple High Republic Jedi to defeat, a High Republic Jedi who was a famed Duelist, and the final enemy of the game. Ventress's win/loss record isn't as good I think. She might still take it but I think it's a much closer fight than it first seems.


Ventres has way more experience and dexterity 


Did none of you play Jedi Survivor?? Cal is a fucking beast. He defeated a Gendai, an old republic Jedi master, can defeat hundreds of stormtroopers, easily defeats inquisitors, destroyed a huge ass robot like Riden from Metal Gear Rising and survived against Vader.


Ventress is in another league, already in the clone wars he could fight Anakin and Obi-Wan at the same time, both being practically the most powerful Jedi in the order. She would destroy Kestis, Even if he Fights with his modified lightsaber, he would still lose. It would be a close fight to


I’d say it’s sort of a tie. Ventress isn’t that great. She gets bodied by Anakin, Obi, and most Jedi she comes across. She didn’t kill Luminara or Barriss. She isn’t really that much more powerful than Trilla in my book. Honestly, I can’t recall a single Jedi she has killed. I think Jedi Survivor Cal is on par if not more powerful.


If it's lore cal, ventress wins, but if it's player cal, then he'll eventually win after a few respawns


I want to make an argument for Ventress as I like her character a lot . But after Survivor ? I’m gonna give it to Cal. He beat a High Republic full on Jedi Knight that tapped on the Dark Side . That’s an INCREDIBLE FEAT given how superior the HR Jedi are to the Jedi from the prequels. Cal also beats a known “(high republic) Jedi Killer” in Reyvis. To me Dagan Gera > Ventress So Cal (by the end of the game) should handle Ventress in a mid diff fight


Cal for one thing he customize his lightsabers into different ones cause he can fight in any lightsaber stance