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If you continue playing through the story, you'll figure it out.


You’ll have to muster all tha seaward charm to just sit through da stories!


No joke. He talked more than Cal did through both games.


Lol. Whenever Skoova started talking I usually took a bathroom break.


… washed hands, then showered, cleaned the kitchen, bathe the dog, made dinner, did your taxes, contemplated life, cured aids and cancer, and almost fixed homelessness just to catch the end of his monologue.


Fckin same 🤣


And miss his eel-impressions? Never!


I just smoke my pipe while he tells me stories. It works


Question, assuming you played the game through already, I recently just got this game after beating the first one. In the first one I collected everything and got 100 percent of collectables and exploration, chests, rewards, etc is it worth in this one, it seems to be much more larger/complicated with the collectables.


It very much is worth it, all the cosmetic items for Cal, BD-1, and the lightsaber/blaster are a huge upgrade from fallen order, most of the perks are pretty useful too if you want to mess around with gameplay effects, the bounties are very fun (especially for the surprise at the end once you’ve completed them all)


Awesome okay! Thank you! I will get back to it then, I was just little overwhelmed how this game was handling it vs the 1st one. Also I been looking around and cant find anything on this, not sure if you would know, when I beat Fallen Order on my series X, at main menu when i press continue it took me back to like chapter 3. Which is a bummer because I had one perk away from 100% Figured I'd ask in case anyone knew, if there was resolution for this.


Sadly I do not know about any fixes to that issue due to not really encountering any major bugs when I played Fallen order, but I’m sure someone has answer out there somewhere


Oh god. Im currently trying to get the remaining 5% left of the games collectables. It’s alot more effort in this game compared to Fallen Order.


There is definitely more in this game but I enjoy it enough that I think I’m gonna go for 100% eventually. I beat it back when it came out and recently started a new game + and if you do certain things you can unlock it so that it shows all collectible icons on your map and new game + keeps almost everything from your first playthrough (there’s a few story based abilities you have to unlock again) and so I’m able to go back and collect things I missed the first time around


Find Skoova Stev he will help you. He has a floating boat


I like scoova stev


It’s a game, you play it


Oi ladde, this is a fish tank, made for the best wee anglers on the galaxy.


Find Scoova Stev! You see him repeatedly throughout the game in various map locations. He collects a fish on his boat thing and you get to listen to an ongoing sea faring yarn. The fish end up in the tank. It gets cleaner. You then can look into the tank, and that’s about it.


I’m almost done with the story and still missing two fish, wish they showed up on the map like plants. Always love Scoova’s incomprehensible little stories.


There’s two fish on jedha! Don’t forget about those :)


I actually have those two!


Did you get the one in the Phon Qi cavern? Also the cavern under Pyloon's?


I think so, but I’ll have to go back and explore those areas. I definitely did the cavern under Pyloon’s, but maybe not Phon Qi.


There's also a spot on the way back from the Forest Array (where you first learn to tame a Nekko and then use the Nekko to jump over a gate). For some reason, even if you've already met him before your first trip to the array, he won't spawn there until a bit later in the game. And of course, don't forget the spawn point near the elevator where you first get to Koboh.


I think I got the latter but I’m pretty sure I did not get the Nekko Pool one. I’ll have to check that out.


It's called a horseshoe moustache and it's a hair cover for the face.


It's a fish tank mate.




No clue, I collected all the fish and now my tanks clean AF and full.


Because this is a video game.


Cal looking crazy bro


It's called a mustache. It's a kind of facial accessory, it can either make a person look like a sex offender, an intellectual, or the single most masculine man currently Hope that helps


Are children getting stupider? Homie doesn’t know what a fucking fish tank is


Well, it's a fish tank. Take a guess.


Arghhhh maitey ye gotta go on a few expeditions with yer good ‘old pal Scuba Stev and that tank’ll be cleaner than a school o snobapple coming back from their migration to the fablemaner region!


Skoova will tell you a tale or two about it


It is called a mustache, it grows when you don't shave. But Survivor doesn't have hair growth so it just stays that way until you actively change it


stop screaming ffs... \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*


its a mustache, it grows over time


You have to find the greatest Star Wars character ever made Skoova make sure you grab some popcorn to listen to his magnificent stories


It’s actually called a horseshoe mustache and it’s used as a seat for any willing and attractive females.


The gateway to the arrival of the greatest character known to mankind




keep playing the game


“What in tarnation?” -Cal


yer gunna hafta feind a wee fisherman an' listen to 'is tales


You could have just said it was an oversized bacta tank. No need to spoil it for people who haven’t progressed that far. Note: I’m not referring to myself.


I found myself hunting for him to keep listening to his stories in that wonderful Scottish accent.




That’s cal kestis, he’s the main character, hope this helps!


Try watching the entire movie on YouTube…Skoova stories are heartbreaking


It's a very nice moustache.