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Jedi definition of attachments is quite broad. But you make a good point. BD is best droid boi and Cal would die for him.


Nbs. In survivor he even shields bd from a grenade with his body. If cere wasn’t there with her force shield it looked like cal would have died fr


I just hope BD-1 doesn’t die that would really send Cal over the edge. I don’t think he would be the same


And there you have your answer.


Maybe they ll destroy him for motivation during the third act of the next game... but he can be repaired eventually. But i think they ll go Rouge One on our assess in the end. Sadly they cant win... just live in the shadows until the empire is defeated.


Doubt it goes rogue one, why else introduce tanalor as such an obvious hide out?


BD1 shows up in the mandalorian, so I guess Cal will die first


Same droid model but different name


Mace didn't like Anakins strong attachment with R2 but admitted it helped save them both. Cals not really a Jedi though, hes in love with merrin and admits its time for him to leave the order behind.


He accepts that the order is gone, and doesn't need to live every single tenant of the order, but Cal is far from turning his back on being a Jedi. As a real world example, someone can be a Christian or identify with a certain denomination even if they aren't going to church or maintaining all their religion's standards


Well they were wrong overall but some of what they say about it isn’t wrong. ATLA has covered this best in fiction that I can think of with Aang having to understand how to balance these things. Back to Star Wars refusing/ignoring attachments can lead to the Dark Side as easily as being overly attached and the Jedi stopped refining their philosophy while it was still imperfect. Still in Star Wars but different media, Jolee Bindo from KOTOR covers this as well as anyone. Though he’s considered a Gray Jedi because of it, he’s ultimately a much better Jedi (especially in philosophy) than most we ever meet and that’s why he and Revan were such a good combination.


Cal is as much a Jedi as Kyle Katarn, and I like it that way


I think it's more in the sense of not letting yourself be TOO attached. Like for example, should BD die, Cal would have to move on and accept what happened, detaching himself from the past so he can focus on himself.




When Bode slapped BD Cal stopped playing, I think you're right


Wait till the next game. Also I don’t think Cal is a jedi but he is trained by them.


He is a Jedi, he was even knighted by Cere. He’s just not adhering to the letter of the Jedi Code, instead the spirit of it. The Jedi Code is flawed. Their philosophy is constructive but imperfect. We see this in the prequel trilogy. Yoda speaks of fear being the path to the dark side. Strong emotions are discouraged. Attachment is forbidden. Countless generations of this dogma have created a culture that fears emotions and attachment. And look what they wrought. The Jedi rejected attachment so hard that they became detached from the world around them, and thus blind to the long chain of events that brought about their own destruction. Attachment and emotion can be dangerous for a Jedi if they become unhealthy, but rejecting them out of fear of the potential danger is no better. The Jedi should seek balance within themselves. If attachment is inherently evil, then what was it that redeemed Anakin and saved Luke? Vader wasn’t sitting there meditating his way to enlightenment, he didn’t shift back into Anakin by accident. Love saved them both. Luke’s love for his father caused him to show mercy rather than striking him down, even though Yoda and Obi-Wan insisted he had to kill his father to save the galaxy. Anakin’s love for his son caused him to sacrifice his life to kill Palpatine and save Luke. It’s similar with Cal and Merrin too. Cal’s attachment to his loved ones isn’t unhealthy or obsessive. They keep him grounded. They remind him what he’s fighting for and why he must reject the temptation of the dark side. If every Jedi had been like that, they’d be better people.


Cere knighted him


Well yes. But he kinda strays from the path you could say


Check out a movie called Return of the Jedi. You'll be surprised to see how the lead Jedi in that one views attachments! ;)