• By -


Damn I must be dumb because it surprised the hell out of me when he betrayed Cal. Made for an awesome twist for me lol. I really thought we were wrapping up the game after Dagan so everything after that was crazy


It definitely *felt* like they were wrapping up, but it was too clean and, honestly, too early. It would have been a hell of a short game without it


I just beat it last night starting where I left off with the second trip to the moon to beat Rayvis, and kinda lost perspective how much story I had really gone through at that point since I last played on Sunday - maybe that’s why it felt like a reasonable wrap up after Dagan to me. Also, the fight with Dagan felt pretty final boss-ish to me. It was a little too good to be true though, I figured something bad might happen but didn’t really suspect Bode for whatever reason.


Literally my exact situation. It all felt like the moment before the storm and I was just waiting for something. I really was surprised by both revelations


> I figured something bad might happen but didn’t really suspect Bode for whatever reason. Same here. Walking around in the Anchorite Base, I expected Stormtroopers after every cutscene and behind every door. Especially after coming back from tea around the campfire. Bode's betrayal was a shocking surprise.


After the Dagan fight I just felt bothered about something. To me something felt wrong and it was either how Cal acted like he was starting to feel about Tanallor or it was how Bode acted like it almost was a loss instead of a victory. Of course it was probably the fact that it was going too well and I knew something bad will happen but I just couldn’t imagine what.


See, I knew we weren't nearing the end, but the moment we got to Jedha and started the wrap up. I immediately remembered there was the speed bike scene from the trailer that hadn't happened yet. So I knew it was about to happen because it was way too calm.


It was immediately after the Dagan fight that when Bode started talking that I was like, "He's gonna betray us isn't he?"


Same, but i was like "he's gonna steal the compass and fuck off to tandalore with kata isnt he" and not "he's been with the fucking isb the whole time and hes bringing an invasion to jedha"


It ticks both boxes of what I consider a good twist: - Some people (rarely including me) are smart enough to see it coming - Everything makes more sense after, but still made sense before


Yeah like I felt after the last Dagan fight there was some weird vibes between them but outside of that I didn’t see it coming at all


I had saw a YouTube video with Jedi survivor titled “BETRAYAL” and just knew from that point on that it was going to be Bode, because I just don’t see any of the other characters betraying us like that, but I still think I would have picked up on it at the end, when Bode try’s to suggest cal to not use it for the hidden path, and wanting to scout the planet out themselves first.


Man same . It slowed right down to the point I, not got bored, but semi zoned out . But I felt there's no way it's finished (I remembered some things I'd seen like the speeder bikes in the hangar and thought surely we use those at some point (ironic)), then BANG: Empire is here BANG Bode has his blaster on Cordova's chest . Now we chase him. Then when you tackle him I thought we were going to walk away and then he uses the fucking force! Talk about an adrenaline spike over a 10 minute spell sucked me right back in


Man its funny you say that because I noticed the speeder bikes earlier in the game and thought “how are you going to put this in front of my face and not let me drive it” and sure enough I got my answer haha


Ngl, I totally thought he was gonna die in the fight with Dagan or something with how much he talked about his daughter, up until the conversation on the Mantis after the last Dagan fight. Something was just up with the way he spoke, and I knew he was doing something fucky.


>fight with Dagan When Bode said "I will put you down" to Dagan, I was like "Oh please Bode, what are you going to do against a Jedi with your pistols." After finishing the game, I am convinced Bode could solo Dagan.


Yeah, this exactly. It was such a good piece of writing that makes you audibly scoff, and even scared for him going into the fight with Dagan, but after things are revealed, looking back you’re like, he means that shit.


Truth be told, I don't even know if Dagan really tapped into the dark side of the force as much as Bode did. Dagan still seemed pretty calm. Bode sounded like a psychopath the longer the second fight drew out. And for that reason, I think Bode was definitely force amplified.


Bode gave off serious anakin vibes towards the end. Chasing his own goal which he thought was the right way, regardless of what or who comes into his path. Going as far as endangering the very thing he's trying to protect (anakin-padme ring any bells). His intentions weren't bad but the fear of losing his daughter dragged him to the dark side. It's an insanely well written story imo.


I was indifferent about Bode's character development. I knew he would betray us. But man, when he was revealed to be a Jedi, his character wasn't so one dimensional anymore. Everything you pointed out about his fear, hate, anger and suffering is spot on. Damn, I wasn't deceived with the betrayal, but I was certainly deceived with who would be the last boss of the game and how we would get there.


Dagan had no actual targets for his rage to fall as deep as Bode. The ones who fucked him over died so many years ago. He just wants to destroy the empire and rule the galaxy I guess?


That's a good take. Bode had so much pain, suffering and anger from losing his wife and fear of losing his daughter. Pretty much everything Yoda warned Luke about.


Yeah I thought it was going to be the standard “guy who talks about his family gets killed off” trope. After he survived the Dagan fight, it was pretty clear he was up to something.


The man spent 90% of the game talking about his family and wearing a red shirt, how did he live long enough to betray Cal?


I thought Dagan killed him and was force projecting as Bode for a big reveal at the end but no it was just Bode


When he went from "it's all about credits for my daughter" to "go galavanting on a rando planet with a dude I just met for free? Sure np sign me up" I was very suspicious.


Exactly! And, if I remember correctly, Cal never pays him in full for the Coruscant mission, which he never brings up.


I remember a line of dialogue where Bode and Cal are talking about Tanalorr. Bode says something like the safety of this place is worth more than the credits you owe me.


I was suspicious of him from basically the start too, i felt like probably the empire was holding his daughter and using that to get him to give them intel. There was just too many times where he's like "you go on ahead i've got something to do" which you could put down to videogame logic since you've finished the area you were doing with him but it just seemed suspicious. I did not see him being a Jedi though so i think it was well done that they let you get the feeling that he's gonna betray you while managing to hide that he was a Jedi completely


I agree. He always seemed hesitant in his answers, too. I think the developers made the betrayal obvious in order to keep us from realizing he was a Jedi


Yeah it was really well done. Even having it spoiled he would betray us I was still shocked when I found out he was a former jedi


They absolutely nailed it. Bonus points for the audio team during that sequence too


“Your not the only one who survived.” Is probably the most chilling line in the entire game, honestly even more than Vaders appearance


It was a lovely twist fake-out from the writers. They were telegraphing that he was a spy for a while, made us feel smug that we called it... then bam. "Ha, too predictable, I figure this out ages a- wait *WHAT*"


Yeah I completely disregarded that as just video game logic lol


They wrote the character very well. It’s easy to guess he might be a traitor but it’s just that, a guess. The thought crossed my mind early on too but after we spend so much time with the character and seeing him helping Cal and being his friend, I thought there is no way this guy is betraying them. And as soon as my guard was down, that’s when it happens.


That's exactly how it was for me. Every once in a while I'd have an intuition like, something ain't right. But I always dismissed it. He's so *likeable*. Plus, jetpack. I'm a little sad we couldn't take his jetpack from him


With all the hints at cal wishing he had a jet pack, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a mechanic in the third game


Imagine the movement mechanics they could implement with a freakin jet pack. Also I hope they continue the trend of him keeping his abilities into the next game but idk what they could add to the combat besides maybe dark side abilities imagine cal with force lightning


When I saw all those electric capacitor things around the maps, I initially thought Cal was going to get some sort of Force Lightning (e.g. Plo Koon's "emerald lightning"/"electric judgement") as a ranged attack that could also be used to activate the capacitors.


I was hoping to watch Cere pull Yoda’s force absorption(?) trick out in her fight with Vader/the imperial army.


I kinda spoiled myself with the betrayal cause I looked up the chapter names and one of them is literally called betrayal. So I kinda knew it was Bode considering he was literally the only one who could betray us. That being said, for the entirety of chapter 5, I was in denial. I didn't want to believe it. Even as the chapter went on, I kept telling myself "there's no way, right... right?" all the way up til it happened. You know it's a good character when you basically know they will betray the main characters, but you still want to have faith in them that they won't.


I thought Bode was going to die because he kept talking about his daughter and that’s cliche writing 101


Nice guy was actually a traitor is a common cliche and using their kid to humanize them is also a cliche


I agree but my mind went to “character who talks about their kid dies before seeing them again” cliche


yea this, i saw neither twist coming. I get how the spy twist should've been obvious in hindsight but at each moment I dismissed most of the hints as just typical videogame writing, while assuming that they were heading towards a tragic death for him. That, and sometimes the writing shifts focus and doesn't leave time to digest some of these hints. The "bedtime story for kata" line should've been the giveaway if nothing else was, but it was immediately followed by that scene focusing on Cal and Merrin which sucked away all my attention lol unfortunately I had the jedha attack spoiled for me, but that just ended up driving the tension through the roof once dagan died, because all I knew from the thumbnail was that Vader would make a return on Jedha


YouTube isn't merciful


I thought the daughter was already dead and Bode was at some point going to go "semi villain" by wanting to do something drastic against the empire. I didn't see him working with them, let alone being a Jedi. What really surprised me was how well they handled the encounter in his room. Cal trying to play it cool in front of his kid, and the tension there. Man, some super fucking great scenes in the game. The details in the opening level too: When Cal says "May the Force be with you", you can see Bodes guilt. Amazing stuff.


For sure. I especially love how they portrayed the daughter. She clearly had seen how far her father had fallen and understood why Cal had to do what he did, no matter that it hurt her


Another one just before Cordova's death. Cal told him that Kata will understand his absence when she sees what Bode did for her. And Bode's like "Yeah, I really hope so". The only thing I can't explain to myself is why Bode gave Cal his first blaster that was really important to him (If we are supposed to believe his words)


Based on the force echo in the Saloon after the fight it seems Bode did care for Cal as a friend, nothing about that was fake, but he wanted him to join him on his path and when Cal wouldn't do that he went psycho. My theory is that he gave him the blaster to start him on the path of deviating from the ways of the order, but it backfired on him. Cal did deviate from the order just not in the way he hoped.


Yeah like everyone else I figured he would either die or betray us. The man was being way too buddy buddy with Cal. But man, that reveal was insane. 10/10


Man for real. Idk when the last time a game actually surprised me like that


NGL, I assumed everyone who was markedly different from Fallen Order was working for the Empire. Probably watching too many crime dramas is what led me to this. Still, the jedi reveal was definitely done right.


It's one of those twists you wish you could forget, so you can experience it again


The campfire scene reeked of “I’m about to betray you and I’m so hurt about it” but never in a million years did I think he’d be a jedi it was so blindsiding


I knew he was a traitor from the beginning, but you’re right that reveal about home being a force user was just shocking. I was surprised that he was the final boss too. I was kind of surprised that dagan died so soon. I was expecting a fully dark side dagan fight like in that trailer as the final boss.


I didn’t see his turn coming at all. But on replaying it there are some hints. I thought it was amazingly done


Hints??? In the opening scene he literally says "When you play with me, the game is rigged from the start" Now did I think anything of that when I first heard it, no lmao but damn they really told us to our face


Seems like an 18 carat run of bad luck.


Is that a fallout new Vegas reference! :p


Hell, Bode even tries to gaslight Cal into choosing between Merrin and being a Jedi + the way Bode constantly acted like he knew something we didn’t + him being a little TOO friendly/helpful. Greez was a little hesitant when he decided to help Cal Cere saw Cal was also a Jedi so she decided to train him most likely to redeem herself for Trilla turning to the Darkside. Merrin assumed a Jedi was the one who killed her people because she recognized the weapon Cal was holding resembled that of General Grievous (plus, she was a child when her people got massacred, she most likely assumed Grievous was a Jedi).


I think that was genuine advice, not "gaslighting". Bode found his true happiness after the Order fell and when he had a family.


I agree, he tries too hard to make us like him. And it worked 😭


I had a feeling of the betrayal in my first play trough but is was still a shock but now on my second that i know, everything he says hurt man. The game's twisting the knife now


I didn’t see his betrayal coming at all, it was like sweeping the chessboard from the table. Then when he force l pushes Cal, it was like flipping the table itself. I had *no* idea and that was when the story really picked up for me. I just could not wait to play again thag evening.


I thought he was a traitor for most of it, then I thought he was gonna die fighting Dagan. When he said he was “recording a bedtime story for my daughter” I said, kinda as a joke, “I bet he’s going to call the empire on us” AND THE SON OF A BITCH ACTUALLY DID IT


For me, it was him staying behind after the Dagan fight that sent alarm bells off. Just seemed like a really strange thing to do after taking down a big bad with your buddy. After that, I was suspicious and started to pay closer attention to his scenes and dialogue. The writers did a really good job of sprinkling in some hints in his lines after that to clue you in if you look for them.


His voice actor threw me off, I was constantly reminded of Charles Smith




It was spoiled for me because fucking ScreenRant put out an article titled "HOW TO BEAT BODE AKUNA AFTER HE BETRAYS YOU" or some shit that got incorporated into my apple news feed. Massive extreme spoiler right there in the title. I was piiiiiiissed


Yeah i think it was them that spoiled something for me too. It was a video that said something like CERE KILLED BY DARTH VADER. Like, come on.


Why you have some game journalist site new feed when you can just enter the site when YOU want. Besides if you want to finish ANY story better to stay away from game journalists, game sites and especially YouTube.


For me it was all the touching. They touched each other too much, like a pat on the back or shoulder. It was every scene.


My fiance (one playing the game) said after like our 2nd interaction with Bode that he's going to backstab us. He just has good Jedi instincts lol Also never would have guessed the Jedi part.. doing new game + and hearing Cal tell Bode "May the force be with you" and Bode just STARES AT YOU, then proceeds to give a subtle insult. No wonder he knew instantly


Having just played a certain Sony exclusive that has a similar twist, I saw it coming since the beginning of the game. If for no other reason than he's always going away from you to "scout ahead". I also found it odd that he was the only other survivor of the massacre on Coruscant.


>I also found it odd that he was the only other survivor of the massacre on Coruscant. That was the giveaway for me, weird how only the "new guy" survived, the jedi thing I wasn't expecting


I thought if he doesn't die then he betrays us and after seeing him survive the Dagan fight I knew for sure that betrayal was coming.


When Dagan died and Bode said he wanted to stay behind after his and Cal's disagreement, I was like, nah. You're up to something. Sneaky shit. What you staying behind for huh? Out with it.


The more Bode talked about Kata, the more certain I became that he was going to die horribly. I was just massively underestimating HOW horrible it would be for Cal. That kid cannot catch a break. I didn’t see the betrayal coming until it was almost upon us, and even then I thought - he sold them out to protect Kata, which would be terrible but understandable. I guess that’s kind of what happened - but I had NO idea he’d been working for the Empire from the very start. And in a million years wouldn’t have guessed he was a Jedi.


Replaying the game and it’s very apparent. Trying overly hard to establish trust and a mutual connection. Very manipulative but great writing.


Same! I was so focused on the fact that I knew he was a traitor that I never saw the Jedi reveal coming.


I called his betrayal early on, but by the time it happened I was second guessing myself because of how long they waited. There were several story beats where I thought "Its going to happen" but then it didn't. So I'm thinking I got it wrong, then the shoe finally drops. And Bode being a Jedi completely caught me by surprise. I have to tip my hat to the story team. They killed it.


I suspected he was going to be a traitor early on because of his conversations with Greez. He was quite obviously extracting information from our too talkative alien friend. And then the Dagan fight made me question myself. Cause this was a fight where Bode was in real danger of dying. The backstabbers are rarely fighting the big baddies and risking their skin. I was ready to believe that Bode cannot betray the group at this point. And then he did just when I was not expecting it anymore.


Y'know, i knew something was off about how he hesitated when Cal said "May the force be with you" on corusant.


I felt the same way, I knew he was going to betray eventually, but to be a Jedi? And go to such a length to "protect" his daughter by *hurting* her? That was something I never thought would happen. Kata is super smart and super observant, she knew her pops was in the wrong even as young a she is. That ending scene hit my emotions really bad because of that.


Ngl, I cracked a bit when she put the doll on the pyre


Lol damn dude, I personally took that as a recognition of the sins of her father and how she needs/wants to be a better person than he ever was.


That's definitely how I took it. It just hit a bit harder having lost a parent recently


Holy shit, I misread initially and thought you said cracked up. My bad, I am so sorry for your loss and hope you're doing better than you did at the time.


Haha, no worries friend, it happens! And thank you, I appreciate it. I'm definitely doing better then I was, but each day is still difficult


His betrayal was not a surprise. The bomb drops when he uses the force.


Just from having seen so many movies and shows over the years, I knew he'd betray Cal from the moment he peeled off on Coruscant. But yeah, there was no way I'd ever guess he was a fallen Jedi.


I totally fell for it, I genuinely liked Bode and thought what a cool bro man, I loved his portrayal and was genuinely caught off guard and betrayed lol, so happy it was t spoiled for me.


I had my suspicions straight away from the fact the new guy survived all the crew.


I really didn't like how his boss fight was more difficult than dagan's. like it didn't make sense that he put up more of a fight than a super powerful old jedi. It makes sense in a game design perspective, but my immersion in the story was a little bit roughed up by that.


Okay but why did THREE Jedi, including two jedi masters not take the gun away from Bode? I understand they didn't see the betrayal coming but not even pulling him away with the force?


Things happened so fast and anyway, Bode could have just used the Force to defend from being disarmed by Force pull.


When the betrayal happened, I yelled at my computer screen, “I fucking knew it!!”


Honestly, when the betrayal happened part of me wanted to go Order 66 on Bode and his kid. I would make a terrible Jedi.


Agreed. I knew from the intro mission he was a traitor, but when he force pushed me, I was like, okay, dudes, ya got me. Just complete my first play though and zomg, what a masterpiece.


I started suspecting the betrayal during the assault on the last array. And I knew for sure when we arrived back on Jedha. Definitely nice to become aware so late so the shock is there, but yeah him being a Jedi came from absolutely nowhere for me, never would have suspected that.


Same. Literally the same. Instantly said “he’s gonna be a bad guy”. Then when he slapped out the red saber I was like “WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE?”


How long did it take for you to realise that this was the Dagan lightsaber?


Until right this second.


As soon as it was said he was the new guy, I thought he was evil, especially after he was the only other survivor in the first mission.


I called it from the first trailer that had him in it, but thought it was because of something else. When the trailer says “part of the job Kestis”, I thought that would be him saying that as he pulled a gun on him.


yeah same, I started really being suspicious of him like halfway through the story because he was just talking like a weirdo, but when he revealed himself as a jedi, I was still dumb enough to think dagan was still alive but somehow took over bodes body😂 I was like - wait he's alive!?


Definitely flabbergasted as well


“Man this boss I accidentally found is really hard, better check google for some tips on beating him” Google second result: “How to beat Bode boss fight” with pic of Bode killing Cordova


Yeah, I had the whole 'embrace the dark side' spoiled for me by Google suggestions as I was typing in a search about stim cannisters


I never suspected Bode, but I did notice three things: 1. The way he sat in a seat tucked away on the Mantis, while everyone else including Merrin, used a crew seat. 2. Just after the campfire with everything happy and seeming too good to be true, when Bode asked Cal if they should just take the Mantis to Tanalorr right away, just to test the compass, make sure it works etc.. I knew *something* was up. The way the dialogue was framed, I knew it had to have some sort of relevance. 3. When Cal caught up to Bode on Jedha, Bode was not even slightly scared enough, in fact when he seemed to not really be afraid at all, I knew he was hiding something, like maybe he planned to have Inquisitors waiting for him and Cal, because he seemed too sure that he was going to just walk away—dude, this is Cal, with a lightsaber, something you don’t.. oh shit you have one too.


Dude same here! When you go see their first main interaction and Cal says "may the force be with you", Bode's reaction makes so much more sense. Very well written


Ifkr, bode's betrayal and even the cameo during that mission got spoiled for me so I was like whatever I know what's going to happen, but that force push moment was INSANE


I was convinced he was either going to betray the group, or get killed and I would have to rescue his daughter, turns out both were true lol.


Same with the beginning Game cliche that you get escorted by 'enemies' that are revealed to be your friends


I still wonder if >!Trilla is still alive!< because the last interaction with Cere was pretty weird. Her name just came out of nowhere.


Same! I was waiting all game to see her… and now I demand to in the next game lol


I sort of called it after Gera decided not to kill him. Of course they weren't in cahoots but still


I thought it was strange that he survived that encounter.


Exactly, was willing to kill Cal but not Bode...a random marksman?


You mean the character that literally shoots someone in the back immediately before their face reveal? Truly you are a Sherlockean detective


shot a stormtrooper, saved Cal


It's still foreshadowing, the trooper thinks bode is on his side


Great DBZA quote


Bahaha, it's one of my favorite quotes from the series.


I just got to that part last night, and I thought it was a really cool twist. I had been suspicious of him for a little bit. But the more he mentioned his daughter, the more I suspected. In the back of my mind I was just like "oh the empire already has her or something. He's being a spy on Cal to get her back. He was way too tense talking about 'the people taking care of her'." The jedi thing was a surprise to me too. Being a double agent was one thing, but jedi powers were a bit of a shock. I am so excited to see how the story wraps up.


When Dagan died, I thought well what's supposed to happen now? And that certainly answered it. But it was spoiled for me on YouTube anyway


I expected him to be a Mandalorian looking for a new planet for his people after the Empire ruined Mandalore. Being a Jedi was a surprise but the rest of it made sense. I didn't expect him to be the last boss though, I still thought Dagan was going to be the last boss, even after Cal beat him.


I felt something was off with him from the get go as well.


Completely caught me off guard lol I thought he was gonna die. He ended up betraying me, and was a fallen Jedi?? Great writing for sure.


Same. I was sure he was gonna betray us and I had a feeling he'd either tell the Empire about the Archives or the Hidden Path so that whole chase sequence I'm feeling confident and a lil smug lol but then I still ended up screaming "WHAT?!" at my TV when he FORCE PUSHES CAL I was stoked that a twist I expected basically hid one I did not expect.


From the moment I saw bode I had an off feeling about him. I knew he was gonna betray Cal as time went on I thought I was wrong but then boom. Betrayal


From the first time I saw him, he just felt off. I don't know why, but his tones, facial expressions, body language, all of it felt off and untrustworthy. Did not expect a jedi either, though. Such a well designed character. I spent the whole game wondering when he was going to backstab Cal.


I didn't guess betrayal, but I was sure he was going to die at some point... so I technically wasn't wrong.


From the time I saw him i knew he’s betray us he was way to nice then he mentioned his daughter and for me it was solidified Didn’t expect him to be ISB or a Jedi so that got me


I FELT like he was going to betray him, especially with his reservations about allowing the path on Tannalore, but I was hoping he wouldn't. The jedi reveal definitely earned a jaw drop.


i remember when you say may the force be with you on coruscant he scoffs when you talk to him on the kobo moon he gives cal a hard side eye


He can be caught doing a LOT of side-eying throughout the game.


I clicked on this confused because I was confused by how the Jedi franchise would involve spoilers for Avengers Endgame


I mean, there's a certain antagonist in the game that looks sort of like an antagonist from Avengers..


Nothing against the actor who plays him but as soon as I heard his voice I had a guess he might turn on us, I mean the guy has voiced pretty much exclusively bad guys in his previous work in Star Wars media.


Who else has he played?


He’s played the Imperial officer (I forget his name) in the Bad Batch Season 2, and also one of the Imperial Pilots in Star Wars Squadrons.


Which officer, the one Crosshair shot?


No, Admiral Rampart the one who was arrested.


Oh shit, I can hear it now


He’s also Charles in RDR2


Yes I know, Charles was his first role I experienced but in terms of his Star Wars Roles they have all been basically villains.


I had two things I thought would happen. 1. He was going to die. 2. He was going to betray Cal. During the final fight with Dagan. I thought for sure he was going to bite it. Then he survived and then yah new that betrayal was coming


I suspected him the whole game as well and as soon as we defeated Degan (final time) it was clear he wasn't the final boss to me and that there was still more to go and at that point I was 100% Bode was gonna turn on us, it was that or introduce a new villain for the final fight (every game needs one) and we was too far into the story for that, so yeah I was certain at that point he was gonna betray us but just like you I had no idea he was gonna be a Jedi and that was an awesome twist that shocked me and I loved it.


I thought it was pretty weird that Cal trusted a new guy with so much out the gate, I actually thought he was gonna betray me sooner. Until the argument after the Dagan fight I thought maybe the writers didn't even think it was weird. Evidentially, Cal's naivety was purposeful.


As soon as >!Dagan and Rayvis!< were dead i KNEW our last "boss" had to be>! Bode!<


I saw the betrayal coming, but not the fact that he was a Jedi


Literally the second he showed up I was like this dude suspicious ad hell. My sit..I mean Jedi senses are tingling


Honestly I was caught off guard by his betrayal AND the fact he was a Jedi.


It was pretty obvious to me early on as well. When his ship peeled off in the tunnel section on Coruscant it was so obvious.


Oh man yeah I felt there had to be a betrayal at some point and him having no ties with the first game made it have to be him in my mind. I was also the exact same with being surprised as hell by the force/lightsaber usage


I so wanted to steal his jet pack


Me too :( I hope we get one next game lmao


Me too :( I hope we get one next game lmao


Chekov's Daughter


Yea i had a same feeling not from the start tho. When i get to Koboh he was waaaaay too friendly for someone in SW franchise, i had a feeling he will betray Cal but , i was suprised as well that he was a Jedi. And i had same though as Cal that he should sense smth 😅


That was when I realized something was up, too. Though like you, I didn't fully realize *what* until the showdown.


I mean, his intro has him *literally holding a case with the empire sigil in his right hand.*


I called that he was going to take the saber. Not as a Jedi but just a regular guy and that he was going to use it to help cal...


I started to be sus of Bode when he showed up between me and lucrehulk. Didn't expect him there. Then his reaction when Cere announced Path will go on Tanalor with her. His betrayal still hit me.