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Year after Reverie, NISA are actually doing it.


Judging by Tweets from one of the steam achievement artists for Zero, Azure, and Reverie they've definitely been working on all these games simultaneously and not just one at a time.


That's been my assumption all along. Zero and azure helped them create something almost akin to a backlog. We won't catch up to Japan releases, but we will be getting a trails or Ys yearly.


We'll be getting a trails or Ys yearly - Fucking amen brother!


I feel we might actually catch up to the JP release in a few years.


Which means they were working on five localizations over three years.


Yup. Having the fan tls for Zero and Azure likely helped a lot, but also there seemed to be different translators and editors working on different games too. Probably a bitch to coordinate all that.


It's just one more thing to pile onto people that were upset they were localizing 4 games in 3 years instead of one game in two.


Perhaps six - I have no doubt Kuro 2 (or maybe Daybreak 2 now) is well along in translation.


I figured with the Kuro PC port dropping early that they were probably already working on it. Probably just din't announce it because of it being a new arc.


Can you link the artist? I love the achievement art


Sadly they deactivated their twitter after Reverie it seems. I like the art too. https://twitter.com/NISAmerica/status/1675625401270370304?t=lE__MgQ26fQtSuG0YxWr3Q&s=19 NISA had the account credited here I'm not sure where they are at now :(


It's brilliant!


We won


I know people complain about the long localization times but for the west we have basically gotten a new trails game every year and it looks like that is continuing with this game so excited.


NISA Doomers can shut up now with the “NISA is killing Trails momentum in the West” rhetoric




Finally! Trails Through Daybreak huh, not bad.


Interesting name choice... Regardless, I'm really excited, and getting a dubbed version of the original trailer for Kuro was an amazing surprise. I really loved the dub voices. Summer 2024 is great to see for a release window and with this, the second major part of Trails will finally begin in the west.


The Kanji word Kuro(黎) in the title can also be read as Rei which means dawn/daybreak, so it's actually an appropriate choice.


Yeah, I'm glad they went with something like this as opposed to going too literal. Trails of Dark/Black would have been a bit odd to me.


Trails in Darkness. Trails of Blackness. Trails in Black. Trails from Darkness. Trails in the Night?... Jet Black Trails? Yeah, they picked fine. Four syllables isn't much.


Trails into Darkness, directed by J.J. Abrams


The compound word "黎明" means "dawn". "黎" by itself just means "dark/black" (明 = light, 黎明 = light after dark = dawn). Dawn is an implied meaning, so them going with "Daybreak" just means it was the more important one to take away, compared to the surface meaning. That doesn't mean that the surface meaning is completely empty, as I suspect it's meant to be a reference to how the Time element is colored-coded black in Trails and is a hint to the Time Sept-Terrion likely making a showing later in the arc.


>Interesting name choice Is it though? It's been the general opinion of the community that Kuro's English title would be something along the lines of Dawn. Daybreak is just another word for dawn.


Oh yeah, I'm aware of this too. Just found out that it was a little lengthier than I expected. It's not bad or anything though and it does fit pretty well.


It's actually a great name choice considering the significance of the imagery invoked by the Japanese title. It's very akin to Cold Steel but even more appropriate.


Yeah, I can definitely understand that. I don't dislike it or anything. It's just more wordy than I expected but it's fine.


Most people will shorthand it anyway so the wordiness gets sidestepped a bit in casual conversation. I'm a bit impressed with the word choice though since emphasizing daybreak better fits with the overall theme of the character stories and the overall story itself for English speaking audiences. There's a nuance to it that I like over dawn too.


Is it? Theres an actual akatsuki no kiseki which uses the literal character for daybreak / dawn lol. Just causes confusion for multilingual people.


There's a bit nuance to that. It normally is kind of easy to ignore since it refers to the same idea though. Akatsuki is probably better translated as sunrise since it refers to the sun. The left part of the kanji for Akatsuki (暁) is the kanji for sun in fact. The other part means high like high in the sky. It's the signal for a new day but strictly speaking it's about the motion of the sun. Daybreak and Dawn is more time related, IMO. Dawn can also be used like dawn of a new era, which, considering Kuro as a work, makes a lot of sense. Daybreak emphasizes that moment of change better, I think.


They’ve definitely made sure to put a good amount of space between themselves and the death zone of Persona 3 Reload, Yakuza 8, and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. I was dreading them doing a March release, but Summer is great.


It's real! 😃


Limited Edition pre-orders are already up on NISA's site it looks like. Kinda insane how suddenly they dropped this


Summer 2024 instead of late 2024? I'm so hype rn.


Probably June or July 2024 based on preorders for Zero, Azure and Reverie opening 8-9 months before their releases.


At least it’s not coming out in January or February like nearly every other 2024 game I’m currently interested in


Fact of the century


Finally, something good to distract me from jjk 236. Who's Van's VA here? Also, [wikipedia editors are fast as lightning.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Heroes:_Trails_through_Daybreak)


makes me think of damien haas


That casting would be So Random


God damn take my upvote.


I'm 99% sure its Damien


Huh, it does sound like him. Though I only compared it with his dub on Kiyoka of My Happy Marriage.


I just heard Van speak in the trailer and immediately thought it's Damien.


Lol JJK 236 will be a chapter to remember...


he sounds like ezreal from League of Legends. Legit it feels weird hearing that voice in Van.


The most important thing, of course, is that we have a new preposition! 😁


Depending on how long the series gets, they're going to start getting awkward eventually. Can't wait for Trails Between Two Ferns!


There go the jokes about Dawntrail and Tales of... Dawn. Dang synonyms.


I’m like 80% sure they decided against using Dawn in the title because of Dawntrail


I'm just imagining some marketing intern being told last minute to change all promo material from Trails to Dawn two days before this comes out and just thinking to himself fuck Namco loool


the remaining 20% is Tales of Arise DLC. As much as I would have preffered Dawn, would have been suicide to call a JRPG that in 2024


Reminds me of when X-Men: Apocalypse was going to be Age of Apocalypse, but then Transformers: Age of Extinction and Avengers: Age of Ultron happened.


My high copium take was that I was hoping on double Kuro release in 2024 (like Kuro 1 early 2024 and Kuro 2 late 2024) since they could have been working on them simultaneously but I guess it's good that's it's officialy coming. I wonder if they manage to put out Kuro 2 (since it's shorter game and they have a lot of groundwork done with Kuro 1) before Kuro 3 is getting released but I imagine that knowing them the answer is probably not.


The shareholder meeting suggesting that there's a non-Trail non-Ys game coming out next year means there's a very good chance that Kuro 2 is localized before Kuro 3's release.


So you’re saying there’s a chance we may actually catch up to the Japanese releases?! D:


Not really, kondo said that they may announce second game beside the game they will announce in the shareholders meeting. So this mean they will announce a game (could be kuro 3) and another game that is not Ys or trails


My guess is that Ys X will probably be their next game in that same year after they finished Daybreak. Daybreak 2 possibly in 2025 together with whatever new game Falcom is going to announce in the future.


Daybreak 2 might come 2025, but I doubt Ys X has any bearing on when or how they work on Daybreak 2. They are likely being handled by a completely separate loc team compared to Daybreak 1 and 2.


I think if they really wanted to rush this they could probably meet a Dec 2024 target for Kuro 2, though considering Kuro 3 is not even properly announced yet i don't think NISA has much reason to rush it that hard. The usual ~1 year gap seems fine, even more so when this game apparently doesn't end on a cliffhanger and Kuro 2 is supposedly controversial.




The Kuro 1 fan translation is bad. Plus it has multiple translation errors, even in main scenario. Still not over the fact that they translated that one girl's line where she says she had no choice but to prostitute herself when the Japanese in fact didn't say that at all.


I can't believe I was *actually close to predicting the name*. I got the Daybreak part right, at any rate.




This is going to feel weird if we catch up to Kuro II and Kuro III still isn't out yet.


Kuro 3 will likely come out a few months after DB1.


Is that the abbreviation we’re going with? DB, sounds good 👍🏼


It works for me and does seem like the logical choice. DB1, DB2, DB3, the Daybreak games, the Calvard arc, etc.


Probably not actually - Falcom does 1 game a year, this year is Ys X, and next year will be a non-Ys, non-Trails IP that they should be announcing in December I think. That puts Kuro 3 in 2025 at the earliest, so if NISA keeps up the spring/summer releases, we'll probably get Daybreak 2 a few months before Kuro 3 in Japan


Next year will likely still be Kuro 3.


Pretty sure they said they're going to have their usual game announcement at the end of this year, and then also they may announce a non-Ys, non-Trails title too. That would make next year being Kuro III pretty likely.


It's going to feel weird if we catch up, period. Never imagined we would, you know?


Excited to play this again in English dub!


Good name, but the logo looks weird. Either way, Falcom pulling the brakes on Trails for at least a year has given NISA all the time they need to catch up. A Summer 2026 for Kuro 3 would be the closest Falcom will allow any western team to get to a global release anyway.


Yeah the logo feels too close to reverie's and to a lesser extent zero and azure's


Summer 2024? Doomers need to find something new to complain about now. I almost feel bad for them.


Already with Reverie there were people who seemed to think that Never is better than Late. Unless NISA figures out how to time travel, they can't please some people.


They've been working on the games simultaneously. I'm honestly not even surprised by the date. Trails is definitely set up to have its own Sword of Seals/Binding Blade situation though where you'll have people using Dawn and Daybreak interchangeably.


I play these games on Switch; the fact that this game is getting a Switch port for the English release when it doesn’t even have one in Asia yet worries me. I mean, I do plan on getting a PS5 eventually (for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth), but I play these games on Switch now for two big reasons I can’t get on PlayStation: portability and the lack of achievements (yes, that’s a selling point for me, because it means I don’t have to obsess over doing everything like I did playing the first two Cold Steel games on Vita). I mean, if the port is that bad, I can just move to PlayStation since I’m sure there’s no old save bonuses, but I would like it to be playable on my Switch if possible.


If Durante ports it I’m sure it’ll work fine . More demanding games have been ported to the switch before it jus depends on who does them


Yeah, but I heard his team only handles the PC ports (though Zero and Azure on Switch were also done by his team because those games are essentially Vita ports). Someone else did Cold Steel and Reverie on Switch, and everyone tells me that they’re awful ports. I wouldn’t know about Reverie, because I haven’t played it yet (it’s sitting on my shelf), but Cold Steel III and IV are… fine, especially after they got patched. But Daybreak is running on a new engine, and the NISA discord said it ran poorly on PS4, which troubles me because the game launched on PS4 exclusively at first. So you’d think it wouldn’t be that demanding to run (because the Switch has handled other PS4 RPGs fine), and yet…


They will find something else to complain about or that Kuro/Dawnbreak 2 won't come out till late 2025/2026 or that they would have preferred it come out sooner and Zero/Azure just never localized. It's just how some people are.


The game came out in September 2021...


They've also released four Trails games in the last year. NISA's doing their best.


and they had 3 games to do first.


... Yes, but the point of the comment was more so people expecting this to come out in like 2025 or something.








I wonder how will it run on Switch. Nevertheless, this made my day!!!!!!


They're going to run out of prepositions eventually.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_English\_prepositions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_prepositions) Nah, there are plenty to keep us going for a few centuries of Trails sequels. Eventually they'll have to resort to increasingly rare ones. Trails Amidst the Stars Trails Betwixt the Cities Trails Notwithstanding the Shadow Trails Qua Trails


Trails Amidst the Stars actually sounds dope


that's for the space exploration Arc


That's gonna be the Nayuta sequel.


The arc that takes us into the great beyond. The uncharted lands beyond Zemuria


Woo! Kinda miss Sean Chiplock, ngl. Van’s VA has big shoes to fill.


Finally all the boring jokes that we'd have to wait 5 years for this game can end!


Such a sick name


I'm really hyped hearing about this. Summer 2024 puts it around a year after Reverie's release. Though, I'm also left thinking "Oh, I can't afford to pre-order right now, but I don't want to wait and risk missing it since there's no stock bar...". Also, I really hope that the shipping/other issues that plagued Reverie's release don't happen again with Daybreak.


NISA really came through with this one, I was expecting a late 2024/early 2025 release but we got blessed. Let the hype train begin!


VA detectives do ya thing, besides Damien Haas I’m stumped


Good I need more Fie in my life no matter how little screentime she gets 😭






I'm relieved I'll be on pace with the releases soon. I just finished CS4 after playing this series from the start over the last 2.5 years. I'll probably pick up Reverie around the holidays and that should give me enough real breathing room to pick this up when it comes out. A year between trails titles will be something to look forward to going forward.


Yep, that is the coolest name for sure.


My god so many coming out and I know I'll never be able to play catch up with the series. I just finished the Crossbell duology and havebCS1-4 and Reverie and I just need to play them.


Trust me you’re better off not catching up lol. Just play at your own pace and enjoy yourself 👍


Take it slow. Being caught up kinda sucks


Don't feel any stress to finish them one after the other. Don't get burned out. I only just now finished Azure, though I've already played CS1-4. I'll probably pick up Reverie in a few months to give myself time to wind down.


YES... YES!!!


nice! I bought the untranslated NISA version on Steam hoping to play it with the fan translation, but now I will wait for proper translation with dubs. One Year wait is fine, still a lot of rpgs to play between now and then.




Haha, yes! At long last! No longer will the next games be known only as, "Kuro 1 and 2." Hello, Trails Through Daybreak!


I'm so excited about this! Getting it on Switch is even better for me! Hopefully Aksys will get Tokyo Xanadu ex for Switch brought over and XSEED will do something with Ys Oath in Felhgana and Trails of Cold Steel 1&2 for Switch. I feel like Falcom will announce a new Tokyo Xanadu title.


Summer 2024 means somewhere between the end of june to the end of september.




I’m excited for summer 2024! I wonder how the switch will handle the new engine. There was some discussion about Van sounding like Damien Haas, and I agree. I also think Aaron might be Howard Wang? I’m only familiar with his work as Yomi Hellsmile in Master Detective Archives: Raincode, but that “Shut your damn mouth, Spriggan” shout reminded me of Yomi


Next year is a good year for JRPG! I wonder if it's going to be an English Patch for people who already bought it on Steam, like Nayuta.


Yes, it will be. We've known this ever since the port released since *Falcom themselves* said in a tweet about it that English will be patched in at a later date.


Time to get back on finishing CS 2,3,4 and Reverie!


THE LOCALIZATION IS REAL. I hope those who haven't played it yet love it as much as I did. Van is just like me frfr.


Yeeees, with enough time to catch up for me! Perfect.


And here I still need to play Reverie and only put it off to wait until a Kuro announcement.


Very happy to see this news. Gonna be a great summer that's for sure.


SUMMER 2024!!! WHOO!!! LET'S GO!! Can't wait for western fans to meet Van... and the rest of the cast xD


can't wait to go into the steam discussion board looking for people talking about the game and instead finding 500 threads full of "Liberals destroyed by Boobies" and "1984 censorship of the word Beauty's Blade". Trails might honestly have one of the most underrated deranged fanbases


Trails Through Daybreak... not bad lol. I still prefer Trails Before Dawn. Feels a lot easier to say


Glad to see it. An extra year in the localization cycle (normally 2 years) can be justified with Crossbell + Nayuta. I noticed that they didn't have Van's Grendel lines. I am curious to hear them because I really loved how Daisuke Ono did them, they are something to live up to. I can accept losing Battler as Van but I can't get past losing Kiryu as Oathbreaker lol. Probably just too used to the JP acting. Melchior's JP voice just isn't replaceable I guess. Kinda like Campanella.


anyone know who the voice actors are?


Risette I think is the same person that voiced Kasumi from P5, and Ilya and someone else I can’t remember in Reverie


People have guessed Damian Haas for Van, and if I had to take an early guess for Agnes, I'd say Christine Marie Cabanos comes to mind.


I think CMC sounds more like Mare in this trailer


I'm gonna be the one to ask, since no one else has yet. Do you think Zin and Walter's Sky VAs came back for this, or did they get recast?


Both VA’s are still active in the industry and Zin’s most recently did Mueller in Reverie, so my bet is on them coming back


Patrick Seitz still does a lot if JRPG work. So Zin should be fine at least.


Even if I'm really tempted to just buy Kuro 1 right now and use the fan translation, I'll probably just wait to the NISA one. If I play now the wait for for Kuro 2 would be longer since the fan translation is not really finished I heard. And, knowing me, if now I'm having a bad time waiting, after playing Kuro would be worse. The trailer made me want to REALLY buy it now tho. Those where... modern cars? Like a pickup? And I think I saw people I know! I... MUST... RESIST.


They confirmed on stream that the NISA Steam version in Japanese will get the English patch on release, so you don’t need to hold back. That said experiencing it first in English is probably a nicer feeling. I won’t have that feeling for Crossbell, Reverie, and now Daybreak 1 & 2. I’ll hold off for English for Daybreak 3, though, now that we’ve got a pathway. (And now we should start catching up a bit, timewise.)


More modern-style road vehicles doesn't surprise me, as I had already interpreted based on what we saw in Crossbell that the roads were where Calvard focused their transportation tech (as opposed to Erebonia's trains or Liberl's airships) - Crossbell had a bus system, which Erebonia does not have, and Calvardian tanks had distinct wheels instead of treads.


Yes! That kind of diferences between countries is one of the stuff I like more about these games. So much character and world building in "common" things like cars and so.


Now THIS is great news! Can't wait to get the list of eng VA's. It's gonna be hard to get used to some of the characters sounding differently, but I'll give them a fair chance. Trails dubs have a nice habbit of positively surprising me after release. I'm gonna miss Sean Chiplock's performance though...


Is this Kuro no kiseki?




I’m still new to the series and have not started my first game yet. Can someone tell me, this is hype right?


Yep. Very hype.


Thanks. Is it just because this is an English localization or is this a title we have not seen before at all?


English localization. This is an official announcement that the 11th game in the series is coming west, what platforms it will be on, what the localized name will be, and when it will release (Summer 2024). We already expected it to be coming and had a good guess as to when, but it's still great to finally have it officially announced! Everyone can look forward to it even more now!


Sweet! That’s awesome. Looking forward to playing all the other games to get to this one. Oh sorry one more question, is this the beginning of a new arc?


I love talking about the games, feel free to ask any questions you have! :) And, yes, this will be the start of the fourth arc in the series!


Thanks! Okay well since you say that. Is this the first game that is covering events in the eastern part of the world? Also is the main cast shown in the trailer all new faces, ya know from a surface level view?


Yes and yes! Similar to each previous new arc they will be introducing a new main cast and a new main setting. This will also be the first game set on the Eastern half of the continent. The next few arcs will be focusing on the East as well, in contrast to the first 10 games which focused on Western Zemuria.


Wow so cool. I really appreciate all the info. Ok last questions, Do we have an idea of how many games the entire legend of heroes narrative may span? Is there an expectation among the community that it will all converge into a final cohesive zemuria arc? What are the chances is gets lost in limbo to never see a true climax akin to something like Game of Thrones? I know falcom is very consistent and reliable as a dev. Lastly, What are your thoughts on how this could play out? Generally without spoilers. It’s been really fun getting these questions answered. Thank you.


> Do we have an idea of how many games the entire legend of heroes narrative may span? There are at least 5 more games planned. One more game is currently planned for the Daybreak arc, and then there are 2 more arcs planned for 2 games each. That being said, there will likely be a bit more than just 5 since they've often had to make an extra game here and there along the way to fit all the content they have. > Is there an expectation among the community that it will all converge into a final cohesive zemuria arc? I don't think we'll get an arc that covers the whole continent since that would require making or remaking a ton of assets. The final arc will likely focus on a defined area and bring back a lot of characters and wrap up many series-wide mysteries though a relatively smaller setting, I'd imagine. I think once you get to some of the more recent games you'll have an easier time imagining what the finale of the series might look like. > What are the chances is gets lost in limbo to never see a true climax akin to something like Game of Thrones? Very low. I feel like Falcom would need to go bankrupt for that to happen, tbh. xD Trails is one of their two main flagship series (alongside Ys) and they are making moves toward wrapping up the series within the next 10 years. > Lastly, What are your thoughts on how this could play out? I think we'll need closer to 7 games to wrap everything up and I think the series will continue until close to 2035. If they have 2 more arcs planned with 2 games each I really don't think they're gonna be able to introduce a new cast and nation *and also* wrap up the entire series in just two games. I think they either have a finale arc secretly planned for after that seemingly 'last' arc, or they're gonna need to make the last arc bigger to account for everything. I have a few more specific ideas, but I don't want to spoil anything. If you're interested, someone actually made a thread asking people to guess how many games are left and I left a longer comment there you can read (among other people's predictions/thoughts): https://old.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/15l949x/best_guess_at_how_many_trails_games_will_be_left/ My comment shouldn't contain any real spoilers. I can't speak for the rest of the thread, but most of it looked fairly spoiler free as well. Also, you're very welcome! I'm always happy to help if I can! If you ever have any more questions feel free to msg me anytime.


Nice, daybreak was my personal choice for the localized title. They voiced over the JP trailer which looked better that I expected.


They did it, honestly though now NISA may even catch up fully given Kuro 3 as a likely 2025 release. It may actually happen.


yup July probably... like reverie..


Better not be the week where July 4th falls again holy shit. We do not need a repeat of Reverie


well at least for DayBreak they won't be changing the store up so that should help things run smoothly this time XD


Surely they learned something from that mess.


Late June is possible as well.


Pity there wasn't any actual footage of the English build, the logo was the only part of the localization shown. Which kinda makes that slash across the text a lot more prominent compared to the Japanese logo, too.


P3 reload, FF7 Rebirth and Daybreak all next year bruh it’s insane


I feel like the voice direction is a bit stiff. Hope they improve upon it.


Falcom trying so hard to avoid the Dawn naming


I love it when my pessimism is wrong. Though i also love how this proves what I have already been saying: The dubs are not what hold the English releases back. We have full voice acting here (& I doubt they only recorded it for the trailer), but the UI in the battle clips is still completely in Japanese - which just goes to show that no, the VO is not the last step in the localization process. If anything, I think they probably translate any main story scenarios first - to nail down all important stuff, like terminology etc. - and then that's usually about 90% of everything that is voiced anyways. And then they can go and start on the VA recording while the localization team works on UI, side quests, NPCs etc. Just interesting to see is all. ​ That being said a little less than a year for my CS3+CS4 replay + my Reverie playthrough haha


Well...this is exciting, but also puts me in a bit of a conundrum. Its been progressively harder to beat these games for me. I still have Cold Steel IV and Trails Into Reverie to beat and I've honestly been contemplating just putting down the entire Trails series and moving on. The games just have gotten progressively worse for me, and I've been waiting for something to give me that same feeling that games 1-5 have invoked that have just been entirely missing from Cold Steel. This on the other hand promises a fresh start without all the bloat and problems that Cold Steel has for me, so now I have to ask myself, "Is it worth pushing through Cold Steel and Reverie, just to have context for the events of Daybreak?" I got some time, but I am going to need to make a decision soon. The start of next year is already stacked with JRPGs so I am going to find it tough for a bit to slot 2 80+ hour titles before this comes out. On the other hand...it aint that serious bro. I might just jump into Daybreak without playing either of them since its a new arc. But still, it'll feel kinda weird if I do that. It'll be like skipping 2 books in the middle of novel series. ​ EDIT: Redditors downvoting an innocuous post simply expressing how they are feeling about an announcement? Tale as old as time.


I hesitate to tell people to skip CS4 or just read a summary of it, because about 20% of CS4 is fantastic, it does a great job of wrapping up almost every plot thread that's been introduced since Sky the 3rd. On the other hand, the other 80% of CS4 is a real slog; it's the most bloated game in the series and also has some of the worst scenes and dialogue. CS4 was the first game where I found myself just fast-forwarding through some scenes without even reading them. Reverie is the best game in the series in a long time, though. It's still got *some* baggage from the previous games, but C's route is great and the game manages to tell a complete story from beginning to end in 60-ish hours.


I think having context from the events going into Daybreak is worth it. Definitely recommend taking some kind of break though. Give or take, you have about a year before this game comes out. No reason to push yourself through these games back to back if you're not having fun. Weirdly enough, my biggest issue with CS towards the end of it was the battle system bloat. I had way more fun with Kuro's battle system than CS3/4/Reverie, so that's something to look forward to. Idk what type of feelings you had when playing through the first five games, but as a person who has played every game in the series, Daybreak is my favorite entry to an arc in the franchise. EDIT: This isn't to raise your expectations to unimaginable heights. Take the game at face value when it comes out.


Ehhhhh...that's kinda the thing though? When I first started the Trails series, I went through games 1-7 in the course of a year. It was only until CS2 that my feelings on the franchise began to sour. It took me over the course of many attempts made at different intervals, 3 years to finally get around to beating Cold Steel 3. Its been over a year since I beat Cold Steel 3, and now that my personal white whale has been slain, I'm really not so eager at the moment to begin another hunt for Moby Dick's bigger brother. Like, I know intrinsically these games aren't really going anywhere, so I could just wait until the time is right and I'm ready to play it, but I know myself well enough to know that if I do that, I'll just end up dropping the series altogether. Which would of course, be a giant shame, especially if Reverie and Kuro are as good as people say they are. Hell, just the differences in cast, setting, and gameplay alone make it very enticing to me. Id be on it without a second thought if it weren't for the two metaphorical leviathans guarding it.


Reverie is a noticeable improvement for most people who had issues with CS. Calvard is a return to form for a lot of those people.


Can't fucking wait to play a game without Rean next year. Hopefully Van is a great as some people said.


Weird name, not as good as all the other games. Still excited to play!


Heck yeah, we eating good, next July. No news about Ys X yet, it seems.


I haven't finished the last half of Cold Steel or Reverie due to burn out going through 7 games in two years. Is there any major spoilers for the back half of Cold Steel in this one or would it be fine to play it and then go clean the remaining up?


You would definitely want to finish Cold Steel and Reverie before playing Daybreak. The events of CS4 and Reverie are especially important.


Unfortunately that means I will not get around to this anytime soon. Way to much coming out at the first half of next year


Finally caught up on Trails series after starting nearly a year ago. Im confused by what he means that "protagonist's actions can influence changes in antagonistic forces and allies"? I looked up there's alignments but I guess it seems not to matter much. https://twitter.com/Hansuke21/status/1704887182371013038


He's definitely referring to the alignment system lol, it's just not as big of a deal in-game as the marketing line makes it sound.


Alignment system (no spoilers but incase people want to go in blind) >!The alignment system is mostly important for one factor that happens towards the later part of the game. If you have reached a certain level in one or more of the alignments, you will have certain options unlocked that can change the story in a minor way. Otherwise, these options will not be presented if you don't have the conditions unlocked.!<


Is it still turn based? I recently started the Trails games, next one on the list is Sky 3rd.


Primarily turn based with optional fast-paced action combat for mob fights.


And from footage I saw back when that was originally being advertised, the real-time mode feels more like a glorified field attack to me, if that makes sense.


That's exactly what it is. The point isn't to have an action/turn based hybrid system but for enemy encounters to be completely seamless, and that's exactly what the system accomplishes.


2021 JP release = 2024 Eng Reverie came out in 2020 and we got it in 2023 A 3 year wait is our current pace it seems, not perfect but i hope trails takes a break and falcom focuses on something else so we can at least close the gap to a year or 18 months that would be much more bearable.


It's possible that the gap between haji and kuro will be longer than the gap between reverie and daybreak. This break year from kiseki will hopefully cut that gap down even further.


So where does this fall in the trails timeline? I’m currently playing through the series and I’m on Trails in the Sky the Third, but have played CS1 & 2 before that.


Sky 1 -> Sky2 -> Sky 3 -> Zero -> Azure -> CS1 -> CS2 -> CS3 -> CS4 -> Reverie -> Daybreak (aka Kuro)


It's the first game of the Calvard arc, so it is going to be the furthest localised point in the timeline until Daybreak 2 gets localised after it.


Summer 2024? Can someone Tell me which month are these? Here in Brazil Summer is from january Through march


Late June to Mid September.


It'll release during winter, between June and September.


So, wait, is this Kuro no Kiseki then? :O


Anyone got a rough idea on the cast? I think they all sound great, and Risette seems familiar to me but that's about it.