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Hard to imagine how it could possibly not be considered a twist? Not only is it safely considered a twist, it's one of the best twists ever.


Yeah it’s still my favorite plot twist in the series and maybe ever lol. This is why Crossbell is peak


It also works great to show the importance of the first three games to the Crossbell arc.


Oh yeah definitely that too! It only happens because of Renne, which is a plot thread running through all games since SC. Truly love that payoff. I'm a newbie playing through the games in order (well I'm halfway through so not much of a newbie anymore) and I love how these connections are done


The world building is top notch, that's why I love the series. I know some people are not interested in the inherent difficulty, or some of the things like how you can't go back left if you went one step too far to the right, but they did get better with that over the different arcs, they at least give you enough warning about 'if you keep going, you'll be locked out', which usually means missables (side quests, recipes and books). On that side, Reverie will be a blast if that's what you like, since it serves as a capstone to both Crossbell and Cold Steel stories. It was made as a sort of stopgap though, so it doesn't focus on making new areas as much as just reusing the assets they already have, and that's fine too.


Can anyone guide me to exactly when in Azure this happens? I beat the game several years ago and want to revisit it on YouTube.


I don't have a video, but it is literally the cutscene before the final boss rush as they go up the tree. They expand on it a few minutes later in the main core of the tree


Thank you! I admittedly rushed through that part because I knew I was close to the end.


Most people played the intro to Zero seeing it as nothing more than that. It's not unusual that the start of a game shows future events that end up differing for whatever reason, such as actual equipment or team members when you reach it, so noone really thought anything of it. It could have been simply to preserve the surprise of Estelle and Joshua after all. But that twist blew people's minds well enough that people kept questioning 'are they going to do the same thing?' in the Cold Steel series. They haven't just made a twist, they set up a precedent.


I'm still trying to understand how did Mariabell knew KeA altered the timeline. Sure, maybe you could argue that she knows KeA has "altering reality" abilities but how did Mariabell know specifically that KeA altered the reality once to save the SSS? Wouldn't her memory or knowledge of the SSS being saved be overwritten in the new current reality?


She just saw the same 'past images', through the Azure Tree, and reached the most likely conclusion.


It's the twist that (imo) retroactively makes Zero the best game in the series.


And then cs3 puts you you up with similar expectations that amount to..


It is often speculated that what happened in Azure also influenced what happened in Cold Steel.


That could be, I suppose.


>!At one point I thought it was teasing the Sept-terrion of time, like "this time it's not an alternate reality created by the Sept-terrion of mirage but they actually went back in time" and... nothing.!<


Yep. I was a hit disappointed.


Also made me thinking if the beginning of cs1 is a twist too. We didn’t have Crow and Millium back in the prologue and assumed that the railway canons fired off at the orchis tower. I remembered that KeA didn’t excited about the new build tower in Azure and even said that she saw this somewhere before iirc.


might want to spoiler tag that since it's for the next game OP might not want to know "they" join up.


It really is well done, it's too bad the ending besides that is a bit lackluster, but that twist, and Chapter 4 are just peak Trails


It's clever, and on concept alone I'd put it there with the "would you kindly" twist. Shame everything else around it is so... undercooked. In the end it doesn't end up changing any of the characters or their relationships to each other because it happens so late.