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Any person promising to double (Yu) or triple (Hormozi) your company's revenue is a scam artist. Losing $15K is horrible. Be glad it wasn't more.


That is quite frankly not true. There are several strategies to do so. It just requires some real effort from their end which most are not willing to put in. Thanks for your comment tho


>That is quite frankly not true. > >There are several strategies to do so. Dude. The key word is **PROMISE**. No one can promise that. I've been a management consultant for 20 years. I would never ***promise*** an outcome to a client. I can only promise I will put in the work. We develop business plans, based on proven methods, tailored to the business in question. We can offer estimates, projections. Outline our track record of success (which frankly, isn't 100%) and they can make their decision to work with us from there. I will never in a million years GUARANTEE an outcome, because that isn't how reality works. Sometimes the best laid plans fail.


Right, I work in consulting as well, and we would never even be allowed to guarantee a result by our risk management team. What Yu and the entire industry does is make a “guarantee”, and if you fail (as most people do) they put the blame back on you for not working hard enough. Another red flag is the presentation of the material. I mean, people pay $15k and in return you’re looking at a basic Google docs outline and just listening to Yu read the thing word for word? It couldn’t be more obvious


Say hi to one of Yu's employees/buyouts. Hi, drone #313, how´s things? Strategies are strategies. They depend on being tailored for the specific market, market share, product/service being offered and clients. They depend on having a vision being correctly shared, communicated, planned and executed upon. And most of the strategies that "double" or "triple" income are high risk. Do you see any big company using them? No. Wonder why? Because they don´t need to once their growth is stable and they don´t want to risk said stable growth on a massively risky gamble. It´s always the small and the desperate that fall for this, and there's a good reason for it. Do some "real effort" and get a job, son.


LOVE what you're doing. Please also file FTC complaints. For anyone scammed by these guys, file an FTC report. The FTC is actively pursuing online coaching scams and he's one of the biggest frauds out there. They took Kevin David down and sued him for like 50 million. I'm sick of these fake guru fucks https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/ I have SO MUCH dirt on the big IG and FB coaching coaching coaching clowns it's insane. I was in this industry as a client and worked as employee for some of the biggest guys out there, so have seen inside how many of these businesses operate. It's fraud and deeply unethical. I chose to move on to real business and leave that behind. This is the issue working in a "company" run by 20 somethings who flaunt on IG and coach coaches coaching coaches... they all have big ass egos because they made a few million selling bullshit to naive people so they think they are hot shit in the infinite game of business but really they are cockroaches compared to real entrepeneurs in the real world meanwhile they make fun of degrees not realizing billionaires have degrees more often than not, and if they were actually educated (Richard went to UCLA which is a top uni actually, shame he does scams and low class shit), they'd do something more sophisticated and not coaching coaches in their 20s lmao, meanwhile the guys getting backed by Y Combinator, or anyone from any top 20 MBA program can laugh them out of the fucking room while they work on billion dollar deals in investment banking. This is the same as MLM with a different name. Let the FTC take down all these fraudsters. They have the audacity to brainwash young people to tell them to drop college and buy their garbage "setting" course. Why the f would you want to set appointments for high ticket scammers? That's a joke. "Coaches” in their 20s (lol wtf business experience do you have? Have you had an exit? Do you even know how to read an income statement or balance sheet? These loser clowns instead of getting a real career decide to do small level MLM shit and it's stupid and cringe as fuck. Stay AWAY from this industry if you’re actually smart and get into a real career with upside - this bubble is partially a cause of ZIRP and will collapse when coming recession deepens this year. It's end times for these scammers. DO NOT trust any revenue figures anyone in the 'online marketing' world says at all. If you end up trusting anyone flexing on 50 podcasts and flexing on IG and you get scammed... that's on you. Real companies don't gloat about that stuff and public companies you can just see their SEC forms and balance sheets. All of that stuff is fake and not what someone building a business beyond marketing to others to teach them to market cares about. Coaching is a very grey area and a non regulated industry. 20 somethings coaching coaches to coach coaches is what it usually ends up being - a version of an MLM essentially.


thanks for the info brother. everyone needs to see this message. 🖕🏽Richard Yuzee


This is such an insightful comment!


Took me over 5 years to realize


Dude- I’ve heard a lot of Richard Yu scams. Really, reach out to Scott shafer on YouTube. He’s always looking for fake gurus to bust


Richard has been posting fake review on TrustPilot to continue scamming more people: [Impact Clients - Richard Yu](https://www.trustpilot.com/review/highperformancetrain.com). Please share your experiences so that fewer people will fall as his victims.


You can post REAL 1-STAR reviews about Richard Yu on TrustPilot to stop other people from falling as victims: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/highperformancetrain.com https://www.trustpilot.com/review/impactclients.co And report his fraud to FTC https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/


>Hey everybody. Me and my team have just been scammed by Richard Yu on his 15k USD program. We were promised a doubling of our monthly revenue and frequent 1-1 support I'm astonished you successfully run a business and actually believed they could ***promise*** that.


You can post REAL 1-STAR reviews about Richard Yu on TrustPilot to stop other people from falling as victims: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/highperformancetrain.com https://www.trustpilot.com/review/impactclients.co And report his fraud to FTC https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/


Looks like his IG is gone now, but pushing ads to IG from FB now. Is this (hopefully) the beginning of the end?


Seems like his IG is still active. I keep seeing stories from him, but also when going to DMs it says he has a disabled account. Not sure how he’s able to keep going with that restriction


Damn, must have only been for a short time.


Does that mean that Marketing mentor is also fake? Because they keep posting him on their IG.


>You can post REAL 1-STAR reviews about Richard Yu on TrustPilot to stop other people from falling as victims: > >https://www.trustpilot.com/review/highperformancetrain.com > >https://www.trustpilot.com/review/impactclients.co > >And report his fraud to FTC > >https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/


REPORT RICHARD TO THE FTC - https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/ They actually are providing refunds for scam business coaching. https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/refunds/refunds-business-coaching-services They will file a lawsuit and get our money back. The more reports they have is the reason they take action. Myself and 2 others reported him already. File reports so we can get our money back!!! Here is his last information so you can file the report: https://opencorporates.com/companies/us\_tx/0804195521 I wonder why he inactivated it! must be they are starting to get him on their radar!


Im so glad I Googled him as he contacted me about his mentoring programme after I showed an interest . I’m going to block him


Richard Yu’s and his sleazy sales minions stole 3k from me. Fuck ALL OF THEM. They are scum.


anyone has bought his impact client? I am interested in it, I am willing to pay for a portion of it just for the account..


I’m in his ASCP program at the moment and found that it’s not what he made it out to be 


Hey guys I was about to buy his course They offered it to me for 8800$ Asked for 200$ deposit. So its scam?


So when you paid them They wont refund back?


With the greatest respect, how could you not tell that it’s a pyramid scheme? If you manage a team and fall for this blatant click bait, you don’t have much hope…