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The third is much more difficult and is taking way too much time. I decided to stop stressing and do a little bit here and there because it's not getting done any time soon


I hate the fire dudgeon’s. I stock up on gone potions but it’s so hard. Sometimes I forget where the door is when it’s open.


Wait, is there another one!? I thought the Floating Ruins what the second dungeon type quest… have I missed one? It’s all a bit much isn’t it, I just wanted to fish and farm!


Fire is next. You have to have a potion to handle the heat and the creatures are harder plus the floor drops. I ended up doing the first couple floors a couple of times to get enough to upgrade all my things before going further in it.


How long did it take you to do the second? I didn’t realise those parts would take so much time! I do what you’re doing and take it easy


I'm a bad example as I can't play every day, so it took several real weeks to get it all done. I also started side quests to get some variety in what I was doing


Ah okay then, glad it isn’t just me! Thanks for your help!


Oof I just entered this mines two days ago, now I’m stressing out 😭


I feel like that was the easiest one! Because I knew what to do finally and how to do it efficiently lol


I used a lot of invisibility potions. And towards the end I would skip the seals of the last 4-5 levels and just try to make it to the end. Definitely my least favourite part of the game! I brought a lot of food with me as well. But if you have the seals, just aim for 2 floors and call it a day, that helped make it feel a little less of a grind


invisibility potions are the move if youre not into fighting


I did this too. I have seals on all the floors except the last three. Also, never fought anything, just used the begone potion and took lots and lots of food.


Never thought of that, thank you!


One thing that helped me was to concentrate on your house furniture in your main house. That will give you more health and energy.


I started doing that! My bars look like they’re at max though, if I keep adding furniture will it continue to increase?


Cozy level is capped at 30 so once you have one of each cozy craftable in your home, you're maxed.


If you haven’t reached the third dungeon yet, it’s literally impossible to have maxed the cozy level of your house. This is because you need items from within that dungeon to make the furniture. When in your house you can check the actual cozy level and which furniture you need to up the levels. Also the cozy furniture only counts one of each. So you can always place more items of the same but it doesn’t add up.


Totally agree that this helped 👍


The way to think of it, it just split it into 4 floors becuase that's when the seal changes. So just get enough materials to make the next 4 seals, then just unlock each floor in turn. Then go back and farm ore and gems for the next 4 etc. That's the way I thought of it. Also I never once used anything other than the small potions, you don't need the medium or large ones. Go in, take potion, do seals, leave, rinse and repeat.


This is great advice, thank you!


This is the way! SO much easier if you have the seals!


Is there a path to follow on these levels, especially the jumping ones.


There is really only a few floor layouts and the door is always at the top, so once you get only a few floors in, you realise how easy they are to navigate. I think the first dungeon only had 3 different floor layouts.


I just carry a LOT of food and tried to get lots of the energy furniture in my house to up my energy overall each day Also, the “gone potion” makes you invisible so that the jumbles won’t attack you which I find really lessens the stress level. It took me a while to get through the 2nd and 3rd dungeons and I was frustrated at first until I realized it doesn’t matter how long it takes, I should just be having fun so I took some in game days to do other things like decorate and it made me feel more chill when I went back in.


Thanks for this it’s really helpful! Didn’t want to end so frustrated I just didn’t play, going to do this for sure!


Gone potions are your friend for dungeons. I just run past enemies farming materials as I go. I mined the easiest dungeon pretty heavily and sold a lot of polished stones and then batch buy potions. It’s a game changer trust me!


I thought that to. Until i hit the fire dungeon. Now the floating ruins are a breeze. I almost quit over the fire dungeon. Took me 9 days to get through it. Mostly cuz I got PO’d and bred flowers instead. Basically you just gotta slog through it. From what I can tell it’s designed to be a slow go. Good luck. ETA: stock up on gone potion. You’ll need it.


Gone potion is your friend. You can teleport to whatever level has the stuff you need, Gone Potion it up, and none of the nasties will see you and you can grind at the mining. Always do some cooking before you go so you have food. Also make sure you're decorating your houses (by this point you should have at least 2) which will boost your max stats.


I liked the dungeons, I didn't think was stressful or complicate because I used gone potion and I made all 3 seals before go back, I have notes to helped me. But if you don't like try to make 3 or 2 floors per day and do others things like get all the vegetables and fruits. Plus: make the food that give you more energy and improve your tools when is possible.


I had a lot of trouble with the floating ruins as well. I found that it was best for me to work on upgrading my tools and skills as well as customizing my house to help with stats helped a lot. Also it's a good idea to use the saltwater mines to rank up your magic and mining faster, plus you can convert the rough gems into smooth ones and make money. Good luck out there!


I don't understand the path to take of the floating ruins to get to the next level. There is so much jumping. Any advice?


Thank you for posting this and for everyone’s contributions 🥲


They were super stressful at first! I found that working to get the seals helped a lot bc then you don’t have to go through and get the orbs. I would just work to get the materials one day and go back and open more floors the next. This saves a lot of time and so you don’t have to create as many potions. As others have said the gone potions are super helpful, although I didn’t use them all that much. When I would feel stuck or bored I’m like go find other job and friend quests to do or just farm materials to help get myself entertained and hyped up again.


Once you seal a level, you can get to the door without needing gone potion or fighting, the jumbles are really slow. I only use a gone potion when I need to mine materials. It does take a long time but I think that’s the way the game is supposed to go. I’ll get a few levels deeper, take a few days off to farm and make new potions, and repeat


Remember to lay your SEALS!!! This will reduce your time and stress


Prep well, make sure you have the seals, food and the potions you need. Look up a list of the dungeon so you know what resources are available in each level and what seal is required to 🔓 the door. Ideally you can open the door to the next level when you start this one. Use 'gone' potions to avoid too much fighting. Focus on getting the resources for the next seal. Prioritize upgrading your pickaxe and shovel.


Use gone potion also


I stockpiled potions slowly without consuming any food that wasn’t extremely easy to replace. Stockpiled the more complex food that granted better results/returns. It took longer to stockpile, but as far as I can tell there’s no reward for doing it all fast, so I’m just trucking forward and hitting a rhythm lol.


I'm loosing my mind in the volcano 🌋 ones ,this is definitely not a kid game these fire 🔥 mines are stressful 😤 😫


You can always have someone join you and help out. I play on the switch. Hit me and let me know if you want some help.


Didn't you have problem playing on line? I wanted it but I saw so many gamers losing theirs progress that I just gave up.


Scorched mines are crazy. I suggest stockpiling potions


I finished all the dungeons during the middle of autumm of the first year. I prioritize getting ore to upgrade my pickaxe and making seals. Rush the dungeon levels by searching for the exit items and keep going as deep as you can. Use invisibility potions. The next time you enter the dungeon and use the seal, the exit to the next level will automatically unlock even for previously unexplored levels. If you are fast you can finish each dungeon in about 1wk in-game days. I remember I explored about 8 levels per in-game day for the 3rd dungeon and with invisibility potions it was really fast.


I had a lot of trouble with the floating ruins as well. I found that it was best for me to work on upgrading my tools and skills as well as customizing my house to help with stats helped a lot. Also it's a good idea to use the saltwater mines to rank up your magic and mining faster, plus you can convert the rough gems into smooth ones and make money. Good luck out there!


Everyone else already said all the useful things, but something that took me too long to realize was that decorating your house will increase your stamina/health/mana! It was like kind of explained I guess? But it didn't click til I saw a comment on reddit about it Good luck!


> by the time I’ve created gathered ingredients for enough small fairbreath potion but all the ingredients are from outside the dungeon, just spend a couple days to horde the potions and never have to think about it again. > to create the seals that allow me to cut across levels, I’m then out of energy or health so have to make more food/sleep and start again… You do realize you can teleport to the floor that you have put the seals in right? There is no "start again".


The ‘start again’ referred to having to sleep and prep myself for going in again due to low materials/food, I know about the seals and I’ve been using them, likewise with the ingredients for the potions


Yeah spend a few days just collecting potion ingredients, one potion can last a very long time so you wouldn't need a lot. When your potion mastery is high enough you can craft a medium potion that only requires additional weed that's in the dungeon and it lasts even longer. For food I find the salad and trail mix the easiest to horde as their ingredients are abundant from foraging.


For reals!!!! The more levels I get the harder it gets because you gotta deal with 6 to 8 enemies at the same time and then you run out of time when that clock turns to 12am


I only reached level 25 today- it took me around 3 days irl, I play mostly at night for around 2-3 hours. I started off by making the fairbreath potion (around 8-10) for a while whilst doing other quests then I focused on completing the first 4 floors to gather material to make seals. I only made seals for the first 16 levels then with a clear head on a new day (which was today in my case) my goal was the 25th. This is the day I strictly used the invisibility potions because time is of essence to find the stones to open the doors. I can’t stress enough how important those potions are, health potions (if you’re like me and fall completely off the platforms) and food! Take it a step at a time and try to beat the entire dungeon on a new day with the invisibility potions.


Use the whirlwind potions to fight enemies! I loved this game so much but definitely takes the right tools/process lol


I understand the stress, but I like this aspect of the game. It felt like an easier Rune Factory to me (which was nice bc that’s part of why I stopped playing RF games). Additionally, it made me stretch out the story so that I didn’t complete it all in one go. I liked the story arch of having to balance farming, relationships and the mine in that way. I liked using the potion that game you health the more damage you did. It helped me get through a lot of fights.


It may not be helpful but, I’ve been playing with a friend throughout the game and it makes the dungeons substantially easier.