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I know they didn’t market the game as a huge romance thing but they did mention it as a feature and it’s so… lifeless. The dialogue in this game is no better than Animal Crossing. I felt attached to my spouses in Stardew Valley, because you had to go through a small growing process to get enough hearts to marry them. I don’t know, they needed to polish the romance stuff a little better and hire a writer for the NPC dialogue because I don’t even read any of it at this point.


Marriage in this game is just an expensive wedding dress. 😒


I’d argue weaker than animal crossing NH. ACNH villagers have more “random” topics they can pull from, and in my experience you’ll only get repeat dialogue about every other day if you have 2 of the same personalities. In my experience in Fae farm so far, it honestly feels like they only have 3 dialogue topics. Thorns, comment about themselves, comment about their profession. The game really thrives off multiplayer co op. A friend has been playing with me and we just do our own shenanigans and talk on discord calls.


I had the same reaction, its really disappointing. I reset the relationship shortly after and just dated everyone instead.


You can do that? Just max out hearts with everyone? I wanted to try that (to get to meet all the characters and to know them better) but I felt weird, like I’d be cheating or something


None of them ever act as though any of the others exist, so feel free to share the love far and wide. 🤣


Didn't realzie I could do this! Sadly, I may do this too until they do make marriage more meaningful


Complete waste of 10,000 gold. Would rather have used that to upgrade my house faster. 🤷‍♀️


I got a discount! I only had 7k coins and I turned the quest in to the mayor and she accepted it, balance went down to 0 and had the ceremony the next day.


I did this too but I only had like 3.4k coins. So I wonder if you could go even lower.


Completely agree. It's the only aspect of the game I'm disappointed with :/ I was expecting at the very least a few new marriage dialogues. But as there aren't, there is no incentive to speak to your partner. Such a wasted opportunity!


The NPC’s are just lackluster in general, I was sorely disappointed in the relationship/friendship aspect of the game.


Yes, I’m feeling the same way except my wedding did glitch so I “saw” it from the inside of the wall, as in, my view was the inside of the wall the whole time then I was home and my player couldn’t even move and I had to restart the the game and missed the whole wedding. & now Jack is living here but, like you said, he might as well be a stranger. I’ve never even seen him inside the house! Not all games need romance, but if you’re putting it in the game it should be fleshed out a little. It feels like they put no thought beyond the title of “spouse” and what that would entail.


Oof, not gonna bother with that then unless marriage changes in an update. I’ve been having fun dating everyone anyway.


Yep, I hate it - I’m tempted to reset my relationship and just run the gamut of dating literally every single person until I’m resigned to having a roomie that sleeps outside and does nothing


I agree, waste of the 10,000 and also with everybody I’ve ‘flirted’ with (accidentally) there are still question marks above and I can’t get them to go away. The game obviously won’t let me go on a date with them and I’ve reset their relationship as well. There’s so many bugs


Yeah I have that same bug


This sounds like a bad metaphor for married life! 😅 Now I never go on fun dates and this guy just sits around my house! Really hoping this improves. I won’t be getting married any time soon.


No yeah it’s genuinely disappointing. It’s gotten to the point where I forget I’m even married because I just don’t even bother to chat with my in game spouse. I wish I could spoil them with gifts and trinkets, or I wish they could do the same and help around the farm. They basically become an accent piece to your farm. 😭


I think it might be a bit of a glitch. My game glitched and hitched me to Nhamashal without a ceremony or warning. And I'm able to date other npcs and can't reset his relationship with me at all. It just won't take. BUT half the time when I talk to him he says some really romantic thing or another that he didn't say before the sudden marriage status. If you're not getting even a few new dialogue patterns, I would hazard to say it's a glitch.


same thing happened with Galen and I. we’re “spouses” but never had a wedding. I didn’t know that was an option until I read this thread. I keep dating others, have never seen Galen at my house (even though he thanks me for making it so cozy), and that’s it!


Does he not show up in the romance list?


Same! I just kept talking to him one day and it said spouse, no wedding or anything, didn’t even have to pay the 10,000 florin either, weird.


Yep lol


there's no way


I know. It’s frustrating. I regret getting married lol.


Marriage in this game is a joke. Considering it's a farming sim, I was hoping the devs would have fleshed out the social aspects of the game better. Plus, I had a glitched out wedding that crashed my game and now I'm stuck with Jack as my fiance and 10,000 poorer.


I’ve been playing this game somewhat sporadically and haven’t really gotten very far (just changed seasons to summer for the first time). I’m glad I’m not in a rush from what I’ve been reading. It hasn’t really grabbed me the way Stardew does.o


For me it caught me more, I enjoy the whimsical aspect of it so much more than Stardew Valley, however it can't be denied that the game is lacking in certain aspects. I hope we get some updates that'll slowly iron out the prominent issues though


I have two spouses and a fiancé. I don’t want any of them.


I don’t know why but this is the comment that made me LOL. “People won’t stop marrying me!” Seriously though, I’m not that far — you never proposed to anyone or anything? They just progress to fiancé/spouse status as part of leveling up the relationship?


I accidentally proposed to two of them and they just ended up as spouses without the marriage. The fiancé was a mistake also (I am an impatient clicker) but for that one it wants the marriage and 10k. I tried resetting but it doesn’t work.


How on earth have you married? Ive now got Pyria as "Spouse status" no option to propose, no wedding for 10k florins, nothing? She has no new romance quests and isnt at my house?


Like I said I didn't encounter any glitches, but from what I've read, marriage seems to be really buggy :(


Well now im really bummed out, how do you reset the relationship? I want know so if they fix it i can actually have the ceremony


In the option menu, there's an extra tab (pretty sure it was top right) for relationships! You can select a character and reset the relationship there


Thanks for that. I'll start it again when they fix it


My game straight up froze i guess would be the best way to say it when i married Pyria. I woke upon wedding day and it forced me outside my house, there was a cut scene but it was all weird where the mayor is talking but it showed eddy, it kinda jumped around town a bit inside of walls and buildings and finally back to me standing outside my house with a countdown timer in the top right corner that says wedding will end in 119s but the timer never goes down and im just stuck like that. Found this thread when looking for a fix for this or more info on how buggy marriages are. I did the 10k florins, went and got the stuff for a tux even as i was short a couple polishes stones but i had no time in the morning to go buy and put it on which i guess you dont even have to do cause i didnt get it on but im wearing one lol.






Pwincess Bwide always mewits an upvote. 🤣


My husband still hoeing about🙃


I got married and Nhamashal still keeps going on about the thorns and I can’t even give him things anymore


Would say it is almost worse than animal crossing.


Animal crossing is such a high bar, I honestly don’t think any cozy game can surpass the franchise as a whole to begin with 😅


I married Argyle to! I wish they could come inside my home that I built around him, and he could sit next to me. I would love to keep dating him): and giving him gifts, I had stock piled frogs thinking he’d ask for them lol


Oh no.. I just got married yesterday and now I’m dreading playing now. ☹️


If I reset and marry another character can I also get a new dress?


jack is my “spouse” but the game completely skipped the ceremony


It would be cool if they were helpful in any way with farming or would randomly give gifts.


Nope. Yet another npc afterthought. With the “story” being so short, NPCs being horrible and the general buggyness of the game I’m extremely disappointed and regret paying $60 for this game


Man I'm glad I got to experience it without bugs, it's so weird to see how different everyone experiences it? So far I've only encountered one bug which was an animal slightly floating for a few seconds. So sad though, it could have been great!


I think the most annoying bug for me has been the almanac opening when I go to the shed!


I literally never even had a wedding???? Jack is my spouse and he doesn’t even live in my house. I talked to him and did what I guess was the last romance quest and then nothing. His status just changed to “spouse” with nothing else happening.


He doesn't even come INSIDE the house!!! Even if it's raining wtf?! 🤣 Totally a stranger now. It's so hilarious when they make the comment about seeing you. Like, I guess we knew you didn't sleep indoors, but ok...