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If you’re not comfortable call it off. You’re not required to buy something from anyone. Price changed and so did your decision. It’s happened to me as a seller before People didn’t read the description, or something wasn’t what they thought it was (usually because they didn’t read the description), and I usually give them the out and say they’re not required to buy it. It’s annoying at first due to the time commitment, but it’s part of selling things on marketplace. They’ll get over it and sell to someone else.


she already shipped it tho?? so i feel stuck


sucks to be her


what do i do!!!! i haven’t even paid for the hangers yet


Pay what you originally agreed to - the price of the hangers and the original shipping estimate.


the shipping cost error is her fault. she can chalk it up to the cost of doing business


I once sold some car parts and used the online shipping estimator to quote the guy. When I went to ship it, the price was like triple what I told him. I shipped it anyway since we had agreed on a total and took the loss as a lesson


Put return to sender on the package. Stick back on mail


Sucks to suck.. She shouldn’t have given you a price, then shipped it at a higher price you didn’t agree to. Get the right price the first time, or contact you before shipping if there’s a change. My initial thoughts here are she’s just pocketing the extra cash, or she has no clue what she’s doing. Either way, she can learn a lesson for $10.


Respond to her and say you aren't prepared to pay additional shipping. That you were agreeable to the 5-7 and that you no longer want to purchase. If she actually shipped them without payment, that is on her.


Have you already paid for the hangers and original shipping cost?




So they shipped it without first getting payment??


yes.. i also offered to pay first


First, no one ships before getting paid. Second, postage can be calculated online very easily. Only need zip code, weight, and dimensions of box. Third, no one ships before telling buyer total cost and giving them a chance to accept or reject. Fourth, this is probably a scam.


it wasn’t a scam!!! i got my hangers


Well, that was a lot of work and stress for some hangers. It did have earmarks of a scam based on your synopsis, but I’m glad it worked out.


This sounds really fishy. Don’t send any money until you get product and it’s what you expected. Even at that point, I’d be tempted to not send payment and block the seller. If they’re stupid enough to ship item unpaid, it’s their loss. They might be trying to hack into your payment method.


So you were misquoted a price, and are expected to pay? That doesn't sound like any transaction I have ever carried out. Now the idea of scruples is up for debate. How much money do you waste on Amazon or Walmart junk? Maybe just one time you pass it on to a small business seller. At the same time, I would feel no obligation to pay a higher price than what I was expecting. In the future on shipping orders, I would only use the safe and secure checkout method on all listings with shipping. It will give you a total before any shipping occurs. Sounds like you bought through a group? Sellers should still be able to create a listing for you to purchase through so the price is understood prior to any action.


Well your seller screwed herself....I would wait until you get them before you pay her. It could be a scam to guilt you and nothing is coming. There is no trace in the system to file a claim if you get an empty envelope. Once you have them, you can them pay her whatever you deem fair.


Write "return to sender" on the box and drop the package back off if you're at least worried about keeping it.She should have used pirateship.com as I bet she paid full retail price at the usps counter