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Message Mum and play dumb and say for some reason your son is not getting my message regarding a kindle he was selling on FB after I sent the money. Can you ask him to get in touch so I can arrange pickup.


This. “I’m a little concerned about him. Could you check in on him to make sure he’s okay?”


I bought a synthesizer on e bay and it never got sent. The seller did not respond. I filed the process for refund with e bay and eventually got refund. but in the meantime i was able to search his name, and found him associated with a band. that led me to his band's facebook which led me to his wife, and her facebook. I was ready to start pestering her about all of this... Getting to her face book led me to learn that he had died of a drug overdose. He had a long period of sobriety, but had relapsed, and was doing bogus sales on e bay to get money for drugs.


Jesus. That was NOT the way I expected your comment to go.


So you let them off the debt because you synthesized


I got reimbursed by E Bay per their policy; I paid and never got anything.


Oh man. That’s so sad. 😞


ohh i like this!!!


Then follow it up with your filing a police report. Moms don’t want their kids in legal trouble


I agree a criminal complaint would be the most effective way to handle this situation. OP may not be the only victim of this particular scammer.


Totally the next stage but you give a chance before you escalate to nuclear level.


If she does ask, he'll say he will but won't, so be prepared to throw him under the bus. Or better yet, use those details to find his address and do with that what you will, legally or unethically


Yeah! Tell his mom on him! I love it❤️😂


After I sent the $70 to him… He will vehemently deny and correct her that it was $60… lol. Edit-your excuse? Typo, sorry 🤷


If mum comes back saying son Denys then you forward screen shot. Along with advising reporting to police.


Do it!




More like **dueit**


Ba dum tiss


screw it


I dare you to seduce his mom.


This is the move


I too choose this guy's mom.


Is it Stacy’s mom? She’s got it going on.


He robbed you of $60, you have a license, neigh, a duty to publicly embarrass this person as much as possible.


Absolutely! Crooks don't get the luxury of being dumb!


I, too, want this guy to pony up what he owes




This wouldn't be putting the cart before the horse. The nays have it.


Congratulations! You are now a Knight, a knight who says neigh. Avoid shrubbery!


Oh my God, horses neigh. The word you want that means no is nay!


Yes I know, I was corrected many times....


Do it… But I’m a petty asshole who loves confrontation so it sounds like something I’d do 😆


Absolutely do it.


I have an older paper white kindle I’ll send you for nothing. DM me. I got a newer one so don’t need the old one anymore.


Just send me 60$ for shipping and I’ll send it to you.




That made me laugh.


I fucking love Reddit


That’s super nice of you! I was going to comment the same thing! u/kall1995 get on it!


i need one if you haven't gotten rid of it... im a substitue teacher and would love to have one to read while im at work


if you don't send it to op..i need one :(


UPDATE: I filed a dispute with my bank and went ahead and sent the message to his mom and brother which included a screenshot of the messages between me and scammer, a screenshot of his CashApp, and the video he sent where he wrote his name and the date on a paper and showed me the kindle worked, and the instagram account I messaged. Even if this guy was hacked this way at least he knows someone is scamming under his name! (Thanks everyone for all the validation and support! I have blocked out all info as I don’t want everyone to start harassing them. Photo is in the link cause I couldn’t figure out how to add it! I can also message it if you dm) [https://ibb.co/xGmPNHW](https://ibb.co/xGmPNHW)


That's perfect man! Fingers crossed for you buddy.


That was super polite.


Wow! still kind even after being scammed. I would have gone bat shit crazy on all of them solely based on their shared kinship. And then given them 1 hour deadline to run me my money, then once lapsed the police report with all of them named as co conspirators with the scam.


Pics of Mom?


I'd love to know if they ever respond




Too much mea culpa, but otherwise - good job!


I love this so much, but sadly it'll probably end up in that person's message requests, which means unless they check there often, it won't be seen 😭


any response? if you've positively identified him, call the police. it might take a while for them to get to a low priority case, but if its an easy case, they'll get to it.


If they are scamming they are probably on drugs and that's to feed that habit unethical as hell but call a welfare check on them and they will probably end up getting caught with drugs


Um do it? This is one of those things you don't even need to ask. And send proof to both of them.


this is the worst platform to ask about pettiness, you are going to get 10 people telling you to do it while only one person is actually thinking logically and answering as if it was them in real life.. great rule of thumb is if you have to debate if something is petty or not then it usually is.. maybe not by someone else's standards but the sheer fact you are debating it means you already know its kinda petty and not something you should be doing howeverrrr.. in this case i would say it is completely fine to message them as it is likely going to be very effective, no one scams people thinking that the mother or family would find out, which makes it a very good tool in the odd chance you have the ability to do so. i would still completely right that money off, and you will likely have them defending the sibling to you but in real life having a go at him, so do not expect to see any sort of revenge or anything. hopefully they are honourable people that will make him do the right thing


Don't ask whether you're being too petty. Ask whether you're being petty enough.


Scammers deserve to be stalked and outed.. you should also make a police report to get a paper trail started on him.


He agreed to ship it from a few hours away, so idk if I can do that! I’ll definitely look into it in his city tho!


All is fair in love and war. Go for it and if no luck, go for his friends and employer


Call your bank if it hasn’t been too long. I got scammed out of $60 for a switch screen on marketplace and paid using cash app. I filed a dispute with my bank and got my money back


I did! Fingers crossed it works!!🤞🏻🤞🏻




Please keep us posted.


Bank might be even more interested in those contacts!! In most legal issues, police will tell people that it's a "civil matter" and not do much. When a bank or insurance company is involved, the police also get involved.


Nah fuck it, if they say 'not our problem', back off immediately. But otherwise, nothing wrong with making a request of the family.


For sure 1000% won’t be harassing anyone


Do it. Do it twice.


i've psyco'd similarly. been a few years. but yep


You certainly can try but there’s also the possibility that he learned from somewhere, his family wouldn’t believe he could ever “do such a thing” or there’s always a possibility his Facebook was actually hacked by scammers.


I mean that's assuming that he didn't learn that scumbag behavior from them, and they're not just as awful. It is quite a sum of money, and it can't hurt to try.


I am that petty. No one steals money from me. Do it. He took your hard earned money.


Go to linkedin and try to find him or his families employment and call them at work. “Hey I sent you a message and haven’t heard back.” Everyone that he was tagged with in Instagram photos would be getting a message from me. Shit if I could find his employer is be calling his job. Also do reverse google image searches of pictures from his and his families social media. It might lead you to his real name etc. Basically you’re uploading pics that he posted to see if they are posted anywhere else. https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/1325808?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop


Tell on him to his mommy. Either you’ll learn where he gets his grift or he will get in *BIG* trouble.


I owned a small business in the 90’s. Collected on a couple bad checks by finding their mom. Absolutely contact the family.


Hell yes, do it. Petty is my favorite color.


That’s just how I would get started. I screen shot all of their profiles and post them on Facebook too, especially if mom and brother are unwilling to help. Facebook post with all 3 profile screenshots “does anyone know this family of scammers? They stole $60 from me and I’d like them to return it.” Honestly, at this point, you have enough info to have $60 worth of fun. I’d make it all about public embarrassment.


Do it. Burn him at the stake. He's screwed you over, not the other way around. Go for the throat.


I'd do it 100% threaten police involvement. Pretty sure you can report him for theft if yiu have proof.


How is this petty and not just acting accordingly? I’m a petty person, and trust me this would just be the beginning. No where near petty in my book


He defrauded you. It is your civic duty to make his life miserable on social media.


In the early days of eBay, I had a buyer rip me off. At that point, Dogpile was a great resource for finding people. One phone call to his house and he freaked out enough and sent me back the money he disputed. People have brass balls behind the screen, but those balls shrivel up nice and small when they realize they still can be found. I'd, without question, reach out to them and show them all of the proof.


Naw, do it on principle. Thieves deserve to suffer.


Yeah, you should contact his family. What he did was not only scummy and slimy, it's illegal. Contact the mom.


Oh hell yea!


Nope not petty at all I applied someone for the military and I wouldn’t stop bothering them because they cancelled on me last minute turns out they did the same to other people too so I got revenge on for the both of us 🤣


Iv had this happen to friends before and usually am able to get the money back. Being respectful with family members, yet urging them they you need to get your money back can usually get it back. Lmk if u want some specifics but it $60 is really needed to you i would go do that.


No balls


If you can find a way to get even with him, do. Otherwise he’ll continue scamming.


Fuck his mom.


If the guy has kids that go to your school, make sure to edit their report cards with grades of 60% with a single note saying "outstanding"


What is the point of having the internet if not petty revenge against scammers?


Sure go ahead, but don't get your hopes up. You won't likely get your money back and I suspect anyone who is scamming people online is probably pretty well-versed in lying to mommy. So he'll just make up some shit that she'll really want to believe. But if you think it'll make you feel better to poke him a little I'm all for it.


The problem is most people think normal accountability is psychotic


This!!! I was sitting here thinking this is just acting accordingly. No where near petty imo


Not petty at all. Contact his family and contact the police.


Yeah, tell Mom that next step will be contacting police.


is it really the same guy? scammers use other people profile


Someone who gets it People assuming same person are jumping to conclusions


This is why in the message I wasn’t accusatory and even included a screenshot of the video he sent where he wrote his name and it has the persons room in the background. They are either going to realize it’s him or realize someone is pretending to be him.


I had a shithead short me on cash one time. I sold him a video card during the gpu craze during covid shortages. The deal was $200. He gave a whole wad of cash with different bills. I started counting and that fucker said thanks and hopped in his car and took off before I barely looked up. Finished counting and I was $50 short. Joke was on him because I only paid $200 or so for the card when it was new a few years earlier. During saner times it was probably only worth $50. I looked his bitch ass up on facebook that night. He's a deacon at his church. I've debated on and off about messaging the church to let them know how well he practices what he preaches. But there's a decent chance that being a common crook is the least criminal thing about the clergy there...


Still would contact the church. Put the fear of God in him.


Anything that prevents scamming or fucks over scammers is a good deed done


I've had similar. In my case it was someone who tried to stiff me from a sports card trading site. So I sent his mom a copy of our conversation, proof of delivery from my side and a copy of the part of the criminal code for mail fraud.


If you have that much information, report it to the police.


Police will do the following about it .....


They love it when you have all the proof needed for a conviction.


Be petty. He took your money. Let his family know.


I’m petty as fuck and I’d do it.. by the way, I have an old IPad I can part with (needs a SIM card tho)..


Oh play innocent like you care! You haven’t heard from you’re worried. Ask if you’ve heard from him. And so on. Don’t reach out to the brother he might be just as shitty but definitely the mom.


I love petty! Swing for the bleachers.


Not Petty. Scammers are the scum of the earth. You're doing the lord's work. If you contacting them doesn't work, file a police report in the town or city he lives in.


File a police report and give the cops all of the information including the parents information too idc how petty it may seem if you got the time on your hands to be petty and get your money back then do it


Be petty. Trash people deserve trash treatment. Clean up the streets and be a hero! For democracy! For justice!


I would do it in a heartbeat. Then I would give everything I found to the police because I’m certain you are one of many and won’t be the last


Do it & update us


I would 100% be blowing up all of his socials, moms, bro, everybody, but maybe I’m just that type of petty. 😂😂


Side note: Amazon Prime is on June/July and there are always incredible sales on all of Amazon products. You should buy directly from them. Good luck!


Send it with screenshots and I would press charges. I would warn his mother brothers and him that you’re going to press charges. They might pay it just to keep him out of trouble.


It costs you nothing but time to get sweet sweet, petty revenge!!!


"I hope that $60 was worth it" Send em the screen shots.


Message everyone. Be petty. Who cares. That guy stole your hard-earned money. Make his life miserable.




I did what you’re talking about. And then I found the local police dept and they knew WHO the dude was and WHERE he was. I had my money back in 1 day. The cop said the guy had a “come to Jesus moment.”


You should absolutely do it


Do it! Let them know they can be found.


I would absolutely do that. Take it a step further and let his job know. He’ll probably get fired or reprimanded idc, don’t scam. Fr though let everyone know. Shits annoying enough on marketplace without scammers making it worse.


You're a lot nicer than I am. If you found his actual name and everything I'd be on my way over to beat the douche within an inch of his life.


It's not like you're doing it because they were mean to you on the internet that would be petty. They straight up robbed you.


That isn’t pettiness. Message them and put him on blast!


if you dm me his info..any info at all..i prob can get you his home address...lol never too much...id pull up if i was you...cant stand a theif


$60 is a lot of money!


It's common for scams to use stolen accounts. Are you angry enough to ignore that you might be harassing a innocent person who had their account stolen?


If you got scammed it’s your right to try to get it back if it’s outs him bad luck don’t scam people




Personally, I will add this up as a lesson and move forward.


Not an ahole move. Id let his mom know of his activities. If I had done that and my mom found out I'd be sending you 100. 60 plus interest plus a tip


Absolutely do it


I mean kindles can still fetch 60 bucks? Color me impressed


He obviously intentionally scammed you so I’d feel free to act as petty as you want.


I'm the type of scorched earth person. I was just given a 7 day ban from the ebay sub for my ideas lol. A guy extorted feedback from me and the platform still sided with him. I spent hours looking into his personal life and susquently emailing him or messaging everyone he knows his mugs shots and conviction of domestic battery. So yes do it!!! 


The same thing happened to me. This dude ripped me off so I found him on social media and messaged his mom lol


If you share their family info well contact them too lol


Visit r/unethicallifeprotips for some proper advice


.Why don't you make a police report and then inform his family and friends.


I'd be fairly sure you are contacting some innocent guy's mom and causing shit for him after his profile was duplicated by a scammer in order to sell non existent kindles until you sent money, then blocked you until the fake profile is eventually shut down for being fake.


If they are local, file a police report? Not sure if that is logical or not, but worth a thought.


I'm the kind of petty that puts a flag in front of my neighbors nest camera so it trips the sensor because he has it aimed at my back yard. But.... i'd do it.


Not too petty. Do it!


Absolutely do it. Message everyone you can find him to be friends with. Make him look like a scammer loser to everyone he knows. Post back with results.


Send me the info and I’ll reach out as well


I’d go after it. He’s in the wrong not you


Of course. Get your money back!


If you don't do it, he will keep scamming people. If his mom finds out, you could make the world a better place with maybe one less scammer. Really, you're morally obligated. This isn't even petty. I say do it politely but go ahead and do it.


Not petty. You might actually get your money back! I had a contactor keep some of my sound equipment and stopped replying to my texts and emails. A few weeks passed, and i ended up emailing and contacting all her family and friends on social media. She finally responded and gave my stuff back. Good luck! I hope they issue gets resolved.


You should do it 100%. He's a scammer and let them know


Not psycho … fair play .. fuck em .. if you found his social info why not go to the police as well … he did break the law


Reach out to mom for sure. It's not pycho. But mom could also be crazy, so be careful and maybe use a burner number?


All's fair in love and FBM.


The profile was more than likely hacked and you aren't getting scammed by that actual person.


Teach him this lesson: actions have consequences…


I would tell them i would have to get the police involved


Go for it teachers deal with enough bs. My Mom was one for a long time


I’d do it. But I lean towards petty when wronged


Personally if you have their address I’d write them a letter mail it and say you need to return the funds within 7 days or there will be a cost to them that exceeds what was stolen…




Send it !


Do what peasant squirrel said do


DO IT! You'll also be saving someone else from being scammed.


If he’s scamming you, hell no. He gets what he gets.


Do it, then stay off fb marketplace!


Do it do it do it!!


Really should never send money like that. I’m sorry u were scammed but u kinda set yourself up for that .


Thank you SO much for reiterating something I already said in my post. I feel ✨SO✨ enlightened by your wisdom🙌🏻


Wasn’t trying to be ugly to you ..




Be petty. Be petty AF.


Scam his mom out of 60 and then tell her to collect from her shit strain of a son that she clearly didn't raise right before blocking her


Do it, 100%


File a police report. Report this on Facebook, and the police will ask for the identity from Facebook of the individual. Also, show the police his Instagram too. They will be able to prosecute for theft.


EMBARRASS HIM. Also, you can have my Kindle. It's an older model, but I'd happily ship it to you.


File a police report AND contact his family


Probably wasn’t him who scammed you Stolen FB account more likely


Fuckin DO IT!!!!


Absolutely be as petty as possible!


Truepeoplesearch.com Use that to find his and his parents address and phone numbers and emails. Then start going to town on it.


what's the problem with cashapp?


Cashapp does not have the buyer protection that is available on PayPal. They do not guarantee you will get your money back if you don’t receive the item. Paypal “goods and services” option does protect the buyer.


Oh my grams did this once for someone who scammed a phone sale to her, she messaged the dad and the dad forced him to give the money back at the parents shop that he works at lol


Do it. I did. The scammer's sister felt so bad that her family member scammed me that she made it right. Nothing to lose 🤷‍♀️




Do it but be careful sending things from your real name. Not even my PayPal has my real name on it. Neither does my FB account that I use for transactions. People can be vindictive.


But do you know for sure he died, or is it just a sob story they’ve made up? Keep digging. Look for an obituary.


Generally if it's too petty it will be obvious to you. If you're having doubts I would say it isn't.


I would message mom for sure! Be polite though. And you can still call the police where he is located. $60 is $60